N N N N: Date Key Words and Phrases
N N N N: Date Key Words and Phrases
N N N N: Date Key Words and Phrases
arXiv:1306.4389v2 [math.AG] 30 Jun 2013
1. Introduction
This paper is the continuation of [BeMR1], in which we considered the question,
reputedly raised by Kaplansky, of the possible image set Im p of a polynomial p on
Conjecture 1. If p is a multilinear polynomial evaluated on the matrix ring Mn (K),
then Im p is either {0}, K (viewed as K the set of scalar matrices), sln (K), or
Mn (K).
Here sln (K) is the set of matrices of trace zero.
This subject was investigated by many authors (see [AlM], [BrK], [Ch], [Ku1],
[Ku2], [LeZh]). For review and basic terminology we refer to our previous pa-
per [BeMR1]. (Connections between images of polynomials on algebras and word
equations are discussed in [BKP]; also see [La], [LaS], [S].)
Recall that a polynomial p (written as a sum of monomials) is called semi-
homogeneous of weighted degree d with (integer) weights (w1 , . . . , wm ) if for each
monomial h of p, taking dj,h to be the degree of xj in h, we have
d1,h w1 + · · · + dn,h wn = d.
A semi-homogeneous polynomial with weights (1, 1, . . . , 1) is called homogeneous of
degree d.
In [BeMR1] we settled Conjecture 1 for n = 2 and classified the possible images
for semi-homogeneous polynomials:
2. Images of Polynomials
For any polynomial p ∈ Khx1 , . . . , xm i, the image of p (in R) is defined as
Im p = {r ∈ R : there exist a1 , . . . , am ∈ R such that p(a1 , . . . , am ) = r}.
Remark 1. Im p is invariant under conjugation, since
ap(x1 , . . . , xm )a−1 = p(ax1 a−1 , ax2 a−1 , . . . , axm a−1 ) ∈ Im p,
for any nonsingular a ∈ Mn (K).
We recall the following lemmas (for arbitrary n) proved in [BeMR1]:
Lemma 1 ([BeMR1, Lemma 4]). If ai are matrix units, then p(a1 , . . . , am ) is
either 0, or c · eij for some i 6= j, or a diagonal matrix.
Lemma 2 ([BeMR1, Lemma 5]). The linear span of Im p is either {0}, K, sln ,
or Mn (K). If Im p is not {0} or the set of scalar matrices, then for any i 6= j the
matrix unit eij belongs to Im p.
Another major tool is Amitsur’s Theorem [Row3, Theorem 3.2.6, p. 176], that
the algebra of generic n × n matrices (generated by matrices Yk = (ξi,j ) whose
entries {ξi,j , 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n} are commuting indeterminates) is a non-commutative
domain UD whose ring of fractions with respect to the center is a division algebra
which we denote as UD g of dimension n2 over its center F1 := Cent(UD)).
g which by
we can define the reduced characteristic coefficients of elements of UD,
[Row2, Remark 24.67] lie in F1 .
Lemma 3. Assume Char (K) = 0. If an element a of UD g has a unique eigenvalue
α (i.e., of multiplicity n), then a is scalar. If Char (K) = k 6= 0 then a is k l −scalar
for some l.
g and a − αI is nilpotent, and
Proof. If Char (K) = 0, then α is the element of UD
thus 0.
g therefore akl − αkl I is nilpotent,
If Char (K) = k then αk is the element of UD,
and thus 0. Thus a is k −scalar. This is impossible if k is not the devisor of the
size of the matrices n.
g must divide n.
Lemma 4. The multiplicity of any eigenvalue of an element a of UD
In particular, when n is odd, a cannot have an eigenvalue of multiplicity 2.
Proof. Recall [Row1, Remark 4.106] that for any element a in a division algebra,
represented as a matrix, the eigenvalues of a occur with the same multiplicity, which
thus must divide n.
Proposition 1. Suppose we have a homomorphism ϕ : UD → A given by the spe-
g specializes
cialization ϕ(Yk ) = ak . Then any characteristic coefficient of Yk in UD
to the corresponding characteristic coefficient of ak .
Proof. Any characteristic coefficient can be expressed as the ratio of two central
polynomials, in view of [Row3, Theorem 1.4.12]; also see [BeR, Theorem J, p. 27]
whichPsays that for any characteristic coefficient αℓ of the characteristic polynomial
λt + ℓ=1 (−1)ℓ αℓ λt−ℓ that we have
αℓ f (a1 , . . . , at , r1 , . . . , rm ) = f (T ℓ1 a1 , . . . , T ℓt at , r1 , . . . , rm ), (1)
summed over all vectors (ℓ1 , . . . , ℓt ) where each ℓi ∈ {0, 1} and ℓi = t, where f is
any t−alternating polynomial nonidentity (and t = n2 ), so any characteristic coef-
ficient of a polynomial specializes according to the specialization from UD g induced
from ϕ, where we take f (a1 , . . . , at , r1 , . . . , rm ) 6= 0.
