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CHAPTER Simple harmonic motion In this chapter, we are going to study a basic type of motion called simple harmonic motion and its various aspects with the help of some fundamental concepts like period, frequency, amplitude and phase. On the basis of path traced and various other properties, motion can be classified into several categories. Two main categories of motion are given below Periodic motion Periodic motion is a motion which repeats itself after a regular intervals of time. e.g. Circular motion or orbital motion, motion of a bouncing ball, motion of planets around the sun, rotation of earth about its polar axis motion of a pendulum ete. Oscillatory motion A motion in which a particle moves to and fro (back and forth or up and down) about a fixed point after regular interval of time, is termed as oscillatory motion. The fixed point about which the body oscillates is called mean position or equilibrium position. Oscillatory motion is also called as harmonic motion, e.g., Motion of simple pendulum Inside and spring pendulum etc. > Note Every oscilatory motion is periodic, but every periodic mation need not tobe estoy. eg, Motion of 1) Simple harmonic motion (SHM) the planet around the sun is periodic but not oscillatory. Specht Of all the oscillatory motions, the most important is called simple harmonic motion 5 eee (SHM). In this type of oscillatory motion, displacement, velocity, acceleration and ®) Energy in SHM force vary (w.r:t. time) in a way that can be described by either the sine or the cosine Some systems executing function collectively called sinusoids. Any oscillatory motion that cannot be simple harmonic motion described, in terms of single harmonic function (i.e., sine or cosine function) is called a sa freccna anharmonic oscillation. +The physical pendulum 2} saint in some special cases + Fre exiation “Damping and damped 1) Simple harmonic motion (SHM) oscillations + Maintained oscillations + Forced oscillations It is the simplest form of vibratory or oscillatory motion. The particle executing mais, simple harmonic motion oscillates such that its acceleration is always directed towards *Vestor method of combining, {2 mean position and magnitude of acceleration is proportional tothe displacement of yo or more simple harmonic motions in same direction _the particle from mean position. . 502) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 Mathematically, a simple harmonic motion can be ‘expressed as y= Asinot = Asin2n/T a) or y = Acoset = Acos2nt/T i) Here, y = displacement of body from mean position at any instant t A =amplitude or maximum displacement of the body. = angular frequency and T =time period of SHM Some basic terms related to SHM ( Restoring force The force acting on the particle (executing SHM) which tends to bring it towards its mean position, is called restoring force. Restoring force is always directed towards mean position or acts in the direction opposite to that of displacement. Restoring force, F = kx Where, kis a constant and x is displacement about mean position. ii) Time period (7) The time taken by the particle to complete one oscillation is called time period. Its unit is second. (iii) Frequency (n) The number of oscillations made by the particle (executing SHM) is called frequency. 1 ime period (7) Its unit is cycles per second or hertz (Hz). (iv) Angular frequency (o) The rate of change of phase angle of particle (executing SHM) with respect to time is called angular frequency. Its unit is radian/second. Qn Time period) = 2nxFrequency(n) (v) Amplitude (A) The maximum displacement of particle from its mean position is defined as amplitude. (vi) Phase ($) Time varying quantity, which can fully describe displacement and velocity of particle is called phase. Its unit is radian, In the given graph, two SHM having same amplitude Aand same angular frequency @ are shown, Frequency, n Angular frequency, @ = yor Hoa o My 4) 9 ‘ 2] bo Bla br Fig, 11.1 The curves | and 2 are for $= Qand ~n/4 respectively are different. A phase differen, " le ‘Their phase angle > toa path difference of 1 waveje, gt 2m radian corresponds hospital, noted for a pati Example TIA nurse in @ ( ent y Example Mating 75 times a minute. Find its frequongy is time period. : Sol. Number of oscillations (beats) in 60s =75 =1.25 ‘Number of oscillations (beats) in 1 s “+ Beat frequency of heart =1.25 s"" =1.25 Ha 1 Time period, T Example N12 Two points are located at a distance of 10 m 15m from the source of oscillation. The period of oscillation 0.08 sand the velocity of the wave is300 ms. What isthe phase difference between the oscillations of two points? Sol Path difference between two points 5-10=5m 0.05 s 20 Hz T 005 Velocity, _v=300 ms“* - Wavelength, 2 Types of SHM ‘SHM are of two types as follows () Linear SHM When a particle moves to and fro about a fixed point (called equilibrium position) along a straight line, then its motion is called linear simple harmonic motion. e.g., Motion of a mass connected to spring. Fig. 11.2 Motion ofa spring block system. (i) Angular SHM_ When a system oscillates angularly with respect to a fixed axis, then its motion is called angular simple harmonic motion. 9 Motion of a bob of simple pendulum. Fig. 11.3 Motion of a pendulum. Necessary conditions to execute SHM {i) Motion of particle should be oscillatory. {i Total mechanical energy of particle should be conserved (Kinetic energy + Potential energy constant) ;) Extreme position should be well defined {ix) In linear SHM The restoring force (or acceleration) acting on the particle should always be proportional to the displacement of the particle and directed towards the equilibrium position. : Fo-y oraa-y Negative sign shows that direction of force and acceleration is towards equilibrium position and y is, displacement of particle from equilibrium position. () In angular SHM The restoring torque (or angular acceleration) acting on the particle should always be proportional to the angular displacement of the particle and directed towards the equilibrium position. a0 or ae -0 Kinematics of SHM Let us consider a particle P moving along a circle of radius Avwith uniform angular velocity @ in anti-clockwise sense. The motion of N (foot of the perpendicular drawn from the point P) about O is simple harmonic. The particle P is called reference particle and the circle along which the particle P revolves is called circle of reference. ‘Thus SHM can be defined as, “the straight line motion of the foot of perpendicular drawn from the particle on the diameter of the circle”. : Ze : iy Fig, 11.4 A particle moving along a circle \ Displacement The displacement of a particle executing SHM at any instant (t) is given by x= Asinot or x= Acosot First relation is valid when the time is measured from Mean position and second relation is valid when time is Measured from extreme position. Chapter 11: Simple harmonic motion ‘As shown in figure, consider a particle P moving in anti-clockwise direction with uniform angular velocity @ along a circle of radius A and centre O. Let at time ¢ = 0, it makes an angle @ with x-axis. In time f, it covers an angle Gt. Then at position P’ it makes an angle (wt + 9) with positive x-axis. The position of P’ on the axis as the particle moves on the circle is given by ‘The term (ot +4) is called phase and @ is called initial phase or ‘epoch’. Fig. 115 Example 113 An object performs SHM of amplitude 5 cm and time period 4 s. If timing is started when the object is at the centre of the oscillation i.e., x = 0 then calculate. {@) Frequency of oscillation (ii) The displacement at 0.5 s. it Sol, (i) Frequency, T 4 isplacement equation of object is x=. 05s (i) The so at x= Ssin Qnx 0.25 x 0.5) =5sin™ cm 4 Example 114 A particle executes SHM from extreme position and covers a distance equal to half of its amplitude in s. Determine the time period of motion. Sol. For particle starting SHM from extreme position ¥ =Acoscx = A = Acosox1) © = Example WS The shortest distance travelled by a particle executing SHM from mean position in 2 s fs equal to-13/2 times its amplitude. Determine its time period. ‘E 5 Sol t=25, x=ar =? 7 504° OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 Soe Using x= Asin ox we get 2A aA sin 22 oh as _ a 2 5 Te12s Example 116 Find the equation of simple harmonic motion of @ particle whose amplitude is 0.04 and whose frequency is 50 Hz. The initial phase is 1/3. Assume that motion of particle is started from mean position. Sol. From equation of SHM, x=A sin (ot + 4) Here, A=001m, ves01, o=5 +=004sin(2xx sors) (:@=2nv) or +=004sin( 100% +2) 3 Example 1.7 A harmonic oscillation is represented by x = 0.34 cos (3000t + 0.74), where x and t are in mm ands ly. Deduce (i) amplitude (i) angular frequency (ai) initial phase. Sol, x =0.34 cos (3000 + 0.74) Comparing with general equation x= A cos (at + 6) we get, A=0.34 mm, @=3000 rads”, $= 0.74 rad (@) Amplitude, A= 0.34 mm = 0,034 cm, (ii) Angular frequeney, © = 3000 rads (ii) Initial phase, § = 0.74 rad Exomple I.8_ A particle executes SHM with a time period of 4 s. Find the time taken by the particle to go from its mean position to haif of its amplitude. Assume motion of particle to start from mean position. Sol. According to equation of SHM x=Asin (of) 2. Velocity The velocity of a particle executing SHM at any instant, is defined as the time rate of change of its displacement at that instant. dele Velocity, v = A? — x’ Special Cases (j) When the particle is at the mean position i.e., x = 0, then its velocity is maximum. =0A or na (maximum velocity) Gi) When the particle is at the extreme position, j¢ x= +A, then its velocity is zero. v=ayA? -A? =0 ‘Therefore, the velocity of a particle executing SHM is zero at the either of its extreme position, 3. Acceleration ‘The acceleration of the particle executing SHM at any instant is defined as the time rate of change of its velogj at that instant. or Special Cases () When the particle is at the mean position ie., x = 0, then acceleration is zero. mean postion =O (minimum acceleration) When the particle is at the extreme position i.e, x= Athen acceleration is maximum. Qextreme position = ~ 0A (maximum acceleration) Graphical representation of displacement, velocity and acceleration in SHM Ifa particle is executing SHM and is passing through its, Positive extreme position (x = +A) at ¢ = 0, then its displacement equation can be written as x =A coset Velocity, v = = -wAsinae ~eAcos{or+2) ae 2 Accelention,a = “2 = —?Acosot=02Acos(ot + a The table gives the different values of displacement, velocity and acceleration for various values of t for oné complete cycle. meni x0) +Anae Onin” -Amae Omi PAB VeeO) Onn aren nen Acctantion a0) wh Onin yaa mm 0 wi om ee e following figure, graph is plot inthe following figure, graph is plotted between x versus pwersustand a versus {for different values of Fig. 11.6 Relation between displacement, velocity ‘and acceleration in SHM Important points regarding kinematics of SHM (i) In linear SHM, the length of SHM path is 2 A. (i) In SHM, the total work done and displacement in one complete oscillation is zero but total traversed length is 4A. (ii) In SHIM, the velocity and acceleration varies with the same frequency as displacement. (iv) In SHM, velocity is ahead of displacement by phase angle of n/2 radian, acceleration is ahead of velocity by phase angle of 2/2 radian and acceleration is ahead of displacement by phase angle of mradian. Example 119. The particle is executing SHM on a line 4 em If its velocity at mean position is 12 ems, then determine its frequency, Sol, Amplitude, A =2.em ‘At mean position velocity is maximum Vu SS 2xQmn=12 = n=3/nHe Example 1.10 if a SHM is represented by the equation r=10 sax + 2) in SI units. Determine its amplitude, time =Aw=12 Period and maximum velocity Visax ? Sol. Comparing the above equation with x=Asin(ot+@ Weget, — A=10m ans and 92% T=28 T= = Vax =A =10 x ms Example T.I! Amplitude of a harmonic oscillator is A, when velocity of particle is half of maximum velocity, then determine position of particle. Sol. As, v= ana? x but itis given that » 2. and amplitude 10 cm. Find its (i) Displacement (iii) Acceleration after 1/6 5, starting from mean position. Sol, () T=2s,A=10em Displacement, x=Asin =e Example 1.13 A body oscillates with SHM according to the equation, x = (5 m) cos (2x rad s')t + n/4). Att=1.5 5, calculate the () displacement, (i) speed and (iii) acceleration of the body. Sol. The angular frequency wof the body = 2m rad s! and its time period, T=15 At t=155, (i) Displacement = (S m) cos {(2n rad s“')x 1.55 + x/4) (5 m) cos (3x + 2/4) rad) 5x 0.707 m=~ 3.535 m (@ Using v=—0a sin (ot + 0, Speed of the body (5 m) ns" ysin[ams“x1.944 2] i) 506) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 =—(5 m) @ns™) sin [(e + 3 4 =10nx 0.707 ms = 22 ms, (iii) Acceleration of the body =~ (2m rads!) x displacement =~ (2m rads“)? x (-3.535 m) = 139.56 ms? Example 11.14 A particle executes simple harmonic motion about the point x =O. At time t = 0 it has displacement x =2.cm and zero velocity. If the frequency of motion is 0.25 s“', find (i) the period, (i) angular Frequency, (ii) the amplitude, (iv) maximum speed, (v) the displacement at t =3 $ and (vi) the velocity att =3 s (i) Angular Frequency, on 228 Fadst=15trds! To 4-2 (i) Amplitude isthe maximum displacement from mean position, Hence, A=2~0~2 em. Gv) Maximum speed, x Vow =A =: 7 14 ems 2 (v) The displacement is given by x=Asin(or+ 4) Initially at ¢=0, x =2 cm, then 2=2sing or sin =1=sin 90° or § =90° Now at t=3s Example 1115 Two particles move paraltel to x-axis about the origin with the same amplitude and frequency. At a certain instant they are found at distance A/3 from the origin on ‘opposite sides but their velocities are found to be in the same direction. What is the phase difference between the two? Sol, Let equations of two SHM be x =Asinot x =Asin(ot+ 4) AL Asin ot Given, 5 Aner AcaAsin(or +) = 3 in wt = Which gives sin@t= 1 sin (ot + g=-3 by) From Eq, (iv), sin et cos $+ 60st sin p= — > 1 1 = poset ying s Solving this equation, we get i cas 6 Differentiating Eqs. i) and (i) we obtain 4 =A@c0s ot and v= Aa cos (wt + 4) If we put ¢=7 we find v, and v, are of opposite signs. Hence, 4= is not acceptable. roel Example TLI6 A particle of mass 2 kg executing SHM has amplitude 10 em and time period is 1 s. Find (i) the angular frequency (ii) the maximum speed (iti) the maximum ‘acceleration (iv) the maximum restoring force (v) the speed when the displacement from the mean position is 8 cm F 1 (ui) the speed after s the particle was at the extreme positon (vi) the time taken by the particle to go directly from its mean position to half the amplitude (vit) the time taken by the