Sec610 - Structural Concrete
Sec610 - Structural Concrete
Sec610 - Structural Concrete
This section specifies the requirements for durability, strength and surface finish for structural concrete
including the requirements for mix design, supply and delivery of concrete, sampling and testing, placing,
compaction, finishing, curing and protection.
Additional requirements for concrete for post-tensioned, pre-tensioned, precast, sprayed concrete and other
types of concrete construction are specified in the relevant sections. Requirements for general non-
structural concrete paving Works are specified in Section 703.
Concrete using general purpose portland cement Type GP or blended cement Type GB shall comply with the
requirements of AS 3972 General purpose and blended cements. In addition, blended cement Type GB
shall consist of a specified minimum quantity of portland cement in combination with any one or two of
Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (Slag), Fly Ash (FA) or Amorphous Silica (AS) and as specified in
this section.
All concrete shall be special class performance concrete in accordance with Appendix B of AS 1379
Specification and Supply of Concrete and the requirements of this section.
Structural concrete shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of this
specification to prevent the occurrence of nonconforming drying shrinkage and cracking, alkali-aggregate
reactivity, soluble salts, inadequate cover, curing and compaction and to provide the required protection
against exposure to the specified in-service conditions.
Australian Standards and VicRoads Codes of Practices are referenced in an abbreviated form (e.g. AS 1379
and RC 500.00).
Batch: One load or charge of a transit concrete mixer or agitator.
Blended Cement: General purpose blended cement Type GB complying with the requirements of AS 3972
and as specified in this section.
Cement: Material complying with the requirements of AS 3972 and as specified in this section.
Cementitious Material: Portland cement or a mixture of portland cement with one or more supplementary
cementitious materials or in combination with other supplementary material as approved by the
Concrete Cover: Distance between the outside of the reinforcing steel and the nearest permanent surface
of the concrete member excluding any surface finishing material.
Water/Cementitious Material (W/C) Ratio: The ratio of the amount of water to the total amount of
cementitious materials by mass in a freshly mixed cubic metre of concrete. The water shall be the total free
water contained in the batch aggregates in excess of their saturated surface-dry condition.
Concrete Grade: A grade of concrete with a specified minimum cementitious material content, a maximum
W/C ratio and a minimum compressive strength at 3, 7 and 28 days. It is designated by the letters VR
(VicRoads) followed by a three digit number indicating the minimum cementitious material content in kg/m³
and a two digit number indicating the specified minimum compressive strength at 28 days.
Exposure Classifications: Designation indicative of the most severe environment to which a concrete
member is to be subjected during its design life, in accordance with the exposure classifications A, B1, B2,
C1, C2 and U, as stated in Table 4.3 of AS 5100.5, and which are used to determine the concrete quality
Intense compaction: Compaction of the fresh concrete using external vibrators attached to steel forms in
conjunction with the use of internal vibrators.
Marine and other saline environments: Environmental exposure of surfaces of concrete members
exposed to sea water, brackish water, coastal zone and saline soils as represented by the relevant exposure
classifications B2, C1 and C2 in accordance with Table 4.3 of AS 5100.5.
Portland Cement: General purpose portland cement Type GP complying with the requirements of AS 3972.
Sample: A portion of fresh concrete drawn from a batch and from which test cylinders and other test
specimens are made, and from which other concrete testing is undertaken as required. All sampling is
carried out in accordance with AS 1012.
Self Compacting Concrete (SCC): Concrete that is able to flow and consolidate under its own weight,
completely fill the formwork or bore hole even in the presence of dense reinforcement, whilst maintaining
homogeneity and without the need for additional compaction, and which complies with the requirements of
Table 610.131. Also called self-consolidating concrete or super-workable concrete.
Standard compaction: Compaction of the fresh concrete using internal vibrators with or without the use of
vibrating screeds as specified.
Supplementary Cementitious Material: Fly Ash (FA), Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (Slag), or
Amorphous Silica (AS) complying with the requirements of AS 3582.1, AS 3582.2 and AS 3582.3
Triple Blend: Blended cement Type GB consisting of a minimum quantity of portland cement in combination
with any two Supplementary Cementitious Materials (i.e. any two of Fly Ash, Slag or Amorphous Silica).
VPV: % Apparent Volume of Permeable Voids as determined by test method AS 1012.21.
Durability requirements with respect to exposure classification as detailed in AS 5100.5 Bridge design –
Concrete and concrete grade shall be as shown on the drawings and as specified in this section.
The durability requirements for concrete in exposure classification U shall be as shown on the drawings and
this specification.
The concrete shall be designed, manufactured and delivered, sampled and tested, placed, compacted,
finished and cured in accordance with the requirements of this section to achieve a service life of at least 100
years in the specified in-service exposure conditions with minimal maintenance.
The minimum compressive strength requirements for each concrete grade are shown in Table 610.051.
The 3 day minimum compressive strength requirement shall not apply to concrete mixes containing
supplementary cementitious materials which exceed the cement replacement values stated in
clause 610.07(f).
The maximum VPV values at 28 days for each concrete grade for both test cylinders and concrete test cores
cut from cast in situ and sprayed concrete shall be as shown in Table 610.061.
For the purpose of satisfying the requirements of this clause, VPV test results may be rounded down to the
nearest whole number for the corresponding concrete grade.
(a) General
The Contractor shall be responsible for the mix design of all concrete, including any other nominated
requirements, so that the specified durability, strength and other requirements of the hardened and
plastic concrete are achieved.
The Contractor shall ensure that arrangements for the supply of concrete are made with the concrete
supplier at the commencement of the Works, to ensure that a fully compliant concrete mix design which
is supported with all required test results meets the specified time frames of this section.
(v) the nominated slump and where a superplasticiser is used the final slump
(vi) for self compacting concrete (SCC) additional details as specified in clause 610.07(m)
(vii) the maximum water content and maximum W/C ratio
(viii) level of control, accuracy and method of determination of both the coarse and fine aggregate
moisture content, consistent with the requirements of clause 610.13(d)
(ix) documentary evidence of previous performance and relevant test results which shall not be more
than 12 months old including -
(1) 3, 7 and 28 day compressive strengths complying with the minimum compressive strength
requirements given in Table 610.051 and clause 610.05
(2) VPV values at 28 days complying with the requirements given in Table 610.061 and
clause 610.07(l)
(3) drying shrinkage test results as specified in clause 610.07(j)
(4) soluble salts content as specified in clause 610.07(k)
(x) alkali aggregate reactivity test results as specified in clause 610.11(e) and which shall not be
more than 3 years old in accordance with the minimum frequency of testing as stated in
Table 610.121
(xi) the method of placement and the member(s) of the structure in which the concrete is to be placed
(xii) full details of concrete curing methods as specified in clause 610.23
(xiii) a unique identification number for the concrete mix design to satisfy the requirements of
clause 610.15.
Concrete mix designs not complying with the requirements of this section will require the
approval of the Superintendent.
The concrete mix design shall be strictly adhered to by the Contractor. In the event of changes
to the agreed concrete mix design, the Contractor shall submit a new concrete mix design to the
Superintendent for review or approval as appropriate.
(c) Trial Mix
In the absence of recent documentary evidence that the concrete mix design complies with the
requirements of this section, a trial mix shall be undertaken in accordance with AS 1012.2.