For the proof of our results we need the following consequence of Proposition 1:
Proposition 2. All of the functions in Donkin’s theorem [D] can be embedded
in UD.
For n > 2, we also have an easy consequence of the theory of division algebras.
Lemma 5. Suppose for some polynomial p and some number q < n, that pq takes
on only scalar values in Mn (K), over an infinite field K, for n prime. Then p takes
on only scalar values in Mn (K).
g of degree n,
Proof. We can view p as an element of the generic division algebra UD
and we adjoin a q-root of 1 to K if necessary. Then p generates a subfield of
g The latter is impossible, so the dimension is 1; i.e., p is
dimension 1 or n of UD.
already central.
2.1. The case M3 (K). Now we turn specifically to the case n = 3.
Lemma 6. We define functions ωk : M3 (K) → K as follows: Given a matrix a,
let λ1 , λ2 , λ3 be the eigenvalues of a, and denote
ωk := ωk (a) = λi1 . . . λik .
1≤i1 <i2 <···<ik ≤3
Example 1. The element [x, [y, x]x[y, x]−1 ] of U D takes on only 3−scalar values
(see [Row3, Theorem 3.2.21, p. 180]) and thus gives rise to a homogeneous polyno-
mial taking on only 3−scalar values.
Now we consider the possible image sets of multilinear trace-vanishing polyno-
Lemma 7. If p is a multilinear polynomial, not PI nor central, then there ex-
ist a collection of matrix units (E1 , E2 , . . . , Em ) such that p(E1 , E2 , . . . , Em ) is a
diagonal but not scalar matrix.
Proof. By Lemmas 1 and 2, the linear span of all p(E1 , E2 , . . . , Em ) for any matrix
units Ei such that p(E1 , E2 , . . . , Em ) is diagonal includes all Diag{x, y, −x − y}.
In particular there exist a collection of matrix units (E1 , E2 , . . . , Em ) such that
p(E1 , E2 , . . . , Em ) is a diagonal but not scalar matrix.
Theorem 4. Let p be a multilinear polynomial which is trace-vanishing on 3 ×
3 matrices over a field K of arbitrary characteristic. Then Im p is one of the
• {0},
f (T1 , . . . , Tm ) = p(t1,1 x1 + t1,2 χ(x1 ) + t1,3 χ−1 (x1 ), t2,1 x2 + t2,2 χ(x2 ) + t2,3 χ−1 (x2 ),
. . . , tm,1 xm + tm,2 χ(xm ) + tm,3 χ−1 (xm )). (2)
Opening the brackets, we have 3m terms, each of which we claim is a diagonal
matrix. Each term is a monomial with coefficient of the type
χkπ(1) χkπ(2) · · · χkπ(m) xπ(1) xπ(2) · · · xπ(m) ,
where ki is −1, 0 or 1, and π is a permutation. Since we substitute only matrix
units in p, by Lemma 1 the image is either diagonal or a matrix unit with some
coefficient. For each of the three vertices v1 , v2 , v3 in our graph define the index
ιℓ , for 1 ≤ ℓ ≤ 3 to be the number of incoming edges to vℓ minus the number of
outgoing edges from vℓ . Thus, at the outset, when the image is diagonal, we have
ι1 = ι2 = ι3 = 0.
We claim that after applying χ to any matrix unit the new ι′ℓ will all still be
congruent modulo 3. Indeed, if the edge 12 ~ is changed to 23,
~ then ι′1 = ι + 1 and
′ ′
ι3 = ι3 + 1, whereas ι2 = ι2 − 2 ≡ ι2 + 1. The same with changing 23 ~ to 31~ and
~ ~ ~ ~
31 to 12. If we make the opposite change 21 to 13, then (modulo 3) we subtract 1
throughout. If we make a change of the type ii ~ 7→ jj,
~ then ι′ = ιℓ for each ℓ.
k1 k2 km
If p(χ x1 , χ x2 , . . . , χ xm ) = eij , this means that the number of incoming
edges minus the number of outgoing edges of the vertex i is −1 (mod 3) and
the number of incoming edges minus the number of outgoing edges of j is 1
(mod 3), which are not congruent modulo 3. Thus the values of the mapping f
defined in (2) are diagonal matrices. Now fix 3m algebraically independent triples
T1 , . . . , Tm , Θ1 , . . . , Θm , Υ1 , . . . , Υm . Assume that Im f is 2−dimensional. Then
Im df must also be 2−dimensional at any point. Consider the differential df at the
point (Θ1 , T2 , . . . , Tm ). Thus,
f (Θ1 , T2 , . . . , Tm ), f (T1 , T2 , . . . , Tm ), f (Θ1 , Θ2 , . . . , Tm )
belong to Im df . Thus these three matrices must span a linear space of dimension
not more than 2. Hence they lie in some plane P . Now take
f (Θ1 , Θ2 , T3 , . . . , Tm ), f (Θ1 , T2 , T3 , . . . , Tm ), f (Θ1 , Θ2 , Θ3 , T4 , . . . , Tm ).
