40.neural (Extrinsic) Regulation of Cardiac Performance, Sympathetci and Parasympathetic Effects. Humoral Factors Affecting Cardiac Performance
40.neural (Extrinsic) Regulation of Cardiac Performance, Sympathetci and Parasympathetic Effects. Humoral Factors Affecting Cardiac Performance
40.neural (Extrinsic) Regulation of Cardiac Performance, Sympathetci and Parasympathetic Effects. Humoral Factors Affecting Cardiac Performance
Many properties of blood flow relate to this equation: Flow (Q) = P/R = r4
Where r = radius of the blood vessel, P = pressure difference along the vessel, l = length
of the vessel,viscosity of the blood and = a proportionality constant.
Flow (Q) is primarily driven by a pressure gradient. That is Parterial > Pvenous or Psystole >
Pdiastole. If length and viscosity are considered constant, then Flow (Q) is directly
proportional to the radius of a vessel.