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Kidney Disease Questionnaire for Proposed Insured/Owner

Policy Number
Please fill in block letters & tick appropriate boxes and circles.
A. Personal Information of Proposed Insured / Owner
Last Name First Name Ext Name Middle Name

m m d d y y y y
Date of Birth: / /

B. Kidney Disease Questionnaire

1.) When was the diagnosis of Kidney disease made?
m m d d y y y y
Date of Diagnosis: / /

Name of Attending Physician/s: _______________________ Specialty of Attending Physician: ___________________

Clinic Address : ____________________________________ Clinic Hours : _____________________________________

Contact number : ____________________________________

2.) Have you ever been confined because of kidney disease? Yes No If Yes, provide details below.
m m d d y y y y m m d d y y y y
Date of Admission: / / Date of Discharge: / /

Name of Medical Institution:

Address : _______________________________________________ Contact number:

Name of Attending Physician/s :

3.) What are your medications?

Name of Drug Dosage Date Started
(include preparation) m m d d y y y y
/ /
/ /
/ /

4.) Do you have any other existing medical condition or disease? Yes No
If yes, provide details.

5.) Is there anyone else in the family who has kidney disease? Yes No
If yes, provide degree of relationship.

6.) Have you ever been absent or off from school or work due to kidney disease? Yes No
If yes, provide details below:
m m d d y y y y
Number of times in a year: Date of last occurrence: / /

C. Affirmation Section
I hereby declare that the answers/statements that I have made to this questio nnaire are true and accurate representatio ns o f my health co nditio n. Sho uld FWD need additio nal info rmatio n,
I hereby autho rized the abo ve mentio ned physician, surgeo n, o r medical institutio n to pro vide FWD o r its autho rized representative, the M edical Info rmatio n B ureau o r any go vernment
agency requiring such with info rmatio n o r do cuments pertaining to my health co nditio n. Further, I am fully aware that statements made to this questio nnaire shall fo rm part o f and be the
basis fo r the issuance o f the po licy bearing the same number as stated abo ve.

m m d d y y y y
Place Signed Date: / /

Signature over Printed Name of Proposed Insured / Owner


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