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The Power of Empowering Leadership: Allowing and Encouraging Followers To Take Charge of Their Own Jobs

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The International Journal of Human Resource


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The power of empowering leadership: allowing

and encouraging followers to take charge of their
own jobs

Minseo Kim & Terry A. Beehr

To cite this article: Minseo Kim & Terry A. Beehr (2019): The power of empowering leadership:
allowing and encouraging followers to take charge of their own jobs, The International Journal of
Human Resource Management, DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2019.1657166

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Published online: 28 Nov 2019.

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The power of empowering leadership: allowing and

encouraging followers to take charge of their
own jobs
Minseo Kima and Terry A. Beehrb
College of Business, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea; bDepartment
of Psychology, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, USA

Based on resources theories, the present study examines a empowering leadership;
serial mediation model, in which empowering leadership psychological capital; trust
predicts employee job crafting through psychological in leader; job crafting;
withdrawal behavior
capital (PsyCap) and trust in leader, and job crafting subse-
quently predicts three different work behaviors: psycho-
logical withdrawal, physical withdrawal, and positive work
behavior. Data were collected from US employees at four
separate points with one-month intervals. Structural equa-
tion modeling including testing alternative models was
utilized to assess the mediation model. The results gener-
ally supported the hypothesized model, suggesting that
empowering leadership elicited greater personal and job
resources in the form of PsyCap and leader trust, which in
turn, led to job crafting behaviors. Subsequently, job craft-
ing made employees engage in more positive work behav-
iors, as well as fewer psychological and physical withdrawal
behaviors. Significant direct effects of empowering leader-
ship and PsyCap on one outcome, psychological with-
drawal, were found in some analyses, however. Overall, the
findings of the present study underline the importance of
personal and job resources for favorable work behaviors by
testing the mediating processes.

In a global and flexible working environment with a rapidly changing
labor market, some employees take initiative for their careers and craft
their own work roles by seeking self-development opportunities, such as
additional training and challenging assignments, rather than just
relying on career paths determined by their organization (Kraimer,

CONTACT Minseo Kim minseokim0331@gmail.com Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing,
Griffith University, 170 Kessels Road, Nathan, Queensland 4111, Australia
Some of these data were presented at the August 2018 Academy of Management Meeting in
Chicago, Illinois.
ß 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Seibert, Wayne, Liden, & Bravo, 2011). Job crafting, defined as employ-
ees’ self-oriented proactive behaviors to change their work environment
to better fit their preferences and abilities (Demerouti, 2014;
Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001) and to result in psychological resources
for the employee (Tims, Bakker, & Derks, 2012), is a potential pathway
for organizations to obtain competitive advantage, as well as to motivate
employees toward task accomplishment. Despite promising prior
research results and the growing emphasis on employees’ proactive
behavior in organizational studies, the job crafting literature has identi-
fied few important theoretical predictors of employee job crafting
other than individual differences (e.g., personality) and some specific job
characteristics (e.g., job autonomy) (see meta-analysis by Rudolph,
Katz, Lavigne, & Zacher, 2017). Although job crafting is by definition a
self-initiated activity, organizations can encourage it through their lead-
ers. Leaders can be especially important in job design, and yet research
on job crafting to date has paid relatively little attention to the study of
leadership, other than one recent study in which transformational leader-
ship led to employee proactivity (seeking resources and challenges) via
adaptability (Wang, Demerouti, & Le Blanc, 2017).
From a practical point of view, organizations can benefit greatly from
effective leadership and supervision. Leaders may influence a wide range
of employee attitudes and behaviors, including job satisfaction, organiza-
tional commitment, in-role and extra-role behaviors, and withdrawal
(e.g., meta-analyses by Kim, Beehr, & Prewett, 2018; Lee, Willis, & Tian,
2018). Organizations can attempt to both select (as recommended by Do
& Minbashian, 2014 and Lee, Lyubovnikova, Tian & Knight, 2019) and
develop or train (e.g., leader training meta-analysis by Lacerenza, Reyes,
Shannon, Joseph, & Salas, 2017) effective leaders.
One aim of the present study is to begin filling some of these gaps
regarding the antecedents of job crafting. As illustrated in Figure 1, we
propose that empowering leadership predicts followers’ psychological
capital and trust in the leader, two resources in workplace resource theo-
ries (job demands-resources and conservation of resources; Bakker &
Demerouti, 2007; Hobfoll, 1989, 2002; Schaufeli & Taris, 2014), as
explained subsequently. Psychological capital and trust in leader predict
employees’ job crafting behaviors, subsequently reducing psychological
and physical withdrawal, as well as promoting positive work behaviors.
We examined this model by obtaining data from a sample of highly edu-
cated workers in the U.S., working in a variety of industries, at four
points in time separated by one-month intervals.
Leadership style is an important social contextual component that can
play a role in enhancing or reducing an employee’s motivation to behave

Figure 1. Hypothesized model of empowering leadership, psychological resources, and

work behaviors.

proactively. That is, through empowering leadership, leaders can provide

their followers with more or less delegation and resources to craft or cus-
tomize their jobs. Thus, we propose empowering leadership as a distal
antecedent of followers’ job crafting. Empowering leadership, the first
variable in the model’s sequence, refers to a set of leader behaviors that
involve influencing followers through collaborative decision making, giv-
ing greater autonomy, enhancing the meaning of work, offering develop-
mental support, expressing confidence in high performance, and
promoting self-leadership (Amundsen & Martinsen, 2014; Arnold, Arad,
Rhoades, & Drasgow, 2000; Zhang & Bartol, 2010). Recent meta-analyses
of empowering leadership showed that empowering leader behaviors may
play a vital role in generating intrinsic motivation and psychological
resources of employees, resulting in favorable work behaviors. (Kim
et al., 2018; Lee et al., 2018). We expect that empowering leadership may
also affect employee job crafting behaviors to the extent that it leads to
employees’ psychological resources. Accordingly, as a first set of media-
tors and more immediate predictors of job crafting, we propose two psy-
chological resources that may be fostered by empowering leadership:
psychological capital and trust in the leader.
Employees’ psychological capital (PsyCap) is a psychological state
characterized by four personal resources: efficacy, hope, optimism, and
resilience; it can change over time and is amenable to training manipula-
tions (Luthans, Youssef, & Avolio, 2007; review by Luthans & Youssef-
Morgan, 2017). Some leadership styles, such as transformational leader-
ship and authentic leadership, were positively related to followers’
PsyCap (Gooty, Gavin, Johnson, Frazier, & Snow, 2009; Rego, Sousa,
Marques, & e Cunha, 2012). We posit that empowering leadership will

be particularly likely to increase employees’ overall PsyCap however,

because empowering leadership more explicitly and narrowly focuses on
employee development experiences than other forms of leadership do.
In addition to building followers’ PsyCap, empowering leadership can
help create trusting working relationships, which we propose as another
psychological resource and potential key mediator for understanding
how empowering leadership behaviors relate to followers’ job crafting
activities. Trust in the leader refers to followers’ psychological states
involving a willingness to accept their vulnerability because of the posi-
tive expectations of intentions or future behaviors of their leader
(Rousseau, Sitkin, Burt, & Camerer, 1998; Yang & Mossholder, 2010).
We propose that trust acts as a mediating mechanism; empowering lead-
ership should directly result in trust, because empowering leadership
includes relational-oriented behaviors, such as treating employees with
respect and showing concern for employees, eliciting trust in the leader
that can transmit the effects of leadership to employees’ job crafting
activities. Thus, we examine recent theoretical arguments to examine
trust as a mediating psychological resource by which empowering leader-
ship affects employees’ behavioral outcomes (Kim & Beehr, 2018b).
In addition to the model’s proposals regarding antecedents of job
crafting, it also suggests three different types of work behaviors as poten-
tial consequences of job crafting: psychological withdrawal, physical with-
drawal, and positive work behaviors (Figure 1). Employees’ withdrawal
behaviors are linked to high organizational costs, and organizations need
to control these costly behaviors in order to have an efficient and pro-
ductive workplace (Sagie, Birati, & Tziner, 2002). Although the relation-
ship between job crafting and positive task performance is well-
established (e.g., Rudolph et al., 2017), its relationship with employees’
undesirable work behaviors in the form of psychological and physical
withdrawal have been examined less. However, by definition, job crafting
should result in a job design that fits the employee better (Demerouti,
2014; Tims, Derks, & Bakker, 2016; Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001),
thereby encouraging them to remain engaged in the work.
Recent studies show evidence for several categories of job crafting
[e.g., empirical article by Bruning and Campion (2018); meta-analysis by
Lichtenthaler and Fischbach (2019); review by Zhang and Parker (2019)],
but a commonality among them is an approach-avoidance dimension.
Approach crafting is more often related to positive outcomes, while
avoidance crafting is usually related to negative outcomes. The present
study examines approach crafting and its links with (less) psychological
and physical withdrawal as well as with (more) positive work behaviors.
Positive work behaviors are similar to but narrower in scope than

