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BO Interview Question Answers

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1. How to select different data providers in business objects? .............................................................

2. When we use aggregate awareness function in designer?.................................................................6
3. What is Business objects Repository? ..............................................................................................6
4. Is there any other repository domain rather than...............................................................................6
5. What is a Bo repository......................................................................................................................6
6. What is domain? How many are there in a basic setup? What are they? .........................................7
7. When is the Repository created? .......................................................................................................7
8. Can we have multiple domains? .......................................................................................................7
9. How do you restrict access to rows of a database? ...........................................................................7
10. In a report can we hide a particular object?.....................................................................................7
11. Difference between compatible and incompatible objects? ............................................................7
12. Can you please clarify the difference between compatible and incompatible objects? When we
will use these two?.................................................................................................................................8
13. Detail................................................................................................................................................8
14. Measure ...........................................................................................................................................8
15. What is an object?............................................................................................................................8
16. What is a loop? How can we overcome? ........................................................................................9
17. How does a context resolve a loop?.................................................................................................9
18. While resolving loops, how to decide whether alias or context to be used? Describe....................9
19. What is the use of alias and context? Which is the better for solving the loops? Why? Why we
use alias and why we use context?.........................................................................................................9
20. What is a Loop?...............................................................................................................................9
21. What is a loop? How can we overcome? ........................................................................................9
22. How does an alias break a loop?......................................................................................................9
23. Create an alias to break a loop caused by shared lookup tables......................................................9
24. Determining when an alias is not appropriate to break a loop.........................................................9
25. What is a context?..........................................................................................................................10
26. What is the difference between detect alias and detect context?...................................................10
27. What do prefer an Alias or a context? Why? ................................................................................10
28. What is a Chasm Trap?..................................................................................................................10
29. What is a Fan Trap?.......................................................................................................................10
30. How Do You Resolve a Fan Trap?................................................................................................10
31. What is a fan trap in Business Objects? ........................................................................................10
32. What is an alias?............................................................................................................................11
33. How we drill up week to Month?..................................................................................................11
34. What is a join? Explain different types of joins?...........................................................................12
35. What’s universal join in BOs?.......................................................................................................12
36. What is a join? Explain different types of joins?...........................................................................12
37. What is a join? Explain different types of joins? ..........................................................................12
38. How achieve the many to many relation ship in Busi...................................................................12
39. What is the difference between condition & filter? ......................................................................12
Ex: Select values for a variable in the report to apply a simple filter.................................................13
40. What are Alerter, Filters, Breaks and Conditions? – ....................................................................13
41. How to filter repetitive values in the report to get distinct values?...............................................13
42. When to use local filter and when to use global Filter?.................................................................13
43. Is there any command or function to filter repeating records/values in the report?......................14
44. What is drill filter and its usage? How many types of filters are there? .......................................14
45. What is drill filter and its usage? How many types.......................................................................14
46. What are the steps to do to use Alerts in BO?...............................................................................14
47. Please explain about Alerts in Bo's, under what situation we need to use alerts...........................14
48. What are Alerter, Filters, Breaks and Conditions? .......................................................................14
49. Can you create Alerts in WEB Intelligence?.................................................................................15
50. Can you add the Cascading prompts in Business Objects? ..........................................................15
51. Give the notes and functionalities of cascading prompts, @ script in business objects................15
52. What is Nested prompt and how to create this prompt?................................................................16
53. What is a Universe?.......................................................................................................................16
54. How do you design a universe?.....................................................................................................16
55. What are Linked Universes?..........................................................................................................16
56. In the BO universe, how to link two universe, like I have one universe in sales.uni and another is
marketing.uni ......................................................................................................................................16
57. Types of universes in business objects? ........................................................................................16
58. How can you check the universe? .................................................................................................17
59. What are the user requirements in a universe?..............................................................................17
60. How can you check the integrity? .................................................................................................17
61. What are Universe parameters? ....................................................................................................17
62. How can we improve performance? .............................................................................................17
63. How many universes can be created in a project ..........................................................................17
64. In the BO universe, how to link two universe, like I have one universe in sales. uni and another is
marketing.uni ......................................................................................................................................17
65. What are the user requirements in a universe?..............................................................................17