Particle to go directly from its extreme positic lf the parce extreme position to half Sol. Given, m =2 kg, amplitude a) wal® (=e ans t 26,28 5 Tene 36.28 g 8) Ye = Ato = (10 crnjons™ (i gay = AQ? = (10 em msl? = 4 mgr? (take, x? =10) Frcs = Many =mAa? = (2 ghd ms-2)= 8 N v= ova? 36.28 5") fad an? =e on? (6.28 96 cm) =37.68 cm/s, s+ Acca then the patil willbe Sore prion a nef =O, 5 ey atthe 7 teres 205m ie ® wi) (62.8 cms”) sin =~ 31.4 ems! E=-31.4ems Negative sign indicates that velocity the mean positon if the particle starts free right. ui When time i token from the mean position, we take Asinoe directed towards to move from the ‘Suppose, the particle reaches A at ime the Sat time ¢ then A Acasinot > sinot=1 > oak 2 eae eT ts 1 Go Ox2n/T 1212-12" (sii) When time is taken from the extreme position, we take x= Acosar ice. the particle is at the extreme right A Atr20, x=. ‘Suppose at time t, the particle reaches x=4, then AL Acoswt 2 1 x = sore = ora 2 3 Force in SHM ‘The acceleration of a body in SHM is a = — @*x. Applying the equation of motion F = ma, we have = mo?x = — ke here, k Ths. in SHM, the force is directly proportional and ite to the displacement and is always directed a ‘the mean position. ‘force is called restoring foree. Chapter 11; Simple harmonic motion (or ft rie pont 20 1 [ke zt In different types of SHM the quantities m and k will go on taking different forms and names. In general, m is called inertia factor and k is called spring factor. In linear SHM, the general formula for time period is, Tan, [inertial factor pring factor In linear SHM, the spring factor stands for force per unit displacement and inertia factor for mass of the body. executing SHM. ‘Thus, in linear SHM, T =2n]™ = 2x |-—_™_ __ roan Force Displacement 7 T= 2_ [Displacement ‘Acceleration Further, since @ = 2% T and frequency, n Example M.17 Frequency of oscillation of a body is 6 Hz when force F, is applied and 8 Hz when F, is applied. If both forces Fj and Fare applied together, ther find out the Frequency of cxcillation. Sol. According to question Fj =-K;x and F, -1 Rom, — ORV Ha, nah [Rw ae Now, PaR+Fy2-(K+ Kp Thereore, nach (Ra A [antn?m + an?ndm 2 mm TAs, K = 4n°n?m) =n? + nd = Va? + 6 =10 He Check point 11.1 4. The motion which is not simple harmonic is (@) vertical oscillations of a spring (0) motion of simple pendulum (©) motion of a planet around the sun (@ oscillation of quid column in a U-tube {@) vertical oscilation of a wooden plank floating in a liquid 2. Select wrong statement about simple harmonic motion. {@)The body is uniformly accelerated {0)The velocity ofthe body changes smoothly at all instants {6)The amplitude of oscillation is symmetric about the equilbrium postion (a)The frequency of oscillation is independent of amplitude 3. The amplitude and the time period in a SHM is 0.5 cm and 0.4 s respectively. If the initial phase is r/2rad, then the equation of SHM will be (@ y=05 sin Set (b) y= 055 sin ant (© y=05 sin25xt (9) y=0.5 cos Sxl 4. Which ofthe following is a necessary and sufficient concition for SHM? (@)Constant period {0)Constant acceleration (€)Proportonality between acceleration and velocity {c)Proportonalty between restoring force and displacement ‘5. What is constant in SHM? {@) Restoring force (©) Kinetic energy (c) Potential energy (@) Periodic time 6. Abody is executing SHM with an amplitude of 0.1 m. ts ‘velocity while passing through the mean position is 3ms~" Is frequency in Hz is 1 @ix 2 (0) 90x) 2x 7. The phase (ata time) ofa particle in simple harmonic motion tells {@)only the postion of the particle at time (@lonly the direction of motion of the particle atime t {@)both the position and direction of motion ofthe particle at timet ()neither the position ofthe particle nor its direction of ‘motion at time t 8. A particle is moving with constant angular velocity along the circumference of a circle. Which o the following statements is true? (a) The particle executes SHM_ (©) The projection of the particle on any one of the diameters executes SHM (c) The projection of the particle on any of the diameters ‘executes SHM (6) None of the above in SHMis indicated igplacement of a partic in [ . leas aeosin@or + n/3)where ys in metres. The @ion — e)w10 (2010 (4) 10/2 jation of a simple harmonic motion is . ree pigacos( 0008 + 074) where x and are in mm and and respectively, The frequency of the motion is (a) 3000 (b) 3000/2 n (074/25 (6) 3000/n aximum velocity of a simple harmonic motion 11, The mé A represented by y = 3sin[ 100¢ + = is given by (@) 900 units ©) units (©) 100 units (a) Zunits 12, Velocity at mean position of a particle executing SHM is v Velocity ofthe particle at a distance equal to half of the amplitude will be : 8 v v a 8 “ bo) o8v av @y OF oF Oy 13. Aparticle executes simple harmonic motion with an ‘amplitude of 4 cm. At the mean position, the velocity ofthe ppattcle is 10 cms", The distance of the particle from the ‘mean position when its speed becomes 5 cms~ is (@) ¥3om (>) ¥Sem (@) 2V3em (9) 2v5em 14. A body is executing simple harmonic motion with an anguet frequency of 2 rad 5”. The velocity of the body at 20 mm ‘ispiacement, when the amplitude of the motion is 60.mmis (@) 131 mms~* (0) 118 mms (0) 113 mms“* (@) 90mms* 15. The displacement ofa particle executing SHM is given by 25 sin 200t cm. The maximum speed of the particle > o ee (0) 100 cms"* renee (@ 5.25 cms" " a particle executes SHM there is always a constant ‘ato betwoon ts csplacement and a @ 1) welcty (0) acceleration mass ce (@) time period In si parte we namanic mation, the ratio of acceleration of the (a sping caislacement at anytime isa measure of i. (©) angular frequency it ey (d) restoring force . If particle is executing simple h: acceleration of particle Cerca (@) is unitorm (©) is nor-unitorm (©) varies linearly with time (©) Both (b) and (c) 49, Whats the maximum acceleration of the particle executing the SHM? ea y-2en[ 4} yeweytenen (a) Gomes? (&) ome? % oms-? 2 Seems ome? oF ee 20, The maximum acceleration ofa body moving in SHM is ay and mendnnum velocity is vo. The amplitude is given by @ 2 (b) avy © a : "5 oe 21. Apartcle executing simple harmonic motion has an amplitude of 6 om. ts acceleration ata distance of 2. cm from the mean position is 8 cms~*. The maximum speed of the particle is (@) Bcms" (6) 12cms“ (¢) 16 cms (@) 24.0me"* 2) Energy in SHM ‘The particle executing SHM has both types of energy, potential energy and kinetic energy. When a body is displaced from its equilibrium position by doing work upon it, the body acquires potential energy. When the body is released, it begins to move back with a velocity, thus acquiring kinetic energy. Kinetic energy The relation for kinetic energy of a particle executing SHM can be found out by two cases, in terms of displacement and in terms of time. (@ In terms of displacement If mass of the particle executing SHM is m and its displacement at any instant is x, then KE = + mo? (A? -x*) 2 where, A = amplitude of SHM As, o-E => mo? =k m KE=14 (42 -x?) 2 KE is maximum at mean position Le x= 0 KE, = 2mo*A? 2 Chapter 11: Simple harmonic motion (as 22. For a particle in SHM, if the amplitude of the displacement is and the amplitude of velocity is v, the amplitude of acceleration is, (ava © ve v . © 2a @) ey 23. The average acceleration of a particle performing SHM over one complete oscil is oA A (a) —— (o) —— (c) zero ° (a) 2 (b) BE © (A) Aa 24. In simple harmonic motion, the particle is (@) aways accelerated (b) always retarded (©) alternately accelerated and retarded {@) neither accelerated nor retarded 25. In SHM, the acceleration is ahead of velocity by a phase angle (aor ws @r (ex KE is minimum (zero) at extreme position ie., x =A Atx=4A KE=zero Gi) In terms of time Kinetic energy of a particle executing SHM at any time ¢ is given by ma? A? cos? ot i.e., Kinetic energy of a particle executing SHM is a periodic function of time. Kinetic energy versus time graph is given below. "a i nee ee From the graph 11.7, it is clear that at ¢= . TI, T, ete; 3T KE has its maximum value, For x= tAort= 7,37, the KE has its minimum value. Clearly, twice in each cycle KE assume its peak values. It is a periodic function of time, the time period equals to T/2, KE is maximum at ¢ 0, 5,1, and minimum at 50) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 Potential energy ‘The relation for potential energy of a particle executing SHM in terms of displacement and in terms of time are (i) In terms of displacement If the displacement of particle executing SHM at any instant is x, then Potential energy, U = mat? = pet Potential energy is maximum at extreme position be, atx=tA 242 Umax = 5 m07A Potential energy is minimum (zero) at mean position ice,, at x =O, potential energy, U = 0 (ii) In terms of time Potential energy of a particle executing SHM at any time t is given by U= mea? sin? at Potential energy versus time graph is given below T time ()— of Tr z SE 4 Fig. 11.8 Potential energy versus time graph in one oscillation From the graph, it is clear that at mean position (ie., x = 0 and t = 0, 7/2, 7...) PE is minimum and at extreme Position (ie,, x= 4A or t= 7/4, 37/4), its value is maximum, Clearly, twice in each cycle, PE assume its peak values, Hence, the potential energy is the periodic function of time with a period of 7/2, Total energy Total energy can be obtained by adding potential and kinetic energies. Therefore, E=K+U=4 ma2(a? — x2) 41 pyn2y? 2 2 B=1 mwta?| or |e = 14? 2 2 Which is a constant quantity all displacement, same at all instant and at ion of kinetic ener 11.9 shows the variation of 2 fatal energy (U) and total energy (E) as a function time (shown in Fig. 11.9()] and displacement {shown Fig. 11.9(b)] of a particle in SHM of in E> Kt + Ud bax) Fig, 1.9 K, Uand E as functions of time and ‘displacement x fora harmonic oscillator The total energy remains constant at all ¢ or x. So it is shown by straight line parallel to time, Sha? ~ x”), so the graphs of U and K versus x are parabolic, Both KE and PE reach mz Period of SHM. In the the expense of PE or ‘Therefore, we may conclude that, during an oscillation, there is a continuous exchange of kinetie and potential energies. Important points Fegarding energy in SHM () The frequency of oscillation of potential energy and Kinetic energy is twice as that of displacement or velocity or acceleration, i) Total ener (iii) The aver: Also, U = 2x? and K = ‘aximum value twice, during each course of motion KE increases at vice-versa, TAY of an oscillating system is constant. ‘age value of KE and PE is Ky =U, atecipgs pea tka’, ymple HIB The potential eneray of a particle : ein 5 J. when ts dplacement ele hee SI neta ene of ce , vaxed . 2 where, x is the displacement of the particle and A is amplitude. —— 2 1,4 arectet = Ltives ( = Total energy = Lea? =2.5% 42105 2 Example 11.19 A harmonic oscillator of force constant 4x10°Nm "and amplitude 0.01 m has total energy 240 J. What is maximum kinetic energy and minimum potential energy? Sol, b= 4% 10° N/m, A .01 m, Total energy = 240 J, Maximum kinetic energy 1 = mah? _— Minimum potential energy kat = 1x 410° 01}? =200) = total energy ~ maximum kinetic energy = 40 J Exomple 11.20 A linear harmonic oscillator has a total ‘mechanical energy of 200 J. Potential energy of it at mean position is 50 J. Find, @ the minimum potential eneray, (i) the maximum kinetic energy, (ii) the potential energy at extreme positions. Sol (i) At mean position, potential energy is minimum. Hence, Un =50J (i) At mean position, KE is maximum = Unig = 200 ~ 50 50 (ii) At extreme positions, kinetic energy is zero and potential energy is maximum Ura 200 J (From law of conservation of energy) Example 1121 A particle executes SHM, at what value of displacement are the kinetic and potential energies equal? Sol We know that KE-= > muu* (A? ~ x) and mat? Since, 1 ines? (A? — x2) 24 maPx® or 2x7 =a 2 . A. =0.707A B Example 1.22 A particle oscillating simple harmonically particle starts ni its equilibrium position with time period T. Determi "atio of KE and PE of the particle at time Taunt 4 Sok At, p=, x= Asin Bx 5 =Asing ty ca xe Asing X75 ea Chapter 11: Simple harmonic motion ( 511 Ly? So, KE =1 aa? - x! as and PE abet <1 bea? 2542 KE _3 PET Example 11.23 A particle of mass 0.2 kg is executing SHM of ‘amplitude 0.2 m. When it passes through the mean position, its Kinetic energy is 64 x 10° J. Obtain the equation of motion of this particle ifthe initial phase of oscillation is n/4. Sol. Here, A=0.2 m, g= = 1 ‘As we know, KE == mo®A? 2 where, m= mass of particle 64x10 2g 440.2% 0? x 0.2? 2 gh -_128x10% 02% 02x02 Equation of motion can be written as Asin(ot + 4) =02 sa a + 8) Example 11.24 A particle executes SHM with amplitude A and time period T. When the displacement from the equilibrium. position is half the amplitude, what fractions of the total eneray are kinetic and potential? or o=4st Sol. Total energy, E =. i a? When, ‘The potential energy, 2 valet aly (:4) 2 2" Eo 1 La Liat =Le 29% of 7 . 3 4 1 c. Kineti¢ energy, E-U =E-1E 14 E=T8% of E Example 1.25 The potential energy of a particle oscillating on X-axis is given as U=204(x-27 Here, U is in joules and x in metres. Total mechanical energy of the particle is 36 J. () State whether the motion of the particle is simple harmonic or rot. (Gi) Find the mean position. (iii) Find the maximum kinetic energy of the particle. 5) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 By assuming x—2=X, we have F =-2X Since, Pa-X | ‘The motion of the particle is simple harmonic, ‘The mean position of the particle is X = 0 or x-2=0, which gives x=2m_ (ii) At x=2 m (mean position) Urpin =20 + (2-27? =20 . Maximum kinetic energy of the particle is, Koay =E ~U pin =36 ~20=16 | NOtE Uj.q iS 20) at mean position or at x = 2m. Example 1126 A block whose mass is 2 hy is fastened toa spring whose spring constant is 100 Nm". It is pulled to a distance of 0.1m from over a frictionless surface and is released at t = 0. Calculate the kinetic energy of the block when it is 0.05 m away from its mean position. Check point 112) 1. The energy atthe mean position of a pendulum wil be (@) zero (©) partial PE and partial KE (0) totaly KE (@) totally PE. 2. A body executes simple harmonic mation. The potential ‘energy (PE), the kinetic energy (KE) and total energy (TE) ‘are measured as a function of displacement x Which of the following statements is true. (@) PEis maximum when x= 0 (©) KE is maximum when x = 0 (©) TEs zero when x = 0 (6) KE is maximum when xis maximum 3. Abody of mass 1 kgs executing simple harmonic motion, Its displacement y . at seconds is given by y=6sin| 100¢ + 5). ts maximum kinetic energy is (a 6s (b) 185 (0) 24s @ 965 4. Force constant of @ weightless spring is 16 Nm“. A body of ‘mass 1 kg suspended from itis pulled down through 5 or trom its mean position and then released. The maximum kinetic energy of the body will be (a) 2x107J (0) 4x10 (©) 8x10% J (@) 16x10 y 5. The total vibrational energy ofa paticle in SHM is Ets kinetic energy at hal the ampitude om mean postion wil be (ae (ER (ela (6) 3/4 Sol. ‘The block executes SHM so, its angular frequency, 7 ke _ flOONm” = 707 rads“! mY 2ke Its displacement at any time ¢ is x{t) =a cos w = O1 cos(7.071) When the particle is 0.05m away from the mean position, 0.05= 0. 