organizational citizenship behaviors (e.g., Podsakoff, MacKenzie,

Moorman, & Fetter, 1990), and they are roughly associated with the
voice mechanism. They consist of volunteering for extra work, working
overtime, attempting to alter work environments for the better, thinking
of ways to do job better, and negotiating to improve the job (Lehman &
Simpson, 1992). Better person-job fit resulting from job crafting should
help diminish work stress, which should reduce employee withdrawal
behavior (Podsakoff, LePine, & LePine, 2007). Additionally, job crafters
are more likely to mobilize their job resources to perform better, which
further leads to exhibiting positive work behaviors.
In summary, by integrating principles derived from the resources theo-
ries of JD-R and COR, we developed and tested a serial mediation model
delineating the role of empowering leadership, PsyCap, trust in the
leader, and job crafting to predict employees’ favorable and unfavorable
work behaviors (Figure 1). This study contributes to job crafting theory
by expanding its nomological net in both directions. On the antecedent
side, it argues that empowering leadership is a strong theoretical cause of
job crafting due to its inherent nature, enhancing the ability of followers
to shape their own work. Furthermore, empowering leadership is posited
to affect job crafting because it creates two psychological states, PsyCap
and trust in the leader, theoretically explaining those effects of the
empowering leader on job crafting. On the consequence side, we noted
that previous research found crafting related to working longer, harder,
or more creatively (e.g., Lehman & Simpson, 1992), and a recent meta-
analysis (Rudolph et al., 2017) has summarized the likely consequences
of job crafting. Crafting is important because it is related to several out-
comes that are valuable to the success of organizations, importantly
including multiple types of job performance—self-rated performance,
other-rated performance, and contextual performance. The present study
argues that job crafting can affect not only generally positive work
behaviors, but it also can reduce the tendency for employees to withdraw
physically or psychologically from their work, because it can lead to a fit
of the person with the job (e.g., Tims et al., 2016).

Theoretical background and hypotheses

According to JD-R (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007; Schaufeli & Taris, 2014)
and COR (Hobfoll, 1989, 2002) theories, resources are psychological
characteristics of the employee or the job that can enhance employees’
well-being and goal accomplishment. The present study helps to advance
knowledge about these theories in two ways.

First, we develop the resource investment tenet of the JD-R and

COR theories (e.g., Bakker & Demerouti, 2007; Halbesleben, Neveu,
Paustian-Underdal, & Westman, 2014; Hobfoll, 1989). They first main-
tain that resources are valued, protected, and sought by employees,
because resource depletion can be harmful to the employee’s well-being.
Second, employees can however, use their resources to obtain other
resource. Part of the nature of job crafting is the employee taking charge
of their job, which would allow them greater resources (Tims, Bakker, &
Derks, 2012). The model in Figure 1 proposes that psychological capital
(personal resource) and a trusted leader (job resource) lead to
job crafting.
Empowering leadership also fits into these resource theories because
Schaufeli and Taris (2014) list leadership as a job resource. They do not
specify a specific type of leadership, but we reasoned that empowering
leadership illustrates the principle of resources being related to other
resources excellently, because empowering leadership is by definition
aimed more directly at developing employees (i.e., employees’ resources)
than other popular leadership styles are. It emphasizes providing auton-
omy, participation in decision-making, confidence in followers’ high per-
formance, and meaningfulness in work. Conceptually, these are closely
related to resources such as autonomy, participation in decision making,
self-efficacy and organization-based self-esteem listed by Schaufeli and
Taris (2014). With leadership identified as a resource, the model in
Figure 1 thus illustrates empowering leadership as a resource leading to
psychological capital and trust in leader as resources, which in turn lead
to employees’ further attempts to increase resources through job crafting.
One resource leading to other resources in the future is consistent
with COR theory’s principle of resource investment (Hobfoll,
Halbesleben, Neveu, & Westman, 2018), in which employees can use
their current resources to try to obtain other future resources. The theory
suggests this is a continuing process, and therefore it would be best to
test more than just two time periods of data; resources should lead to
other resources repeatedly, not just once. We were able to test the rela-
tionships of resources at an earlier time with other resources at Time 1
to resources at Time 2, with empowering leadership as a resource leading
to both a personal (PsyCap) and a job resource (trusted leader), and
again from Time 2 to Time 3 where those resources lead to job crafting,
which is the employee’s attempt to obtain still more resources (Tims
et al., 2012). Favorable outcomes should occur from these resources, and
these were measured at Time 4.
Second, influential JD-R writers maintain that research has focused
too narrowly on negative outcomes, even though the model should be

able to predict positive outcomes as well (e.g., Bakker & Demerouti,

2007). They recommend including both positive and negative outcomes
in research on resources, and the present study met that recommenda-
tion by positing employees’ positive work behaviors as well as physical
and psychological withdrawal tendencies as outcomes.
Our hypotheses propose stages of a model. The first part of the
proposed model predicts that empowering leadership predicts two key
followers’ resources, one in each resource category of JD-R theory
(Schaufeli & Taris, 2014), psychological capital as a personal resource
and a trustworthy leader as a job resource. The higher-order construct of
PsyCap can help employees’ motivation and perseverance toward goals
due to hope of success and to resilience in the face of adversity
(Luthans, Avolio, Avey, & Norman, 2007; Luthans, Youssef et al., 2007).
The definition of empowering leadership is that the leaders develop the
followers by (1) coaching, (2) setting challenging goals, and (3) express-
ing confidence that their followers can consistently perform well, and in
multiple ways (4) encouraging their self-direction and autonomy
(Amundsen & Martinsen, 2014; Zhang & Bartol, 2010). This employee
development approach to leadership should result in PsyCap by reaffirm-
ing followers’ beliefs in their abilities (self-efficacy) to cope with
challenges and adversity, which leads to generating positive appraisals of
their present and future situations (optimism). Indeed, recent studies
indicated that empowering leadership was positively associated with
followers’ sense of self-efficacy (Kim et al., 2018) and a positive outlook
on life (Kim & Beehr, 2018c). This occurs because empowering leader-
ship aids employees in solving and coping with problems on the job—
experiences that should help employees become more resilient (a part of
PsyCap) so they can recognize new opportunities and alternatives,
thereby expanding the followers’ options of possible solutions to a given
problem. This experience can enhance feelings of meaningfulness, com-
petence, self-determination, and impact (Zhang & Bartol, 2010).
Therefore, empowering leadership is theoretically related to all the
core factors of PsyCap identified by Avey, Hughes, Norman, and
Luthans (2008).
H1a: Empowering leadership is positively related to followers’ PsyCap.