66. What are Universe parameters? –..................................................................................................17
67. what all will be exported to the repository, when we export a universe ?.....................................17
68. How many universes can be created in a project...?......................................................................17
69. What is the size of data base?........................................................................................................18
70. Dimension Parameters for analysis. Dimensions typically relate to a...........................................18
71. What is a Fact Table......................................................................................................................18
72. What is an aggregate table?...........................................................................................................18
73. What is a Lookup Table?...............................................................................................................18
74. Classes............................................................................................................................................18
75. When is the Repository created? ...................................................................................................18
76. Question when we use aggergate awarness function in designer?................................................18
77. What is difference between custom hierarchy and report based hierarchy?..................................18
78. Clearly explain the difference between union and group..............................................................19
79. What is difference between custom hierarchy and report based hierarchy?..................................19
80. Explain the difference between union and group..........................................................................19
81. How to generate the report from excel sheet? ..............................................................................19
82. What is the difference between slice and dice & drill through .....................................................19
83. What is the difference between slice and dice and cross tab report? ............................................19
84. What is the difference between tabular report& cross tab report?.................................................19
85. How to schedule the report in B.O? ..............................................................................................20
86. What is the use of BCA? ..............................................................................................................20
87. How to schedule the report in B.O? ..............................................................................................20
88. What is the use of BO SDK? –......................................................................................................20
89. What is BO Main Key? .................................................................................................................20
90. What are the general issues in migration process? .......................................................................20
91. What is REPORT BURSTING and how to do it in BCA as I have to split the report and send diff
reports to diff people............................................................................................................................20
92. Can someone please let me know the things we can do in WEBi and cannot do it in FULL
CLIENT and vice versa for BO6.5 .....................................................................................................21
93. What we can do in WebI and cannot do it in FULL CLIENT and vice versa for BO6.5 .............21
94. Difference between ZABO and Webi............................................................................................21
95. How many ways we test the universe & Report?..........................................................................21
96. How do we test the reports in the business objects........................................................................21
97. How do we test the reports in the business objects? How to create the tabs in the reports?.........22
98. How can we do load testing for WebI Reports? (Example if I have to test one WebI report for
Concurrent users refreshing report at one time ...................................................................................22
99. How to break a Date field into Year, month, week, and day?(For example: I have a field
INVOICE_DATE. Now I want to break it as Year, month..... I.e. in time dimension.) DO I need to
have some changes in Universe? ........................................................................................................22
100. Can someone please give some information on REPORT BURSTING and how to do it in BCA
as I have to split the report and send diff reports to diff people..........................................................22
101. How Do U Create Report in BO, if given fixed length file ( Notepad) as source? ....................23
102. How to execute the plsql procedure from the report by clicking with mouse ............................23
103. What is a derived table in data warehousing .............................................................................23
104. What is report template in B.O? .................................................................................................24
105. Objects infer SQL structures displayed in a schema...................................................................26
106. What is BO Main Key? ...............................................................................................................26
107. What is metrics? – .......................................................................................................................26
108. Why do we need metrics and sets? .............................................................................................26
109. What is a Set? ..............................................................................................................................26
110. What is the use of AFD? Where it can be stored? ......................................................................26
111. What is the source for metrics? ...................................................................................................27
112. Is there any bug in 6.x? ...............................................................................................................27
113. Analysis in BO? ..........................................................................................................................27
114. Are Data mart and DWH normalized or demoralized ? Do both of them exist in......................27
The same tier ?....................................................................................................................................27
115. What is a Data Cube ? What is its use ?......................................................................................27
116. Are Data mart and DWH normalized or demoralized ?..............................................................27
117. Can we apply Rank and Sort at a time on a single report?..........................................................27
118. What is Thumbnail? ....................................................................................................................27
119. What is the dense rank? ..............................................................................................................28
120. How Do U Create Report in BO, if given fixed length file (Notepad) as source? .....................29
121. How to select different data providers in business objects? .......................................................29
122. How to execute the plsql procedure from the report by clicking with mouse ............................30
123. How to generate the report from excel sheet? ............................................................................30
124. What is report template in B.O? .................................................................................................30
125. what is the difference between slice and dice & drill through ....................................................30
126. What is the difference between slice and dice and cross tab report? ..........................................30
127. Can you add the Cascading prompts in Business Objects?.........................................................30
128. What is a derived table in data warehousing ..............................................................................31
129. What is the difference between tabular report& cross tab report ?..............................................31
130. Can we apply Rank and Sort at a time on a single report............................................................31
131. Which versions are used in the BO dashboard work?.................................................................31