The test results of the trial mix and the associated concrete mix design details indicating
compliance with the specified requirements shall be submitted for review by the
(d) Mix Constituents
The concrete shall consist of a mixture of cementitious material, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and
The concrete may also contain chemical admixtures, details of which shall be submitted with the mix
If the coarse aggregate or fine aggregate is composed of more than one material or size of material, the
mix proportions for each shall be specified separately.
The cementitious material content of concrete to be placed under water shall not be less than
400 kg/m3, with a maximum W/C ratio of 0.45.
The W/C ratio of the proposed concrete mix design shall not be less than 0.26 for both concrete cast
in situ works and for concrete utilised in precast works.
(l) Testing and Acceptance of Concrete Mix Design on the Basis of 28 Day VPV Value
Test cylinders shall be cured in accordance with AS 1012. A minimum of 2 cylinders per sample per
trial mix shall be taken. Each cylinder shall be tested for VPV at 28 days in accordance with test
method AS 1012.21. The specification will be satisfied if the VPV value for each sample, as determined
from the average value of the test cylinders, is not greater than the specified maximum 28 day
VPV value in Table 610.061.
Should the VPV value of any one sample representing the concrete exceed the specified maximum
28 day VPV value as shown in Table 610.061, the Contractor shall take steps to modify the concrete
mix design and re-test to ensure that the maximum specified VPV value is not exceeded.
(a) Cement
Cement shall comply with the requirements of AS 3972 and ATIC-SPEC SP43. Cement per batch of
concrete shall be from one manufacturer and of one brand, type and grind. Cement more than 3
months old shall not be used in the Works unless it is re-tested to demonstrate compliance with the
requirements of AS 3972 and ATIC-SPEC SP43.
610.09 WATER
The quality of water to be used in the concrete mix and for the curing of concrete shall comply with the
requirements of clause 2.4 of AS 1379. However, the amounts of chloride in the water shall be not greater
than 0.03% (300 ppm). The amount of sulphate (as SO4) in water shall not be greater than 0.04%
(400 ppm).
In addition, recycled water used in the concrete mix shall have total dissolved solids of not greater than
1700 milligrams per litre.
Sources of recycled water containing differing levels or other contaminants shall be subject to
approval by the Superintendent on the basis of predetermined test results and evidence of previous
Recycled or non-potable water shall be sampled and tested as a minimum at six monthly intervals to
demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this clause and AS 1379.
Chemical admixtures shall comply with the requirements of AS 1478 unless otherwise specified in this
section. They shall be used in accordance with the requirements of clause 2.5 of AS 1379 and the
manufacturer's recommended method of use and shall not reduce the strength of concrete below that
specified. Chemical admixtures shall be accurately measured by means of dispensers which are subject to
regular maintenance and are calibrated as a minimum at three monthly intervals.
Chemical admixtures shall not contain calcium chloride, calcium formate, chlorine, sulphur, sulphides or
sulphites. Where two or more chemical admixtures are proposed for incorporation in a concrete mix, their
compatibility shall be certified by the manufacturers.
Air entraining admixtures shall not be used unless approved by the Superintendent.
Where the use of air entraining admixture is approved, the Contractor shall determine the air content of the
freshly mixed concrete at the point of discharge in accordance with AS 1012.4 and clause 5.4 of AS 1379,
and it shall not exceed the nominal value of 5%.
The concrete represented by a sample taken in accordance with clause 610.16 shall be deemed to comply
with the approved air content if the measured air content is within 1.5% of the approved air content.
(a) General
Fine and coarse aggregate for concrete shall comply with the requirements of AS 2758.1.
The maximum amount of water absorption for fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, combined coarse
aggregate and combined fine aggregate shall not exceed 2.5%.
Aggregates shall be stored in such a manner that they will not segregate, become contaminated by
foreign matter, or become intermixed. Stockpiles shall be arranged to prevent entry of adjacent surface
or ground water and allow free drainage of rain water.
Where blended aggregates are used, the aggregates from different sources shall be tested individually.
Notwithstanding the requirements of this clause when fine and coarse aggregates are procured from
the same source, only one alkali silica reactivity evaluation per source shall be undertaken.
Any proposed blended cement deviations from the minimum blended cement requirements of
Table 610.112 shall demonstrate compliance with both the maximum mortar bar and concrete prism
expansion limits stated in this clause, and as determined by both the VicRoads accelerated mortar bar
test method RC 376.03 and the VicRoads concrete prism test method RC 376.04.
Aggregates shall be tested at a frequency which is sufficient to ensure that concrete complies with the
specified requirements. The frequency shall not be less than that shown in Table 610.121. Where the
Contractor has implemented a system of statistical process control and can demonstrate that a lower
frequency can assure the quality of the product, the Superintendent may agree to a lower frequency than
that shown in Table 610.121.
Table 610.121
Test Minimum Frequency of Testing
Grading of Fine Aggregates On each day one per 500 tonne or part thereof
Grading of Coarse Aggregates On each week one per 1500 tonne or part thereof
Water Absorption of Fine and Coarse Aggregates At 3 monthly intervals
Unsound Rock Content On each day one per 500 tonne or part thereof
Flakiness Index of Coarse Aggregate 10 mm and Larger At monthly intervals
Degradation Factor of Crusher Fines At monthly intervals
Organic Impurities other than sugar At monthly intervals
Alkali Reactivity of Aggregate Sources At 3 yearly intervals
Wet and Dry Strength and Sodium Sulphate Soundness At 3 monthly intervals
for Pebble Aggregates
(a) General
The Contractor shall be responsible for the manufacture and delivery of all concrete which shall comply
with the approved or registered concrete mix design and the requirements of AS 1379.
The minimum quantity of a load of premixed concrete in the mixer or agitator delivered to site shall
be 1 m3. The quantity of concrete delivered in any mixer or agitator shall not exceed the rated capacity
of the agitator drum.
Concrete shall not be mixed when the air temperature is lower than 5°C or greater than 35°C.
Water may be added to the freshly mixed concrete prior to commencement of discharge provided no
more than 60 minutes have elapsed from the time of adding cement to the aggregate and a means of
accurately measuring the volume of water is available to ensure that the maximum design amount of
water and the agreed maximum W/C ratio are not exceeded. In addition, concrete samples shall be
taken after the water has been added, in accordance with clause 610.16(b). The consistency of the
concrete shall be measured by a slump test after the water has been added, in accordance with
clause 610.16(c).
No water shall be added after the commencement of discharge of concrete.
Concrete which has begun to stiffen shall not be used in the works.
Concrete which has been dried-out after leaving the mixing plant shall not be used in the works.
Notwithstanding this requirement concrete may be dried-out after leaving the mixing plant provided the
site of intended discharge is located within a close proximity to the mixing plant, to ensure the maximum
discharge time of 60 minutes as stated in clause 610.13(f) from the time of original mixing of the
concrete is not exceeded and quality documentation is provided to verify that the affected load of
concrete fully complies with this section.
Prior to the discharge of concrete at the site, the mixer or agitator shall be operated at mixing speed
until the concrete achieves the required uniformity but for not less than a period of three minutes.
