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DCA2007SS 07 Page

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For LMC overlay finish on rehabilitation and widening contracts use either section
401.17 (F)(2) or 401.17 (F) (3) depending on staging and other considerations. For
new construction with no staging use section 401.17(F)(3):]


Contracts containing a large quantity of Class A concrete shall use “Protective
Coatings for Concrete Surfaces”. For contracts which have a small amount of
concrete, water repellant treatment should be used. Water repellant treatment
should also be used for the protection of Class B, C, D concrete:]

[Include the following with High Performance Concrete (HPC) Latex Modified Concrete
(LMC) work.]


Delete the paragraph in its entirety and replace with the following:

This Subsection specifies the requirements for the preparation, testing and evaluation of
Portland Cement Concrete specimens. Final quality acceptance testing shall be in
accordance with Section 905. In order that the Engineer can maintain a record of the
strength gain of all concrete placed, the Engineer will make standard test specimens: 6"
x 12" concrete test cylinders for compressive strength, 4” x 8” cylinders for AASHTO
T277 and 6” x 6” x 3” molds for AASHTO T259/T260 permeability testing, and beams
for flexural strength testing. The Contractor shall provide the concrete and molds for the
test specimens, shall be responsible for the handling and protection of the specimens on
the job site and shall arrange for delivery of the specimens to the designated Testing
Laboratory between 24 and 48 hours after casting.


Delete the third paragraph in its entirety and replace with the following:

(2) Coulomb Test (AASHTO T277) and Ponding Test (AASHTO

The Coulomb Test (AASHTO T277) and Ponding Test (AASHTO
T259/T260) are used to evaluate the permeability of concrete. For each
truckload (Sublot) of LMC and silica fume concrete the Engineer will
cast two (2) 4” x 8” cylinder specimens for AASHTO T277 testing.
For LMC, two (2) 6” x 6” x 3” specimens will be cast for AASHTO
T259/T260 testing. Two-inch thick samples will be cut from the center
of each cylinder for AASHTO T277 testing, with a maximum of two
slices per cylinder utilized. Samples shall be wet cured in water storage
containers per ASTM C31 for 2 days, and air cured at the site for 3
days, prior to pickup for testing. For LMC, the two (2) 4” x 8”
cylinders will be tested for 28 day and 56 day permeability in
accordance with AASHTO T277 and the two (2) 6” x 6”x 3” molds
will be tested for permeability in accordance with AASHTO
T259/T260. For silica fume concrete, the two (2) 4” x 8” cylinders will
be tested for 28 day and 56 day permeability in accordance with

Delete the last paragraph in its entirety and replace with the following:

Refer to Subsection 401.18(I) Acceptance Testing, for requirements for

LMC and silica fume concrete overlays prior to final acceptance. Refer
to Subsections 905.21, 905.22 and 905.23, including modifications
made in the supplementary specifications, for requirements of Quality
Acceptance limit, testing, sampling and pay adjustment.


Delete the second paragraph in its entirety and replace with the following:

The final surfaces of Latex Modified Concrete (LMC) overlays, Silica Fume Concrete
overlays and High Performance Concrete (HPC) shall be finished in accordance with
Subsection 401.17 (F) (3) unless specified otherwise in the contract documents.

401.18 CURING.
(D) General.
Delete the first paragraph in its entirety and replace with the following:

All new bridge deck and overlay concrete shall be wet cured. No curing
compound will be permitted.


(2) Permeability (coulombs).

(a) Twenty-Eight (28) Day Test Results

Delete the second and third bullets in their entirety and replace with
the following:

• 4000 to 2001 (coulombs) - Acceptance with possible

reduction in payment in accordance with Subsection
905.23 based on 56 day test results in accordance
with the AASHTO T277 test, and based on the
AASHTO T259/T260 test results. Final acceptance
and pay adjustments of the LMC for permeability
will be determined based on the results of the
AASHTO T259/T260 tests.
• 2000 (coulombs) and below - Acceptance in
accordance with Subsection 905.23 based on 56 day
test results in accordance with the AASHTO T277
test, and based on the AASHTO T259/T260 test
results on the mold samples cured for 42 days. Final
acceptance of the LMC for permeability will be
determined based on the results of the AASHTO
T259/T260 tests.

