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ATOX Lubrication Station

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Improved lubrication station

for ATOX grinding rollers


Reduce operation and

maintenance costs

Benefits High quality oil that is conditioned in station features a range of safety
a lubrication station is essential to components such as filters and
- Lower long-term operating maintain highly durable roller sensors that help to improve the
costs bearings. If the temperature of the oil condition of the oil and minimise the
becomes too high, its viscosity risk of damage and serious faults. The
- Lower maintenance costs decreases and the life of the bearings new 7 pump station is available for all
become much shorter. Debris from mill sizes except the ATOX 17.5.
- Fewer unplanned stoppages damaged bearings will, if neglected,
cause the oil to bypass the filter Retrofit possibilities
- Easier to achieve production
elements, which further accelerates Depending on the condition of the
the deterioration of the bearings. existing installation and the level of
- Improved surveillance Besides, if the moisture content in the reliability desired, FLSmidth offers
oil exceeds 200 ppm, the bearing various upgrading solutions:
elements will suffer.
A state-of-the-art lubrication solution
New, improved lubrication is to replace the flow divider or the
station old 7 pump station with a new,
Since lubrication stations were improved 7 pump station. This will
introduced in ATOX® mills, mill benefit the performance and reliability
performance and reliability have of the ATOX mill. Alternatively,
improved significantly. The latest FLSmidth may retrofit the existing 7
addition to FLSmidth’s lubrication pump station, which offers some of
station portfolio is the new, improved the benefits of new pump station at a
7 pump station. The lubrication lower cost.

Latest 7 Latest 7
Upgrade of
pump station pump station
Features replacing flow replacing old 7
existing 7 Advantages
pump station
divider pump station

Improved oil tank design • • Longer oil life

Longer bearing life

Cleanable magnetic return filters • • • Bearing failure indication
Cleaner oil tank
Finer return filters • • Less wear on components
Better oil condition
Finer off-line circulation filter • • Longer bearing life
Better oil condition
Optimized pump flow and cooler sizes • • Lnger bearing life
Easier trouble-shooting
Roller specific feed/return pumps • • Increased reliability
Better oil condition
Inline water saturation sensor on circulation pipe • • • Longer bearing life

Metal particle sensors on return and circulation pipes • • • Improved warning before failure

Better oil condition

Dehumidifier at tank top • • • Longer bearing life
Prevents metal pollution of tank in case of roller
Cleanable magnetic filters on breather lines • • • overfill

Retrofit solutions

New 7 pump station replacing Upgrade of existing 7 pump

flow divider station
In recent years flow dividers have Reusing the existing pump station but
proved somewhat sensitive to oil adding the retrofit kit will provide
pollutants, which reduce the flow some of the benefits of a complete
capacity and/or cause mill stoppages. replacement with a relatively small
If the flow divider is replaced by a modification. The kit contains
new 7 pump station, the sensitive oil magnetic filters (with washable cores)
components are kept within a for oil return and breather lines,
separate compartment, which magnetic particle sensors for key
significantly improves mill availability. points in the circuit, as well as a water
saturation sensor for the oil condi-
A complete new 7 pump station tioning circuit.
installation consists of a new central
lubrication station, individual oil pipes The sensors will report irregularities to
to each of the mill rollers, new oil and the LCP (with modified software),
New, improved 7 pump station
air connections to the centre piece, a enabling the maintenance crew to
complete local control panel and all take timely action. The retrofit
necessary documentation. package includes all necessary
documentation for the installation.
New 7 pump station replacing
old 7 pump station
Replacing an old 7 pump station with
the new 7 pump station will improve
the condition of the oil and extend
the oil life. Besides, it minimises the
risk of bearing damage. Water
saturation sensors, metal particle
sensors and other warning features
help to minimise the risk that critical
components may fail. Roller-specific
feed and return pumps facilitate
trouble-shooting and improve the
stability of the mill.

A new, improved 7 pump station

comes with a complete lubrication
Retrofit kit for existing 7 pump station
station, a state-of-the-art local control
panel and all necessary documenta-
tion. 1. Cleanable magnetic return filters
2. Water saturation and metal particle
sensor switches
3. Metal particle sensor
4. Dehumidifier
5. Cleanable magnetic filters on
breather lines
C 03-14 300-25-ENG

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or warranties (express or implied), and information and data contained in this brochure are for general reference only and may change at any time. www.flsmidth.com

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