In addition to fostering followers’ psychological capital, empowering

leadership is likely to result in followers feeling greater trust in the
leader. Leaders who exhibit empowering behaviors may be considered by
their followers as having integrity and being reliable (cognitive trust;
Mayer, Davis, & Schoorman, 1995), because leaders’ allocation of resour-
ces including authority and key decision-making rights to followers may

increase their perceptions of the leader’s fairness and trustworthiness. At

the same time, delegation of responsibility to followers, sharing power,
and encouraging self-development are indicators that the leader also
trusts them, which represents a positive exchange relationship contribu-
ting to reciprocal trust levels between followers and their leader (affective
trust; McAllister, 1995). Based on the definition of organizational trust
(e.g., Mayer et al., 1995), the employee who trusts the leader is predicting
that the leader has the ability, benevolence, and integrity to act in ways
that benefit or at least do not harm the employee, when he or she is
made vulnerable by taking risks.
H1b: Empowering leadership is positively related to followers’ trust in leaders.

Although the model’s two psychological resources, PsyCap and trust in

leadership, have been linked to positive work behaviors (meta-analyses
by Avey, Reichard, Luthans, & Mhatre, 2011; Dirks & Ferrin, 2002), their
links with job crafting have yet to be examined. Job crafting is important
because it enables employees to balance their job demands and job
resources with their personal abilities and preferences, leading to career
success and less stress (Kim & Beehr, 2018a; Slemp & Vella-Brodrick,
2014). Through proactive job crafting activities, employees can change
task, relational, and cognitive boundaries of their jobs (Niessen, Weseler,
& Kostova, 2016; Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001).
Task crafting refers to employees altering the scope and/or nature of
their current tasks, which allows minimizing negative aspects of the job
or maximizing interesting job content; this is related to resources, such
as task autonomy, variety, feedback (Schaufeli & Taris, 2014). Relational
crafting comprises controlling the quality and amount of interpersonal
interactions while doing the job; employees may increase communica-
tions with their supervisors and coworkers as a way of building their net-
work or may decrease social activities to avoid the people they have
trouble working with. Relational crafting can involve resources such as
more favorable social climate, relationships with supervisor, and social
support (Schaufeli & Taris, 2014). Cognitive crafting consists of employ-
ees reframing their perceptions and evaluations about their jobs (Niessen
et al., 2016; Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001), leading to resources such as
job motivation and satisfaction with parts of the job (Schaufeli & Taris,
2014). Although a number of job crafting studies have suggested its posi-
tive effects on individual and organizational outcomes, its antecedents
are not well-explored. We argue that PsyCap and trust in leadership
could help explain the willingness to engage in job crafting.
Regarding PsyCap, self-efficacious (part of PsyCap) individuals are
self-motivated and set high goals, thrive on challenge, and persevere

when faced with difficulties (Luthans et al., 2007). Self-efficacy predicts

personal initiative and proactive behaviors similar to job crafting, because
employees who have confidence in their capabilities tend to judge that
their actions will be successful (Morrison & Phelps, 1999; Parker,
Williams, & Turner, 2006). Supporting this reasoning, the meta-analysis
by Rudolph et al. (2017) found that self-efficacy was related to
job crafting.
Besides the self-efficacy in PsyCap, hope is a motivational state that
allows individuals to set realistic but challenging goals; they possess an
internal locus of control and the need for achievement (Luthans et al.,
2007) needed for crafting jobs. Optimistic employees (another facet of
PsyCap) are more likely to capitalize on their chances that may contrib-
ute to their success; they attribute their success to themselves (Luthans
et al., 2007). In contrast, when they fail, they relate this failure to envir-
onmental causes rather than to their own abilities and behaviors
(Luthans et al., 2007). These attributions encourage taking risks to alter
their jobs through crafting. Lastly, the resiliency element in PsyCap pro-
motes a focus on the proactive assessment of risks or assets that affect
employee outcomes (Luthans, Vogelgesang, & Lester, 2006). Resilient
people are more emotionally stable when faced with adversity (Bonanno,
Papa, & O’Neil, 2001), are more flexible to changing demands, and are
open to new and challenging experiences (Tugade & Fredrickson, 2004)
such as job crafting.
H2a: PsyCap is positively related to followers’ job crafting behaviors.

We also propose that trust in the leader serves as an important

resource for employees’ behaviors (Dirks & Ferrin, 2002). In the trust lit-
erature, employees’ proactive behavior in the form of job crafting has
rarely been examined, however. This is particularly surprising, given the
fact that trust in leader has frequently been explored as a predictor or
mediator in relation to various forms of other proactive behaviors,
including voice behavior, creativity, and innovation (Gao, Janssen, & Shi,
2011; Newman, Kiazad, Miao, & Cooper, 2014). Trust relationships
between leaders and followers may play a major role in promoting pro-
active job crafting behaviors, considering previous arguments that per-
ception of interpersonal trust encourages employees to make themselves
more vulnerable to others and thus facilitates risk-taking behaviors
(Colquitt, Scott, & LePine, 2007; Mayer et al., 1995; Rousseau et al.,
1998), including job crafting.
H2b: Trust in leader is positively related to followers’ job crafting behaviors.

Regarding the model’s criteria, we propose that employees with

increased fit with their work environment, which is created by job

crafting, will show enthusiasm in their jobs and behave in ways that
benefit their organization and/or other employees through engaging in
greater positive work behaviors and fewer withdrawal behaviors, psycho-
logically and physically. Employees’ job crafting behaviors involve a focus
on the job, such as trying out new work procedures and activities.
Furthermore, employees can change the level of their job demands and
resources to help maintain their energy and motivation (Wang,
Demerouti, & Bakker, 2017), which will likely help them react to stressful
situations with positive attitudes rather than withdrawing from work.
Positive work behaviors are voluntary behaviors that are above and
beyond what is required of the employees to promote work effectiveness,
and includes such things as doing additional work and trying to change
work conditions or thinking of better ways to do the job (Lehman &
Simpson, 1992). Job crafting allows employees to adjust their job demands
and conditions in order to make their job more motivating. Thus, employees
who successfully craft their job will likely persist with extra effort and be
more willing to volunteer suggestions for improvement.
Withdrawal has not been examined previously in regard to job craft-
ing. The construct of employee withdrawal is broad (Hulin, 1991), but
two different forms of withdrawal are examined in the present study:
psychological withdrawal and physical withdrawal behaviors.
Psychological withdrawal involves employee acts that provide a mental
escape from work (Hulin, 1991). Although employees are physically pre-
sent, their minds may not be on their work, showing behaviors such as
daydreaming, chatting excessively with co-workers, giving little attention
to the job, and spending time working on personal matters rather than
work-related issues (Lehman & Simpson, 1992). Physical withdrawal rep-
resents behaviors such as physical avoidance of the workplace (e.g., leav-
ing work early or taking longer breaks). These actions obviously harm
organizations by reducing productivity, work group morale, and overall
effectiveness (Lehman & Simpson, 1992; Sagie et al., 2002).
H3a: Job crafting is negatively related to followers’ psychological
withdrawal behaviors.

H3b: Job crafting is negatively related to followers’ physical withdrawal behaviors.

H3c: Job crafting is positively related to followers’ positive work behaviors.

These hypotheses were tested simultaneously by examining the model

in Figure 1. The model is somewhat complex, containing 10 instances of
mediation. It therefore inherently hypothesizes, and we test the following:
H4a: There is serial mediation in which PsyCap, trust in the leader, and job
crafting mediate the relationship of empowering leadership with the followers’

three work behaviors (psychological withdrawal, physical withdrawal, and positive

work behaviors).

H4b: On the left side of the model, PsyCap and trust in leader simultaneously
mediate the relationship of empowering leadership with the followers’ job crafting.

H4c: On the right side of the model, job crafting mediates the relationship of
PsyCap and trust in leader with the followers’ three work behaviors (psychological
withdrawal, physical withdrawal, and positive work behaviors).

