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Creation VSM - Modelos Digitales

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Creation VSM

Models of electronic components for Proteus.

Part I. Digital models.Introduction.
Proteus of firm Labcenter Electronics is the simulator of electronic circuits, based on Berkeley
SPICE3F5 with the expansions for the simulation of digital and analog-digital diagrams. In the
standard libraries Proteus the sufficiently broad band of the models of components is
represented, but the need of creating its own models appears for some diagrams. In this
article we will examine the process of their creation.
I am oriented to VSM API version 1.10, realized in Proteus 6.3, since in the later versions from
the delivery is excluded VSM SDK. Version Proteus, on which I will explain - Proteus
Professional OF '..SHCHSPY, since this is the last available to me version. You be careful -
can arise (they will arise) some complexities in the work with the insufficiently treated
nelitsenzionnymi versions.
Also, will be examined the creation only of digital VSM - models. Models PSPICE, analog,
mixed, active, etc. will be described in the following articles.
Note. Before the reading of this article it is desirable to have an experience on the creation of
diagrams in medium Proteus ISIS, and also Proteus themselves it is desirable to version not
lower than 6.3, is better than Professional, is possible Lite. Demo- version will not approach
because of the fact that in it the functions of the retention of the results of work are completely
blocked. Is still necessary the experience of programming on C++, including knowledge of the
objective- oriented programming.

Interaction Proteus ISIS VSM - by models.

VSM- model is library..DLL, written in language C++. Is desirable to use compiler Microsoft
Visual C++ 7.0 (it it is accessible for the free load from site Microsoft), or another compiler
C++, for example Digital Mars. Delphi will not approach because of the impossibility of the call
of the members of classes, compiled C++. I I will write version for Microsoft Visual C++, for
other compilers the alteration will be not very complex.
Also, in order to map onto the screen of components and to interact with it, it is necessary to
introduce the visual model of component into the library of components Proteus.
With the starting of the process of simulation ISIS it analyzes the parameters of visual model,
it podgruzhayet corresponding..DLL, it initializes it, as a result of which must be created the
object of the corresponding class, and then in the process of initialization and simulation the
exchange of data with the methods of the created object occurs.

Visual model.
The visual model of electronic component is its schematic idea and description of its
properties. It includes the figure of element ("housing" and of inscription), conclusions with the
unique names, and also the "script", in which are described the properties of component.
the "housing" of element is created with the aid of 2d- elements (2D graphics line, 2D graphics
Box, and so on). For example, let us draw the simple rectangle:
Let us add conclusions. This is done in the division "Device pin.". Let us take for example

Let us name them Pin1- Pin4:

Let us establish Origin - point, with the aid of which the component will be equalized along the
reference grid. Let us select in the division "Markers for component origin, etc" ORIGIN and
will establish it to the external end of conclusion Pin1:

Now let us write script. For this let us establish (usually lower than the component)"Text
script". In the opened window let us introduce the following:


{MODDLL=".vsm Model DLL".yuidden STRING} {PRIMITIVE=".Primitive
{PRIMITIVE=.DIGITAL, to.ourdeviche}

Now I will explain that this it indicates.

{*...} - name of division, further go the parameters.
{...} - concealed parameter, i.e., it not will be mapped into the properties of component.
In the division {* DEVICE} are indicated the name of component (NAME), its prefix (PREFIX)
with the creation of the copy of the component (in our case this it will be OD1, OD2 and so
In the division {* PROPDEFS} are transferred the properties of object. this MODDLL -
indication that our model will be stored in..DLL, and PRIMITIVE - indication that in our of
object there will be the name and type. Further in the division {* COMPONENT} these
properties are filled up. In our case indicated, that the model will be stored in file
OURDEV.DLL and by the following line PRIMITIVE=.DIGITAL, to.ourdeviche we show that
this there will be digital model with name OURDEVICE.
There are many additional properties, but for creating the simple model to us that will be
sufficient that we wrote.
It is now necessary to arrange the separate elements into single whole - visual model and to
place it into the library. We separate all our components and we select menu Library - Make
Device or we press on the button "Form tagged graphics/pads into device and place in library".
In the opened window we press Next, since we already assigned the name of model and
In the following window to us they propose to select the housing, in which will be located our
component. Let us pass for the moment this, will press on button Next.
In the following two windows also we press Next, since we assigned already all necessary
properties of model. In principle certainly it is possible to assign everything that we wrote in
the script in these dialogues, but I usually make by hand.

And in the last window we finally select Device Category - Miscellaneous, and library
USERDVC. After pressure on button OK our component is placed into the library, and it is
possible to establish it on the schematic diagram. So let us make.

