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Robust Image Watermarking Theories and Techniques: A Review: Vol.12, February2014

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Robust Image Watermarking Theories and Techniques: A Review

Hai Tao*1, Li Chongmin*2,Jasni Mohamad Zain 1, Ahmed N. Abdalla3

Faculty of Computer System and Software Engineering,
University Malaysia Pahang , Malaysia
Department of mathematics and information,
Qinghai Normal University, China
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

Over the past several decades, digital information science has emerged to seek answers to the question: can any
technique ensure tamper-resistance and protect the copyright of digital contents by storing, transmitting and
processing information encoded in systems where digital content can easily be disseminated through communication
channels? Today it is understood that the answer is yes. This paper reviews the theoretical analysis and performance
investigation of representative watermarking systems in transform domains and geometric invariant regions. Digital
watermarking is a technology of embedding watermark with intellectual property rights into images, videos, audios,
and other multimedia data by a certain algorithm. The basic characteristics of digital watermark are imperceptibility,
capacity, robustness and false positive of watermarking algorithm and security of the hiding place. Moreover, it is
concluded that various attacks operators are used for the assessment of watermarking systems, which supplies an
automated and fair analysis of substantial watermarking methods for chosen application areas.

Keywords: watermarking, robust, attacks, security.

1. Introduction

Because of the fast and extensive growth of network detected from the watermarked product, for
technology, digital information can be distributed with protecting digital content copyright and ensuring
no quality loss, low cost and nearly instantaneous tamper-resistance, which is indiscernible and hard to
delivery. Protection of multimedia content has remove by unauthorized persons.
recently become an important issue because of the
consumers’ insufficient cognizance of the ownership Digital watermarking is seen as a partial solution to
of intellectual property. Thus, over the past several the problem of securing copyright ownership [80].
decades, digital information science has emerged to Essentially, watermarking is defined as the process
seek answers to the question: can researchers of embedding sideband data directly into the
ensure tamper-resistance and protect the copyright samples of a digital audio, image, or video signal.
of digital contents by storing, transmitting, and Sideband data is typically “extra” information that
processing information encoded in systems where must be transmitted along with a digital signal, such
digital content can easily be disseminated through as block headers or time synchronization markers. It
communication channels? Today it is understood that is important to realize that a watermark is not
the answer is yes, and many research groups around transmitted in addition to a digital signal, but rather
the world are working towards the highly ambitious as an integral part of the signal samples. The value
technological goal of protecting the ownership of of watermarking comes from the fact that regular
digital contents, which would dramatically protect sideband data may be lost or modified when the
inventions represented in digital form for being digital signal is converted between formats, but the
vulnerable to illegal possession, duplication and samples of the digital signal are (typically)
dissemination [83]. Digital watermarking [16] is the unchanged[72].
process of embedding or hiding digital information
called watermark into a multimedia product, and then To clarify this concept further, it is useful to
the embedded data can later be extracted or consider an analogy between digital watermarks

122 Vol.12,February2014

and paper watermarks. Watermarks have extracted watermark during the detection process. In
traditionally been used as a form of authentication other words, the watermark still exists in the
for legal documents and paper currency. A watermarked image, but its positions have been
watermark is embedded within the fibers of paper changed. Therefore, while traditional watermarking
when it is first constructed, and it is essentially systems require the creation of a framework of the
invisible unless held up to a light or viewed at a resilience to watermarked data geometrical
particular angle. More importantly, a watermark is modifications, creation and enforcement of
very difficult to remove without destroying the synchronization errors correction of such frameworks
paper itself, and it is not transferred if the paper is is now possible. Besides facilitating more efficient
photocopied. The goals of digital watermarking are copyrighted protection and robustness against
similar; in the next section, it will be shown that desynchronization, adaptation of geometrically
digital watermarks require similar properties. invariant image features can potentially offer a
greater robust capacity to detect watermarks without
Before the concept of watermarking can be explored synchronization errors, especially when applied to
further, three important definitions must first be survive local distortions such as random bending
established. A host signal is a raw digital audio, attacks. Development of such a framework is an
image, or video signal that will be used to contain a essential starting point for organizations that wish to
watermark. A watermark itself is loosely defined as a improve or replace currently existing watermarking
set of data, usually in binary form, that will be stored algorithm-based pixel frequency or other transform
or transmitted through a host signal. The watermark coefficients for watermark embedding, and develop a
may be as small as a single bit, or as large as the set of means to establish and maintain feature-based
number of samples in the host signal itself. It may be watermarking of geometric distortions correction.
a copyright notice, a secret message, or any other
information. Watermarking is the process of In the first section, the properties of the general
embedding the watermark within the host signal. watermarking frameworks that are exploited in the
Finally, a key may be necessary to embed a process of encoding and detecting watermarking
watermark into a host signal, and it may be needed are shortly reviewed. A survey of the key digital
to extract the watermark data afterwards[16]. image watermarking algorithms and techniques is
presented subsequently. The characteristics of
Up to now, two traditionally-used strategies, spatial- watermarking systems are described for evaluating
domain [68] and transform domain [28][80] the performance of watermarking systems. There
techniques have been developed for digital image are five important issues that are usually considered
watermarking. The former category is designed to in the most practical application; they are
insert directly a watermark into the original image by highlighted in the following subsections. In addition,
a factor, which would lead to fair-quality watermarked digital watermarking is described as an efficient
images. The latter approach, for taking advantage of method for the protection of ownership rights of
perceptual properties, is devised to embed a digital audio, image, video and other data types. It
watermark into the frequency-domain of the original can be applied to different applications including
images. These types of watermarking schemes have digital signatures, fingerprinting, broadcast and
good performances of robustness in comparison to publication monitoring, authentication, copy control,
the most common signal processing manipulations and secret communication. Watermarking attacks
such as JPEG compression, filtering, and addition of can be classified into two broad categories:
noise [16][14][40][49][59]. Signal processing destruction attacks: including image compression,
operators are applied to watermarked images for image cropping, spatial filtering, among others; and
removing the watermark or decreasing its energy so synchronization attacks: including image rotation,
that the extracted watermark is unrecognizable or image shifting and pixelhine deletion. The chapter
insufficient as the validate evidence. Unfortunately, lists and describes some of these conventional
the ineffectiveness of existing traditional attacks in the following sections.
watermarking algorithms is described by the
robustness against unintentional or malicious For constructing geometric invariant watermarking,
geometric attacks [37]. Geometric attacks induce four mainstream schemes are introduced by literature
synchronization errors between the original and the reviews on watermarking algorithms robust to the

