Boost Efficiency in The QC Laboratory: How NIRS Helps Reduce Costs Up To 90%
Boost Efficiency in The QC Laboratory: How NIRS Helps Reduce Costs Up To 90%
Boost Efficiency in The QC Laboratory: How NIRS Helps Reduce Costs Up To 90%
Metrohm White Paper
Quality Control with NIR Spectroscopy –
A sustainable boost in efficiency
«Good quality is expensive.» One could argue that high One strategy could be to analyze each of these action points
product prices are often due to costly production processes, individually, in order to find any major gaps as well as to define
which result from extensive quality control (QC) and quality the respective countermeasures. Alternatively, companies can
assurance (QA) measures. However, as a QA/QC Manager, also take advantage of more modern QC technologies which
you might disagree and refer to personal examples and have the potential to address all four of these approaches
scientific studies outlining the consequences of poor quality directly.
control measures. The following white paper provides a
short summary about the importance of QC and QA, while Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) is an example of a modern
illustrating action points to improve existing QC processes. QC method which significantly boosts the efficiency of QC
Furthermore, near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is presented as labs. In the following section, this technology and its benefits
a powerful analysis technique to increase QC efficiency while are presented and discussed.
maintaining the accuracy and precision of the existing analysis
method. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
All spectroscopic methods determine sample properties by
The importance of QC and QA analyzing the specific interaction between light and matter.
Two main failure costs are addressed and mitigated with a This interaction varies in dependence of the applied light
reasonable QC/QA framework in place: source, and therefore the different spectroscopic technologies
are defined by the applied light energy (i.e. wavelength), and
• Avoidance of internal failure by the type of interaction. With NIRS, for example, instruments
• Avoidance of external failure detect the quantity of absorbed (absorbance spectroscopy)
near-infrared light (NIR = 800–2500 nm respectively
Internal failure costs are associated with internal errors (e.g. re-
12500–4000 cm-1, see Figure 1) by functional groups such as
inspection, rework, or scrapping). External failures are related
-CH, -NH, -SH, or -OH.
to product defects found after delivery to the customer. These
are expensive and involve a significant risk because they
can affect brand reputation or even induce a loss of market O H
share. Follow-up actions such as warranties, repairs, or recalls, N
require a great expenditure and therefore will significantly O H n n
reduce revenues.
Nylon Polyethylene
To avoid these failures and their related costs, it is advisable
to invest reasonably into prevention measures. One such
activity is the continuous monitoring of used raw materials,
intermediate products, and final products. More commonly,
companies prefer to gamble by under-investing in this area
and neglect the negative implications, which can result in a
loss of turnover between 10–30%.[1]
Metrohm White Paper
Since the NIR light-matter interaction is by nature fast and non- In regards to the action points to improve QC efficiency on
destructive, NIRS-based analytical methods offer significant the previous page, it is apparent that companies which have
advantages over conventional approaches. Samples are implemented NIRS methods into their routine QC testing
analyzed as-is without time-consuming preparative steps, and are able to reduce their testing budget and improve their
remain undamaged. All NIR-sensitive information is gathered operators’ efficiency at the same time. Table 1 and Figure 2
by a single measurement in less than one minute, and is present the potential return on investment (ROI) by comparing
displayed in the spectroscopy software as a spectrum. analysis costs per year between the commonly used methods
of titration and viscometry versus near-infrared spectroscopy.
The action of acquiring a quick and complete overview of
information is identical to the experience of capturing the
image of an object with a camera. A single picture includes
all sorts of information about the object e.g. color, size, Running Costs / Year
shape, position, etc. Analogous to the picture, a spectrum $500,000
is a complete scan which includes numerous information
about the sample (e.g. the water content, OH-Number,
viscosity, or the acid number). For both the camera image $300,000
and sample spectra, the only necessary action is to interpret $200,000
the data, which in the case of NIRS is performed by the
provided manufacturer spectroscopy software. $100,000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Currently, manufacturers of NIR instruments pay particular Cumulative costs: Primary Cumulative costs: NIR Savings
attention to the convenience of system operation, resulting
in standardized analyzers and easily defined operating Figure 2. Possible return on investment as related to running costs
procedures. Both facets simplify the implementation of NIR when analyses are conducted with NIRS vs primary methods.
spectroscopy into daily QC operations, even across multiple
locations, requiring only minimal training of the operators.
Table 1. Overview of estimated costs for the analysis of different parameters with primary methods vs NIRS. The full ROI is achieved within
11 months.
Metrohm White Paper
Application Examples
Some key parameters have already been mentioned in the In the following section, three different industries and
previous chapter, however a complete list of possible NIRS application examples are described. However, it is important
applications would exceed the scope of this paper. Typical to note that the precision values are a function of the chosen
industries where NIRS is an established analytical QC method concentration range. Therefore, selecting lower concentration
include: ranges will most likely further enhance the precision of the
• chemicals
• lubricants
• petrochemicals
• polymers
• paint, inks, and dyes
• pulp and paper
• pharmaceuticals
• personal care and cosmetics
• food and feed, agriculture
400 700 1100 1300 1600 1900 2200 2500 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Wavelength / nm Hydroxyl Number lab value: mg KOH/g
Figure 3. NIR spectra taken of polyol samples with varying OH num- Figure 4. Correlation plot comparing NIRS to a primary laboratory
ber values. method.
Metrohm White Paper
Polymer Industry – 2.5
Polyethylene terephthalate
1.5 3.0 4.5
Table 3. Overview of typical parameters measured in the polymer IPA titration value: %
industry which can also be analyzed by NIR spectroscopy.
Metrohm White Paper
Petrochemical Market –
Gasoline is one of several end products resulting from a
complex production chain starting with the refinement of
crude oil. This fuel product requires intensive checks on several
quality parameters which need to be within specification
before commercialization. These parameters, which can also
be controlled by NIR analysis include the Research Octane
Number (RON) and Motor Octane Number (MON), the olefins,
oxygen, aromatic content, and the density.
Ready-to-use NIRS systems are available for monitoring Olefins (%) 1.0–25.0 1.3
several gasoline parameters, which cover varied ranges and Oxygen (%) 0.200–2.000 0.045
their respective precisions, shown in Table 4. Additionally, Aromatics (%) 20.0–45.0 1.1
the manufacturers of NIRS analyzers usually offer application 3
support to extend these ranges or improve upon the precision. Density (g/cm ) 0.7400–0.7600 0.0024
ASTM Reproducibility
ASTM Repeatability
94.0 94.2 94.4 94.6 94.8 95.0 95.2 95.4 95.6 95.8
Figure 6. Overview of typical RON give aways in relation to different methods.
Metrohm White Paper
[1] Why Improving Quality Leads to Lower Manufacturing Costs, (accessed October 30, 2019).
[2] Metrohm Application Note NIR-035 Hydoxyl number in liquid polyols using Vis-NIR spectroscopy
[3] Metrohm Application Note NIR-023 Diethylene glycol, isophthalic acid, intrinsic viscosity, and acid number in PET
granulate by NIRS
WP-054EN by Metrohm, published 02-2020