5 Aquadrug With Jilani PDF
5 Aquadrug With Jilani PDF
5 Aquadrug With Jilani PDF
ISSN 2079-2034
© IDOSI Publications, 2012
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.ajbas.2012.4.4.64221
Faculty of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, India
Department of Fisheries and Marine Science,
Noakhali Science and Technology University, Sonapur-3802, Bangladesh
Biology Group, FOS, University Brunei Darussalam, Brunei BE1410
Abstract: Present study was conducted in fish hatcheries, nurseries and culture farms to find out different
chemicals used in freshwater aquaculture activities in Noakhali District, Bangladesh. Data were collected
through questionnaire interview, personal contact, market survey and participatory rural appraisal (PRA)
like focus group discussion (FGD) with fish hatchery owners, nursery and culture farmers and retailers of aqua
medicine and representatives of pharmaceutical companies. Twenty two different chemicals were used for
different purposes as artificial breeding, pond preparation, water quality management and fish poisoning, insect
killing, disinfectant and fish disease treatment in this region. Lime and Zeolite were used for pond preparation
and water quality management. Rotenone, phostoxin tablet, bleaching powder and endrin were used as fish
toxicant of which rotenone was widely used (70% of nursery farmers, 80% of grow out farmers). Although
endrin and phostoxin were banned fish toxicant but these were frequently used in this region. In addition,
sumithion, Malathion, diesel and dipterex were used as insecticides. 53% of the nursery farmers and 43% of
grow-out owners used sumithion. Triple super phosphate and urea were the most widely used fertilizers in
this region. Formalin, bleaching and EDTA were used as disinfectants of which formalin was the most
widely (43% farmers) used disinfectant. Four types of feed additive were frequently used in culture activities.
Fish health management and disease treatment were the key areas where majority of different chemicals were
used. Farmers used six types of chemicals in disease treatment namely lime, salt, potash, malachite green, copper
sulphate and formalin where 30% farmers used potash. Oxytetracycline was the most widely used (47% farmers)
antibiotic besides farmers used chlorotetracycline and amoxicillin for disease treatment. The study shows that
lack of knowledge regarding use of chemicals, appropriate dose, application method and indiscriminate use of
chemicals is the major problems in Noakhali District.
Key words: Antibiotics % Disinfectants % Sumithion and Malathion % Fish Health Management
potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, copper Districts (Table 1) and its nearby areas like Sonapur,
compounds, glutaraldehyde and trifluralin [5]. A range of Chowmuhani, Mannan nagor, Steamer ghat, Thanar hat,
disease could be found in farmed aquatic animals in Kaderpur and around it (Figure 1). However study also
Bangladesh [3] and hence farmers are using a range of conducted in some aqua drug shop and some medical
chemicals and antibiotics for the treatment of diseased representative of respective company. The study was in
fish and other cultured aquatic animals as well as the form of the field survey and was conducted with a
pharmaceutical companies and chemical sellers are view to locate and identify the existing and present
influencing fish and prawn farmers to buy their products application of chemicals or fish poison in hatchery,
[3]. Most of the farmers are not aware of knowing the nursery and fish farms management.
necessity and effectiveness as well as proper dose of Data were collected through questionnaire interview
these chemicals is frequently ignored. Due to the with hatchery owner, culture farm, chemical seller, medical
increasing demand of fishery product in Greater Noakhali representative of Pharmaceuticals Company.
region, a lot of hatchery and fish farms are establishing in During visiting the hatcheries, nurseries and culture
the region. This is due to the availability of the quality pond, the elements that were considered with importance
spawn, fries or broodstock of different fish species. As a about chemicals and fish toxicants are purpose of use of
result, the use of antibiotics and other pesticide, chemicals or toxicants, variation in methods of
insecticides are increasing day by day. application, effectiveness of chemicals or toxicants, side
Considering the above facts the present study was effect of chemicals and toxicants, variation in applied dose
conducted to identify different types of chemicals used of chemicals or toxicants, ban on chemicals or toxicants
in aquaculture activities in Noakhali District with its by the government, price and availability of the chemicals,
purpose, methods and dosages of application and specific remark and recommendation of the chemicals.
assessing their problems upon using. Some of information was also found regarding the
numbers, areas of the hatcheries and nurseries and use of
MATERIALS AND METHODS drug and chemicals from the survey section of
Department of Fisheries (DoF) office, Noakhali. Data were
Area Covered and Timing of the Survey: The study was collected through semi-structure questionnaire, personal
conducted in the month of January to July 2010, in some contact, market survey and participatory rural appraisal
private hatcheries, nurseries and culture farms of Noakhali (PRA) like focus group discussion (FGD).
African J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 4 (4): 110-114, 2012
Table 1: Some of the major and large scale hatcheries, nurseries and farm; types and position
No. Name of Farm Types of Farm Position of Farm
1 Globe Agrovate LTD. Hatchery, Nursery and Grow out (white fish) Steamer ghat
2 Al-Amin Agro Fisheries LTD. Grow out Steamer ghat
3 Noakhali White Gold Hatchery (Prawn) Sonapur
4 Southern Agro Trades Nursery and Grow out Thanar hat
5 Upakul Fresh Water Prawn Hatchery Hatchery ( Prawn) Sonapur
6 Subarna Agro-based Initiative Nursery and Grow out Sonapur
7 Foyez Matsha Hatchery and Fisheries Hatchery and Grow out. Dosghoria
8 Bismillah Agro Complex. Hatchery and Grow out Sompara
9 Sonaimuri Agro Farm Hatchery and Grow out Sonaimuri
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fig. 2: Different fish toxicants used in culture preparation
in Noakhali region
The status of different chemicals available in the
market and used in Noakhali for aquaculture activities like
pond preparation, fish poisoning, insect killing, increasing
oxygen concentration, disinfectant, fish disease treatment
were collected and compiled in this study (Table 2).
