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AccentTravel-IRIX WS Documentation 1.0.38 PDF

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The document describes various revisions made to the IRIX WebServices, including adding new methods and attributes.

Version 1.0 revision 1 allowed sending multiple hotel IDs and added attributes to Hotel_GetAvailability. Version 1.0 revision 2 added air service methods and included air details in reservation responses.

Version 1.0 revision 2 added the following air service methods: Air_LowFareSearch, Air_FareRules, Air_FareValidation, Air_MakeReservation.

Title: IRIX WebServices

Subtitle: Documentation

Project: IRIX

Document ID: IRIX-201101#1

Version: v1.0.38

Author: Ionut Cioflan

Revised by:
Approved by: Ionut Cioflan

Last update: 09.12.2019

Confidentiality Level: Internal use only

Company: dcs plus

IRIX WebServices

Ionut Cioflan
Copyright 2010-2019 © dcs plus

Version 1.0 Revision 0

 The first public version of this document.

Version 1.0 Revision 1

 Allow multiple HotelID elements to be send when calling StaticData_GetHotelDetails method.

 Added two new attributes to the request structure for Hotel_GetAvailability method:
o AddHotelDetails
o Timeout
See Request Fields for more details.

Version 1.0 Revision 2

 Add Air service methods (Methods Reference - Air WebServices)

o Air_LowFareSearch method
o Air_FareRules method
o Air_FareValidation method
o Air_MakeReservation method
 Change Reservation_GetDetails method to include AirService element – full service details
 Change Reservation_Cancel method to work with AIR services
o The response includes AirService element – basic service details
 Add “ConfirmationNo” attribute, indicating the supplier confirmation number, to the following
o Hotel_MakeReservation method response
o Air_MakeReservation method response
o Reservation_GetDetails method response
o Reservation_Cancel method response
 Added optional “Code” attribute to StaticData_GetCities method response
 Added new static data method StaticData_GetAirlines.

Version 1.0 Revision 3

 Add single hotel availability to Hotel_GetAvailability request.

Version 1.0 Revision 4

 Added documents information to Reservation_GetDetails method response;

 Added a new reservation method Reservation_GetDocument that will allow the request of a service

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page4

Version 1.0 Revision 5

 Fix method Reservation_GetDocument – the file representation was encoded twice.

 Added a LimitResults attribute to Hotel_GetAvailability request.
 Added a new hotel service method Hotel_GetAvailabilityCache.

Version 1.0 Revision 6

 Added Searchable attribute to entities returned by Methods Reference - Static Data WebServices,
informing that it can be used in Search requests (Searchable=“false” – if used it will not return any offer).

Version 1.0 Revision 7

 Added TechnicalStop sub-element to ItinerarySegmentType global complex type. This will have impact on
the following methods Air_LowFareSearch, Air_FareValidation, Reservation_GetDetails (flight

Version 1.0 Revision 8

 Added a new flight service method Air_IssueReservationTickets.

Version 1.0 Revision 9

 Added FareBasis attribute to FareDetails/PaxFare structure in the response of Air_FareValidation

 Added new attributes (IsVisible, ParentID) Hotel facilities in the StaticData_GetHotelDetails response.

Version 1.0 Revision 10

 Extended information about flights

o Added ValidatingCarrier sub-element to ItineraryFareDetailsType. This will have impact on the
following methods Air_LowFareSearch, Air_FareValidation, Reservation_GetDetails (flight
o Added Meal attribute to ItinerarySegmentType\Flight element. This will have impact on the
following methods Air_LowFareSearch, Air_FareValidation, Reservation_GetDetails (flight
o Added BaggageAllowance sub-elements to ItineraryFareDetailsType. This will have impact only
for Air_FareValidation method.
 Added BackOfficeRemarks element to Air_MakeReservation, Hotel_MakeReservation,
Reservation_GetDetails methods.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page5

Version 1.0 Revision 11

 Added optional attribute SupplierConfirmationNumber to Air_MakeReservation,

Hotel_MakeReservation, Reservation_GetDetails
 Added a new static data method StaticData_GetPaymentProviders.
 Added payment authorization support when creating a hotel reservation using:
o Added PaymentProviders element int the response of the Hotel_GetOfferDetails.
o Added conditional PaymentAuthorisation element to Hotel_MakeReservation method.
o Added a Payment Authorisation section.
 Added optional CodeshareInfo attribute to ItinerarySegmentType\Flight element.

Version 1.0 Revision 12

 Added Activity service methods (Methods Reference - Activity WebServices)

o Activity_GetAvailability method
o Activity_GetOffer method
o Activity_MakeReservation method
 Changed Reservation_GetDetails method to include ActivityService element – full service details
 Added new Cabin class filter: Premium Economy (W) to Air_LowFareSearch.

Version 1.0 Revision 13

 For Air Services now the TimeLimit is formatted as DateTime (Methods Reference - Air WebServices);
 Added Recommended attribute on Hotel_GetAvailability response.
 Added optional RoomsDescription element on StaticData_GetHotelDetails response.
 Added BaggageAllowance sub-elements to ItineraryFareDetailsType on Reservation_GetDetails
 Added PayableAmounts element on Hotel_GetOfferDetails.
 Added PaymentInfo element on Hotel_MakeReservation.
 Added Hotel_GetAvailabilityXML method.
 Added Hotel_GetAvailabilityCacheXML method.

Version 1.0 Revision 14

 Added possibility to search by region in Hotel_GetAvailability.

 Added StaticData_GetRegions method.

Version 1.0 Revision 15

 Added Air_SeatMap method.

 Added SeatRequests element on Air_MakeReservation.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page6

 Allow up to five routes in Air_LowFareSearch.
 Added optional attribute IgnoreHotelOffers to Hotel_GetAvailability request.
 Added optional AddHotelMinPrice attribute on Hotel_GetAvailability and Hotel_GetAvailabilityCache
 Added HotelMinPrice element and Count attribute (on HotelOffers element) to Hotel_GetAvailability
and Hotel_GetAvailabilityCache response.
 Added optional HotelID element on Hotel_GetAvailabilityCache request.
 Added HotelsIgnored attribute on Hotel_GetAvailabilityCache response.

Version 1.0 Revision 16

 Added CabinType element on Air_LowFareSearch response and on Air_FareValidation response.

 Added IncludesSpecialsDeals attribute on Hotel_GetAvailability, Hotel_GetAvailabilityCache,
Hotel_GetAvailabilityXML & Hotel_GetAvailabilityXML -> HotelDetails
 Added SearchableOn element on StaticData_GetCountries response and on StaticData_GetCities
 Added SupplierName attribute on Hotel_MakeReservation response, similar with
Reservation_GetDetails response
 Added NonRefundable attribute to FareDetails element for the following responses Air_LowFareSearch,
Air_FareValidation and Reservation_GetDetails. This is present only if the provider sends this

Version 1.0 Revision 17

 Added PriceModifiers element on Hotel_MakeReservation, Air_MakeReservation and

Activity_MakeReservation requests

Version 1.0 Revision 18

 Added OnlineCheckInUrl element on Reservation_GetDetails response.

 Added SellingPrice element in PriceModifiers on Hotel_MakeReservation, Air_MakeReservation and
Activity_MakeReservation requests

Version 1.0 Revision 19

 Added BaggageAllowance element on Air_LowFareSearch response

 Added AccommodationPeriod element on Hotel_GetOfferDetails response
 Added ActivityDuration element on Activity_GetOffer response

Version 1.0 Revision 20

 Allow passenger type “infant” (along “adult” and “child”) for ReservationPassengerType element in
Hotel_MakeReservation, Air_MakeReservation and Activity_MakeReservation requests

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page7

Version 1.0 Revision 21

 Added StaticData_GetArchive method

Version 1.0 Revision 22

 Added CarryOn attribute (if available from supplier) on FareDetails/PaxFare/BaggageAllowance/Baggage

element in Air_FareValidation response

Version 1.0 Revision 23

 Added more information for passengers in Reservation_GetDetails response

Version 1.0 Revision 24

 Added RateDetails in Hotel_GetOfferDetails response

 Added RateDetails in Reservation_GetDetails response

Version 1.0 Revision 25

 Added Reservation_SwitchToCredit method

Version 1.0 Revision 26

 Added Ping method

Version 1.0 Revision 27

 Added Url attribute in the Air_FareRules method response.

Version 1.0 Revision 28

 Added OfferConfiguration -> ContactDetails element in the Air_FareValidation response.

Version 1.0 Revision 29

 Added OfferConfiguration -> IdentificationDocument element in the Air_FareValidation response.

Version 1.0 Revision 30

 Improved validation for supplier seat map support in the Air_SeatMap response.

Version 1.0 Revision 31

 Extended documentation for StaticData_GetHotelDetails response.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page8

 Added Methods Reference - Hotel Repricing WebServices webservices
o Added Hotel_Repricing_GetAlternatives method
o Added Hotel_Repricing_GetPackagePrice method
o Added Hotel_Repricing_GetOfferDetails method
o Added Hotel_Repricing_MakeReservation method

 Added Priority attribute in the StaticData_GetAirlines response

Version 1.0 Revision 32

 Added Hotel element in the Hotel_GetAvailability request

 Added Filters -> SellingChannel element in Hotel_GetAvailability request

Version 1.0 Revision 33

 Added SupplierVariables element on ReservationServiceBaseType (HotelService, AirService, etc.)

Version 1.0 Revision 34

 Added CountryID filter on StaticData_GetCountries request.

 Added Filters on Hotel_GetAvailabilityCache request.
 Added board basis and refundability information on Hotel_GetAvailability, Hotel_GetAvailabilityXML,
Hotel_GetAvailabilityCache, Hotel_GetAvailabilityCacheXML, Hotel_GetOfferDetails,
Hotel_GetPackagePrice, Hotel_Repricing_GetAlternatives, Hotel_Repricing_GetPackagePrice,
Hotel_Repricing_GetOfferDetails responses.
 Added posibility to search by hotel identifier list (grouped by city identifier) on Hotel_GetAvailability,

Version 1.0 Revision 35

 Added new possibility to request room description in the Hotel_GetOfferDetails by sending

AddRoomDescription attribute

Version 1.0 Revision 36

 Added branded fare (brand details) information on Air_LowFareSearch

 Added Air_ItineraryUpsell and Air_ItineraryBrandDetails.
 Added new element UpsellCode in Air_MakeReservation in order to make a reservation with an upsell
 Added new search option by Location (locationID and locationCode) in Hotel_GetAvailability and
 Added Nationality filter for Air_LowFareSearch request.
 Added IssuingDate for IdentificationDocument element and IssuingDate and ExpiryDate for
FrequentTravellerCard in Air_MakeReservation request.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page9

Version 1.0 Revision 37

 Added possibility to display Ancillary Services information in Air_FareValidation

 Added new element OptionalServiceList in Air_FareValidation RQ to show which Ancillary Services are to
be included in the reservation.
 Added corresponding Ancillary Fare element for the selected and validated Ancillary Services in
Air_FareValidation and in Reservation_GetDetails responses.
 Added possibility to show Corporate Fare ( Id, Name and/or Number ) information in Air_LowFareSearch,
Air_FareValidation and Reservation_GetDetails
 Added new attribute UpsellSupport on PricedItinerary in Air_LowFareSearch and Air_FareValidation

Version 1.0 Revision 38

 Added possibility to request PaidSeat information in Air_SeatMap

 Added new element PaidSeatList in Air_FareValidation RQ to show which Paid Seats (and the necessary
information) are to be validated.
 Added new element PaidSeatList in Air_MakeReservation RQ to indicate which seats are going to be
included on the reservation.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page10


Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................................................ 11

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Description ................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Requirements ............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Webservice Connection .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Sending Authentication Credentials ........................................................................................................................................... 16
General Considerations .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Methods Reference - Static Data WebServices .............................................................................................................................. 17
StaticData_GetCountries ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 18
StaticData_GetCities ................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 20
StaticData_GetLocations ............................................................................................................................................................ 21
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 22
StaticData_GetHotels ................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 24
StaticData_GetHotelDetails ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Response Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 28
StaticData_GetNationalities ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 30
StaticData_GetAirlines ............................................................................................................................................................... 31
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Response Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 32
StaticData_GetPaymentProviders .............................................................................................................................................. 33
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Response Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 35
StaticData_GetRegions ............................................................................................................................................................... 36
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 37

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page11

StaticData_GetArchive ............................................................................................................................................................... 38
Implementation details ......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 41
Methods Reference - Air WebServices ........................................................................................................................................... 42
General Details ........................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Air_LowFareSearch ..................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Response ............................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Air_ItineraryUpsell ..................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Response Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 51
Air_ItineraryBrandDetails ........................................................................................................................................................... 53
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 53
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 53
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 54
Air_FareRules ............................................................................................................................................................................. 56
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Response Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 58
Air_FareValidation ...................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 60
Air_MakeReservation ................................................................................................................................................................. 63
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 66
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 67
Air_IssueReservationTickets ....................................................................................................................................................... 68
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 68
Air_SeatMap ............................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 70
Methods Reference - Hotel WebServices ...................................................................................................................................... 73
General Details ........................................................................................................................................................................... 73
Hotel_GetAvailability.................................................................................................................................................................. 73
Implementation details ......................................................................................................................................................... 73
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 76
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 78
Response Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 78

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page12

Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 81
Hotel_GetAvailabilityXML........................................................................................................................................................... 82
Implementation details ......................................................................................................................................................... 82
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 83
Hotel_GetAvailabilityCache ........................................................................................................................................................ 84
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 84
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 85
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 86
Hotel_GetAvailabilityCacheXML ................................................................................................................................................. 87
Implementation details ......................................................................................................................................................... 87
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 88
Hotel_GetPackagePrice .............................................................................................................................................................. 89
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 89
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 89
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 90
Hotel_GetOfferDetails ................................................................................................................................................................ 91
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 91
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 92
Hotel_MakeReservation ............................................................................................................................................................. 96
Request Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 96
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................... 98
Response Example ................................................................................................................................................................ 98
Payment Authorisation Process ............................................................................................................................................ 99
Methods Reference - Hotel Repricing WebServices .................................................................................................................... 101
Hotel_Repricing_GetAlternatives ............................................................................................................................................. 101
Request Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 101
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................. 102
ReSPONSE Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 103
Response Example .............................................................................................................................................................. 103
Hotel_Repricing_GetPackagePrice ........................................................................................................................................... 104
Request Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 104
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................. 105
ReSPONSE Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 105
Response Example .............................................................................................................................................................. 106
Hotel_Repricing_GetOfferDetails ............................................................................................................................................. 107
Request Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 107
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................. 107
ReSPONSE Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 108
Response Example .............................................................................................................................................................. 108
Hotel_Repricing_MakeReservation .......................................................................................................................................... 110
Request Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 110
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................. 112
ReSPONSE Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 113
Response Example .............................................................................................................................................................. 113
Methods Reference - Activity WebServices .................................................................................................................................. 114
General Details ......................................................................................................................................................................... 114
Activity_GetAvailability ............................................................................................................................................................ 114
Request Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 114

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page13

Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................. 115
Response Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 116
Response Example .............................................................................................................................................................. 118
Activity_GetOffer...................................................................................................................................................................... 119
Request Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 119
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................. 119
Response Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 120
Response Example .............................................................................................................................................................. 121
Activity_MakeReservation ........................................................................................................................................................ 122
Request Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 122
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................. 124
Response Example .............................................................................................................................................................. 125
Methods Reference - Reservation WebServices .......................................................................................................................... 126
General Details ......................................................................................................................................................................... 126
Reservation_GetDetails ............................................................................................................................................................ 126
Request Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 126
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................. 126
Response Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 127
Response Example – Hotel Service...................................................................................................................................... 136
Response Example – Air Service .......................................................................................................................................... 137
Response Example – Activity Service .................................................................................................................................. 138
Reservation_GetDocument ...................................................................................................................................................... 141
Request Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 141
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................. 141
Response Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 141
Response Example .............................................................................................................................................................. 142
Reservation_Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................. 143
Request Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 143
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................. 143
Response Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 143
Response Example .............................................................................................................................................................. 144
Reservation_SwitchToCredit .................................................................................................................................................... 144
Request Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 144
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................. 145
Response Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 145
Response Example .............................................................................................................................................................. 145
Methods Reference - Other WebServices .................................................................................................................................... 146
Ping ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 146
Request Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 146
Request Example ................................................................................................................................................................. 146
Response Example .............................................................................................................................................................. 146

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page14



The IRIX platform currently offers the following web services:

 Static Data – Load mapping information (countries, cities, hotels etc)

 Air Service – Get flight availability and pricing
 Hotel Service – Get hotel availability and prices
 Activity Service – Get activities availability and prices
 Reservation – Manage reservations


IRIX Web Services platform is implemented using Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), which is an XML-based
protocol. To enable this service you need the ability to:

 Communicate via Internet protocols (most commonly HTTP)

 Send and receive formatted data as XML documents


 W3C - http://www.w3.org/TR/soap/
 Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOAP
 PHP SOAP Library - http://php.net/manual/en/book.soap.php
 Others
1. Overview of SOAP - http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/xml/webservices/
2. Understanding SOAP - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms995800.aspx


To be able to access the IRIX Web Services you will need the following:

 The developer must have access to the reseller interface. The authentication credentials are:
1. Reseller ID
2. Username
3. Password

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page15

 The reseller and the user must be registered to access the IRIX Web Services. For this proccess you must
contact the administrator.
 Web Service information:
1. Link to the WSDL (Web Service Description Language)
2. Web Service endpoint (the address to where the requests will be made)


The authentication credentials are sent using the SOAP Header Element.



All the responses from the server can have to following elements/attributes:

 Success – indicates the request was successfully executed;

 Warnings – a list of warnings sent by the serve; it can appear together with the Success element;
 Errors – in case of unsuccessful request one or more errors will be returned;
 TimeStamp – the time of the request (attribute in the response element);
 RequestHost – the IP address of the client (attribute in the response element);
 Version – the version of the web-service implementation (attribute in the response element).

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page16



This method can be used to request the country list.

Method Name: StaticData_GetCountries

Input: GetCountriesRQ
Output: GetCountriesRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

Filters GetCountriesFiltersType optional
When requesting the country list some filters can be sent in order to limit the number of
CountryName String optional
This filter allows the user to request only the countries that begin with the CountryName
If the tag <CountryName>R</CountryName> is sent, then this method will return only the
countries that begin with the letter “R”

CountryID String optional

This filter allows the user to request only the country that has specific ID.
If the tag <CountryID >121</ CountryID> is sent, then this method will return only the country
that has ID 121


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page17


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:GetCountriesRS TimeStamp="2015-12-21T17:19:16+02:00" Version="1.0.15" RequestHost=""
<ns1:Country ID="293" ISO="RE" Name="REUNION" Searchable="true" SearchableOn="activity,air"/>
<ns1:Country ID="16" ISO="RO" Name="ROMANIA" Searchable="true" SearchableOn="package,car"/>
<ns1:Country ID="38" ISO="RU" Name="RUSSIA" Searchable="true" SearchableOn="hotel"/>
<ns1:Country ID="281" ISO="RW" Name="RWANDA" Searchable="true" SearchableOn="activity"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page18


This method can be use to request the cities for a specific country.

Method Name: StaticData_GetCities

Input: GetCitiesRQ
Output: GetCitiesRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

CountryID Integer mandatory
To request the cities list, the CountryID must be sent.
Filters GetCitiesFiltersType optional
When requesting the Cities list some filters can be sent in order to limit the number of results.
CityName String optional
This filter allows the user to request only the cities that begin with the CityName string.
If the tag <CityName>B</CityName> is sent, than this method will return only the cities that
begin with the letter “B”

CityID Integer optional

This element allows the user to request only one city by using its internal ID.


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page19


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:GetCitiesRS TimeStamp="2015-12-21T17:21:22+02:00" Version="1.0.15" RequestHost=""
<ns1:City ID="1682" CountryID="16" Name="BACAU" Code="BCM" Searchable="true"
SearchableOn="activity,air,car,cruise,hotel,insurance,transfer" />
<ns1:City ID="1683" CountryID="16" Name="BAIA MARE" Code="BAY" Searchable="true"
SearchableOn="activity,air,car,cruise,hotel,insurance,transfer" />
<ns1:City ID="1684" CountryID="16" Name="BÂRLAD / BÎRLAD" Searchable="true"
SearchableOn="activity,air,car,cruise,hotel,insurance,transfer" />
<ns1:City ID="1685" CountryID="16" Name="BEIUS" Searchable="true"
SearchableOn="activity,air,car,cruise,hotel,insurance,transfer" />
<ns1:City ID="1960" CountryID="16" Name="BISTRITA" Searchable="true"
SearchableOn="activity,air,car,cruise,hotel,insurance,transfer" />

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page20


This method can be use to request the locations for a specific city.

Method Name: StaticData_GetLocations

Input: GetLocationsRQ
Output: GetLocationsRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

CityID Integer mandatory
To request the locations list from a city, the CityID must be sent.
Filters GetLocationsFiltersType optional
When requesting the Locations list some filters can be sent in order to limit the number of
LocationName String optional
This filter allows the user to request only the locations that begin with the LocationName

If the tag <LocationName>B</LocationName> is sent, than this method will return only the
cities that begin with the letter “B”
LocationID Integer optional
This element allows the user to request only one Location by using its internal ID.


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page21


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:GetLocationsRS TimeStamp="2010-06-17T11:22:08+03:00" Version="1.0.6" RequestHost="">
<ns1:Location ID="30" CityID="1686" Type="other" Name="BUCHAREST" Code="BUH"
<ns1:Position Latitude="44.430546" Longitude="26.123046"/>
<ns1:Location ID="13" CityID="1686" Type="airport" Name="BANEASA AIRPORT" Code="BBU"
<ns1:Position Latitude="44.503333" Longitude="26.102222"/>
<ns1:Location ID="14" CityID="1686" Type="airport" Name="OTOPENI INTL" Code="OTP"
<ns1:Position Latitude="44.572222" Longitude="26.102222"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page22


This method can be used to load the hotel list (without details) for a specific city.

