Faith: 1. Two Kinds of Faith
Faith: 1. Two Kinds of Faith
Faith: 1. Two Kinds of Faith
Example 1
If God would say that the sky is red, but your eyes see it as blue, you have to accept
the word of God because He who spoke is God. This means that you have
accepted the word of God as the truth that is above every other truth and you
have accepted things His way. This means that you will speak of the sky as being
red and see it that way by faith, even when you look with the physical eyes, it’s still
blue. This means that you do not believe what the eyes see, but you see it red only
by faith. You will even begin doing things and speaking as if it is red physically even
though it is not so, because he who said it, is God.
Example 2
God has a way in which He sees you. When God sees you, He sees you as his child;
He sees you healed, healthy, blessed and rich. He sees you living as an heir as His
son or daughter in Christ. Faith is seeing yourself as God sees you. You have to
live according to the way God sees you.e.g. If you did not have money and people
called you poor, and you even saw yourself that way before you were born again,
now after you are born again, you have to start reading the bible so that you know
how God sees you. Start seeing yourself blessed and rich and calling yourself like
that too, because God sees you like that. Start living as though you are rich and then
do things like a rich person. Start giving to the needy because the rich in the kingdom
of God do that. Do not look at yourself the way you see yourself with your physical
eyes. If you start doing that, you will see things begin to take the shape of your faith
actions and words. If you are sick, start speaking and living like a healed person. This
will cause healing to come to your body. You have to start speaking your healing and
things like a healed person. An example is if you are a person who walks with
crutches, start walking without them and start proclaiming healing for your body. You
might feel weak in the beginning, but if you maintain your faith confession and speak
life to your situation on a daily basis, then you will begin to see a difference in your
What do we say about the pain you are still feeling in your body and the need that is
still evident in your life? These are just deceiving signs, because they are against the
word of God. You have to ignore them and only believe what the word of God says.
(John 17:17… “Sanctify them by the truth, your word is truth.”) When God says,
“I am the all powerful God, I made the heavens and the earth”, Faith says, “You
are The All Powerful God, You made the heavens and the earth”. You don’t try to
find reasons how that happened. When God says you are my child and you have the
same rights as my first born son Jesus Christ, faith says, “I am a son or daughter
of God, I have the same rights as Jesus Christ in Gods family.” You believe this
truth, you confess it and act upon it, then this truth will start manifesting in your
physical life.