Route Drug-to-
Name of Drug and Indication Contra- indication Mechanism of Action Drug Adverse Effects
Frequenc Interaction
Generic Name: indicated in adults and -contraindicated in patients -inhibits the reabsorption CNS: Observe 10
Furosemide 20mg q8 pediatric patients for the hypersensitive to drug, and of sodium and chloride LASIX may headache,vertigo, rights in
Brand Name: oral treatment of edema those with anuria from the loope of henle increase the dizziness,paresthesia givingmedication
lasix associated Use cautiously in patients and distal renal tubule. ototoxic ,weakness,restlessne Test if the patient
Therapeutic with congestive heart with heptic cirrhosis and in Increases renal exretion of potential of ss, fever is allergic tothe
Classification: failure, cirrhosis of the those allergic to water, sodium chloride aminoglycosi CV: drug. To prevent
diuretics liver, and renal disease, sulphonamides. Use during magnesium potassium and de orthostatichypotensio nocturia, give
Pharmacologic including the nephrotic pregnancy only if potential calcium. antibiotics, n,thrombophlebit POand IM
: syndrome. LASIX is benefits to mother clearly especially in is withIV administratio preparations in
particularly useful when outweigh risk to fetus. the presence n themorning. Give
an agent with of impaired second dose
greater diuretic potential renal EENT: inearly
is desired. function. transientdeafness, afternoon.Monito
may be used in adults Except in blurred oryellowed r weight,
for the treatment life- vision,tinnitus bloodpressure,
of hypertension alone or threatening GI: and pulse
in combination with situations, abdominaldiscomfort rateroutinely with
other antihypertensive a avoid this and pain,diarrhea, long term useand
gents. Hypertensive pati combination. anorexia,nausea, during rapid
MEDICATION ents who cannot be vomiting,constipation,pa dieresis. Usecan
TICKET adequately controlled ncreatitis lead to profound
with thiazides will GU: nocturia, waterand
probably also not be polyuria,frequent electrolyte
adequately controlled urination,oliguria depletion.If
with LASIX alone. oliguria or
HEMATOLOGIC:agra azotemiadevelop
nulocytosis,aplastic s or increases,
anemia,leucopeniathr drugmay need to
ombocytopenia,azote be
mia, anemia stopped.Monitor
HEPATIC: fluid intake
hepaticdysfunction, andoutput and
jaundice electrolyte,
BUN,and carbon
METABOLIC: dioxide
volumedepletion levels.Watch for
anddehydration,asym signs
ptomatichyperuricemi of hypokalemia,
a,impaired such as
glucosetolerance,hypo muscleweakness
kalemia,hypochloremi and
calkalosis,hyperglycem cramps.Consult
ia,dilutionalhyponatrem prescriber and
ia,hypocalcemia,hypo dietitian about a
magnesemia high-potassium
L:muscle spasm or potassiumsup
plements. Foods
SKIN: rich inpotassium
dermatitis,purpura,ph include
otosensitivityreactions citrusfruits,
, transientpain at IM tomatoes,
injection siteOther: bananas,dates,
gout and
glucose level
may not be
orally in patient
withsevere heart
failure. Drugmay
need to be given
IV evenif patient
is taking other
uric acid
level,especially in
patients with
ahistory of
elderly patients,
ry collapse