1e0s (7.074) Ps £05 (7.071) = 0.5 or sin (7.07) => = 0.866 Velocity of the block at x = 0.05m is v=Aosinat 01x 707 x 0.866=061 ms mi? =1%2 (0617 =0.37) 6. Aparticle undergoing SHM has the equation = Asin 2ot + 4), where x represents the displacement of the particle, The kinetic energy oscillates with time period 2 x as = © * (2) None of these 7. Apartcle executes SHM on a line 8 cm long, Its KE and PE will be equal when its distance from the mean position is (a)4em —(b)2cm —()avBem —(¢) ¥2om ‘ A particle is vibrating ina simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 4 cm. At what displacement from the aulibrium postion, is its energy hall potential and hall kinetic? (a) tom () acm (€)3m (220m 9. In SHM for how many times potential energy is equal 10 tinetic energy during one complete period @1 we 4 @e 10. In a simple oscillating Pendulum, the work done by the Pendulum in one oscillation will be (@) equal to the total energy of the pendutum ® gto te KE ofthe penta alto the PE (eas Of the pendulum (6) Time petiog (@) Mass 42. The total energy of a vibrating particle in SHM is E. Hits ~ampitude and time period are doubled, its total energy will be tee =) BE (ae @e 43, Energy of particle executing SHM depends upon {@) amplitude only (©) amplitude and frequency {@) velocity only (@) frequency only 44. The total eneray of a particle having a displacement x, executing simple harmonic motion is (@ ax (0) .Neglect frictional force of water. St p= $22 en =1000 ke 100088) gf 4000 4 Lx 4 2x 2n|= Vo Erample 1.29 The le pendulum is 16 em. It is length of a simple pendul Suspended by the roof of a lift which is moving upwards with an acceleration of 6.2 ms-2. Find the time period of pendulum. S01 Given, length of the pendulum (1) =16 em= 0.16 m Acceleration of the lift (a)=6.2 ms : i soe Time period (T) = 2, Gea 36762 eas = 6.28% 5 6.28 = 6.28% 5-0 0.628 s Chapter 11: Simple harmonic motion | 515 Example 1130 A simple pendulum consists of a small sphere of mess m suspended by a thread of length l. The sphere carries a positive charge 9. The pendulum is placed in a tunijorm electric field of strength E directed vertically upwards. With what period will pendulum oscillate, if the tlectrostatic force acting on the sphere is less than the ‘gravitational force? Sol. ‘The two forces acting on the bob are shown in figure Fea w= mg ‘ain this case will be © mg-aE _,_ 9 E mm i 7 won [+ -20 E aan gE Example 1131 A simple pendulum of length | is suspended from the ceiling of a care which is siding without friction on an inclined plane of inclination ®. What will be the time period of the pendulum? or Set Tr Sol. Here, point of suspension has an acceleration. a = g sin 0 (down the plane). Further, g can be resolved into two ‘components g sin 0 (along the plane) and g cos 0 (perpendicular to plane). 49 c08 0 (perpendicular to plane) T-2n | =n | geal" Vg e050 T Note 10 0:7 =26 wich quiet obo Bett Example 1132 Determine the period of small oscillations of a simple pendulum, that is a bob suspended by a thread | =20 cm in length, if itis located in a liquid whose density isn =3 times less than that of the bob. The resistance of the liquid is to be neglected Sol. Let, V = volume of bob p = density of material of the bob gf = effective value of acceleration due to gravity, 51) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 Now, effective weight = weight of bob ~ upthrust of liquid Vpg =Vpg-V 7 9 1 pofintlg oe g= ta rean{E or T=2n g = (aa “ TONG De ‘Substituting values, we get Again, x 0.175 s= 11s Example 1133 A bob of simple pendulum is suspended by a metallic wir in time period is 50d 0. ‘Sol. With change in temperature a, the effective length of wire ‘becomes I'=/(1 + ad0) reaoalt nar oanfe 9 9 Hence, = © a Percentage increase in time period (=) F 0+ aca? 1+ acd 2. Spring block system Let us consider a massless spring placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. Its one end is attached to a rigid support and other end to a body of mass m. When it is pulled on one side through a small distance x and released, it moves to and fro about a mean position. Let x = 0 be the position of the centre of the body when the spring is at ‘mean position. Levowosnsn0fm | Fel Suetched = Compressed | ‘Mean position (x= 0) Fig. U.14 » Ifa is the coefficient of linear expansion and d® is the change in temperature then prove that percentage change ing force, F is developed sg law, a restoring force, in the 5 displacement, * : zy Fee > a5-— jod of such oscillations is given by ro d mis mass of ‘kis force constant of spring an oo where, kis Ovid to the spring. If the stretch in a vertical, ybject connect a Tonded spring is x, then for equilibrium of mass m, freanl] ‘The time peri Note 1. ifthe spring has a mass M an petiod is given by xd a mass m is suspended from it then ng aM M Fig, 11S Im Mu = 2m“, wh ene Taam, where Mg = M+ 5 2. two masses m, and m, are connected by a spring of spring constant a ‘made to oscilate on horizontal surface. Then, time period is given by Tan off m im Lene Fig. 11.16 Two blocks connected by a spring mm Example 1134. A block with a mass of 3 kg is suspended from Fa ideal spring having negligible mass and stretches the PT (0 What isthe force constant of the spring? (i) What isthe period of oscillation of the iets pal bel al stele tion of the block, if ' Here, = reduced mass Sol. () In equilibrium, ki =mg kad ‘Substituting the proper values, we have 19.8 28) atm 02 a Toan [Eze (oa 9 "Vo8 897 5 Je 1.35. Two rigid bodies A and B of masses 1 kg an GromPecively ate rigidly connected toa spring of forge 2 paaant 400 Nm~'. The body B rests on a horizontal table. seen rest position. the Body A is compressed by 2 em and then released. Deduce (i) the frequency of oscillation, (ii) total tnhacion eneray, (i the amplitude of the harmonic vibration {fie reaction ofthe table on body B. 400 Naw? Sol. Since itis the body A which is oscillating, m =1 kg i fk i) Frequency of oscillation, v= | & (i) Frequency ave o ved 2x Gi) Total oscillation energy, or e=Lmar(4) J ea? 2 lms 2 400% 0027 J .08 J (a =2.em= 0.02 m) (ii) Total force acting on the table = (14 2)kg we= 3 kg wt = 3x 9.8 N= 29.4N ‘This is the mean upward reaction. Now, due to oscillations, the maximum tenston developed in the spring is given by F =kA=400x 0.02N=8N ‘Thus, the amplitude of the vibration of reaction on the table is 8N. In other words, the net reaction of the table will vary from (29.4+ 6) N to (29.4) N. Example 11.36 A block with mass M attached to a horizontal “pring with force constant kis moving with simple harmonic etion having amplitude Ay. At the instant when the block Passes through its equilibrium position a lump of putty with ras m is dropped vertically on the block from a very small height and sticks to it. (0 Find the new amplitude and period. (W Repeat part (i) for the case in which the putty is dropped on the block when it is at one end of its path. SAL () Before the lump of putty is dropped the total mechanical ‘energy of the block and spring is laa? 2 ' ition, U=0, Since, the block is atthe esuilbrium position, and the energy is purely kinetic, Let be the speed of the block at the equilibriom position, we have z 1 yaa ee =L mele? = 4 1 BapMeas iM Chapter 11: Simple harmonic motion (on During the process momentum of the system in horizontal direction is conserved. Let v2 be the speed of the combined mass, then (4+ mo, = Mo, __M Mam Now, let A; be the amplitude afterwards. Then, By =} kal <5 M+ my} Substituting the proper values, we have M Mem % AanA Note (i), <é, as some energy i lost into heating up the biock and putty fmm ® (ad When the putty drops onthe black, the biokis instantaneously at rest All the mechanical energy is stored in the spring as potential energy. ‘Again the momentum in horizontal direction is conserved during the ‘process But naw tis zero just before ad after putty is dropped. So, in this case, adging the extra mass of the putty has no effect on the mechanical energy, te, Further, f= 2m and Example 11.37 In the following arrangements, block is slightly displaced vertically down from its equilibrium position and released. Find time period of vertical oscillations. Assume the pulley'to be light. @ o wn Sol. () Let at some instant extension of spring is x, tension in the string T =k Restoring force, F = T =—kx (Hooke's law) 5m) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 where, k = spring constant = i) Let block move down by x, pulley will move by x/2. b de Ty dex = T= Restoring force, F = Comparing it with equation F = -kex we get, =k/4 Ta2n]™ > Ty=2n|™ =4n/™ Pe emia (iii) If block moves by x, pulley also moves x and hence spring is stretched by 2x. Dee Dh T Tension produced in spring, T= 4 kx Restoring force, F =—4kx Comparing it with equation F er rami ; mF > tonanli anf Oscillations of spring combination Series combination Irewo springs of sping constant, and a joinedin sg. (asshown in figure) the resultant spring constant of the combination is given by Pot tenes sk, = tthe fy Fake ky thy m (ky him and hence, roan a fy fy ® Fig. 11.17 Series combination of springs Parallel combination If two springs of spring constant k, and k, are joined in parallel as shown in figure, Fig, 11.18 Parallel combination of springs Then spring constant, ky = ky + ky Time period, T = 2x |™ — 2, |__™ _ k + Important points regarding spring block system () Ifthe length of the spring is made n times then 2° effective force constant becomes U/n times and the time period becomes Vn times, i) I a spring of spring constant k is divided intone Parts, the spring constant of each part becomes and time period becomes — times. (ii) The force const : - a that of aso a fier spring is hiher 1138. One body is suspended from from a spring of length one eat ieee i 1 Bed in two equal parts which are joined in parallel and the divide ady is suspended from this arrangement, then determine Sau time period. ‘when a spring of spring constant kis divided into 2 parts, “ne spring constant of each part becomes 2k, "Spring constant in parallel combination W = 2k + 2k = 4k ¥ ak Va a2 le N.39 A 2.5 kg collar is attached to a spring of spr ‘constant 250 Nm". It slides without friction over a horizontal Strface. It is displaced from its equilibrium position by 20 em satfyeleased. Calculate the period of oscillation and the traximum speed. im _», [25 =2n]™ =2n [2 i 2250 2x 314 Sol, The period of oscillation, 063s 10 Maximum speed, vando=02]2 02% [22 <0.2%10=2008" : 25 Example 11.40 A spring mass system is hanging from the ceiling of an elevator in equilibrium. The elevator suddenly starts accelerating upwards with acceleration a, find ke (0 the frequency and (i) the amplitude of the resulting SHM. Sol. () Frequency =2n Ym/k (Frequency 6) Initial extension in spring in equilibrium Extension in ping in ero en it as pres — is independent of g in spring) mg : -mg+a)_ mg me + Amplitude =" eee Exomple 1.41 A body of mass m attached to a spring which is oscillating with time vot “4's. If the mass of the body i ne increased by 4 kg, its time period increases by 2 s. Dete value of initial mass m. St aes aan = 4-2") 0 m+4 ltd 2nd case, 6 = nd case, 6 = 2m Divide Eq, ( by Eq. Gi) 16m ene SB Vms4d ~ 36 mea Example 11.42. Two identical springs of spring constant k are attached to a block of mass m and to fixed supports as shown in figure. Show that when the mass is displaced from its ‘equilibrium position on either side, it executes a simple harmonic motion. Find the period of oscillations. . . 1m [0085060 —F Sol, Let the mass be displaced by a small distance x to the right ide of the equilibrium position, as shown in figure. Under this situation, the spring on the left side gets elongated by a length equal to x and that on the right side gets compressed by the same length. The forces acting on the mass are then, 1 will tx aati FeT = ma3.2kg F, =~ kx (force exerted by the spring on the left side, trying to pull the mass towards the mean position) Fy =~kexcforce exerted by the spring on the right side, trying to push the mass towards the mean position) “The net force F acting on the mass is then given by, F =— 2k. Hence, the force acting on the mass is proportional to the displacement and is directed towards the mean position therefore, the motion executed by the mass is simple harmonic. The time period of oscillations is T=2n)= 2k Example 1143. Two springs have their force constants by and ky (ky > kp) Determine the spring on which more work is done when () their length are increased by the same amount, and (i) they are stretched by the same force. Sol. (i) Let each spring be stretched through a distance y. 1 ‘Work done on second spring => hay? Work done on first spring = 1 y®. But h > hy (given) Laytsdigy? fast > dhay! So, more work is done on the first spring (ii) Let each spring be stretched by the same force F. Let and yz be the extension in the first and second springs respectively Then, ao ik FE and £ ye _— Work done on fst spring = ave = 4(E) 3 52) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 ‘Similarly, the work done on the second spring But h>k, reels 2h 2h ‘So, more work is done on the second spring. Example 11.4 Two masses m, and m, are suspended together ‘by a massless spring of spring constant k as shown in figure. When the masses are in equilibrium, m, is removed without disturbing the system. Calculate the amplitude of oscillation and the angular frequency of m. ma Sol. Let land ly be the extension produced by masses m, and my respectively. Then, +m,)9=k(y +l) After m,is removed, mag =kly Eqs. (Gi) gives mg=h or 4 =f E Now, angular frequency of ma, o= 2% = 2m" TO ms Example 11.45 Periodic time of oscillation T, is obtained when a mass is suspended from a spring and if another spring is used with same mass then periodic time of oscillation is T,. Now if this mass is suspended from series combination of above springs then calculate the time period. : 2 Tad = ym and T; =2n[@™ q 7 * E m 4n’m = Tp aan ™ = k= 8 T bh be ) b Now, T a where, r = 3. The physical pendulum The physical pendulum is just a rigid body, of whatever shape, capable of oscillating about a horizontal axis passing through it. For small oscillations the motion of a physical pendulum is almost as easy as for a simple pendulum. Figure shows a body of