Where superplasticisers or other admixtures are added to the concrete on site, the concrete shall be
mixed for a period of not less than five minutes prior to the discharge at the site
(a) General
All concrete shall be sampled and tested in accordance with AS 1012 unless otherwise specified in this
Each sample of concrete shall be tested for compressive strength, slump, air entrainment
(when required), slump flow, T500 time and passing ability (when SCC is used), VPV value, drying
shrinkage and soluble salts (at concrete mix design stage), as specified in this section.
Table 610.161
Volume Cast in One
Number of
(cubic metre)
0 to 10 1
10 to 25 2
25 to 50 3
50 to 100 4
(c) Consistency
The consistency of the concrete shall be determined by a slump test of a concrete sample in
accordance with AS 1012.3.1.
The concrete represented by a sample shall be deemed to comply with the specified slump if the
measured slump is within the limits stated in Table 610 162 for the corresponding specified slump.
Table 610.162
Specified slump, mm Tolerance, mm
<60 ±10
>150 ±40
For concrete containing a superplasticiser, the consistency of all batches of concrete after the
addition of the superplasticiser shall be determined by a slump test of a concrete sample.
Testing of every batch of superplasticised concrete shall continue until five consecutive
batches of concrete have achieved the specified requirements.
After satisfying this requirement, the Contractor may then make a submission to the
Superintendent for agreement to reduce the frequency of slump testing of superplasticised
concrete to be in accordance with Table 610.161, provided a high level of process control,
including a high level of control of total water content in the mix in accordance with specified
requirements, is supported with objective documented evidence.
If the Contractor has satisfied the above initial testing requirement and is slump testing superplasticised
concrete at the frequency in Table 610.161 and any batch fails to achieve the specified standard, the
Contractor shall test all subsequent batches of superplasticised concrete until three consecutive
batches have achieved the specified standard, at which time the frequency of slump testing may again
be reduced to the minimum frequency requirements of Table 610.161.
The consistency of SCC as represented by the three defining parameters of slump flow, T 500 time
(measure of viscosity) and passing ability as stated in clause 610.13(b), shall be subject to the same
frequency of testing requirements as for superplasticised concrete.
For the purpose of determining the actual slump of superplasticised concrete and the required testing
parameters for SCC as stated in clause 610.13(b) and clause 610.16(n), the discharge of the first
0.2 m3 of concrete prior to taking the test sample shall not be required.
The concrete represented by the samples shall be deemed to comply with the nominated mix design
slump if the measured slump is within the limits specified in Table 610.162.
If the measured slump is not within the limits specified in Table 610.162, one repeat test shall be made
immediately from another portion of the same sample. If the value obtained from the repeat test falls
within the limits given in Table 610.162, the concrete represented by the sample shall be deemed to
comply with the appropriate nominated mix design slump, otherwise it shall be rejected.
The slump of the concrete shall be checked and recorded within 45 minutes of adding cement to the
aggregate, or immediately prior to discharge when the actual haul time exceeds 45 minutes and/or
when water is added to the mixed batch in accordance with clause 610.13(a).
Concrete used for the slump test and the required testing for SCC shall not be re-used to make
concrete test cylinders.
Each batch (truckload) of concrete delivered to site shall be visually inspected to ensure consistency of
concrete supply, and the estimated slump shall be recorded on the identification certificate for the
batch. Both the visual inspection and slump estimate shall be carried out prior to the addition of any
water which may be added on site and prior to any addition of a superplasticiser.
(g) Testing and Acceptance of Concrete on the Basis of 28 Day Compressive Strength
(i) Test Cylinders
A minimum of two cylinders per sample shall be tested at 28 days after casting. The specification
will be satisfied if the compressive strength of each sample, as determined from the average
value of the test cylinders, is not less than the specified minimum 28 day compressive strength
and provided that the compressive strength of any cylinder in each sample is not less than 90% of
the specified minimum 28 day compressive strength.
Should the strength of any one sample representing the concrete fall short of the specified
minimum 28 day compressive strength as shown in Table 610.051, the concrete
represented by that sample may be rejected or the Contractor may elect to test concrete
cores subject to approval by the Superintendent.
Non-destructive tests may be used to determine the in situ strength of suspect concrete
subject to approval by the Superintendent.
(ii) Test Cores
Where required by the Superintendent, test cores shall be cut from the completed structural
member, portion of member or group of members represented by the test cylinder sample(s). A
minimum of three cores per sample shall be tested. All cores shall be clearly labelled to identify
them with the structural member and location they represent.
The dimensions and testing of the concrete cores shall be in accordance with AS 1012.14.
The coring procedure shall comply with the requirements of clause 610.46.
Testing shall be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of clause 610.46 to ensure that
the core locations are remote from existing steel reinforcement. Where cores are cut from
concrete decks and slabs, core locations shall be remote from wheel paths. Cores containing
steel reinforcement shall not be tested.
HP The coring procedure and core locations shall be submitted for approval by the
Cores shall not be cut from prestressed concrete after the prestressing force has been applied or
transferred to the concrete, unless the proposed coring is certified by the proof engineer. The
certification shall state that the proposed coring will not be detrimental to the prestressed concrete
The core holes shall be cleaned and repaired with a shrinkage compensating polymer modified
cementitious repair material in accordance with the requirements of Section 689. The exposed
surface of the repaired hole shall be similar in texture and colour to the surrounding concrete.
The specification will be satisfied if the compressive strength of each sample, as determined from
the average value of the test cores, is not less than the specified minimum 28 day compressive
strength and provided that the compressive strength of any core in each sample is not less than
90% of the specified minimum 28 day compressive strength.
Should the strength of any one sample representing the concrete fall short of the specified
minimum 28 day compressive strength as shown in Table 610.051, the concrete represented by
that sample may be rejected.
(h) Testing and Acceptance of Sprayed Concrete on the Basis of 28 Day VPV Value
A minimum of two cores per sample shall be cut from the sprayed concrete test panels and permanent
sprayed concrete and tested at 28 days at the minimum specified sampling frequency. Each core shall
be 75 mm diameter and a minimum of 150 mm long, cut transversely into two equal slices and tested
for VPV at 28 days in accordance with test method AS 1012.21. The VPV value for each core shall be
determined from the average value of the test slices. The specification will be satisfied if the VPV value
for each sample, as determined from the average value of the test cores, is not larger than the specified
maximum VPV values at 28 days as shown in Table 610.061.
(i) Testing and Acceptance of Concrete Mix Design on the Basis of 3, 7 and 28 Day Compressive
A minimum of two cylinders per sample per trial mix shall be tested. The specification will be satisfied if
the compressive strength of each sample, as determined from the average value of the test cylinders, is
not less than the specified minimum 3, 7 and 28 day compressive strengths and provided that the
compressive strength of any cylinder in each sample is not less than 90% of the specified minimum 3, 7
and 28 day compressive strengths.
Should the strength of any one sample representing the concrete fall short of the specified minimum 3,
7 and 28 day compressive strengths as shown in Table 610.051, the Contractor shall take steps to
modify the concrete mix design and re-test to ensure that the specified minimum compressive strengths
have been achieved.
For coring from prestressed concrete the requirements of clause 610.16 shall be satisfied.
Where the VPV value of any one sample representing the concrete exceeds the specified
maximum 28 day VPV value as shown in Table 610.061, the Contractor shall carry out
rectification works. These works shall achieve the specified level of durability, otherwise the
concrete represented by that sample may be rejected.