132. I have some queries that I have one project in bussiness objects, like computer peripheral(nrps)
for sales, in that I have face question like what is the main objectives of ur projects.........................32
133. How to select different data providers in business objects?........................................................32
134. What is a derived table in data warehousing?..............................................................................32
135. What is Business objects Repository? –......................................................................................32
136. What is domain? How many are there in a basic setup? What are they? ...................................32
137. Can we have multiple domains? .................................................................................................32
138. How do you restrict access to rows of a database?......................................................................33
139. What is a category?......................................................................................................................33
140. How can we improve performance? ...........................................................................................33
141. clearly explain the difference between union and group.............................................................33
142. Are Data mart and DWH normalized or demoralized ? Do both of them exist in the same tier ?
143. What is a Data Cube ? What is its use ?......................................................................................34
144. Can we apply Rank and Sort at a time on a single report............................................................34
145. What is difference between custom hierarchy and report based hierarchy?................................34
146. How to break a Date field into Year, month, week, and day? ....................................................34
(For example: I have a field INVOICE_DATE. Now I want to break it as Year, month..... I.e. in
time dimension.) DO I need to have some changes in Universe? ......................................................34
147. What is domain? How many are there in a basic setup? What are they? ...................................35
148. When is the Repository created? .................................................................................................35
149. Can we have multiple domains? .................................................................................................35
150. How do you restrict access to rows of a database? .....................................................................35
151. What is difference between custom hierarchy and report based hierarchy?................................35
152. Can we apply Rank and Sort at a time on a single report?..........................................................35
153. What is meant by Object Stores?.................................................................................................35
154. What we can do in WebI and cannot do it in FULL CLIENT and vice versa for BO6.5 ...........36
155. Can a universe be connected to different databases.....................................................................36
156. How Do U Create Report in BO, if given fixed length file (Notepad) as source? .....................36
157. How to select different data providers in business objects? .......................................................36
158. How to execute the plsql procedure from the report by clicking with mouse ............................36
159. How to generate the report from excel sheet? ............................................................................37
160. what is the difference between slice and dice & drill through ....................................................37
161. what is a derived table in data warehousing ...............................................................................37
162. What is the difference between master-detail and Breaks? ........................................................37
163. What is the difference between break and section I....................................................................37
164. What is the difference between break and section I....................................................................38
165. What are the requirements for cube creation in bus....................................................................38
166. Business objects is which type of the OLAP Tool?.....................................................................38
167. How does the hierarchy and scope of analysis help....................................................................38
168. How do you Find the average of an object with out using the Average Function and by using
only sum,average,max,min?................................................................................................................38
169. What is difference between datamart and datawarehou..............................................................39
170. How many tabs can be added in a report i.e. how ma.................................................................39
171. What is the maximum limit of the data providers in...................................................................39
172. How do you check whether the data in the rep............................................................................39
173. Clearly explain the difference between union and group............................................................39
174. State the difference between WebI and Infoview........................................................................40
175. What is the difference between detect alias and de.....................................................................40
176. What is all difference between business objects 6.......................................................................40
177. Kindly number what are the steps to be taken to schedule the report?........................................41
178. What is aggregate awareness and how can we use it?................................................................41
179. RE: What is aggregate awareness and how can we use it?..........................................................41
180. What if a Cartesian product pop up block appears w...?..............................................................41
181. What is report template in B.O?..................................................................................................42
182. How to generate the report from excel sheet?.............................................................................42
183. What is a derived table in data warehousing?..............................................................................42
184. How to execute the plsql procedure from the report....................................................................42
185. How Do U Create Report in BO, if given fixed length...............................................................42
186. Can someone please give some information on REPORT...?......................................................43
187. Can someone please let me know the things we can d................................................................43
188. How to break a Date field into Year, month, week, date.............................................................45
189. What is the difference between slice and dice and cross tab report? ..........................................45
190. What is the difference between slice and dice and......................................................................45
191. My query takes 30 min to refresh ...there is any p.......................................................................46
192. What is the difference between tabular report& crosstab...?.......................................................46
193. What is the multi value error? Is there any..................................................................................46
194. What is difference between custom hierarchy and re...?.............................................................46
195. I have three predefined prompts. In a report it will come randomly. How they will come in a
specified format?..................................................................................................................................46
196. Give the notes and functionalities of cascading pr......................................................................46
197. Give the notes and functionalities of cascading pr......................................................................47
198. What is the concept of Micro Cube in Business Objects and explain business reason for the
usage. .................................................................................................................................................47
199. What is the concept of micro cube in business objects and explain business reason for the
usage. .................................................................................................................................................48