Participants and procedure
Participants were full-time employees in a variety of industries (e.g.,
sales, finance, and technology) and occupations (e.g., manager, teacher,
nurse, and IT engineer); they were recruited and paid through
TurkPrime, an online crowdsourcing platform that allows researchers to
implement longitudinal studies, control who participates in a study, and
monitor dropout rates and completion times (Litman, Robinson, &
Abberbock, 2017). TurkPrime also makes it possible to include eligible
participants from a broad range of jobs, people, and geo-
graphic locations.
Recent studies have suggested that MTurk workers tend to read survey
instructions carefully, and the samples have diversity in terms of age,
education, and work experience, providing high-quality data that are
comparable to those from other data sources (Goodman, Cryder, &
Cheema, 2013; Kees, Berry, Burton, & Sheehan, 2017). We required
respondents to be full-time employed adults aged 18 and older working
in the US, and holding a 95% approval rating from previous MTurk
assignments; those MTurk workers are rated by researchers as especially
conscientious and reliable (Casler, Bickel, & Hackett, 2013; Peer,
Vosgerau, & Acquisti, 2014). Although research showed there may be no
need to examine their data with insufficient-attention checks, we never-
theless took the precaution of following several procedures to control the
quality of the data (Cheung, Burns, Sinclair, & Sliter, 2017; DeSimone,
Harms, & DeSimone, 2015). We deleted data from participants answer-
ing too many consecutive questions with the same response, having
greater than 30% missing data, completing surveys four times faster than
the average respondent, answering attention-check questions incorrectly,
and giving the same answers on several reversed-wording questions as
items with nonreversed-wording.
We collected data at four separate time points with one-month lags in
order to measure variables in the causal sequence implied by the model

in Figure 1. This reduces the likelihood that alternative models with

reverse causation account for the results, and this technique is also rec-
ommended to reduce the effects of common method bias (Podsakoff,
MacKenzie, & Podsakoff, 2012). In the first survey, employees provided
information on their demographics and perceptions of empowering lead-
ership. At time 2, we asked the employees about their level of psycho-
logical capital and level of trust in leader. At time 3, we asked employees
about their job crafting behaviors. In the final survey, employees pro-
vided ratings on the three types of work behavior outcomes of psycho-
logical withdrawal, physical withdrawal, and positive work behaviors.
Because the sample was drawn from the high-reliability TurkPrime
source, very little low-quality data were encountered to be eliminated.
Initially, 700 employees completed the first survey. Among them, 38
(5%) were excluded because of partial completions and non-purposeful
and low effort responses, leaving usable data from 662 respondents to
the first survey. In the second wave, we sent an invitation email to those
662 participants and received 554 usable responses; 26 (5%) of them
were dropped due to low effort responding and failed attention checks.
Thus, 528 participants were invited to the third survey one month after
the second survey. Of these, 418 completed the third survey, but 9 (2%)
cases were deleted due to failed attention checks. Of those 409 employ-
ees, 334 employees participated in the fourth wave survey.
After eliminating 3 (1%) cases due to mismatched codes across the
four surveys, we used a sample of 331 participants to test the hypotheses:
54.4% were male, 81.5% were white, and 68.5% had at least a bachelor’s
degree. The mean age of participants was 39.44 years (SD ¼ 11.26), they
worked an average of 40.25 hours per week (SD ¼ 7.66), and they had
been in their current organization for an average of 7.91 years
(SD ¼ 7.67). Of these, 40.9% were line employees, 41.2% supervisors,
7.0% managers, 3.7% upper managers or executives, and 7.2% others
(e.g., support staff). Overall, the sample was much more educated than
the U.S. national population (30.9% bachelor’s degrees in 2017; U.S.
Census Bureau, 2017a); it was also slightly more male (49.2% in the U.S.
in 2017; U.S. Census Bureau, 2017a) and a little older (37.8 median in
2017; U.S. Census Bureau, 2017b). Finally, the present sample consisted
of proportionately more Whites than the U.S population (76.6% in 2017;
U.S. Census Bureau, 2017a). The demographics of the sample are in
Appendix A.
We also examined whether the final sample (Time 4) was representa-
tive of the Time 1, Time 2, and Time 3 samples by comparing demo-
graphic differences. We found only small differences with respect to
demographic variables assessed at Time 1, Time 2, Time 3, and Time 4

Table 1. Logistic regression: stayers (Time 4) vs. leavers (Time 1).

Variable b s.e.
Empowering Leadership .02 .14
Gender .89 .18
Race .10 .07
Age .00 .01
Work Hour .01 .01
Education .02 .10
Constant .94 .81
Nagelkerke R-square .07
2 log likelihood 739.89
Model Chi-square 30.86
Notes. Logistic regression for difference between respondents who took the only Time 1 survey (leavers) and
who took the Time 4 survey (stayers). Leavers ¼1, Stayers ¼2. Gender: male ¼1, female ¼2.

p < .01.

(gender, race, age, working hours, and education); the percentage of

male and white participants increased somewhat across the four surveys;
46.5% to 54.4% for male, and 76% to 81.5% for white. Age of the partici-
pants also increased from M ¼ 38.69 to M ¼ 39.44. Additionally, an aver-
age of working hours per week increased slightly (39.74 hrs to 40.25 hrs).
Finally, the percentage who had a bachelor’s or higher degree increased
from 63.7% to 68.5%. Additionally, we conducted a dropout analysis
from Time 1 to Time 4 using multiple logistic regression as recom-
mended by Goodman and Blum (1996). For predictors, we used demo-
graphic variables and the only variable in the model with data available
at Time 1 (empowering leadership). Only gender uniquely differed from
Time 1 to Time 4 (Table 1), with the final sample containing a larger
proportion of females than the original sample; this is opposite from the
bivariate results, probably a suppressor effect due to multicollinearity
among the predictors. Overall, although there was attrition in our sample
across the four surveys, it does not seem that there exists any severe sys-
tematic sample bias developing over the course of the study.

The items of all scales in the study are in Appendix B. One variable
from this dataset was used in a different study presented at a confer-
ence (anonymized).
Empowering leadership (T1) was measured using Ahearne, Mathieu,
and Rapp’s (2005) 12-item measure (a ¼ .93). It consisted of four subdi-
mensions: autonomy (e.g., ‘My supervisor allows me to do my job my
way’), participation in decision making (e.g., ‘My supervisor makes many
decisions together with me’), confidence in high performance (e.g., ‘My
supervisor expresses confidence in my ability to perform at a high level’),
and meaningfulness of work (e.g., ‘My supervisor helps me understand
how my objectives and goals relate to that of the company’).

Respondents rated items rated on a 5-point Likert scale from 1 (strongly

disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
Psychological capital (T2) was measured using the Psychological Capital
Questionnaire (PCQ) developed by Luthans et al. (2007). We used the
shorter 12-item (a ¼ .92) version of the PCQ, which has been shown to
be reliable and valid in prior studies (e.g., Avey, Avolio, & Luthans,
2011; Luthans, Youssef, Sweetman, & Harms, 2013). The PCQ-12
includes three items to measure self-efficacy (e.g., ‘I feel confident in rep-
resenting my work area in meetings with management’), four to measure
hope (e.g., ‘If I should find myself in a jam at work, I could think of
many ways to get out of it’), three to measure resilience (e.g., ‘I can get
through difficult times at work because I have experienced difficulty
before’), and two to measure optimism (e.g., ‘I always look on the bright
side of things regarding my job’). Items were measured on a 6-point
Likert scale ranging from 1 (totally disagree) to 6 (totally agree).
Trust in leader (T2) was assessed using Robinson and Rousseau’s
(1994) 7-item scale (a ¼ .94). An example item is ‘I am not sure I fully
trust my supervisor (reversed coded)’ rated on a 5-point Likert scale
from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
Job crafting (T3) was measured with the 9-item scale (a ¼ .81) devel-
oped by Niessen et al. (2016). The scale captures three dimensions of job
crafting behaviors: task crafting (e.g., ‘I undertake or seek for additional
tasks’), relational crafting (e.g., ‘I look for opportunities to work together
with people whom I get along well with at work’), and cognitive crafting
(e.g., ‘I find personal meaning in my tasks and responsibilities at work’).
These elements of job crafting map onto some of the resources in JD-R
(e.g., autonomy, relationship with supervisor, and satisfactory evaluation
of job elements; Schaufeli & Taris, 2014), and the items primarily indi-
cate approach crafting (Lichtenthaler & Fischbach, 2019; Zhang &
Parker, 2019) to obtain resources exemplified in Schaufeli and Taris
(2014). Respondents rated each job crafting behavior on a 5-point scale
from 1 (not at all) to 5 (absolutely).
Work behaviors (T4) were measured using Lehman and Simpson’s
(1992) 17-item scale. With a 7-point frequency scale from 1 (never) to 7
(everyday), respondents were asked to indicate how much they per-
formed on-the-job behaviors, including psychological withdrawal, phys-
ical withdrawal, and positive work behaviors. Example items include In
the past three months, how often have you ‘ … daydreamed on the job?’
(psychological withdrawal; 8 items; a ¼ .82), ‘ … left work early without
permission?’ (physical withdrawal; 4 items; a ¼ .80), and ‘ … volunteered
to work overtime?’ (positive work behaviors; 5 items; a ¼ .84).