Non-destructive tests may be used to investigate non-conforming concrete of observed or
suspect quality subject to approval by the Superintendent.
(k) Testing and Acceptance of Concrete on the Basis of 28 Day VPV Value
Notwithstanding the requirements of clause 610.16(j), where a concrete pour exceeds 50 m3 a sample
consisting of at least two cylinders shall be sampled at the point of discharge and tested for VPV at
28 days, in accordance with test method AS 1012.21.
For concrete structures located in marine and other saline environments or which are subject to
sulphate and chemical attack at least two cylinders per sample shall be tested for VPV at 28 days as
detailed in clause 610.16(b) and Table 610.161.
Should the VPV value of any one sample representing the concrete exceed the specified maximum
28 day VPV value as shown in Table 610.061, the concrete represented by that sample and
subsequent concrete supply shall be subject to the requirements of clause 610.16(j) for testing and
acceptance of non-conforming concrete.
(m) Maturity Testing and Temperature Matched Curing (TMC) for Estimating the In Situ Strength of
Further to the requirements of clause 610.16(d) and clause 610.16(e) various types of maturity
testing and TMC may be used to determine the early age in situ strength development of
concrete over a required time period for the purpose of facilitating early formwork removal,
lifting precast units out of moulds or early application of loading, subject to the approval of the
Based on the specific application, a proposed maturity method or TMC of assessing early in situ
strength shall be submitted for review by the Superintendent. Each proposal shall be supported
with a documented detailed methodology and documented evidence of previous performance including
accuracy in determining the in situ strength development of concrete.
(a) General
All freshly finished concrete surfaces shall be protected where required from the sun, wind or rain, until
curing is implemented.
Where extreme conditions of temperature, humidity, wind and/or rain are expected during and after
placing the concrete, the Contractor shall implement special precautions to protect the concrete.
The temperature of concrete, measured immediately prior to placing, shall not be less than 10°C or
greater than 32°C.
The Contractor shall minimise evaporative moisture losses from the freshly placed and unprotected
concrete in accordance with the requirements of clauses 610.17(e) and 610.17(f).
The Contractor shall submit to the Superintendent for review, full details of the proposed hot or
cold weather concreting procedure, not less than two weeks prior to placement of concrete.
The Contractor shall not proceed with the placement of concrete until the hot or cold weather
concreting procedure has been reviewed and approved by the Superintendent.
No strain shall be placed on any projecting reinforcing steel or embedment for a period of at least
12 hours following completion of concreting.
For construction of deck slabs the fixed screed supports shall be placed parallel to the longitudinal
centreline of the bridge.
Concrete above deck shall not be placed until the deck formwork or the falsework for the span has been
released and/or any post-tensioning and grouting operations are completed.
Prior to placing concrete any absorbent surfaces including blinding concrete and construction joints
shall be thoroughly moistened and excess free water shall be removed.
(c) Placing Concrete in Bored Piles, Under Water and in Dry Bores
The Contractor shall submit the procedure for placing concrete in bored piles, under water and
in dry bores, for review by the Superintendent at least four weeks prior to concreting.
Concrete shall not be placed in bored piles, under water or in a dry bore until the proposed
method of placement of concrete has been approved by the Superintendent. The minimum
concrete grade for concrete placed in bored piles, under water or in dry bores shall be VR400/40, in
accordance with the requirements of this section. The proposed mix shall be either a self compacting
concrete (SCC) or a highly workable concrete as specified in clauses 610.13(b) and 610.13(c)
Highly workable concrete shall be compacted in accordance with the requirements of this section.
Placing of concrete in bored piles, underwater or in a dry bore shall be carried out in one continuous
operation by tremie methods in accordance with Section 606. Concrete shall not be placed in water
which has a temperature of less than 5°C.
Unsound or contaminated areas of exposed concrete shall be removed and the surface thoroughly
prepared in accordance with clause 610.20 prior to subsequent placement of concrete.
Where cofferdams or cylinders have been sealed by underwater placement of concrete, dewatering
shall not proceed until at least 48 hours after completion of concrete placement.
Vibration shall be applied to the full depth of each layer and extended into the top 100 mm of the
underlying layer. Vibration shall continue at each point until air bubbles cease to emerge from the
concrete, then withdrawn slowly to avoid leaving a defect. Concrete shall not be vibrated to the
point where segregation of the ingredients occurs.
Internal vibrators shall be inserted vertically at successive locations at spacings not exceeding the
manufacturer's stated zone of influence, and shall not be allowed to rest on the steel
reinforcement, embedded fixtures or formwork.
Vibration shall not be applied either directly or through the reinforcement to any concrete which
has taken its initial set
Concrete decks or slabs shall be compacted by internal vibrators and vibrating screeds such that
uniform consolidation is achieved throughout the deck and slab area.
Where approved by the Superintendent proprietary power vibrating screeds of suitable
widths may be used in narrow or constricted areas or where required by the deck and slab
layout, with each new vibrating run overlapping the previous one by a minimum of
300 mm, such that uniform consolidation is achieved throughout the deck and slab area.
Where intense compaction is specified both external form vibrators and internal vibrators shall be
Where rigid formwork is specified on the drawings only steel forms shall be used.
Internal vibrators shall always be used when external form vibrators are used.
(ii) Screeding of Exposed Surfaces
Immediately after placing and compaction, exposed surfaces other than decks and slabs shall be
screeded off to the specified levels and finished with a wooden float to an even uniform surface.
Construction joints shall be left rough in accordance with clause 610.20.
During screeding surplus concrete shall be maintained ahead of the screed to ensure full and
uniform compaction to exposed concrete surfaces.
Concrete deck and slab surfaces shall be screeded on a longitudinal direction using vibrating
screeds on screeding guides. The screeding guides shall be accurately set and rigidly fixed in
position. Guides shall be capable of sustaining construction loading without undue or permanent
The Contractor shall submit its proposed method of compaction adjacent to screed
guides, and its proposed method and timing of repairs at screed guide supports for review
by the Superintendent.
(iii) Finishing of Exposed Surfaces
Final finishing of exposed concrete surfaces shall be carried out after all bleed water has been
removed and the concrete has become sufficiently hard to support the finishing operation. Driers
(i.e. dry sand, cement or stone dust) shall not be used to absorb free water.
Finishing of concrete decks or slabs shall be effected with a power trowel fitted with rotating steel
Any drying cracks which appear prior to initial set and before or during finishing operations shall
be immediately closed as required with either a wooden or steel float.
Curing shall commence immediately following the progressive completion at any location of final
finishing operations.
(iv) Protection of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) from Vibration and Disturbance
Notwithstanding the requirements of this clause, SCC shall not be vibrated or be subjected to any
physical disturbance after deposition. The Contractor shall undertake adequate precautions and
manage the effects of external sources of vibration from nearby activities and construction
equipment, in accordance with the requirements of clause 610.38, to ensure that the freshly
placed SCC remains undisturbed and does not segregate.
The casting sequence shall be as shown on the drawings or as specified in this specification.
The location and details of construction joints shall be as shown on the drawings.
Construction joints whose location and details are not as shown on the drawings shall be subject to
approval by the Superintendent.