1. How to select different data providers in business objects?

Once you have your report generated, right click in the left window (your variables) click on "New Data
Provider" follow the wizard. & you are done.

If trying to use diff. data provider for different reports, after creating 1 report, right click on the Report1 tab
located at the bottom, click insert new then the procedure is same to add data provider.
2. When we use aggregate awareness function in designer?
In order to solve fan trap in business objects we either create alias table or aggregate
awareness function Through aggregate navigation we can also select the compatible as well
as incompatible objects
Ex:-year, quarter, month, week, and day
Year:-quarter, month, week, and day are compatible objects
Quarter:-year  class is incompatible and month, week, day is compatible.
We specify the objects in descending order

3. What is Business objects Repository?

It is nothing but metadata.

4. Is there any other repository domain rather than...

There are only three main Domains Security, Universe and document. You can have
multiple Universe and Documents domains in a repository but only one Security domain.

5. What is a Bo repository
• Its A Semantic Layer Which Stores The Bo Users N Their Privileges
• Repository means set of database tables, Business object store security
information e.g. user, group, access permission, user type etc., universe information
e.g. objects, classes, table name, column name, relation ship etc.and document
• Repository is data accounts which contain three domains in each one type.
You can create the repository any where .the security domain has the user security
info and other domains address. You can have more than one repository but you can
use which one u specifying on the time of login. The address info of the security
domains is stored in the .key file if WebI it’s in the Bomain.keyfor more refer the cindi
howson book and visit her web www. Askcindi.com
• BO repository is a set of db tables which holds the metadata information. This
Bo repository is divided in to 3 domains Security, universe, and document domain.
This metadata holds all the information related to users groups their
privileges...........except the "supervisor" this is the super user of Bo rep.the
supervisor info is stored BOMain.key which is stored in default theme dir of Bo.
• BO Repository is a set of related data structures of BO stored in a database.
It contains tables of Security, Documents and Universe Domains
• Generally Repository is the Metadata
BO 5.0 Repository create/maintain 50 tables, they are distributed as follows
25 tables for Security domain
24 Table for Universe domain
1 Table for Document Domain
• in 6.5.1 repository
25 tables in sec.domin
1 table in doc domain
31 tables in uni domain
It is a metadata

• Can some one provide the BO XI rel 2 repository Domains (Number of tables
for each domain)...
A context is simply a list of joins denoting a path between tables.
Contexts are set to identify alternative routes in the universe structure.
BusinessObjects detects a context for each alternative route.
Contexts identify tables which are incompatible within the same SELECT statement -
because the wrong results will be produced.

6. What is domain? How many are there in a basic setup? What are they?
Domain is nothing but logical grouping of system tables, there are three domains usually in a
basic setup, and they are Secure, Universe, and Document. Business objects are sometimes
called domain objects (where the word domain means the business), and a domain model
represents the set of domain objects and the relationships between them.

7. When is the Repository created?

In 5i/6i versions after installing the software, whereas in Xi version a repository is created at
the time of installation.

8. Can we have multiple domains?

Yes. (Security domain can not be multiple).

9. How do you restrict access to rows of a database?

In XI version it can be do

10. In a report can we hide a particular object?

Yes we can show/hide a particular object in a table by using the pivot tab of the format table
dialog box

11. Difference between compatible and incompatible objects?

- When an object is at the same or higher level of aggregation as the table, it is
compatible with the table.
- When an object is at a lower level of aggregation than the table (or if it is not at all
related to the table), it is incompatible with the table.
- We can select or choose compatible n incompatible objects through aggregator
navigation in the designer. With this method the performance increases tremendously.
Instead of checking for each n every object only the compatible objects are only looked for
aggregate awareness. Year:-month, quarter, week, day are compatible but customer class is

12. Can you please clarify the difference between compatible and incompatible objects?
When we will use these two?
When you are defining Aggregate tables in Universe design, you need to create hierarchies
for aggregated objects, for that you need to make the relative objects incompatible (the
objects which are of lower level of aggregation -- not of hierarchy you have Year, Quarter,
Month, Day as a hierarchy, while aggregation, you need to define as follows Year - Quarter,
Month, Day Compatibles
Quarter - Month, Day Compatibles, Year Non-compatible
Month - Day Compatible, Year, Quarter Non-compatible

13. Detail
Provide a description of a dimension, but are not the focus
For analysis. For example Phone Number
Detail objects are attached to dimensions; one cannot drill on details nor link on details when
linking multiple data providers. While Customer ID would be a dimension, customer name,
address, phone and soon should be details.