Table 2. Descriptive statistics and correlations.

Variables Mean SD a 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Empowering Leadership (T1) 3.85 .71 .93
2. Psychological Capital (T2) 4.76 .79 .92 .58
3. Trust in Leader (T2) 3.77 .95 .94 .60 .44
4. Job Crafting (T3) 3.70 .61 .81 .41 .47 .36
5. Psychological Withdrawal (T4) 3.29 1.25 .82 .32 .33 .31 .21
6. Physical Withdrawal (T4) 1.58 .77 .80 .10 .16 .20 .19 .48
7. Positive Work Behavior (T4) 3.53 1.44 .84 .20 .21 .18 .37 -.12 .04

N ¼ 331.

p < .05.
p < .01.

Social desirability (T2) was measured as a potential control variable for

the self-reports of the outcome variables, because employees may tend
over-report their good and under-report their bad behaviors. In addition,
because psychological capital might be contaminated with social desir-
ability, we also controlled for it at that point in the model as well. The
five-item (a ¼ .78) Socially Desirable Response Set (Hays, Hayashi, &
Stewart, 1989) was used to measure social desirability. An example item
is ‘There have been occasions when I took advantage of someone’ rated
on a 5-point scale from 1 (definitely true) to 5 (definitely false).

Table 2 presents descriptive statistics, reliabilities (.80–.94), and zero-
order correlations. All correlations corresponding to the paths in the
hypothesized model were significant at p ¼ .00. Empowering leadership
was positively related to the first set of mediators, psychological capital
(r ¼ .58) and trust in leader (r ¼ .60). The two mediators at the first
stage of the model were significantly related to the mediator at the
second stage of the model, job crafting (r ¼ .47 and r ¼ .36, respect-
ively), and job crafting was significantly related to all three criteria: psy-
chological withdrawal behaviors (r ¼ .21), physical withdrawal
behaviors (r ¼ .19), and positive work behaviors (r ¼ .37).

Measurement model
We used LISREL 8.8 (J€ oreskog & S€orbom, 2006) to obtain model fit and
parameter statistics. The model consisted of seven variables comprised of
57 items, which were too many items to allow a viable CFA at the item-
level with our limited sample size (n ¼ 331). CFA based on subscales is
often recommended (Hoyle, 2012), and we were able to do that with the
three variables that had subscales: empowering leadership, psychological
capital, and job crafting. For trust in leader, psychological and physical
withdrawal, and positive work behavior, however, there were no

Table 3. Summary of model fit indices.

Model Test v2 df RMSEA CFI NNFI IFI Dv2 (df)
Measurement Model 731.74 231 .08 .95 .93 .95
Hypothesized Model 828.02 245 .08 .93 .93 .94
Alternative Model 1: 799.20 242 .08 .94 .93 .94 28.82(3)
Adding 3 direct paths
from empowering
leadership to 3
work behaviors
Alternative Model 2: 826.49 244 .08 .93 .93 .94 1.53(1)
Adding a direct path
from empowering
leadership to
job crafting
Alternative Model 3: 810.17 242 .08 .94 .93 .94 17.85(3)
Adding 3 direct paths
from psychological
capital to 3
work behaviors
Alternative Model 4: 803.91 242 .08 .94 .93 .94 24.11(3)
Adding 3 direct paths
from trust in leader
to 3 work behaviors
Note. v2-values for the structural models are significant at p < .01. Work behaviors include psychological
withdrawal, physical withdrawal, and positive work behavior.

subscales, and we therefore relied on the item parceling method (e.g.,

Little, Rhemtulla, Gibson, & Schoemann, 2013; Matsunaga, 2008).
Accordingly, for the empowering leadership, psychological capital, and
job crafting constructs, subscales were used as indicators to form latent
variables. The 7-item measure of trust in leader had no subscales, and
the item parceling method was applied (Little et al., 2013; Matsunaga,
2008); its seven items were randomly parceled to form three indicators
of a latent variable (two consisting of two items each and one of three
items). Similarly, psychological withdrawal and positive work behaviors
were unidimensional constructs, and their items were randomly parceled
to create three indicators; the 8 items of psychological withdrawal behav-
iors were randomly parceled (two consisting of three items each and one
of two items), and the 5 items of positive work behaviors were randomly
parceled (two consisting of two items each and one of a single item).
Finally, physical withdrawal behaviors also had no subscales and only
four items; its four items, therefore, served as indicators.
Table 3 shows all the model fit indices. Pertaining to the measurement
model or confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), the results provided support
for the 7-factor model indicating the distinctiveness of the seven constructs
used in the study, v2(231, N ¼ 331) ¼ 731.74, p < .01; CFI ¼ .95; IFI ¼ .95;
NNFI ¼ .93; RMSEA ¼ .08. We also tested an alternative, one-factor solu-
tion for the measurement model, but it produced a significantly poorer fit
than the 7-factor model v2(252, N ¼ 331) ¼ 3306.30, p < .01; CFI ¼ .72; IFI
¼ .72; NNFI ¼ .69; RMSEA ¼ .19, with a chi-square difference of Dv2(21,

Figure 2. Structural equation model with standardized coefficients.

Note. All paths in structural model analysis are significant at p < .01.

N ¼ 331) ¼ 2574.56, p < .01 in comparison to the hypothesized model. The

indices showed evidence that the 7-factor model had a good fit, and there-
fore, we further examined the hypothesized structural model from Figure 1.

Hypothesized model and effects of controls

The model fitted the data adequately, v2(245, N ¼ 331) ¼ 828.02, p < .01;
CFI ¼ .93; IFI ¼ .94; NNFI ¼ .93; RMSEA ¼ .08. Figure 2 presents the over-
all structural model with standardized path coefficients. All paths in struc-
tural model analysis were significant at p ¼ .00. Empowering leadership was
positively related to psychological capital (b ¼ .71) and trust in leader (b ¼
.66), supporting Hypotheses 1a and 1 b. The results also supported
Hypotheses 2a and 2 b, that psychological capital (b ¼ .44) and trust in
leader (b ¼ .33) would be positively related to job crafting. Hypotheses 3a,
3 b, and 3c were also supported, because job crafting was negatively related
to psychological (b ¼ -.43) and physical withdrawal (b ¼ -.25), and posi-
tively related to positive work behavior (b ¼ .42).
Finally, we reran the model with some control variables. First, control-
ling for social desirability did not affect the substantive results. Second, the
Method section noted that there were a few demographic differences
between the sample at time one and the final sample at time four.
Although the demographic differences were minor, we examined their rela-
tionships with the substantive variables in the model. There were only two
significant relationships between demographics and the variables in the
model; gender was related to job crafting (r ¼ .19, p ¼ .00) and physical
withdrawal (r ¼ .12, p ¼ .02). We tried the model again, using these var-
iables as controls, but as would be expected from these weak correlations,
the model was not affected. Overall, the model was quite robust in regard
to both social desirability and demographics as individual differences.