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geometrical distortions. Most of these efforts confine purchaser of the multimedia data over public
to theoretically analyzing and quantifying the effect of channels. Using variations of symmetrical and
the global and local affine transform to the asymmetrical styles or forms of encrypting data,
performance of the watermarking algorithms. the permutated original multimedia contents are
non-recognizable in appearance, unsystematic,
2. Watermarking backgrounds and disorderly [82]. Although encryption algorithms
can be applied to avoid illegal access to digital
With the rapid proliferation of globally-distributed contents, it appears that encryption by itself is not
computer networks technologies and popularity of sufficient enough to prevent an unauthorized pirate
multimedia systems, fashionable and economical from illegally replicating multimedia content and
digital recording and storage devices have made it protect multimedia data all along its lifetime. Once
possible to construct the platform, where it became multimedia content has been decrypted into its
considerably facilitated to not only acquire, original style and the protection of information is
represent, replicate, distribute and transmit invalidated for further manipulations because there
multimedia contents in digital formats without is no degradation of quality in subsequent works
degradation of quality, but also manipulate them. and no verification differences between one copy
General-purpose computers and graphics editing and any other derivative copy. Therefore,
programs provide ultimate playgrounds for an unauthorized replicating copy and transmission of
amateur who does not have any ripe experience multimedia data cannot be obstructed [83].
and professional skills. He conveniently processes
an image or tamper specific objects without Steganography [54][77] represents a technique
remaining any appreciable traces, for introducing that is used to convey communicating secret data
the best in your digital images, reconstructing them by writing hidden messages into an appropriate
into anything you can imagine, and demonstrating multimedia carrier, e.g., audio, image and video.
them in extraordinary ways. In the multimedia The existence of the message is suspected except
publishing industries, researchers, scientists, and by the sender and intended receiver. Unlike
practicing engineers attach close importance to cryptography techniques, the goal of steganography
pervasive advancements because the unauthorized is to conceal the very existence of the hidden
manipulation and the unrestricted reproduction of messages, together with avoiding arouse suspicion
original digital multimedia can easily be and not attracting attention to themselves. However,
disseminated through communication channels steganography conventionally involves associating
such as the Internet. Consequently, there is an secret point-to-point transmission and
urgent demand for effective techniques to ensure communication. Thus, steganography approaches
tamper-resistance and prevent pirates from causing are typically not resistant to transformation of the
damage to the owners of digital content. Because of carriers, or hold only restricted robustness.
possible copyright issues, the copyright and
intellectual property of digital multimedia data should The definition of digital watermarking [16-17]
be protected from illegal possession, duplication and emerges while trying to overcome the limitations of
dissemination. Three complementary techniques are encryption and steganography in enforcement and
being introduced: encryption, steganography and protection of intellectual property rights. Compared
watermarking [16][67][24]. to the idea of encryption, the watermark
information is inserted into its original form and
Encryption [44] is a conspicuous and secure does not hinder users from listening to, viewing,
technique to converse data into a scrambled code watching, or manipulating the content. And unlike
that can be distributed and deciphered through a steganography, digital watermarking technologies
private or public network. Generally speaking, in are to establish the identity of information to avoid
both research and application fields, encryption the unauthorized embezzlement. Generally,
and cryptographic algorithms serve copyright additional information is embedded directly into the
owners as an approach to protect the secure original multimedia or host signal which is useful
transmission of confidential multimedia data and valuable, and the message itself is not
between a distributor or publisher and the unnecessary to be secret.