14. Measure
Convey numeric information which is used to quantify a
Dimension object. For example Sales Revenue

15. What is an object?

- It is an instance of class, its nothing but an entity.
- In Business Objects products an object is a named component in a universe that
- Represents a column or function in a database.
- Object qualification represents what kind of object is that, usually we have three types
of object qualifiers they are measure, dimension, detailed.
- An object is a named component that maps to data or a derivation of data in the Database.
The name of an object should be drawn from the business vocabulary of the targeted user
group. For example, objects used in a universe used by a Product manager could be
Product, Life Cycle, or Release Date. A universe Used by a financial analyst could contain
objects such as Profit Margin, and Return on Investment.
- In Designer, objects are qualified as one of three types: dimension, detail, or Measure.
- Object qualification represents what kind of object is that, usually we have three types
of object qualifiers they are measure, dimension, detailed.

16. What is a loop? How can we overcome?

- Loop is nothing but a closed circular flow; it can be overcome by making use of Alias and

17. How does a context resolve a loop?

A context resolves a loop by defining a set of joins that specify one specific path
Through tables in a loop. It ensures that joins are not included from different paths
Within the same SQL query.

18. While resolving loops, how to decide whether alias or context to be used? Describe

19. What is the use of alias and context? Which is the better for solving the loops? Why?
Why we use alias and why we use context?

20. What is a Loop?

A loop is a set of joins that defines a closed path through a set of tables in a Schema. Loops occur
when joins form multiple paths between lookup tables.

21. What is a loop? How can we overcome?

Loop is nothing but a closed circular flow; it can be overcome by making use of Alias and

22. How does an alias break a loop?

An alias breaks a loop by using the same table twice in the same query for a Different purpose.
The alias is identical to the base table with a different name. The data in the alias is exactly the same
as the original table, but the different Name “tricks” SQL into accepting that you are using two
different tables.

23. Create an alias to break a loop caused by shared lookup tables

A sales database holds information about customers living in different countries.
These customers can place orders for goods that can be delivered by a number
Of couriers or shipping companies.

24. Determining when an alias is not appropriate to break a loop

Creating an alias to resolve the loop described above is not the optimal solution.
In this case, the use of contexts is a better solution. The following example
Describes why aliases are not appropriate, and why contexts are a better solution
In this case.
If you try to identify the lookup table used for more than one purpose, it is not clear
If it is the PRODUCTS table, or the CUSTOMERS table.
25. What is a context?
Contexts are a collection of joins which provide a valid query path for
Business Objects and Web Intelligence to generate SQL.

26. What is the difference between detect alias and detect context?
Answer we should use Detect Aliases and Detect Contexts to formally identify and resolve
I.e. if a loop contains only one lookup table then the loop can be resolved by detecting the
If a loop is having 2 or more fact tables (multiple fact tables) then the loop can be resolved by
detecting context.

27. What do prefer an Alias or a context? Why?

28. What is a Chasm Trap?

. A chasm trap is a common problem in relational database schemas in which a
Join path returns more data than expected. A chasm trap is a type of join path between three tables
when two "many-to-one" joins converge on a single table, and there is no context in place that
separates the converging join paths

29. What is a Fan Trap?

A fan trap is a less common problem than chasm traps in a relational database
Schema. It has the same effect of returning more data than expected. A fan trap is a type of join path
between three tables when a “one-to-many” join links a table which is in turn linked by another “one-
to-many” joins. The fanning out effect of “one-to-many” joins can cause incorrect results to be
returned when a query includes objects based on both tables.

30. How Do You Resolve a Fan Trap?

There are two ways to solve a fan trap problem.
• Create an alias for the table containing the initial aggregation, then use Detect
Contexts (Tools > Detect Contexts) to detect and propose a context for the
Alias table and a context for the original table. This is the most effective way
To solve the fan trap problem.

31. What is a fan trap in Business Objects?

Actually FAN TRAP is a problem that occurs in Universe Level. Loop occurs while we design
the universe. Two Types of Loop Problem:


Definition: Two One-to-many table links each other is in turn linked another one-to-many table.

Definition: Two Many-to-one table converges on one single lookup table.

Loop can be detected while INTEGRITY CHECK is done. An option is there as "Check for
LOOPS" available. By "Detect Loop" we can choose what to be applied for solving the loop.
When there is a series of one to many join in the tables, a Fan trap is resulted.
This may cause incorrect results to be returned when a query includes objects based on both
For example: Associate, A Project, Â Dept tables.

One associate may work for N Projects, and those N projects may be Executed by N
Dept....The report executed with the Associate table and the Dept table objects may
produce that One Associate belongs to many departments.

