Manfaat Nutrisi Bagi Performa Burung Kicauan: Keywords: Nutrition, Performance, Pet Birds
Manfaat Nutrisi Bagi Performa Burung Kicauan: Keywords: Nutrition, Performance, Pet Birds
Manfaat Nutrisi Bagi Performa Burung Kicauan: Keywords: Nutrition, Performance, Pet Birds
Many of the problems such as poor health, poor fertility and hatchability, and
decreased life span can be related to poor nutrition. Improper nutrition can leave the bird
susceptible to many diseases and result in overall poor performance and lack of vitality.
The term “improper nutrition” does not always mean undernutrition. It can also refer to
overnutrition. Providing too much food (often referred to as treats) too often and providing
too much of a good thing (i.e., too little variety) is often the cause of the problem. There
are more than 8000 species of birds alive today. There will probably never be an ideal diet
for all bird species. However, for the average pet bird owner a general knowledge about
basic nutritional concepts and feeding can be of benefit when decisions have to be made
(Butcher and Miles, 2014). Probiotics, a highly concentrated source of beneficial bacteria,
keep your birds intestines healthy and balanced minimizing the effects of harmful bacteria.
It’s the harmful bacteria that cause diarrhea and other digestive upsets resulting in an
inability to absorb nutrients (Burroughs, 1998). All animals have billions of beneficial
bacteria in their digestive system as well as harmful bacteria. Birds are no exception.
Helpful bacteria aid actually aid the digestion process and help in nutritional absorption.
Without beneficial bacteria, our guts would become over-populated with harmful bacteria
that can make us sick. It is thought the beneficial bacteria in the gut is species specific. It
is not suitable to give the bird human grade probiotics, or those developed for use in dogs
(Burroughs, 1998). It can be concluded that feeding a balanced, varied diet will play a
major role in helping your pet bird live a long and healthy life.
Banyak masalah yang bisa terjadi pada burung berkicau, seperti kesehatan yang
buruk, rendahnya kesuburan dan daya tetas dan penurunan rentang hidup dapat
berhubungan dengan gizi buruk. Nutrisi yang tidak tepat dapat menyebabkan burung
rentan terhadap banyak penyakit dan mengakibatkan performa yang buruk secara
keseluruhan dan kurangnya vitalitas. Istilah "gizi yang tidak tepat" tidak selalu berarti
kekurangan gizi, dapat juga berarti kelebihan gizi. Menyediakan terlalu banyak makanan
dengan frekuensi terlalu sering dan memberikan terlalu banyak hal yang baik serta kurang
bervariasi seringkali menjadi penyebab masalah Ada lebih dari 8000 jenis burung,
mungkin tidak akan pernah ada diet yang ideal untuk semua jenis burung. Namun, untuk
rata-rata pemilik burung peliharaan pengetahuan umum tentang konsep-konsep nutrisi
dasar dan makanan dapat bermanfaat ketika keputusan harus dibuat (Butcher and Miles,
2014). Probiotik, sumber bakteri menguntungkan yang sangat terkonsentrasi, menjaga usus