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Reshaping IOT Through Blockchain: Melkamu Kerebh Kebede, DR Santosh Kumar Pani Spanifcs@kiit - Ac.in

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Proceedings of the Third International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC 2019)

IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP19OSV-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4365-1

Reshaping IOT Through Blockchain

Melkamu Kerebh Kebede, Dr Santosh Kumar Pani
Department of Computer Science and engineering.,KIIT University
melkishakerebih@gmail.com, spanifcs@kiit.ac.in

The good connected devices or “things” vary from easy

Abstract—From the beginning of crypto currency in 2008, wearable accessories to huge machines which contains
blockchain technology rise as progressive technology. Block detector (sensor) chips [6] according to International Data
chain technology was began as a core technology of bitcoin, but Corporation (IDC) report IoT will be implemented almost in
it is growing to numerous fields such as, security of Internet of every filed such as industry, government, and consumer
Things (IoT), transport sector, robotics, smart energy, banking sectors. Moreover,20 of IoT organizations will use basic
sector, industries, insurance, medical etc. Currently more
level services of block chain. Furthermore, almost 75 of all
businesses are moving through online system. The digitization
of data can be carried through the centralization and IoT manufactures will improve the security capabilities thus
decentralization process with higher protection. All the data making them more attractive for buyers. However, as IoT
can be stored through blocks with transaction history as block rising the connectivity is increasing, and also the computing
chain. Unfortunately, In a block chain the transaction can be infrastructure can become additional complicated. This
simplified with peer-peer network that excludes the involvement complication can give a rise to vulnerabilities for the caber-
of third party. Today as a world is going towards automation and attacks. In IoT the physical devices are placed in unsecured
smart objects internet of things(IoT) has gained popularity due to environments which could be defenseless from hackers thus
its usage in smart homes, smart farming, and smart city projects giving them the opportunity to alter the information that
around world. Unfortunately, internet of things devices possess,
travel over the network. Therefore, device authorizations
low compatibility, high complexity, limited computing power, low
security, low storage capability and network capacity therefore and information root would be a vital issue [1]. Blockchain
internet of things devices are more prone to attacks than other is a sequence of blocks that hold all transaction record in a
components such as phones, ipods, tablets, or PCs. This paper block chain network [1]. As described in the block-structure
focus on identifying significant security and privacy issues for figure each block contains block header and block body.
IoT, proposing anew IoT model through block chain Block header contains the following:
technology and implementing the proposed model for solving
IoT issues through block chain technology. Block chain
Block version which indicate the software version and
technology can be a key empowering influence to take care of
numerous IoT privacy and security issues. Finally describe the validation rules.
future work directions.
™ Merkle Tree root hash represents the hash value of
Keywords- Blockchain, internet of things (IoT), bitcoin, transaction and summary of all transaction.
crypto currency, smart contract, IoT server, security issues. ™ Time stamp consists of current universal time since
January 1970.
I. INTRODUCTION (HEADING 1) ™ N-Bits define the number of bits required for
transaction verification.
Currently technologies have changed the living standard of our ™ Nonce holds any 4 byte number which starts from 0
society. This is often because of innovation in communication and increase for every hash of the transaction.
and semiconductor technologies, which permit devices to be ™ Parent block hash contains the hash value which
connected over a network and alter the way of connectivity indicates the previous block
between machines and humans. Such a trend is usually noted as
Internet-of-Things (IoT).With the fast rise of brilliant Block body covers all transaction records. Maximum
devices and high speed networks, the IoT has gained wide number of transaction depends upon the block size.
acceptance and fame because it uses the standard called low- Blockchain technology referred as a public ledger and all
power lossy networks (LLNs) [6]. These LLNs have the completed transactions are recorded in a list of blocks. This
potential to use limited resource by consuming very low chain of blocks grows as new blocks are added to chain
power. The devices in IoT may be controlled remotely to continuously. Public key cryptography and distributed
perform the specified function [6]. The data sharing among consensus algorithms are implemented for the user security
the devices takes place through the network that employs the [1].
Standard protocols of communication.

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. Downloaded on December 30,2020 at 02:26:35 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP19OSV-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4365-1

signs the transaction that it initiates [1]. Other nodes use

their public key and compare it after hashing to their
signature for checking the initiator node identification.

