Analysis of Edible Oils: Apostolos Kiritsakis and William W. Christie
Analysis of Edible Oils: Apostolos Kiritsakis and William W. Christie
Analysis of Edible Oils: Apostolos Kiritsakis and William W. Christie
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Constituents of Edible Oils
6.3 Analysis of Main Olive Oil Constituents
6.4 Analysis of Constituents of Other Edible Oils
6.5 Measurement of Deterioration
6.6 Determination of Adulteration
6. 7 Advanced Methods of Oil Analysis
Edible oils are mainly vegetable oils that have undergone several processes to
remove undesirable constituents. Most crude vegetable oils are subjected to a
refining process (neutralization, bleaching, and deodorization) to make them suit-
able for consumption. Only olive oil, which is a natural juice, can be consumed
without any refining process.
Vegetable oils contrast with animal carcass fats, mammalian butters, and fish
oils in that they have fewer component acids and a simpler triacylglycerol com-
position. Although edible vegetable oils have relatively straightforward composi-
tions, they vary so much from one to another that the group as a whole encom-
passes a vast range of chemical and physical properties (Rossell 1991 ). For most
uses, the suitability of an oil depends as much on its quality as on its composi-
tion. In determining the purity of an oil besides the fatty acid composition, more
sophisticated tests, such as analysis of the acids at the 2-position of the triacyl-
J. Harwood et al. (eds.), Handbook of Olive Oil
© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2000
Edible oil constituents can be divided into the saponifiable (e.g., triacylglyc-
erols, free fatty acid, phosphatides) and the unsaponi:fiable (e.g., hydrocarbons,
fatty alcohols) fractions. The unsaponi:fiable constituents of virgin olive oil
account for 0.5-1.5 percent of the oil. Some of them (e.g., phenols) contribute to
its flavor quality and also increase its oxidative stability.
Fatty Olive
Acid Oil* Canola Coconut Corn Cottonseed Sunflower
chlorophylls, :flavor compounds, and polar phenolic compounds. Mono- and dia-
cylglycerols, phosphatides, waxes, and esters of sterols are also considered minor
Squalene, a biochemical precursor of sterols, is an important hydrocarbon of
both virgin and refined olive oils. Olive oil contains the largest amount of squa-
lene among vegetable oils (2500-9250 IJ.g/g) compared with other edible oils
(16-370 IJ.g/g) (Gutfinger & Letan 1974). Other hydrocarbons, such as polycyclic
aromatics (e.g., phenanthrene, pyrene, :fluoranthrene, 1,2-benzanthracene, chry-
sene ), are also found in olive oil (Fedeli 1977).
Olive oil contains a-tocopherol in higher amounts than other tocopherols; it
varies from 125 to 200 ppm (Aparicio & Mcintyre 1998). The determination of
the tocopherol content of olive oil can be used for detecting adulteration with
seed oils. Table 6-2 shows the content of tocopherols in other edible oils.
Aliphatic Alcohols
Saturated straight-chain aliphatic alcohols with even-numbered carbon atoms
(C 18 to C28) are found in olive oil. The main linear aliphatic alcohols present in
olive oil are hexacosanol, octacosanol, and tetracosanol. Also, tricosanol, penta-
cosanol, and heptacosanol might be present in traces. Solvent extracted oil (olive-
pomace oil) contains more aliphatic alcohols than virgin olive oil. Tacchino and
Borgoni (1983) determined the aliphatic alcohols in pressed and solvent-extracted
olive oils and found that it varied from 10 to 70 (mg/lOOg) and from 224 to 434
(mg/100g), respectively. Esters of fatty alcohols with fatty acids (waxes) are also
found in olive oil. The main waxes are C-36, C-38, C-40, C-42, C-44, and C-46
esters. Olive-pomace oil contains more waxes than virgin olive oil.
The main sterols found in olive oil are ~-sitosterol, Ll 5 -avenasterol, and
campesterol. Stigmasterol, cholesterol, 24-methylene-cholesterol, Ll 7-campes-
terol, ~ 5' 23 -stigmastadienol, sitostanol, ~ 5'24 -stigmastadienol, ~ 7-stigmastenol,
and ~ 7-avenasterol are also present in olive oil but in smaller quantities (Boskou
1978; Boskou & Morton 1975; Fedeli 1977; Itoh et al. 1981).