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3. Image watermarking frameworks 3.2 Encoder

3.1 Image watermarking framework In order to combine a watermark with a digital

document, for example, images, you need an image
Digital watermarking systems typically include two (CO), a watermark (W) that contains the
primary components: the encoder and the decoder. watermarking information, a security key(K) and an
The inputs are the cover media data, the embedding encoding algorithm (E) to create a watermarked
security key, and watermarks in the watermark image (CW). The encoder takes the signature and
encoder. The encoder inserts a machine-readable the cover document and generates the watermarked
code (watermark) into audio, video, and pictures with image, which is described as a function:
variant embedding algorithms, conceptions and
schemes by modifying physical or electronic media CW =E (CO, W, K) (1)
and almost all watermarking procedures are
controlled by private keys, which are assigned to the In this case, secret or public keys and other
insertion and extraction procedure to extract the parameters can be used to extend the watermarking
watermark information suitably and to warrant encoder. The watermark is considered to be robust
fundamental security. The outputs are the security if it is embedded in such a way that the watermark
key and the watermarked contents in the watermark can survive even if the watermarked data CW go
encoder. A watermark extractor or detector involves a through severe distortions.
two-step process. Watermark retrieval is the first step
that applies some scrambling algorithms to extract a 3.3 Detector
sequence referred to as retrieved watermarks. Then,
in the second step, the embedded watermarks are The watermark detection procedure is depicted
detected and extracted from a suspected signal of as follows:
containing watermarks. The second step normally
requires the analysis and comparison of the W’ = e (CW, K, . . . ) (2)
unreliable watermark with the original one, and the
consequences could be several kinds of confidence where e(.) is the detection algorithm whilst C and
assessment displaying the similarity between the W are the optional inputs for the detection function.
extracted watermark and the original one.
The watermark is extracted using a decoder
function (e). In this case, the decoder I loads the
watermarked, normal or corrupted image CW, and
extracts the hidden signature W. Using nonblind
and blind watermarking techniques in Figure 1 and
Figure 2, the decoder D loads an additional image
CO, which is often the original image, to extract the
watermarking information by correlation.

4. Characteristics of watermarking systems

Figure 1. Nonblind watermarking framework
It is essential to define the criteria of a
watermarking system for the comparison results
against equivalence of group of the assessment
attained by assessing the performance of other
watermarking methods. Obviously, each
watermarking system should have particular
properties regarding the given application; therefore,
there is no unique set of properties that all
watermarking systems have to satisfy. Generally,
there are five important issues that are usually
considered in the most practical application; they are
Figure 2. Blind watermarking framework
highlighted in the following subsections.

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4.1 Imperceptibility authentication, and copyright safeguards. Under

the condition of imperceptibility as well as the
Imperceptibility is an essential condition for digital requirements of robustness, the capacity relies on
watermarking; that is, the visual similarity between the size of the original data. The more original
the watermarked version and original one of the patterns are attainable, more bits are able to be
media element and the perceptual quality of the embedded. However, inserting as much watermark
original signal should be transformed imperceptibly information as possible is a more difficult task in
by the insertion of the watermark. There are two digital watermarking. Very often, a prerequisite for
main reasons why it is important to keep the capacity relies on the practicable application used
imperceptibility of the host media after the for watermarking. For the audio, the capacity
encoding with watermark data. Firstly, the would relate to the amount of inserted bits in every
presence or absence of a watermark cannot be second that is communicated. For images, the
distinguished from the primary purpose of the capacity may refer to the amount of embedded bits
original media, if the watermarked media is so into pixels or patterns of the images. For the video,
badly distorted that its value is lost. In addition, the capacity refers to either the amount of bits in
suspicious perceptible artifacts may introduce a every second or the bits' amount per frame. In a
watermark in existence, and perhaps its precise word, the fewer the amount of bits of capacity
location being detected from host media. This included in a watermark, the larger the opportunity
information may provide accesses for distorting, of it being computationally complex; fewer false
substituting, or removing the watermark data positives or finer granularities and bigger capacity
maliciously. Therefore, the information embedded will enlarge the potential operations of the data
in it may no longer be available. inserting method and construct the verification
judgment more credible.
4.2 Robustness
Note: Therefore, the conditions of imperceptibility,
One of the most commonly measured properties is robustness, and capability are conflicted and
that watermark signals must be reasonably resilient limited by each other. One may want to increase
to various attacks and common signal processing the watermarking strength in order to increase the
operations in digital watermarking systems. Once robustness but these results in a more perceptible
some watermark signal is inserted in the original watermark. On the other hand, under the condition
content, distortions may be applied to the signal of imperceptibility, a watermark would have to be
unavoidably when the signal is encoded, decoded, created with the maximum possible separation to
and distributed across the Internet. These distortions avoid a situation where a small corruption of the
may be designed to apply the expected distortion to watermarked image would lead to erroneous
the watermarked signals or compress it before watermark detection. Similarly, one can increase
transmission, and they may or may not significantly the data payload by decreasing the number of
disrupt the watermarked signals. It is impossible for a samples allocated to each hidden bit but this is
watermarking system to be robust against all signal counterbalanced by a loss of robustness. In other
processing operations whereas the requirement is words, for any watermarking scheme, it is
application subordinate and dependent. For the impossible to meet these three requirements
digital watermarking of images, the good simultaneously. As a result, a good trade-off
watermarking method is likely to resist against noise among these requirements has to be achieved.
addition, filtering processing, geometrical
transformations such as scaling, translation and 4.4 Security
rotation, and also JPEG compression.
All existing watermarking algorithms which are not
4.3 Capacity secure cannot be used for copyright protection,
data authentication, or tracking the illegal
Capacity is defined using the largest quantity of distribution of digital content Therefore, the
information that inserted watermarks are capable watermarking algorithm is safe and robust, if the
of hiding, and embedded watermarks can be attacker, using watermarking procedures and
extracted credibly for the purposes of knowledge, does not know the key used for

