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6/-Scal G' /W?4: University Jammu

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Oate Sheet ot online B.E. 2nd SEMESTER (pvt) EXAM|NAT|ON. SESSTON Jan_Feb. 2021

TIME: 1100AM
Wednesday Communication Skrlls HMC-20'1(New Course)
27 -O1-2021 Engineering Economics HUlil-205 (Olc Course)

Thursday Engrneenng Graphrcs ESC-202 (New Course)

28-01-2021 [I-206 (Old Course)
Machrne Orawtn
Ftiday Computer Programmrng ESC-201(New Course)
29-O1-2021 Cam 2A4 Old Course
Saturday Basic Electncal Engtneenng ESC-203(New Course)
30-01-2021 CHM-203 (Old Course)
Engrneenng Chemtslry
Monday Engineering Physics BSC-202(New Course)
01-02-2021 PHY-202(Old Course)
Engrneering Chemistry
BSC'203 (New Course)
Tuesday Engrneefl ng Mathematrcs-ll BSC-20'1(New Course)
MTH.2O 1 OId raourse
General lnstructions:-

i. The End Semester External Examination shall be conducted through online mode using coogle Forms.
ii. Google classroom shall be created for different branches and the class codes will be shared wrth the
candidates through emall/other means by the university.
iii. The candidates have to join the relevant Google classrooms with their-mail ids and University
registration No. using the class codes shared bv ihe university
tv. The attendance Google form followed by us link to the GooBle question paper 5hall be posted in the classrooms.
The s!udents have to compulsorv fill the attended form and their attempt the que5tlon paper
v The duration of the examination shall be I Hours and extra 10 minutes trme shall be provide4to the
to facilifate the submissron of fhe answer paper/responses the students shall l-e required to s\bmit
the answer paper within the stipulated and Google lrnk shall be sent throuBh email at the individual
addresses of all the students appearing in examination, 5 minutes before the start of examination
and the student's shall be required to submit the answer paper within ,hD sttpulated time.
Vi . Reliability of the internet connection must be ensured by the students on their own,
. Answer to the short answer question attempted should be cogent/to thc point and limited.
The University shall not be responsible for submission problems at candidg\s end due to any
issue whatsoever (Jr*
Dv Reeistrar lFxam Prof -ll
No. Exam.lptot/ztl 3 3"' 6? g';/W?4
Dated / , -6/- scAl
Copy Ior the kind information of the :-
1. Spl. secy. to the Vice- Chancellor for the kind rnformation of the Esteemed Vice Chancellor please.
2. Sr. P.A to the Registrar/ Controller of Examinations, University oflammu
3. Sh.RamanGupta l/c,ComputerCentre(ConveneroftheCommittee),UniversityofJammu.
4. The Pflncrpal, GCET, MIET, MBS, YCET and BCET Colleges ol En8g & Tech for information and Circulation
among all concerned
5. Examination core Committee, GCET.
6. Dy Registrar (CA to CE) for intormation.
7 Sr Programmer( Examination Wing) for uploading rt on www.coeju.com

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