NOTE FOR THE DESIGNER: Designers shall consider the following when High
Performance Concrete (HPC) is placed under staged construction with live load:

Where feasible, lane closures adjacent to the HPC placement should be scheduled for the
duration of the HPC placement and curing until early age strength is attained.

Lane closures should be 12 hours minimum plus duration of the HPC pour. If this time
frame is not available, permit HPC pours a maximum of 4 hours prior to installation of
lane closings based on initial set time of HPC.

The submission and durations required for the mix designs and verification testing
requirements shall be accounted for in the Contract Schedule.

Variable Message signs should be used to direct trucks away from lanes adjacent to where
HPC is being placed.

Use State Police to check for overweight vehicles and enforce via fines. Consider placing
portable load sensors on bridge during design phase to confirm presence of overweight

This work shall consist of the construction of portland cement concrete deck slabs with the
use of High Performance Concrete (HPC). HPC is defined as concrete that meets special
performance and uniformity requirements that cannot always be obtained by using
conventional ingredients, normal mixing procedures and typical curing practices.
Construction shall be as specified in Section 401 except as modified herein.

This work shall also consist of furnishing and installing methacrylate crack sealer for the
sealing of cold joints as shown on the Plans.

Materials shall conform to the following Sections and Subsections:

Aggregates ................................................................................................................... 902

Concrete, Mortar and Grout ....................................................................................... 905
Portland Cement Concrete .......................................................................................... 905.05
Concrete Admixtures and Curing Materials.............................................................. 906
Joint Materials ............................................................................................................. 907
Reinforcement Steel ..................................................................................................... 908.01
Permanent Metal Bridge Deck Forms......................................................................... 909.07
Concrete Penetrating Sealer Treatment...................................................................... 923.06(F)
Epoxy Bonding Compound ......................................................................................... 923.08
Epoxy Resin Mortar .................................................................................................... 923.09
Waterstops ................................................................................................................... 923.17
Crack Sealer ................................................................................................................. 923.37
Materials, admixtures and methods of construction not specifically covered in the Plans
and these Specifications shall conform to the AASHTO Standard Specifications for
Highway Bridges and the Standard Specifications of the New Jersey Turnpike Authority,
Sixth Edition, dated 2004.

The ratio of coarse aggregate to fine aggregate shall be a minimum of 1.5 with a total coarse
aggregate content not lower than 1800 lbs.

In order to achieve the desired resistance to chloride penetration, an appropriate proportion

of pozzolanic material of silica fume and fly ash shall be provided in the mix design.

Proportions of pozzolanic materials shall be such that silica fume will replace a maximum of
5% of portland cement by weight and fly ash a maximum of 20% of the portland cement.

Silica Fume. Prior to submitting a mix design, a sample of the silica fume admixture
shall be submitted to the Authority’s testing laboratory and tested for conformity against
the requirements of the latest AASHTO M 307 or ASTM C 1240 standard and shall be
accompanied by a copy of the manufacturer’s recommendations. Silica fume admixture
shall be approved by the Engineer prior to its use on the Contract. Only one brand of
silica fume admixture shall be used for the entire duration of the Contract. Silica fume
admixture may be supplied either in dry or in slurry form. If the slurry form is used, it
shall be homogeneous and agitated to prevent separation. The Contractor shall submit a
procedure for the introduction of the silica fume into the mix for the Engineer’s approval.

Fly Ash. Fly ash for HPC shall conform to ASTM C 618, Class F except that the loss on
ignition shall not be more than 2.5 percent. Fly ash used to control alkali-silica reactivity
shall be Class F and shall contain not more than 1.5 percent available alkali in accordance
with ASTM C 618, Table 1A. Before each source of fly ash is approved, certified results
of tests conducted by a testing agency shall be submitted to and verified by the Engineer.
Accompanying the certification shall be a statement from the supplier listing the source
and type of coal, the methods used to burn, collect, and store the fly ash, and the quality
control measures employed. Fly ash, Class C will not be permitted for use.

Conformance to the requirements for loss on ignition and fineness shall be determined by
the supplier for each truck load of fly ash delivered to the mixing site. The test values
determined shall be included on the delivery ticket. The Engineer may require that the fly
ash not be used until the Authority has performed tests for loss on ignition and fineness.


