K TO 12 SPED TRANSITION CURRICULUM Enrichment Skills and Competencies
K TO 12 SPED TRANSITION CURRICULUM Enrichment Skills and Competencies
K TO 12 SPED TRANSITION CURRICULUM Enrichment Skills and Competencies
Enrichment Skills and Competencies aims to provide access to a diverse range of educational and recreational opportunities that cater
to the interest and inclination of learners with disabilities. This is DepEd’s response to the necessity of offering an enrichment curriculum that
addresses the interests of the transition learners for them to live not only a functional and productive but also a happy life. It is also an
expression of DepEd’s commitment of providing LSENs with equal opportunities by harnessing their innate abilities and talents specifically in
Music, Movements, Arts, and Sports.
This curriculum is recommended to learners enrolled under the Transition Curriculum, who have shown interest in any one of the four areas
under the Transition Program Enrichment Curriculum, namely: Music, Movements, Arts, and Sports.
Likewise, since the thrust is moving towards inclusion, the enrichment skills program will benefit learners 12 years old and above who did not
undergo each grade level in the elementary and acquired disabilities later in life who would like to pursue their interest, talent and skills in
Music, Movements, Arts and Sports.
The learner has the option of which component to take. Before the learner gets into this transition program curriculum, he/she should be
given diagnostic/aptitude test. The result of the diagnostic test done will be the basis for the placement of the learners in specific area of the
enrichment program. Assessment of LSENs’ enrichment skills and competencies should be done continuously and whenever a significant
finding on this area is observed by the teacher. This program has no specific time duration or required number of hours. It can be done
anytime the learner is ready and can be modified when the need arises based on his Individualized Educational Plan. Post assessment will be
the basis to assist the learner to when to proceed further or make other options in the program for her/his best interest.
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K TO 12 SPED TRANSITION CURRICULUM Enrichment Skills and Competencies
Enrichment Skills and Competencies
MUSIC The learner demonstrates the basic and fundamental processes through performing, creating, listening,
observing and responding, towards the development of appreciation of music and acquisition of basic
knowledge and skill.
Note: This may also include knowledge on how to play specific musical instruments (ie, piano).
VISUAL ARTS The learner demonstrates an understanding of basic concepts and process in art through appreciation,
analysis and performance for his/her self-development, celebration of his/her Filipino cultural identity and
expansion of his/her world vision.
MOVEMENT The learner demonstrates understanding of body and space awareness, quality of effort, and movement
relationships through participation in enjoyable physical activities.
SPORTS The learner demonstrates understanding of the importance of physical fitness through assessment and
participation in physical activities.
7. Performs individually or as a
group in different activities
Form C. Responds with precision to 1. Identifies with body
Demonstrates basic changes in musical lines with movements the
understanding of the concepts body movements Beginnings
of musical lines beginnings, Endings
endings and repeats in music Repeats of a recorded music
2. Responds appropriately to
differences in sounds heard
through body movement
2. Demonstrates awareness of
texture by using visual images
5. Performs in program/activities
6. Participates in competitions
Division & other level
1. Identifies the different vocal
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MOVEMENTS I. Awareness of body parts in A. Performs with coordination 1. Describes the different parts of
preparation for participation in enjoyable movements the body and their movements
physical activities. through enjoyable physical
5. Demonstrates appropriate
movement in response to sound,
cues, prompt and music
Suggested learning
Show videos to demonstrate
movements of sound for Hearing
III. Movement activities relating A. Performs correctly movement 1. Familiarizes in various
to person, objects, music and activities involving person, movement activities involving
environment objects, music and environment person, objects, music and
2. Moves:
individual, with partner,
and with group
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with ribbon, hoop, balls,
and any available
indigenous/ improvised
with sound
in indoor and outdoor
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6. Performs in a stage, theatre,
drama and similar activities with
correct expression & movements
IV. Space awareness in A. Performs movement skills in a 1. Identifies locomotor skills
preparation for participation in given space with coordination
physical activities 2. Moves within a group activity
without bumping or falling using
locomotors skills
5. Illustrates/demonstrates
acceptable responses to
challenges, successes, and
failures during participation in
motor fitness activities
6. Demonstrates acceptable
responses to challenges,
successes, and failures during
participation in physical activities
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7. Participate in different
activities/competitions using
appropriate movements;
School Programs
Community activities
V. Qualities of effort in A. Performs movements of 1. Describes the difference
preparation for participation in varying qualities of effort with between slow and fast, heavy and
physical activities coordination light, free and bound movements
2. Demonstrates contrast
between slow and fast speeds
while using locomotor skills
3. Demonstrates the difference
between heavy and light
2. Expresses feeling of
satisfaction in creating his own
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Striking/fielding games
o Syato
o Basagang palayok
o Sipa
o Mataya-taya
o Patintero
o Bocce
o Athletics
o Shotput
o Standing Long Jump
o Running Long Jump
o Sprint
o Goalball
o Swimming
Ball Games
o Basketball
o Soccer
o Volleyball
o others
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3. Observes safety precautions
(with appropriate verbal
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C. Participates and assesses 1.Explains/Tells health and skill
performance in physical related fitness components
activities. (independently or with
appropriate verbal assistance)
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