Olive oil contains four methylsterols: (1) 4a-methyl-24-methylene-Ll 7 -
cholesten-3 ~-ol (gramisterol); (2) 4a, 14a-dimethyl-24-methylene-Ll8-cholesten-
3~-ol (obtusifoliol); (3) 4a,14a-dimethyl-9, 19-cyclopropane-24-methylene-
cholesten-313-ol ( cycloeucalenol); and (4) 4a-methyl-(24Z)-24-ethylidene-
~7-cholesten-313-ol (citrostadienol).
4,4-Dimethylsterols (triterpene alcohols) are also found in olive oil (Paganuzzi
1982). They are a-and ~-amyrin; cycloartenol; 24-methylenecycloartanol;
taraxerol; dammaradienol; and 24-methylene-24-dihydroparkeol. Olive oil con-
tains triterpene alcohols in a concentration ranging from 100 to 150 mg/1 OOg of
oil (Kiosseoglou, Vlachopoulou & Boskou 1987). Two main triterpene dialcohols
(erythrodiol and uvaol) have been identified (Fedeli 1977). Table 6--3 shows the
content of sterols in other edible oils.
Oil Cholesterol Brassicasterol Campesterol Stigmasterol ~-Sitosterol .15 -Avenasterol .1 7 -Stigmasterol ,1 7 -Avenasterol
sent, olive oil is oflow quality (Mariani & Fedeli 1985). Determination of diacyl-
glycerols can be used for evaluating olive oil quality.
The unique color of virgin olive oil is due to pigments, such as chlorophylls,
although carotenoids also make a contribution to the color of olive and other veg-
etable oils (Serani & Piacenti 1992).
Phenolic Compounds
Olive oil contains both simple and complex phenolic compounds that increase
its oxidative stability and considerably improve its flavor (Fedeli 1977; Vazquez,
Del Valle & Del Valle 1976). According to Cinquanta, Esti, and Notte (1997), it is
not the cultivar but the ripeness of olive fruit and the soil and climate conditions
that mainly affect phenol composition of virgin olive oil.
Flavor Compounds
Aroma and flavor are distinctive features of olive oil in comparison with
other edible oils. They are generated by a number of volatile compounds pre-
sent at extremely low concentrations (Aparicio, Calvente & Morales 1996;
Blekas & Guth 1995; Blekas, Guth & Grosch 1994; Fedeli 1977; Kiritsakis
1998a, 1998b; Kiritsakis & Min 1989; Montedoro, Bertuccioli & Anichini
1978; Morales, Aparicio & Calvente 1996; Morales, Aparicio & Rios 1994;
Morales et al. 1995).
Efforts have been made to establish instrumental analysis of the flavor and
aroma components of olive oil in order to eliminate the disadvantages of the
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sensory evaluation by the panel test. Tateo and coworkers ( 1993) used gas
chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) in order to analyze the flavor com-
ponents of extra virgin olive oil samples with different flavor characteristics.
Guth and Grosch (1993) applied aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA) to
evaluate the flavor components of olive oil and determined fifteen compounds as
potent odorants of four olive oil samples with different flavor profiles. The fol-
lowing compounds contributed mainly to the flavor, given in parentheses: (Z)-3-
hexenal (green); ethyl 2-methylbutyrate, ethyl isobutyrate, ethyl cyclohexanoate
(fruity); and (Z)-2-non-enal (fatty) and 4-methoxy-2-methyl-2-butanethiol (black
Aparicio et al. (1994), Aparicio, Morales, and Alonso (1996), and Aparicio and
Morales ( 1995) proposed another methodology for the analysis of the virgin olive
oil volatiles and designed a sensory wheel that represents the whole virgin olive
oil matrix. This wheel is composed of seven sectors that show the basic percep-
tions produced by the oil: green, bitter-pungent, undesirable, ripe olives, ripe
fruity, fruity, and sweet. A gas chromatography/sniffing method (Morales, Apari-
cio & Rios 1994) was applied to assess the aroma notes that correspond to olive
oil volatile compounds and to verify the relationships found by the sensory wheel
procedure (Aparicio, Calvente & Morales 1996).