Method Name: StaticData_GetHotels

Input: GetHotelsRQ
Output: GetHotelsRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

CityID Integer mandatory
To request the hotels list from a city, the CityID must be sent.
HotelID Integer conditional
Request only a hotel by its ID. This element can be used to check the status of a hotel


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page23


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:GetHotelsRS TimeStamp="2010-06-17T11:32:48+03:00" Version="1.0.6" RequestHost="">
<ns1:Hotels ID="1642" CountryID="16" CityID="1686" Name="ARMONIA" Stars="4"
LastUpdated="2009-03-25 12:20:25" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Hotels ID="1643" CountryID="16" CityID="1686" Name="BEST WESTERN PARC BUCHAREST"
Stars="4" LastUpdated="2009-02-18 13:10:28" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Hotels ID="1644" CountryID="16" CityID="1686" Name="NH BUCHAREST" Stars="4"
LastUpdated="2009-03-25 12:20:26" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Hotels ID="1645" CountryID="16" CityID="1686" Name="SOFITEL BUCHAREST" Stars="4"
LastUpdated="2009-02-18 13:27:46" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Hotels ID="1646" CountryID="16" CityID="1686" Name="RESIDENCE CERISIERS" Stars="4"
LastUpdated="2009-03-25 12:23:33" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Hotels ID="1647" CountryID="16" CityID="1686" Name="RESIDENCE OLIVIERS" Stars="4"
LastUpdated="2009-03-25 12:26:42" Searchable="true"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page24


This method can be used to request the full hotel details.

Method Name: StaticData_GetHotelDetails

Input: GetHotelDetailsRQ
Output: GetHotelDetailsRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

HotelID Integer Mandatory
The ID of the hotel.

Info: From v1.0.1 it’s possible to send multiple HotelID to retrieve multiple HotelDetails.


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page25


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

HotelDetails HotelDetailsType extends HotelType Mandatory
The full details about one hotel.
Descriptions Descriptions Optional
Description fields group for the current hotel
ShortDescription string Optional
Short description of the hotel
FullDescription string Optional
Full description of the hotel
Location string Optional
The location description for the current hotel
Facilities string Optional
The facilities description fothe the current hotel
RoomDescription string Optional
The rooms description for the current hotel
EssentialInformation string Optional
Essential information for the current hotel
Contact Contact Optional
Contact fieldsgroup for the current hotel
Phone string Optional
The phone number of the hotel
Fax string Optional
The fax number of the hotel
Email string Optional
The email address of the hotel
Categories Categories Optional
Stores a list of categories for the current hotel

For example : number of stars, etc

Category Category Optional
Stores one category information for the current hotel
ID InternalID Optional
ParentID InternalID Optional
IsVisible Boolean Optional
Priority String Optional
Facilities Facilities Optional
Stores a list of facilities for the current hotel.
List of Facility
Facility Facility
Stores one facility information for the current hotel
ID InternalId Optional
Field Code
ParentID InternalId Optional
Field Label
IsVisible Boolean Optional
Field is mandatory or optional. Default value = false
FacilityCode String Optional
Field Type

Examples of FacilityCodes:

airConditioning, bar, breakfast, coffeeMaking, conferenceRooms, disabledFacilities, elevator,

familyRooms, garden, gym, hairDryer, indoorPool, internet, jacuzzi, laundry, smokingAllowed,
nonSmoking, parking, petsAllowed, petsNotAllowed, outdoorPool, reception24Hours,
restaurant, roomService, safe, shop, spa, shower, telephone, toilets, waitingRoom, tv

Priority String Optional

Field Description (optional)
Gallery Gallery Optional

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page26

Stores an image gallery for the current hotel
GalleryImage GalleryImageType Optional
Contains the details of one image associated to a hotel
URL anyURI Mandatory
Data String Mandatory
MatchedComponents SupplierComponentListType Optional
Hotel matching information

Stores a list of matched components

Component SupplierComponentType Optional
System String Mandatory
IdSystem String Mandatory
UpdateStatus String Optional

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page27


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:GetHotelDetailsRS TimeStamp="2010-06-17T11:37:35+03:00" Version="1.0"
<ns1:HotelDetails ID="1642" CountryID="16" CityID="1686" Name="ARMONIA" Stars="4"
LastUpdated="2009-03-25 12:20:25" Type="Hotel">
<ns1:Address>Mosilor Avenue 112, District 2</ns1:Address>
<ns1:ShortDescription>This 4 star hotel is located in the city centre of Bucharest and
was established in 2005. The nearest station is Universitatii Square.</ns1:ShortDescription>
<ns1:FullDescription>FULL DESCRIPTION</ns1:FullDescription>
<ns1:Location>Location: 1 Km. from the centre of Bucharest.</ns1:Location>
<ns1:Facilities>FACILITIES DESCRIPTION</ns1:Facilities>
<ns1:RoomsDescription>FACILITIES DESCRIPTION</ns1:RoomsDescription>
<ns1:Position Latitude="44.4304806091067" Longitude="26.1229813954119"/>
<ns1:Category ID="829408664">4 stars</ns1:Category>
<ns1:Category ID="1204684809">First class</ns1:Category>
<ns1:Facility ID="530453679">24 Hour Reception</ns1:Facility>
<ns1:Facility ID="1876927953">Air-conditioned in common areas</ns1:Facility>
<ns1:Facility ID="1793939715">24h check-in </ns1:Facility>
<ns1:Facility ID="831439966">Services</ns1:Facility>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page28


This method can be used to request the nationalities list.

Method Name: StaticData_GetNationalities

Input: GetNationalitiesRQ
Output: GetNationalitiesRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

Filters GetNationalitiesFiltersType optional
When requesting the nationalities list some filters can be sent in order to limit the number of
NationalityName String optional
This filter allows the user to request only the countries that begin with the NationalityName

If the tag <NationalityName>R</NationalityName> is sent, then this method will return only
the nationalities that begin with the letter “R”


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page29


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:GetNationalitiesRS TimeStamp="2010-06-17T11:50:40+03:00" Version="1.0.6"
<ns1:Nationality ID="208" ISO="AF" Name="Afghanistan" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Nationality ID="193" ISO="AL" Name="Albania" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Nationality ID="257" ISO="DZ" Name="Algeria" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Nationality ID="209" ISO="AS" Name="American Samoa" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Nationality ID="52" ISO="AD" Name="Andorra" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Nationality ID="210" ISO="AO" Name="Angola" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Nationality ID="213" ISO="AI" Name="Anguilla" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Nationality ID="258" ISO="AQ" Name="Antarctica" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Nationality ID="199" ISO="AG" Name="Antigua" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Nationality ID="53" ISO="AR" Name="Argentina" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Nationality ID="54" ISO="AM" Name="Armenia" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Nationality ID="55" ISO="AW" Name="Aruba" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Nationality ID="56" ISO="AU" Name="Australia" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Nationality ID="57" ISO="AT" Name="Austria" Searchable="true"/>
<ns1:Nationality ID="58" ISO="AZ" Name="Azerbaijan" Searchable="true"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page30


This method can be used to request the airline list.

Method Name: StaticData_GetAirlines

Input: GetAirlinesRQ
Output: GetAirlinesRS


This method expects only the GetAirlinesRQ element (no content).


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns:ResellerCode> RESS </ns:ResellerCode>
<ns:Username> USER </ns:Username>
<ns:Password> PASSWORD </ns:Password>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page31


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

Airlines AirlinesType Mandatory
Stores the list of AirlineType returned by the server.
Airline AirlineType optional
The structure contains the details for an airline.

Code String Mandatory
The airline code
Name String Mandatory
The airline name
Logo String Optional
The airline logo
Priority String Optional
Preferred airline priority

 available from version 1.0.31
 The admin can configure the priority order to sort the results received in search
(Preferred airlines sorting option)


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:GetAirlinesRS TimeStamp="2019-01-02T12:09:10+03:00" Version="1.0.31" RequestHost=""
<ns1:Airline Code="JP" Name="Adria Airways" Priority="100"/>
<ns1:Airline Code="A3" Name="Aegean Airlines" Priority="18"
<ns1:Airline Code="SU" Name="Aeroflot"
<ns1:Airline Code="BT" Name="Air Baltic"
<ns1:Airline Code="AB" Name="Air Berlin"
<ns1:Airline Code="AC" Name="Air Canada"
<ns1:Airline Code="BA" Name="British Airways"
<ns1:Airline Code="SN" Name="Brussels Airlines"
<ns1:Airline Code="FB" Name="Bulgaria Air"/>
<ns1:Airline Code="MO" Name="Calm Air International"/>
<ns1:Airline Code="UY" Name="Cameroon Airlines"/> </ns1:Airlines>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page32


This method can be used to request the list of available payment providers including their the authorization form

Method Name: StaticData_GetPaymentProviders

Input: GetPaymentProvidersRQ
Output: GetPaymentProvidersRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

Filters GetPaymentProvidersFiltersType optional
When requesting the payment providers list some filters can be sent in order to limit the
number of results.
ProviderID String optional
This filter allows the user to request only the details for a specific payment provider.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns:ResellerCode> RESS </ns:ResellerCode>
<ns:Username> USER </ns:Username>
<ns:Password> PASSWORD </ns:Password>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page33


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

PaymentProviders PaymentProviderExtendedListType Mandatory
Response object containing list of PaymentProvider elements
PaymentProviderExtendedListType extends PaymentProviderType
ID string Mandatory

Name string Mandatory

Description string Mandatory

AuthorisationForm DynamicFormFieldsetType Mandatory

Contains list of Fieldset elements and/or Field elements
Fieldset DynamicFormFieldsetType Optional
Contains list of Fieldset elements and/or Field elements
Field DynamicFormFieldType Optional
Authorisation Form Field
Code string Mandatory
Field Code
Label String Mandatory
Field Label
Mandatory Boolean Mandatory
Field is mandatory or optional. Default value = false
Type Enumeration(Text,List,Email,Date,Time) Mandatory
Field Type
Description String Optional
Field Description (optional)
Restriction DynamicFormFieldRestrictionType Optional
Details if some restrictions are defined on the field
Limits Optional
Contains information about the lower and/or upper limits for the field value
Min String Optional
Max String Optional
RegExp string Optional
Contains a regular expression that must be matched agains the field value
Enum List of EnumItem Optional
Contains a list of allowed values
EnumItem String Optional

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page34


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:GetPaymentProvidersRS TimeStamp="2014-06-06T12:29:29+03:00" Version="1.0.11"
RequestHost="" TransactionID="20140606122929387969">
<ns1:PaymentProvider ID="provider" Name="Payment Provider">
<ns1:AuthorisationForm Name="Payment Provider - Authorisation Form">
<ns1:Field Code="card_type" Label="Card Type" Mandatory="true" Type="List">
<ns1:EnumItem Code="v">VISA</ns1:EnumItem>
<ns1:EnumItem Code="ve">VISA Electron</ns1:EnumItem>
<ns1:EnumItem Code="mc">MasterCard</ns1:EnumItem>
<ns1:EnumItem Code="me">Maestro</ns1:EnumItem>
<ns1:Field Code="card_no" Label="Card Number" Mandatory="true" Type="Text">
<ns1:Limits Min="16" Max="16"/>
<ns1:Field Code="card_vc" Label="Card Verification Code" Mandatory="false" Type="Text">
<ns1:Limits Min="3" Max="4"/>
<ns1:Field Code="expiry_year" Label="Expiration Date - Year" Mandatory="true" Type="Text">
<ns1:Limits Min="4" Max="4"/>
<ns1:Field Code="expiry_month" Label="Expiration Date - Month" Mandatory="true"
<ns1:Limits Min="2" Max="2"/>
<ns1:Field Code="holder_first_name" Label="Card Holder - First Name" Mandatory="true"
<ns1:Limits Min="2"/>
<ns1:Field Code="holder_last_name" Label="Card Holder - Last Name" Mandatory="true"
<ns1:Limits Min="2"/>
<ns1:Field Code="holder_email" Label="Card Holder - Email" Mandatory="true" Type="Email">

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page35


This method can be used to request the regions for a specific country.

Method Name: StaticData_GetRegions

Input: GetRegionsRQ
Output: GetRegionsRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

CountryID Integer mandatory
To request the regions list from a country, the CountryID must be sent.
Filters GetRegionsFiltersType Optional
When requesting the Regions list some filters can be sent in order to limit the number of
RegionName String Optional
This filter allows the user to request only the regions that begin with the RegionName string.

If the tag <RegionName>B</RegionName> is sent, than this method will return only the
regions that begin with the letter “B”
RegionID Integer optional
This element allows the user to request only one Region by using its internal ID.


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page36


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:GetRegionsRS TimeStamp="2015-02-17T11:22:08+03:00" Version="1.0.13" RequestHost="">
<ns1:Region ID="40" CountryID="2" Name="Corsica" Type="Island" earchable="true">
<ns1:City ID="259" Longitude="AJACCIO (CORSICA)"/>
<ns1:Region ID="48" CountryID="2" Name="France Paris Nantess" Type="Region"
<ns1:City ID="249" Name="ABBARETZ"/>
<ns1:City ID="251" Name="ABLIS"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page37


This method can be used to request an archive including all static data (countries, cities, hotels, hotel details,
locations, nationalities, airlines and regions).

Method Name: StaticData_GetArchive

Input: GetArchiveRQ
Output: GetArchiveRS


1.Register request for archive

Make a request to this method in order to receive an archive with the desired selected static data. Only one
request per reseller can be made while archive is generating. Multiple requests returns the status of archive
generation progress. This request must include a notification URL where the application will send the POST
notification (NotificationCallbackUrl)

In case of a successful request the application will respond the Acknowledge attributes:

 Status – The status of the request

 ID – The identifier of the request (will be used when downloading the archive after the
notification is received)
 SecurityToken – Random generated token (will be used when downloading the archive after the
notification is received)

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page38

2. Process notification
After the archive is generated, the application will make a POST request to the specified URL
(NotificationCallbackUrl) with 3 parameters:

1. ‘archive’ - URL to the archive download

2. ‘filesize’ - Expected filesize in bytes
3. ‘md5’ - MD5 of file

The application expects a JSON formated response like:

"received": true,
"message" : "Optional, a message string"

This is required in order to make sure that the external application (from the notification url) has received and
processed the notification.

3. Download archive
The provided URL expects two POST parameters ‘requestId’ & `securityToken` to authenticate the request. This
can be found in the GetArchiveRS response (See Step 1).

When processing the response received from the download URL, your application should check the ‘Content-Type’
header for:

- 'Content-Type: application/download' - when the authentication is successful and the archive is offered
for download
- 'Content-Type: application/json' - in case of authentication or application failure

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page39


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

NotificationCallbackUrl String mandatory
An URL to be called with POST parameters (`archive`, `filesize`, `md5`) when the archive is
Response must be JSON: {"received":true}
Received can be true or false in case of error.
IRIX will retry 5 times.
IncludeOptions GetArchiveOptionsType mandatory
Select what static data content should be in the generated archive.
Country Boolean mandatory
Country list
City Boolean mandatory
City list
Hotel Boolean mandatory
Hotel list
HotelDetails Boolean mandatory
Hotel details list
Location Boolean mandatory
Locations list
Nationality Boolean mandatory
Nationality list
Airline Boolean mandatory
Airline list
Region Boolean mandatory
Region list

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page40


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:GetArchiveRS TimeStamp="2016-04-05T15:10:03+03:00" Version="1.0.21" RequestHost=""
<ns1:Acknowledge ID="83" SecurityToken="62f0a787a64d07b8b42af808732ac546" Status="requested"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page41



To be able to make hotel booking using IRIX a series of methods must be used – each of these methods has a clear
purpose, as follows:

1. Air_LowFareSearch - search the best fares for air routes;

2. Air_FareRules - load fare rule information for a specific itinerary returned;
3. Air_FareValidation - validate fare for a specific itinerary (recommended pre-book request);
4. Air_MakeReservation - create a flight reservation;


This method can be used to request the flights service availability and prices.

Method Name: Air_LowFareSearch

Input: Air_LowFareSearchRQ
Output: Air_LowFareSearchRS


This web-service method provides the ability to search for the lowest available fares based on a series of

 Flight itinerary (up to five routes)

o Origin & Destination
o Dates
o Times
 Passenger types and count

The results can be controlled by sending one or more filters:

 Class
 DirectFlightsOnly flag
 Preferred carries

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page42

Field Type Mandatory/Optional
Itinerary List of Route Mandatory
Contains the flight itinerary.

Info: up to five routes can be sent.

FlexDates Boolean Optional
Flags the request to use Flexible Dates.

Info: this parameter will work only if it’s allowed by the GDS provider.
Route RouteType Mandatory
Indicates se segment from the full itinerary.

Info: up to five routes can be used

Origin Mandatory
The departure location for the route segment.
Only one attribute must be used.
Code String Conditional
The code for this city/location
CityID InternalID Conditional
Use the internal city ID.
LocationID InternalID Conditional
Use the internal city ID.
Destination Mandatory
The arrival location for the route segment.
Only one attribute must be used.
Code String Conditional
The code for this city/location
CityID InternalID Conditional
Use the internal city ID.
LocationID InternalID Conditional
Use the internal city ID.
Date Date Mandatory
Departure Date
TimeWindow Date Optional
Indicate a time window for the segment.

TimeWindow elements are ignored when FlexDates attribute is used.

Mode [departure, arrival] Optional
Indicates what the time window represents:
 Departure time
 Arrival time
Start Time Optional
Time window start
End Time Optional
Time window end
Passengers List of Passenger Mandatory
List of passenger type information
Passenger Mandatory

PTC Enumeration(ADT,YTH,CHD,SEN,INS,INF) Mandatory

Passenger Type Code. Allowed values:
 ADT – adult
 YTH – youth
 CHD – child
 SEN – senior
 INS – infant with seat
 INF – infant without seat
Count Integer Mandatory
Passenger count for this type
Filters Mandatory

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page43

Filter the search results
Nationality Optional
Send the ID of the Nationality of the passengers.
Use the nationalities from the StaticData.
Class Enumeration (Y,F,C,W) Optional
Filter results by flight class:
 Y – Economy class
 F – First class
 C – Business class
 W – Premium Economy class
DirectFlightsOnly Boolean Optional
Indicate that only direct flights should be returned (this includes non-stop flights).
System String Optional
Filter results by provider.
Carrier String Optional
Send preferred carrier. Use the IATA 2 letter codes.

Info: up to five carriers can be sent.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns:ResellerCode> RESS </ns:ResellerCode>
<ns:Username> USER </ns:Username>
<ns:Password> PASSWORD </ns:Password>
<ns:Origin Code="OTP" />
<ns:Destination Code="CDG" />
<ns:Passenger PTC="ADT" Count="1" />
<ns:Filters />


A successful response for the Air_LowFareSearch method will contain a list of PricedItinerary and each of them
will have the following components:

 Price – computed price information

 Fare Details – ticketing fare/price information (this structure is used to send the detailed
price per PTC)
o If branded fares are available, then the corresponding information will be shown in
BrandedFares -> BrandDetails

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page44

 List of Route Alternatives – a list of route alternatives for each of the sent routes
o Each list of alternatives will have the Index attribute to indicate what Route (from the request) is
o All alternatives for a route have a specific reference that used to form the itinerary
 List of Itineraries – list of valid itineraries
o The itinerary is formed by a list of pairs [Index + Ref] that will indicate the selected alternative for
each of the requested Route.

Info: Not all combinations of routes can be combined to form a valid itinerary.
The results are kept in cache for 3600 seconds.

If coporate fares information is available/applicable for a specific itinerary, then a new element will appear in the
FareDetails structure CorporateFare, which will have the following structure :

 Id - identifier
 Name and/or Number – extended details

An example of FareDetails with CorporateFare is shown below:

<ns1:FareDetails Currency="EUR" BaseFare="329" FullFare="652.84" ServiceFee="0" NonRefundable="true" IsAutoTicketable="false">

<ns1:PaxFare PTC="ADT" Count="1" FareBasis="LNCFR,LNCFR,WRCFR,WRCFR" Currency="EUR" BaseFare="329" FullFare="652.84"
<ns1:TimeLimit Date="2019-11-15T23:59:00">2019-11-18T16:47:00.000+08:00</ns1:TimeLimit>
<ns1:ValidatingCarrier Code="LH">Lufthansa</ns1:ValidatingCarrier>
<ns1:BrandDetails Code="Eco Basic" Name="Economy Basic" From="CDG" To="SIN" Cabin="Economy">
<ns1:Description>Includes a checked bag and rebooking against an additional fee</ns1:Description>
<ns1:BrandDetails Code="Eco Basic" Name="Economy Basic" From="SIN" To="CDG" Cabin="Economy">
<ns1:Description>Includes a checked bag and rebooking against an additional fee</ns1:Description>
<ns1:CorporateFare Name="AccountCode-SQLL11" Id="SQLL11"/>

For the succeeding request there will be used the following two unique identifiers:

 ResultCode – unique identifier for the search results

XML Location: Air_LowFareSearchRS \ PricedItineraries \ @ResultCode
 ItineraryCode – indicates the selected itinerary
XML Location: Air_LowFareSearchRS \ PricedItineraries \ PricedItinerary \ Itinerary \ @ItineraryCode

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page45


<ns1:Price .... />
<ns1:FareDetails .... > [...] </ns1:FareDetails>
<ns1:Routes Index="0">

Route alternatives
<ns1:Route Ref="0"> [...] </ns1:Route>
<ns1:Route Ref="1"> [...] </ns1:Route>
<ns1:Routes Index="1">
<ns1:Route Ref="0"> [...] </ns1:Route>
<ns1:Route Ref="1"> [...] </ns1:Route>
<ns1:Route Ref="2"> [...] </ns1:Route>

<ns1:Itinerary ItineraryCode="e912781f21e35365b28c7305c295d885:0">
<ns1:RouteRef Index="0" Ref="0"/>
<ns1:RouteRef Index="1" Ref="0"/>
<ns1:Itinerary ItineraryCode="e912781f21e35365b28c7305c295d885:1">
<ns1:RouteRef Index="0" Ref="0"/>
<ns1:RouteRef Index="1" Ref="1"/>

Valid itineraries
<ns1:Itinerary ItineraryCode="e912781f21e35365b28c7305c295d885:2">
<ns1:RouteRef Index="0" Ref="0"/>
<ns1:RouteRef Index="1" Ref="2"/>
<ns1:Itinerary ItineraryCode="e912781f21e35365b28c7305c295d885:3">
<ns1:RouteRef Index="0" Ref="1"/>
<ns1:RouteRef Index="1" Ref="0"/>
<ns1:Itinerary ItineraryCode="e912781f21e35365b28c7305c295d885:4">
<ns1:RouteRef Index="0" Ref="1"/>
<ns1:RouteRef Index="1" Ref="1"/>

Notice: some details have been „collapsed” to allow easier drawing of the connections


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

Ref string Mandatory
Route unique reference.
This is used to uniquely identify the route in the list of route alternatives (Route elements
grouped under the same Routes element)
Segment ItinerarySegmentType Mandatory
Multiple Segments can form the entire Route
Secured boolean Optional
Depends if the provider sends this information.
* If set to true, passenger title, birthdate and identification document are mandatory during
the booking process in order to allow ticket issuance.
Structure to identify the segment origin (location, date, time)
Date date Mandatory
Date of departure
Time time Mandatory
Time of departure
Airport AirLocationNameType Mandatory
Departure location
Destination Mandatory
Structure to identify the segment origin (location, date, time)

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page46

Date date Mandatory
Date of arrival
Time time Mandatory
Time of arrival
Airport AirLocationNameType Mandatory
Arrival location
Carrier Mandatory
Structure to identify the segment origin (location, date, time)
Marketing Mandatory
Marketing carrier
Operating Mandatory
Operating carrier
Flight Mandatory
Flight information
Number string Mandatory
Flight number
Class Mandatory
Flight class
Aircraft Mandatory
Aircraft information
TechnicalStop Optional
Technical stop. This can appear multiple times on the segment.
Info: available from version 1.0.7
StopTime time Mandatory
The duration of the technical stop
Airport AirLocationNameType Mandatory
Stop location
BaggageAllowance Optional
Baggage allowance information on segment level.
Baggage BaggageType Optional

PTC PTCType Optional

Passenger type code for which baggage information applies.
Allowed string Optional

Quantity and type of baggage allowed

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page47


This method can be used to obtain the upsell options for a selected itinerary.

