A. Music Third Quarter
A. Music Third Quarter
A. Music Third Quarter
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates an understanding of common and distinct musical characteristics of South Asia and Middle East.
B. Performance Standards The learner Performs South Asia and Middle East music with appropriate pitch, rhythm, expression and style
C. Learning * The learners explains how * The learner listens perceptively * The learners sing songs of *Analyzes musical elements *explores ways of
Competencies/Objectives Music of a South Asian and to music of South Asia and the South Asia and the Middle of selected songs and producing sounds on
the Middle East country Middle East; East; instrumental pieces heard variety of sources that
relate to its geography and MU8WS-IIIahg-2 MU8WS-IIIc-g-3 and performed; would simulate
culture MU8WS-IIIc-h-4 instruments being
MU8WS-IIIa-g-1 studied
II. CONTENT Music of south Asia and Music of South Asia and Middle Music of South Asia and Musical Elements Traditional Instruments
Middle East Asia(India and East Asia (India and Israel) Middle East Asia -Idiophones
Israel) INDIA: b. Instrumental Pieces( solo -Aerophones
a. Geographical, historical a. Carnatic Music and ensemble) - Membranophones
and cultural background; b. Hindustanic Music c. Zum Gali Gali -Chordophones
c. Instrumental Music
a. Vocal Music
b. Instrumental Music
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material 104-129 104-129 104-129 110-129
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Wikipedia.com Wikipedia.com Youtube.com.
A. Reviewing previous Do activity 1; Ask the student to state some What are your impressions on What are the example of What are the musical
lesson or presenting the new Where in the World Is...’ importance or used of music in the music of South Asia and songs from India and Israel elements present in the
lesson see Music and Arts LM page India and Israel? the Middle East? that you have sung song of India and
105 yesterday? Israel?
B. Establishing a purpose Ask the students to name Teacher will play sample music Activity: Speed Instrumental Students Activity: flash the Play the music of India
for the lesson countries from South Asia of India and Israel. Ask students Music-cussion scrambled letter word about and Israel. Let the
and Middle East to listen carefully and share what musical elements (students students listen
they feel while listening to their see Music and Arts will arrange the scramble perceptively.
music. LM page 133 letter to form a word/s)
C. Presenting examples/ Listen to the different music Did you find music of South Present a sample of Esraeli What have you observed on Can you imitate the
instances of the new lesson samples of South Asia and Asia and Middle East countries folk song entitle “Zum Gali the words that you have sounds that you have
Middle East. Let the students interesting? Why? What makes Gali and Rig Veda”… Let the formed? heard using your vocal?
identify the songs that they their music unique from other students listen and be familiar
have heard. music? with the melody of the songs.
D. Discussing new concepts Present picture that shows Activity: Additional audio/visual After listening, let them do Do you still remember the Group activity; go
and practicing new skill #1 geographical location, history activity students activity: musical elements? Let the around in your school
and cultural background of students write in the and try to find materials
India and Israel. Watch the following links online. See LM page 136 blackboard the musical that can produce the
Carnatic Flute: Tamboori by elements that they know. same sound of the
Heramba & Hemantha: musical instrument that
you have heard.
E. Discussing new concepts Ask students to share their Group activity: Picture Ask the students to say What are the materials
and practicing new skill #2 ideas about the picture. Have identification! Students will something about the musical that you found?
you met people from these identify the following musical elements written in the
countries? Share your instrument in its origin (India or board.
experiences with the class. Israel) teacher will provide
picture of musical instrument.
F. Developing Mastery Did you find their music What do you think the message, Group Practice: Students will Group activity: divide the With their group the
interesting? Do you think idea, and feelings that the music separately sing the song Zum class into 4 groups. students will identify
music plays an important role would like to convey to the Gali Gali, and Rig Veda group1 & 4: India the material that sounds
in the lives of their people? listeners? group 2 & 3: Israel like the musical
Why? Group 1: Zum Gali Gali Have brainstorming with the instrument from India
Group 2: Rig Veda group about the musical and Israel.
elements present in the song!
G. Finding practical Group activity: Students will Activity: Which is Which Students will follow musical Group activity: Group activity; sing a
applications of concepts & list down and report the (Teacher-Assisted) score of song Zum Gali Gali Group 1& 2: song accompanied by a
skills in daily living importance of Music in the and Rig Veda. Group 3& 4: sound from variety of
life of their people. LM Page 199 Present their work sources.
Group 1 & 3: India Using spider web.
Group 2 & 4: Israel
H. Making generalizations How does music reflect the Can you identify the difference Which of the two songs do How can you show the
& abstractions about the traditions and culture of India between Carnatic and Hindustani you preferred to sing? Why? differences of the listed
lesson and Israel? Music? musical elements presented?
I. Evaluating Learning What do you think is the Activity: Peace, Order and GROUP ACTIVITY: sing a Individual activity: “Application will serve
relationship of their music to Organize song! .teacher will rate Using Venn diagram identify as evaluation” teachers
its geography and culture of student’s performance using the similarities and will provide prepared
South Asian and Middle East LM Page 126 prepared rubrics! differences of musical rubrics
Countries? elements of India and Israel.
J. Additional activities for .
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
A. Content Standards Demonstrate an understanding of common and distinct musical characteristics of South Asia and Middle East.
B. Performance Standards Perform South Asia and Middle East music with appropriate pitch, rhythm, expression and style
C. Learning Competencies/ *Improvise simple *Performs on available *Evaluates music and music
accompaniment to selected instruments from South Asia performances applying
South Asia and Middle East and Middle East; knowledge of musical
music; MU8WS-III-b-h-7 elements and style.
MU8WS-IIIb-h-6 MU8WS-IIIc-h-8
II. CONTENT MUSIC OF SOUTH ASIA Music of South Asia Music of South Asia
AND MIDDLE EAST and Middle East and Middle East
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material Pages 110-129 110-129 137
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources Wikipedia.com Wikipedia.com Youtube.com.
A. Reviewing previous lesson What are the different Review of the previous How was your group
or presenting the new lesson musical instruments from lesson performance using an
India and Israel? improvised musical
B. Establishing a purpose for Picture Parade: Present What are the classification Which of the song presented
the lesson different musical instruments of musical instrument of to you on our previous topic,
from India and Israel. India and Israel? which you found interesting?
Can we sing it now?
C. Presenting examples/ Which of the following Ask the students to present Present other music of India
instances of the new lesson musical instruments belong sample of improvised and Indonesia
to an aerophone, musical Instruments that are
membranophone, similar to the musical
chordophone and idiophone instruments of South Asia
classification of musical and Middle East.
D. Discussing new concepts Show sample of video clip Buzz session (similarities and What are the importance of
and practicing new skill #1 about how to improvise differences of their musical musical elements in the
musical instruments using the instruments of India and music of India and Israel?
indigenous materials. Israel.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?