126 Vol.12,February2014

watermarking digital content. Thus, the hidden 5..Classification of digital watermarking

watermark information cannot be destroyed or applications
damaged. In addition, the complexity of the
watermark process may be safety-related because 5.1 Digital Watermarking for Copyright Protection
the attacker will be discouraged to search the
insertion in an embedding space and long key Copyright protection appears to be one of the first
position. Therefore, in order to improve the security applications for which digital watermarking were
of the algorithm, it can enlarge the embedded targeted. The metadata in this case contains
space, and increase the size of the keys split into information about the copyright owner. It is
small pieces of cover image. imperceptibly embedded as a watermark in the
cover work to be protected. If users of digital
4.5 False positive content (music, images, and video) have easy
access to watermark detectors, they should be
A false positive is defined as not actually containing able to recognize and interpret the embedded
the watermark in the process of watermark detection. watermark and identify the copyright owner of the
It refers to the amount of false positives that it is watermarked content. An example of one
predictable to happen in a precondition amount of commercial application created for that purpose is
runs of the detector. Likewise, the possibility can be Digimarc Corporation’s ImageBridge Solution. The
discussed about any precondition detector run by a ImageBridge watermark detector is made available
false positive occurring. There are two subtle in a form of plug-ins for many popular image
distinctive ways to describe this probability, which are processing solutions such as Adobe PhotoShop or
often confusing in some papers. The two diverge in Corel PhotoPaint. When a user opens an image
whether the host image or the watermark is using a Digimark-enabled application, Digimarc’s
contemplated the arbitrary variable. In the first watermark detector will recognize a watermark. It
explanation, the false positive probability is the will then contact a remote database using the
possibility that precondition a settled host image and watermark as a key to find a copyright owner and
arbitrarily chosen watermarks, the detector will state his contact information. An honest user can use
that a watermark exists in that image. The that information to contact the copyright owner to
watermarks are constructed from a perturbation that request permission to use the image.
is defined by the design method of a watermark
construction. Conventionally, watermarks are 5.2 Fingerprinting
generated either by a Gaussian sequence or by a bit-
encoding algorithmic rule, unrelated to random Additional data embedded by watermark in this
number generating systems. In common situations, application is used to trace the originator or
the false positive probability, depending on this first recipients of a particular copy of multimedia file.
definition, is truthfully sovereign of the host image For example, watermarks carrying different serial
and only rely on the approach of generating a or ID numbers are embedded in different copies of
watermark. In the second definition, the false positive multimedia information before distributing them to
possibility is that randomly chosen images and a large number of recipients. The algorithms
preconditioned a settled watermark. The detector will implemented in fingerprinting applications need to
retrieve that watermark in an image. The perturbation be invisible and must also be invulnerable to
is greatly application-based determined, where the intentional attacks and signal processing
image is chosen. Medical images, natural images, modifications such as lossy compression or
music videos, graphics, and surveillance video all filtering. Fingerprinting should be resistant to the
possess very distinctive statistics. Moreover, while collusion attack, that is, it is impossible to embed
these perturbations are varied from each other, also more than one ID number in the host multimedia
they are probable to be specific varied from the file; otherwise, a group of users with the same
statistics method of the watermark generation image containing different fingerprints would be
systems. Hence, this second definition of false able to collude and validate the fingerprint or
positive probabilities is absolutely distinctive from the create a copy without any fingerprint.
first definition of them.

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5.3 Copy Control like DRM [43][5][58]. A categorization of extensive

watermarking attacks for evaluating the robustness
Watermarks can also be used for copy prevention is presented in [29], where the attacks are
and control. Fragile watermarks can be used for classified into protocol, geometrical, removal, and
copy control by having digital player devices detect security attacks. In [71], the description is
a fragile watermark and refuse to play a music file expanded by going into evaluation attacks or
or a video clip if no proper signature watermark is [27][42][9][8] present attacks to acquire knowledge
detected, preventing people from making illegal about the secrets of the procedures (inserting
copies of copyrighted material. The main challenge and/or retrieval/ detection) for also evaluating the
that such systems face is that the whole system security of watermarking schemes. Furthermore,
will only work if all player devices contain a the devoting to the security and robustness
watermark detector. Users will always choose a estimation, for example, in [11] the imperceptibility
device that can play and record illegal copies. of different watermarking methods is evaluated;
Actually, a copy protection mechanism that the thesis illustrates some of these traditional
includes digital watermarking at its core is currently attacks in the following sections. The authors
being considered for standardization and second examine other generally employed attacks for
generation DVD players may well include the watermarking techniques in [71] [80].
ability to read watermarks and act based on their
presence or absence [15]. 6.1 Removal attacks