Sacchi and coworkers (1996) applied high-field (600 MHz) nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR) spectroscopy for direct analysis of olive oil. NMR spectra of
virgin olive oils show a large number of structural and compositional data related
to olive oil composition and quality. The analysis of aldehyde composition, which
gives a picture of the flavor profile of the oil, seems to be interesting. The possi-
bility of determining additional minor components, such as phenols or alcohols
present in the oil, without extraction or chemical derivatization opens new appli-
cation possibilities for instrumental flavor quality assessment of virgin olive oil
(Sacchi et al. 1996).
Gutfinger and Letan (1974) analyzed the unsaponifiable fraction of several edi-
ble oils (soybean, cottonseed, coconut, avocado, and olive) and found that the oils
differed in the contents of total unsaponifiable squalene, tocopherols, and sterols
and also in the composition of the tocopherol and sterol fractions. The quantita-
tive determination of individual tocopherols was achieved by the colorimetric
method, whereas the contents of total sterols and squalene and the composition of
the sterol fractions were determined by GLC.
Choo et al. (1996) separated triacylglycerols, diacylglycerols, free fatty acids
(FFAs ), carotenoids, tocopherols, and tocotrienols from crude palm oil by super-
critical fluid chromatography (SFC) that used the programmed extraction elution
method. FFAs present in palm oil were separated into five components by GLC;
tocopherols and tocotrienols were also separated into four components by SFC
analysis, and the carotenes were obtained by preparative SFC. Thus, by using
SFC, the components of an edible oil can be separated and fractionated, based on
the differences in their functional groups. The separation of the minor compo-
nents of olive oil by the above technique is recommended. Singleton and Stike-
leather (1995) describe an HPLC method for simultaneous concentration, separa-
tion, and analysis of phospholipids and other trace compounds in edible oils. The
method greatly reduces analysis time (40 percent), solvent use, and the complex-
ity of solvent arrays normally required to separate phospholipids.
Analysis ofEdible Oils 139
The methods described here for olive oil quality analysis are not necessarily
those suggested by the International Olive Oil Council (IOOC) or by the Com-
mission of the European Communities (EC).
Determination of Hydrolysis
LLJ u_/t
2 4 6 8
Figure 6-2 A gas liquid chromatogram of FFA from an edible oil. Note: P, palmitic;
C-17, a1 7-carbon FFA; S, stearic; 0, oleic; L, linoleic; Ln, linolenic.
ethanolamine (TEA), isopropanol, and water is necessary. The oil is mixed with
the reagent and the pH is measured before (pH 1 ') and after (pH/) the addition of
hydrochloric acid using a commercial pH meter with an aqueous reference elec-
trode. The AVis calculated from the difference between pH 1 ' and pH2 ':
where 56.11 is the molecular weight of KOH; Nst is the standard acid concentra-
tion (M); Yst is the volume of the standard acid added (mL), which is considerably
less than the volume of the reagent; ~pH= pH 1 ' - pH2 '; and m is the weight of
the oil (g).
According to Berezin and coworkers (1997), an AV of 0.02 mg KOH/g oil is
accepted as the limit of quantitation. Because refined edible oils usually have AV
of 0.05 mg KOH/g oil or more, the method should be suitable for AV analysis of
these oils.
Analysis ofEdible Oils 141
Determination of Oxidation
Among the several methods for estimating the degree of oxidative deteriora-
tion of edible oils are peroxide value (PV), thiobarbituric acid value (TBA), and
total carbonyls. PV is the most commonly used chemical method, despite the fact
that it is time consuming and requires special skills.
The determination of the hydroperoxides (initial products of oxidation) can be
accomplished by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
(IUPAC) (IUPAC 1987) or other official method. The oil is treated in a solution of
acetic acid and chloroform by a potassium iodide solution. PV is expressed in
terms of milliequivalents of active oxygen per kilogram of oil and gives the quan-
tity of peroxides that oxidizes potassium iodide under the operating conditions.