Scalability or more addressing space

Blockchain contains 160-bit address space where IPv6

address has 128-bit address space, A Blockchain address is
20 bytes or 160-bit hash of the general public key generated
by ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature
Algorithm).Block chain have 4.3 billion more addresses
over IPv6.

The block chain technology generally has key Verification

characteristics of decentralization, persistency, anonymity
and audibility. With these characteristics, block chain can Blockchain technology ensures the elimination of the
greatly save the cost and increases the effectiveness [1]. duplication issues, with the assistance of public-key
cryptography, whereby every node is as signed a non-
This paper is ordered as follows. Section II covers the block public key that is shared with all alternative nodes [4]. Once
chain Properties whereas section III highlights its a signed transaction is broadcast by a node that makes the
characteristics, different security necessities and issues are transaction, all receiving nodes verify the transaction by
covered in section IV and section V provides the solution of decrypting a signature with a public key of an initializing
security issues using block chain. Finally in Section VI node. If a signature verification result’s true, the signed
conclusion and future work is presented. Table 1 represent dealings is verified that the initializing node isn’t modified
the issues that are faced in IoT network and which block [4].
chain feature solve them.
Resilient backend
Every distributed node within the block chain IoT network
Decentralization maintains a replica of the whole ledger. This helps in
safeguarding the network form any potential failures and
In centralized transaction processing environment, each
transaction needs to be validated through the centralized
trusted party (e.g., banking system),that resulting to the cost High efficiency
and the performance decrees at the central point [1].With
respect to the centralized IoT model, third party is no longer Since the transaction removes the involvement of the third
needed in block chain. Consensus algorithms in block chain party and may proceed in low-trust condition, the number of
are used to maintain data integrity and consistency. your time spent is obviously decrees whereas the efficiency
is clearly increases.
Once a transaction record is validated by a miner node
(special nodes that validate the transaction) in a block chain Changes made to public block chain network are publicly
network its copy is broadcast on the entire network and that viewable by all participants in the network. Moreover, all
record is not deleted or rollback from entire block chain [1]. transactions are immutable, meaning they cannot be altered
or deleted.
Smart contract
In block chain nodes interact with the network using public
key that use to addresses the node on entire block chain Smart contract is one of the most efficient aspects of the
network but not acknowledge the real identities of the user. Ethereum introduced by Nick Szabo in 1994. Many
programming languages are supported by Ethereum such as
Security Solidity. Solidity is the most widespread used language and
compiler. Using smart contract programs are written in
which access rights and different policies are defined.
Blockchain use the asymmetric cryptographic technique to
secure the en tire network. Asymmetric or public key
cryptography contain 2 keys one public key and second SECURITY NECESSITIES FOR IOT OR ISSUES
private key. Public key is used by the node to addresses in
block chain network and private key is use by the node to Data privacy

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. Downloaded on December 30,2020 at 02:26:35 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP19OSV-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4365-1

Because of a diversified integration of services and network wirelessly to the base station using wi-fi signal. The
the data recorded on a device is vulnerable to attack by receiving computer or server at the base station receives and
compromising nodes existing in associate IoT network. saves the data automatically to the database. Then, the
Moreover attacker accesses the data without owner values are uploaded to the designed website. Then the users
permission. and workers can easily login and can access his/her data
depending on the application service. In the existing model
Data integrity the sensor is used collect data from the outside or inside
environment, then this value is taken by the micro controller
for making further decision. The data obtained from the
In centralized client server model the attacker may gain
sensor displays continuously on the LCD from the micro-
unauthorized access to the network and change the original
controller, while the obtained data is sent wirelessly to the
data or information and forward it. For example, alice sends
base station using wi-fi signal .The receiving computer or
data to bob. Watson the middle guy might get data first and
server at the base station receives and saves the data
forward the data after modification.
automatically to the database. Then, the values are uploaded
to the designed website. Then the users and workers can
Third party easily login and can access his/her data depending on the
application service.
Data collected in centralized environment is stored and
controlled by a third centralized entity that may misuse this
data or provide it to someone else.