For the same reason they lie in a plane, which is the plane P because it has two
vectors from P . By the same argument, we conclude that all the matrices of the
type f (Θ1 , . . . , Θk , Tk+1 , . . . , Tm ) lie in P. Now we see that
f (Θ1 , . . . , Θm−1 , Tm ), f (Θ1 , . . . , Θm ), f (Υ1 , Θ2 , . . . , Θm )
Remark 7. Note that if ω1 (p) is identically zero, and ω2 (p) is not identically
zero, then Im p contains a matrix similar to Diag{1, 1, −2} + e12 . Hence Im p
contains all diagonalizable trace zero matrices (perhaps with the exception of the
diagonalizable matrices of discriminant 0, i.e. matrices similar to Diag{c, c, −2c}),
all non-diagonalizable non-nilpotent trace zero matrices, and all matrices N for
which N 2 = 0. Nilpotent matrices of order 3 also belong to the image of p, as we
shall see in Lemma 9.
Remark 8. When Char K = 3, then V3 is the space of the matrices with equal
eigenvalues (including also scalar matrices). The same proof shows that all nilpotent
matrices belong to the image of p, as well as all matrices similar to cI + e12 + e23 .
But we do not know how to show that scalar matrices and matrices similar to
cI + e12 belong to the image of p.
Proof of Theorem 2. First assume that Char K 6= 3. According to Lemma 9
the variety V3 is contained in Im p. Therefore Im p is either the set of 3-scalar matri-
ces, or some 8−dimensional variety (with 3-scalar subvariety), or is 9−dimensional
(and thus dense).
It remains to classify the possible 8−dimensional images. Let us consider all
matrices p(E1 , . . . , Em ) where Ei are matrix units. If all such matrices have trace 0,
then Im p is dense in sl3 (K), by Theorem 4. Therefore we may assume that at least
one such matrix a has eigenvalues α, β and γ such that α + β + γ 6= 0. By Theorem
5 we cannot have α + β + γ, α + βε + γε2 and α + βε2 + γε all nonzero. Hence
a either is scalar, or a linear combination (with nonzero coefficients) of a scalar
matrix and Diag{1, ε, ǫ2 } (or with Diag{1, ε2 , ǫ}, without loss of generality - with
Diag{1, ε, ε2 }). By Theorem 6, if Im p is not dense, then p satisfies an equation of
the type (tr(p))2 = γtr(p2 ) for some γ ∈ K. Therefore, if a scalar matrix belongs to
Im p, then γ = 31 and Im p is the set of 3−scalar plus scalar matrices. If the matrix
a is not scalar, then it is a linear combination of a scalar matrix and Diag{1, ε, ε2 }.
Hence, by Remark 5, Im p is also the set of 3−scalar plus scalar matrices. In any
case, we have shown that Im p is either {0}, K, the set of 3−scalar matrices, the set
of 3−scalar plus scalar matrices (matrices with eigenvalues (α+ β, α+ βε, α+ βε2 )),
sl3 (K) (perhaps lacking nilpotent matrices of order 3), or is dense in M3 (K).
If Char K = 3, then by Remark 6 the multilinear polynomial p is either trace-
vanishing or Im p is dense in M3 (K). If p is trace-vanishing, then by Theorem 4,
Im p is one of the following: {0}, the set of scalar matrices, the set of 3−scalar
matrices, or for each triple λ1 + λ2 + λ3 = 0 there exists a matrix M ∈ Im p with
eigenvalues λ1 , λ2 and λ3 .
4. Open problems
Problem 1. Does there actually exist a multilinear polynomial whose image eval-
uated on 3 × 3 matrices consists of 3−scalar matrices?
Problem 2. Does there actually exist a multilinear polynomial whose image eval-
uated on 3 × 3 matrices is the set of scalars plus 3−scalar matrices?
Remark 9. Problems 1 and 2 both have the same answer. If they both have
affirmative answers, such a polynomial would a counter-example to Kaplansky’s
Problem 3. Is it possible that the image of a multilinear polynomial evaluated on
3 × 3 matrices is dense but not all of M3 (K)?
Problem 4. Is it possible that the image of a multilinear polynomial evaluated
on 3 × 3 matrices is the set of all trace vanishing matrices without discriminant
vanishing diagonalazable matrices?
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