irregular shape pivoted at O so, that it can ‘oscillate without friction about an axis passing through 0. In equilibrium the centre of gravity (G) in directly below . In the position shown in figure, the body is displaced from equilibrium by an angle 8. The distance from O to the centre of gravity is . The moment of inertia of the body about the axis of rotation through O is Jand the total mass is m.In he displaced position, the weight mg causes a restoring torque, (mg)(1 sin @) t= Fig. 11.19 The negative sign shows that the restoring torque i5 clockwise when the displacement is counterclockwise vice-versa, For small oscillations, sin@=@ and Et=la => -(mg)O=-% As a. is proportional to ~ 6, the motion is simple harmo" the time period of which is and ple W.A6 A uniform circtlar dise Beemertcal plane about a horizontal axis. Find the denne of ‘iis of rotation from the centre for which the pertal them. What isthe value of this period? |" Period ‘The time period of a compound pendulum is the minimum ‘chen its length is equal to the radius of gyration shout ne Ste of gravity, ben, 1K. Since, the moment of inertia of a dise about an axis perpendicular to its plane and passing through its centre is equal 0, of radius R oscillates I=MK? =i MR? = K=® 2 v2 ‘Thus, the dise will oscillate with the minimum time period when the distance of the axis of rotation from the centre is 2 ‘And the value of this minimum time period will be Tn 22m [RAE wag [BR oc 1, wag [PATER 3 a Exomple 1147 Find the period of small oscillations of a tniform rod with length 1, pivoted at one end. Sol, Time period of uniform rod which is same as physical pendulum Check point 11.3 1 Ifthe metal bob of a simple pendulum is replaced by a Wooden bob, then its time peta wi i (a) increase (0) decres (©) remain the same (@) may increase or decrease 2. The length of a simple pendulum Is 39.2/x7m. I 9 = 9.8 m/s?, the value of ime period is @4s es 2s 3s ertinooot 3. The length of a simple pendulum is increased four times of its al Vue te tne pono wih Feopoct To Rs previous valve wit {@) become twice {b) not be diferent (©) be halved {abe v2 times Chapter 11: Simple harmonic motion (a Here, Example 1148 A ring of radius ris suspended from a point on its circumference. Determine its angular frequency of smal oscillations. aw Sol, Itis a physical pendulum, the time period of which is, Ta2n Teal Here, I= moment of inertia of the ring about point of suspension, = mr? + mr? =2mr® and [= distance of point of suspension from centre of gravity T= 2n [2 Wan [2 mor @ Qn ©. Angular frequency. or o= Zz 4. The length ofa simple pendulum executing simple harmonic motion is increased by 21%. The percentage increase inthe lime period of the pendulum ofinereased length ie G@N% OAK (6) C) 105K 5. Acabinis fang trealy under gravity, what i the time period fof a pendulum attached tots celing? (a) zero (b) @ jis (@) 2s ‘6. Assimple pendulum is suspended from the roof of a trolley which moves, ina horizontal direction with an acceleration a, thon the time period Ts Given by, T = 2x 7g" where g's equal to @o (©) g-a gra (o) lore? 522) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 k, and ky are increased 7. Aman measures the period of a simple pendulum inside a 16. Ifboth sPAd oe : toa, ay stationary lift and finds it to be T second. Ifthe lift ‘x, respectively, what wil De he NOW frequency. itt Wag, accelerates upwards with an acceleration g/4 then the original trequency? * patios ofthe pendulum be h bh 2 Lawn} @T of © (oar evweion | 7 8. A simple pendulum is made of a body which isa hollow wr oe Osf we sphere containing mercury suspended by means of a wire. If See eye oainad oh te patodeé panadanw 47, Proguency i omalain = propane! 2 {@) remangunchanged —(b) Increase 2 (©) decrease (d) become erratic fees = | Loner ‘9. The time period of a simple pendulum of infinite length is (R = radius of earth). mK ik ek im fi fF & otf of Ode Om OVE, {@) infinite (b) 23 g (©) 2n Re @® 2a m 2 18, The spring constants of two springs of same length are, 10. The length of a second pendulum is and ky as shown in figure. an object of mass 7m is (2) 99.8.0m (b) 99.cm Suspended and set in vibration, the time period will be (©) 100m {@) None of these 414. An object of mass mis suspended from a spring and it ‘executes SHM with frequency n. If the mass is increased fe 4 times, the new frequency will be (aan (0) n/2 (en (nla 42. Amass m is suspended from a spring. Its frequency of ‘oscillation is The spring is Cut into two halves and the see ere auspended from one ofthe two pieces ofthe (a)2n/™t wen spring. The frequency of oscillation of the mass will be be Kiko i Oe a Ny of (A) 2x +e) 48, Three masses 0.1 kg, 0:3 kg and 0.4 kg are suspended al Tresmassee 0,149, 09%g nd04kg ae eupereed| 49, rue ira sping esd neon contuairs # edt a sang, Wren 8 oe tgmasss Shon. Tre ne paose cf veal scan also removed, the system will oscillate with a period configurations (a), (b) and (c) are in the ratio (ais (b) 2s () 3s (@) 4s 414, Time period a a sping mass systems. this spring i ct Io two pars whoce lengths arein the rato 1: Sand he ahve maces atlached othe longer pat, the new time pod wil be : 8 r By @) \5 OR 6 1 © (V3 : 1 1 iL iamenntetomwokgemnodirocneatt, «O17 B 2B ‘and k, oscillate.a block of mass Its effective force © pie 1 constant will be BS (a2 gz ky he 22. tin utr oo eng spec atts upp Scareec fe swag inaveria pare ste period oscillations of small amplitude is wren fe wax (Zz T wolfe o ay Oye OVS (kk, WK +e (iv) Motion of a ball in a tunnel through the oar If i 1 a ball moves through a tunnel along a diameter of SHM in some special cases nen nts between bl and earth a restoring force is set up, due to which tere we will discuss motion of some objects being reduced the ball performs SHM, whose time period is given by ‘Raimple harmonic motion under specific condition. {i Vertical motion of a straight wire If a mass mis o suspended from a wire of length I eos-section A and Young’ modulus Y and is pulled along the length ee nite hen estoing Frc wil be devapiy OMB TMD Ih carwano hr dg the esnesy toa, is dropped in the hole, it will execute SHM. Determine the time period of it oscillation. Radius of the earth is 6.4%10°m and 298 ms? Sol. Given, R =64% 10° m, g=98 ms* + Time period of oscillation of body will be where, R = radius of earth t a Tan |E =2n [S4*10" _s605.675 Fig. 11.20 Mass suspended from a wire. 9 98 Here restoring force is linear so motion is simple Example 1150 A liquid of mass m is set into oscillations in a harmonic motion where time period is given by U-tube of cross section A. Its time period recorded is T, where T =2nJl/2g, here lis the length of liquid column. If the liquid of same mass is set into oscillations in U-tube of cross-section AAG then determine time period of oscillation. Sol, As mass is constant Gi) Motion of a liquid in U-shape tube Ifa ‘Volume x density = constant iG Density = Mase ) incompressible and non-viscous liquid is filled in a Volume U-tube of uniform cross section. If the liquid is = Vid =Vya pressed in one limb then it starts to perform SHM ‘where, and V, are the volume of liquid in U-tube in two slong limb of the tube, time period of this SHM is cases respectively, i ana gventy [r= an f 9 where, h is height of liquid in one limb. {ii) Motion of ball in bowl If a small steel ball of mass ‘mis placed at a small distance from O inside a smooth concave surface of radius R and released, Geampje 1.51 A small block oscillates back and forth on a will oscillate about O. smooth concave surface of radius R. Find the time period of small oscillation. Sol, For the oscillation of small block on a smooth concave surface, following figure can be drawn, where R is the radius of the concave surface. Fig. 11.21 A bal of mass is moving ina bow Time period of such oscillations is 2) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 —mg R sin ® Rot ». Restoring tor As 1 (since sin 0 = 0) —mg RO ‘Time period of such 1-gR8 => == PE 9-- 60 lation is Ta2n| | _ roan ff ‘mg “"\ mor 2 Free oscillation ‘When a body oscillates with its own natural frequency, it is said to execute free oscillations. The frequency and the time period of free oscillations depends on the dimensions of the body and the force constant, i.e. the inertia factor and the spring factor. sa | fSensasesie Fig, 11.22 Free oscillations The frequency of free oscillations (or natural oscillations) is given by 7 af aon ‘The vibrations of the prongs of tunning fork struck against a rubber pad, the vibrations of string of a sitar when pulled aside and released etc. Damping and damped oscillations Damping isan influence within or upon an oscillatory system, which has the effect of reducing, restricting and preventing its oscillations. In physical systems, damping is produced by processes that dissipates the energy stored in the oscillation, The oscillations in which the amplitude decreases gradually ‘with the passage of time are called damped oscillations. Most of the oscillations occuring in viscous media like water, air etc are damped oscillations. So, part of the energy is dissipated in overcoming resistive forces. Consequently, the amplitude of oscillations goes on decreasing exponentially with time and eventually, these oscillations die out. ¢g., Oscillations of simple pendulum in air, a swinging ball left to itself will eventually stop etc. Geadull falling amplitude Fig. 11.23 Damped oscillations ‘Amplitude of damped oscillations A = Age "* at Energy of damped oscillation E = Eye b where, = damping coefficient = Here, mis the mass of body undergoing damped oscillations. Damping force “= damped constant, v = velocity of oscillation, bv Fa where, Equation of damped oscillation md?y | dy me pDaky=0 ae dt » Displacement of damped oscillations y = me sin@t+) where, @ = angular frequency of damped oscillations = a9 - 6/2m)? Maintained oscillations The oscillations of a system are said to be maintained of ed oscillations if the system vibrates with its ow» natural frequency and with constant amplitude even in he presence of damping. If energy is supplied to the oscillate. at the same rate at which it is dissipated, the amplitude oscillations remains unchanged. €.g,, Balance wheel of watch, electronic oscillator, electrically maintained tunning fork. Forced oscillations a When a body is maintained in a state of oscillation bY strong periodic force of frequency other than the natural frequency of the body, the oscillations are called forced oscillations. The external agent which exerts the per force is called the driver and the oscillating system &™*" consideration is called the driven body. -G () When the stem of a viby on ibrating tunning for Pressed against a table, a loud sound is heard THIS suse the particles of table are forced to vibrate wit Begoency of the tunning fork, Ne with the en the free end of the string of gy When t ‘ing of a simple pendulum {held in band and the pendulum is made to oscillate by giving jerks by the hand, the pendulum executes forced fscillations. Resonance When a body oscillates with its own natural frequency, with the help of an external periodic force whose frequency is equal to the natural frequency of the body, the oscillations of the body are called resonance. Condition for resonance: Vg where, Vo = natural frequency vq = frequency of external periodic force. Example 11.52 The amplitude of a damped oscillator becomes half in one minute. The amplitude after 3 minutes will be \/x times of the original. Determine the value of x. Sol, Amplitude of damped oscillations is A= Ay e 4 (From x= xe") As A=A,/2at¢=1 minute, So * =Agt or eT = After 3 minutes the amplitude will be Ay/x So Ao a Aye or xe al? =2= Vector method of combining two or More simple harmonic motions in same direction simple harmonic motion is produced when a force ‘called restoring force) proportional to the displacement acts on a particle. If a particle is acted upon by two such forces the resultant motion of the particle is a combination of two simple harmonic motions. Suppose the two ‘individual motions are represented by, A, sinot x, =A; sin (ot +4) Both the simple harmonic motions have same angular requency «, and 2 The resultant displacement of the particle is given by Ay in mF Fig. 11.24 xp +x =A, sinot +A; sin (or +6) Asin (ot +a) A= VA} +A} +2A,A) cos tana = Arsind _ | Ay + Ap cos} Thus, we can see that this is similar to the vector addition. The same method of vector addition can be applied to the combination of more than two simple harmonic motions. x Here, and Example 1153 Find the displacement equation of the simple harmonic motion obtained by combining the motions. Hasina, xp =Asin( oe + *) and xy ea abi Sol. The resultant equation is,” xaAsin(or+§) TA, =2 + 4 60830 + 6 cos 60° = 8.46 As6 and EA, = 4 sin30°+ 6 sin 60% ‘ = ears oa? =Ve.46F + (7.27 = 11.25 ZA, 1.2 and 4 . tan SE ag 78S or = tan" (0.85)= 40.4" ‘Thus, the displacement equation of the combined motion is, sin(at + @) 1.25 sin (oe +4) where 0.42 Check point 11.4 4. Apoint mass mis suspended atthe end of a mevstrn, wire ponathn Land cross sectional rea IfYis the Youre e Fen tne wire, Then the fequency ofthe oscilaton Cr sig harmonic oscilaion along the vertical rection iS 1 1 [A wy 2 © 5a Vimy O anv Y YA 1 [mv one ont 2, Arectangular block of mass m and area of cross-section A floaty in 2 quid of density . Its given small vertical ‘loplacerent from equiibrum, it undergoes oscilation wih atime period 7, then @Tam (b) Txp. 7 a Tat (re £ rat ref 4. imagine a narrow tunnel between the two diametically rare. pont of he earth A paricle of mass mis released in this tunnel. The time period of oscillation is anf ose wan? ot g 2Ng g mV 4. in damped csctaions damping force is decty proportional To peed of oscilate. I ampituce becomes half of ts teumum vauein 1,then afer 2s amplitude willbe (Ayia amplitude) iy 4 1 (@jAo (540 z 5. Incase of damped oscillation frequency of oscillation is (@) greater than natural frequency (0) less than natural frequency {(¢) equal to natural frequency (@ Both (a) and (&) 6. In damped oscilations, the amplitude of oscillations is reduced to one-third of its initial value ap at the end of 100 oscilations. When the oscilator completes 200 oscillations, (©) Ao @ its amplitude must be (2) 2/2 (b) a/4 Cals (alo 7. A weakly damped harmonic oscillator of frequency n, is by an external periodic force of fr riven jequency Nn. When, the steady stati reached, the frequency ofthe csi +n, @n, (on. OAL Om+n) inthe case of sustained forced oscillations the amplitude gy In oscillations: ty (a) decreases lineal rperoaces sinusoidal” (0) deor a ges exponentially oa constant {6) always remains © - 1, amplitude of vitons remains constant in case of () free vibrations {i) damped vibrations {ii) maintained vibrations iv) forced vibrations : a a Gi), and () (©) (i) and Gi) (000. i) and (id (@) Gi) and (w) 40. in trced oscillations, a particle oscillates simple harmonically with a frequency equal tO {@) frequency of driving force {b) natural frequency of body (@) diference of frequency of driving force and natuel frequency (6) mean of requency of driving force and natural frequency 11. Incase of a forced vibration, the resonance wave becomes very sharp when the (@) applied periodic force is small (0) quality factor is small {6) damping force is small {@) restoring force is small 12, Two sources of sound are in resonance when (@) they look alike (0) they are situated at a particular distance from each othe (6) they produce the sound of same frequency (G) they are excited by the same exciting device 7 {hen a ning forks weated, another inthe neighbourhoo! begins obra. This ie due fo the phenomenon of (resonance (©) Newton's Il law ian (@) consonance alaene is a special case of Gieiget oscillations (b) damped oscilations lamped oscillations (d) ns ie ong tae coupled oscillator (@) ho ampitude of osenahe ne, (©) the frequency of lation becomes large 'cy Of oscillation becomes large (©) the time period o (6) Allof the above. oscillation becomes large hapter exercises A) Taking it together (Assorted questions of the chapter for advanced level practice) 1, Which of the following quantities is always negative in SHM? @Fa vs @ Fv Here, s is displacement from mean position. 