Trusted data origin

In IoT environment it is difficult to know generated data

come from which device that is stored in the entire network
and can be altered by anyone.

Access control

Access control is one of the main issue in IoT network. To

define which node have the right to access and perform
different function in entire IoT network may be difficult.

Single points of failure

Continuous growth of centralized networks for the IoT

based infrastructure could expose single-points-of-failure.
Because all data of entire network store and verified by a
central authority. If the central point is fail or down the
whole network is down.


Internet of thing connects a large numbers of sensors and

other devices for information sharing and a large number of
applications via internet. It challenges the structure and the
rapid growth of the system to meet scalability.


In the existing model the sensor is used collect data from the In our proposed model environment internet of things open
outside or inside environment, then this value is taken by the source developing tool will be used to implement a system
micro controller for making further decision. The data that can provide sensor data from IoT devices to
obtained from the sensor displays continuously on the LCD applications and upload data from sensor to a block chain
from the micro-controller, while the obtained data is sent server. on the side of block chain smart contract open source

978-1-7281-4365-1/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 3

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. Downloaded on December 30,2020 at 02:26:35 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP19OSV-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4365-1

tool will be used to put the power data on the block chain.
Proposed model will solve many privacy and security issues
of IoT because by default block chain have many
advantages such as removing third party, addressing
space ,fault tolerance, trusted accountability, trusted data
origin, access control, data privacy and data integrity.so
because of the above default advantages we have solved
many IoT security and privacy issues such as data privacy,
data integrity, data security, access control, insurance
concerns, single point of failure, lack of common standard,
third party, scalablity, trusted data origin and technical
concerns. The proposed model is shown below in the figure
with working of the proposed system and how it will solve
the security and privacy issues of existing IoT applications.


In the proposed model application user sends device id ,user

id and password that will be used as the block chain
password to the internet of things server to request to be a
new member of block chain. Internet of things server
requests a new user account on block chain with the given
password obtained from the group Information and receives
request response. Internet of things server saves user id,
device id and transferred address sent to the group
application on the storage database. When the sensor on the
model is executed it will obtain and loads code stored on the
internet of things server by using file transfer protocol and
saves information on the block chain by selecting where
Proposed model shows the configuration of IoT system should to save the information or where to create a block by
through block chain technology. The sensor is used to checking being a member of block chain address on the
collect data from the environment and send to the micro database server. Smart contract stores information obtained
controller. Micro controller is used to accept data from the from the sensor and request the transaction to create a block.
sensor and sends to block chain server .IoT server is used to Then the data obtained from the sensor will be broadcast
transfer data obtained from sensors through router by using and if it was not saved before block will be created means
internet to applications that will be used on the model to the data will be saved on the block chain server. After the
send and receive data and upload it to block chain server. block is created application user transfers being a member id
Database is used to store user account address information. to the internet of things server to accept the information
Block chain server is used to store the data collected by the stored to the block through block chain information if
sensors and create transactions depending on the type of matched to unique id on the database it will be shown on the
accepted data. Users will interact with the system by using user application.
user application .

The proposed model have solved many issues of internet of

things by using block chain technology. The issues solved
by the proposed model are explained as follows. In the
proposed model data will not be modified because we have
implemented block chain technology in this technology data

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. Downloaded on December 30,2020 at 02:26:35 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP19OSV-ART; ISBN:978-1-7281-4365-1

cannot be modified. Data will not be erased because data modernization of human live. I came to know so many
will be deleted by changing the status in the database. single things about this technologies and i am really thankful to my
point of failure will not be evolved because operations are adviser. I would also like to thank My friends who have
separated means all tasks done by dividing roles. Trusted helped me a lot in identifying security and privacy issues of
data origin will be created because we know where we internet of things technology.
found the data. Decentralization is also occurred as we see
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I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my

adviser Dr Santosh Kumar Pani who has given a golden
opportunity for me to choose wonderful research Topic
Reshaping IoT with Blockchain Technology. Who also
helped me in understanding the Concept of Blockchain and
Internet of things (IoT) Technology which is the new
concept currently in the market and have high impact in the

978-1-7281-4365-1/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 5

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. Downloaded on December 30,2020 at 02:26:35 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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