To avoid this

Create an Alias table for Project A, which is A joined to the Associate as One to one mapping
Create an Alias table for Dept, which is A joined to the Project as One to one mapping
That means one associate, will be shown working for one project, and one project belongs to
one dept.
Which will now result in one associate working for one Dept.?
There are many other methods to solve Fan trap!!
Creating Manual Context, Using @ Aggregate Awareness Etc - based on the Business
scenario these can be used
36i have some queries that I have one project in business objects, like computer
peripheral(nrps) for sales, in that I have face question like what is the main objectives of ur

32. What is an alias?

Aliases are references to existing tables in a schema. An Alias is a table that is
An exact duplicate of the original table (base table), with a different name. The
Data in the table is exactly the same as the original table, but the different name
"Tricks" the SQL of a query to accept that you are using two different tables.

33. How we drill up week to Month?

In data Warehouse when u change + symbol to - , u would c all the aggregation level in that + this is
called rolling down.

So if u again click over that - it would again compressed back to +. This is call drill up.

Your Aggregation levels would b like


So by changing the symbol from - to + at month aggregation level u can drill up.

34. What is a join? Explain different types of joins?

Join is used to link to tables depending upon the data requested by the user, Usually we
have Inner Join, Outer Join, Left Join, Right Join, Full Outer join.

35. What’s universal join in BOs?

The level of join between two universes with a matching column

36. What is a join? Explain different types of joins?

Join is used to link to tables depending upon the data requested by the user, Usually we
have Inner Join, Outer Join, Left Join, Right Join, Full Outer join.

37. What is a join? Explain different types of joins?

- Join is used to link to tables depending upon the data requested by the user, Usually
we have Inner Join, Outer Join, Left Join, Right Join, Full Outer join.

38. How achieve the many to many relation ship in Busi...

A) If you have two tables with many to many relation ships, take the keys of those tables and form a 1-1
relationship table. Then you can connect both the existing tables to the newly formed table using the key.

B) Create an intermediate table with 2 keys. i.e., the primary keys of both tables. Join each table to its primary
key in the intermediate table.


m to m relation ship

m to 1 1 to m

This way you can join

39. What is the difference between condition & filter?

A) Condition allows us to limit the data displayed from the database and Filter allows us to
hide the data which is already generated in the report.
B) Conditions: these retrievals the data based on the condition (universe level)
Filter: it brings the data and filter; performance will be slow (report level)
C) Condition allows us to limit the data displayed from the database and Filter allows us to
hide the data which is already generated in the report.
D) A Condition feature that forces a query to retrieve only the data that meets specified
criteria. Condition is placed on a report query to show the specific data. To define a condition
Name, Description and Where clause are required
A Filter enables you to view only necessary data in a report .i.e. it allows you to restrict the
no. of rows displayed in the report they affect only the data currently displayed in the block
but not query results

Ex: Select values for a variable in the report to apply a simple filter

In a report can we hide a particular object?

Yes we can show/hide a particular object in a table by using the pivot tab of the format table
dialog box

40. What are Alerter, Filters, Breaks and Conditions? –

Alters are nothing but they are used to draw attention to a block of data by highlighting.
Breaks are nothing but grouping the data without any change in the format. Condition is used
to retrieve data which meets certain criteria. Filters are used to get necessary data.

41. How to filter repetitive values in the report to get distinct values?
A) In the Query panel we have tab "Options” Click there to get "eliminate duplicate enable
this options.
Example: In any database we can use distinct command but My Report source is flat file.
Therefore I can’t manipulate source system.
B) Using the eliminate duplicates option is one way.
In a slightly different scenario, duplicates could come up due to the design structure of the
E.g. In some specific cases, one may want to display a value in one field (say in a folded
report) but multiple values come up (which could give you a COMPUTATION ERROR). To
avoid such situation, one can define a variable which would e the max of the original field
required. That ways the same value is fetched and also only one value is returned.
C) One other way possible is by doing "No Duplicates" radio button in the Options of the data
provider in the Definition (the black cube)
But sometimes in free-hand sql reports it is not possible.

42. When to use local filter and when to use global Filter?
Think this should be in the Reporter Forum but, a local filter would apply to just a single block
(table, cross tab or chart) within your report.