Table 4. Direct, indirect, and total standardized effects of empowering leadership on work
behaviors in LISREL.
Effect from to Direct Effects Indirect Effects Total Effect
Empowering Leadership ! Psychological Capital .71 .71
! Trust in Leader .66 .66
! Job Crafting .53 .53
! Psychological Withdrawal .23 .23
! Physical Withdrawal .13 .13
! Positive Work Behavior .22 .22
Psychological capital ! Job Crafting .44 .44
! Psychological Withdrawal .19 .19
! Physical Withdrawal .11 .11
! Positive Work Behavior .18 .18
Trust in leader ! Job Crafting .33 .33
! Psychological Withdrawal .14 .14
! Physical Withdrawal .08 .08
! Positive Work Behavior . .14 .14
Job crafting ! Psychological Withdrawal .43 .43
! Physical Withdrawal .25 .25
! Positive Work Behavior .42 .42

If the indirect effect is equal to the total effect, only an indirect effect exists.
p < .01.

Alternative models and mediation

The fit of the overall model is consistent with the hypothesized medi-
ation model. However, for further evidence about mediation, we tested
four alternative models along with bootstrap confidence intervals. This
analysis was used to test whether the indirect pathways were significant,
with the standard errors from sampling distribution estimated using
5,000 bootstrap resampling from the original sample. That was used to
calculate 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the indirect effects.
Significance of the mediation was indicated if the upper and lower limits
of 95% CI did not include zero. First, three direct paths were added
from empowering leadership to the criteria (alternative model 1); the
additional three paths for alternative model 1 did not change fit indices
very much (Table 3), and they produced a statistically significant
improvement in the chi-square, Dv2(3, N ¼ 331) ¼ 28.82, p < .01. The
fit improvement was due to one of the three paths: There was a signifi-
cant direct link only from empowering leadership to psychological with-
drawal behavior, b ¼ .39, p ¼ .00, CI 95% ¼ [-.56, -.18], p ¼ .00.
Therefore, Hypothesis 4a was partially supported. Second, we tested
whether empowering leadership had direct effects on employee job craft-
ing (alternative model 2). No significant direct link was found between
empowering leadership and job crafting, b ¼ .11, p ¼ .23, CI 95% ¼
[.10, .31], p ¼ .29. however, emphasizing the mediating roles of psy-
chological capital and trust in leader, and supporting Hypothesis 4 b. We
also tested whether job crafting was an important mediator linking the
first two mediators to the criteria. For alternative model 3, we added
three direct paths from psychological capital to the three work behaviors,

and it fit better than the original model, Dv2(3, N ¼ 331) ¼ 17.85, p ¼
.00. Again, the improvement in fit was due to the same outcome, psy-
chological withdrawal behavior, b ¼ .32, p ¼ .00, CI 95% ¼ [51, -.13],
p ¼ .00. Alternative model 4 added three direct paths from trust in
leader to the criteria, and it also showed improved fit over the original
model, Dv2(3, N ¼ 331) ¼ 24.11, p ¼ .00. Again, this improvement was
due to a path leading to the same outcome, psychological withdrawal
behavior, b ¼ -.32, p ¼ .00, CI 95% ¼ [.50, .11], p ¼ .02. Except one
fit index, DCFI ¼ .01 in alternative model 1, 3, and 4, fit indices
were unchanged at the second decimal point by the alternative models
(Table 3). Therefore, Hypothesis 4c was partially supported.
The LISREL results of direct and indirect effects using latent variables
are reported in Table 4. If the indirect effect is equal to the total effect,
only an indirect effect exists; this analysis shows no direct effects any-
where in the original hypothesized model, providing strong support for
mediation. In four alternative model tests, a bootstrapping procedure
also provided support for the indirect effect of empowering leadership
on physical withdrawal and positive work behavior through psychological
capital, trust in leader, and job crafting. There were some direct links in
the three alternative models though; one criterion, psychological with-
drawal behavior, had a direct effect on empowering leadership, psycho-
logical capital, and trust in leader; their 95% CIs did not include a zero.
Overall, these analyses suggested that psychological capital and trust in
leader in the first part of the model and job crafting in the second part
of the model may be critical intervening variables linking empowering
leadership to the three types of work behaviors, possibly with direct
effects on employee psychological withdrawal behavior.

The aim of the present study was to examine whether resources theories
(JD-R and COR) could help explain the relationship of empowering lead-
ership with followers’ positive as well as negative reactions (psychological
and physical withdrawal, and positive work behaviors). In line with the
tenet of gain spirals, empowering leadership as a resource predicted two
other employees’ resources (psychological capital and trust in leader),
which then predicted job crafting.
Support for the model helps boost the idea of employees investing
resources to potentially result in other future resources, the type of accu-
mulation proposed in COR theory and the JD-R model (e.g., Hobfoll,
2002; Schaufeli & Taris, 2014). We note that these resources vary across
employees to begin with, and for many employees it would mean

improving some level of resources they already have. For those with a lot
of such resources, those who already have high self-efficacy and opti-
mism found in psychological capital for example, the resources may be
unlikely to be developed much further, but for other employees the
effects might be more dramatic.
Support for the model reinforces the key roles of the two positive psy-
chological resources in employees’ job crafting activities, given there was
no significant direct effect of empowering leadership on job crafting.
Additionally, the study contributes by providing insight into the antece-
dents of job crafting, because most studies on job crafting focused on its
potential consequences: PsyCap and trust in leader explain the link
between empowering leadership and job crafting. Together, our findings
suggested that although job crafting, as an individual process, may not
be directly influenced by particular leadership behaviors, but it may
depend on employees’ psychological resources that can be a result of
empowering leadership. We interpret the mediation by job crafting as
indicating that the crafting employee is using the resources provided by
the leader.
Regarding the outcomes, the present study contributes to the JD-R lit-
erature by including both positive and negative outcomes, as recom-
mended by Bakker and Demerouti (2007) and also to the job crafting
literature by adding new behavioral outcomes to it, psychological and
physical withdrawal behaviors. Employee withdrawal can cause a finan-
cial burden for the organization (e.g., Hancock, Allen, Bosco, McDaniel,
& Pierce, 2013), and thus it is important to identify potential factors that
help prevent employee withdrawal from occurring. Job crafting is one of
those factors. According to the JD-R model (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007),
access to sufficient job resources protects employees against strains
(Schaufeli, Bakker, & Van Rhenen, 2009); theoretically, strain and work
stressors, especially hindrance stressors, lead to negative emotions, which
eventually translates into coping attempts in the form of psychological
and physical withdrawal from work (Podsakoff et al., 2007). Job crafting
can prevent this sequence of events, by crafting the job so that such job
stressors are less likely and resources to cope with them are more likely
to be present.
Job crafting also directly predicted employees’ positive work behaviors.
This result supported the idea that employees with more resources are
likely to be more involved in their work roles and display extra-role
behaviors (e.g., Bakker & Demerouti, 2014; Demerouti, Bakker, &
Gevers, 2015). Job crafting includes using job resources to facilitate work
goal achievements, and it helps employees change their jobs to be able to
better to perform them, in part by defining the job as doing more tasks

they are good at (fit that can result in interesting or rewarding work). As
a result, employees who successfully craft their job characteristics are
willing to invest increased resources in their tasks, such as persisting and
doing extra work and thinking of ways to do the job better. The job
crafting activities, therefore, help make employees feel motivated and bet-
ter at their job, resulting in more engagement in positive work behaviors.
Overall, regarding outcomes of job crafting, a number of studies have
focused on favorable work behaviors, such as task performance, work
engagement, and organizational citizenship behavior (Bakker, Tims, &
Derks, 2012; Demerouti et al., 2015; Tims, Bakker, & Derks, 2015), but
they have not paid attention to how job crafting can be linked to
employees’ withdrawal behaviors. Our findings bridged this gap and
showed that job crafting led to not only positive forms of work behaviors
but also may have helped inhibit employees from engaging in psycho-
logical and physical withdrawal behaviors.
In some analyses, one outcome, psychological withdrawal, stood out as
potentially being directly predicted by every predictor variable in the
model. This was surprising, but it suggests how easily employees can be
distracted from work while still being physically present on the job. That
is, they can become disengaged psychologically, even to the point of
being engaged in non-work activities while on the job, and multiple fac-
tors may each have their independent effects on such disengagement.
Psychological withdrawal may be easier to ‘get away with’ than physical
withdrawal such as leaving work early, and thus employees may be par-
ticularly free to engage in this response to many work situations.
Therefore, less empowering leadership or resources such as PsyCap and
trust is enough to encourage psychological withdrawal, just as (less) job
crafting is. To some extent, the much larger variance in psychological
withdrawal (SD ¼ 1.25) than in physical withdrawal (SD ¼ .77) shown in
Table 2 supports the idea that psychological withdrawal may be less
restricted by the workplace environment than physical withdrawal is.