Terao and Matsushita (1977) proposed a colorimetric method for measuring
hydroperoxides in photooxidized oils. Cadmium acetate was used, and the
absorbance of the color formed was measured at 350 nm. Hydroperoxide concen-
trations were calibrated by using a standard solution of benzoyl peroxide in
van de Voort and coworkers (1994) proposed the determination of the degree
of oxidation of oils by FTIR spectroscopy, which provides a simple and rapid
means to follow the complex changes that take place as a lipid oxidizes. The crit-
ical absorption bands associated with common oxidation end products are identi-
fied by relating them to those of spectroscopically representative reference com-
pounds. A quantitative approach is proposed in which the standards used are
spectroscopically representative of oxidative end products and by which the
oxidative state of the oil can be defined in terms of percent hydroperoxides, per-
cent alcohols, and total carbonyl compounds. FTIR analysis provides a rapid
means of evaluating the oxidative state of an oil or of monitoring changes in an
oil undergoing thermal stress. It is necessary, however, to characterize the spec-
tral changes occuring as oil oxidation proceeds, to assign wavelengths to the
more common molecular species produced, and to access potential spectral cross-
interferences (van de Voort eta/. 1994).
Extra weak photon emission, also termed low-level chemiluminescence, is well
known as one of the physical chemical phenomena observed during oil deteriora-
tion (Miyazawa et al. 1994). Chemiluminescence generally originates from elec-
trically excited states, such as singlet molecular oxygen and triplet carbonyls pro-
voked by radical chain reactions in lipid peroxidation. The chemiluminescence
method detects peroxyesters and dialkylperoxides as well, whereas the iodiomet-
ric method is not suitable to determine these compounds because of their redox
potential (Matthaus 1996). For the chemiluminescence method, a small quantity
of oil is dissolved in a mixture of acetone-ethanol (2: 1) and 1 mL of a luminal
solution (consisting of luminal, hemin, and sodium carbonate) is added. A photo-
multiplier below the sample vessel receives the light and converts it to an electri-
cal pulse. Matthaus (1996) observed a good correlation (r = 0.9865) in using the
Rancimat apparatus and chemiluminescence measurements for the determination
of oil oxidation. According to Miyazawa et al. (1994), the chemiluminescence
method has the advantage of estimating the peroxide value of an edible oil in a
short time and does not require any special skills.
Min (1983) analyzed the flavor compounds formed when edible oils were
exposed to fluorescent light by GC and compared the results with the sensory
scores. Sensory qualities of the different oils were evaluated with a hedonic scale
of 1-10, where 1 indicated the poorest flavor quality and 10 the highest flavor
quality. The correlation coefficients of the flavor scores between sensory evalua-
tion and GC analysis for all tested edible oils were higher than 0.95. According to
Min (1983), instrumental GC could be used to evaluate the flavor quality of vege-
table oils. Snyder and King (1994) used a supercritical fluid extraction (SFE)
technique for recovery of edible oil volatiles as a mild method to analyze lipid
samples that are easily decomposed. Both volatile and semivolatile compounds
were successfully collected on Tenax sorbent. The SFE technique is suitable for
the desorption and analysis of high-molecular-weight compounds. This provides
a unique analysis method for determining both volatile and semivolatile com-
pounds, as well as executing desorption under nonoxidative, low-temperature
conditions that do not contribute to the degradation of lipid components (Snyder
& King 1994).
Viinanen and Hopia (1994) analyzed the oxidation products oftriacylglycerol
standards (trilinolein and triolein) and of natural triacylglycerols of vegetable oils
(rapeseed oil) by an RP-HPLC method. The oxidation products were detected
with an ultraviolet and evaporative light-scattering detector (ELSD). The ELSD
is a mass detector and can be used to detect all high-molecular-weight autoxida-
tion products. In contrast, an UV detector, which is often used in autoxidation
studies, can detect conjugated dienes at wavelengths of 232-235 nm. The ELSD
detector is particularly useful in studying the oxidation products of monounsatu-
rated compounds at different stages of oxidation. As the consumption of oils high
in oleic acid (e.g., olive oil, canola oil) is increasing, it is necessary to use meth-
ods that detect all oxidation products. Therefore, the ELSD is promising to be a
good universal type of detector for monitoring autoxidation products of edible
oils (Viinanen & Hopia 1994). Static headspace and capillary chromatography-
infrared spectroscopy-mass spectrometry were used to collect, separate, identify,
and quantify the oxidative and thermal decomposition products of heated triolein
(Mahungu, Hansen & Artz 1994). This technique favors the detection of
low-molecular-weight components associated with the flavor development of
fried lipid foods. It is a useful technique for the identification and quantification
of volatiles in heated triacylglycerols.
