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Chapter 12-19 - Answers

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Chapter 12

41. A person who keeps Vaiñëava literature at home always has what?
A person who writes Vaiṣṇava literature and keeps such literature at home has Lord Narayaṇa always residing in
his house
42. What is even higher than the worship of the Lord?
Higher than the worship of the Lord is the worship of the Lord's devotees.

Chapter 13
43. A small attachment for any one of the five potent items can arouse what, even in a
Rupa Gosvama has stated that five kinds of devotional activities – namely, residing in Mathura, worshiping the
Deity of the Lord, reciting Srīmad-Bhāgavatam, serving a devotee and chanting the Hare Kṛiṣhṇa mantra – are so
potent that a small attachment to any one of these five items can arouse devotional ecstasy even in a neophyte.

Chapter 14
44. List the examples of devotees who achieved perfection by practicing simply one process of nava-vidhä-bhakti.
nava-vidha bhakti means nine different activities of devotional service.
śravaṇaṁ kīrtanaṁ viṣṇoḥ smaraṇaṁ pāda-sevanam
arcanaṁ vandanaṁ dāsyaṁ sakhyam ātma-nivedanam
(SB 7.5.23)
1. Emperor Parīkṣit attained the spiritual platform simply by hearing from such an authority as Śrī Śukadeva
2. Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī attained the same simply by recitation, verbatim, of the transcendental message which he
received from his great father, Śrī Vyāsadeva.
3. Emperor Prahlāda attained spiritual success by remembering the Lord constantly, in pursuance of instructions
given by Śrī Nārada Muni, the great saint and devotee.
4. Lakṣmījī, the goddess of fortune, attained success simply by sitting and serving the lotus feet of the Lord.
5. King Pṛthu attained success simply by worshiping the Lord.
6. Akrūra, the charioteer, attained success simply by chanting prayers for the Lord.
7. Hanumān (Mahāvīra), the famous nonhuman devotee of Lord Śrī Rāmacandra, attained success simply by
carrying out the orders of the Lord.
8. Arjuna, the great warrior, attained the same perfection simply by making friends with the Lord, who delivered
the message of Bhagavad-gītā to enlighten Arjuna and his followers.
9. Emperor Bali attained success by surrendering everything unto the Lord, including his personal body.

Chapter 15
45. Where can spontaneous devotional service easily be seen?
The examples of spontaneous devotional service can be easily seen in Krsna's direct associates in Vrndavana.
46. What is the meaning rägä?
Raga means spontaneous deep thirst for object of love
47. Define rägätmikä-bhakti and rägänuga-bhakti.
Ragatmika bhakti is bhakti that distinctly ,uniquely, and spontaneously manifest in brajavasis
rägänuga-bhakti - Devotional service in spontaneous love is vividly expressed and manifested by the inhabitants
of Vrndavana
Bhakti that manifest in a devotee that follows the footsteps of the inhabitants of Vrindavana that attached to
Krishna spontaneously

Chapter 16
48. At what stage is it possible to achieve eagerness to follow in the footsteps of the
denizens of Vraja?
anartha-nivṛtti - freed from material contamination
49. Define präkåta-sahajiyä.
Followers of siddha-pranali process that imagine that they have become associates of the Lord simply by thinking
of themselves like that.
50. Briefly describe the two categories of conjugal love.
(1) parakiya — unwedded, and (2) svakiya — wedded.
*** Parakiya is practiced by those who follow in the footsteps of the gopis of Vrndavana
Svakiya is practiced by those who follow in the footsteps of Krsna's wedded wives in Dvaraka

Chapter 17
51. What is the first symptom of pure love for the Personality of Godhead?
Ecstasy is the first symptom of pure love for the Personality of Godhead
*** in this stage one is sometimes found shedding tears or shivering

Chapter 18
52. List the nine characteristics of a person who has developed ecstatic love for Kåñëa.
The characteristics of a person who has actually developed his ecstatic love for Kṛṣṇa are as follows:
(1) He is always anxious to utilize his time in the devotional service of the Lord. He does not like to be idle. He
wants service always, twenty-four hours a day, without deviation.
King Ambarish
(2) He is always reserved and perseverant.
King Parikshit
(3) He is always detached from all material attraction.
King Bharata
(4) He does not long for any material respect in return for his activities.
King Bhagiratha
(5) He is always certain that Kṛṣṇa will bestow His mercy upon him.
Rupa Goswami
(6) He is always very eager to serve the Lord faithfully.
Bilva Mangala Takur
(7) He is very much attached to the chanting of the holy names of the Lord.
(8) He is always eager to describe the transcendental qualities of the Lord.
Bilva Mangala Takur
(9) He is very pleased to live in a place where the Lord's pastimes are performed, e.g., Mathurā, Vṛndāvana or

Chapter 19
53. List in Sanskrit or English the two types of prema-bhakti.
(1) mahatmya-jnana — prema mixed with knowledge of the Lord's majesty
(2) kevala — unmixed, pure prema
54. List in Sanskrit or English the nine stages from sraddha to prema.
1. Sraddha - faith
2. sadhu-sanga - association with devotees
3. bhajana-kriya - performance of devotional service
4. anartha nivrtti - decreasing of unwanted attachments
5. nistha - steadiness
6. ruci - taste
7. asakti - attachment
8. bhava - love
9. prema - pure love for Krsna

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