Method Name: Air_ItineraryUpsell

Input: Air_ItineraryUpsellRQ
Output: Air_ItineraryUpsellRS

Use this method to:

 Get all the available upsell options for a selected itinerary provided by Air_LowFareSearch


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ResultCode String Mandatory
Results unique identifier
ItineraryCode String Mandatory
Itinerary unique identifier


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=" http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns="

<ns:ResellerCode> RESS </ns:ResellerCode>
<ns:Username> USER </ns:Username>
<ns:Password> PASSWORD </ns:Password>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page48


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ItineraryUpsellList ItineraryUpsellListType Mandatory
Stores the list of ItineraryUpsell returned by the server.
ItineraryUpsell ItineraryUpsellType Optional
The structure contains the details for an airline.

Code String Optional
The itinerary upsell code
Price PriceType Optional
The complete price (amount and currency)
Amount Decimal
The amount of the current price Optional
Currency String
The currency of the current price Optional
FareDetails FareDetails
The complete details about the included/ Mandatory
available fares
Maximum occurrences: 6. Optional
BaggageAllowance PtcBaggageAllowanceType
Passenger Type code for flights services Mandatory
Count positiveInteger
attributeGroup FareDetailsAttributeGroup
A list of attributes specific for fare details.
(currency, BaseFare, FullFare, ServiceFee,
NonRefundable, IsAutoTicketable)
FareBasis String
TimeLimit TimeLimit
Date dateTime
ValidatingCarrier CarrierNameType
Code CarrierCodeType
BrandDetails BrandDetailsType
Brand details information Optional
Description String
Services FlightAncillaryServiceListType
The services which are included in the Mandatory
specific branded fare.
Service FlightAncillaryServiceType
Complete information about certain service Mandatory
AtpcoGroup AptoGroupEnumType
Aptco group classification Mandatory
AtpcoSubGroup AtpcoSubGroupEnumType
Aptco subgroup classification Optional
AtpcoCode String
Aptco classification by code Optional
ChargeType ChargeTypeEnum

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page49

Charge type information Optional
CategoryCode CategoryCodeEnum
Internal classification category code Optional
CategoryName String
Internal classification category name Optional
Code String
Brand Code Mandatory
Name String
Brand Name Mandatory
From String
Outbound airport Mandatory
To String
Inbound airport Mandatory
Cabin String
Cabin type Mandatory
FareType String
Fare type Mandatory

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page50


The ItineraryUpsell response contains detailed information about all the Upsell options available for a certain
segment. If no upsell information is available for the current segment, the response contains an empty
ItineraryUpsellList element. An example of a valid Air_ItineraryUpsell Response is the following:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:Air_ItineraryUpsellRS TimeStamp="2019-09-10T09:30:45+03:00" Version="1.0.36"
RequestHost="" ServerHost="" TransactionID="20190910093045020396">
<ns1:ItineraryUpsellList ResultCode="AIR-WS-3bb1610c73d2d5891bc0129f25c1b982"
<ns1:Price Amount="56.96" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:FareDetails Currency="EUR" BaseFare="25" FullFare="44.51" ServiceFee="12.45"
NonRefundable="true" IsAutoTicketable="false">
<ns1:PaxFare PTC="ADT" Count="1" FareBasis="ZY7O5L" Currency="EUR" BaseFare="25"
FullFare="44.51" ServiceFee="12.45"/>
<ns1:ValidatingCarrier Code="UX">Air Europa</ns1:ValidatingCarrier>
<ns1:BrandDetails Code="LITE" Name="LITE" From="MAD" To="LON" Cabin="Economy">
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="BG" AtpcoSubGroup="CY" AtpcoCode="0L5"
ChargeType="included" CategoryCode="CY" CategoryName="carry on baggage">
<ns1:Name>CARRY ON HAND BAGGAGE</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="BG" AtpcoCode="0CC" ChargeType="chargeable"
CategoryCode="BG" CategoryName="baggage">
<ns1:Name>FIRST PREPAID BAG</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="BG" AtpcoCode="0GO" ChargeType="chargeable"
CategoryCode="BG" CategoryName="baggage">
<ns1:Name>PREPAID BAG</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="BF" AtpcoSubGroup="VC" AtpcoCode="059"
ChargeType="chargeable" CategoryCode="VC" CategoryName="voluntary change">
<ns1:Name>CHANGEABLE TICKET</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="SA" AtpcoCode="0B5" ChargeType="chargeable"
CategoryCode="SE" CategoryName="seat">
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="BF" AtpcoSubGroup="RF" AtpcoCode="056"
ChargeType="notOffered" CategoryCode="OTHER" CategoryName="OTHER">
<ns1:Name>REFUNDABLE TICKET</ns1:Name>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page51

<ns1:Price Amount="443.96" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:FareDetails Currency="EUR" BaseFare="412" FullFare="431.51" ServiceFee="12.45"
<ns1:PaxFare PTC="ADT" Count="1" FareBasis="BYYOEE" Currency="EUR" BaseFare="412"
FullFare="431.51" ServiceFee="12.45"/>
<ns1:ValidatingCarrier Code="UX">Air Europa</ns1:ValidatingCarrier>
<ns1:BrandDetails Code="FLEX" Name="FLEX" From="MAD" To="LON" Cabin="Economy">
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="BG" AtpcoSubGroup="CY" AtpcoCode="0L5"
ChargeType="included" CategoryCode="CY" CategoryName="carry on baggage">
<ns1:Name>CARRY ON HAND BAGGAGE</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="BG" AtpcoCode="0EN" ChargeType="included"
CategoryCode="BG" CategoryName="baggage">
<ns1:Name>FIRST CHECKED BAGGAGE</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="BF" AtpcoSubGroup="VC" AtpcoCode="059"
ChargeType="included" CategoryCode="VC" CategoryName="voluntary change">
<ns1:Name>CHANGEABLE TICKET</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="BF" AtpcoSubGroup="RF" AtpcoCode="056"
ChargeType="included" CategoryCode="OTHER" CategoryName="OTHER">
<ns1:Name>REFUNDABLE TICKET</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="SA" AtpcoCode="0B5" ChargeType="included"
CategoryCode="SE" CategoryName="seat">
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="BG" AtpcoCode="0CC" ChargeType="chargeable"
CategoryCode="BG" CategoryName="baggage">
<ns1:Name>FIRST PREPAID BAG</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="BG" AtpcoCode="0GO" ChargeType="chargeable"
CategoryCode="BG" CategoryName="baggage">
<ns1:Name>PREPAID BAG</ns1:Name>

In order to make a reservation with an upsell option, in the Air_MakeReservationRQ the UpsellCode should be

If coporate fares information is available/applicable for a specific itinerary, then a new element will appear in the
FareDetails structure CorporateFare, which will have the following structure :

 Id - identifier
 Name and/or Number – extended details

Example of CorporateFare : <ns1:CorporateFare Id="SQLL11" Name="AccountCode-SQLL11"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page52


This method can be used to obtain details about the reference fare: description and services that are included.

Method Name: Air_ItineraryBrandDetails

Input: Air_ ItineraryBrandDetailsRQ
Output: Air_ ItineraryBrandDetailsRS

Use this method to:

 Get all the services that are included in the reference fare provided by one of the results obtained in
Air_LowFareSearch RS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ResultCode String Mandatory
Results unique identifier
ItineraryCode String Mandatory
Itinerary unique identifier


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=" http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns="

<ns:ResellerCode> RESS </ns:ResellerCode>
<ns:Username> USER </ns:Username>
<ns:Password> PASSWORD </ns:Password>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page53


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ItineraryBrandDetails ItineraryBrandDetailsType Mandatory
Stores the included brand in the specific (requested itinerary)
ResultCode String Mandatory
Results unique identifier
ItineraryCode String Mandatory
Itinerary unique identifier
BrandDetails BrandDetailsType
Brand details information Mandatory
Services FlightAncillaryServiceListType
The services which are included in the specific branded Mandatory
Code String
Brand Code Mandatory
Name String
Brand Name Mandatory
From String
Outbound airport Mandatory
To String
Inbound airport Mandatory
Cabin String
Cabin type Mandatory
FareType String
Fare type Mandatory
Services FlightAncillaryServiceListType
The services which are included in the specific branded Mandatory
fare. Detailed structure is shown in ItineraryUpsellRS.


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:Air_ItineraryBrandDetailsRS TimeStamp="2019-11-04T14:12:48+02:00" Version="1.0.37"
RequestHost="" ServerHost="" TransactionID="20191104141247936408">
<ns1:BrandDetails Code="LGT00" Name="Light" From="TXL" To="CDG" Cabin="COACH">
<ns1:Description>Snacks and Beverage except GVA
Miles Accrual
1 carry-on bag up to 8kg/18lbs</ns1:Description>
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="FF" AtpcoSubGroup="ME" AtpcoCode="0" ChargeType="included"
CategoryCode="FF" CategoryName="frequent flyer">

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page54

<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="ML" AtpcoSubGroup="SN" AtpcoCode="1" ChargeType="included"
CategoryCode="ML" CategoryName="meal beverage">
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="BG" AtpcoSubGroup="CY" AtpcoCode="2" ChargeType="included" CategoryCode="CY"
CategoryName="carry on baggage">
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="ML" AtpcoSubGroup="SN" AtpcoCode="3" ChargeType="included"
CategoryCode="ML" CategoryName="meal beverage">
<ns1:Name>Snacks and Beverage except GVA</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="FF" AtpcoSubGroup="ME" AtpcoCode="4" ChargeType="included"
CategoryCode="FF" CategoryName="frequent flyer">
<ns1:Name>Miles Accrual</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="BG" AtpcoSubGroup="CY" AtpcoCode="5" ChargeType="included"
CategoryCode="CY" CategoryName="carry on baggage">
<ns1:Name>1 carry-on bag up to 8kg/18lbs</ns1:Name>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page55


This method can be used to request the fare rule information for a specific itinerary.

Method Name: Air_FareRules

Input: Air_FareRulesRQ
Output: Air_FareRulesRS


Fare rules can be requested for a passenger type at a time.

Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ResultCode string Mandatory
Results unique identifier
ItineraryCode string Mandatory
Itinerary unique identifier
PTC Enumeration(ADT,YTH,CHD,SEN,INS,INF) Mandatory
Passenger Type Code


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns:ResellerCode> RESS </ns:ResellerCode>
<ns:Username> USER </ns:Username>
<ns:Password> PASSWORD </ns:Password>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page56


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ResultCode string Mandatory
Results unique identifier
Location string Mandatory
Itinerary unique identifier
PTC string Mandatory
Passenger Type Code
Rules Mandatory
Depending on the itinerary construction there can be multiple Rules elements
FareBasis String Mandatory
Fare Basis Code – identifier for rules of an airline’s fare
Origin Mandatory
Start location from where this set of rules apply
Destination Mandatory
End location to where this set of rules apply
Airline Mandatory
Airline information
Category string Mandatory
Fare rules category.

Info: Multiple categories can be returned for the same Rules element
Name string Mandatory
The name of the category
Url string Optional
Location to external resource.
Some Flight providers return only an URL to an external page where the user can read details
about the fare rules.

Info: available from version 1.0.27

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page57


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:Air_FareRulesRS TimeStamp="2011-05-31T11:49:32+03:00" Version="1.0.27" RequestHost=""
<ns1:Rules FareBasis="ENN69D0">
<ns1:Origin Code="BUH" City="Bucharest"/>
<ns1:Destination Code="PAR" City="Paris"/>
<ns1:Airline Code="LH">Lufthansa</ns1:Airline>
<ns1:Category Name="RULE APPLICATION">LUFTHANSA BASE FARES ... </ns1:Category>
<ns1:Category Name="MAXIMUM STAY">FOR ROUND TRIP FARES ... </ns1:Category>
<ns1:Category Name="SALES RESTRICTIONS">TICKETS MAY NOT BE ...</ns1:Category>
<ns1:Category Name="ADVANCE PURCHASE">FOR ENN69D0 TYPE FARES ...</ns1:Category>
<ns1:Category Name="FLIGHT APPLICATIONS">FOR ENN69D0 TYPE FARES ...</ns1:Category>
<ns1:Category Name="Terms And Conditionsns" Url=" https://www.domain.com/en/gb/Travel-
Conditions"> Click link to view Terms And Conditions<ns1:Category>

Notice: the content of the Category elements has been truncated

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page58


This method can be used to validate the fare for a selected itinerary.

Method Name: Air_FareValidation

Input: Air_FareValidationRQ
Output: Air_FareValidationRS

Use this method to:

 Validate the fare details (price difference may appear)

 Recheck flight availability
 Check if the flight requires secured passenger information in the booking process (Secured attribute in
FareDetails object)

The best way is to call this method after a valid itinerary is selected.


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ResultCode string Mandatory
Results unique identifier
ItineraryCode string Mandatory
Itinerary unique identifier
OptionalServiceList OptionalServiceConfiguredTypeList Optional
The list of optional services to be included on the reservation
OptionalService OptionalServiceConfiguredType Optional
BookingCode String Mandatory
Unique identifier for the current OptionalService.
SelectedOptionCode String Mandatory
Code used to identify the selected option for the current OptionalService.
Description String Optional
Details about the available options for the current OptionalService.
Price PriceType Optional
Price details corresponding to the current option.
PaidSeatList PaidSeatListType Optional
The list of paid seats that are to be validated in order to be booked.
PaidSeat PaidSeatType Optional
RouteIndex String Mandatory
Selected route identifier.
SengmentIndex Int Mandatory
Selected index identifier.
LegIndex Int Mandatory
Selected leg identifier.
SeatColumn String Mandatory
Seat information : column number/name .
SeatNumber String Mandatory
Seat information : row number/name.
PassengerIndex String Mandatory
Passenger identifier.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page59


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns:ResellerCode> RESS </ns:ResellerCode>
<ns:Username> USER </ns:Username>
<ns:Password> PASSWORD </ns:Password>



- If “ContactDetails” element has attribute “Required” value “true”, both the “Email” and “Phone”
elements are mandatory for the “Lead” passenger (“Passenger” element which has “Lead” attribute “1”) ,
in the Air_MakeReservation request.
- If “IdentificationDocument” has attribute “Required” value “true”, “IdentificationDocument” element
(including all attributes and elements) is mandatory for all passengers in the Air_MakeReservation

If there are any paid seats mentioned in the request and they are available for booking after validation, then an
AncillaryFare element will be generated for each seat. An example of ancillary fare is the following :

<ns1:AncillaryFare Name="Paid seat Paid seat A20 309.00 CZK" PassengerIndex="0">

<ns1:Route From="OTP" To="FRA"/>
<ns1:Price Amount="309" Currency="CZK"/>

If there are any ancillary services available for the specified itinerary, under PricedItinerary a new element will
appear : OptionalServices. This element consists of a list of OptionalService elements which have the following
structure :

- Mandatory attribute BookingCode – an unique code which is necessary in order to identify the specific
- Optional attribute Included - indicates whether the service is included or not (only present if true)
- Route with the following attributes : From and To
- PassengerIndex – indicates the passenger for which the service is available
- Target – shows the type of PTC for which the service is available

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page60

- Services – shows detailed information about the service (AtpcoGroup, AtpcoSubGroup, Category, etc.)
- If the service is not included in the base itinerary the a new element is present : Options -> a list of Option.
This element is a list of available options corresponding with the chosen service.
- Option :
o Attribute Code
o Attribute Selected – by default it has the value false, but it will change to true when the Option
will be included in the Air_FareValidation RQ. This will mark that the Option was selected,
validated and it is available for booking.
o Description – basic information about the option
o Price – with attributes Amount and Currency

There are a number of situations that can appear regarding the passengers. If the service is available for all
passengers the the Target will have the value ‘All’ and the PassengerIndex will not be included. Also if a service is
available for a specific group of PTC the Target will indicate for which type it is applied (e.g. ADT) and
PassengerIndex will have the value ‘All’.

An example of OptionalServices :

<ns1:OptionalService BookingCode="108e35e8-03b9-57ce-9444-c99cb86aedeb">
<ns1:Route From="GVA" To="LCY"/>
<ns1:Service AtpcoSubGroup="MR" CategoryCode="OTHER" CategoryName="OTHER">
<ns1:Name>UNACCOMPANIED MINOR</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Option Code="0BH" Selected="true">
<ns1:Description>Yes(1809 CZK)</ns1:Description>
<ns1:Price Amount="1809" Currency="CZK"/>
<ns1:OptionalService BookingCode="80dd816e-0055-5415-aa3f-8122070bc8fb" Included="true">
<ns1:Route From="GVA" To="LCY"/>
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="ML" AtpcoSubGroup="SN" CategoryCode="ML" CategoryName="meal
<ns1:Name>Snacks and Beverage except GVA</ns1:Name>
<ns1:OptionalService BookingCode="6af39a91-71d8-548e-9b2f-b38f88190704" Included="true">
<ns1:Route From="CDG" To="GVA"/>
<ns1:Service AtpcoGroup="ML" AtpcoSubGroup="SN" CategoryCode="ML" CategoryName="meal
<ns1:Name>Snack and Beverages except GVA</ns1:Name>

For a better understanding of the structure, please check the Response Schema for Reservation_GetDetails (Air

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page61

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:Air_FareValidationRS TimeStamp="2014-05-31T14:46:53+03:00" Version="1.0.22"
RequestHost="" TransactionID="20140531024653314036">
<ns1:Price Amount="89.05" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:FareDetails Currency="EUR" BaseFare="18" FullFare="89.05" ServiceFee="0">
<ns1:PaxFare PTC="ADT" Count="1" FareBasis="SBCFR" Currency="EUR" BaseFare="18"
FullFare="89.05" ServiceFee="0">
<ns1:Baggage Allowed="1 PC" CarryOn="1P (CARRYON HAND BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE)"/>
<ns1:Origin><ns1:Airport Code="OTP" City="Bucharest">Otopeni
<ns1:Destination><ns1:Airport Code="CDG" City="Paris">Charles De
<ns1:Marketing Code="AB">Air Berlin</ns1:Marketing>
<ns1:Operating Code="AB">Air Berlin</ns1:Operating>
<ns1:TimeLimit Date="2014-06-06T23:59:00">** 09OCT2014 DEPARTURE DATE/ 06JUN2014 IS LAST DATE
TO TICKET</ns1:TimeLimit>
<ns1:ValidatingCarrier Code=”AB"> Air Berlin</ns1:ValidatingCarrier>
<ns1:ContactDetails Required="true"/>
<ns1:Route Index="0">
<ns1:Origin Date="2014-08-09" Time="13:40:00">
<ns1:Airport Code="OTP" City="Bucharest">Otopeni Intl</ns1:Airport>
<ns1:Destination Date="2014-08-09" Time="14:10:00">
<ns1:Airport Code="VIE" City="Vienna">Vienna Intl</ns1:Airport>
<ns1:Marketing Code="AB">Air Berlin</ns1:Marketing>
<ns1:Operating Code="HG">Niki</ns1:Operating>
<ns1:Flight Number="8791" Class="M" NumberOfSeats="5" Meal="HOT MEAL"/>
<ns1:Aircraft Code="E90">E90</ns1:Aircraft>
<ns1:Origin Date="2014-08-09" Time="15:00:00">
<ns1:Airport Code="VIE" City="Vienna">Vienna Intl</ns1:Airport>
<ns1:Destination Date="2014-08-09" Time="16:50:00">
<ns1:Airport Code="CDG" City="Paris">Charles De Gaulle</ns1:Airport>
<ns1:Marketing Code="AB">Air Berlin</ns1:Marketing>
<ns1:Operating Code="HG">Niki</ns1:Operating>
<ns1:Flight Number="8726" Class="M" StopTime="00:50" NumberOfSeats="5" Meal="HOT
<ns1:Aircraft Code="E90">E90</ns1:Aircraft>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page62


This method can be used to create a air reservation.