Any point at which the placing of concrete has stopped and the concrete has taken its initial set shall be
treated as a construction joint.
Construction joints shall be perpendicular to the principal lines of stress, and in general shall not be located
in regions of maximum bending or maximum shear.
At the base of columns or walls construction joints shall be located at least 100 mm above the tops of the
footings or pilecaps.
Where applicable, concrete in the existing structure shall be broken back as shown on the drawings. Any
cracked or damaged concrete remaining after breaking back shall be removed and replaced with new
Before placing new concrete against concrete which has set, the forms shall be re-tightened.
Construction joints shall be prepared to produce a well-bonded interface between hardened concrete and
freshly placed concrete.
Concrete against which new concrete is to be placed shall be roughened by removing all laitance and
sufficient mortar to expose the coarse aggregate to a depth of 3 mm, with the coarse aggregate still firmly
embedded in the concrete. The roughened surface shall be cleaned of foreign matter, laitance and loose or
porous material. Any projecting steel reinforcement shall also be cleaned. The surface shall be thoroughly
moistened with water and any excess surface water removed immediately prior to placing of concrete.
Abutting surfaces of concrete shall be separated by grease or other surface coatings or insertions of
bituminous impregnated felt or fibreboard as shown on the drawings, so as to prevent the surfaces from
bonding or binding together.
Dowels shall be placed as shown on the drawings and prior to placing the surrounding concrete.
Measures shall be taken to control early age thermal cracking of concrete for large and restrained members
including but not be limited to crossheads, diaphragms, columns, abutments, footings and pile caps where:
(a) the least dimension of a member exceeds 500 mm; or
(b) one or more faces of a concrete member is restrained by previously placed hardened concrete or by
other external restraints.
Except where justified by analysis and testing, the temperature differential across the concrete member
being constructed shall not exceed 20°C during the period of curing. The Contractor shall implement special
precautions to reduce differential temperature build-up prior to the temperature differential between the
concrete core and that of the exposed concrete surface exceeds 20°C. As a minimum the special
precautions shall consist of 2 layers of 8 mm thick closed cell foam or inner double core
aluminium foil based thermal blankets.
Thermocouples shall be placed at a range of positions within the large and restrained concrete member to
determine the maximum temperature and differential temperature across the section of concrete.
Thermocouples with an accuracy of ±1°C shall be cast into each large or constrained concrete member,
located in the centre of the core and 25 mm below the exposed surface, and monitored at continuously
regular intervals by data loggers until the temperature difference falls such that control measures are no
longer required.
The temperature data acquired and proposed control measures to reduce differential temperature
within the specified limits shall be submitted for review by the Superintendent.
Temperature differential monitoring shall be undertaken on at least one representative member from each
type of large and restrained members, provided that any required control measures to reduce the differential
temperature within the specified limits is adopted for the subsequent construction of members of the same
The maximum internal temperature of all concrete members following concrete placement shall not
exceed 75°C.
610.23 CURING
(a) General
Curing of concrete shall be carried out using one or a combination of the methods as specified in
clauses 610.23(c), 610.23(d), 610.23(e), 610.23(f), 610.23(g) and 610.23(h).
The curing of exposed concrete surfaces shall commence immediately after finishing operations are
progressively completed at any location and shall continue uninterrupted for not less than the periods
specified in Table 610.231.
HP The Contractor shall submit to the Superintendent for review, full details of the proposed
methods of curing, as part of the concrete mix design submission, not less than four weeks
prior to placement of concrete. The Contractor shall not proceed with the placement of concrete
until the curing method(s) has been reviewed and approved by the Superintendent.
Details submitted shall include the following information for the proposed methods of curing:
(i) Water Curing - materials, method and timing of curing
(ii) Curing Compound - technical specification of the proposed curing compound including the timing,
rate of application, procedure for the determination of the application rate and method of removal
(where required)
(iii) Polyethylene Sheet - material and method of application, sealing and control
(iv) Maintaining Formwork in Place - timing, method of sealing the formwork and curing exposed
(v) Steam or Radiant Heat Curing - full details of control methods and proposed curing cycle.
The curing periods for concrete grades higher than VR470/55 shall be the same as those for concrete
grade VR470/55.
(j) Loading of concrete and vibration effects during the curing period
Concrete shall remain undisturbed and not be subjected to any loading or vibration effects for the
minimum period of curing as stated in Table 610.231.
(a) General
The Contractor shall plan the various construction activities and control the supply and delivery of
concrete, placing, compacting, finishing, curing and protection of freshly cast concrete such that
cracking in concrete members is prevented.
The Contractor shall undertake an assessment of the cracked concrete structure to evaluate the
influence of cracks on the load bearing capacity, serviceability and durability.
The widths of cracks at the concrete surface may be measured using a plastic strip gauge with fixed
width lines or a hand-held optical comparator fitted with a microscope and suitable measuring scale.
Live/active cracks may be measured with the use of overlapping upper and lower plastic plates bonded
across the crack or steel studs bonded across the crack and movement measured with a Demec gauge
or similar device.
HP The assessment of the cracked concrete structure shall be undertaken by a technical specialist
with a minimum of 5 years practical experience in the diagnostic assessment and investigation
of concrete structures.
The assessment shall ensure that the cracking of concrete does not compromise the durability,
strength, serviceability and appearance of the concrete structure.
The Contractor shall establish the cause(s) of the cracks, crack width, the moisture condition of the
crack and whether a crack is active or inactive.
HP The Contractor shall submit a crack repair procedure for the Superintendent’s review, prior to
any repair works being undertaken.
The repair of concrete cracks shall be in accordance with Section 687.
(a) General
Formwork shall be removed carefully and in such a manner as to avoid damage to the member or the
concrete surfaces and maintain safety at all stages of removal.
Table 610.251
Minimum Period before Removal of
Concrete Members
Formwork and Formwork Supports
Soffits of beams, soffits of decks, soffits of slabs, soffits of 7 days or until such time as the
cantilevers, soffits of diaphragms, soffits of pier and abutment concrete has reached the specified
crossheads and soffits of other structural members. 7 day compressive strength, whichever
is the greater.
(a) Vertical faces of members when height of each day's cast is:
(i) Columns - greater than 7 metres
5 days
(ii) Walls - greater than 4 metres
(b) Load supporting sides of sloping walls of box girders.
(a) Vertical faces of members when height of each day's cast is:
(i) Columns - 4 to 7 metres
(ii) Walls - 2 to 4 metres 3 days
(b) Vertical faces of beams and pier and abutment crossheads
(c) Vertical faces of pad footings.
Vertical faces of members when height of each day's cast is:
(i) Columns - less than 4 metres 2 days
(ii) Walls - less than 2 metres
Sides of slabs and piles. 1 day
Where Type GB cement is used, the times for removal of formwork and formwork supports shall be
increased by 1 day. This requirement shall not apply to vertical faces of beams and crossheads, columns
and walls when the height of each day's cast is less than 4 metres or 2 metres respectively, or the sides of
slabs and piles.
Where the timing for the removal of formwork and formwork supports is based on compressive strength
as given in Table 610.251, test cylinder(s) shall be prepared, cured and tested as specified in
clause 610.16. In addition, the curing requirements of clause 610.23 shall apply to the newly exposed
Concrete bar chairs and spacers shall be manufactured from machine mixed concrete and shall have a
minimum 28 day concrete compressive strength of 60 MPa when tested in accordance with AS 1012.9.