Oligopolymer determinations in oils and fats have been the subject of research
because of the importance of oligopolymers in ascertaining the level of oxidative
Analysis ofEdible Oils 143
and thermal degradation during the exposure of fatty substances to heat. According
to Gomes (1992), small amounts of oligopolymer compounds can be determined
by direct oil analysis without concentration. High-performance, size-exclusion
chromatography can be used for the determination of oxidized triacylglycerols. The
column packing materials are highly cross-linked styrenedivinylbenzene copoly-
mers. Polystyrene standards of known molecular weights (4000 and 2000 g/mol)
and tristearin, distearin, monostearin, and stearic acid standards are used for peak
identification. The absence of oligopolymers in virgin olive oils can be used as a
quality standard. Conversely, edible virgin olive oils should not contain oligopoly-
mer compounds. The above technique has been reviewed elsewhere (Dobarganes &
Marquez-Ruiz 1993).
For evaluating olive oil quality, the determination of the specific absorption
coefficients (specific extinctions) in the ultraviolet region is required (IOOC
1996b; EC 1995). These measurements also provide information on the state of
preservation of the oil and on the changes that are due to the refining process. The
absorption at the specified wavelengths is due to the presence of conjugated diene
and triene in the systems. The oil is dissolved in the solvent, and the extinction of
the solution is determined at the specified wavelengths using pure solvent as
The values of the specific coefficients are expressed as:
The 1 percent indicates the solution of the oil in the specified solvent, and the 1
em is the thickness of the cuvette.
The absorption coefficients at wavelengths around 270 nm are also determined
by calculating the aK value:
Olive oil is often illegally adulterated with other, cheaper vegetable oils. Oils
used widely for this purpose include olive-pomace oil, com oil, peanut oil, cot-
tonseed oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, and poppy seed oil (Aparicio, Alonso &
Morales 1996; Kiritsakis 1998b).
Several physical and chemical tests have been used to analyze and detect adul-
teration of olive oil by low-grade olive oils and seed oils (Codex Alimentarius
Commission 1993; Fedeli 1977; IOOC 1997; Kiritsakis & Markakis 1991).
Sterol Analysis
The presence of seed oils in olive and olive-pomace oils can be detected by
analysis of sterols (IOOC 1997). The oil is saponified with potassium hydroxide
in ethanolic solution, and the unsaponifiables are then extracted with diethyl
ether. The sterol fraction is separated from the unsaponifiable extract by chro-
matography on a basic silica gel plate. Sterols are converted to their trimethylsi-
lylether (TMS) derivatives and are analyzed by capillary-column GC. According
to Gutfinger and Letan ( 197 4), large quantities of stigmasterol indicate the pres-
ence of soybean oil in olive oil. Under standard conditions, virgin olive oil has a
high 13-sitosterol content, whereas refining (mainly neutralization and bleaching)
causes the destruction of sterols.
Alkane Analysis
McGill et al. (1993) analyzed a number of edible oils for n-alkane content.
They found that n-alkanes with chain lengths of C27 , C29 , and C31 predominated
in all vegetable oils except olive oil, where C23 , C25 , and C27 were the most abun-
dant. According to these researchers, the n-alkane content may be useful in char-
acterizing olive oil and other vegetable oils.
A reliable means to detect olive-pomace oil in olive oil is the analysis and
determination of the wax esters. According to the method recommended by EC
Analysis ofEdible Oils 145
(1991) for the analysis of wax esters, the oil containing eicosanol as internal stan-
dard is saponified with methanolic potassium hydroxide and the unsaponifiable
matter is extracted with diethyl ether. The alcoholic fraction is separated from the
unsaponifiable matter by chromatography on a layer of potassium-hydroxide
impregnated silica gel; the alcohols recovered from the silica gel are transformed
into TMS esters and are analyzed by capillary GC.