Method Name: Air_MakeReservation

Input: Air_MakeReservationRQ
Output: Air_MakeReservationRS

When creating a flight reservation the following components must be sent:

 Passengers List
 Service Configuration
o Selected Itinerary information (ResultCode + ItineraryCode)
o Passenger Type configuration (associate a PTC for all passengers)


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ExternalRef String Optional
External reservation identifier.
Passengers List of passenger Mandatory
The list of passengers saved on the reservation
PaxRef String Mandatory
Passenger unique identifier.

Tip: if you have an external passengers database this can be the external passenger ID.
Type Enumeration (adult, child, infant) Mandatory
The code of the room.
Lead Boolean Mandatory
Lead passenger indicator.
Title Enumeration (mr, mrs, miss) Mandatory
The title of the passenger
FirstName String Mandatory
The first name of the passenger
LastName String Mandatory
The last name of the passenger
BirthDate date Mandatory
The date of birth.

ADT - min 12 years

SEN - min 60 years
CHD - min 2 years - max 12 years
YTH - min 12 years - max 26 years
INS - min 0 years - max 2 years
INF - min 0 years - max 2 years

Info: For air service the birth date is mandatory

Email String Optional
The e-mail address of the passenger.
Phone String Optional
The phone of the passenger.
Occupation String Optional

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page63

The occupation of the passenger
IdentificationDocument IdentificationDocumentType Conditional
* Mandatory for secured flights, indicated by "Secured" attribute received in the
Air_FareValidation response
Type Enumeration (passport, identityCard) Conditional
The type of the identification document
Number String Conditional
The number of the identification document
IssuingDate Date Conditional
The issue date of the identification document
ExpiryDate Date Conditional
The expiration date of the identification document
IssuingCountry String Conditional
The country that issued the identification document
PaxNationality String Conditional
The nationality of the identification document holder
ServiceConfig Mandatory
Contains service configurations
AirService ReservationAirServiceType Mandatory
Air service configuration
ResultCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the search results.
Get this code is an attribute in the Air_LowFareSearchRS element (Response).
ItineraryCode String Mandatory
Itinerary identifier.
UpsellCode String Optional
Itinerary upsell code
OptionalServiceList OptionalServiceConfiguredTypeList Optional

PaidSeatList PaidSeatListType Optional

Passengers List of PaxRef Mandatory

Passenger association
PTC Enumeration (ADT,YTH, CHD, SEN, INS, INF) Mandatory
Indicates the passenger type code (associates the passenger with the PTC send in the
element value String Mandatory
Passenger identifier (the same values used in the main passengers list)
SeatRequests List of SeatRequestType Optional

SeatRequest SeatRequestType Conditional

Seat request information for a passenger.
PaxRef Integer Conditional
Passenger unique identifier.
Preference Enumeration (W, A) Optional
Seat preference for all routes and segments.

Info: if specific seat information for a segment is requested this value will be ignored. (either
preference per segment or number and code).
Seat Conditional
Seat information per route and per segment.
RouteIndex Integer Conditional
Route index.
SegmentOrigin String Conditional
Segment origin code.
SegmentDestination String Conditional
Segment destination code.
Preference Enumeration (W, A) Optional

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page64

Seat preference per route and per segment. Window / Aisle

Info: This value will override the above seat preference value.
If Number and Code elements are filled those will be sent and Preference will be ignored.
Number Integer Optional
Seat number (row number).
Should be one of the seat numbers received in Air_SeatMap response with "available"
attribute "true".

Info: This value will override all of the above seat preference values.
Will only work with Code element.
Code String Optional
Seat code (column code).
Should be one of the seat codes received in Air_SeatMap response with "available" attribute

Info: This value will override all of the above seat preference values.
It will only work with Number element.
Comments String Mandatory
Reservation comments
FrequentTravellerCards List of FrequentTravellerCard Optional
Contains frequent traveller cards list
FrequentTravellerCard Conditional
Frequent traveller card information
IssuingDate Date Conditional
The issue date of the card
ExpiryDate Date Conditional
The expiration date of card
PaxRef Integer Conditional
Passenger unique identifier.
Airline code String Conditional
Frequent traveller card airline code.
Number Integer Conditional
Frequent traveller card number.
BackOfficeRemarks BackOfficeRemarksType Optional
Remarks (text lines) to be exported in a back-office system.
BackOfficeRemark String Optional
Text line.
PriceModifiers ReservationPriceModifiersType Optional
Request a reservation to be saved with indicated price modifiers.
The price modifier amount is for the whole reservation.
SellingPrice PriceType Conditional
Selling price modifier. Mutually exclusive with Markup and Commission.
Markup PriceType Conditional
Markup price modifier. Mutually exclusive with Selling Price.
Commission PriceType Conditional
Commission price modifier. Mutually exclusive with Selling Price.

In order to make a reservation with optional/ancillary services, then in the MakeReservation RQ an

OptionalServiceList element should be included. It is absolutely necessary that this element has the exact same
structure as the one from Air_FareValidation request.

In order to make a reservation with an Upsell Option, it is necessary to add in the Air_MakeReservation RQ the
UpsellCode element.

In order to make a reservation with Paid Seats, in the MakeReservation RQ an PaidSeatList element should be
included. It is absolutely necessary that this element has the exact same structure as the one from
Air_FareValidation request.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page65

An example of a Make Reservation RQ with ancillary services and upsell is shown below:

<ns:AirService ResultCode="AIR-WS-4aabe1ac527e66435726f1e36e43c256">
<ns:OptionalService BookingCode="dd94751a-c5fa-5979-9fc6-66424d446293" SelectedOptionCode="1"/>
<ns:PaidSeat RouteIndex="1" SegmentIndex="0" LegIndex="1" SeatColumn="A" SeatNumber="20"
<ns:PaxRef PTC="ADT">0</ns:PaxRef>


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns:ResellerCode> RESS </ns:ResellerCode>
<ns:Username> USER </ns:Username>
<ns:Password> PASSWORD </ns:Password>
<ns:Passenger PaxID="1" PaxRef="1" Type="adult" Lead="true">
<ns:AirService ResultCode="AIR:WS:DCST:7623dabe759fd35c4645f4157888da2e">
<ns:PaxRef PTC="ADT">1</ns:PaxRef>
<ns:Comments>webservice reservation - comments</ns:Comments>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page66


Response main elements:

- The attribute “ReservationID” contains the unique id of the reservation (which must be stored on the
client side to allow cancelling and requesting for full details;
- The “ExternalRef” represents the value sent in the request;
- The “Status” attribute can have one of these values:
o “OK” - confirmed service

For additional details use the Reservation_GetDetails method.

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:Air_MakeReservationRS TimeStamp="2011-05-31T15:36:25+03:00" Version="1.0.2"
RequestHost="" TransactionID="20110531033625222953">
<ns1:Reservation ReservationID="25569">
<ns1:AirService Status="OK" ConfirmationNo="ABCDEF">
<ns1:Price Amount="89.05" Currency="EUR"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page67


This method can be used to issue the tickets for a reservation.

Method Name: Air_IssueReservationTickets

Input: Air_IssueReservationTicketsRQ
Output: Air_IssueReservationTicketsRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ReservationID InternalID Mandatory
Reservation unique identifier.
This is returned after finalizing the reservation.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns:ResellerCode> RESS </ns:ResellerCode>
<ns:Username> USER </ns:Username>
<ns:Password> PASSWORD </ns:Password>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:Air_IssueReservationTicketsRS TimeStamp="2013-04-24T10:35:15+03:00" Version="1.0.7"
RequestHost="" TransactionID="20130424103515748106">
<ns1:Ticket TicketNo="2629624340" Date="2013-02-05">
<ns1:Passenger FirstName="JOHN" LastName="TRAVELLER"/>
<ns1:Ticket TicketNo="2629624341" Date="2013-02-05">
<ns1:Passenger FirstName="JANE" LastName="TRAVELLER"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page68


This method can be used to validate the fare for a selected itinerary.

Method Name: Air_SeatMap

Input: Air_SeatMapRQ
Output: Air_SeatMapRS

Use this method to:

 Request seat map information for a segment


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

RequestPaidSeats bool Optional
Attribute to indicate wheather paid seat information is requested or not. (Default value false)
ResultCode string Mandatory
Results unique identifier
ItineraryCode string Mandatory
Itinerary unique identifier
Segment Mandatory
Segment information
Origin Mandatory
Segment origin
Code string Mandatory
Segment origin code
Destination Mandatory
Segment destination
Code string Mandatory
Segment destination code


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns:ResellerCode> RESS </ns:ResellerCode>
<ns:Username> USER </ns:Username>
<ns:Password> PASSWORD </ns:Password>
<ns:Air_SeatMapRQ RequestPaidSeats="true">
<ns:Segment RouteIndex="0">
<ns:Origin Code="CPH"/>
<ns:Destination Code="LHR"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page69


The SeatMap response contains segment information like Air_FareValidation response.

Additionally, if seat map information is available for the current segment, the response also contains a SeatMap
element which has the following structure:

- ChargeList: a list of ChargeType elements. This appears only if the RequestPaidSeats attribute is send in
the RQ with the value true. This element provides information about the prices applicable to certain
o ChargeType contains the following:
 Reference: identifier used to connect the ChargeType to the seat
 Price :
 Amount
 Currency
- Columns: a list of Column elements
o Column: information about a column. It can have the following attributes:
 Code: used in conjuction with row number to determine seat location
 Window: if column is situated at a window (only present if true)
 Aisle: if column is situated at an aisle (only present if true)
- Rows: a list of Row elements
o Row: information about a row. It can have the following attributes/elements:
 Number: used in conjuction with column code to determine seat location
 ExitRow: a row that is next to an emergency exit (only present if true)
 OverWing: a row that is found on passenger aircraft to provide a means of evacuation
onto the wing (only present if true)
 Seat: information about seats that are location within the current row. A seat can have
the following attributes:
 Number: same as row number
 Code: same as column code
 Available: if seat is available or not
 HandicapFriendly: if seat is handicap friendly (only present if true)
 Preferential: if seat is preferential (only present if true)
 NoSeat: if seat cannot be used, for example: reserved for medical, restricted,
used for bar/lavatory/storage space/etc. (only present if true)
 ChargeTypeReference: identifier used to connect the Seat to a ChargeType
element from ChargeTypeList

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page70

Example of seat map graphic representation.

An example of a valid Air_SeatMap RS is the following :

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:Air_SeatMapRS TimeStamp="2019-12-05T15:54:29+02:00" Version="1.0.38" RequestHost=""
ServerHost="" TransactionID="20191205155429776374">
<ns1:Origin Date="2020-01-20" Time="20:50:00">
<ns1:Airport Code="ZRH" CityCode="ZRH" CityId="14451" City="Zurich">Zurich Arpt</ns1:Airport>
<ns1:Destination Date="2020-01-20" Time="22:20:00">
<ns1:Airport Code="TXL" CityCode="BER" CityId="2320" City="Berlin">Tegel Airport</ns1:Airport>
<ns1:Marketing Code="LX">Swiss</ns1:Marketing>
<ns1:Flight Number="962" Class="W" Duration="01:30" StopTime="03:20:00" Meal="Snack or Brunch"/>
<ns1:Aircraft Code="Airbus A320-100/200">Airbus A320-100/200</ns1:Aircraft>
<ns1:ChargeType Reference="A-5">
<ns1:Price Amount="435" Currency="CZK"/>
<ns1:ChargeType Reference="A-9">
<ns1:Price Amount="309" Currency="CZK"/>
<ns1:ChargeType Reference="A-11">
<ns1:Price Amount="625" Currency="CZK"/>
<ns1:Column Code="A" Window="true"/>
<ns1:Column Code="B"/>
<ns1:Column Code="C" Aisle="true"/>
<ns1:Column Code="D" Aisle="true"/>
<ns1:Column Code="E"/>
<ns1:Column Code="F" Window="true"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page71

<ns1:Row Number="5">
<ns1:Seat Number="5" Code="A" Available="true" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-5"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="5" Code="B" Available="true" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-5"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="5" Code="C" Available="false" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-5"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="5" Code="D" Available="true" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-5"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="5" Code="E" Available="true" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-5"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="5" Code="E" Available="true" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-5"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="5" Code="F" Available="true" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-5"/>
<ns1:Row Number="6">
<ns1:Seat Number="6" Code="A" Available="true" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-5"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="6" Code="B" Available="true" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-5"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="6" Code="C" Available="true" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-5"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="6" Code="D" Available="false" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-5"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="6" Code="E" Available="true" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-5"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="6" Code="F" Available="true" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-5"/>
<ns1:Row Number="37">
<ns1:Seat Number="37" Code="A" Available="false" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-9"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="37" Code="B" Available="false" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-9"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="37" Code="C" Available="false" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-9"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="37" Code="D" Available="false" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-9"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="37" Code="E" Available="false" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-9"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="37" Code="F" Available="false" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-9"/>
<ns1:Row Number="38">
<ns1:Seat Number="38" Code="A" Available="false" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-9"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="38" Code="B" Available="false" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-9"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="38" Code="C" Available="false" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-9"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="38" Code="D" Available="false" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-9"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="38" Code="E" Available="false" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-9"/>
<ns1:Seat Number="38" Code="F" Available="false" NoSeat="false" ChargeTypeReference="A-9"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page72



To be able to make hotel booking using IRIX a series of methods must be used – each of these methods has a clear
purpose, as follows:

5. Hotel_GetAvailability - search hotels in a certain zone (city, geo-location) and getting the prices and
6. Hotel_GetPackagePrice - load price after selecting a new set of rooms at the same hotel;
7. Hotel_GetOfferDetails - obtain every necessary details for a hotel offer;
8. Hotel_MakeReservation - create a reservation for a hotel;


This method can be used to request the hotel service availability and prices.

Method Name: Hotel_GetAvailability

Input: HotelGetAvailabilityRQ
Output: HotelGetAvailabilityRS


When receiving availability response a structure containing:

 Hotel
o this structure used to group multiple offers and is referenced to a hotel from static data;
o an availability search will most likely return more than one hotel (matching the filters);
o every hotel may have more than one offer associated
 Offer
o this structure used to group room combinations (packages) from the same supplier;
o an offer will contain a list of rooms and a list of packages (grouped rooms)
 Packages
o This structure contains a list that references to some of the rooms from the same offer in
order to satisfy the requested occupancy
o In some situations for a requested occupancy a package will offer multiple room alternatives
(from the same offer)

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page73

The figures below indicate the structure of every component as presented above.

Diagram 1 - Hotel Availability Response

Diagram 2 - Hotel Offer Components

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page74

Analysis of diagram 2

 The picture contains only one hotel offer.

 The initial request was for only two room occupancies but this offer “manages” 6 rooms (indicated at the
top of the figure in the “offer rooms” section) combining them and allowing the user to select one of
these combinations.
 “Package #1” contains two sets of package rooms. The figure displays two rooms on each “Package
room” (the two rooms initially requested). The supplier offered the following alternatives:
o Package rooms #1:
 Room #1 satisfies the first occupancy
 “Room #2” or “Room #3” satisfies the second occupancy (the user can select the one
that he wants);
o Package rooms #2:
 Room #1
 Rooms #4, #5 or #6 (again, the user can select one of them).
 By using this method the rooms can be “reused”; this is the reason why the list of rooms and their details
is stored in a separate structure, and not included in the package rooms. Each package room has a
reference to a unique id of each room from the offer.

How display package information (grouped room alternatives)?

Because of the diversity of the information provided by the third party supplier, different information can be
provided at package level or room level (or both).


 Name - general package name – this is a description for all the rooms (optional)
 Board - if this element is provided then the package has a general board (optional)
 Info - additional information at package level (optional)
 Price - the full price for the package - the sum of all selected rooms (mandatory)
 PackageRooms - List of PackageRoom
PackageRoom #1 - satisfies the first requested occupancy

 Occupancy (mandatory)
 Room alternatives - References to Room
Room (option 1)
 Name - Room Name (optional)
 Board - Room Board (optional)
 Info - Additional room information (optional)
 Price - Room price (optional)
Room (option 2)
Room (option x)

Package Room #2 – satisfies the second requested occupancy

Package Room #X – satisfies the Xth requested occupancy

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page75


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

Location Mandatory
The Location information for the hotel availability. This must contain either City or Position
City Conditional
Indicates that a search by city must be made. Use the CityID or CityCode.
CityID InternalID Conditional
The ID of the city
CityCode String Conditional
The code of the city
Hotel Sequence (up to 200) Optional
Indicates the id of the hotel
HotelID InternalID Conditional
The ID of the hotel
Location Conditional
Indicates that a search by location must be made. Use the LocationID or LocationCode.
LocationID InternalID Conditional
The ID of the location
LocationCode String Conditional
The code of the location
Region Conditional
Indicates that a search by region must be made. Use the RegionID.
RegionID InternalID Conditional
The ID of the region
Position PositionType Conditional
Indicates that a search by map coordinates (geo location) must be made. All three
components are mandatory.
Latitude String Mandatory
Latitude of the point of search.
Longitude String Mandatory
Longitude of the point of search.
Radius Decimal Mandatory
The radius of the search in kilometers.
Hotel Conditional
Indicates that a search by hotel ID must be made.

Info: available from version 1.0.3

HotelID InternalID Conditional
The ID of the hotel
DateRange Mandatory
The Location information for the hotel availability. This must contain either City or Position
Start Date Mandatory
The check-in date
End Date Mandatory
The check-out date
Rooms Mandatory
The list of Room information. At least one Room must be sent.
Room HotelRoomOccupancyType Mandatory
Room occupancy information.
Adults Integer Mandatory
The number of adults in the Room. At least one adult must be in the room.
Children Integer Optional
The number of children in the Room. For each child in the room is mandatory to send ChildAge
ChildAge Integer Conditional
The age of the child at the date of check-in.
Notice: A value between 0 and 18 must be sent.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page76

Filters Mandatory
Filter the search results.
Nationality Mandatory
Send the ID of the Nationality of the passengers.
Use the nationalities from the StaticData.
SellingChannel SellingChannelEnumType Optional
Indicates the selling channel (B2B or B2C)
AvailableOnly 1/0 Mandatory
Allowed values:
1 – request only available hotel offers
0 – request both available and on-request hotel offers
Hotel String Optional
Filter by hotel name
HotelStars Optional
Filter by hotel star rating. Add Rating sub elements.
CompleteOffersOnly 1/0 Optional
Allowed values:
1 – request only complete hotel offers
0 – request both complete and incomplete hotel offers
System String Optional
Whitelist of systems allowed.
AddHotelDetails Boolean Optional
Indicate that additional hotel details should be included in the availability response. These
fields are:
- Address (Hotel \ HotelDetails \ Address)
- Hotel Image (Hotel \ HotelDetails \ Image)
- Position (Hotel \ HotelDetails \ Position)
- Short description (Hotel \ HotelDetails \ Descriptions \ ShortDescription)
Info: available from version 1.0.1
AddHotelMinPrice Boolean Optional
Indicate that additional hotel minimum price should be included in the availability response.
Timeout Integer Optional
Indicated the time in seconds the system must wait for a response from the external
The minimum accepted value is 30 seconds.
Info: available from version 1.0.1
LimitResults Integer Optional
Limit the number of hotels returned by this function.
Remove attribute or set it on 0 in order to receive all the results.
Info: available from version 1.0.5
IgnoreHotelOffers Boolean Optional
If set to true, HotelOffer elements will not be shown in response.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page77


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:HotelGetAvailabilityRQ AddHotelDetails="true" AddHotelMinPrice="true">
<ns1:City CityCode="LON">
<ns:Hotel HotelID="152"/>
<ns1:DateRange Start="2011-03-20" End="2011-03-26" />
<ns1:Room Adults="2" Children="1">
<ns1:ChildAge>10</ns1:ChildAge >
<ns1:Nationality ID="158" />
<ns1:Hotel Name="" />


The main elements from the response:

- ResultCode - This attribute contains an unique code that will be needed for executing the other methods
until the booking is done;
- Each “Hotel” element contains three main elements:
o “HotelDetails” which contains details about the current hotel;
o “HotelMinPrice” which shows the lowest price for the current hotel;
o “HotelOffers” which describes the offers available for this hotel;
- The element “Rooms” (child of “HotelOffer”) contains the list of available rooms for the current hotel
offer; each “Code” attribute of the “Room” element contains an unique id for that room which is used to
describe the offer packages;
- Each “PackageCode” attribute of the element “Package” represents an unique identifier that will be used
for finishing the booking (the client will have to store this value);
- The “PackageRooms” contains a list of “PackageRoom” describing how the rooms may be combined in
this package – each “PackageRoom” actually represents one room from the client request;
- The “Occupancy” element (child of “PackageRoom”) contains the occupancy details for the current room;
- The “RoomRefs” lists one or more room alternatives provided by the supplier (the “RoomCode” attribute
of each “RoomRef” element contains a reference to the “RoomCode” of “Room” elements explained

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page78

above; the “Selected” attribute indicates which is the selected room alternative (if more rooms are
available, only one can be “Selected” – by default the first room is automatically selected);

Info:The results are kept in cache for 1800 seconds.

HotelOffer structure

Field Type Mandatory/Optional

Rooms List of Room (HotelOfferRoomType) Mandatory
List of rooms that are used by the packages for the current HotelOffer.
RoomCode String Mandatory
Room indetifier inside the current offer. This is used to reference the room inside a Package
Status Enumeration(OK, RQ) Mandatory
The availability status.
OK – available
RQ – on request
Name String Optional
The name of the room.
Info String Optional
Additional information regarding the room (eg special offer, discount etc).
Board String Optional
The name of the included board.
BoardBasis BoardBasisType Optional
The included board basis code.
Possible values:
- RO = room only
- SC = self catering
- BB = bed and breakfast
- HB = half board
- FB = full board
- AI = all inclusive
- RD = see room description

NonRefundable Boolean Optional

Indicates wether the room is refundable or not
Price PriceType Conditional
The price of the room.
Packages List of Package (HotelOfferPackageType) Mandatory
List of packages that satisfy the requested occupancy information.
PackageCode String Mandatory
Unique package identifier in all the response.