A global filter would apply to all blocks in your report, so if you had many tables the filter
would apply to all of them

Local Filter is to single report to which it is create, but a global filter is to all the reports which
consists of that column
43. Is there any command or function to filter repeating records/values in the report?
Using the eliminate duplicates option is one way.
In a lightly different scenario, duplicates could come up due to the design structure of the
report. E.g. in some specific cases, one may want to display a value in one field (say in a
folded report) but multiple values come up (which could give you a COMPUTATION
ERROR). To avoid such situation, one can define a variable which would e the max of the
Original field required. That ways the same value is fetched and also only one value is

44. What is drill filter and its usage? How many types of filters are there?
I don’t think there is any number of types in drill through filter, drill through filter is used to
fetch the particular data from the report or other report by click browse while in the drill
through process.

45. What is drill filter and its usage? How many types...
Three types of drill is in BO.1.drill up, 2.drill down, 3.drill thro'.
Drill up means second->minutes->hour->->day
Drill down means region->country->state->district
Drill thro'--whatever u want that element

Drill filters acts as query conditions when you bring new data from database
We can not say there are different types of drill filters, because we apply filters through scope
of analysis and set the apply drill filters option by
Tools >options>drill tab
There are different drill modes like drill up, drill down, drill through

46. What are the steps to do to use Alerts in BO?

Alerts are used to alert some part of the data if any change occurs. select the part of the
data in the report where u want to keep alerts n just click on alerts in the tool bar which is
present in the third line from menu bar besides rank then a window pops up n we ca n give
some condition where in if it crosses that an alert is sent

47. Please explain about Alerts in Bo's, under what situation we need to use alerts
Hello friends, here alert means to highlighted data in a particular report. In every report we
can apply alerts situation like, sales revenue per city wise. Here city field we can apply
alert, condition like sales revenue >=50,000

48. What are Alerter, Filters, Breaks and Conditions?

Alters are nothing but they are used to draw attention to a block of data by highlighting.
Breaks are nothing but grouping the data without any change in the format. Condition is used
to retrieve data which meets certain criteria. Filters are used to get necessary data.
49. Can you create Alerts in WEB Intelligence?
In Version6 we can't create alerts in WEBi but it is available in XIR2

50. Can you add the Cascading prompts in Business Objects?

Answer: - if you select one prompt value based on that prompt value gives other low (that low value is have
relate that 1st prompt value) you can select one or more from that value.

South (region) > TN, AP, kr, kl (state)

North (region) > nd, jk, hr, up (state)

If I select region south I can see only south region state. (This is cascading prompt)

It should create universe level.

Double click state object >

Edit properties > properties > edit

You can see the query pan, there pull down that region object and use that prompt conditions and save that

Now you click display button you can see how that prompts are working.

51. Give the notes and functionalities of cascading prompts, @ script in business objects


@Prompt ("message", ["type"], [lov], [MONO|MULTI], [FREE|CONSTRAINED])

message is the text of a message within single quotes.
Type can be one of the following: "A" for alphanumeric, "N" for number, or "D" for date.
Lov can be either a list of values enclosed in brackets (each value must be within single quotes and
separated by commas) or the name of a class and object separated by a backslash and within single
MONO means that the prompt accepts only one value. MULTI means that the prompt can accept
several values.
FREE refers to free input as opposed to CONSTRAINED, which means that the end user must
choose a value suggested by the prompt.


is used to create an interactive object. In the Query Panel, this type of object causes a message to
appear. This message prompts the end user to enter a specific value.

the last four arguments are optional; however, if you omit an argument you must still enter the
commas as separators.
In Where Clause:
City. City IN @Prompt ("Choose City", "A", {"Chicago", "Boston", "New York"}, MULTI, FREE)
In the Query Panel, the object prompts the end user to choose a city.

52. What is Nested prompt and how to create this prompt?

Nested prompts are called "Cascading Prompts" in Business Objects environment. Try
searching for this keyword. To create cascading prompts, you need to edit the properties of
an object & impose another prompt as a condition.

53. What is a Universe?

A) It is a semantic layer between Database and the designer used to create objects and
classes. (It maps to data in Database).

54. How do you design a universe?

The design method consists of two major phases.

During the first phase, you create the underlying database structure of your universe. This
structure includes the tables and columns of a database and the joins by which they are
linked. You may need to resolve loops which occur in the joins using aliases or contexts. You
can conclude this phase by testing the integrity of the overall structure.

During the second phase, you can proceed to enhance the components of your universe.
You can also prepare certain objects for multidimensional analysis. As with the first phase,
you should test the integrity of your universe structure. You may also wish to perform tests on
the universes you create from the Business Objects User module. Finally, you can distribute
your universes to users by exporting them to the repository or via your file system.