Bianchi et al. (1994) determined the chemical structure of long-chain esters
present in lower-grade olive oil by GC-MS and by comparison with synthetic
authentic model compounds. Three classes of esters composed the hexane-diethyl
ether (99: 1) extract of the wax fraction from olive-pomace oil: ( 1) esters of oleic
acid with C 1-C6 alcohols, (2) esters of oleic acid with long-chain aliphatic alco-
hols in the range C22-C28 , and (3) benzyl alcohol esters of the very-long-chain
saturated fatty acids (C26 and C28 ). By applying analysis of the chemical structure
of long-chain esters, the adulteration of high-grade olive oil by less expensive
olive-pomace oil and seed oils can be detected.
Extra virgin olive oil is characterized by the virtual absence of waxes with
forty to forty-six carbon atoms, but these waxes are found in comparatively large
amounts in refined and olive-pomace oil. Thus, it is a good index for identifying
solvent-extracted oil (pomace oil) in virgin olive oil (Mariani & Fedeli 1993). A
chromatogram ofthe waxes of a virgin olive oil sample is shown in Figure 6-3.
Aliphatic alcohols are found in significantly larger quantities in olive-pomace
oils than in olive oils. Gracian and Cota (1984) used GC to analyze the aliphatic
alcohol fractions of olive oil and olive-pomace oil and found linear-chain saturated
alcohols and their mono- and diunsaturated derivatives with eighteen to thirty car-
bon atoms. Olive oil contains a lower amount of alcohols and a higher percentage
of low-molecular-weight alcohols than olive-pomace oil. This information can be
used for distinguishing these two categories of oil (Gracian & Cota 1984).
Paganuzzi (1982) reported that the determination of erythrodiol and uvaol pro-
vides a good means of differentiating between pressed and solvent-extracted
olive oils. Today, the determination of erythrodiol is not sufficient to detect the
presence of olive-pomace oil in olive oil because a relatively large quantity of vir-
gin olive oils produced in certain regions contain a high amount of erythrodiol.
On the other hand, the erythrodiol content of olive-pomace oils can be reduced by
applying some technological procedures. According to IOOC (1996a), the ratio
of erythrodiol and uvaol to the total sterols for each category of olive oil should
not exceed 4.5.
The method recommended by EC (1991) for the determination of erythrodiol
and uvaol involves saponification with potassium hydroxide solution. The
unsaponifiable fraction is then extracted with diethyl ether and purified by pas-
sage through a column of alumina. The unsaponifiables are subjected to TLC on a
Figure 6--3 A gas chromatogram of the wax analysis of a sample ofvirgin olive oil. Note:
(I.S) Internal standard, (1) C36 ester, (2) C38 ester, (3) C40 ester, (4) C42 ester, (5) C44 ester,
(6) c46 ester.
silica gel plate until the bands corresponding to the sterol and erythrodiol frac-
tions are separated. The sterols and the erythrodiol recovered from the plate are
transformed into TMS ethers, and the mixture is analyzed by GC. The results are
expressed as the percentage of erythrodiol in the mixture of erythrodiol and
Fatty Acid
The analysis of fatty acids of edible oils by GLC has become a routine analyti-
cal tool. The edible oil that is subjected to analysis is heated under reflux with
methyl alcohol and sodium methylate. The methyl esters obtained are extracted
with diethyl ether. The analysis of esters should be carried out by a capillary
column-GC and a flame-ionization detector (EC 1991). Currently, according to
Mariani and Fedeli (1993), GC is one of the most useful methods for analyzing
fatty acids and other components of olive oil, and it cannot be replaced by any
other instrumental method.
Analysis ofEdible Oils 147
Palmitic and stearic acids are the main saturated fatty acids present in olive oil
and in olive-pomace oil. Stearic acid is almost never found in position-2 of virgin
oils but can be present at 0.2--0.3 percent in olive-pomace oils. The saturated fatty
acid level (sum of palmitic and stearic acids) at the position-2 for virgin olive oil
should be :::::;I .5 percent.
Determination of the saturated fatty acids at this position of the triacylglycerol
molecule can be accomplished by the method recommended by EC (1995). The
method involves possible neutralization, purification by passing the oil through
an alumina column, partial hydrolysis of the triacylglycerols by pancreatic lipase,
separation of the formed monoacylglycerols by TLC, and methanolysis of the
monoacylglycerols. Analysis of these methyl esters by GLC follows. This method
is applicable to all edible oils having a melting point below 45°C. It is not applic-
able unreservedly to oils containing substantial amounts of fatty acids with
twelve or less carbon atoms (coconut, palm kernel oil, butterfat), highly unsatu-
rated oils with more than four double bonds containing twenty or more carbon
atoms (fish and marine oils), or fatty acids containing oxygenated groups, other
than the acid group.