Fish disease treatment was the major area where plenty of
such compounds were used. The local animal feed and Fig. 3: Different insecticides used in culture preparation
pharmaceutical shops were the main sources of such in Noakhali region
compounds. 21 types chemical were found to be using in
this region.
African J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 4 (4): 110-114, 2012
Table 2: List of Chemicals with their purpose of use and doses in the study area
No. Name Trade name Chemical formula Purpose Dose
1 Lime Chun / lime /agriculture lime CaO, hydrated or slaked Improve liberation of bases, 0.5-1 kg /dec
lime, Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3 biological activity, oxygen,
decomposition. maintain pH
of pond water, remove turbidity
2 Zeolite JV Zeolite /Mega Zeo SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 Remove gas. Maintains water color 200 g /dec
Plus /Mega Zeo CaO, MgO, Na2O, K2O and removes turbidity of water.
3 Rotenone Rotenone /aquatin C23H22O6 Fish poison or toxicants 20-35 g /dec in nursery pond
/aqurte-gold and 15-30 g /dec in culture pond
4 Phostoxin Quickphos /phostoxin tablet Aluminium phosphide Fish poison 3-5 tablets /dec
5 Bleaching Calcium hypochlorite Ca(ClO)2 Toxin, disinfectant and 350-400 g /dec as toxicant
effective against saprolegniasis. and 60 g /dec as disinfectant.
6 Endrin Endrin C12H8Cl6O Fish poison 50-60 ml /dec
7 Fenithrothion Sumithion 50ec Sulfur-by-phosphate O, Insect kill 2-3 ml /dec
O-methyl-2-O -(3-methyl-
4-nitrophenyl) ester
8 Malathion Malathion 70ec C10H19O6PS2 Pest control 2-3 ml /dec
9 Trichlorfon Dipterex 80sp dimethyl-(2, 2, 2-trichloro- Insecticide 6-12 ml /dec
1-hydroxyethyl) phosphonate
10 Fertilizer TSP, Urea and MP 43-45% P, 40-45% N, Increased primary productivity 50-70g/dec
48-62% P 100-150g/dec 20-30g/dec.
11 Vitamin Aqua Cal C /Aqua Vitamin C, Calcium Anti-oxidant, developed body 0.1-0.3 g /kg feed.
and mineral C /Aquavit plus /Ultra vita F growth and weight
12 Formalin Formalin 40 % HCHO Employed as an antifungal agent 1-3 ppm as disinfectants and
and in the control of ectoparasites, 3-5 ppm for disease treatment
most often in hatchery systems
13 EDTA Ethylene diamine tetra C10H16N2O8 Widely used to disinfectants of 0.1-1 ppm
acetic acid the hatchery equipment and
also water treatment
14 Potassium Potash KmnO4 Active against saprolegniasis, 5-15 mg/dec
permanganate dactylogyrosis, gyrodectylosis,
15 Malachite Malachite green C2H2O4 Active against the oomycete 1-5 mg/dec, 1-2 ppm
green Saprolegnia, which infects fish
eggs in commercial aquaculture.
16 Copper Tut/ Copper sulphate CuSO4 Effective against external parasites. 15-25 mg/dec
17 Salt Lobon/ Nun/ Salt NaCl active against for coastiasis, 500-1000 g/dec
chilodonelliasis, trichodiniasis,
18 Hydrogen Oxyflow/ Oxymax/ 10% H2O2 Oxygen supplier 5-10 g/dec
per oxide Bio care/ Bio- Ox/ Oxy plus
19 Oxytetracycline Oxy-dof-f/ Aquamycine/ Oxytetracycline 20%, Effective against a wide range of 2-6 mg /kg feed
Renamycin doxycycline 10%. Gram-negative and
Oxytetracycline hydrochloride Gram-positive bacteria.
25%, Oxytetracycline
20 Amoxicillin Acimox(vet) Amoxicillin Trihydrate Effective against columnaris, 3-7 mg/kg feed
Powder/ Renamox edwardsiellosis and
15%-vet/ Ranamox mycobacteriosis.
21 Chlorotetracycline Captor/ Orgacycline-15% Chloro-tetracyclin Hcl Effective against Aeromonas, 3-7 mg/kg feed.
BP 45, Chlorotetracycline Vibrio spp. in fish
quick result of water quality maintaining and are being It also maintains water color and removes turbidity of
used by large farms in this region. Although removal of water. Geotox, JV Zeolite, Green Zeolite, Pontox plus,
ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide Zeolite, Zeocare, Mega Zeo, Bis Zeolite, Bio-Tuff, Well
(CO2) and nitrite (NO2-) are frequently done by zeolite. Zeolite, Aquazet are found in Mymensingh region [3].
African J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 4 (4): 110-114, 2012