2. In a simple pendulum, the period of oscillation Tis related to length of the pendulum las, (ars t (a) = constant ) | constant T 1 () 4 = constant E=constant (© Jy = constant oF 3. A particle executing simple harmonic motion along Y-axis has its motion described by the equation y =A sin (ot) +B, The amplitude of the simple harmonic motion is @A ) B (A+B @) JA4B 4. Two particles are executing SHMs. The equations of their motions are 3 *) 0 sin(or + )and yn =ouin(or 4 What is the ratio of their amplitudes. (tea 2:1 1:2 {(@) None of these 5. The velocity-time diagram of a harmonic oscillator is shown in the adjoining figure. The frequency of oscillation is “ “4 () 25 He (©) 12.25 Hz 6. The ratio of frequencies of two pendulums are 2 : 3, then their lengths are in ratio 2 B @ £ © & 4 9 4 w? 7. A body oscillates with SHM according to the equation (in SI unit), x = 5 cos( 2 +8) ns — rt v2 1 o2m otem 8. A body is vibrating in simple harmonic motion. If its acceleration is 12 cms~ at a displacement 3 cm from the mean postion, then time period is {a) 6.288. (b) 3.145 (©) 1.578 (@) 2.575 9. A horizontally placed spring mass system has time period T. The same system is now placed on a car moving with acceleration a in horizontal direction. Then, (2) time period will increase [_ (0 time period will remain constant (@ no conchsion can be drawn 10, The acceleration a of a particle undergoing SHM is shown in the figure. Which of the labelled points corresponds to the particle being at ~%;ay 5 1 Oym 5m @ 4 &) 3 ©2 @1 52) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 11. Two particles are executing simple harmonic motion. At an instant of time ¢ their displacements are Y1 =a .cos (ot) and y, =a sin (ot) Then the phase difference between y, and y is fa) 120° (b) 90° (c) 180° (d) zero 12. A particle executing SHM of amplitude 4 cm and T = 45. The time taken by it to move from positive extreme position to half the amplitude is 1 fs @1s wos os 18. The maximum acceleration of a particle in SHM is made two times keeping the maximum speed to be constant, It is possible when (a) amplitude of oscillation is doubled while frequency remains constant (b) amplitude is doubled while frequency is halved (©) frequency is doubled while amplitude is halved (@) frequency of oscillation is doubled while amplitude remains constant 2 5s 14. Under the action of a force F = — kx®, the motion of @ particle is (k = a positive constant) (a) simple harmonic motion (b) uniformly accelerated motion (c) not periodic (@) periodic but not simple harmonic 15. A light spring of force constant 8 Nm” is cut into two equal halves and the two are connected in parallel; the equivalent force constant of the system is (@) 16 Nav (9) 8Nmt () 32 Nm (@) 24 Nm! 16. In order that the resultant path on superimposing two mutually perpendicular SHM be a circle, the conditions are that (@) the amplitudes on both SHM should be equal and they should have a phase di z (©) the amplitudes should be in the ratio 1 2 and the phase difference should be 2er0 (©) the amplitudes should be in the ratio 1 : 2 and the Phase difference should be 3 (€) the amplitudes should be e squal and the phase difference should be zero 17. The period of a particle executing SHM is 8 s. At itis at the mean position. The ratio of the distances covered by the particle in the Ist second to the 2nd second is 1 Oa ©) v2 oF (@) Vat si sntless spring is 16 No. ~ 8, Force constant of a weig! 48.16 Nm-t, rs iy of mass 1k suspended from i is pulled yA through 5 om from its mean position and the, “°™™ released. The maximum kinetic energy of the ey (spring + body) will be | = (@) 2x107J (0) 4x107J (€) 8x10 JF (4) 16x94 i hh of a particl 19. The displacement-time graph of a particle execu SHM is shown in figure. Which of the following ‘ng statements is false? (a) The acceleration is maximum at ¢= 7" (©) The force is zero at ¢ = 37 (©) The potential energy equals the total oscillation energy ir at (d) None of the above 20. The graph shows the variation of displacement of a particle executing SHM with time. We infer from this graph that y (@) the force is zero at time 3 (b) the: velocity is maximum at time. = (©) the acceleration is maximum at time T. (@) the PE is equal to total energy at time © 21. The time period of a sim, i iple pendulum inside Stationary lift is 5, 8. What will be the time peiog ‘when the lift moves upward with an acceleration 2? @VSs Waves 22. A linear harmonic 2x 108 Nm! mechanical e; (© @+5)s @ 25 oscillator of force constant and amplitude 0.01 m has a total nergy of 160 J. Its Potential energy is 160 ( masinum potential eneey 100 Potential energy is zero. » minimum potential energy ig 100) 23. a. 35, 27, ‘asecond pendulum is moved to moon where jeceleration due to gravity is 1/6 times that of the darth, the length of the second pendulum on moon ‘would be @)6 times () 12 times H 1 (+ times (> times OG iB Two identical springs of spring constant k each ove connected in series and parallel as shown in figure. ‘A mass Mis suspended from them. The ratio of their frequencies of vertical oscillation will be Yu 1:2 21 4: (a) 1:4 ‘The relation between acceleration and displacement. of four particles are given below {NCERT Exemplar] (a, =+2x (a, =+2x" (a, =-2x7 @a,=-2x Which, one of the particle is exempting simpic harmonic motion? A particle executing SHM has a maximum speed of, 30cm s~! and a maximum acceleration of 60 em s-*. ‘The period of oscillation is INCERT Exemplar] @ns Es fa) ws (2ns @ts A disc of radius R and mass M is pivoted at the rim and is set for small oscillations about an axis perpendicular to plane of disc. If a simple pendulum has to have the same time period as that of the disc, the length of the pendulum should be 5 2 (a) 5 2R aR oF 3 3 2 3p yar @> If the length of second’s pendulum is decreased by 2%, how may seconds it will lose per day (a) 39275 (&) 37278, () 34278 (@) 8645 29. A clock which keeps correct time at 20°C, is subjected to 40°C. If coefficient of linear expension of the pendulum is 12 x 1076 /°C. How much will it gain or loose in time? {@)10.3 seeond/day (5 second/day (6) 20.6 second/day (@) 20 minute/day 80. The equation of a dainped simple harmonic motion is 2 m4“* 4) 4 Jee = 0, Then the angular frequency de de of oscillation is wet Ey” ee 81. The motion of a particle is given x =A sin at +B cos wt. The motion of the particle is {@) not simple harmonic (6) simple harmonic with amplitude A+B A+B) 2 (6) simple harmonic with amplitude (@) simple harmonic with amplitude /A® + B® 32. In case of a simple pendulum, time period versus length is depicted by (b) T — — Ne |} ) wt ol = 1— 88. The displacement equation of a particle is 3 sin 2t + 4 cos 2t. The amplitude and maximum velocity will be respectively @) 5,10 ) 3,2 (4,2 (a) 3,4 34, The displacement-time graph of a particle executing SHM iss shown inthe figure. : 1 ’ ) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 7 ‘The corresponding force-time graph of the particle is Fj Fy @ ) ae i ' F Fy © @ Po ' | ‘ 35. A tunnel has been dug through the centre of the earth and a ball is released in it. It will reach the other end of the tunnel after @) 84.6 min () 42.3 min (© 1day (@) will not reach the other end 86. Two bodies M and N of equal masses are suspended from two separate massless springs of spring constants ky and ky respectively. If the two bodies oscillate vertically such that their maximum velocities are equal, the ratio of the amplitude of vibration of M to that on Nis ws ® & wm @ & fy ea & A 37. A particle is executing simple harmonic motion with a period of T seconds and amplitude in metre. The shortest time it takes to reach a point -_ m from its v2 ‘mean position in seconds is it r r T z= 2 zt @ wt oF @% 38, A mass Mis suspended from a massless spring. An additional mass m stretches the spring further by a distance x. The combined mass will oscillate with a period ta) On. {2 +m) | mg ore} (2m ( @ i leh 39. A particle executes linear simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 2 cm. When the particle is at 1 em from the mean position the magnitude of its velocity is equal to that of its acceleration. Then its time period in seconds is 1 2n 3 23 a Oe wae OF ox has a natural length of 50cm and a forg, 40 mat of 210° Nas. A body of mass 10 ye suspend from it and the spring i stretched, 1, body is pulled down to a length of 58 cm and released, it executes simple harmonic motion, What isthe net force on the body when it is atits lowermost position of its oscillation? (Take, 9=10 ms). f)20N 0) 40N 6ON (@) B0N 41. Two point masses of 3 kg and 6 kg are attached to opposite ends of horizontal spring whose spring constant is 300 Nm” as shown in the figure. The natural vibration frequency of the system is approximately = 300 Nm! 6g |r he (a) 4 Hz (b) 3 Hz (co) 2Hz (@) 1 Hz 42, Ina spring-mass system, the length of the spring is 1, and it has a mass M attached to it and oscillates with an angular frequency «. The spring is then cut into two parts, one (i) with relaxed length @Z and the other (i) with relaxed length (a) L. The force constants of the two springs A and Bare — na ® na =a aime (©) aka-a)k (@) kandk 48. A particle is attached to a vertical spring and is Pulled down a distance 0.04 m below its equilibrium Position and is released from rest. The initial upward acceleration of the particle is 0.30 ms~*. The period of the oscillation is @ 408s 0) 192s 390s @) 2.295 44, A block of mass 0.2 kg, which slides without friction on a 30” incline, is connected to the top of the incline by a massless spring of force constant 80 Nm=! as shown in figure. If the block is vulled slightl i ‘ition, what i the pee Sightly from its mean pos tiod of oscillations? ns x ” ls 7° OF. wes Chapter 11: Simple harmonic motion (531 45. Two simple harmonic motions are represented by the Towing equations () simple harmonic and time period is independent of the density of the liquid ¥1 = 40 sino (4) simple harmonic and time period is directly oA Ya =10 (sin wt + ¢ coset) proportional to the density of the liquid I their displacement amplitudes are equal, then the 82+ A Particle is acted simultaneously by mutually value of ¢ (in appropriate units) is " perpendicular simple harmonic motion x = a cos@t (a) V3 ) Vis and y =a sinast. The trajectory of motion of the vit @4 particle will be INCERT Exemplar] 46. The potential energy of a particle of mass 2 kg in & parabola SHM is (9x?) J. Here, x is the displacement from (o)a circle mean position. If total mechanial energy of the (@) a straight line particle is 36 J. Then maximum speed of the particle 53. The displacement of a particle varies with time is according to the relation y =a sin @t + b cos at. (@ 4mst () 2 ms INCERT Exemplar] (@ 6 ms (@) 10 ms" {@) The motion is oscillatory but not SHM 47. A particle of mass 0.1 kg is executing SHM of Oe eae oo ——— Cee the mean position, its KE is 8 x 10~ J. Find the (¢) The motion is SHM with amplitude a? + 6? equation of motion of the particle if the initial phase 54. The equation of motion of a particle is, of oscillation is 45° x =a.cos (« t)*, The motion is INCERT Exemplar] - x - © {@) periodic but not oscillatory (a) y =0.1 cos (o« + *) ©) y=Osin (« + 2) (©) periodic and oscillatory 7 5 (6) oscillatory but not periodic @ yeotsn(ae3) — @y-oten( a2) 6 eee se cae 55. A mass of 0.2 kg is attached to the lower end of a massless spring of force constant 200 Nm, the upper end of which is fixed to a rigid support. Which of the following statement is true? 48, Molten-wax of mass m drops on a block of mass M, is oscillating on a frictionless table. Select the incorrect option. (@) amplitude does not change (a) In equilibrium, the spring will be stretched by 1 em. (b) amplitude increases (b) IF the mass is raised till the spring becomes unstretched (©) time period decreases and then released, it will go down by 2 em before (@) time period increases moving upwards (©) The frequency of oscillation will be nearly 5 Hz 49. The displacement of a particle is represented by the Cees equation y = 3 cos ( - 2x) ‘The motion of the 56. A particle of mass 2 kg moves in simple harmonic 4 motion and its potential energy U varies with particle is INCERT Exemplar] position x as shown. The period of oscillation of the (a) simple harmonic with period 2 / @ particle is (0) simple harmonic with period x / @ (© periodic but not simple harmonic (@) non-periodic 50. The displacement of a particle is represented by the equation y = sin? at. The motion is. (NCERT Exemplar] (@) non-periodic : () periodic but not simple harmonic (© simple harmonic with period 2r/@ (@) simple harmonic with period * /@ | bei 51. Motion of an oscillating liquid column in Venibe is @) periodic but not simple harmonic (b) non-periodic 59. The potential energy of a particle of mass 0.1 kg, 532) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 87. The speed (v) of a particle moving along a straight line, when it is at a distance (x) from a fixed point on the line, is given by v? = 144 - 9x?. Select correct alternate. {a) The magnitude of acceleration at a distance 3 units from the fixed point is 27 units (©) The motion is simple harmonic with T= 2 nits (©) The maximum displacement from the fixed point is 4 units (¢) all are correct 58, Maximum kinetic energy of a particle of mass 1 kg in SHM is 8 J. Time period