Fabrication Requirements. For the construction of the HPC item of work, the HPC shall
be fabricated in accordance with the requirements of Section 401, or as stated within this

Mix Design Verification. In the development of the HPC mix design, the following
performance requirements, in accordance with the indicated test method, shall be
achieved. The verification mix shall be produced in the batching plant using those
materials and equipment to be used for production. A minimum of 8 cubic yards shall be
produced for each of the two (2) required mix designs for verification of the HPC. The
Authority’s testing laboratory shall cast samples from each of the two concrete batches.
A report to document these results shall be provided to the Engineer. The Contractor
shall obtain the results of these standard tests from an AASHTO accredited testing
agency, that is approved for the portland cement concrete testing methods specified in the
below table. The Contractor shall submit a list of their testing laboratory’s

The mix design verification testing shall be accomplished by the Contractor at no cost to
the Authority.

The Authority’s testing laboratory’s lab results will govern the acceptance of the mix

NOTE FOR THE DESIGNER: The Early Age Concrete strength performance
characteristic shall be utilized for bridge decks built under staged construction with live
load, with the Authority’s approval.

Additional Early Age Concrete strength specifications may be required as related to a

minimum concrete temperature to be maintained. Designers shall consult with the
Authority on a project by project basis.

Performance Standard Test Performance Mold Size

Characteristic Method Required
Scaling Resistance ASTM C 672 x = 3 maximum 12” x 12” x 3”
(x = visual rating of the surface
after 50 cycles)
Freeze-Thaw Durability AASHTO T 161 X = 80% minimum 3” x 3” x 10”
(x = relative dynamic modulus of ASTM C 666
elasticity after 300 cycles) Proc. A
Chloride Permeability
56 days (coulombs) AASHTO T 277, 1,000 maximum 4” x 8” cylinder
ASTM C 1202
90 day ponding AASHTO T259/T260 0.55 maximum 3” thick min. 28
in.2 min. surface
(6” x 6” x 3”)
56 days Free Shrinkage ASTM C 157 450 microstrains 4” x 4” x 11¼”
maximum prism
28 day Compressive Strength AASHTO T 22 5,000 PSI minimum 6” x 12” cylinder
(Verification Strength) ASTM C 39
Early Age Concrete
(Verification Strength)
AASHTO T 22 6” x 12” cylinder
3 day Compressive Strength ASTM C 39 3,500 PSI minimum

Flexural Strength ASTM C 78 700 PSI minimum See ASTM C 78

Note: For the Scaling Resistance performance testing, as prescribed in the Standard Test Method,
specimens shall be moist cured for 14 days and then air cured for 14 days.

a. If the chloride permeability requirement has been achieved in 28 days,

the chloride permeability shall be considered acceptable. If the required
chloride permeability is not achieved in 28 days, the HPC sample shall
be tested at 56 days. Final acceptance of the HPC sample for chloride
permeability will be determined by the results of AASHTO T259/T260.
b. A minimum of two (2) mix designs shall be submitted for approval and
verification in accordance with Subsection 905.05 at the
preconstruction conference. To expedite the approval procedure, the
Authority will perform verification testing and review concurrently
with that conducted by the Contractor. The Contractor shall submit all
required samples to the Authority for independent mix design
verification testing. If the mix designs are not approved by the
Authority, the mix designs shall be modified and resubmitted for

c. In accordance with the above referenced AASHTO T277 test, at 28 and

56 day intervals (cure time prior to test), and AASHTO T259/T260
test, the Authority will perform chloride permeability testing to
document the quality of the HPC mix design and to verify the results
submitted in the above referenced report.

d. The Contractor may contact personnel at Rutgers University to obtain

guidance in developing the HPC mix design for the project. Dr. Hani
Nassif, telephone number 732-445-4414, may be contacted for such


1. As per the provisions of Subsection 401.11, Subpart C, a plan of operation for
placement of the HPC items shall be submitted for review and approval by the
Engineer at least 20 days prior to the proposed start of placing bridge deck
concrete. In addition to the requirements of Subsection 401.11, Subpart C, the
plan shall also include a description of the HPC batching and mixing facilities, a
description of the HPC transport equipment, the method of HPC placement, an
outline of the curing procedures to be used for the production units and test
samples and the quality control tests and procedures that the fabricator will

The plan shall also include the procedures for reducing the atmospheric
evaporation rate below 0.75 kilograms per square meter per hour by fog misting,
wind shields or other methods.