Notice: This will be used in combination with ResultCode when ulterior request will be made.
Complete Boolean Mandatory
This indicates if the full occupancy is satisfied.
Some third party suppliers do not support different combinations of occupancy at the same
Status Enumeration(OK, RQ) Mandatory
The availability status.
OK – available
RQ – on request
Name String Optional
The name of the package.
If this is present it should override the individual room names.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page79

Info String Optional
Additional information regarding the room (eg special offer, discount etc).
If this is present it should override the individual room additional information.
Board String Optional
The name of the included board.
If this is present it should override the individual room board information.
Price PriceType Conditional
The price of the package.
PackageRooms List of PackageRoom Conditional
Contains all the occupancy information included by the package. Each of them with reference
to the used Room.
PackageRoomCode InternalID Mandatory
Index of the requested room occupancy. This is used to map the selected room.
Occupancy HotelRoomOccupancyType Mandatory
Room occupancy
RoomRefs List of RoomRef (RoomRefType) Mandatory
List of references to the Room structure that can be used for this occupancy
RoomCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the room (See de Rooms structure)
Selected Boolean Mandatory
Indicates if this is the selected room.
Only one RoomRef can be selected for each PackageRoom.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page80


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:HotelGetAvailabilityRS TimeStamp="2011-02-23T15:40:21+02:00"
Version="1.0.1" RequestHost="">
<ns1:Success />
<ns1:AvailHotels ResultCode="HOTEL:WS:IONU:bb4ac530f40d6e3bf5ad5541eaa3e8d5">
<ns1:HotelDetails ID="1330" Name="APEX CITY OF LONDON"
Stars="4" Type="hotel" Recommended="false" >

<!-- Available only if AddHotelDetails attribute is used -->

<ns1:Address>Seething Lane No 1</ns1:Address>
<ns1:Position Latitude="51.50984" Longitude="51.50984"/>
<ns1:ShortDescription>This 4 star hotel close to the Tower Bridge and the
nearest station is Tower Hill.</ns1:ShortDescription>

<ns1:HotelOffers Count="1"
<ns1:HotelOffer System="system-code">
<ns1:Room RoomCode="0" Status="OK">
<ns1:Name>SINGLE STANDARD</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Price Amount="1115.46" Currency="GBP" />
<ns1:Room RoomCode="1" Status="OK">
<ns1:Name>SINGLE STANDARD</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Board>Room Only</ns1:Board>
<ns1:Price Amount="1150.55" Currency="GBP" />
<ns1:Room RoomCode="2" Status="OK">
<ns1:Name>DOUBLE STANDARD</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Board>CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST</ns1:Board>
<ns1:Price Amount="1160.84" Currency="GBP" />
<ns1:Room RoomCode="3" Status="OK">
<ns1:Name>DOUBLE STANDARD</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Board>ENGLISH BREAKFAST</ns1:Board>
<ns1:Price Amount="1195.93" Currency="GBP" />
<ns1:Package PackageCode="5:0:0:612efaac93808617334e1cac4db263a6"
Complete="true" Status="OK">
<ns1:Price Amount="1115.46" Currency="GBP" />
<ns1:PackageRoom PackageRoomCode="0">
<ns1:Occupancy Adults="1" Children="0" />
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="0" Selected="true" />
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="1" Selected="false" />
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="2" Selected="false" />
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="3" Selected="false" />
IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 </ns1:Hotel> page81

This method can be used to request the hotel service availability and prices.

Method Name: Hotel_GetAvailabilityXML

Input: HotelGetAvailabilityXMLRQ
Output: HotelGetAvailabilityXMLRS


This method is exactly the same as Hotel_GetAvailability except that the response is received as an XML string. It
has been created to provide a faster response time.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page82


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:HotelGetPackagePriceRS TimeStamp="2015-02-23T17:26:32+02:00"
Version="1.0" RequestHost="">
<ns1:Success />
<![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AvailHotels ResultCode="HOTEL:WS:VADY:8ca98fe21c0d9a4d126da57f945e8000" Count="1"><Hotel ID="5151"
CountryID="9" CityID="48" Name="1 LEXHAM GARDENS" Stars="3" Type="Hotel"
Recommended="true"><HotelOffers><HotelOffer System="hotelbeds"><Rooms><Room RoomCode="0"
Status="OK"><Name>SINGLE STANDARD</Name><Board>ROOM ONLY</Board><Info></Info><Price Amount="123.25"
Currency="GBP"><Supplier Amount="115.08" Currency="GBP"/><Markup Amount="2.3" Currency="GBP"/><Commision
Amount="5.87" Currency="GBP"/></Price></Room>
<Room RoomCode="1" Status="OK"><Name>SINGLE STANDARD</Name><Board>BED AND
BREAKFAST</Board><Info></Info><Price Amount="133.19" Currency="GBP"><Supplier Amount="124.36"
Currency="GBP"/><Markup Amount="2.49" Currency="GBP"/><Commision Amount="6.34"
<Room RoomCode="2" Status="OK"><Name>DOUBLE STANDARD</Name><Board>ROOM ONLY</Board><Info></Info><Price
Amount="147.12" Currency="GBP"><Supplier Amount="137.36" Currency="GBP"/><Markup Amount="2.75"
Currency="GBP"/><Commision Amount="7.01" Currency="GBP"/></Price></Room>
<Room RoomCode="3" Status="OK"><Name>DOUBLE STANDARD</Name><Board>BED AND
BREAKFAST</Board><Info></Info><Price Amount="157.05" Currency="GBP"><Supplier Amount="146.64"
Currency="GBP"/><Markup Amount="2.93" Currency="GBP"/><Commision Amount="7.48"
<Packages><Package PackageCode="5151:0:0:ea48b39b4baca5c46dbf0ed91768ec6d" Complete="true"
Status="OK"><Price Amount="1534.7" Currency="GBP"><Supplier Amount="1432.96" Currency="GBP"/><Markup
Amount="28.66" Currency="GBP"/><Commision Amount="73.08" Currency="GBP"/></Price><PackageRooms><PackageRoom
PackageRoomCode="0"><Occupancy Adults="1" Children="0"/><RoomRefs><RoomRef RoomCode="7"
<HotelOffer System="roomsXML"><Rooms><Room RoomCode="0" Status="OK"><Name>Triple
Standard</Name><Board></Board><Info></Info><Price Amount="234.61" Currency="EUR"><Supplier Amount="234.61"
Currency="EUR"/><Markup Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/><Commision Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/></Price></Room>
<Room RoomCode="1" Status="OK"><Name>Double Standard</Name><Board>Bed and
breakfast</Board><Info></Info><Price Amount="164.8" Currency="EUR"><Supplier Amount="164.8"
Currency="EUR"/><Markup Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/><Commision Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/></Price></Room>
<Room RoomCode="2" Status="OK"><Name>Double Standard</Name><Board></Board><Info></Info><Price Amount="154.4"
Currency="EUR"><Supplier Amount="154.4" Currency="EUR"/><Markup Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/><Commision
Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/></Price></Room>
<Room RoomCode="3" Status="OK"><Name>Single Standard</Name><Board>Bed and
breakfast</Board><Info></Info><Price Amount="139.8" Currency="EUR"><Supplier Amount="139.8"
Currency="EUR"/><Markup Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/><Commision Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/></Price></Room>
<Packages><Package PackageCode="5151:1:0:8281dda82c4ccf0ded0fcb3576d12f60" Complete="true"
Status="OK"><Price Amount="234.61" Currency="EUR"><Supplier Amount="234.61" Currency="EUR"/><Markup
Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/><Commision Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/></Price><PackageRooms><PackageRoom
PackageRoomCode="0"><Occupancy Adults="1" Children="0"/><RoomRefs><RoomRef RoomCode="0"
<Package PackageCode="5151:1:1:a3a884434f5f1f274c47f2a694a6c20a" Complete="true" Status="OK"><Price
Amount="164.8" Currency="EUR"><Supplier Amount="164.8" Currency="EUR"/><Markup Amount="0"
Currency="EUR"/><Commision Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/></Price><PackageRooms><PackageRoom
PackageRoomCode="0"><Occupancy Adults="1" Children="0"/><RoomRefs><RoomRef RoomCode="1"

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page83


This method can be used to reload hotel service availability or to load additional results when the availability is
flagged to return limited results.

Method Name: Hotel_GetAvailabilityCache

Input: HotelGetAvailabilityCacheRQ
Output: HotelGetAvailabilityCacheRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ResultCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the search results.
Get this code is an attribute in the AvailHotels element (Response Fields).
PageInfo PageInfoType Optional
Flag that a slice of the hotel results must be returned.
Offset Integer Conditional
The index from where the “page” should start.
Size Integer Conditional
The size of the “page”.
HotelID InternalID Optional
If set only the requested hotel ids will appear in search results.

Info: multiple elements can be sent

Filters Optional
Allows to filter offers.
Note: Will be ignored if HotelID is sent.
Stars String Optional
Allows to filter the offers by hotel number of stars.
e.g.:2,3,4 – will return the hotels that are rated as 2,3 or 4 stars
BoardBasis List of BoardBasisType Optional
Allows to filter by room board basis code.
Type enum, possible values:
- RO = room only
- SC = self catering
- BB = bed and breakfast
- HB = half board
- FB = full board
- AI = all inclusive
- RD = see room description
Notice: This filter only works for 1 room occupancy. Keep in mind that the filter is applied at
hotel level, not at room level so if a hotel has multiple board basis and one matches the
filter all the rooms will be displayed.
ExcludeNonRefundable Boolean Optional
Allows to exclude the non refundable offers.
Notice: This filter only works for 1 room occupancy and is complementary with BoardBasis
filter. Keep in mind that the filter is applied at hotel level, not at room level so if a hotel has
at least one room that matches the filter all the rooms will be displayed.
HotelName String Optional
Allows to filter by hotel name.
e.g: Hotel Central
HotelAddress String Optional
Allows to filter by hotel address.
e.g: 32 Church Street

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page84

Price PriceFilterType Optional
Allows to filter offers by price.
e.g: <Price MinimumAmount=”10” MaximumAmount=”100” Currency=”EUR”/>
Category List of InternalID Optional
Allows to filter by accommodation category.
Facility List of InternalID Optional
Allows to filter by accommodation facilities.
Location List of InternalID Optional
Allows to filter by accommodation locations.
Position AvailabilityPositionType Optional
Accommodation linked locations filter. String of InternalID separated by comma. e.g:
e.g: <Position Latitude=”44.4181751” Longitude=”26.1304156” Radius=”0.5”/>
Note: The radius (measured in kilometers) must be greater than 0, otherwise the filter will
be ignored. E.g: 0.000001
AddHotelDetails Boolean
Indicate that additional hotel details should be included in the availability response. These
fields are:
- Address (Hotel \ HotelDetails \ Address)
- Hotel Image (Hotel \ HotelDetails \ Image)
- Position (Hotel \ HotelDetails \ Position)
- Short description (Hotel \ HotelDetails \ Descriptions \ ShortDescription)
Info: available from version 1.0.1
AddHotelMinPrice Boolean
Indicate that additional hotel minimum price should be included in the availability response.


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:HotelGetAvailabilityCacheRQ AddHotelDetails="false" AddHotelMinPrice="false">>
<ns1:PageInfo Offset="232" Size="1"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page85


The response is similar with the Response Fields of the method Hotel_GetAvailability .

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:HotelGetAvailabilityCacheRS TimeStamp="2016-11-04T16:09:46+02:00" Version="1.0.22"
RequestHost="" TransactionID="20161104160946899136">
<ns1:AvailHotels ResultCode="HOTEL:WS:VADY:f14ad35bd34487bc0c4cbb277cf5620e" CountHotels="51"
PageOffset="0" PageSize="10" HotelsIgnored="0">
<ns1:HotelDetails ID="94173" CountryID="2" CityID="2" Name="ARMSTRONG" Stars="2" Type="Hotel"
LastUpdated="2016-10-24T11:45:30" Recommended="false"/>
<ns1:HotelOffers Count="1">
<ns1:HotelOffer System="gta" SpecialDeal="false">
<ns1:Room RoomCode="0" Status="OK">
<ns1:Name>Twin for sole use - Standard Double</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Board>Room Only</ns1:Board>
<ns1:Package PackageCode="94173:0:0:fde81368fdcfe50114d0a10816019ff8"
Complete="true" Status="OK">
<ns1:Price Amount="103.4" Currency="EUR">
<ns1:Supplier Amount="94" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Markup Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Commission Amount="9.4" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:PackageRoom PackageRoomCode="0">
<ns1:Occupancy Adults="1" Children="0"/>
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="0" Selected="true"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page86


This method can be used to reload hotel service availability or to load additional results when the availability is
flagged to return limited results.

Method Name: Hotel_GetAvailabilityCacheXML

Input: HotelGetAvailabilityCacheXMLRQ
Output: HotelGetAvailabilityCacheXMLRS


This method is exactly the same as Hotel_GetAvailabilityCache except that the response is received as an XML
string. It has been created to provide a faster response time.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page87


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:HotelGetPackagePriceRS TimeStamp="2015-02-23T17:26:32+02:00"
Version="1.0" RequestHost="">
<ns1:Success />
<![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AvailHotels ResultCode="HOTEL:WS:VADY:8ca98fe21c0d9a4d126da57f945e8000" Count="1"><Hotel ID="5151"
CountryID="9" CityID="48" Name="1 LEXHAM GARDENS" Stars="3" Type="Hotel"
Recommended="true"><HotelOffers><HotelOffer System="hotelbeds"><Rooms><Room RoomCode="0"
Status="OK"><Name>SINGLE STANDARD</Name><Board>ROOM ONLY</Board><Info></Info><Price Amount="123.25"
Currency="GBP"><Supplier Amount="115.08" Currency="GBP"/><Markup Amount="2.3" Currency="GBP"/><Commision
Amount="5.87" Currency="GBP"/></Price></Room>
<Room RoomCode="1" Status="OK"><Name>SINGLE STANDARD</Name><Board>BED AND
BREAKFAST</Board><Info></Info><Price Amount="133.19" Currency="GBP"><Supplier Amount="124.36"
Currency="GBP"/><Markup Amount="2.49" Currency="GBP"/><Commision Amount="6.34"
<Room RoomCode="2" Status="OK"><Name>DOUBLE STANDARD</Name><Board>ROOM ONLY</Board><Info></Info><Price
Amount="147.12" Currency="GBP"><Supplier Amount="137.36" Currency="GBP"/><Markup Amount="2.75"
Currency="GBP"/><Commision Amount="7.01" Currency="GBP"/></Price></Room>
<Room RoomCode="3" Status="OK"><Name>DOUBLE STANDARD</Name><Board>BED AND
BREAKFAST</Board><Info></Info><Price Amount="157.05" Currency="GBP"><Supplier Amount="146.64"
Currency="GBP"/><Markup Amount="2.93" Currency="GBP"/><Commision Amount="7.48"
<Packages><Package PackageCode="5151:0:0:ea48b39b4baca5c46dbf0ed91768ec6d" Complete="true"
Status="OK"><Price Amount="1534.7" Currency="GBP"><Supplier Amount="1432.96" Currency="GBP"/><Markup
Amount="28.66" Currency="GBP"/><Commision Amount="73.08" Currency="GBP"/></Price><PackageRooms><PackageRoom
PackageRoomCode="0"><Occupancy Adults="1" Children="0"/><RoomRefs><RoomRef RoomCode="7"
<HotelOffer System="roomsXML"><Rooms><Room RoomCode="0" Status="OK"><Name>Triple
Standard</Name><Board></Board><Info></Info><Price Amount="234.61" Currency="EUR"><Supplier Amount="234.61"
Currency="EUR"/><Markup Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/><Commision Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/></Price></Room>
<Room RoomCode="1" Status="OK"><Name>Double Standard</Name><Board>Bed and
breakfast</Board><Info></Info><Price Amount="164.8" Currency="EUR"><Supplier Amount="164.8"
Currency="EUR"/><Markup Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/><Commision Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/></Price></Room>
<Room RoomCode="2" Status="OK"><Name>Double Standard</Name><Board></Board><Info></Info><Price Amount="154.4"
Currency="EUR"><Supplier Amount="154.4" Currency="EUR"/><Markup Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/><Commision
Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/></Price></Room>
<Room RoomCode="3" Status="OK"><Name>Single Standard</Name><Board>Bed and
breakfast</Board><Info></Info><Price Amount="139.8" Currency="EUR"><Supplier Amount="139.8"
Currency="EUR"/><Markup Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/><Commision Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/></Price></Room>
<Packages><Package PackageCode="5151:1:0:8281dda82c4ccf0ded0fcb3576d12f60" Complete="true"
Status="OK"><Price Amount="234.61" Currency="EUR"><Supplier Amount="234.61" Currency="EUR"/><Markup
Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/><Commision Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/></Price><PackageRooms><PackageRoom
PackageRoomCode="0"><Occupancy Adults="1" Children="0"/><RoomRefs><RoomRef RoomCode="0"
<Package PackageCode="5151:1:1:a3a884434f5f1f274c47f2a694a6c20a" Complete="true" Status="OK"><Price
Amount="164.8" Currency="EUR"><Supplier Amount="164.8" Currency="EUR"/><Markup Amount="0"
Currency="EUR"/><Commision Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/></Price><PackageRooms><PackageRoom
PackageRoomCode="0"><Occupancy Adults="1" Children="0"/><RoomRefs><RoomRef RoomCode="1"

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page88


This method can be used to request the package prices for a combination of rooms.

Method Name: Hotel_GetPackagePrice

Input: HotelGetPackagePriceRQ
Output: HotelGetPackagePriceRS

When an availability search is requested (Hotel_GetAvailability), the server chooses for each package one of the
rooms from the alternatives (if there are more) and the price is calculated based on this default selection. In order
to get the correct price for another combination of rooms an additional request must be made.


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ResultCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the search results.
Get this code is an attribute in the AvailHotels element (Response Fields).
PackageCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the package
PackageRooms List of PackageRoom (PackageRoomType) Mandatory
This is a mapping of PackageRoom   RoomCode

This Indicates all selected rooms for all alternatives.

PackageRoomCode String Mandatory
The index of the occupancy
RoomCode String Mandatory
The code of the room.


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:PackageRoom PackageRoomCode="0" RoomCode="1" />
<ns1:PackageRoom PackageRoomCode="1" RoomCode="3" />

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page89


The server response will be identical to the “Package” element returned initially (Hotel_GetAvailability), the only
difference is that the newly selected rooms will be set as “Selected” now and other element values will be updated
(such as “Price”).

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:HotelGetPackagePriceRS TimeStamp="2011-02-23T17:26:32+02:00"
Version="1.0" RequestHost="">
<ns1:Success />
<ns1:Package ResultCode="HOTEL:WS:IONU:4481149c1746666182938d9b84c76bf0"
PackageCode="2:1:0:4c71db1def82ae293e2ba33ecf5dc3d4" Complete="true"
<ns1:Price Amount="718.96" Currency="EUR" />
<ns1:PackageRoom PackageRoomCode="0">
<ns1:Occupancy Adults="1" Children="0" />
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="0" Selected="false" />
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="2" Selected="false" />
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="1" Selected="true" />
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="5" Selected="false" />
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="3" Selected="false" />
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="4" Selected="false" />
<ns1:PackageRoom PackageRoomCode="0">
<ns1:Occupancy Adults="1" Children="0" />
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="0" Selected="false" />
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="2" Selected="false" />
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="1" Selected="false" />
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="5" Selected="false" />
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="3" Selected="true" />
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="4" Selected="false" />

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page90


This method can be used to request all the information about a hotel offer base on a package configuration.

Method Name: Hotel_GetOfferDetails

Input: HotelGetOfferDetailsRQ
Output: HotelGetOfferDetailsRS

This method can be used to get:

 Package details (according with the sent configuration)

 Payment methods
 Cancellation policy
 Remarks (if available)
 Booking options (if available)
 Price Breakdown (if available)
 Board Breakdown (if available)
 Room Description when sending the AddRoomDescription attribute (if available)

Notice: Not all suppliers support the Room Description option, so the extended information may not be available
in all situations.


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ResultCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the search results.
Get this code is an attribute in the AvailHotels element (Response Fields).
PackageCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the package
PackageRooms List of PackageRoom (PackageRoomType) Mandatory
This is a mapping of PackageRoom   RoomCode

This Indicates all selected rooms for all alternatives.