The above represent a few example applications Removal attacks intent to accomplished removing
where digital watermarks could potentially be of watermarks from the host image. This classification
use. In addition, there are many other applications includes lossy compression, denoising, demodulation,
for rights management and protection like tracking quantization, averaging and collusion attacks.
use of content, binding content to specific players,
automatic billing for viewing content, broadcast 6.1.1 Denoising and lossy compression attacks
monitoring, among others. From the variety of
potential applications exemplified above, it is clear This category of attacks is relatively broad and
that a digital watermarking technique needs to contains common image processing operators such
satisfy a number of requirements. Since the as lossy compression, image denoising and
specific requirements vary with the application, quantization. Image denoising, also understood as
watermarking techniques need to be designed filtering, is mainly related to maximum likelihood, a
within the context of the entire system in which minimax criterion or a minimum mean square error, a
they are to be employed. Each application imposes maximum a posteriori probability. The resulting
different requirements and would require different filtering operator is decided by the selected criteria,
types of invisible or visible watermarking schemes and also by the priors on the cover image and the
or a combination thereof. watermark. Compression is a popular scheme for
attacking watermarked images or audio. Two
6. Attack operators common compression schemes: lossy compression,
such as VQ compression, and JPEG compression for
The assessment of watermarking systems supplies image processing have lately been considered to
an automated and fair analysis of substantial have approximately the same impact on noise
watermarking methods for chosen application removal as denoising. For the attackers to remove
areas. At present, numerous investigators and the hidden watermarks, they may compress the
researchers utilize their own designed assessment watermarked images with some other VQ codebooks
systems, which does not require the capability of and decode the VQ indices to get the reconstruction.
comparison each other. Therefore, The The VQ compression schemes are effective for
assessment procedure can be very complicated, attacking some of the existing algorithms. Both lossy
and the current research is on assessment compression and denoising can importantly diminish
methods with unique attacks for images (for the capacity of the watermarking channel
example, attainable tools Optimark [51], StirMark establishing the output of various substitutable
[65], Checkmark [10] or for particular applications channels to zero for each bit of watermark.

128 Vol.12,February2014

6.1.2 Remodulation attacks constructed by possessing only a little section of

each data set and reconstructing a novel attacked
Since lossy compression and denoising have been data set from these sections at this time. The latter
widely presented in the literature, with some illustrates an attack where many samples of a
applications of low bit rate coding and image precondition data set, each time logged in with a
enhancement, respectively; it is not incredible that different secret key or distinctive watermark, are
they are also famous attack tools for the averaged to evaluate the attacked data. For
watermarking community. On the other hand, example, each frame can be inserted using a
remodulation attacks are a rather fresh theory different key or a different watermark into video
unique to the watermarking attacks. A systematic watermarking schemes. If the amount of data set is
remodulation attack was first demonstrated in [32]. sufficiently huge, the inserted watermark cannot be
In this algorithm, the watermark was forecasted discovered anymore supposing that it will output
using subtracting from the host stego image to the zero mean on average. In [20], collusion and the
median filtered version of stego image. The averaging attacks are discussed in using videos
forecasted watermark was also truncated, high- and complementary countermeasures are
pass filtered, and the subtraction is done from the recommended. The other kind of attack that
stego image with a constant amplification diminishes the decoding and detection of the
parameter with2. Since the median filtering mainly watermark is the mosaic attack [55]. The attack
takes away the noise in the high-frequency was produced in the structure of automatic
section, the low-frequency section cannot correctly copyright protection frameworks that investigate
estimate the value according to this filter. In the the Internet and download images for checking the
situation of a highly consonant between the existence of the watermarked images on pirate
amplification parameter and the estimated websites. The mosaic attack does not attempt to
watermark, the attacks have the guidance to a remove the watermark with some image
diminishment in extensive correlation in the processing approaches, but rather it leads to
matched filter with decoding. producing problems for the watermark detection
splitting the image into the small fragments.
An almost equivalent attack with weighted mean
forecasting was introduced in [26]. In this work, 6.2 Geometrical attacks
authors reported their success at removing
watermarks generated by the watermarking Compared to the removal attacks, geometric
strategy introduced in [78] and the Digimarc deformation attacks do not plan for the removal
commercial software. In addition, in [66], a Wiener inserted watermark, but for distortion of it through
attack is presented. The presented attack temporal or spatial transformations of the stego
comprises three steps: forecasting of the contents. The attacks are normally described as
watermark according to the Wiener filter, follows: the detected watermark loses
subtracting from the stego with some strength synchronization with the inserted information. The
parameter to the estimated watermark, and adding most famous integrated software versions for
stationary Gaussian noise. In [50], the impact of geometrical attacks are Stirmark [56] and Unzign
the attacks is discussed from the information- watermark removal software from 1999. The global
theoretic point of view and it is concluded that the attacks are scaling, rotation, translation, change of
attack of additive white Gaussian noise can be aspect ratio, and shearing a link up with a kind of
optimal asymptotically with respect to removing the extensive affine transformation. The translation
watermark when the intensity of the noise is big in /cropping and column/line removals are also
comparison to the energy of the watermark. merged in Stirmark. Unzign presents local pixel
jittering and is extremely efficient to attack
6.1.3 Averaging and collusion attacks watermarking schemes in spatial domains.
Stirmark presents both local and global geometric
In this group, other attacks are collusion attacks distortions. Most current watermarking approaches
and statistical averaging. With respect to the are robust against these attacks owing to the
collusion attacks, numerous examples of the same application of particular synchronization
data are attainable, but the attacked data set is procedures. If the robustness of global affine