Notwithstanding the requirements of AS/NZS 2425, concrete bar chairs and spacers shall have a
maximum VPV value at 28 days of 12% when tested in accordance with AS 1012.21. A sample
consisting of two specimens shall be tested for each of compressive strength and VPV, in accordance
with the sampling frequency as stated in clause 6.2 of AS/NZS 2425.
Each concrete bar chair and spacer mix design shall be tested for soluble salts (chloride ion and
sulphate ion content) in accordance with AS 1012.20.1 on a 12 monthly basis or earlier if the mix design
changes to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of clause 610.07(k) for soluble salts.
Reinforcement bar chairs and spacers for structures constructed in marine and other saline
environments or subject to sulphate and chemical attack shall comply with the requirements of
clause 610.29(f) in addition to the requirements of this clause.
Continuous bar chairs shall not be more than 350 mm in length and shall not be placed on a continuous
straight line.
Bar chairs and spacers made of wood, metal, plastic coated metal and site made concrete shall not be
used. Pieces of coarse aggregate or broken bricks or the like shall not be used to support steel
The Contractor shall submit for review by the Superintendent not less than 14 days prior to the
proposed use of the steel reinforcement bar chairs and spacers, a signed statement including relevant
test reports demonstrating compliance of the bar chairs and spacers with the specification.
Bar chairs and spacers which do not comply with the requirements of this section shall not be used in
the Works.
(b) Placing
All steel reinforcement shall be securely held with the correct tie wire during placing and compacting of
the concrete. The supports shall be positively attached to the steel reinforcement, and of such size as
to maintain the specified cover. Bar chairs and spacers shall be placed sufficiently close together to
ensure that the specified cover is maintained before and during concrete placement, compaction and
finishing operations, and to prevent any potential deformation, displacement or crushing of the bar
chairs and spacers such that deformation or displacement of the steel reinforcement is also prevented.
The specified minimum concrete cover shall be maintained at tie wire positions. Excess tie wire shall be
cut off and the twisted ends of wire ties shall project away from the cover zone.
Placing bars on layers of fresh concrete as the work progresses and adjusting bars during the placing of
concrete will not be permitted.
Further to the requirements of clause 610.07(g) the following protective measures shall be implemented
during the construction period to prevent the ingress of chlorides in the concrete in its early maturing and
strength developing period.
(b) Curing
Further to the requirements of clause 610.23, the period of continuous curing for all cast-in-place
concrete shall be not less than 14 days.
Combinations of water adding techniques such as ponding or continuous sprinkling, or by continuous
application of mist spray, retention of formwork in place and polyethylene plastic (in combination with
wet hessian) shall be used to provide effective curing to the exposed surfaces of concrete of the various
cast-in-place members.
Curing compounds shall not be used for the construction of structures in marine, brackish and other
saline environments.
(f) Reinforcement Bar Chairs and Spacers for Structures Constructed in Marine and Other Saline
Further to the requirements of clause 610.26 steel reinforcement for structures constructed in marine
and other saline environments shall be supported by premium grade extruded fibre concrete bar chairs
and spacers manufactured under factory controlled conditions, using non-metallic synthetic fibres.
The premium grade extruded fibre concrete bar chairs and spacers shall comply with the sampling and
testing requirements of clause 610.26.
Supports and spacers made of plastic, wood, metal, plastic coated metal and site made concrete or
factory produced non extruded fibre concrete shall not be used for structures constructed in marine and
other saline environments. Bar chairs and spacers shall be placed sufficiently close together to ensure
that the specified cover is maintained before and during concrete placement, compaction and finishing
operations, and to prevent any potential deformation, displacement or crushing of the bar chairs and
spacers such that deformation of the steel reinforcement is also prevented
The method of repair of minor surface imperfections including porous spots, shallow honeycombing, rough
areas and blow holes not conforming to the class of surface finish as specified in clause 610.31, and the
method of cementitious patch repair of other concrete defects shall be in accordance with Section 689.
Epoxy materials shall not be used for the patch repair of concrete.
The exposed surface of the repaired area shall have a texture and colour which is uniform with the colour
and texture of the surrounding concrete.
Where required for general applications other than those specified elsewhere in this specification,
cementitious mortars and grouts shall be shrinkage compensating proprietary products with a consistency
appropriate for the required use, and able to be placed and compacted to achieve full encapsulation.
Cementitious mortars and grouts shall have a minimum 28 day compressive strength of not less than
40 MPa.
Only whole bags of material shall be used. Test certificates, material data sheets and health and safety data
sheets shall be available for all materials. The mortar and grout applications shall be cured in accordance
with the requirements of clause 610.23.
Mortars and grouts shall be sampled and tested in accordance with the requirements of clause 610.28.
A concrete cover measurement survey of reinforced and precast concrete members shall be undertaken
after construction on a representative and randomly selected number of exterior surface areas using a
commercially available concrete cover meter in at least one 3 m2 test area for every 25 m2 or part thereof.
A minimum of 10 cover meter measurements shall be undertaken within the test area and the least distance
from the reinforcement to the concrete surface recorded to the nearest millimetre.
The Contractor shall maintain records of all cover meter measurements to demonstrate that completed
concrete members comply with the specified minimum concrete cover as shown on the drawings and the
allowable dimensional tolerances as stated in clause 610.41. The Contractor shall ensure that the
records are available for review by the Superintendent.
Any concrete members which exhibit cover less than the specified minimum shall be identified as a non-
conformance and the affected locations marked and mapped.
The Contractor shall undertake an assessment of the low cover concrete to evaluate the influence of
the low cover on the durability of the structure and submit a proposed corrective action to rectify the
non-conformity for review by the Superintendent.
As a minimum, acceptable rectification shall include but not be limited to the application of approved
protective treatment(s) in accordance with the requirements of Section 686.
The cover meter shall be supported with a current calibration certificate and shall be capable of detecting the
presence of reinforcement and indicating the depth from the concrete surface to the nearest point on the
surface of the reinforcement with an accuracy of ±1 mm at a depth of 25 mm.
Fill material shall not be placed against concrete within 14 days of casting in accordance with the
requirements of clause 204.11 of Section 204.
Proposed placement of fill material against concrete prior to 14 days from casting shall comply with the early
application of loading requirements of clause 610.16(l) or maturity testing requirements of clause 610.16(m).
Further to the requirements of clause 610.16 and clause 610.23, bridge decks, deck overlays and approach
slabs shall not be loaded or opened to traffic until the concrete is at least 4 days (96 hours) old and not
before a minimum compressive strength of 32 MPa after casting has been achieved.
Light plant and equipment operated in a strictly controlled manner may access the bridge deck, concrete
deck overlay or approach slab, at least 31/2 days (84 hours) after casting, provided the minimum strength of
32 MPa has also been achieved.
The early age in situ compressive strength development of concrete shall be determined in accordance with
the maturity testing requirements of clause 610.16(m).
The Contractor shall undertake temperature differential monitoring and maximum temperature
measurements of concrete and control early age thermal cracking to demonstrate compliance with the
requirements of clause 610.22.