AddRoomDescription Boolean
Indicates if room description, facilities and images should be requested. Default value false.
PackageRoomCode String Mandatory
The index of the occupancy
RoomCode String Mandatory
The code of the room.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page91


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:PackageRooms AddRoomDescription="true">
<ns1:PackageRoom PackageRoomCode="0" RoomCode="0" />


Response main elements:

- The “Package” element contains the same data as the response of “GetHotelPackagePrice” method;
- The “PriceBreakdown” element contains the detailed price per day for the whole package (the “Package”
child element) or the detailed price per day per room (the “Rooms” child element);
- The “PaymentMethod” element lists all the payment methods and indicates which are available;
- The element “BookOptions” contains additional service options (e.g. early check-in, late check-out etc)
that can be selected when adding the reservation;
- The “Remarks” element contains additional offer information grouped by categories (e.g. hotel remarks,
service restrictions, amendment information etc);
- The “BoardBreakdown” element contains the detailed board plan per room per day;
- The “CancellationPolicy” contains a list of policies that must be interpreted by the client.
- The “PaymentProviders” element lists all the payment providers installed in the application that can
process payment authorizations.
- Every “PaymentProvider” element contains one or more “PayableAmount” elements which indicate
different currencies that can be used to pay the reservation.
- Every “Room” element contains one or more “Room” elements which includes the following information:
o RoomCode and Status as attributes
o Name
o Info
o Board
o BoardBasis
o NonRefundable
o Price (with Amount and Currency as attributes) include Commission information

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page92

o Description
o FacilitiesDescription
o Images

Notice: If a search occupancy includes 2 children with different ages, at this step their order might be changed.
This information depends on third parties so it can not be guaranteed.
Search step: First child age = 10, second child age = 12
Get Offer Details step: First child age = 12, second child age = 10

Notice: Not all suppliers support the Room Description option, so the extended information may not be available
in all situations. This means that elements such as Description, FacilitiesDescription and Images may not appear in
the HotelGetOfferDetailsRS.
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:HotelGetOfferDetailsRS TimeStamp="2019-09-30T12:11:19+03:00" Version="1.0.35"
RequestHost="" ServerHost="" TransactionID="20190930121119562141">
<ns1:OfferDetails System="expediarapid_marcel">
<ns1:Package ResultCode="HOTEL-WS-aaf23e438603e1387945e7eb28c8e8ed"
PackageCode="3264640059:7d8bd1fbdb8cecbe6bf0be9c4e99d4d6:1:1117867b303725fb1fcee52df6906d4a" Complete="true"
<ns1:Price Amount="1037.94" Currency="USD">
<ns1:Commission Amount="0" Currency="USD"/>
<ns1:Description>Price includes:
- Tax Recovery Charges and Service Fees: 158.3 EUR</ns1:Description>
<ns1:PackageRoom PackageRoomCode="0">
<ns1:Occupancy Adults="2" Children="0"/>
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="1" Selected="true"/>
<ns1:Room RoomCode="0" Status="OK">
<ns1:Name>Superior Double Room</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Info>Free Internet. Beds: 1 KingBed.</ns1:Info>
<ns1:Board>Room Only</ns1:Board>
<ns1:Price Amount="983.31" Currency="USD">
<ns1:Commission Amount="0" Currency="USD"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page93

<ns1:Description>1 King Bed

269-sq-foot (25-sq-meter) room with city views

Internet - Free WiFi

Entertainment - Cable channels

Food &amp; Drink - Refrigerator, coffee/tea maker, room service, and free bottled water

Bathroom - Private bathroom, separate bathtub and shower, free toiletries, and a hair dryer (on request)

Practical - Safe, iron/ironing board, and desk; rollaway/extra beds and free cribs/infant beds available on

Comfort - Air conditioning and daily housekeeping

<ns1:FacilitiesDescription>Non-Smoking, Air conditioning, Refrigerator, Free WiFi, Coffee/tea
maker, Hair dryer (on request), Daily housekeeping, Free bottled water, Desk, Private bathroom, Free
toiletries, Iron/ironing board, In-room safe, Room service (limited hours), Free cribs/infant beds, Cable TV
<ns1:Room RoomCode="1" Status="OK">
<ns1:Name>Superior Double Room</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Info>Non refundable. Free Internet. Beds: 1 KingBed.</ns1:Info>
<ns1:Board>Room Only</ns1:Board>
<ns1:Price Amount="1037.94" Currency="USD">
<ns1:Commission Amount="0" Currency="USD"/>
<ns1:Description>1 King Bed

269-sq-foot (25-sq-meter) room with city views

Internet - Free WiFi

Entertainment - Cable channels

Food &amp; Drink - Refrigerator, coffee/tea maker, room service, and free bottled water

Bathroom - Private bathroom, separate bathtub and shower, free toiletries, and a hair dryer (on request)

Practical - Safe, iron/ironing board, and desk; rollaway/extra beds and free cribs/infant beds available on

Comfort - Air conditioning and daily housekeeping

<ns1:FacilitiesDescription>Non-Smoking, Air conditioning, Refrigerator, Free WiFi, Coffee/tea
maker, Hair dryer (on request), Daily housekeeping, Free bottled water, Desk, Private bathroom, Free
toiletries, Iron/ironing board, In-room safe, Room service (limited hours), Free cribs/infant beds, Cable TV

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page94

<ns1:PaymentMethod Type="prepaid" Available="false"/>
<ns1:PaymentMethod Type="credit" Available="true"/>
<ns1:RemarksCategory Name="CATEGORY_TAXES_FEES">
<ns1:Remark>Price includes:
- Tax Recovery Charges and Service Fees: 158.3 EUR</ns1:Remark>
<ns1:Remark>Choices between multiple bed types for the same room are requests only and may
not be honored at the hotel if availability does not permit.</ns1:Remark>
<ns1:BookOption Title="Smoking - room #1" Code="0][smoking" Included="false">Smoking - room
<ns1:DayPrice Amount="274.06" Currency="USD" Date="2019-11-26"/>
<ns1:DayPrice Amount="274.06" Currency="USD" Date="2019-11-27"/>
<ns1:DayPrice Amount="274.06" Currency="USD" Date="2019-11-28"/>
<ns1:DayPrice Amount="215.74" Currency="USD" Date="2019-11-29"/>
<ns1:Room RoomCode="1">
<ns1:DayPrice Amount="274.06" Currency="USD" Date="2019-11-26"/>
<ns1:DayPrice Amount="274.06" Currency="USD" Date="2019-11-27"/>
<ns1:DayPrice Amount="274.06" Currency="USD" Date="2019-11-28"/>
<ns1:DayPrice Amount="215.74" Currency="USD" Date="2019-11-29"/>
<ns1:Policy Type="standard" Limit="2019-09-28T00:00:00+03:00">
<ns1:Charge Amount="1037.94" Currency="USD">
<ns1:Commission Amount="0" Currency="USD"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page95


This method can be used to create a hotel reservation.

Method Name: Hotel_MakeReservation

Input: HotelMakeReservationRQ
Output: HotelMakeReservationRS

When creating the hotel reservation the following components must be sent:

 Passengers List
 Service Configuration
o Selected Package information (similar with previous 2 request)
o Passenger-Room association
o Payment Method


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ExternalRef String Optional
External reservation identifier.
Passengers List of passenger Mandatory
The list of passengers saved on the reservation
PaxRef String Mandatory
Passenger unique identifier.

Tip: if you have an external passengers database you can this can be the external passenger ID.
Type Enumeration(adult, child, infant) Mandatory
The code of the room.
Lead Boolean Mandatory
Lead passenger indicator.
Title Enumeration(mr,mrs,miss) Mandatory
The title of the passenger
FirstName String Mandatory
The first name of the passenger
LastName String Mandatory
The last name of the passenger
BirthDate date Conditional
The date of birth. This is mandatory for children.
Email String Optiona
The e-mail address of the passenger.
ServiceConfig Mandatory
Contains service configurations
HotelService ReservationHotelServiceType Mandatory
Hotel configuration
ResultCode String Mandatory

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page96

The identifier of the search results.
Get this code is an attribute in the AvailHotels element (Response Fields).
PackageCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the package.
PackageRooms List of PackageRoom (PackageRoomType) Mandatory
This is a mapping of PackageRoom   RoomCode

This Indicates all selected rooms for all alternatives.

PackageRoomCode String Mandatory
The index of the occupancy
RoomCode String Mandatory
The code of the room.
PaymentMethod String Mandatory
The selected payment method.

Notice: this must be one of the available payment methods received in the
Hotel_GetOfferDetails response.
PaymentAuthorisation PaymentAuthorisationType Conditional
Payment Authorisation information:
- selected provider
- autorisation form values)
ProviderID String Mandatory
The id of the selected payment provider.

Notice: this must be one of the available payment providers received in the
Hotel_GetOfferDetails response.
PaymentInfo Mandatory

PayableAmount PayablePriceType Mandatory

The amount and the currency that will be paid.

Notice: this must be one of the payable amounts received in the Hotel_GetOfferDetails
response for the current provider.
Amount Decimal Mandatory
Price amount
Currency String Mandatory
Price currency
List of FieldValue
FieldValue String Mandatory
The value of the field.
Code String Mandatory
The code of the field.
BookOptions List of OptionCode Mandatory
List of selected option codes.
OptionCode String Optional
Includes the booking options selected by the requester
Comments String Optional
Reservation comments
BackOfficeRemarks BackOfficeRemarksType Optional
Remarks (text lines) to be exported in a back-office system.
BackOfficeRemark String Optional
Text line
PriceModifiers ReservationPriceModifiersType Optional
Request a reservation to be saved with indicated price modifiers.
The price modifier amount is for the whole reservation.
SellingPrice PriceType Conditional
Selling price modifier. Mutually exclusive with Markup and Commission.
Markup PriceType Conditional
Markup price modifier. Mutually exclusive with SellingPrice.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page97

Commission PriceType Conditional
Commission price modifier. Mutually exclusive with SellingPrice.


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:Passenger PaxRef="1" Type="adult" Lead="true">
<ns1:Passenger PaxRef="2" Type="adult" Lead="false">
<ns1:HotelService ResultCode="HOTEL:WS:IONU:a6183a4ebbca74a4cb352e456135e37b">
<ns1:PackageRoom PackageRoomCode="0" RoomCode="0">
<ns1:Comments>webservice reservation</ns1:Comments>


Response main elements:

- The attribute “ReservationID” contains the unique id of the reservation (which must be stored on the
client side to allow cancelling and requesting for full details;
- The “ConfirmationNo” attribute represents provider confirmation number;
- The “ExternalRef” attribute represents the value sent in the request;
- The “Status” attribute can have one of these values:

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page98

o “OK” - confirmed service
o “RQ” – on request service
- The optional “SupplierConfirmationNumber” appears in the response when the provider sends original
supplier confirmation number (in some cases required on the travel documents).

For additional details use the Reservation_GetDetails method.

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:HotelMakeReservationRS TimeStamp="2011-02-16T18:13:21+02:00"
Version="1.0.2" RequestHost="">
<ns1:Success />
<ns1:Reservation ReservationID="23471">
<ns1:HotelService Status="OK" ConfirmationNo="AB1234567890" ExternalRef="45345">
<ns1:Price Amount="281.04" Currency="EUR" />



In order to request direct payment authorisation the steps from bellow must be implemented.

1. Check the response of the Hotel_GetOfferDetails webservice required dependencies:

a. The PaymentMethod “paynow” should be offered and available

<ns1:PaymentMethod Type="paynow" Available="true"/>

b. At least one PaymentProvider should be offered under the PaymentProviders element.

<ns1:PaymentProvider ID="provider_id" Name="Provider Name">

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page99

2. Load the authorization form using the StaticData_GetPaymentProviders method. Check the
AuthorisationForm element in the Response Fields, it should contain all the details about required fields
that in the PaymentAuthorisation element from the.

3. Send the Hotel_MakeReservation request with the selected PaymentMethod and with all the FieldValue
elements from the PaymentAuthorisation containing required valid values.
<ns:PaymentAuthorisation ProviderID="euplatescro_ws">
<ns:FieldValue Code="card_type">v</ns:FieldValue>
<ns:FieldValue Code="card_no">1234567890123456</ns:FieldValue>
<ns:FieldValue Code="card_vc">123</ns:FieldValue>
<ns:FieldValue Code="expiry_year">2015</ns:FieldValue>
<ns:FieldValue Code="expiry_month">01</ns:FieldValue>
<ns:FieldValue Code="holder_first_name">tester</ns:FieldValue>
<ns:FieldValue Code="holder_last_name">lastname</ns:FieldValue>
<ns:FieldValue Code="holder_email">testsr.lastname@testingeuplatesc.ro</ns:FieldValue>


Depending on the offer availability, on the application configuration or on the payment provider restrictions, there
are two situations that must be taken in consideration:

1. Payment authorization before the reservation is requested from the service provider
2. Payment authorization after the reservation is requested from the service provider

Both cases are handled by the application in a single communication transaction (a single request).

When processing the response from a webservice request, that includuse a PaymentAuthorization element,
make sure all failure cases are taken in consideration.

Check the appendix with Error/Warning codes.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page100


The scope of Hotel Repricing Webservices is to allow the possibility of requesting and booking via webservice hotel
alternatives with a lower price from DCS rePricer network starting from a selected hotel offer. This service will
work only after it is enabled by the administrator.

Hotel_GetAvailability Hotel_GetPackagePrice Hotel_GetOfferDetails Hotel_MakeReservation

Repricing_GetAlternatives Repricing_GetPackagePrice Repricing_GetOfferDetails Repricing_MakeReservation


This method allows alternative search for a prebook offer.

Method Name: Hotel_Repricing_GetAlternatives

Input: HotelRepricingGetAlternatives
Output: HotelRepricingGetAlternatives

This method can be used to get:

 Package details (according with the sent configuration)


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ResultCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the search results.
Get this code is an attribute in the AvailHotels element (Response Fields).
PackageCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the package
PackageRooms List of PackageRoom (PackageRoomType) Mandatory
This is a mapping of PackageRoom   RoomCode

This Indicates all selected rooms for all alternatives.

PackageRoomCode String Mandatory
The index of the occupancy
RoomCode String Mandatory
The code of the room.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page101


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns:PackageRoom PackageRoomCode="0" RoomCode="0" />

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page102


The response structure is similar to Hotel_GetAvailability Response Fields


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns:HotelRepricingGetAlternativesRS TimeStamp="2019-01-22T10:55:42+02:00" Version="1.0.30"
RequestHost="" TransactionID="20190122105542103214">
ResultCode="OfferAlternativesSearchResults:ecf2a2e44c7bc2de918b6dc3e52f63352794b594" CountHotels="1">
<ns:Room RoomCode="1" Status="OK">
<ns:Name>Executive Room, 1 King Bed</ns:Name>
<ns:Info>Private sale: save 5%. Free Wireless Internet.</ns:Info>
<ns:Room RoomCode="2" Status="OK">
<ns:Name>Deluxe Single</ns:Name>
<ns:Info>Executive Room, 1 King Bed</ns:Info>
<ns:Board>Breakfast Continental</ns:Board>
<ns:Price Amount="2143.09" Currency="GBP"/>
<ns:PackageRoom PackageRoomCode="0">
<ns:Occupancy Adults="1" Children="0"/>
<ns:RoomRef RoomCode="1" Selected="true"/>
<ns:RoomRef RoomCode="2" Selected="false"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page103


This method allows the user to get the price when changing the room options for a multi-option package room.

Method Name: Hotel_Repricing_GetPackagePrice

Input: HotelRepricingGetPackagePrice
Output: HotelRepricingGetPackagePrice


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ResultCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the alternatives search results.
Get this code is an attribute in the AvailHotels element (Response Fields).
PackageCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the package
PackageRooms List of PackageRoom (PackageRoomType) Mandatory
This is a mapping of PackageRoom   RoomCode

This Indicates all selected rooms for all alternatives.

PackageRoomCode String Mandatory
The index of the occupancy
RoomCode String Mandatory
The code of the room.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page104


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:PackageRoom PackageRoomCode="0" RoomCode="2"/>


The response structure is similar to Hotel_GetPackagePrice Response Example

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page105


Response main elements:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns:HotelRepricingGetAlternativesRS TimeStamp="2019-01-22T16:16:31+02:00" Version="1.0.31"
RequestHost="" TransactionID="20190122161631577247">
<ns:Price Amount="1954.99" Currency="GBP"/>
<ns:PackageRoom PackageRoomCode="0">
<ns:Occupancy Adults="1" Children="0"/>
<ns:RoomRef RoomCode="2" Selected="true"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page106


This request represents prebook for alternative offer.

Method Name: Hotel_Repricing_GetOfferDetails

Input: HotelRepricingGetOfferDetailsRQ
Output: HotelRepricingGetOfferDetailsRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ResultCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the search results.
Get this code is an attribute in the AvailHotels element (Response Fields).
PackageCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the package
PackageRooms List of PackageRoom (PackageRoomType) Mandatory
This is a mapping of PackageRoom   RoomCode

This Indicates all selected rooms for all alternatives.

PackageRoomCode String Mandatory
The index of the occupancy
RoomCode String Mandatory
The code of the room.


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns:PackageRoom PackageRoomCode="0" RoomCode="2"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page107


The response structure is similar to Hotel_GetOfferDetails Response Example


Response main elements:

- The “Package” element contains the same data as the response of “GetHotelPackagePrice” method;
- The “PriceBreakdown” element contains the detailed price per day for the whole package (the “Package”
child element) or the detailed price per day per room (the “Rooms” child element);
- The “PaymentMethod” element lists all the payment methods and indicates which are available;
- The element “BookOptions” contains additional service options (e.g. early check-in, late check-out etc)
that can be selected when adding the reservation;
- The “Remarks” element contains additional offer information grouped by categories (e.g. hotel remarks,
service restrictions, amendment information etc);
- The “BoardBreakdown” element contains the detailed board plan per room per day;
- The “CancellationPolicy” contains a list of policies that must be interpreted by the client.
- The “PaymentProviders” element lists all the payment providers installed in the application that can
process payment authorizations.
- Every “PaymentProvider” element contains one or more “PayableAmount” elements which indicate
different currencies that can be used to pay the reservation.

- The “HotelDetails” element contains information about the hotel (e.g. name, stars, location, address,
description, facilities)

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:HotelRepricingGetOfferDetailsRS TimeStamp="2019-01-22T17:19:00+02:00" Version="1.0.31"
RequestHost="" TransactionID="20190122171900486568">
Complete="true" Status="OK">
<ns1:Price Amount="2143.09" Currency="GBP"/>
<ns1:PackageRoom PackageRoomCode="0">
<ns1:Occupancy Adults="1" Children="0"/>
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="2" Selected="true"/>
<ns1:RoomRef RoomCode="5" Selected="false"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page108

<ns1:Room RoomCode="2" Status="OK">
<ns1:Name>SINGLE DELUXE</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Board>BED AND BREAKFAST</ns1:Board>
<ns1:Room RoomCode="5" Status="OK">
<ns1:Name>Room WITH DOUBLE BED</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Board>BED AND BREAKFAST</ns1:Board>
<ns1:PaymentMethod Type="prepaid" Available="true"/>
<ns1:PaymentMethod Type="credit" Available="true"/>
<ns1:RemarksCategory Name="CATEGORY_AMENDMENT_POLICIES">
This booking cannot be modified once confirmed.
Car park YES (without additional debit notes). Check-in hour 15:00 -15:00
<ns1:DayPrice Amount="714.36" Currency="GBP" Date="2019-03-20"/>
<ns1:DayPrice Amount="714.36" Currency="GBP" Date="2019-03-21"/>
<ns1:DayPrice Amount="714.36" Currency="GBP" Date="2019-03-22"/>
<ns1:Room RoomCode="2">
<ns1:DayPrice Amount="714.36" Currency="GBP" Date="2019-03-20"/>
<ns1:DayPrice Amount="714.36" Currency="GBP" Date="2019-03-21"/>
<ns1:DayPrice Amount="714.36" Currency="GBP" Date="2019-03-22"/>
<ns1:Policy Type="standard" Limit="2019-03-12T23:59:00+02:00">
<ns1:Charge Amount="774.89" Currency="GBP"/>
<ns1:Policy Type="standard" Limit="2019-03-17T23:59:00+02:00">
<ns1:Charge Amount="2169.33" Currency="GBP"/>
<ns1:HotelDetails Name="RITZ" Stars="5" Type="Hotel">
<ns1:Address>150 Piccadilly</ns1:Address>
This is an elegant, beautiful standard hotel in an ideal central location.
This is an elegant, beautiful standard hotel in an ideal central location.
An elegant promenade leads from the lobby through to the bar area and the courtyard
The hotel is located on Piccadilly next to Green Park and within a few minutes
walking distance of Bond Street and the West End.
24 kms to the airport (london heathrow airport); 48 kms to the airport (london gatwick airport); 1 minute
walk to the nearest metro station (green park tube station); 1 km to the nearest station (victoria); 1
minute walk to the nearest bus stop; 6 km to the nearest fair site (earls court);
Medium sized lobby, Earliest check-in at 15:00, 3 lifts, Porterage 24 hour, Room
service 24 hour, 7 floors, Gymnasium, Beauty parlour, Baby sitting, Disabled facilities

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page109


This request represents book for alternative offer.

Method Name: Hotel_Repricing_MakeReservation

Input: HotelRepricingMakeReservationRQ
Output: HotelRepricingMakeReservationRS

When creating the hotel reservation the following components must be sent:

 Passengers List
 Service Configuration
o Selected Package information (similar with previous 2 request)
o Passenger-Room association
o Payment Method


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ExternalRef String Optional
External reservation identifier.
Passengers List of passenger Mandatory
The list of passengers saved on the reservation
PaxRef String Mandatory
Passenger unique identifier.

Tip: if you have an external passengers database you can this can be the external passenger ID.
Type Enumeration(adult, child, infant) Mandatory
The code of the room.
Lead Boolean Mandatory
Lead passenger indicator.
Title Enumeration(mr,mrs,miss) Mandatory
The title of the passenger
FirstName String Mandatory
The first name of the passenger
LastName String Mandatory
The last name of the passenger
BirthDate date Conditional
The date of birth. This is mandatory for children.
Email String Optiona
The e-mail address of the passenger.
ServiceConfig Mandatory
Contains service configurations
HotelService ReservationHotelServiceType Mandatory
Hotel configuration
ResultCode String Mandatory

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page110

The identifier of the search results.
Get this code is an attribute in the AvailHotels element (Response Fields).
PackageCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the package.
PackageRooms List of PackageRoom (PackageRoomType) Mandatory
This is a mapping of PackageRoom   RoomCode

This Indicates all selected rooms for all alternatives.

PackageRoomCode String Mandatory
The index of the occupancy
RoomCode String Mandatory
The code of the room.
PaymentMethod String Mandatory
The selected payment method.

Notice: this must be one of the available payment methods received in the
Hotel_GetOfferDetails response.
PaymentAuthorisation PaymentAuthorisationType Conditional
Payment Authorisation information:
- selected provider
- autorisation form values)
ProviderID String Mandatory
The id of the selected payment provider.

Notice: this must be one of the available payment providers received in the
Hotel_GetOfferDetails response.
PaymentInfo Mandatory

PayableAmount PayablePriceType Mandatory

The amount and the currency that will be paid.