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transformations is a little or a lot a resolved resynchronization of the watermarked images. How

problem, the local random transformations to acquire an acceptable quality in the watermarked
integrated by Stirmark always remain an open image and to preserve the capability for recovering
issue almost for all methods. The random bending the embedded watermark with the image shifting
attacks exploit the background that the human scheme is another topic for robust watermarking
visual system is insensitive towards local affine Although the aforementioned categorization makes it
modifications and shifts. Thus, the locally shifted, potential to have an understandable segregation
rotated and scaled pixels are without distortions in between the different kinds of attacks, it is
significant visual aspects. The thesis will also unavoidable to the reminder that a malicious attacker
discuss dedicated attacks, which intend to test the usually uses not only a single attack, but rather a
efficiencies of proposed algorithms. combination of various attacks at the moment. Such
a probability is forecasted in the Stirmark benchmark,
6.3 Cryptographic attacks where all geometric transformations are practically
accompanied by the attack of lossy compression.
Cryptographic attacks are quite equivalent to the
attacks applied in cryptography. There are the 7. Transform domains
seriously forced attacks which intend to discover
secret information using the exhaustive searches. Spatial domain watermarking is attractive because
Ever since numerous watermarking systems utilize it provides a better intuition on how to attainan
a secret key, it is greatly significant to use keys optimal tradeoff between robustness, capacity and
with a safe length. In addition, another attack is the imperceptibility. Thus, coming up with public
so-called Oracle attacks in this category [13] and spatial domain algorithms which survive a broad
[53], which is able be applied to produce a non- range of manipulations is an important issue.
watermarked image while a device of a watermark However, the most serious problem of spatial
detector is attainable.. domains is the weakness of robustness. Therefore,
watermarking schemes in spatial domains usually
6.4 Protocol attacks are used singly. In electronics, control systems
The protocol attacks intend to attack the definition of engineering, and statistics, frequency domain is a
the watermarking applications. The protocol attack term used to describe the domain for analysis of
was introduced by [19]. They present the structure mathematical functions or signals with respect to
of unidirectional watermark and demonstrate that frequency, rather than time. A frequency-domain
watermarks requisite for being non-invertible in representation can also include information on the
applications of copyright protection. The concept of phase shift that must be applied to each sinusoid
inversion comprises of the truth that attackers who in order to be able to recombine the frequency
have a copy of the stego contents can represent components to recover the original signal. In this
that the data also includes the attackers' watermark section, the concept of Singular Value
using subtracting to his own watermark information. Decomposition and Discrete Wavelet Transform
The activities can produce an ambiguity's condition are introduced for decomposing images.
with respect to the authentic ownership of the
7.1 Singular Value Decomposition
contents. The prerequisite of non-inevitability on the
watermarking system suggests that it should not be The singular value decomposition (SVD) of a
potential to detect or extract a watermark from non- matrix with real or complex entries is one of the
watermarked images. fundamental tools of mathematics. This type of
6.5 Image Shifting and Line Deletion algorithms has proven to be robust in
watermarking systems. It was given detailed
The attackers may change the watermarked image properties and other applications for SVD in [34].
nearby vertically and horizontally, or remove an entire In this section, we summarize the definitions of
line of pixels, to distort the watermark information SVD and the SVD-based watermarking scheme.
delivered. For the embedding watermarks in the VQ
or DCT domains, image shifting may result in the Although SVD works for any N u M matrix, and
algorithm of extracting the watermark to miss the without loss of the generality, our discussion will be

130 Vol.12,February2014

limited in the N u M matrix with real entries. It is and labels the resulting subimages. LL (the
noted that the SVD applies more generally to approximation) which is the coarse overall shape,
complex-valued rectangular matrices, while we covers the low-frequency components that contain
restrict our discussion to real-valued, square most of the energy in the image and LH (horizontal
details), HL (vertical details) and HH (diagonal
matrices. The singular value decomposition of A details) which represent higher-frequency detailed
is represented by, information have the finer scale wavelet
coefficients according to the filters used to
A UȈVT (3) generate the sub-image. The wavelet components
are then used to obtain the next coarse overall
Nu N shape by further iterating LL in this process and we
Where U and V  R are the unitary matrix, and get the details (LL1, LH1, HL1, and HH1). The size
ȈR Nu N of the input data reduces gradually. The size at
is a diagonal matrix and the superscript
each succeeding octave is one-fourth the size of
T denotes matrix transposition. The diagonal
the previous one. This process is repeated several
ı times until the desired final scale is obtained as
elements of Ȉ , denoted by i are called the
singular values of A and these are assumed to be shown in Figure 3. The Figure shows the sketch of
the decomposition of an image in three resolution
ıi t ıi 1 levels through DWT. In the analysis of
arranged in decreasing order . The
Ui reconstruction, the inverse DWT is performed by a
columns of U denoted by ̓s are called the left similar structure with the corresponding synthesis
singular vectors while the columns of V denoted by subimages, consisting of an inverse the
Vi approximation coefficients and the detail
̓s are called the right singular vectors of A. It coefficients. This feature makes the watermark
ıi Vi Ui more robust in comparison with spatial methods
is easy to see that , and satisfy: against various distortions. The applications of
DWT are efficient due to two important reasons.
AVi ıi U i One: it has the irregular distribution of the inverse
transform value in a pyramidal wavelet domain.
Two: it has the low linear complexity which
U iT A ı i VIT (5) requires lower computational cost O(n) when
compared with the computational cost consumed
In [42], the watermarking scheme is fundamentally by Fourier and cosine transforms O(n log(n)).
flawed algorithm, this is because one attacker can
always claim that this watermark was the embedded
one and he can claim ownership of the
watermarked image, using the singular vectors of
any fake watermark in the detection stage. For
correcting fault scheme, a SVD-based watermarking
algorithm, which explores the optimal scaling factors
of watermark embedding, is presented.