Practical implications
Based on present findings, human resource practices could be implemented
to enhance employees’ resources and favorable work behaviors.
Empowering leadership behaviors that provide followers with freedom,
mentorship, and opportunities to think and behave independently, play sig-
nificant roles in the followers’ psychological capital and trust in the leader
and eventually in psychological withdrawal behaviors. That is, the two psy-
chological resources can be fostered in followers by leaders who interact
(work) closely with them. One way organizations can facilitate this process

is to develop HR practices that encourage empowering leadership behaviors

through a reward system (e.g., advancement of empowering leaders).
Additionally, developing selection tools to identify and select leaders who
will likely show empowering behaviors would be a feasible strategy.
Organizations can also invest in empowering leadership training programs
for existing leaders in order to improve their empowering behaviors.
Organizations that obtain, promote, reward, and train more empowering
leaders may benefit from the desirable outcomes of higher employee
PsyCap and trust derived from the empowering leadership style.
In addition, to stimulate self-initiated job crafting behaviors, which leads
to positive behavioral outcomes, it is important for leaders to pay atten-
tion to the level of followers’ psychological capital and extent to which
they are trusted by followers. Leaders could build trusting relationships
through such behaviors as treating followers with concern for their needs,
conveying confidence, collaborative decision-making, and offering devel-
opmental support. Assigning challenging work along with enhanced sup-
portiveness of the work environment also helps increase employees’
psychological capital and motivation to engage in job crafting. That means
employees who have higher levels of psychological resources can use those
resources and effectively craft their own work environments. Overall, cre-
ating work environments where employees actively engage in job crafting
behaviors could be an effective way to contribute to a productive work-
force and simultaneously decrease withdrawal behaviors.

Limitations and future research directions

The study also has some limitations that should be noted. These are
both limitations and opportunities for valuable future research.

The sample was highly educated and had a high proportion of employees
reporting themselves as white, and so the results may apply best to white,
professional, technical, and supervisory employees, for example.
Although controlling for such individual differences had no substantive
effect on the model in the present data, future research could examine
the model for people of varied ethnicities and those who are less edu-
cated in order to further test its generalizability.

Methods and measures

The different times of measurement helped to reduce effects of common
method variance (Podsakoff et al., 2012), but it was unlikely to be totally

eliminated. To further minimize problems associated with common method

bias, future research could utilize other methods; positive work behaviors
could be rated by another source such as co-workers or supervisors, for
example. This would be especially useful for some of the more behavioral
constructs, such as the physical withdrawal and positive work behavior crite-
ria. Others in the workplace might be able to observe and report such behav-
iors as a check on the accuracy of the self-reports. Other variables in the
model tap constructs that are inherently intra-psychic however, and they are
less amenable to observation by others (e.g., psychological withdrawal such
as daydreaming, or PsyCap, which is primarily cognitive resources or
internal states; Peterson & Seligman, 2003; Luthans et al., 2007).
Related to common method variance, there could also have been a
method issue of social desirability; we especially note that the wording of
the PsyCap items might invoke some desirable responses (e.g., ‘I always
look on the bright side of things regarding my job’), and the self-report-
ing of outcomes such withdrawal and positive work behaviors might be
susceptible to desirable responding. When we controlled for social desir-
ability at these points in the model, however, the conclusions remained
unchanged. We also found several other studies controlling various per-
sonality characteristics that have only modest effects on PsyCap, but we
found only one previous study using social desirability as a control vari-
able; the study predicted safety climate from PsyCap. In a maritime
industry study, social desirability was correlated .30 with PsyCap, but it
had no unique effect when entered into a multiple regression along with
age and rank (Bergheim, Nielsen, Mearns, & Eid, 2015). We note also
the argument that controlling for social desirability is not always appro-
priate for some predictor variables. The issue is that some positive con-
structs such as PsyCap are socially desirable, and therefore controlling
for social desirability would be, in part, controlling for the very construct
one is studying (e.g., Avey et al., 2011; Peterson & Seligman, 2003). That
is, social desirability in this case would not only control partially for a
type of responding (a method effect) but would also mistakenly control
partially for the construct being studied, which would be inadvisable.
A similar issue has been noted in other research domains (e.g.,
Spector, Zapf, Chen, & Frese, 2000; in regard to controlling for negative
affectivity while studying psychological strains in the occupational
stress domain).
Finally, although we measured the variables at four separate time
points in a sequence matching their theoretical causal progression, causal
relationships cannot be guaranteed in the study. The best way to do that
would be to manipulate each variable in the first three phases of the
study as independent variables in multiple studies with experimental

designs. For example, the easiest of these variables to manipulate is prob-

ably empowering leadership. Experiments could manipulate empowering
leadership by implementing leader training programs, with random
assignment of leaders to training and control groups, in order to deter-
mine whether empowering leadership causes trust in leaders or psycho-
logical capital.
Aside from experiments, however, research on the model also could
have measured all seven variables at all four time points. First, this would
allow controlling for the criterion variable from a prior time point when
examining relationships at each of step of the model, so that effects of
stability in the outcome variables would be reduced. This would have
helped to more directly test the concept of ‘gain’ spirals, because it could
demonstrate a gain in mean scores from one time period tot next.
Second, if all variables were measured at all time points, the potential for
reverse causality could be estimated. Although causality still could not be
strongly inferred, some potential alternative causal directions could be
compared to the proposed model.

Facets of job crafting

We adopted the conceptualization and measure of job crafting by
Niessen et al. (2016), who defined job crafting as a form of proactive
behaviors that involve employees initiating changes in their task, rela-
tions, and cognitions. However, there are other prominent alternative
conceptualizations of job crafting (e.g., Petrou, Demerouti, Peeters,
Schaufeli, & Hetland, 2012; Tims et al., 2012) focusing on multiple job
resources and demands in JD-R theory, and future research could test
our model with those forms of job crafting. There are also recent articles
explicating still other multiple dimensions of job crafting (e.g., Bruning
& Campion, 2018; Lichtenthaler & Fischbach, 2019; Zhang & Parker,
2019), but one dimension they have in common is approach-avoidance
crafting (although different labels are sometimes used). The measure in
the present study was primarily an approach measure (‘proactive’ accord-
ing to Niessen et al., 2016), and it was negatively related to withdrawal
and positively related to positive work behavior. Future research could
be aimed at discovering how other types of job crafting are related to
these outcomes.
We also note that the widely used Tims et al. (2012) measure and con-
ceptualization of job crafting include subscales intended to measure
employee attempts to change (increase or decrease) the job’s challenge
and hindrance demands, but some of its subscales (especially changing
hindrance demands) may have unresolved problems. The problems con-
cern convergence and divergence with the other subscales, as well as

weak or theoretically unexpected relationships with outside variables

(meta-analysis in Rudolph et al., 2017). Future research could examine
an expanded set of job crafting facets; a first step might be examining
similarities and differences of Niessen et al.’s (2016) task, relations, and
cognitions crafting with Tims et al.’s (2012) crafting of increasing or
decreasing job challenges and hindrances. This would need to be pre-
ceded, however, by further examination and development of the Tims
et al (2012)’s measure.

