Growth and Development Lesson 2: Management of Health Concerns During Puberty
Growth and Development Lesson 2: Management of Health Concerns During Puberty
Growth and Development Lesson 2: Management of Health Concerns During Puberty
2020-2021 Q1-MODULE1
Activity 1
As an adolescent…
What do you feel as you look at yourself in the mirror? Describe yourself based on what you
see now.
What do you want to say to yourself?
What’s happening to me?
What worries you the most as an adolescent?
At this point in your life, what are some of your health concerns?
Summary: Count the check marks for each item and complete the summary below.
Dental Problems
Proper Oral Hygiene includes daily flossing and brushing the teeth to reduce bad breath.
Antibacterial mouth rinses can also help reduce bacteria. These prevent food particles to
remain in the mouth and in between teeth which promotes bacterial growth between teeth,
around the gums, and on the tongue which causes bad breath, also medically known as
halitosis. It can also be made worse by the type of foods one eats and other unhealthy
lifestyle. Good dental care also requires dental checkups at least once a year.
The bad odor our body produces is a product of the breakdown of keratin protein
upon the action of bacteria on the surface of the skin.
Check on the ways that would help you eliminate bad odor.
_____1. Take a bath regularly and wash the underarms properly. Use soap or shower gel
as a cleansing agents.
_____2. Wash hands frequently and properly before and after eating.
_____ 3. Change into fresh and clean clothes daily, including socks and underwear.
_____ 4. Laundry clothes before storing in cabinets that smell good and where air can get
to them.
_____5. Watch your diet and food choices. Eating poor quality amd unhealthy food will
excrete bad smell.
_____ 6. Consult the doctor if body odor persists.
Lack of Sleep
The human body cycles through the five sleep stages four to five times a night for better
physical and mental health. The first four stages maintain healthy maintain healthy
metabolism, learning and memory; while the fifth stage which is the rapid eye movement or
sleep or REM regulates mood and forms emotional memories. The amount of sleep you
need depends on various factors especially your age.
When we are less likely moving or physically active, we tend to be more susceptible to
injury and body pains. So it is not best for anyone to not be sitting for a long period of
Hence, this means you take a break and move a little! Are you ready?
(NOTE: Those who have physical disabilities or ailments or physically weak may
be exempted from this activity for your safety. t Only those who are just
physically able are encouraged to perform the activity.)
LEGS and BODY in 2-3 minutes!
Postural Problems
Poor posture causes cramping of internal organs which results to poor blood
circulation, backaches, and other body pains. If the muscle that connect bones become
weak and inelastic, then this may result to poor posture.
Remember these:
-Lack of Calcium
-Lack of Vitamin D
-Defect in Gene that produces type 1 collagen ( a protein used to create bone)
The following are some suggested ways to improve one’s postures, especially for
people who sit for a long period of time:
Some people benefit from naturally balanced posture that is achieved by sitting
on the edge of a chair seat.
Avoid unbalanced posture such as crossing legs unevenly while sitting, leaning
to one side hunching the shoulders forward or tilting the head.
Use posture-friendly chairs and props like footrest, lumbar back support/a small
pillow can be used.
Keep the body in alignment while sitting and standing. Distribute the body weight
evenly to the front, back, and sides. Sit up straight and align the ears, shoulders
and hips in one vertical line.
Get up and move to relax the muscles. One is advised to take a break every half
hour for two minutes by stretching and walking.
Instruction: Watch the video of describing and demonstrating the following self-care
practices that support wellness.
A. Direction: Read the situation given and answer the following questions that
Peter, fourteen years old, was 120 kg and overweight. He was often teased and left out
by his peers. He became obsessed of his weight, diet and exercise. He started to lose weight at an
alarming rate and insisted going to the gym almost everyday. Quickly, Peter became very fragile and
his parents recognized that he developed an eating disorder.
1. What is the most possible eating disorder he developed? Support your answer.
2. What three pieces of advice can you give to Peter to help him manage his condition?
B. Match the words in column B with the health conditions described in column A. Write the
letter of your answer on the line.
MAPEH 7 (Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health) by Quennie S. Miranda, Laura R. Jugueta,
Guinevere E. Sacdalan, Maria Teresa R. San Jose (pp. 3-10)