7.2 Discrete Wavelet Transform

Multiresolution image representations using

Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) have received
wide range of attention in the recent years. It is a
fast pyramidal algorithm and an efficient
mathematical tool that decomposes an image into (a)
hierarchical subbands. Each sub-band is
logarithmically spaced in the frequency domain. Figure 3. (a): three-level wavelet
DWT separates an image into a lower resolution transform of the ‘Lena’ image

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RobustImageWatermarkingTheoriesandTechniques:AReview,HaiTao etal./122Ͳ138

[1][3]. Also, the high computational complexity of

performing the method is intractable. It is feasible
that exploring spaces are precluded in a reasonable
subset of parameters. In this way, the limitation of
the search space’s size constrains essential
degradation of perceptual quality in watermarked
images. However, the restriction of search space
suffers from unacceptable effects [36] that it can
increase more errors of the synchronizer outcome,
and the dramatically proliferated false positive
probability because of the geometrical deformation
and the interpolation errors [4]. In [6] and [45], the
stochastic analysis is used as the further discussion.
It is shown that the implementation of random
bending attacks in Stirmark enlarges the searching
(b) space and increases computation complicatedly for
exhaustive search detector.
Figure 4. (b): three-level wavelet
transform of the image
8.2.Template-based approach and self-
8. Geometric invariant watermarking synchronizing

Watermarking algorithms robust to the geometrical Recently, one of the most straightforward solutions
distortions have been the focus of research [81]. to cope with desynchronization attacks is composed
Several approaches to this problem include of inserting templates along with the watermark or
exhaustive search, synchronization pattern/template, embedding a periodic watermark pattern into the
invariant domain and implicit synchronization using image. These additional templates [52][64] are used
image features are widely used. Most of the as artificially embedded references for purposes of
proposed geometrical transform invariant algorithms resynchronization. There is insensitive information
are actually only RST invariant. Also the systematic carried in them. The template-based approach
analysis of the watermarking algorithm performance performs the watermark retrieval process by
under geometrical distortion has begun to draw asserting the presence of a watermark and
great attention. Most of these efforts confine to estimating and compensating the severe geometric
theoretically analyzing and quantifying the effect of transformation of the watermarked image for
the global affine transform to the performance of the accomplishing resynchronization patterns [41].
watermarking algorithms. Local distortions are more Therefore, the registration pattern is identified and
and more regarded as a necessary test scenario in offered resilience to geometric attacks [7].
benchmarking software. However, it is difficult to
theoretically analyze its effect on watermark The template-based algorithms introduced in this
detection due to its complexity. section all are relevant to adaptive determination in
the strength of the templates for constraining the
8.1 Exhaustive Watermark Search search space. The contraction of searching space
results in being rather susceptible to the credibility of
Exhaustive search technique [31] is one of system. Meanwhile, the template is restricted to the
commonly used candidate approaches to coping number of synchronization points, which tends to be
with the watermark desynchronization problem. This the counterpart of unaccepted false positive
approach performs the process of watermark probabilities in the parameter estimation of the
detection over a training sequence containing each applied affine transformation. Also the process of the
pilot geometrical inverse deformation. The watermark successful watermark detection relies on the precise
is recovered by searching each hypothetical detection of the template because the detection error
distortion parameter. Obviously, it seems to be tolerance is unacceptable for the inaccuracy of the
difficult to efficiently evaluate deformation detected position. It causes the unwarranted
parameters for the absence of the original image synchronization for shrinking the search space.

132 Vol.12,February2014

Although an amount of progress for utilizing scheme based on the Fourier–Mellin transform [39].
template-based watermarking techniques, these A rotation, scale and translation invariant domain is
ignore the perceptual similarity between the original obtained using the log-polar mapping (LPM) and the
and watermarked image. The insertion of the Fourier transform invariance properties to
watermark and the template should take the translations. In the resulting log-polar map, rotations
embedding position and strength into account and scaling come down to translations. In practice,
carefully. And besides, the algorithms compromise this solution can be implemented for simple affine
the data payload of the watermark for keeping the transformations, but it is inapplicable as soon as the
restricted fidelity of the original image after the image undergoes local geometrical deformations.
embedding process, since the embedded template Moreover, problems of approximation due to the
tries to decrease the number of embedded discrete nature of the images, plus the reduction of
information that consist of the template to guarantee the embedding space make the watermark weakly
synchronization and avoid potential visible artifacts. resistant to low-pass filtering and lossy
compression. Alghoniemy and Tewfik [2] present
In addition, security aspect has been paid little another approach where the watermarking space is
regard, because these algorithms are particularly defined as a canonical, normalized space based on
vulnerable to template removal attacks [23][25][7]. the geometric image moments. These moments are
If these templates are provided with characteristic used to transform the image into a form that is
features of independence from the host image, independent to rotation, scale, and
then the specific characteristics can be exploited to horizontal/vertical reflection. The watermark is
destruct the synchronization pattern. In another embedded in this space, and then the inverse
word, the templates are used to be inserted as transformation is applied to obtain the final
pseudorandom noise patterns and some specific watermarked image. During detection, the moments
operations, for example filtering operators, can are calculated again and used to estimate the
filter potentially out the local maxima. Then, the normalization parameters. Once the image is
applied templates are eliminated easily by the normalized, the watermark can be detected. Rather
malicious attack and the applied various geometric than embedding the watermark in an invariant
transformations are unable to be recognized during subspace, Solachidis and Pitas propose creating a
the template detection process. In brief, the major self-similar watermark, and to embed it then into the
limitation is that this kind of approach has a severe DFT domain[63]. Thus, their method is robust to
influence on the resistance of affine translation, since it does not affect the DFT
transformations confronting with threats and risks magnitude. Since the watermark is made up of
of the template attack. identical sectors, the detection is possible even after
a degree rotation. The self-similar properties of the
Self-synchronizing watermarks [29][21] are watermark also allows for the reduction of the
susceptible to removal or estimation attacks in number of different frequency sampling steps where
much the same way as template-based methods, the detection should be performed when the image
because an attacker can use knowledge about the has been cropped and scaled.
watermark’s periodic tiling to remove it. For
example, attackers can easily remove peaks in the 8.4 Feature Watermarking
autocorrelation function or the frequency domain
by filtering in the spatial or the frequency domain, Feature-based watermarking has raised a number of
thus rendering the watermark vulnerable to available algorithms over the last few years. For
subsequent geometric attacks. solving watermark synchronization problems, feature-
region detection is the preferred strategy to resist
8.3 Invariant Domain against local geometric distortions. Generally
speaking, content-based synchronization
Another solution consists in embedding the watermarking schemes follow the same basic
watermark in a geometrical invariant subspace. In process: detected feature points are localized at the
[12], it suggested using histogram specification to local maxima while non-maxima suppression that
hide a watermark invariant to geometrical distortions. eliminates pixels that are not local maxima, and the
In [60] and [38], they proposed a watermarking final set of features is determined by analysis of

