Watercraft and Dredging: October 2009 28-1
Watercraft and Dredging: October 2009 28-1
Watercraft and Dredging: October 2009 28-1
28.1.8 Fuel. Store fuel in approved containers suitable for marine use. Fuel
lines must be equipped with a valve to cut off fuel flow. In addition, if the
watercraft will not be in use for a period of 8 hours or longer, then the valve
must be closed.
28.1.9 Navigation Lights. Watercraft must be able to display navigation
lights required by USCG. Display navigation lights between sunset and
sunrise and any other time visibility is reduced (fog, haze, rain, etc.).
28.1.10 Operator Training and Qualification. Reclamation employees and
others who operate a Reclamation-owned watercraft must first be certified or
licensed to operate watercraft in accordance with DOI 485 DM 22. Non-
Reclamation employees who operate watercraft owned by others must be
qualified in accordance with USCG, State, and local regulations.
28.1.11 Float Plans. If the operator expects watercraft activities to take
longer than 4 hours from time of departure until time of return, a float plan
must be prepared. The float plan must include the following information:
• Watercraft information (vessel make/model or local identifier)
• Personnel onboard
• Activity to be performed
• Expected time of departure, route, and time of return
• Means of communication (if any)
28.1.12 Personal Flotation Devices (PFD) Equip watercraft with one
USCG-approved PFD for each occupant, and once USCG-approved throwable
device onboard the watercraft. Wear a PFD whenever you are onboard a
watercraft or working around bodies of water where a drowning hazard exists.
Refer to the section on "Personal Protective Equipment."
28.1.13 Safety Equipment. Equip all watercraft with adequate safety
equipment to meet USCG requirements and any hazards that may be
encountered during normal operations.
28.1.14 Swimming. You must not swim from watercraft or any floating
equipment unless you are a certified diver whose duties require such