Curing shall remain intact and completed in accordance with the requirements of clause 610.23 unless
asphalt placement is completed immediately after the minimum 4 day period. Curing shall be supplemented
with 2 layers of 8 mm thick closed cell foam or inner double core aluminium foil based thermal blankets.
Additional test cylinders shall be sampled and tested as required in order to demonstrate when the required
strength has been achieved.
HP Early loading and trafficking of bridge decks, concrete deck overlays and approach slabs shall not
proceed until:
(i) the Contractor’s early loading and trafficking quality procedure and inspection and test plan(s)
have been reviewed by the Superintendent
(ii) the evidence that the minimum periods stated in this clause have been satisfied and maturity
testing, temperature monitoring and compressive strength test results have been reviewed by
the Superintendent.
Deck widening may necessitate the use of connecting longitudinal stitch pours or in-fill strips, between the
main body of the new deck and the existing deck to provide a monolithic structural connection.
The Contractor shall implement quality procedures and undertake the works in a manner which minimises
the effects of traffic induced vibrations, differential deflections and stresses on the new deck widening and in
the vicinity of the stitch pour and staged deck overlay, including:
(a) adverse effects on the bond between the steel reinforcement and the fresh concrete
(b) development of any voids between the steel reinforcement and fresh concrete
(c) adverse effects on the mechanical bond at the joint interface
(d) adverse effects on bonded anchors if they are used in accordance with Section 680
(e) cracking during the early hardening and strength developing period.
Construction of deck widening, longitudinal stitch pours and in-fill strips and staged construction of deck
overlays under live traffic shall be subject to the following conditions:
(i) Use a high early strength concrete of minimum 50 MPa (VR450/50) to facilitate early strength
(ii) Close adjacent traffic lane to the deck widening, stitch pour or deck overlay and ensure a minimum
clearance of 4.5 metres from the edge of the deck widening or stitch to the nearest wheel path. For
narrow roads the minimum clearance and overall configuration details including traffic detours if
required shall be subject to approval by the Superintendent.
(iii) Limit traffic speed to 40 km/h until the concrete in the deck widening or stitch reaches 20 MPa.
(iv) When 20 MPa is reached the speed limit can be increased to 60 km/hour until the concrete reaches
a minimum strength of 32 MPa at which point the lane closure ends and the speed limit can increase to
(v) Undertake peak particle velocity (PPV) measurements at edge of the deck widening or stitch. The
average PPV shall be less than 5 mm/sec and the maximum instantaneous PPV of less than
55 mm/sec for the concrete for the deck widening and stitch pours. PPV measurements shall be made
during the period between commencement of concrete placement and when the minimum compressive
strength of 32 MPa has been achieved.
(vi) The early age in situ compressive strength development of concrete shall be determined in accordance
with the maturity testing requirements of clause 610.16(m).
(vii) The Contractor shall undertake temperature differential monitoring and maximum temperature
measurements of concrete and control early age thermal cracking to demonstrate compliance with the
requirements of clause 610.22.
(viii) Curing shall remain intact and completed in accordance with the requirements of clause 610.23 unless
early trafficking is required in accordance with the requirements of clause 610.36. Curing shall be
supplemented with 2 layers of 8 mm thick closed cell foam or inner double core aluminium foil based
thermal blankets.
(ix) Steel reinforcement from the existing deck to only extend into the in-fill strip for overlap with the new
steel reinforcement
(x) Steel reinforcement within the in-fill strip to be effectively tied such that rigid continuity is provided
between old and new.
(xi) If bonded anchors are used to comply with the requirements of Section 680.
(xii) Sample and test additional test cylinders to demonstrate when the required strength has been achieved.
HP Construction of deck widening, longitudinal stitch pours and in-fill strips and staged construction of
deck overlays under live traffic shall not proceed until the Contractor’s quality procedure and
inspection and test plan(s) have been reviewed by the Superintendent.
HP Lane closures and speed restrictions shall not be removed until PPV measurements, maturity
testing, temperature monitoring and compressive strength test results have been reviewed by the
A 1 metre wide waterproofing membrane strip shall be installed over the construction joint formed at the
interface with the new deck widening, longitudinal stitch pours and in-fill strips and staged construction of
deck overlays in accordance with the requirements of Section 691, prior to the placement of asphalt.
The Contractor shall implement adequate precautions and manage construction activities to prevent the
disturbance of formwork or transmit vibrations through to recently cast concrete or projecting steel
reinforcement. The Contractor’s construction quality procedure and inspection and test plan(s) shall address
as a minimum the distance from the source of vibration, the intensity and duration of vibration, and the nature
of the medium or underlying soil type through which the vibration is travelling.
When concrete is placed and finished outside daylight hours or in any other conditions where natural light
may be inadequate, the Contractor shall provide adequate lighting for the works including placement,
compaction, finishing, curing, sampling and testing, monitoring and inspection.
The minimum concrete cover to steel reinforcement and other steel embedments shall be as shown on the
drawings and in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.14.3 of AS 5100.5. The dimensional
tolerance of concrete cover shall be 0 to +5 mm as stated in Table 610.471.
The curing of concrete shall be continuous and uninterrupted in accordance with clause 610.23 to ensure the
effectiveness of the minimum concrete cover.
The minimum concrete cover for concrete members cast in standard formwork and compacted with standard
compaction as defined in clause 610.03 shall be in accordance with the requirements of Table of
AS 5100.5.
Where lower minimum concrete cover is specified for concrete members cast in rigid steel formwork with
intense compaction in accordance with Table of AS 5100.5, the intense compaction shall consist of
both external form vibrators and internal vibrators as defined in clause 610.03. A high level of supervision
shall be employed to ensure that the required level of intense compaction is achieved and the rigidity of
formwork is maintained during concrete placement.
Where curing compounds are used, the concrete cover shall be increased by 5 mm for classifications A and
B1 and by 10 mm for other classifications in accordance with the requirements of Table and
Table of AS 5100.5.
The minimum cover required for concrete placement and the minimum allowable steel reinforcement spacing
within a concrete member shall not be less than 1.5 times the maximum size of aggregate in the concrete
mix or the reinforcement bar diameter, whichever is the larger, unless greater concrete placement
requirements apply as per AS 5100.5, to ensure that the concrete can be satisfactorily placed, flow and
compacted around the steel reinforcement.
Continuous bar chairs shall provide a minimum gap between the formwork and the underside of the bar chair
voids of 1.5 times the maximum nominal size aggregate in the concrete mix.
The maximum aggregate size shall ensure that effective consolidation and aggregate interlock is achieved
within a dense concrete microstructure without voids and honeycombs which can adversely affect the
durability and the in situ strength of concrete.
Steel reinforcement shall be placed such that adequate gaps exist for the insertion of poker vibrators and
concrete can flow around the steel reinforcement. Congestion created by a large number of closely placed
parallel bars with little or no separation shall not be allowed. Where bundled bars are used as part of design
to overcome steel reinforcement congestion, they shall be limited to four in any one bundle with no more
than two bars in one plane and shall be tied together in contact and be enclosed within stirrups or ties.
Bundles of bars may consist in groups of two, three or four longitudinal bars to act as a unit.
The effects of possible stray current corrosion shall be considered as required where bridges and concrete
structures are adjacent to or carry electrified rail and tramways, especially where they are powered by direct
current, concrete structures located in the vicinity of high voltage power lines and where impressed current
cathodic protection is installed.