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threshold. Afterwards, extracted feature points are patches as the inserting modules. The rectangular
applied to identify regions for watermark insertion in watermark is transformed to be a polar-mapped
the host image. At the receiver side, the feature watermark, and inversely polar-mapped to determine
points are detectible without synchronization error. inserting modules before watermark insertion. The
The observation of feature-based synchronization watermark correspondence detection is achieved by
has resulted in various algorithms known as region- the circular convolution. The invariant watermark of
based watermarking [22][35][36][61][62]][73][74][75]. rotation is obtained by the translation characteristic of
The feature points-based approach is a technique the polar-mapped circular pads. In [33], Harris̽
using localized watermarking algorithms. It discovers Laplace approach is applied to extract the scale
the watermark using stable feature points of images, invariant feature points relied on the scale selection
where the watermark is independently inserted into theory using Harris corner points. The watermark is
the corresponding each local region [29]. Hence the inserted after affine the normalization according to
feature-based process can be invariant to local the local characteristic scale at each feature point.
geometrical deformations so that it is an encouraging The characteristic scale is defined by the scale,
approach to solve the robustness against geometrical where the normalized scale-space representation of
deformations in the watermarking scheme with blind an image achieves a maximum value, and the
detection. In [7], it extracted feature points of the host characteristic orientation relied on the angle of the
image using Harris detector and produced a dominant axis of an image.
Delaunay tessellation on the group of stable feature
points. Then, the watermark was inserted in each In [22], a robust watermarking approach was
triangle of the tessellation. But the Harris feature proposed combining Tchebichef moments and the
points were not invariant to scaling [46] so that the local circular regions (LCRs). LCRs are shaped by
approach is not resistant to the attack of scaling. Harris-Laplace detector, and Tchebichef moments
are applied to acquire the global characteristics of
In [69], it produced a feature extraction process the LCRs. In [62], the affine invariant point detector
named Mexican Hat wavelet scale interaction. Image [46] was discussed to detect feature points. For a
normalization was individually exploited to chosen feature point, an elliptical feature region
unoverlapping image circles with the firm radius and (viz., affine covariant region) is used and formed
the center at the obtained feature points. In each for inserting in spatial domain. Before embedding,
image circle, two 32 ™ 32 blocks were selected for the watermark, it is geometrically transformed into
embedding watermark. In spite of the fact that the an elliptical pattern according to the shape of the
system displays experimentally the robustness to the region. This method has a modest robustness and
majority of attacks, it is attackable to scaling provides a potential idea for resistance against
transforms because these transform can cause the complicated geometric distortions.
alterations of content for two blocks in the image
circles with a firm radius. In [35], it presented the 9. Conclusion
Harris feature points from the image with the
normalized scale and inserted the watermark within With the rapid proliferation of globally-distributed
each disk region in the center at the localized stalest computer network technologies and popularity of
Harris points and firm radius. The presented method multimedia systems, fashionable and economical
can be resistant to global geometrical digital recording and storage devices have made it
transformations, including scaling, rotation and possible to construct the platform, which has
moderate translation. Nevertheless, the presented considerably make it easy to not only acquire,
scheme cannot be robust against cropping because represent, replicate, distribute, and transmit
the normalization of scale may be sensitive to multimedia contents in digital formats without
cropping in nature. Recently, many researchers have degradation of quality, but also to manipulate
turned interest orientation to the resynchronization of them. However, the transmission of information
watermark using the scale invariant feature detectors over various networks is often unsafe. This lack of
relied on the scale-space theory in the pattern security can be critical depending on the nature of
recognition fields, such as Harris-Laplace, scale the transmitted media. This issue gave rise to
invariant feature transform (SIFT) [33]. In [33], the digital watermarking, a research field which deals
SIFT feature is exploited to produce the circular with the process of embedding information into

134 Vol.12,February2014

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