Sacchi and coworkers ( 1992) determined the saturated fatty acids in positions
1,3 and 2 of olive oil triacylglycerols by using NMR spectroscopy and avoiding
chemical procedures. The composition and positional distribution of the fatty
acids in the glycerol molecules of oils has been determined with the application
of 13 C NMR. This technique has the advantages of being nondestructive and
requiring no chemical manipulation.
ence compounds was considered to fall within the limits 1626 and 1691 em -I,
and 1,664 cm- 1 was designated as the distinctive absorbance of a trans bond
(Firestone & Sheppard 1992). FTIR spectroscopy also has been used for quanti-
fying the levels of total trans-triacylglycerols in oils (Mossoba, Yurawecz &
McDonald 1996). It requires about five minutes for spectroscopic measurement,
band area integration, and calculation of the trans content from a linear regres-
sion equation. The trans levels, determined by attenuated total reflection, were
close to those found by capillary column-GC. IOOC (1997) recommends the
determination of the trans fatty acid content of olive oil by capillary column-GC.
Triacylglycerol analysis always has been of great interest in the food industry
(Antoniosi Filho, Carrilho & Lan9as 1993). In particular, the triacylglycerol pro-
file can give valuable information related to the authenticity and origin of olive
oils (Cortesi, Rovellini & Fedeli 1990; EC 1991; Stefanoudaki, Kotsifaki &
Koutsaftakis 1997; Synouri et al. 1995). According to the method recommended
by IOOC (1996a), prior to triacylg1ycerol analysis, oils should undergo purifica-
tion. The method involves separation and identification of the triacylglycerol
groups having the same carbon number by RP-HPLC. The determination of the
equivalent carbon number (ECN) is necessary in order to carry out triacylglyc-
erol analysis. Table 6--4 shows the content of the values of ECN in other edible
oils. The equivalent carbon number is
ECN = CN- 2n
where CN = the total number of carbon atoms of the fatty acids in the triacyl-
glycerol molecule, and n = the number of double bonds.
If n0 , n~> and n 1n are the numbers of double bonds attributed to oleic, linoleic,
and linolenic acids, respectively, the equivalent carbon number can be calculated
of small quantities of semidrying oils (rich in linoleic acid with iodine values of
100-150) in vegetable oils containing oleic acid as the predominant unsaturated
fatty acid (e.g., olive oil). As stated above, the method is based on the separation
of triacylglycerols according to their equivalent carbon number by HPLC and
interpretation of the chromatograms.
Olive oil is characterized by four major peaks with ECNs of 44, 46, 48, and 50.
Triacylglycerols with ECN s of 40 are absent from olive oil, and those with an
ECN of 42 are present only in trace amounts. In contrast, all the common edible
oils rich in linoleic acid (corn, sunflower, and soybean) are characterized by a
large HPLC peak with an ECN of 42. Canola oil contains lower but significant
amounts of these triacylglycerols (Salivaras & McCurdy 1993). This oil shows a
triacylglycerol composition more similar to olive oil because the main peak rep-
resents triacylglycerols with an ECN of 48. Figure 6-4 shows the triacylglycerol
profiles of olive oil adulterated with soybean oil and canola oil.
Several methods have been applied for the determination of triacylglycerols.
Phillips et al. (1984) used RP-HPLC for analyzing the triacylglycerols of olive oil
and other oils. Tsimidou and Macrae (1987) also used RP-HPLC to determine the
triacylglycerol profile of oils obtained after low-temperature crystallization and
suggested that this procedure can be applied for detection of olive oil adulteration.
Stefanoudaki, Kotsifaki & Koutsaftakis ( 1997) used isocratic HPLC to study the
triacylglycerol fraction of a number of olive oil samples obtained from two differ-
ent cultivars in different locations and from a different maturity stage of olive fruit.
Analysis of triacylglycerols by RP-HPLC allow detection and even identifica-
tion of seed oils used to adulterate olive oil (Salivaras & McCurdy 1992, 1993).