This is what must come out as a result:

But here is misfortune - with the attempt to neglect the simulation of diagram the
communication about the error jumps out:
FATAL: [ OD1 ] External model DLL "OURDEV.DLL" not
found. GLE=.0x00000002.
Simulation FAILED Due To Fatal Simulator Errors.
This means that ISIS could not find OURDEV.DLL - library, in which is located our model. The
creation of this library we will study in the following chapter.
Creation Vsm- of model.
For the beginning let us create empty project..DLL - library Win32. Let us include in project the
file of the titles of classes VSM SDK (these files they lie at catalog INCLUDE):

# include "Vsm.hpp"
Let us add two functions:
extern "C" IDSIMMODEL __ declspec (dllexport) *
createdsimmodel (CHAR * device, ILICENCESERVER * ils)
Return NULL;
extern "C" VOID __ declspec (dllexport)
deletedsimmodel (IDSIMMODEL * model) {}

The first function transfers to our library the name of the device, for creating which ISIS is
caused our of..DLL- ku. This is convenient to use, if our library realizes several different
models. It must cause function ILIccENccESERVER::authorize of the server of licensing and
report to it its key, in the case of success create object and return his address. In our case we
return NULL, since the description of model is not yet prepared. In more detail about the keys
of licensing I will describe more lately.
The second function must remove model from the memory. We it still do not have; therefore it
is possible anything not to make.
Let us compile our model and will look, which will come out. By the way, it is possible to add
way to our..DLL in window System - Set Paths...
Now simulator is scolded by other slightly communication:
ERROR: [ OD1 ] OURDEV.DLL failed to create DSIM
model for primitive type "OURDEVICE '.
Well it is correct, we create no object.
Now small observation. All digital VSM - models are inherited from the abstract class
IDSIMMODEL. Let us create and we class DSOURDEVICE as heir IDSIMMODEL:


INT isdigital (CHAR * pinname);
VOID setup (IINSTANCE * inst, IDSIMCKT * dsim);
VOID runctrl (RUNMODES mode);
VOID actuate (REALTIME time, ACTIVESTATE newstate);
BOOL indicate (REALTIME time, ACTIVEDATA * data);
VOID simulate (ABSTIME time, DSIMMODES mode);
VOID callback (ABSTIME time, EVENTID eventid);
IINSTANCE * instance;

In division public we overlap the abstract methods of class, while in division private we have
to be stored references to different internal structures.

Then let us add the application of the methods:

INT DSOURDEVIccE::isdigital (CHAR * pinname)
return 1;
VOID DSOURDEVIccE::setup (IINSTANCE * instance, IDSIMCKT * dsimckt)
inst = instance;
ckt = dsimckt;
Pin1 = inst->.getdsimpin(".Pin1", true);
Pin2 = inst->.getdsimpin(".Pin2", true);
Pin3 = inst->.getdsimpin(".Pin3", true);
Pin4 = inst->.getdsimpin(".Pin4", true);
Return FALSE;
VOID DSOURDEVIccE::callback (ABSTIME time, EVENTID eventid)

Also, let us change function createdsimmodel and deletedsimmodel, since the description
of the model is already prepared:

extern "C" IDSIMMODEL __ declspec (dllexport) *

createdsimmodel (CHAR * device, ILICENCESERVER * ils)
if (ils->.authorize(.model_.key)
return new DSOURDEVICE;
Return NULL;
extern "C" VOID __ declspec (dllexport)
deletedsimmodel (IDSIMMODEL * model)
delete (DSOURDEVICE *).model;
Let us compile model and will try to neglect simulation in ISIS. Hurray! It earned! One but - no
results of work evidently:

Addition of functionality.
First let us be determined, that Pin1 and Pin2 we have the entrances, and Pin3 and Pin4 -
Let us establish the initial state of outputs in "1". For this let us add the following lines into the
end of function setup:
Perekompiliruyem and let us neglect simulation. It is evident that changed the initial state of
our outputs - they were established in "1":

Let us make from our model a generator. For this let us add into the end of function setup the
ckt->.setcallback(1000000000000, this, 0x25);
To these we assign, that in 1 second (time it is assigned in the picoseconds) after starting will
be caused function callback with the code of event 0x25.
Also, let us add into function callback:
VOID DSOURDEVIccE::callback (ABSTIME time, EVENTID eventid)
if (eventid == 0x25)
if (ishigh(.Pin3->.istate()))
Pin3->.setstate(.time, 1, SLO);
Pin3->.setstate(.time, 1, SHI);
ckt->.setcallback(.time + 1000000000000, this, 0x25);
I.e., if our event is caused, then we change the state of output to the opposite, and we start
timer again for 1 second, after which again will be caused function callback.
Let us compile and will neglect simulation. So there is - model changes the state of leg Pin3
each second.
Now let us try to force our model to read state it is input and to reflect them to the outputs. Let
us agree, which Pin3 will reflect state Pin1, and Pin4 - state Pin2.
For the beginning let us lead functions setup and callback into the initial form. Then let us
add two lines into function simulate:

Pin3->.setstate(.time, 1, Pin1->.istate());
Pin4->.setstate(.time, 1, Pin2->.istate());

I.e., we read the value of state it is input Pin1 and Pin2, and through 1 value of clock
frequency (1 picosecond) relative to current time (time) we establish the state of outputs.
Certainly, in the reality it does not occur such rapid devices, so that it is necessary to assign
the great significances of delays. It is better, if these values are assigned through the
constant. It is still better, if they are be transferred as the parameters of model (against this
And let us fit to our entrances two digital generators. We see what - outputs reflect state it is

Now you learned to create digital models.

Application. The source texts to the article à http://www.callbus.ru/articles/models/part1/ourdev.zip

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