Notice: this must be one of the payable amounts received in the Hotel_GetOfferDetails
response for the current provider.
Amount Decimal Mandatory
Price amount
Currency String Mandatory
Price currency
List of FieldValue
FieldValue String Mandatory
The value of the field.
Code String Mandatory
The code of the field.
BookOptions List of OptionCode Mandatory
List of selected option codes.
Comments String Optional
Reservation comments
BackOfficeRemarks BackOfficeRemarksType Optional
Remarks (text lines) to be exported in a back-office system.
BackOfficeRemark String Optional
Text line
PriceModifiers ReservationPriceModifiersType Optional
Request a reservation to be saved with indicated price modifiers.
The price modifier amount is for the whole reservation.
SellingPrice PriceType Conditional
Selling price modifier. Mutually exclusive with Markup and Commission.
Markup PriceType Conditional
Markup price modifier. Mutually exclusive with SellingPrice.
Commission PriceType Conditional
Commission price modifier. Mutually exclusive with SellingPrice.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page111


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:Passenger PaxRef="1" Type="adult" Lead="true">
<ns1:HotelService ResultCode="HOTEL:WS:IONU:a6183a4ebbca74a4cb352e456135e37b">
<ns1:PackageRoom PackageRoomCode="0" RoomCode="2">
<ns1:Comments>webservice reservation comments</ns1:Comments>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page112


The response structure is similar to Hotel_MakeReservation Response Example


Response main elements:

- The attribute “ReservationID” contains the unique id of the reservation (which must be stored on the
client side to allow cancelling and requesting for full details;
- The “ConfirmationNo” attribute represents provider confirmation number;
- The “ExternalRef” attribute represents the value sent in the request;
- The “Status” attribute can have one of these values:
o “OK” - confirmed service
o “RQ” – on request service
- The optional “SupplierConfirmationNumber” appears in the response when the provider sends original
supplier confirmation number (in some cases required on the travel documents).

For additional details use the Reservation_GetDetails method.

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:HotelRepricingMakeReservationRS TimeStamp="2019-01-28T11:05:32+02:00" Version="1.0.30"
RequestHost="" TransactionID="20190128110532290323">
<ns1:Reservation ReservationID="1658">
<ns1:HotelService Status="OK" ConfirmationNo="2411" SupplierConfirmationNumber="164-3892761"
<ns1:Price Amount="2199.52" Currency="GBP"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page113



To be able to make activity bookings using IRIX a series of methods must be used – each of these methods has a
clear purpose, as follows:

1. Activity_GetAvailability - search activities in a certain city

2. Activity_GetOffer - obtain every necessary details for an activity offer;
3. Activity_MakeReservation - create a reservation for one activity service;

Examples of an activity services:

 A sitghtseeing tour,
 A ticket to a show/ a concert
 An entry pass to an attraction / a museum / a park


Search activities in a certain city.

Method Name: Activity_GetAvailability

Input: Activity_GetAvailabilityRQ
Output: Activity_GetAvailabilityRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional/Conditional

Location Mandatory
Indicates the activity location
City Mandatory
Activity location defined as City. Use data from StaticData_GetCities. Use City ID or City Code.
CityID InternalID Conditional
Identify the city using internal ID
CityCode String Conditional
Identify the city using the city code

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page114

DateRange Mandatory
Activity availability period. When requesting the availability for a single date the Start and End
attribute must have the same value.
Start Date Mandatory
The start date for the availability period
End Date Mandatory
The end date for the availability period
Occupancy OccupancyType Mandatory
Activity occupancy details
Adults PositiveInteger Mandatory
Adult count indicator
Children PositiveInteger Mandatory
Adult count indicator.
Restriction: 0 to 9
ChildAge List of PositiveInteger (0.) Mandatory
For each child indicated by the Children attribute there must be a ChildAge element to
indicate the age.
* Repetitions: 0 to 9
* Allowed values: 0 to 18
Nationality Mandatory
Indicates the nationality of the travellers
ID InternalID Mandatory
Nationality ID. See StaticData_GetNationalities.
AddActivityDetails boolean Optional
Request extended details for all activities. In some cases it’s recommended to request the
availability with minimum details and request additional information using the
Activity_GetOffer webservice.

Default value: false


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns:Activity_GetAvailabilityRQ AddActivityDetails="false">
<ns:City CityCode="MAD"/>
<ns:DateRange Start="2014-10-15" End="2014-10-16"/>
<ns:Occupancy Adults="2" Children="2">
<!--0 to 9 repetitions:-->
<ns:Nationality ID="158"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page115


The main elements from the response:

- ResultCode - This attribute contains an unique code that will be needed for executing the other methods
until the booking is done;
- List of Available Activity (AvailableActivityType) elements. Each Activity element contains two main
o ActivityDetails element containing details about the current activity
o ActivityOptions element containing one or more configurations/options for the current activity.
Each activity option will have a
 Description: Name + Info
 Price and Status
 Occupancy information
 One or more operating dates with fixed or variable duration

Info:The results are kept in cache for 1800 seconds.

Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ActivityCode String Mandatory
Activity indicator.
Will be used to load the offer and create the reservation.
SupplierActivityCode String Optional
Supplier activity information (for information purposes).

ActivityDetails ActivityDetailsType Mandatory

Activity service details
Name String Mandatory
Activity name
Destination String Mandatory
Activity destination details
Description String Optional
Activity Description. It might contain HTML tags.
Images List of Image (GalleryImageType) Optional
Activity images
ActivityType String (0 or more repetitions) Optional
List of activity types
ActivityCategory String (0 or more repetitions) Optional
List of activity categories
ActivityOptions List of ActivityOption (ActivityOptionType) Mandatory
Activity configuration options (1 or more)
OptionCode String Mandatory
Option indentifier.
Will be used to load the offer and create the reservation.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page116

SupplierOptionCode String Optional
Supplier Option indentifier (for information purposes).
Status Enumeration(OK, RQ) Mandatory
The availability status.
OK – available
RQ – on request
Price PriceType Conditional
The price of the activity option
Name String Optional
The name of the activity option
Info String Optional
Additional information regarding the option (eg special offer, discount etc).
Occupancy OccupancyType Mandatory
Activity option occupancy information.
Notice: This represents the actual option occupancy. Please make sure you display this
information to the user.

For example: in some situations even if the user requests activities for multiple travelers, some
of activities can be booked for a single traveler.
Adults PositiveInteger Mandatory
Adult count indicator
Children PositiveInteger Mandatory
Adult count indicator.
Restriction: 0 to 9
ChildAge PositiveInteger Mandatory
For each child indicated by the Children attribute there must be a ChildAge element to
indicate the age.
OperatingDates List of OperatingDate Mandatory
List of operating dates/periods
Date date Mandatory
The operating date.
Notice: For one day activity the minimum duration and maximum duration are “1”.
MinDuration nonNegativeInteger Mandatory
Minimum duration of the service in the specified date (computed in days)
MaxDuration nonNegativeInteger Mandatory
Maximum duration of the service in the specified date (computed in days)

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page117


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:Activity_GetAvailabilityRS TimeStamp="2014-09-15T16:48:21+03:00" Version="1.0.12"
RequestHost="" TransactionID="20140915164821782152">
<ns1:AvailableActivities ResultCode="ACTIVITIES:WS:SERB:6e8a5f5352865a435f5e4807bc5fbed0"
<ns1:Activity ActivityCode="0" SupplierActivityCode="1298414">
<ns1:Name>Toledo Half Day Tour - Demo</ns1:Name>
<ns1:ActivityType>Sightseeing Tours</ns1:ActivityType>
<ns1:ActivityOption OptionCode="0" Status="OK" SupplierOptionCode="12438173">
<ns1:Name>Tour Ticket 9:00 AM</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Price Amount="125.02" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Occupancy Adults="2" Children="2">
<ns1:OperatingDate Date="2014-10-15" MinDuration="1" MaxDuration="1"/>
<ns1:OperatingDate Date="2014-10-16" MinDuration="1" MaxDuration="1"/>
<ns1:ActivityOption OptionCode="1" Status="OK" SupplierOptionCode="12438174">
<ns1:Name>Tour Ticket 3:00 PM</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Price Amount="125.02" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Occupancy Adults="2" Children="2">
<ns1:OperatingDate Date="2014-10-15" MinDuration="1" MaxDuration="1"/>
<ns1:OperatingDate Date="2014-10-16" MinDuration="1" MaxDuration="1"/>
<ns1:Activity ActivityCode="1" SupplierActivityCode="1298415">
<ns1:Name>Madrid Panoramic Night Tour - Demo</ns1:Name>
<ns1:ActivityType>Sightseeing Tours</ns1:ActivityType>
<ns1:ActivityOption OptionCode="0" Status="OK" SupplierOptionCode="12438184">
<ns1:Name>Tour Ticket</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Price Amount="56.66" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Occupancy Adults="2" Children="2">
<ns1:OperatingDate Date="2014-10-15" MinDuration="1" MaxDuration="1"/>
<ns1:OperatingDate Date="2014-10-16" MinDuration="1" MaxDuration="1"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page118


This method can be used to request all the information about an activity offer and one of its options, revalidating
the status and the price. This method is mandatory to be used in order to obtain the activity specific configuration
required to correctly send the reservation request (Activity_MakeReservation).

Method Name: Activity_GetOffer

Input: Activity_GetOfferRQ
Output: Activity_GetOfferRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ResultCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the search results.
This code is an attribute in the AvailableActivities element (see Response Example).
ActivityCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the activity service.
This code is an attribute in the Activity element
OptionCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the activity option.
This code is an attribute in the ActivityOption element
OperatingDate Date Mandatory
Activity option operating date.
Select the date of one OperatingDate.
OperatingDuration positiveInteger Mandatory
Activity option operating duration in days. Must between MinDuration and MaxDuration
indicated in the OperatingDate.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page119


The response of this method will include the following:

 Full ActivityDetails includes a more detailed Description (may contain HTML tags), an image gallery.
It’s recommended to always display to the agent/end user the most recent activity description because it
might include additional contract information or restrictions.

 Details of the selected ActivityOption with

o Revalidated Price and Status

o Name and Information

o Service Occupancy: adult count, children count and children ages

o Selected operating date and duration. It also reincludes the list of operating dates, allowing
implementing a quick switch to another operating date (optional).

 List of PaymentMethods with availability details

 Service Remarks

 List of CancellationPolicy

 Dynamic Service Configuration form specific with the selected activity service. This will include a list (0 or
more) of Field elements with

o A Label attribute – readable field name (must be displayed to the end user)

o A Code attribute – use this code to send the value of the field during the booking process
(represents the internal field unique identification for this activity option)

o A Mandatory attribute – indicates if the value for this field is required to finalize the reservation

o A Type attribute – indicates the field type (can be used to generate different user interface input
fields). Can be one of the following:

 Text

 List

 Date

 Email

 Time

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page120

o A Restriction (optional) sub-element – indicates a series of limits/formats that must be applied
on the field value before requesting the reservation (eg values permited by the list field)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:Activity_GetOfferRS TimeStamp="2014-09-15T16:50:03+03:00" Version="1.0.12"
RequestHost="" TransactionID="20140915165003067441">
<ns1:ActivityOffer System="supplier">
<ns1:Name>Toledo Half Day Tour - Demo</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Description><![CDATA[<b>Highlights / General details</b><br /> ...]]></ns1:Description>
<ns1:Image URL="http://image1.url.com/Toledo-1_Thumbnailed.jpg"/>
<ns1:Image URL="http://image1.url.com/Toledo-2.jpg"/>
<ns1:ActivityType>Sightseeing Tours</ns1:ActivityType>
<ns1:ActivityOption OptionCode="0" Status="OK" SupplierOptionCode="12438173" SelectedDate="2014-
10-15" SelectedDuration="1">
<ns1:Name>Tour Ticket 9:00 AM</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Price Amount="125.02" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Occupancy Adults="2" Children="2">
<ns1:OperatingDate Date="2014-10-15" MinDuration="1" MaxDuration="1"/>
<ns1:OperatingDate Date="2014-10-16" MinDuration="1" MaxDuration="1"/>
<ns1:PaymentMethod Type="prepaid" Available="true"/>
<ns1:PaymentMethod Type="credit" Available="false"/>
<ns1:RemarksCategory Name="CATEGORY_VOUCHER_REMARKS">
<ns1:Remark>Toledo Half Day Tour Bring voucher to exchange for ticket.</ns1:Remark>
<ns1:Policy Type="standard" Limit="2014-10-01T00:00:00+03:00">
<ns1:Charge Amount="50.01" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Policy Type="standard" Limit="2014-10-13T00:00:00+03:00">
<ns1:Charge Amount="62.51" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Policy Type="standard" Limit="2014-10-15T00:00:00+03:00">
<ns1:Charge Amount="125.02" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Field Code="Text-47273-activity" Label="Book Option" Mandatory="false" Type="Text">

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page121


This method creates a reservation with an activity service.

Method Name: Activity_GetAvailability

Input: Activity_GetAvailabilityRQ
Output: Activity_GetAvailabilityRS

When requesting the activity reservation the following components must be sent:

 Passengers List
o Make sure to include IdentificationDocument (Type = identityCard) information and contact
details (e-mail and phone number) for the Owner passenger
 Service Configuration (mandatory fields)
o Selected Activity information (data used also in the Activity_GetOffer Request Fields)
o Passenger association to the service (almost always this will include all passenger references)
o Payment Method
o Service configuration form values


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ExternalRef String Optional
External reservation identifier.
Passengers List of Passenger elements Mandatory
The list of passengers saved on the reservation
PaxRef String Mandatory
Passenger unique identifier.

Tip: if you have an external passengers database you can this can be the external passenger ID.
Type Enumeration(adult, child, infant) Mandatory
The code of the room.
Lead Boolean Mandatory
Lead passenger indicator.
Title Enumeration(mr,mrs,miss) Mandatory
The title of the passenger
FirstName String Mandatory
The first name of the passenger
LastName String Mandatory
The last name of the passenger
BirthDate date Conditional
The date of birth. This is mandatory for children.
Email String Optional
The e-mail address of the passenger.
Phone String Mandatory
The contact phone number of the passenger.
IdentificationDocument Mandatory

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page122

Traveller identification document
ServiceConfig Mandatory
Contains service configurations
ActivityService ReservationHotelServiceType Mandatory
Hotel configuration
ResultCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the search results.
This code is an attribute in the AvailableActivities element (see Response Example).
ActivityCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the activity service.
This code is an attribute in the Activity element
OptionCode String Mandatory
The identifier of the activity option.
This code is an attribute in the ActivityOption element
OperatingDate Date Mandatory
Activity option operating date.
Select the date of one OperatingDate.
OperatingDuration positiveInteger Mandatory
Activity option operating duration in days. Must between MinDuration and MaxDuration
indicated in the OperatingDate.
Passengers List of PaxRef Mandatory
Passenger association with the activity service.
PaxRef String Mandatory
Passenger reference (information from Passenger element
ServiceConfiguration DynamicFormValuesType Conditional
Activity service specific configuration form values.

List of values associated for each field indicated in the ServiceConfigurationForm from
Activity_GetOffer response.
List of FieldValue
FieldValue String Mandatory
The value of the field.
Code String Mandatory
The code of the field.
PaymentMethod String Mandatory
The selected payment method.

Notice: this must be one of the available payment methods received in the Activity_GetOffer
Comments String Optional
Reservation comments
BackOfficeRemarks BackOfficeRemarksType Optional
Remarks (text lines) to be exported in a back-office system.
BackOfficeRemark String Optional
Text line
PriceModifiers ReservationPriceModifiersType Optional
Request a reservation to be saved with indicated price modifiers.
The price modifier amount is for the whole reservation.
SellingPrice PriceType Conditional
Selling price modifier. Mutually exclusive with Markup and Commission.
Markup PriceType Conditional
Markup price modifier. Mutually exclusive with SellingPrice.
Commission PriceType Conditional
Commission price modifier. Mutually exclusive with SellingPrice.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page123


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns:Passenger PaxID="1" PaxRef="0" Type="adult" Lead="1">
<ns:IdentificationDocument Type="identityCard">
<ns:Passenger PaxID="2" PaxRef="1" Type="adult" Lead="0">
<ns:Passenger PaxID="3" PaxRef="2" Type="child" Lead="0">
<ns:Passenger PaxID="4" PaxRef="3" Type="child" Lead="0">
<ns:ActivityService ResultCode="ACTIVITIES:WS:SERB:6e8a5f5352865a435f5e4807bc5fbed0">
<ns:FieldValue Code="Text-47273-activity">test</ns:FieldValue>
<ns:Comments>some comment</ns:Comments>
<ns:BackOfficeRemark>ACCOUNTING INDICATOR</ns:BackOfficeRemark>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page124


Response main elements:

- The attribute “ReservationID” contains the unique id of the reservation (which must be stored on the
client side to allow cancelling and requesting for full details;
- The “ConfirmationNo” attribute represents provider confirmation number;
- The “ExternalRef” attribute represents the value sent in the request;
- The “Status” attribute can have one of these values:
o “OK” - confirmed service
o “RQ” – on request service
- The optional “SupplierConfirmationNumber” appears in the response when the provider sends original
supplier confirmation number (in some cases required on the travel documents).

For additional details use the Reservation_GetDetails method.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:Activity_MakeReservationRS TimeStamp="2014-09-15T17:09:09+03:00" Version="1.0.12"
RequestHost="" TransactionID="20140915170909653820">
<ns1:Reservation ReservationID="40961">
<ns1:ActivityService Status="OK" ConfirmationNo="57864879" ExternalRef="asd">
<ns1:Price Amount="125.02" Currency="EUR">
<ns1:Commission Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page125



Managing a reservation is done by using the following methods:

1. Reservation_GetDetails - obtaining all the details of an reservation;

2. Reservation_GetDocument - request document details for a reservation service
3. Reservation_Cancel - cancel a reservation.


This method can be used to request the reservation details.

Method Name: Reservation_GetDetails

Input: ReservationGetDetailsRQ
Output: ReservationGetDetailsRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ReservationID InternalID Mandatory
Reservation unique identifier.
This is returned after finalizing the reservation.


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page126


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ReservationID InternalID Mandatory
Reservation unique identifier.
Source String Mandatory
Reservation source (reseller, osp, webservice)
Agency AgencyType Mandatory
Reservation unique identifier.
ID InternalID Mandatory
Reseller Agency ID.
Name String Mandatory
Reseller Agency name
Code String Mandatory
Reseller Agency code.
Passengers List of Passenger Mandatory
The passengers from the current reservation
PaxID InternalID Optional
Passenger internal identifier.
PaxRef String Optional
External passenger reference.
Notice: This is the PaxRef element from Hotel_MakeReservation.
Type Enumeration(adult, child, infant) Optional
Passenger type code
Lead Boolean Optional
Lead passenger flag
Title Enumeration(mr, mrs, miss) Optional
Passenger’s title
PTC String Optional
Passenger type code (only for flights)
FirstName String Mandatory
Passenger’s first name
LastName String Mandatory
Passenger’s last name
BirthDate Date Optional
Passenger’s birth date
Phone String Optional
Passenger’s phone number
Email String Optional
Passenger’s e-mail address
IdentificationDocument Optional
Traveller personal document
Type String Conditional
Identification document type, passport or identityCard
Number String Conditional
The identity document number
ExpiryDate Date Conditional
The expiry date of the identity document
IssuingCountry String Conditional
The country that issued the identity document
PaxNationality String Conditional
The nationality of the identity document holder
FrequentTravellerCards FrequentTravellerCardListType Optional

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page127

Frequent traveller cards list
FrequentTravellerCard Conditional
Frequent Traveller card container
AirlineCode String Conditional
Frequent traveller airline code
Number String Conditional
Frequent traveller airline number
Services Mandatory
List of services on the reservation
HotelService HotelReservationServiceDetailsType Conditional
Hotel Service details

See below for detailed structure (Hotel Service Structure);

AirService HotelReservationServiceDetailsType Conditional
Air Service details

See below for detailed structure (Air Service Structure);

ActivityService HotelReservationServiceDetailsType Conditional
Activity Service details

See below for detailed structure (Activity Service Structure);


Status Enumeration(OK,RQ,XX,XP,AM) Mandatory
Service status
OK – Confirmed
RQ – On Request
XP – Cancellation Pending
XX – Cancelled
AM – Amended (replaced by another reservation)

System String Optional

Third party supplier code
ConfirmationNo String Mandatory
Provider confirmation number

Info: available from version 1.0.2

SupplierConfirmationNumber String Optional
Original supplier confirmation number (when the provider of the servis is just a reseller).

Info: available from version 1.0.11

ExternalRef String Optional
External reference
AutocancelDate String Optional
The date when the platform will automatically cancel this service.

Notice: this is valid only for services that are on are still not flagged as paid (PaymentStatus =
CreationDateTime DateTime Mandatory
Date and time of the service creation.
ModificationDateTime DateTime Optional
Date and time of the service modification.
Account AccountType Mandatory
The account information from which the service was created.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page128

ID InternalID Mandatory
Reseller user identifier
Username String Mandatory
Reseller username
Price PriceType Mandatory
Service full selling price
Amount Decimal Mandatory
Price amount
Currency String Mandatory
Price currency
RateDetails RateDetailsType Optional
Information about the applied rate. Is included when is provided by supplier.

Info: available from version 1.0.24

Name string Optional
Rate Name
Description String Optional
Rate Description
Nationality Mandatory
Passenger’s nationality
ID InternalID Mandatory
Nationality internal identifier
ISO String Optional
Nationality ISO code
Name String Mandatory
Nationality name
ServicePeriod Mandatory
Service duration information
StartDate Date Mandatory
Service start date (check in)
EndDate Date Mandatory
Service end date (check out)
Duration Integer Mandatory
Service duration
DurationType Enumeration (days, nights) Mandatory
For hotel service this is always = nights
Documents List of Document : ServiceDocumentType Mandatory
Available documents for this service - a list of references that can be used to request full
document details.

Info: available from version 1.0.4

DocType String Mandatory
Document Type - Can be one of the following:
 resDetails – reservation details
 voucher – voucher document (only for hotel service)
 proforma – proforma invoice
 tktVoucher – ticket document (only for air service)
DocID String Mandatory
Document Unique identifier
Description String Mandatory
Document Description
Payment Mandatory
Payment details
Status Enumeration(OK,PR) Mandatory
OK – Payment confirmed
PR – Payment required
PaymentMode Enumeration(prepaid,credit,paynow) Mandatory
Payment type
PaymentDeadline Date Conditional
Payment deadline in case of PR status.
Destination Mandatory
Destination information

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page129

Hotel HotelType Mandatory
Hotel basic information
Country CountryType Mandatory
Country details
City CityType Mandatory
City details
Locations LocationsType Mandatory
List of associated locations for the hotel
Rooms List of Room Mandatory
Passenger internal identifier.
Code String Mandatory
Room type code
RoomID InternalID Mandatory
Internal room identifier
Name String Mandatory
Room type name
Board String Mandatory
Included board name
Info String Mandatory
Additional room information
Passengers List of PaxID Mandatory
List of passenger internal identifiers, this references to the list of passengers on the
PaxID InternalID Mandatory
Passenger internal identifier.