Negative as well as positive leadership might be important

Despite increasing attention on employee job crafting and its positive
effect, insufficient empirical studies have addressed crafting in relation to
leadership styles. Therefore, another promising area for future studies
would be to consider various other leadership styles in relation to job
crafting. This includes not only positive leadership (e.g., authentic and
ethical leadership) that could promote crafting, but also the dark side of
leadership (e.g., authoritarian leadership and abusive supervision) that
could discourage such self-initiated behaviors.
Regarding positive leadership styles, one promising avenue would be
to examine the relationship between empowering leadership and leader-
member exchange relationships (LMX). LMX consists of two-way respect
between a leader and a specific follower, trust in each other’s good char-
acter, and the belief that the other has benevolent intentions toward
one’s self (e.g., Liden, Sparrowe, & Wayne, 1997). One link in our
model was from empowering leadership to trust in the leader, a small
part of LMX, and this may suggest that empowering leadership could
result in LMX. One previous study has shown the LMX may mediate
or in some instances moderate links between empowering leadership
and employees’ experiences of psychological empowerment (Kwak &
Jackson, 2015).
More negative leadership styles (e.g., abusive leadership and authori-
tarian leadership), might result in very different attempts to alter one’s
job. Job crafting is almost always considered beneficial to both the per-
son and the organization, because it comprises changing the job to better
fit the person—to fit either their capabilities or their temperaments.
Negative leadership styles, with abusive leadership being a strong
example, might lead to less job crafting, or instead it might lead specific-
ally to fewer attempts at job crafting that are clearly beneficial to both
the organization and the person. That is, an employee might try to
change the job in ways that are more self-protective than productive. If
we call such actions job crafting, the crafting might result in less positive
work behaviors. Examples could include increased attempts to divert

blame away from one’s self for errors, designing tasks and engaging in
tasks that avoid contact with the supervisor, or passive-aggressive work
sabotage as forms of retaliation for aversive supervision. These actions
would not be beneficial for the organization, but the issue has not been
seriously considered in the job crafting literature.

Individual differences may matter

Not all employees want to engage in job crafting, and there may be
many reasons for this. For one thing, a job might already fit the
employee just right, and he or she would see no need or advantage to
changing it. In addition, individual differences might make some
employees more prone to engage in crafting than others. Employees with
proactive personalities are more prone to try to take charge of their jobs
through crafting (meta-analysis by Rudolph et al., 2017). Those who are
high in need for achievement might be prone to craft their jobs in spe-
cific ways—to allow a greater opportunity to achieve challenging and
important goals; on the other hand, if those who are low in need for
achievement engaged in job crafting, they might prefer to craft their job
to have less challenging goals. Besides stable individual differences, recent
experiences might matter; employees who had negative experiences with
job crafting in the past would likely be less apt to want to try it again.
All of these suggest future research could examine why some employees
might engage in job crafting more than others or why they might engage
in different types of job crafting.

Research on job crafting has flourished over the past decade. However,
we still lack a very complete understanding of the role of leadership and
other variables as antecedents of job crafting. Part of job crafting is the
employees’ attempts to develop more resources; the present study there-
fore used principles of resources theories to develop and test a model,
using a four-wave design, integrating job crafting principles with empow-
ering leadership, and employees’ personal and job resources to explain
potential effects on both favorable and unfavorable outcomes. We hope
that our findings can be useful moving forward to understand how to
promote employee job crafting using principles from workplace resources

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Notes on contributors
Minseo Kim is a research Fellow in the Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing at
Griffith University, Australia. Her research interests include occupational stress, leader-
ship, motivation, job crafting, and employee well-being.
Terry A. Beehr is a Professor of Psychology and member of the I/O Psychology faculty
at Central Michigan University. His research interests include occupational stress, lead-
ership, motivation, careers, and retirement.

Minseo Kim http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7522-184X

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Appendix A: Sample characteristics

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Variable Group (n) (%) Variable Group (n) (%)
Gender Male 180 54.4 Job Level Line employees 134 40.9
Female 151 45.6 Supervisors 135 41.2
Age < 30 years 65 19.6 Managers 23 7.0
30–39 125 37.8 Upper managers 12 3.7
or executives
40–49 72 21.8 Other (e.g., 24 7.2
staff positions)
50–59 50 15.1 Missing 3 –
> 60 years 19 5.7
Ethnicity White 270 81.6 Mean hours worked per week 40.25 (SD ¼ 7.66)
Black 19 5.7 Mean organizational tenure 7.91 years (SD ¼ 7.67)
Mixed race 8 2.4
Other (e.g., Asian, 34 10.3
Education High school degree 24 7.3
or equivalent
Some university but 80 24.2
no degree
Bachelor’s degree 227 68.5
or above
Marital Single 123 37.2
Status Married 173 52.3
Other (e.g., divorced, 35 10.5
cohabitation etc.)
Total 331 100 Total 331 100

Appendix B: Items for measures

Empowering Leadership (Ahearne, Mathieu, & Rapp, 2005)
1. My supervisor helps me understand how my objectives and goals relate to that of
the company.
2. My supervisor helps me understand the importance of my work to the overall effect-
iveness of the company.
3. My supervisor helps me understand how my job fits into the bigger picture.
4. My supervisor makes many decisions together with me.
5. My supervisor often consults me on strategic decisions.
6. My supervisor solicits my opinion on decisions that may affect me.
7. My supervisor believes that I can handle demanding tasks.
8. My supervisor believes in my ability to improve even when I make mistakes.
9. My supervisor expresses confidence in my ability to perform at a high level.
10. My supervisor allows me to make important decisions quickly to satisfy customer needs.
11. My supervisor allows me to do my job my way.
12. My supervisor makes it more efficient for me to do my job by keeping the rules and
regulations simple.

Psychological Capital (Luthans, Youssef, & Avolio, 2007)

1. I feel confident in representing my work area in meetings with management.
2. I feel confident contributing to discussions about the organization’s strategy.
3. I feel confident presenting information to a group of colleagues.
4. If I should find myself in a jam at work, I could think of many ways to get out of it.
5. Right now I see myself as being pretty successful at work.

6. I can think of many ways to reach my current work goals.

7. At this time, I am meeting the work goals that I have set for myself.
8. I can be “on my own,” so to speak, at work if I have to.
9. I usually take stressful things at work in stride.
10. I can get through difficult times at work because I’ve experienced difficulty before.
11. I always look on the bright side of things regarding my job.
12. I’m optimistic about what will happen to me in the future as it pertains to work.

Trust in Leader (Robinson & Rousseau, 1994)

1. I am not sure I fully trust my employer (reverse score).
2. My employer is open and upfront with me.
3. I believe my employer has high integrity.
4. In general, I believe my employer’s motives and intentions are good.
5. My employer is not always honest and truthful (reverse score).
6. I don’t think my employer treats me fairly (reverse score).
7. I can expect my employer to treat me in a consistent and predictable fashion.

Job Crafting (Niessen, Weseler, & Kostova, 2016)

1. I concentrate on specific work tasks.
2. I undertake or seek for additional tasks.
3. I work more intensively on tasks I enjoy.
4. I usually limit the amount of time I spend with people I do not get along well with,
and only contact them for things that are absolutely necessary.
5. I invest in the relationships with people whom I get along with the best.
6. I look for opportunities to work together with people whom I get along well with
at work.
7. I try to look upon the tasks and responsibilities I have at work as having a deeper
meaning than is readily apparent.
8. I find personal meaning in my tasks and responsibilities at work.
9. I view my tasks and responsibilities as being more than just part of my job.

Work Behaviors (Lehman & Simpson, 1992)

1. Thoughts of being absent
2. Chat with co-workers about non-work topics
3. Left work station for unnecessary reasons
4. Daydreaming on the job
5. Spent work time on personal matters
6. Put less effort into job than should have
7. Thoughts of leaving current job
8. Let others do your work
9. Left work early without permission
10. Taken longer lunch or rest break than allowed
11. Taken supplies or equipment without permission
12. Fallen asleep at work
13. Volunteered to work overtime
14. Did more work than required
15. Tried to think of ways to do job better
16. Negotiated with supervisors to improve job
17. Made attempts to change work conditions

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