The following is added to the requirements of Subsection 401.11, Subpart C:

The measurements for air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed shall be
taken at the location of the concrete placement. Concrete temperatures shall be
taken from the sample used for slump and air content tests. These measurements
and calculations shall be performed at least once per hour, beginning with the
initial concrete placement and whenever, in the opinion of the Engineer, changes
in the atmospheric condition merit such. The Contractor shall supply all the
instruments necessary to take these measurements, subject to approval by the
Engineer, including two (2) battery operated psychrometers, two (2) concrete
thermometers and two (2) wind gauges. These instruments shall become the
property of the Contractor after final Acceptance. All instruments shall be
certified by an independent laboratory that has been approved by the Engineer.
The instruments shall be certified to be in good working order and as having been
calibrated within the two months immediately prior to use. No separate payment
will be made for providing these instruments.
Placement shall not begin, or shall be discontinued, in the event of rain. The
Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of approved covers and take adequate
precautions to protect freshly-placed concrete from rain. The Engineer may order
the replacement of any material damaged by rain.

2. The Contractor is advised that curing of the HPC shall be performed in accordance
with the provisions of Subsection 401.18. Furthermore, wet burlap, for the curing
of the deck slab concrete, shall be placed within ten (10) minutes after the concrete
is struck off.

If it is anticipated that the ten (10) minute limitation will not be met, the concrete
placement operation shall be stopped. A cold joint shall be formed and the
Contractor shall submit a revised plan of operation for review and approval by the
Engineer before resumption of the HPC placement.

The curing by wet burlap shall be for a minimum period of fourteen (14) calendar

a. The finishing machine equipment shall be set up so that the HPC is

placed only 5 to 8 feet ahead of the machine.

b. To demonstrate that the Contractor can place, finish and cure the HPC, a
trial HPC placement of a minimum of 6 cubic yards of the HPC shall be
placed at the project site at a location that is acceptable to the Engineer.
A 9.25-inch thick and minimum 15-foot wide slab, cast into structurally-
supported stay-in-place forms, shall be constructed to simulate the
placement of the HPC bridge deck.

The location shall not be a structural element that is to remain in place.

The trial HPC shall be placed, finished and cured in accordance with
these Specifications at least 7 calendar days prior to the start of the HPC
placement. No separate payment will be made for the HPC trial

c. Technical Representative(s) of the Contractor’s ready-mix concrete

supplier/manufacturer shall participate in the meetings between the
Contractor and the Authority’s Engineer as part of the planning process
and prior to concrete placement operations. The Technical
Representative(s) shall be on-site for trial slab placement and at least the
initial two (2) bridge deck casting operations. The need for further
involvement by the Technical Representative(s) shall be as determined by
the Engineer.

d. The Contractor shall have ACI grade certified personnel on-site, one of
whom is experienced with HPC and shall be responsible for all quality
control measures related to curing and placing the HPC. The
Contractor’s designee for all HPC quality control measures shall be a
single point of contact.


1. The requirements specified in Subsection 401.16 for control and acceptance testing
of Class B concrete shall be adhered to in the fabrication of the HPC elements.
2. Acceptance testing performance measures for production HPC shall consist of the
following parameters:

Performance Characteristic Standard Test Method Performance Required

Percent Air Entrainment * 6.0 ± 1.5 (#57 Aggregate)
6.0 ± 1.5 (#67 Aggregate)
7.0 ± 1.5 (#8 Aggregate)
Slump * 3” ± 1”

Chloride Permeability **
56 days (coulombs) AASHTO T 277, ASTM
C 1202 1,100 maximum
90 day ponding AASHTO T 259/T 260 0.65 maximum. Total integral
chloride to 1.6 in depth.
56 days Free Shrinkage ASTM C 157 450 microstrains maximum

28 day Compressive Strength AASHTO T 22 4,500 PSI minimum

Early Age Concrete
(Verification Strength)
3 day Compressive Strength ASTM C 39 3,150 PSI minimum

* As per the guidance stated in Subsection 401.02, and in accordance with

Subsection 905.03 and Subsection 905.05, Subparts B and C, when a
Superplasticizer (Type F admixture) is used, the Slump and Air Content values
for the HPC shall be as follows:

Slump: 6" ± 2".

Air Content: Increase both the target value and tolerance percentages by 0.5.