of SHM is 4 s. Maximum potential energy during the motion is 10 J. Then (a) amplitude of oscillations is approximately 2.53 m (b) minimum potential energy of the particle is 2 J {) maximum acceleration of the particle is approximately 6.3 ms? (4) minimum kinetic energy of the particle is 2 J moving along the X-axis, is given by U = Sx(x ~ 4), where x is in metres. Choose the wrong option. (a) The speed of the particle is maximum at x =2m (b) The particle executes simple harmonic motion (©) The period of oscillation of the particle is s (d) All are correct 60. A simple pendulum has a time period T in vacuum. Is time period when it is completely immersed in a liquid of density one-eight of the density of material of the bob is w fer 7, fr @y5 3. is ost @ 57 61. A simple pendulum has time period T. The bob is given negative charge and surface below it is given positive charge. The new time period will be (@) less than T (©) greater than T (© equal to T (@) infinite 62, Two simple pendulums whose lengths are 100 cm and 121 cm are suspended side by side. Their bobs are pulled together and then released. After how many minimum oscillations of the longer pendulum, will the two be in phase again, qi {) 10 at (@)20 ined in series and pa some springs are combit s Paralle| 63, Some springs Ore Sw in the figure and a mag, 1 Said from them. The ratio of their Frequent will be ] i ‘ k (iit @2:1 @v3:2 @) 64. A body of mass 0.01 kg executes simple harmonic motion (SHM) about x = 0 under the influence of a force shown in figure. The period of the SHM is (a) 1.05 s () 0.52 (©) 0.255 @ 031s 65. The vertical motion of a ship at sea is described by 2, the equation 4 ay? height of the ship (in metre) above its mean position. If it oscillates through a height of 1m (a) its maximum vertical speed will be 1 ms“! (b) its maximum vertical speed will be 2 ms (c) its greatest vertical acceleration is 2 ms“ () its greatest vertical acceleration is 1 ms™* 66. A simple pendulum is suspended from the ceiling of a car and its period of oscillation is T when the car¥ at rest. The car starts moving on a horizontal road with a constant acceleration g (equal to the acceleration due to gravity, in magnitude) in the forward direction. To keep the time period same, t length of the pendulum {a) will have to be increased by 2 I (©) will have to be increased by (2 -1) (©) will have to be decreased by 21 (@) will have to be decreased by (V2 —1) 4x, where x is the vertical Chapter 11: Simple harmonic motion 33 fe ecine a moan pi& tring 79, in SHIM, potential energy of particle at mean ‘The other end of the spring is fixed to's wal ey position is E, and kinetic energy is E,, then block has a speed v when the spring ara fee ae length. Before coming to an instantaneous see ite © ema +S block moves a distance x from the mean pesitioa es ‘ : im 1 fm (©) total kinetic energy at x = 224 jg 382 af wxnt fe Im im wxa\z LE ee a) xn [me 2 4 a AE Se (2) toa inti energy «x= Ae Be surface of a non-viscous liquid the density of ball. The motion ertain height on the of density less than 74. A particle executes SHM with amplitude of 20 cm er of the ball is and time period of 12 s. What is the minimum time a : required for it to move between two points 10 cm on (©) periodic but not SHM_ either side of the mean position? {© not periodic @ ts 2s (4 SHIM for half period and non-periodic forrest half of (3s @4s e pei ‘i 75. A uniform spring whose unstressed length is (has a 69, Two particles executes SHM of the same amplitude force constant The spring is cut into os pieces of and frequency along the same straight line. They unstressed lengths J, and !,, where /, = nly, where n pass one another when going in opposite directions being an integer. Now a mass mis made to oscillate each time their displacement is half their amplitude. with first spring, The time period of its oscillation What is the phase difference between them? would be (@) 60° (©) 30") 90" (a) 120° = 70. A mass is suspended separately by two springs of () T=2n | ) Ta2e fom spring constants k, and R in successive order. The ee det time periods of oscillations in the two cases are T, () T=28 ie Tao [22D and T; respectively. If the same mass be suspended 2 nk o mk by connecting the two springs in parallel, (as shown 76. A mass M = 5 kg is attached to a spring as shown in in figure) then the time period of oscillations is T. fee ote a pee on ae eae The correct relation is remains unstretched. The spring constant is 200 Nm’ ‘The mass Mis then released and begins to undergo ik le small oscillations. The amplitude of oscillation is 7 @T 71. A horizontal platform with an object placed on it is executing SHM in the vertical direction. The : amplitude of oscillation is 4 x 10° m. What ae : least period of these oscillations, so that the object (@) 0.5m (b) 0.25 m (c) 0.2m @ 01m 38 77. A rectangular block of mass m and area of not detached from the platform? (take, g = 10 ms") cross-section A floats in a liquid of density p. If it is © @ts given a small vertical displacement from rad os Oio* 50 equilibrium it undergoes oscillation with a time 72, Two masses 8 kg and 4 kg are suspended together by ie . ‘massless spring of spring constant 1000. Nm" oe e spring ‘ 8 kg is remove 1 1 When the masses are in equilibrium ® Te (Tat re Without disturbing the system. The amp! ° a scillation is @O5m_ — @) 008m (adm — (2d) 004m 33) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 78. Period of small oscillations in the two cases shown in figure is T, and T respectively. Assume fluid does not have any viscosity, then @) j=7, ) 5t (@) Cannot say anything 79. The variation of PE of harmonic oscillator is as shown in figure. The spring constant is U oul) (@) 1x10? Nm (b) 1.5% 10? Nm™ (©) 2x10? Nm (@) 3x10? Nm 80. A particle of mass m oscillates with simple harmonic motion between points x, and xz, the equilibrium position being at O. Its potential energy is plotted. It ‘will be as given below in the graph Oh Sao) “MA «gy * % * ® x 81. A solid cube floats in water half immersed and has small vertical oscillations of time period § s. Its mass (in kg) is (take, g =10 ms~?) (4 b) 2 1 @ 0.5 82. In the figure, the block of mass m, attached to the spring of stiffness k is in contact with the completely elastic wall, and the compression in the spring is e. The spring is compressed further by e by displacing Jock towards left and is then released. If pares ‘between the block and the wall ig "* completely elastic then the time period of °Scillation, of the block will be an fa [me rf ore It anf ONE ose 83. A cubical block of mass M vibrates horizontally wieh amplitude of 4 cm and a frequency of 2 Hz. A smal) block of mass m is palced on the bigger block. In order that the smaller block does not slide on the bigger block, the minimum value of the coefficient of static friction between the two blocks is (a) 0.36 (b) 0.40 (c) 0.64 @) 0.72 84, Two pendulums of time periods 3 s and 7s respectively start oscillating simultaneously from two opposite extreme positions. After how much time they will be in same phase? oes au (@) 2 os 85. A particle under the action of a SHM has a period of 3s and under the effect of another it has a period 4s, What will be its period under the combined action of both the SHM’s in the same direction? @ 7s 5s 24s 04S. 86. A particle performs SHM in a straight line. In the first second, starting from rest, it travels a distance @ and in the next second it travels a distance b in the same side of mean position. The amplitude of the SHM is @a-b 2a? 3a-b 87. A particle is in linear SHM of amplitude A and time Period T. If v refers to its average speed during at interval of, then the mananees eetble value of vis w 84 T oa 3 © (4) None of these (@ 34 T 88. A particle of mass mis dropped from a great height fa reethe hole in the earth dug along its diamete™ a The motion of the particle is simple harmonic ‘The motion ofthe particle is perro «lof the particle at the centre of earth equals M_ where R ang ye + hy the earth respectively @ The speed oF the particle atthe centre of earth equals \ RR +A) of the earth respectively 'd Mare the radius and mass of + where Rand Mare the radius and mass. 49. The system shown in figure is in equilibrium. The mass of the container with liquid is M, density of liquid in the container is p and the volume of the block is V. If the container is now displaced downwards through a distance xo and released such that the block remains well inside the liquid then during subsequent motion {@) time period of SHM of the container will be 2m. ff (©) time period of SHM of the container will be 27 k (¢) amplitude of SHM of the container is xq (@) amplitude of SHM of the container is 2x 90. A block of mass 100 g attached to a spring of spring constant 100 Nm™ is lying on a frictionless floor as shown. The block is moved to compress the spring by 10 cm and then released. If the collisions with the wall in front are elastic, then the time period of the motion is e100 Ne | aan Loco Som (a) 0.28 (b) O18 (©) 0.155 (d) 0.132 5 91. One end of a long metallic wire of length L is tied to the ceiling. The other end is tied to massless spring of spring constant k. A mass m hangs freely from the free end of the spring. The area of cross-section and Young's modulus of the wire are A and ¥ respectively. If the mass is slightly pulled down and released, it will oscillate with a time period Tequal to fmVA + RE) ® a fe yak : YAR (o) an [MOA RL) ‘Ak () 2m ae oA tached to three identical A particle of mass m is at! springs AB and “Geach of force constant kas ie in figure. If the particle of mass m is pushed slightly 93, 94, 95. Chapter 11: Simple harmonic motion Gas against the spring A and released, then the time period of oscillation is [2ra [m @ fF one omit ‘A mass Mis attached to a horizontal spring of force constant k fixed one side to a rigid support as shown in figure. The mass oscillates on a frictionless surface with time period Tand amplitude A. When the ‘mass M is in equilibrium position, another mass m is gently placed on it. What will be the new amplitude of oscillations? @ r+ m) o—m) Four pendulums A, B, Cand Dare suspended from the same INCERT Exemplar] clastic support as shown in figure. A and Care of the same length, while B is smaller than A and Dis larger than A. If A is given a transverse displacement, (@) D will vibrate with maximum amplitude (©) Cwill vibrate with maximum amplitude (©) Bwill vibrate with maximum amplitude (@) All the four will oscillate with equal amplitude Figure shows the circular motion ¥ of a particle. The radius of the circle, the period, sense of revolution and the initial position are indicated on the figure. The ® simple harmonic motion of the x-projection of the radius vector of the rotating particle P is xt=Bsin(221) 30 Piro) TH20s (NCERT Exemplar x (=B cos( =) is. (©) x(@)=B sin( ) (z 2 @x=B om( H+ 2) 1s * 2 8) Medical entrance special for Assertion and reason Directions (Q. Nos. 1-20) These questions consists of two vatements each printed as Assertion ‘and Reason. While ‘answering these question you are required to choose any one of the following five responses fa) If both Assertion ‘and Reason are correct and Reason is the serect explanation of Assertion. (b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct the correct explanation of Assertion. (c) If Assertion is true ‘but Reason is false. (d) If Assertion is false but Reason is true. (©) If both Assertion ‘and Reason are false. yn In SHM to find time taken in moving + but Reason is not 1, Assertior aancreiom int to another point we can not apply the relation, time = Distance Speed Reason In SHM speed is not constant. 2, Assertion Mean position of SHM is the stable equilibrium position. Reason In stable equilibrium, position potential energy is minimum. 3. Assertion In the x-t graph of acceleration of particle at time fo velocity is negative. f a particle in SHM is positive but Reason a cc—x and velocity is slope of x-t graph. 4. Assertion In x = A cos cot equation of SHM, X is measured from the extreme position, x= +A. Reason At time t = 0, particle is atx=+A 5. Assertion If a pendulum is suspended in a lift and lift accelerates upwards, then its time period will decrease. Reason Effective value of g will be a =9+a 6. Assertion Simple harmonic motion is an example of one dimensional motion with non-uniform acceleration. Reason _In simple harmonic motion, acceleration varies with displacement linearly. ‘mat questions a. Assertion Tf amplitude of SHM is increased, ting Assert SHM will increase. plitude is inereaseds body have to minee in one complete oscillation, ‘on ofa particle in SHM is given 3, 4g, Assertion xf equati x =A cost ‘At time t= 7, potential energy is minimum, 20 Reason In the given equation the minimum potential energy is 2eF0- 9, Assertion In x oscillation is 4 units. Reason Mean position 10, Assertion In SHM vx graph is fn ellipse, where v Asrepetty and xis displacement from mean positon Equation between v and xis =3 + 4.cos wt, amplitude of is at x =3. 'A®, which is the equation of an ellipse. 11. Assertion In x= 5-4sinwt, motion of body is SHIM about the mean position x = 5. Reason Amplitude of oscillations is 9. 412, Assertion Displacement-time equation of a particle moving along X-axis is x = 4+ 6 sin ot. Under this ven, motion of particle is not simple harmonic. 2 Reason for the given equation is proportional to-x. 18. Assertion Time period of a spring-block system i$ TT If length of spring is decreased, time period wi decrease. Reason If length is decreased, then the block will have to travel less distance and it will take Jess time: 14, Assertion A particle performing SHM at certain instant is having velocity v. It again acquires ® velocity v for the firs time after atime interval ! 7 — ‘Then the time period of oscillation is Reason A particle performing SHM ca” h locity at two instants in one cycle. wave sane pees ssertion Average kinetic energy in one osila™ during SHM of a body is + ma2A? 7 : 16. A eee Maximum kinetic energy is + moA”- 2 , Assertion Bob is released fro, 7 16. ven Op Very small. Angul welcity of gestion A. int O is maximu 2 : imo 2. ph 1 BO . Reason For small angular amplitudes, moti ee oat motion of bob 17. Assertion In a spri ‘ing block system if length of spring and mass both are halved, time peried of oscillation will remain unchanged. tr where, k is spring constant and m is mass of block. Reason Angular frequency of SHM is Match the Columns 1, In SHM match the following. Column 1 Column 11 (A) Displacement and velocity (p) Phase difference of zero ®) Displacement and (© Phase difference of © acceleration, 2 (©) Velocity and acceleration (r) Phase difference of 2. In SHM match the following columns. 