Ece Course Final
Ece Course Final
Ece Course Final
BJT action, derivation of current components and gain expressions, breakdown voltages,
equivalent circuits, frequency response of transistors, physical description and theory of
MOSFET, static characteristics, small signal analysis, equivalent circuit, MOS structure,
MOS capacitance, threshold voltages, small signal parameters and equivalent circuit,
short channel effects, hot carrier effects, scaling laws of MOS transistors, LDD
MOSFET, Non-classical MOSFET structures. Bipolar and CMOS IC technology,
heterojunctions, device modelling. Introduction to mixed signal ICs, basic design
methodologies: full custom and semi-custom design.
Baseband, narrowband and wideband signals and noise representation and characteristics
of communication channels, Linear and optimal filtering. Baseband binary signal
transmission intersymbol interference bit time recevery and errors, partial
responsesignalling, line codes. M-ary signals orthogonal representation, Gram-Schmidt
procedure, signal space concepts. bandwidth efficient digital modulation techniques,
carrier synchronization. Spread spectrum techniques and codes, transmitters, receivers.
Signal representation using unitary transforms, DFT, DCT, Haar and Walsh Hadmard
transform, properties of DFT, circular convolution, linear convolution using DFT,
overlap add and save methods, FFT, filter structures for IIR and FIR filters, direct form I
and II, parallel and cascade forms, frequency sampling structure for FIR filters, linear
phase FIR filters, digital filter design techniques, IIR filter design by impulse invariance
and bilinear transformation, transformation of digital filters, FIR filter
design using windows, MATLAB based examples, introduction to multirate DSP,
decimation and interpolation, polyphase decomposition, uniform DFT filter banks,
quadrature mirror filters and perfect reconstruction, introduction to finite register length
effects on digital filter performance, spectral estimation.
Aspects of EMC with examples, Common EMC units, EMC requirements for electronic
systems, Radiated emissions, Conducted emissions, ESD. Application of EMC design,
Wires, PCB lands, Component leads, resistors, capacitors, inductors, ferrites.
Electromechanical devices,Digital circuit devices. Mechanical switches ( as suppression),
Simple emission models for wires and PCB lands, Lice impedance stabilisation network
(LISN) , Power supply filters. Power supplies including SMPS. Three conductor lines
and crosstalk, Shielded wires, Twisted wires, Multiconductor lines and effects of incident
fields, Shielding, Origin effects, prevention of ESD event, its harware and immunity.
System design for EMC, Grounding, System configuration, PCB design.
CS80037 Embedded System (3-0-0)
Recursive least squares (RLS), Consistency of estimation, Weighted LS; Full and reduced
order observers, Kalman filter; Parametric models, LS estimation, bias; Generalized least
squares (GLS) and instrumental variable (IV) method; Persistently exciting input signal;
Likelihood functions and maximum likelihood estimation (MLE); Singular value
decomposition (SVD); Stochastic approximation algorithm (STA); Order and structure
determination, Yule-Walker equation; Multi-variable system representation,
controllability and observability indices; Feedback system identification.
EE80021 Analog Signal Processing (3-0-0)
Bipolar operational amplifiers. MOS diode, active resistor and current mirrors, CMOS
amplifier and operational amplifier. Approximation functions: Butterworth, Chevyshev
and Bessel approximations, Frequency transformation. Continuous time filter: Active
filter; Second order filter: Single amplifier and multiple amplifier structures and filter
parameter sensitivities. Cascade filter. Sampled data filter: Switched Capacitor filter;
Switched capacitor integrator and filter. Filter transfer function in z-domain, Filter
parameter sensitivities with respect to capacitor ratios. Mixed signal circuits: Introduction
to Switched current filter, current cell. Simple second order structure. Analog
multiplexer, Sample and Hold Circuits, aliasing error and antialiasing filter, Digital to
analog converter (DAC), Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), flash, dual slope and multi
slope ADC. Over sampling method for A/D and D/A conversion. Delta-Sigma data
converter. Noise and noise reductions. Interference signals and their reduction:
Capacitive, inductive coupling and ground loop interferences and its reduction.
Logarithmic and exponential amplifiers, analog multipliers and divider, Voltage
controlled oscillator, Phase locked loop. Waveform generator and Oscillator.