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page130


Status Enumeration(OK,RQ,XX,XP) Mandatory
Service status
OK – Confirmed
RQ – On Request
XP – Cancellation Pending
XX – Cancelled

System String Optional

Third party supplier code
ConfirmationNo String Mandatory
Supplier confirmation number

Info: available from version 1.0.2

SupplierConfirmationNumber String Optional
Original supplier confirmation number (when the provider of the servis is just a reseller).

Info: available from version 1.0.11

ExternalRef String Optional
External reference
AutocancelDate String Optional
The date when the platform will automatically cancel this service.

Notice: this is valid only for services that are on are still not flagged as paid (PaymentStatus =
CreationDateTime DateTime Mandatory
Date and time of the service creation.
ModificationDateTime DateTime Optional
Date and time of the service modification.
TimeLimit DateTime Conditional
Time limit to issue ticket.
IsTicketed Boolean Mandatory
Indicated if there is at least a ticket issued for this reservation
Account AccountType Mandatory
The account information from which the service was created.
ID InternalID Mandatory
Reseller user identifier
Username String Mandatory
Reseller username
Price Mandatory
Service full selling price
Amount Decimal Mandatory
Price amount
Currency String Mandatory
Price currency
ServicePeriod Mandatory
Service duration information (this information is not affected by future reservation updates)
StartDate Date Mandatory
Service start date (first segment’s departure date)
EndDate Date Mandatory
Service end date (last segment’s arrival date)
Duration Integer Mandatory
Service duration
DurationType Enumeration (days, nights) Mandatory
For air service this is always = days
Documents List of Document : ServiceDocumentType Mandatory
Available documents for this service - a list of references that can be used to request full
document details.

Info: available from version 1.0.4

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page131

DocType String Mandatory
Document Type - Can be one of the following:
 resDetails – reservation details
 voucher – voucher document (only for hotel service)
 proforma – proforma invoice
 tktVoucher – ticket document (only for air service)
DocID String Mandatory
Document Unique identifier
Description String Mandatory
Document Description
Tickets List of Tickets : TicketType Optional
Tickets list
TicketNo String Mandatory
Ticket document number
Date Date Mandatory
Ticket issue date
Baggage String Optional
Baggage information
IataNo String Optional
IATA number
Passenger Mandatory
Passenger Details structure
FirstName String Mandatory
Passenger’s first name
LastName String Mandatory
Passenger’s last name
Origin Mandatory
Origin city/airport
Destination Mandatory
Destination city/airport
Itinerary List of Segment Mandatory
Full itinerary for this ticket.
FareDetails Optional
Fare information included in PNR

Info: this information is dependent on the GDS provider

OptionalServices OptionalServicesType : list of Optional
Information about the ancillary fares that are included on the reservation.
Route RouteType Mandatory
Route basic information – departure and destination codes
From String Mandatory
Departure airport code
To String Mandatory
Destination airport code
Target String Mandatory
The type of PTC to whom the service is available to. Can have value ‘All’ if it is accessible to all
passengers in the reservation.
PassengerIndex String Optional
The specific passenger to whom the service is available to. It will be omitted if the Target has
value ‘All’.
Also if the service is accessible to a group of PTC’s, then it will have the value ‘All’.
Service FlightAncillaryServiceType Mandatory

AtpcoGroup AptoGroupEnumType Mandatory

AtpcoSubGroup AtpcoSubGroupEnumType Optional

Aptco subgroup classification
AtpcoCode String Optional
Aptco classification by code

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page132

ChargeType ChargeTypeEnum Optional
Charge type information
CategoryCode CategoryCodeEnum Optional
Internal classification category code
CategoryName String Optional
Internal classification category name
Name String Mandatory
Description of the included service.
Segments List of Segment : ItinerarySegmentType Optional
List of AIR segments included in PNR
Tatoo String Mandatory
Segment identifier for the including PNR
Status String Mandatory
Segment status
Origin Mandatory
Structure to identify the segment origin (location, date, time)
Date date Mandatory
Date of departure
Time time Mandatory
Time of departure
Airport AirLocationNameType Mandatory
Departure location
Destination Mandatory
Structure to identify the segment origin (location, date, time)
Date date Mandatory
Date of arrival
Time time Mandatory
Time of arrival
Airport AirLocationNameType Mandatory
Arrival location
Carrier Mandatory
Structure to identify the segment origin (location, date, time)
Marketing Mandatory
Marketing carrier
Operating Mandatory
Operating carrier
Flight Mandatory
Flight information
Number String Mandatory
Flight number
Class Mandatory
Flight class
Aircraft Mandatory
Aircraft information
TechnicalStop Optional
Technical stop. This can appear multiple times on the segment.
Info: available from version 1.0.7
StopTime time Mandatory
The duration of the technical stop
Airport AirLocationNameType Mandatory
Stop location
PNRLines List of Line Optional
Generic PNR Text lines

Info: this information is dependent on the GDS provider

Live String Mandatory
Generic text line

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page133


Status Enumeration(OK,RQ,XX,XP) Mandatory
Service status
OK – Confirmed
RQ – On Request
XP – Cancellation Pending
XX – Cancelled

System String Optional

Third party supplier code
ConfirmationNo String Mandatory
Supplier confirmation number

Info: available from version 1.0.2

SupplierConfirmationNumber String Optional
Original supplier confirmation number (when the provider of the servis is just a reseller).

Info: available from version 1.0.11

ExternalRef String Optional
External reference
AutocancelDate String Optional
The date when the platform will automatically cancel this service.

Notice: this is valid only for services that are on are still not flagged as paid (PaymentStatus =
CreationDateTime DateTime Mandatory
Date and time of the service creation.
ModificationDateTime DateTime Optional
Date and time of the service modification.
Account AccountType Mandatory
The account information from which the service was created.
ID InternalID Mandatory
Reseller user identifier
Username String Mandatory
Reseller username
Price Mandatory
Service full selling price
Amount Decimal Mandatory
Price amount
Currency String Mandatory
Price currency
Nationality Mandatory
Passenger’s nationality
ID InternalID Mandatory
Nationality internal identifier
ISO String Optional
Nationality ISO code
Name String Mandatory
Nationality name
ServicePeriod Mandatory
Service duration information (this information is not affected by future reservation updates)
StartDate Date Mandatory
Service start date (first segment’s departure date)
EndDate Date Mandatory
Service end date (last segment’s arrival date)
Duration Integer Mandatory
Service duration
DurationType Enumeration (days, nights) Mandatory

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page134

For acitivity service this is always = days
Documents List of Document : ServiceDocumentType Mandatory
Available documents for this service - a list of references that can be used to request full
document details.

Info: available from version 1.0.4

DocType String Mandatory
Document Type - Can be one of the following:
 resDetails – reservation details
 voucher – voucher document (only for hotel service)
 proforma – proforma invoice
 tktVoucher – ticket document (only for air service)
DocID String Mandatory
Document Unique identifier
Description String Mandatory
Document Description
Payment Mandatory
Payment details
Status Enumeration(OK,PR) Mandatory
OK – Payment confirmed
PR – Payment required
PaymentMode Enumeration(prepaid,credit,paynow) Mandatory
Payment type
PaymentDeadline Date Conditional
Payment deadline in case of PR status.
CancellationPolicy Mandatory
Service cancellation policy
Remarks Mandatory
Service remarks
ActivityDetails Mandatory
Activity service details
Code Mandatory
Supplier activity service code
Name Mandatory
Activity Name
Destination Mandatory
Activity destination/location name
ActivityOption Mandatory
Activity service-option.

Notice: the date and the duration of the activity is publiched in the ServicePeriod element.
Code Mandatory
Supplier service-option code
Name Mandatory
Option name
Occupancy Mandatory
Option occupancy information
Passengers Mandatory
Associated passengers
Destination Mandatory
Destination information
Country CountryType Mandatory
Country details
City CityType Mandatory
City details

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page135


<ns1:ReservationGetDetailsRS TimeStamp="2011-02-24T09:22:05+02:00"
Version="1.0.4" RequestHost="">
<ns1:Success />
<ns1:Reservation ReservationID="23471" Source="reseller">
<ns1:Agency ID="78" Name="Resller Name" Code="RESS" />
<ns1:Passenger PaxID="8740" Type="adult" Lead="true">
<ns1:Passenger PaxID="8741" Type="adult" Lead="false">
<ns1:HotelService System="system_code" Status="OK" ConfirmationNo="AB1234567890"
ExternalRef="29277375" CreationDateTime="2011-02-16 18:13:30">

<!—- Standard Service Information -->

<ns1:Account ID="137" Username="username" />
<ns1:Price Amount="281.04" Currency="EUR" />
<ns1:Name>Non-refundable rate</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Description>Price includes: • Tax Recovery Charges: 5.88 EUR Taxes due at hotel:
• Mandatory Tax: 0.71 EUR</ns1:Description>
<ns1:Nationality ID="158" ISO="RO" Name="Romania" />
<ns1:Document DocType="resDetails" DocID="eafc97107a8a3550e468c00f0b806d3c">
<ns1:Description>Reservation Details</ns1:Description>
<ns1:Document DocType="proforma" DocID="0c5156e5244db5895ff0e42ecb63a164">
<ns1:Description>Proforma #267</ns1:Description>

<!—- Payment -->

<ns1:Payment Status="OK" PaymentMode="credit" />

<!—- Hotel Service details -->

<ns1:Policy Type="standard" Limit="2011-02-16 00:00:00">
<ns1:Charge Amount="140.52" Currency="EUR" />
<ns1:Policy Type="limit" Limit="2011-02-19 00:00:00" />
<ns1:Remarks />
<ns1:Hotel ID="44" Name="COLOR DESIGN HOTEL" />
<ns1:Country ID="2" Name="FRANCE" />
<ns1:City ID="2" Name="PARIS" />
<ns1:Locations />
<ns1:Room Code="DBCM" RoomID="6025">
<ns1:Name>Double (double bed), BUFFET BREAKFAST (all days)</ns1:Name>
<ns1:Board>BUFFET BREAKFAST (all days)</ns1:Board>
IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page136

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:ReservationGetDetailsRS TimeStamp="2011-05-31T16:56:29+03:00" Version="1.0.4"
RequestHost="" TransactionID="20110531045629917157">
<ns1:Reservation ReservationID="25568" Source="reseller">
<ns1:Agency ID="3" Name="Reseller Name" Code="Ress"/>

<ns1:AirService System="1A" Status="OK" ConfirmationNo="ABCDEF" ExternalRef=""

CreationDateTime="2011-05-31T15:24:02" TimeLimit="2011-05-31" IsTicketed="true">

<!—- Standard Service Information -->

<ns1:Account ID="118" Username="username"/>
<ns1:Price Amount="129.24" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:StartDate Time="15:25:00+03:00">2011-06-21</ns1:StartDate>
<ns1:EndDate Time="23:40:00+03:00">2011-06-21</ns1:EndDate>
<ns1:Document DocType="tktVoucher" DocID="00b23442faf475f5fec93b8b8bf15e14">
<ns1:Description> ANY SOARA #2783053448</ns1:Description>

<!-- Tickets list -->

<ns1:Ticket TicketNo="2783053448" Date="2011-03-15">
<ns1:Passenger FirstName="ANY" LastName="SOARA"/>
<ns1:Origin Code="BRU" City="Brussels">National</ns1:Origin>
<ns1:Destination Code="NCE" City="Nice">Cote D Azur</ns1:Destination>
<ns1:Segment Status="HK">
<ns1:Origin Date="2011-06-21" Time="15:25:00">
<ns1:Airport Code="BRU" City="Brussels">National</ns1:Airport>
<ns1:Destination Date="2011-06-21" Time="15:35:00">
<ns1:Airport Code="LHR" City="London">Heathrow</ns1:Airport>
<ns1:Marketing Code="BA">British Airways</ns1:Marketing>
<ns1:Flight Number="395" Class="O"/>
<ns1:Aircraft Code="319">Airbus A319</ns1:Aircraft>
<ns1:Segment Status="HK">
<ns1:Origin Date="2011-06-21" Time="20:40:00">
<ns1:Airport Code="LHR" City="London">Heathrow</ns1:Airport>
<ns1:Destination Date="2011-06-21" Time="23:40:00">
<ns1:Airport Code="NCE" City="Nice">Cote D Azur</ns1:Airport>
<ns1:Marketing Code="BA">British Airways</ns1:Marketing>
<ns1:Flight Number="352" Class="O"/>
<ns1:Aircraft Code="320">Airbus A320-100/200</ns1:Aircraft>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page137

<!— Air Segments -->
<ns1:Origin Date="2011-06-21" Time="15:25:00">
<ns1:Airport Code="BRU" City="Brussels">National</ns1:Airport>
<ns1:Destination Date="2011-06-21" Time="15:35:00">
<ns1:Airport Code="LHR" City="London">Heathrow</ns1:Airport>
<ns1:Marketing Code="BA">British Airways</ns1:Marketing>
<ns1:Flight Number="395" Class="O"/>
<ns1:Aircraft Code="319">Airbus A319</ns1:Aircraft>
<ns1:Origin Date="2011-06-21" Time="20:40:00">
<ns1:Airport Code="LHR" City="London">Heathrow</ns1:Airport>
<ns1:Destination Date="2011-06-21" Time="23:40:00">
<ns1:Airport Code="NCE" City="Nice">Cote D Azur</ns1:Airport>
<ns1:Marketing Code="BA">British Airways</ns1:Marketing>
<ns1:Flight Number="352" Class="O"/>
<ns1:Aircraft Code="320">Airbus A320-100/200</ns1:Aircraft>

<!— PNR General Lines -->

<ns1:Line>AP 21213213213213</ns1:Line>
<ns1:Line>AP OFFICE@DCSPLUS.TRV - EMAIL</ns1:Line>
<ns1:Line>FE PAX NONREF/-NCEUR ;S:1,2 ;P:11</ns1:Line>
<ns1:Line>FM *M*0A</ns1:Line>
<ns1:Line>FP CASH</ns1:Line>
<ns1:Line>FV PAX BA ;S:1,2 ;P:11</ns1:Line>
<ns1:Line>TK OK 2011-03-15, Airline: BA, BUHPD28BX</ns1:Line>
<ns1:Line>FA PAX 125-2783053448 ;S:1,2 ;P:11</ns1:Line>
<ns1:Line>FB PAX 1500000082 TTP/ET OK ETICKET ;S:1,2 ;P:11</ns1:Line>


IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page138

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:ReservationGetDetailsRS TimeStamp="2014-10-03T15:03:26+03:00" Version="1.0.12"
RequestHost="" TransactionID="20141003150326597960">
<ns1:Reservation ReservationID="40961" Source="webservice">
<ns1:Agency ID="1701" Name="Agency" Code="SERB"/>
<ns1:Passenger PaxID="712952" Type="adult" Lead="true">
<ns1:Passenger PaxID="712953" Type="adult" Lead="false">
<ns1:Passenger PaxID="712954" Type="child" Lead="false">
<ns1:Passenger PaxID="712955" Type="child" Lead="false">
<ns1:ActivityService System="supplier" Status="XX" ConfirmationNo="57864879"
ExternalRef="asd" CreationDateTime="2014-09-15T17:09:13" ModificationDateTime="2014-09-30T12:12:09"
<ns1:Account ID="1841" Username="serban"/>
<ns1:Price Amount="0" Currency="EUR">
<ns1:Supplier Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Markup Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Commission Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Document DocType="resDetails" DocID="2b4bf68a58327e5c6c9c1b1089ebb0ac">
<ns1:Description>Reservation Details #reseller</ns1:Description>
<ns1:Document DocType="resDetails" DocID="0cca7d64e387265fc47160b67860e7b0">
<ns1:Description>Reservation Details #customer</ns1:Description>
<ns1:Nationality ID="158" ISO="RO" Name="ROMANIA"/>
<ns1:Payment Status="PR" PaymentMode="prepaid" PaymentDeadline="2014-09-27 12:00:00"/>
<ns1:Policy Type="standard" Limit="2014-10-01T00:00:00">
<ns1:Charge Amount="50.01" Currency="EUR">
<ns1:Supplier Amount="50.01" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Markup Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Commission Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Policy Type="standard" Limit="2014-10-13T00:00:00">
<ns1:Charge Amount="62.51" Currency="EUR">
<ns1:Supplier Amount="62.51" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Markup Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Commission Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Policy Type="standard" Limit="2014-10-15T00:00:00">
<ns1:Charge Amount="125.02" Currency="EUR">
<ns1:Supplier Amount="125.02" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Markup Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/>
<ns1:Commission Amount="0" Currency="EUR"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page139

<ns1:RemarksCategory Name="CATEGORY_VOUCHER_REMARKS">
<ns1:Remark>Toledo Half Day Tour
Bring voucher to exchange for ticket.
Guest must present voucher to driver in exchange for services.
Guests are responsible for their own transportation to and from the departure location.
Starting point: Trapsatur Terminal, 7 San Bernardo Street, Madrid. The closest metro stations are Santo
Domingo (Line 2) and Callao (3 and 5), located 2 and 5 minutes walking distance respectively from the
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the departure.

Please contact Trapsatur local office at +34 (91) 542 6666 to reconfirm at least 24 hours prior to tour

Service provided by Trapsatur</ns1:Remark>

<ns1:ActivityDetails Code="1298414" Name="Toledo Half Day Tour - Demo"
<ns1:ActivityOption Code="12438173" Name="Tour Ticket 9:00 AM">
<ns1:Occupancy Adults="2" Children="2">
<ns1:Country ID="13" ISO="ES" Name="SPAIN"/>
<ns1:City ID="587" Name="MADRID" Code="MAD"/>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page140


This method can be used to request document details (base64 representation of the file).

Method Name: Reservation_GetDocument

Input: ReservationGetDocumentRQ
Output: ReservationGetDocumentRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ReservationID InternalID Mandatory
Reservation unique identifier.
This is returned after finalizing the reservation.
Document Mandatory
Document refrence.
DocType string Mandatory
Document type
DocID string Mandatory
Document unique identifier


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns:Document DocType="proforma" DocID="0c5156e5244db5895ff0e42ecb63a164"/>


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

DocType String Mandatory
Document type code

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page141

DocID String Mandatory
Document unique identifier
File Mandatory
The value of this element will be the base64 representation for the full file contents.
The SOAP library should automatically decode these contents.
Fix: fixed in 1.0.5 double encoding issue.
Name String Mandatory
Size String Mandatory
File size (after decoding from base64)
Hash String Mandatory
MD5 hash of the file (after decoding from base64)


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:ReservationGetDocumentRS TimeStamp="2011-06-29T17:13:23+03:00" Version="1.0.4"
RequestHost="" TransactionID="20110629051323728534">
<ns1:Document DocType="proforma" DocID="0c5156e5244db5895ff0e42ecb63a164">
<ns1:Description>Proforma #267</ns1:Description>
<ns1:File Name="proforma_267.pdf" Size="44540" Hash="6c051baa70035f44f9506fcf02c2b854">

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page142


This method can be used to cancel a reservation.

Method Name: Reservation_Cancel

Input: ReservationCancelRQ
Output: ReservationCancelRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

ReservationID InternalID Mandatory
Reservation unique identifier.
This is returned after finalizing the reservation.


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

Reservation BasicReservationType Mandatory
Minimal reservation details
ReservationID InternalID Mandatory
Reservation unique identifier.
HotelService BasicServiceType Conditional
Minimal service information (hotel)
AirService BasicServiceType Mandatory
Minimal service information (air)
Status Enumeration(OK,RQ,XX,XP) Mandatory

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page143

Service status
OK – Confirmed
RQ – On Request
XP – Cancellation Pending
XX – Cancelled
ConfirmationNo String Mandatory
Supplier confirmation number

Info: available from version 1.0.2

ExternalRef String Optional
External service reference
Price DetailedPriceType Mandatory
Reservation final price.

Info: if the cancellation is successful then this will be:

 Equal to zero if there is no penalty
 Greater than zero than this will be the penalty value


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:ReservationCancelRS TimeStamp="2011-02-22T17:45:34+02:00"
Version="1.0" RequestHost="">
<ns1:Success />
<ns1:Reservation ReservationID="23405">
<ns1:HotelService Status="XX" ConfirmationNo="AB1234567890" ExternalRef="">
<ns1:Price Amount="17.48" Currency="GBP" />


This method can be used retrieve credit details about a reseller and when possible to switch reservation payment
type to credit.
If ReservationID is missing you can retrieve details about the credit.
If ReservationID is present then credit will be taken if possible and details about the credit are offered.

Method Name: Reservation_SwitchToCredit

Input: ReservationSwitchToCreditRQ
Output: ReservationSwitchToCreditRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional


IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page144

ReservationID InternalID Optional
Reservation unique identifier.
This is returned after finalizing the reservation.
If set reservation will switch to credit. If possible.


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
</ns1:ReservationSwitchToCreditRQ >


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

CreditDetails Element Mandatory

AvailableCredit Element Float Mandatory

Contains available credit with working currency
Enabled Element Boolean Conditional
Information about credit status
Validity Element Mandatory
Information about credit validity


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1: ReservationSwitchToCreditRS TimeStamp="2011-02-22T17:45:34+02:00"
Version="1.0" RequestHost="">
<ns1:Success />
<ns1:AvailableCredit Currency="EUR" Amount="42726.4"></ns1:AvailableCredit>
<ns1:Validity Start="2014-12-09" End="2020-12-12"></ns1:Validity>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page145



This method can be to check system connectivity and account credentials

Method Name: Ping

Input: PingRQ
Output: PingRS


Field Type Mandatory/Optional

No attributes/child elements


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns1:PingRS TimeStamp="2017-07-06T11:18:14+03:00"
Version="1.0.26" RequestHost="">
<ns1:Success />
</ns1: PingRS>

IRIX WebServices– v1.0.38 page146

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