** For chloride permeability testing, additional cylinders shall be provided in

accordance with Subsection 905.22 for AASHTO T259/T260 testing to the

3. For quality acceptance limits, testing, sampling and pay adjustments see
Subsections 905.21, 905.22 and 905.23.

NOTE FOR THE DESIGNER: The use of admixtures on bridge decks built under staged
construction with live load shall be evaluated on a project by project basis. Designers shall
consult with the Authority and consider the following minimum requirements:

4. Retarder admixtures shall not be permitted when bridge decks are poured under
staged construction with live load.

5. Superplasticizers (Type F water reducing, high range admixtures) and mid-range

water reducing admixtures shall be permitted, but the use of such admixtures may
not delay the set time beyond 4 hours.
Measurement shall be made as described in Subsection 401.23.

434.07 PAYMENT.
Payment will be made under:


Concrete in Deck, HPC ............................................................................. Cubic Yard

No separate payment will be made for the saw cut finish on HPC deck, but all the cost for
this work shall be included in the unit price bid for the bid item Concrete in Deck, HPC.

No separate payment will be made for the crack sealer, but all the cost thereof shall be
included in the unit price bid for the bid item Concrete in Deck, HPC.

[Include the following with High Performance Concrete (HPC) and Latex Modified
Concrete (LMC) work.]



Add the following:

Fine aggregate for concrete decks shall contain a maximum of 0.06 percent chloride

[Include the following with High Performance Concrete (HPC) and Latex Modified
Concrete (LMC) work.]


[Include the following with High Performance Concrete (HPC) and Latex Modified
Concrete (LMC) work.]


Add the following:

Subsections 905.21, 905.22 and 905.23 are applicable to Latex Modified Concrete
(LMC) and High Performance Concrete (HPC) with the following noted
[Include the following with High Performance Concrete (HPC) and Latex Modified
Concrete (LMC) work.]


The following modifications are applicable to HPC and LMC:


Delete subsection (3) in its entirety and replace with the following:

(3) Permeability.
(a) AASHTO T277 – The Upper Quality Limit (UQL) shall be
2,000 Coulomb resistivity for LMC overlays and 1,100
Coulomb for HPC.

(b) AASHTO T259/T260 – The chloride permeability shall be

correlated in accordance with the following table:

Total integral
Charge chloride to 1.6 in.
Chloride passed depth after 90 day
permeability (coulombs) Type of Concrete ponding test
High > 4000 High water-cement ratio, > 1.3
conventional (> 0.6) PCC*
Moderate 2000-4000 Moderate water-cement ratio, 0.8 to 1.3
conventional (0.4 to 0.5) PCC*
Low 1000-2000 Low water-cement ratio, 0.55 to 0.8
conventional (< 0.4) PCC*
including LMC
Very Low 100-1000 Latex-modified concrete Internally 0.35 to 0.55
sealed concrete
Negligible < 100 Polymer impregnated concrete < 0.35
Polymer concrete
* Portland cement concrete.

[Include the following with High Performance Concrete (HPC) and Latex Modified
Concrete (LMC) work.]


Add the following note to the Table I Notes:

(6) The number of Sublots shown in the table, including the requirements in
Notes (1) thru (4), may be modified by the Engineer.


(3) Coulomb Test.
The following modifications are applicable to HPC and LMC:
For each Sublot, the Engineer will cast four (4) 4” x 8” cylinder
specimens for permeability testing in accordance with AASHTO T277
and two (2) 6” x 6” x 3” thick samples for permeability testing in
accordance with AASHTO T259/T260. The 4” x 8” cylinders shall be
tested at 28 day (two cylinders) for LMC only and at 56 day (two
cylinders) intervals for LMC and HPC in accordance with AASHTO
T277. The 6” x 6” x 3” thick samples for 90 day ponding testing will
be tested in accordance with AASHTO T259/T260. The average of the
two (2) test specimen result values for each Sublot will be considered
the Sublot Coulomb test value.

(1) American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
(AASHTO) Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges.
Add the following:

T 259 Resistance of Concrete to Chloride Ion Penetration.

[Include the following with High Performance Concrete (HPC) and Latex Modified
Concrete (LMC) work.]


The following modification applies to HPC only:

Performance Parameters Minimum PWL

Compressive Strength 90
Permeability 90
Air Content 70

The following modification applies to LMC only:

Performance Parameters Minimum PWL

Compressive Strength 90
Permeability 90
Bond Strength 80
Water to Cement Ratio 80
Air Content 70

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