4, Chapter 11; Simple harmonic motion an so[ r= ee Column 1 Column 1 (A) Kinetic energy (9) _ Half the maximum value (®)_Potential energy In the equation y following. For = 2 (q)__3/4 times the maximum value (© Acceleration () 1/4 times the maximum value (3) Cannot say anything ——____)_Cannot say anything - In spring-block system match the following columns, Spee rock system match the following columns. Column 1 Column 1 (A) If k(the spring constant) is (p) Speed will become 16 made 4-times {B) If m{the mass of block) is (q)_ Potential energy will . made 4times become 4 times (©) Wand moth are made (Kinetic energy will 4stimes remain unchanged ()_None Oo ‘Velocity-time graph of a particle in SHM is as shown, in figure. Match the following columns. Column 1 Column WAP) Patticleisate=-A Column I Column I B)_ALQ. (q) Acceleration of particle is maximum (NR (Displacement of pute eo (A) Acceleration-displacement graph _(p)_Parabola eS (8) _Velocity-acceleration graph (q_ Straight line (None Guele LO_Velocity-time graph __ i) asin ot tA sn( + x) match the following. () _Acceleration-time graph oN Column ot following —_——_ &n second’s pendulum, match the f ar nae enue of earth also). 4A) Motion (0) Is periodic but not SHM : Column IT (B)_ Amplitude (q)_Is SHM =— T>2s (C)_Initial phase w A A At pole @ T<2s (D) Maximum velocity (s)_n/3. or nalte 7 _ 0a? At eonaie {u)_ None T=0 ©) _Atcentre of earth co Ee s 539 OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 8 s-t equation of a particle in SHM is given as yal sin (12x) in SI units. Potential enengy at sme position is zero. Mass following columns. Column IL Column 1 Frequency with which kinetic") 1/2Stunit energy oscillates Speed of particle is maximum at (@) 16x" St unit is force In the two block spring system foree constang : a jek = 6Nmn. Spring is stretched by 1 sears lets Match the following columns, famine), ese oho A) Angular frequency of (p) 48 x10~ SI unit ee cxcillation faximum potential ene )__12Stunit {@ Mesinon poet OE Gp) Maximum Kinetic enerey 3 ST-unit () Force constant (6) 36n? St unit og 9, Fexand x-t graph of a particle in SHM are as shown (@. Maximum kinetic energy (1). 2.4 x107 ST unit in figure. Match the following columns. — oo (s)_None FO 10 eS Column I (Column Tr {A) Mass of the particle ()_£/2S1 unit (B) Maximum kinetic energy of particle (q) 060/n*) St unit (© Angular frequency of particle @)_(6 x10™)St unit (s)_None Medical entrances’ gallery ee 11. A uniform rod of length 1is suspended from a poin Pand the rod and is made to undergo small seillations. Match the following for the time perio. ee Column T Column It ___ Sotemat Zero (A) If Pis the centre of mass _(p) B) I Pisthe end point eee (©) Length of simple © pendulum having the period equal to that of the rod when Ps end point - @ 2 (Collection of questions asked in NEET & Various Medical Entrance Exams) 1. A body of mass mis attached to the lower end of a spring whose upper end is fixed. The spring has negligible mass. When the mass m is slightly pulled down and released, it oscillates with a time period of 3.s. When the mass mis increased by 1 kg, the time period of oscillations becomes 5 s. The value of min Rs INEET 2016] @s o 2 4 S 16 ole 16 we 9 2, Two similar springs P and Q have spring const" 7 oe to: such that ky > kg. They are stretched, by bythe sae amount (ase ) then bythe S51 (case b. The work done bythe springs We and HO re related as, in case (a) and case (b), respectively rare (0) Wp =Wa sWp >We i (0) Wp =Wo i Wp =We (OW, >Wq se >, ip = Wo (@) Wp pO) 5. (A44.8->pa.C>18) AGB, C3) 8 ib) 18. (b) 28. (b) 38. (b) 9. (e) 19. (@) 29. (b) 39. (0) 10.) 20. (4) 30. () 40. () 50. (0) 60. id) 70. (0) 80. 90. (6) 10.) 10.0) 30. (3) 0 Hints and explanations neck point 11.1 1. (@) The motion of planets around the sun is periodic but simple harmonic motion, Uleats? 2, @) The body is not uniformly accelerated in : ee case of simple 3 dy=asin(or+ d=asin( ee 4) 3 92 05sin(sne+ 2) = 05 coset 4. (d) F =k 2 yx05in(2es =F «=x, so this is a necessary and sufficient condition for SHM. 5, (d) Periodic time remains constant in SHM, “ 33 6. (8) @A=3ms" or @=—=— = 30 rads VoA=3msor @=F => = 30 fata -(2)ne 2 2n \e 7. 0) The phase at any instant tells us both about the displacement and direction of motion of the particle, 8. (o) When the particle moves along the circumference of circle with constant angular velocity, the projection of the Particle on any of the diameters executes SHM. 9. (by =10sin(20¢+ 2/3) ci) ‘Comparing Eq, (i) with general equation of motion of simple harmonic, we get A=10m @=20rads* an ne As onF = T9370 10. (x = 0.34c0s (3000+ 0.74) Comparing with general equation x = Acos (t+ 4) We get, A= 0.34 mm, = 30005ad 5 @ _ 3000 ney, v= = He Frequency, v= 2" =e U1. a) vgay = axa = 3 x 100 = 300 units 7 12. (6) Velocity at mean position v = ae velocity ata distance half amplitude B Ve@a— ale gore oo 14, (ov = @ Ja? x? = 2 (60)? — 2OF = 113 mms" 15, (2 tng = @A = (200) (0.25) = 50 em st 16, )a=-a'x ye 2 2—A = constant a gone 1.) a=-oe = 18, (0) The acceleration of the particle is non-uniform in case of simple harmonic motion, 9. (6) o= 5 rad sand A= 2em 19. on 3 nds*and A=2 Maximum acceleration = «A = © cms? eee 20. (a) A= a, On soving, we get A= 2 ah eney oon a ffetate Ygge = ACD = 6 x 2= 12.ems 22, ee aco and ‘Maximum acceleration 23. (c) The average acceleration of a particle performing SHM ‘over one complete oscillation is zero, Because acceleration is a function of sine and average value of sin for 1 complete oscillation = 0 24, (c) From mean position to extreme position body is decelerated and from extreme position to mean position body is accelerated. 50) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 25. (As x=Asinot Velocity,» = Aw sin(oe+ 4) and the acceleration, a= Ao? sin(or + 1) Here, A=amplitude 2 1 a 1m « © Cai ++ In SHM, the acceleration is ahead of velocity by a phase 2 Check point 112 1. (@) At mean positions. KE is maximum and PE is zero. 2. (b) KE is maximum at mean position, 3.Ba= = 100 rad s yatx=0 maha? = 3 «1x (100F «(6 x10 = 18) 7. (0) Amplitude, A= 4.em, 1 1 For KE=PE > tmata?-x2)=1 mete? > pmo? -x)= 5 af A vets xe 2 2 4 Jan Bem = 8. (a) Let xbe the point, where KE=PE 1 Ma? — x2 Hence, 3 marta E 9. (QU=K or U=> an this situation wil occur forfour times in one comple, period. 10, (@ The work done by the pendulum in one oscillation zero because displacement is zero. 1 2 Will be 11. (B) Total Energy, E = 5m aA? 12, () AsE=Imarst (:0=3) Unean + 4 ma?A? 2 ise, E depends on @ and A both. 14, (6) Total energy, E = 4 13. (6) Energy in SHM, E mata 2 => Its independent of x 15. (@E 2 ma?A? = 3 (nf)? A? = 2n°f?mA® n*(20)(0.1K0.05)? = 2} (approximately) 16. (c) From law of conservation of energy, KE=B-U=4) 17. (c) The value of total mechanical energy of a particle in SHM always remains constant, 19, neck point 13 (o/ Time period will remains the same because time peried Simple pendulum Tis independent of mass of he ee ot : wxoe** slat x oon [E war neal mo ee bs Ta2nft > ATL 1al : al T ari T 2 7 8.00 T= an [Here 9, = ffectve value of, which i zro ina freely falling lit. Hence, T= 6 iag= e+e Given, 1% 2 x21% = 10.5% a deere 1. (@tnstatonary it, T= 26 fF In upward motion of lift, 7 rem fs = f f& Ege ret 8. (0 When a little mercury is drained off, the positon of centre of mass of ball falls (with respect to fixed end) so that elfective length of pendulum increases hence T increases % wr= anf 3 10. (¢ The length of second pendulum 1. rd fe = hye r = f/2 or ni? (a =acceleration of lift) Ui Lis infinite) = 84.6min 100 cm. te Vm’ = Jam) 12 (ake tand fe VE Spring constant of each part will be 2 re V2f Chapter 11: Simple harmonic motion Gs 18. (9 Ta ae | or Tx Mass has reduced to “th ofthe intial mass Hence, time period will remain half. So, according to question, if 0.3 kg mass is also removed, then 1 the system will oscillate with a period of 5 x 2= 15, 14, () The spring mass system oscilates in SHM, its time period is given by Teal ON ‘When spring i cut into ratio 1 8, che new time constant is wade Tif i r-fear-t Fle > Ps 15, (d) The springs are corrected in series. So, the effective force constant will be be he 1 16.0 f= kak,+ hy and k= ah, + hy)= 4k So, faedR’ => fra vak freak = faa i tated orale Here vale of will become 3 mie 18, (cd) The springs are corrected in parallel. So, the effective force constant will be ky =k + hy To anf an : E Qn CE} ¢ ae {B —_ Springe are connected in pralle Tne [RETA wal? Ying Check point 114 acon =" (¢ Springs are connected in parallel) 19. (a) T, % Springs are connected in series) 20. (b) T= 2n als oT) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 (T= 2n | => Ta. Vag >" “Tp ‘3. (c) The time period in this case is given by T = 2 £ 9 where, Ris the radius of earth. 4. (a) Amplitude of damped oscillation is A= Ae yes 2 where ¢=1s Neve toret = So, 2 Age 2 After2s,A=Ae? = A= 42 5. (b) Frequency is less with damping. 6. (d) In damped oscillation, amplitude goes on decaying exponentially. a = age" where b = damping coefficient. Initially, 9 aye**7, T = time of one oscillation (From Eq. or a=ay/9 7. (@ With weak damping frequency of system reaches frequency of driving force. 8. (d) Amplitude always remains constant in case of sustained forced oscillations. 9, (@) Amplitude remains constant in free vibrations, maintained vibrations and forced vibrations. 10, (a) In forced oscillations, particle oscillates with a frequency ‘equal to the frequency of driving force. 11, (2 In resonant vibrations of a body, the frequency of extemal force applied on the body is equal to its natural frequency. If on increasing and decreasing the frequency of external force from the natural frequency by a factor, the amplitude of vibrations reduces very much. In this case, sharp resonance will take place. But if it reduces by a small factor, then flat resonance will take place. The sharp and flat resonance will depend on damping present in the body executing resonant vibrations. Less the damping, greater will be sharpness. 12, (¢) Two sources of sound are in resonance when they produce the sound of same frequency. 13, (0) It is due to resonance. 14. (a) Resonance occurs when an external driving force is present. 15. (a) During the phenomenon of resonance, the amplitude of ‘oscillation becomes large. Because applied frequency is equal to natural frequency. A) Taking it together 1, (and sare ee in opposite directions, J = S; =constant 2 (gT=2 i > 77a 3. (@) The ee isa maximum displacement fom th me, position. 4. (b) There is no effect of phase angle on amplitude, Hence a= i 3 4 4 7. (0 Given, x = 5 cos (20+ 2) (where, xis a displacement) > xaSc0s(an+ 4) tents ‘ { €08 (360° + 6) = ex x 1 2 xe8en = xn5xe 5 sem 8. (b)|a|=o%x 12=04(3) . = 2rad = 2% T = (q)sor 3.145 9. (dn cae of spring-block system, time period does not chant because restoring force is still kx. 10, (d) Using acceleration, A= ~ ox At Xe Awill be maximum and positive. , ) yx0cesoreasin(at 3) Jreasinat © Ag=ot+ 5 ~ ore F 299° U 27 Ot 5 = 90) 12, (@) Equation of motion, y =a cos ot = $=acoser = or=% 3 or orn “3x23 13. (0) @A= constant and w*Ais made two times. ‘This is possible when @ is doubled and A is halved. [4 ALT= OF = 0. For x > 0 force is in and for x < 0, force is in positive ‘motion of the particle is periodic negative direction x-direction. Therefore, about mean position x = 0, 1 15. (ke j hence, kof individual halves will be 16 Nin“! When they are connected in parallel, effective value of k wil become 32m te 16, (a) Suppose x=Asinatand y =A.cos ot Then by squaring and adding these two equations, we get a a jo= 2% eo=F 's. Therefore y =Asin Now put x= 1s and. 1 et Now, Ko = 5 mia? i =A xix (a? 6107 31x (4F 6 x10 =2x107y 19. (d) Acceleration is maximum when displacement is maximum. Force is zero when displacement is zero and potential energy is maximum, when displacement is maximum. T. 20. ( At ime F:v=0 ‘Total energy = Potential energy at arean [maaan [ ‘ (4) eal 2 oa Ta2s Ws 22. () Lia? = 3 x2 10° (0.017 = 100 ‘At mean position, U=60] and K=100J At extreme positions, U=160] and K=0 23, (@ For second’s pendulum at the surface of earth > aeanfe a For seconds pendulum at the surface of moon want A 4 . Lon = i, -(): From Eqs.) and ih =o > a=, fe aN imes (= 1m) As ane ba, n= Ba gtimes Oo y Chapter 11: Simple harmonic motion (547 k 24. (adh, = PE = ke k= 2k Lie kre 4 Oe 2 2x VM 25. (a) For motion to be SHM acceleration of the particle must be Proportional to negative of displacement. ie, aa (y or x) We should be clear that y has to be linear. 26. (a) Let equation of an SHM is represented by y =a sin wt y B awcosot at = Chae = aw = 30 a oti) Acceleration (A) i) Eqs. (i) and (i), we get © (@2)= 60 = @ (30) = 60 = o=2ndst = 2B a arad et = Tens? T T (oT =2n | Toon [t aaron [E-mfl or t= G/2MR’) _3, ME MR 2 AT _1Al_0.02 28. (d) Toei > AT. 1Al_ 0.02 radi = Etat 9% 001 > aT =001T Loss of time per day = 0.01x 24 x 60 x 60 = 864 5 29. (a) Time period T = Vi aT _1at_r o ais ee Also according to thermal expansion I' = I(1+ aA®) Al aso, AT = 12x10" x 86400 second/day AT # 10.3 second/day 0) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 31, (dx =Asinar + B cos ot Ae + A P(A B =P +B in cos (tee ore Teg ewe = (A+B sin(or + @) where, tang= aie 32. rao octet i.e,, T-lgraph is a parabola 33. (a) x = 3sin 2+ 4 cos 2 From given equation 4 “ = 3.a,=4and> 2 a=\avd=|Fea-5 > pe = 00=5%2=10 34. (@) Acceleration = ~ «y. So, F =—maty {ys sinusoidal function, So, F will also be sinusoidal function with phase difference x ‘35, (t) Ball will execute SHM inside the tunnel with time period T= 2x Rig = 64.63 min Hence, time to reach the ball from one end tothe other end of the tunnel = 453 - 49.3 min, 36. (d) A= 0A, E slp 0 5 1 els ala ate 39. (c) Velocity, v = @ YA? — x* and acceleration = «2 Now given, ox = @ yA? - x? = of 1soy2-P = on aes ” @ 3 40. (c At its lowermost point spring is stretched by 8 cm op 8x10? m Fog = hx mg =(2x10" x8 x10) ~ (10 x10)=60N AL. (c) Reduced mass of two blocks, mia = Deg m+ my 1 [R_1 [B00 nw, fot fF PS 1 ne 42. (b) Force constant, kc Tenath of spring ae ko aL kat o Similarly, hy = 43. (d) A= 0.04 m, «°A=0.3 ms“? w= 2.74 rads? Now Tr 44. (T= 20 z = z Qn 45. (b) For y, % A s10¢ A= aor + Goo? o 10+ = 40 : c=Vi5 (o Atx= QU =O. Therefore, total mechanical energy is custo the maximum kinetic energy a o = 6ms aio yme"ah = 8x10~J 1 2 10.1 xa? (0.1) = 8x10 . (0.0? = 8x10 or = 4 rads ‘Therefore, the equation of motion of the particle ifthe initial phase of the oscillation is 45°, will be =O.1sin| a+ = yronsel ee ¥] pee a 2.09 Gem y=Seu( 20] Velocity of the particle : (=(¢-»] saul (faa sne(t-m) [outa] wax tanden(E=23 =-1n0tco( $201) Poly] = As acceleration, a¢— Hence, due to negative sign motion is SHM. Clearly, from the equation My des Ee Standard equation y =a cos orl . 2 ee 7 we {and given equation y=3eos (2069 )) So, motion is SHM with period ©. 