Where required steel fibre reinforced concrete shall be as specified in the drawings and specification and
shall comply with the requirements of AS 5100.5.
Fibre reinforced sprayed concrete shall comply with the requirements of Section 684.
Where required fire resistance of concrete shall be as specified in the drawings and specification and shall
comply with the requirements of AS 5100.5.
Holes shall not be drilled in concrete members unless approved by the Superintendent.
Drilling of holes in concrete members shall be located as shown on the drawings, as specified in this
specification or as approved by the Superintendent. Holes may be drilled with carbide-tipped rotary
hammer or diamond-tipped core drill.
Holes shall be drilled to the required length and diameter and be positioned to avoid damage to steel
reinforcement and pre-stressing tendons or to services.
Prior to drilling of holes, reinforcing bars, pre-stressing tendons and cables and services that lie within the
depth of the drill hole shall be accurately located by reference to as-constructed drawings.
The actual position of bars and tendons shall then be located by use of a recently calibrated concrete cover
meter or ground penetrating radar (GPR), operated by a competent person. If reinforcement is encountered
during drilling, drilling shall cease immediately and hole location shall be adjusted locally to avoid
Where drilling of holes is undertaken by coring the required depth shall be controlled by use of a positive
stop device fitted to the coring machine or a depth measurement mark placed on the core barrel.
Drilling of holes into concrete members shall be undertaken under the direction of a qualified Contractor’s
representative and for the purposes of surveillance, the Contractor shall give the Superintendent a minimum
of two (2) days written notice of its intention to drill holes into concrete members.
Drilling of holes shall not cause spalling, cracking, or other damage to the existing concrete, the steel
reinforcement or other steel embedments. Any damage to the concrete member including the steel
reinforcement shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Superintendent.
Where existing steel reinforcement is encountered during the drilling operation, and holes have been
relocated, the uncompleted holes shall be cleaned and repaired with a shrinkage compensating polymer
modified cementitious repair material in accordance with the requirements of Section 689. The exposed
surface of the repaired hole shall be similar in texture and colour to the surrounding concrete.
HP The drilling procedure and drill locations shall be submitted for approval by the Superintendent.
The Contractor shall maintain records of all hole drilling activities and immediately notify the Superintendent
where the concrete member or steel reinforcement has been damaged. The Contractor shall ensure that
all records are available for review by the Superintendent.
(a) General
The dimensional tolerances listed in Tables 610.471, 610.472, 610.473 and 610.474 are the allowable
deviations of the completed concrete member from the dimensions shown on the drawings. These
dimensional tolerances will be a basis for acceptance of the work.
The Contractor shall maintain records of dimensional measurements to demonstrate that all completed
concrete members comply with the allowable dimensional tolerances as stated in this clause. The
Contractor shall ensure that the records are available for review by the Superintendent.
Fitments and embedments shall be located with sufficient accuracy to prevent any misfit or
misalignment between mating components.
(b) Soffits
The soffits of arches, box girders, beams and deck edges shall be continuous curves or straight lines as
shown on the drawings, free from all visible irregularities.
Placing of reinforcement 5
Placing of post-tensioning sheathing 5
Concrete cover 0 to +5
Item (mm unless shown
(i) Footings
* Plan dimensions - Formed footings and pile caps -15 to +50
- Unformed footings (when approved by the 0 to +150
* Thickness - < 300 mm -5 to +25
- > 300 mm -10 to +50
* Top of footing or pile cap reduced level -25 to +25
* Departure from the plan position in any direction 50
(ii) Cylinders
* Variation from the vertical 25 mm in 3 m
* Departure from the plan position in any direction 75
(iii) Variation in Cross Section of Columns, Piers, Pier and Abutment
Crossheads, Slabs, Walls, Beams and Similar Parts
(excluding deck slabs and end posts)
* <3m -5 to +15
* >3m -10 to +25
(iv) Variation of Cross Section of End Posts -5 to +5
(v) Deck
Thickness of Deck Slabs (excluding allowance for correction of camber 0 to +10
or hog)
Deck surface reduced level -10 to +10
(vi) Deck Joints
* Width of slot -3 to +3
(vii) Variation from Vertical or Specified Batter of Columns, Piers, Walls,
Handrail Posts and Arrises
* Unexposed concrete 10 mm in 2.5 m (1/250)
* Exposed concrete 5 mm in 2.5 m (1/500)
(viii) Variation from Grades Indicated on Drawings for Railings, Kerbs and 2.5 mm in 2.5 m (1/1000)
(ix) Reduced Level of Tops of Pier and Abutment Crossheads and Piers
* With pedestals -10 to +10
* Without pedestals -5 to +5
* Difference in Level across width of crosshead 5
(x) Bearing Pedestals
* Reduced level -2.5 to +2.5
* Variation from grade across the width of individual pedestals shall not
1 in 200
* Deviation from flat surface +1.0 to -1.0
(xi) Departure from Plan Position at any level
* Columns, Piers, Walls, Pier and Abutment Crossheads, Beams, Slabs,
Kerbs, Railing and other similar parts
* Relative displacement of adjoining members shall not exceed 10
(xii) Departure from Alignment
* Rows of columns, faces of piers or walls 10
* Handrails, Faces of hand rail posts, Kerbs 5
(xiii) Maximum Allowance for Irregularities in Exposed Concrete Surfaces
* Sections less than 1 m in dimension when measured with a straightedge
across the dimension of the section
* Sections greater than 1 m in dimension when measured with a
straightedge across the dimension of the section, except that when
sections are greater than 2.5 m in dimension, a 2.5 m straightedge shall
be used
(xiv) Irregularities in Railings 2.5 mm in 2.5 m
(xv) Slab Surface Finish 5 mm in 2.5 m
(i) General
* Placing of reinforcement 5
* Placing of sheathings for post-tensioned
segmental members
* Concrete cover 0 to +5
(ii) Cross Section
* Dimension - < 2 m 0 to +3
- >2m 0 to +6
* Out of square Maximum 5
(iii) Squareness of Ends Deviation from a plane perpendicular to the
longitudinal axis of a member, or from the
specified end plane:
* Dimension - < 500 mm 3 mm
* - > 500 mm 6 mm per metre (10 mm maximum)
For parapet units and new jersey barriers, the
deviation from a place perpendicular to the
longitudinal axis shall not exceed 3 mm.
(iv) Length
* Diagonal length for precast unit 5
* Overall length or length centre to centre of
0.06% x specified length (max 20)
bearings (for beams and slabs)
* Centre to centre spacing of holes for transverse
rods or bolts
* Overall length for parapets and new jersey
(v) Profile in a Vertical Plane (Camber) The deviation of a unit from the design camber,
after allowance has been made for the
deflection due to the mass of the member, shall
not exceed 0.10% of the length of the unit with a
maximum of 6 mm. Measurement of camber
shall be made at the mid-point of the member
which shall be supported at the bearing
(vi) Profile in a Horizontal Plane (Bow) The deviation of a unit from the required profile
shall not exceed 6 mm or 0.10% of the length of
the unit, whichever is the greater.
Bow in precast parapet units and new jersey
barriers shall not exceed 3 mm.