Addition of as little as 2.5 percent of corn, sunflower, and soybean oils can be
detected in olive oil mainly because of the high content of triacylglycerols with an
ECN of 42 in these seed oils. Antoniosi Filho, Carrilho & Lanc;as (1993) applied
HT-CGC for fast quantitative analysis oftriacylglycerol profile. A low level (4 per-
cent) of soybean oil was detectable in olive oil by determining the trilinolein abun-
dance in soybean oil. Similarly, Capella (1993) determined diacylglycerols and tri-
A 48 B 48
0 4 0 4 8 12 16
c 48 D 48
....c:: ......
c 46
50 50
0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12 16
Time (min) Time (min)
Figure 6-4 Triacylglycerol profiles of adulterated samples of olive oil with soybean oil
and canola oil. A: Virgin olive oil, B: Adulterated with 7.5% soybean oil, C: Adulterated
with 30% soybean oil, and D: Adulterated with 30% canola oil.
acylglycerols in olive oil by HRGC, and Frega, Bocci, and Lercker (1990) deter-
mined triacylglycerols in several oils by gas and liquid chromatography.
applied to all edible vegetable oils. The measurements are valuable, however,
when the values are 0.01-4.0 mg/kg.
Virgin olive oil and crude olive-pomace oil contain low levels of this particular
steroid hydrocarbon. Stigmasta-3,5-diene is formed by the removal of one mole-
cule of water from 13-sitosterol, which is facilitated during refining and mainly
during bleaching (Cert et al. 1994; Lanz6n et al. 1994). Table 6-5 shows the stig-
mastadiene content of different classes of olive oil. The R1 ratio of stigmasta-3,5-
diene/campesta-3,5-diene has to be applied when the stigmastadiene content is
greater than 4 ppm.
*Provisional limits.
oil with corn, peanut, soya, sunflower, or olive-pomace oil (Goodacre, Kell &
Bianchi 1993).
Wesley, Pacheco, and McGill (1996) applied NIR spectroscopy and principal
component analysis (PCA) to develop a discriminant analysis equation useful for
identifying the 90 percent of cases of extra virgin olive oil adulteration by seed
oils. Partial least-squares analysis is used to develop a calibration equation that
could predict the level of adulteration. The calibration predicts the purity of the
oil to an accuracy of ± 1.5 percent (Wesley, Barnes & McGill 1995). Figure 6-5
shows the NIR spectra of some edible oils.
FTRS was first used by Sadeghi-Jorabchi et al. (1990) to determine total unsat-
uration in edible oils and margarines without pretreatment. RS can measure cis
and trans isomers simultaneously (Firestone & Sheppard 1992) and could be
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 6-5 The near-infrared spectra of some edible oils. Note: a, rapeseed oil; b, soy-
bean oil; c, sunflower oil; d, extra virgin olive oil.
Analysis ofEdible Oils 153
used to detect adulteration with oils containing trans fatty acids. C=C stretch for
a series of methyl esters and triacylglycerol reference compounds was considered
to fall within the limits 1226 and 1691 cm- 1, and 1664 cm- 1 was designated as
the boundary between cis and trans regions. FTRS was recently used to detect
adulteration of virgin olive oil with soybean oil, com oil, and olive-pomace oil.
According to Baeten et al. (1996), this technique is capable of detecting adulter-
ation of olive oil beyond the limits achieved with other methods.
Favier et al. (1998) used optothermal window spectroscopy (a spectroscopic
technique related to photoacoustic spectroscopy), at C02 laser infrared wave-
lengths to detect the extent of adulteration of extra virgin olive oil by sunflower
and safflower oil. A good linearity between the strength of optothermal signal and
the concentration of each adulterating compound was recorded. According to
Favier et al., the predicted limits of detection by this new technique were 6 (w/w)
and 4.5 (w/w) for safflower and sunflower oils respectively. Marigheto et al.
(1998), on the other hand, compared mid-infrared (MIR) and Raman spectro-
scopies for their ability to discriminate between oils of different botanical origin
to detect added adulterants. They denoted that the mid-infrared method in combi-
nation with linear discriminant analysis (LDA) gives the best classification and
adulteration detection levels, compared to Raman technique, although the authors
did not use selected Raman shifts (Baeten et al. 1996) but the whole spectra.
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