50. (6) Given, equation of motion is y= sin? or = @ sin wt asin300/4 in3 @=3sinO— Asin” sinaoo 4 Sh. 32. 53. simple harmonic motion (548 Chapter 11: 4 = 4% «30.01 wt 4x00 301 #Y 2 56? 2 4x2 2 so8sinor+ 1207 sin3or . ae 0? sinwt + 1207 sin3ot . 4 ty onal = > i not proportions oy Hence, motion is not SHM. [As the expression is involving sine function, hence it will be periodic. (0 Consider the diagram in which a ligutd column oscillates. In this case, restoring force acts on the liquid due to gravity. ‘Acceleration of the liquid column, can be calculated in terms of restoring force. Restoring force f= Weight of liquid column of height 2 (Ax2yxp)xg=-2Ap 99 sm=pu) =f ©=y= Motion is SHM with force constant k = 2Ap9- mare Te an[, were toh Which is independent of the density of the liquid. (© Given, cos ot “ y=asinat = Gi) Squaring and adding Eas. () and (i, (costar tsin2od a? cos? wt + sin? of =1] Clearly, the locus isa circle of constant radius a. (a According to the question, the displacement ysasinor+ b cos at Let a=Asing and b= Acos & Now, a? +b? =At sin 6 +A? cos? § > AnVate® Y= Asing sin or+ Acos @ cos oF =Asin(or+ @) = =Awcos (ot + §) a > Gr TAG sin lors = — -Aw?)y dy eo Hence, itis an equation of SHM with amplitude, A= Ya? + 07, O) 550) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 54. (c) As the given equation is a-cos (0.1? is a cosine function. Hence, Now, putting ¢ + T in place of ¢ x(C4 T)=a cosla (+ TIP [x10 =a costa a cosla?+aT?+ 2atTex() where, T is supposed as period of the function « (0). Hence, itis not periodic. an oscillatory motion. 55. (d) At equilibrium, 56. (ope my ss, a (in SHM) or v= etd? ate? Comparing the given equation with this equation we get, Also, WA? = 144 A= units, |@| = 07x = (9) (3) = 27 units Displacement < distance 58. (a, c) Maximum kinetic energy = energy of oscillation in SHM Further, 2m From Eqs. (i) and (i) we get, ke 25Nm™ and A= 253m. ‘Maximum acceleration of the particle will be au rwanta -(3) (2.53)= 6.3 ms 10x ~ 20, aU _ (10x + 20) ae Let us suppose, x =(X + 2} Then F =-10X, F = 0 a Canis the mean poston seat wigeh 0 Sinsine 10 tg (OL a2 | Eat mean pst Toan[ =2effg “BEA Pag energy i maximum and fre ating on particle in Sig able i 6 (in vacuum P= 292 Let be the volume and T’be the density of the mass ofthe bob. Net downward fore acting on the bob in side the ligey, Tar = Weight — upthnust =Vpg-V- 9 =2 Vj Weight ~upthrust =Vpg -V-5 9= 5 Veg vBo (opthras) Vpa (weight) i, effective value of gis 2g 3 So time period ofthe bob inside the liquid i qaonf nag fl Bo [Br 78 fi f be 61. (a) In this case time period of pendulum becomes Sette ee eee x = Tam [O01 rem ff = re2e(Boan de 65. () Comparing with > swe have, @ = 2 rads"! Vaux = @A = 2m Onan = A= 4 ms (66. (a) To keep time period same, "= V2! vo 68. (b) After attaining terminal velocity, ball will move with constant velocity. Therefore, the motion of the ball is periodic bat not SHM. 69. ne A or 6, A A |} oo” 7 ahh k, 7 r Chapter 11: Simple harmonic motion (551 A= y= ¥y =0.08 m So 73. DU =U gn + 48K Give, pn =; and A = =i Kinet ney at mean position xi, 2 74. (WX =Asinot ‘The desired time will be 2¢ mle LT Bo” 3@x/T) 6" 6 1 15. ket @ ; ae 4 (4) ot T=2" {| tnd 76. (b) Amplitude of oscillation, A= ™2 = 210 9.95 mm 7 200 71. T= ax fs where fis immersed length 3 18. T= 20 but = wna Frage aE Hence, T; aa : : Ba oe a=(0.2)m 20 100) eee 3A Now, m=a'p=4kg ‘Mass = Density x Volume) 82, (a) From eto 2e afte Aen t T_2n [me Distance __ VA _ 3V3A Time period of oscillation = 2'= 7 = 2%, [mt sg A _ Waa : : se Tie 7/8" 83. (0) jug > maximum acceleration in SHM > oA 88, (4) The motion is simple harmonic only inside earth. Further 2 2 GM oa xA woh ou (aap? xA = 5 2x14 x37 x4 107 = e 10 al > 0.631= 0.64 . 89, (8 M, =Mass of container + Upthrust 84. (a n=Asio(op+ 3) = rn Asia( Now + Za ant ee : 2 @)- 6, Qn/T)- Qn) TE _ 3x7 2-7) 20-3 8 x t=” of 85. (T= 28 |™ or Tal k vk 6 Thas increased * times. Hence, k’ = © k 3 16 “When both are combined, mh be 2 op 2S Ig RA R= EE hor times ene new tine ped wil cone Sines 35 2.48 86. (c) Particle starts from rest. Hence, x = A cos ot a=A-Acos(@xd fe A-a_(, a or -(-3) A = ~ A cos (@ x2) he = A~A(2 cos? oD =2-2(1-2)" (-J) vas = tAk__ [mAs Em ea bs 92. +2 s = 2. ° vom . a5" 45° é (say) then O'M=O'Nw Va Le, elongation in spring Band Cis x/J5, while compression in spring A is x. Net restarting force, 3.0 Law of conservation of momentum, Miya, = (n+ Mb = Vigag = Mas mx (m+ M) mm =A'0 sa TE 9 [E ine MVM Yin +) Pa ea oa Nore 94. (6) According to the question, Ais given a transverse displacement. = Elastic support Through the clastic support the disturbance i transferred to all the pendulums. ‘and C are having same length, hence they will be in resonance, because their time period of oscillation. T= an ates egy ie 3 So, amplitude of Aand C will be maxis. ea Note in this problem, we have assumed that the supports perfectly elastic and thre mo damping Hence, olan 1 coniored 3S undamped a 95. (a) Let angular 1 the particle executing circular . (a) Let angular velocity ofthe part = Motion is @ and when i is at Qmakes and angle as show in the diagram. Clearly, @= ot Chapter 11: Simple harmonic motion (a Now, we can write OR 0 cos (90 ~ 6)= 08 sin @= 02 sin wt sin oe [- OQ=r] = BA => x=rsin@t=Bsinwt (er=B = Bin r= sin( 29) T 30 Clearly, this equation represents SHM. 8) Medical entrance special format questions Assertion and reason 1 (a) 2. (a) For stable equilibrium, PE is minimum, 3. (a) At given time x is negative. Therefore, acceleration is positive (a a —x) Further slope is negative. Therefore, velocity is negative. s.tat=an [2 % Here g, = 9 + a, if the lift accelerates upwards. 6. (d) Simple harmonic motion is not always one-dimensional. In case of angular simple harmonic motion, itis 2-D also. 7. (d) Time period does not depend on amplitude of oscillation. 8. (c) At given time x= Q, Le., body is at mean position. At mean position, potential energy is always minimum. But this ‘minimum potential energy may or may not be zero. 9. (WX =x-3= Aes ot=> X=0atx=3 10. (av = ofa? =>? 11. (c) Amplitude is 4. 12, (d) Motion of particle is simple harmonic, but mean position is, Amplitude is 6. The particle will oscillate between and x=-2 1 1 13. (c) Force constant of a spring, ka 4 and T of a spring, kee + K TevVi 14. (d fqeT (Given) But fyg is not the time period of oscillation. 554) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 15. (HIf — v=oAsinor Then, jae But = 3 in one oscillation =1 mata? a 16. (b) Maximum angular velocity 8) -ean =e, 4 2) 6 “(fi 1 17. @ke Tength of spring I length is halved & will become two times. From, Teme ‘Time period T will remain half for the given conditions Match the columns 1. Suppose x =Asin ot Then, a So wAcos wt 7 a -wAsinor 2. a=—*x, ie. a-x graph is straight line passing through origin. i v=avy sinat then, ax eagnes at=spo iia 3 =v0 ft = a=oig—v So, a-v graph is neither a straight line nor a parabola. Further, acceleration and velocity-time graphs are sine or cosine functions. 3. On a satellite and at centre of earth g’ = 0 T=0 T<2s ‘At mountain, or at some height, value of gis less, Hence, T>2s At pole, value of gis more than the normal value. Hence, a Koa ™ Kon 1 Aut Eb fines maxim van yg, potential energy a mean poston i er, 8.02 Evs0fP—¥n At P, velocity is zero, but just after few seconds vel negative, Therefore, at P particle is at x= +A. At acceleration of the particle will be maximum. On, 1 de? 2 locity ig this ping Similar ground we can say that ALQ x=-A AtRv is maximum, Le, particle is at mean position, where acceleration is also zero. 7, The given equation, yo Asinors Asin (te en lobe wate as, 3 ye Asin( ors 2) cos (§)-asin(or+ 3) Now, we can see that this is SHM with amplitude A and initial phase *, A seat) 9.T=8s nom et = = rads To4 K =~ slope of F-x graph = 10 Nm“! From, P= an [ & We have, 8= 2 160 | x? 2 APE x(a x10" a ie ? Here, = reduced mass =m 2 m +m, 3 é ‘ ono gage 37g 7 3rs Amplitude 12 em distributes in inverse ratio of mast a A= 8cmand A, = 4em Now msm Kinetic energy 1x3 (8 x10) 96 my 1 2 Kyo 4x2 03 x4 x1077 = 4.8 ay 11, To 28 fy Hove Lis distance of pint P from centre of mass. ‘When Pis the centre, I= 0. Therefore, not oscillate. When Pis end point, Medical entrances’ gallery 1. (@ Time period, (Case II When the mass m is increased by 1 kg, then = m+1 = 2n [tt ll) inks one 2 (a.iven, Kp > Ke Ih case (a) the elongation is same fe, xyexex $0, Wy = Ape and Wo= 5 Kot? We key ip > KQ) We > Wp>We Chapter 11: Simple harmonic motion @ In case (t), the spring force is same R=FsF 3. (9 Let Abe the amplitude of oscillation then uP = @%(4? - x) aU ve = (A? ~ x?) oe Gi) (on subtracting Eq, i from Eq, we get stoednate ap 4. (Given, v On integrating within the limit fudv = [°—a%x dx = 5. (a) As per question, we can write mg = kx mx98=x1x 107 98m = = 28 - 980m 107 "Now, value of gat height 800 km above the earth's surface is 9 Hence, 2k 2x 800 Fade Boa Bolt 3 20 = 98x3 = 28 sions hate ee MABE x2 09 a (c) Time period, T = 2x,]™ yin ps Fan = T= 2x3,14 | 200% 10) Vv 60 or, Teaxaia{® on, 706 or, T=0.315 8) OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 7. (@) Total mechanical energy of the system, 2 pera 3 (2 29 =A mote? =4 x40 «10° (22) x (2x10 Ea jmote = (2) c i =4x40 109422) x(ax10%? 2 20 = 494x107] 8. (0) Given, time period, 7 =10 s Toa [2 i when viscous the system is immersed in liquid with specific trio it heres he iid it vi he time period would not be changed because, there is no change in mand k. (€) A harmonic oscillation of constant amplitude and a single frequency under a restoring force whose magnitude is, proportional to the displacement and always acts towards ‘mean position is known as simple harmonic motion 10. (0) Fora simple harmonic motion, 2 ce(-¥) de Equations, ¥ = sinwt - cos wt wet ¥ =a) are satisfying this condition. Equation, ¥ = 1+ af + a + wt? Is not periodic and ¥ = sin’ cris periodic but not SHM, 11. (6) As, potential energy of a particle executing simple hharmonic motion also periodic with period 1/2. So, potential energy is zero at the mean position and maximum at the extreme displacements. Let the amplitude of SHM be A. Uae tue 12, (@) Given, x= Scos (2= + s) (ovhere, x is a displacement) = += 500 (2n+ 3) fatr=19 f c08 360° + 6) = cos 6 : 1 =5008% > x=5x = a V2 ~“ 13. (0) When bigger pendulum of time period (ST/4) com, one vibration, the smaller pendulum wil complete (4° Sibratans. means the smaller pendulum wil be jaa! bigger pendulum by phase 7/45 = x/2 rad = 902, “8k ty 14, (@) At mean position, velocity is maximum 16 Vag 00 => WHR ad a vewltapho 08 = 4fPayF 616 - y"}=9 12-16»? => yn rem 19: © 15, (H Given, x, nasa 3) and x, = Acos ot i = syoaas(ared) Phase difference, At det. ox = @7Acos ot 16. (a= ‘et graph is ~cos ot graph 17. (d) Given, y = asin 2nlbt — cx) = a sin 2 bt- 2mex) Comparing it with general equation, ee < eps, Baoe2 an rae Maximum particle velocity, or = 2rba ab Wave velocity ’ ened Given, maximum particle velocity =2 x wave velocity aban 2x oy cot 18, (B We know that kinetic energy, K-= 2 mv? 2 y where, u= © ~ wA.cos G7 OA ces ot So K= 1 mutA? cost ot Fence, kinetic energy varies periodically with double the frequency of SHM. So, when a particle executing S! cocaes witha frequency v, then the kinetic energy Particle changes periodically with a frequency of 2¥- 19. (d) The current displacement is “3 times the amplitude. 2 a 3 ie, yard 74 We know that galt sre tat potential energy of a body in SHM i are constant, ved mo?y? : veiw ( similarly. Kinetic energy of a body in SHM is given by Sa othe ratio of PE and KE 2KE= 2 mo? x34 21 pa? cd 2 402 4 (a) We know that in spring SHM, the restoring force is 20 portional to displacement 1 ay Ka pmol? - y ies F=-mo’y F by ae ee m= 10kg => A=10cm=0.1 m= k=1000Nm* Caos wat = a= JE [2 = tomer x aT i0 ae ee oy = 10? «(0.1 Ae er Oe ae emorng free = Fiction force = kA=pmg 1k Now, frequency, f= st fener = au 2 anVA 22) The radius of particle is 3 om whichis maximum, s0 the amplitude of simple harmonic motion is 3 cm. 23, (d) Time period T = 2x. fi 3 feFee =a) li) From Eq, (i), we get Given, g= 9.8ms31= 9.8m T= 2n [28 = 28 98 24. (cb We know that equation of SHM y =asinar 3.14 = 6.285 Here in given condition, © = asinox! gi dition, $ 1 1 a tesino > sine=4> @= Jesino = sino= 3 0-§ ere time period of SHM aR reona Ta18 25.0) Foe SHM a = — wy, where @ is acceleration, @ is anes ‘elocity, ys daplacement. Hence, it clear that acceleration is directly proportional to displacement and is always opP2s! ‘© displacement. ren Chapter 11: Simple harmonic motion Gr 26. (a) We know that the time period of a simple pendulum Teale a 1 = Tete vs Here in given condition, be “ Vo K eH From Eqs. (i) and (li), we get Kio re o« ard 2 fee «-[-5]* 8 x tba’ 8 ® te Baned ee mi w3 2 42 cess = Ga) 28. (8) The resonance wave becomes very sharp when damping force is small. 29, (B) As the boy stands up, the centre of gravity of the pendulum is raised up, decreasing the effective length of the pendulum of the swing and hence the time period T decreases. 30. (d) Frequency of oscillator, n= me fm my Vimy 2 [oe ment me a™ 31. (2) Given equation is » =5[sin3nt + V3 cos 3nt] We get, «yess Senan] 589 OBJECTIVE PHYSICS Vol. 1 a yet0[sinanreas + eo tsi] i ae = rattaa( ars $) 32, (0a, =10, a, =/25+ 75 =10 33. wreanft log T =log 2x + 2tog?—iog 9 3 ea ree na. ferentiating, “2 = 044 Differentiating, $F = 0+ 55-32 art (2)x100 2" gxi00 34. (a) Time period of a simple pendulum, rome ft 9 For freely falling system effective, g=0 So, Teo Pendulum does not oscillate at all. 35. (8 Given, 1% increase and 7 inot+ 45°) =4 t+ 45° | 2 V2lsin(or: 45°) Jz tino 45°) . The ratio of amplitudes of two motions ees A Are a 36, (b) When external force is applied, one spring gets extended and another gets contracted by the same distance, hence force due to two springs act in same direction. es F=R+F, hewn hea hye kahth, 37, (d) Mass of the particle = m Spring constant = k The ie pt tT =24f ‘Ask oc} (where, /is the length of spring) 7 w=2k mid = 2n | == 7 TR Te 1 Assertion and Reason both are true but Reason ig 5 OO pect explanation of Assertion, ot When the bob is placed in an electric field, the time Simple pendulum will emain same asthe bob isnot etl Tf simple pendulum having charged bob is placed ing "** horizontal electric field, then the period will be decrease, because there will be an increase in restoring force. 39, (d) The equation of displacement, sin(0¢¢ 2) 6 ‘The energy of this equation, 5, mole - m x10 x10 x4x4 ‘The second equation of displacement x, = 5.08 (ot) ‘The energy of this equation According to question 40. (c) The equation of motion is given as one bat 2 6 Here, y=2.5cem 2.55 sin! 3 | = bet sera = tots 2

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