For a universe based on a simple relational schema, Designer provides Quick Design, a
wizard for creating a basic yet complete universe. You can use the resulting universe
immediately, or you can modify the objects and create complex new ones. In this way, you
can gradually refine the quality and structure of your universe

55. What are Linked Universes?

If the data provided is from two different data providers then we can link those two
universes, such type of universe is called Linked Universe.

56. In the BO universe, how to link two universe, like I have one universe in sales.uni and
another is marketing.uni

In BO Designer, from File Menu -> Parameters -> Links tab on Universe Parameters box. Click Add link to link
the universe. The linking universe should be exported and imported from repository before linking.

57. Types of universes in business objects?

Simple and Complex.
58. How can you check the universe?
By making use of Check integrity button

59. What are the user requirements in a universe?

Database connections, key column, join and check for loop if you need measures, metrics,

60. How can you check the integrity?

By making use of Check integrity button.

61. What are Universe parameters?

Name of the universe, description and RDBMS connection, size and rights.

62. How can we improve performance?

By making use of Aggregate tables.

63. How many universes can be created in a project

We can create any number of universes, but at a time we can open only one universe,
generally number of universes should be equal to number of sub-domains.

64. In the BO universe, how to link two universe, like I have one universe in sales. uni and
another is marketing.uni
In BO Designer, from File Menu -> Parameters -> Links tab on Universe Parameters box.
Click Add link to link the universe. The linking universe should be exported and imported
from repository before linking.

65. What are the user requirements in a universe?

Database connections, key column, joins and check for loopif you need mesures, metrics,

66. What are Universe parameters? –

Name of the universe, description and RDBMS connection, size and rights.

67. what all will be exported to the repository, when we export a universe ?
When we export a universe first time, a unique identifier is allocated to the universe and
this identifier is updated on the local version of the universe in the universe domain.

If we export the universe to a diff, domain and now the universe has an identifier for diff-
domain (EX: exporting a universe from a development domain to a production domain)
when a designer exports the universe to the Repository (universe domain) they must export
all the related LOV files (which contains the data values associated with an object) to the
document domain.

68. How many universes can be created in a project...?

 In a project you can create multiple universes. For multiple universe usage linked
universe is an ideal concept.
69. What is the size of data base?
In general it will be anything between 4-8 Terabytes.

70. Dimension Parameters for analysis. Dimensions typically relate to a

Hierarchy such as geography, product, or time. For example Last Name and CityId

71. What is a Fact Table

A fact table contains statistical information about transactions. For example, it
May contain figures such as Sales Revenue or Profit.

72. What is an aggregate table?

These are tables that contain pre calculated data

73. What is a Lookup Table?

A lookup (or dimension) table contains information associated with a particular
Entity or subject.

74. Classes
A class is a logical grouping of objects within a universe. It represents a category
Of objects. The name of a class should indicate the category of the objects that it
Contains. A class can be divided hierarchically into subclasses.

75. When is the Repository created?

- In 5i/6i versions after installing the software, whereas in Xi version a repository is created
at the time of installation.

76. Question when we use aggergate awarness function in designer?

1. In order to solve fan trap in business objects we either create alias table or aggregate
awareness function

2. Through aggregate navigation we can also select the compatible as well as incompatible

Ex:-year, quarter, month, week, day

Year:-quarter, month, week, and day are compatible objects

Quarter:-year class is incompatible and month, week, days are compatible.

3. We specify the objects in descending order

77. What is difference between custom hierarchy and report based hierarchy?
By default one class having one hierarchy i.e. called report hierarchy. Custom hierarchy we
can create in designer according our req.
78. Clearly explain the difference between union and group
The difference between union and group is as follows:

take two tables t1 and t2.in t1 we have columns like a,b,c,d. and t2 has a,d,e,f.so union
means t1 union t2 i.e. getting result from both tables i.e. a,b,c,d,e.,f
where as group performs on a individual column in a particular table.

79. What is difference between custom hierarchy and report based hierarchy?
By default one class having one hierarchy i.e. called report hierarchy. Custom hierarchy we
can create in designer according our req.

80. Explain the difference between union and group

Take two tables t1 and t2.in t1 we have columns like a, b, c, d. and t2 has a, d, e, f .so union
means t1 union t2 i.e. getting result from both tables i.e. a, b, c, d, e, f where as group
performs on a individual column in a particular table.

81. How to generate the report from excel sheet?

Start BO,
Select "Others" on Data Providers wizard page,
From drop down menu, select "personal data files",
Specify file location & check the box "First Row contains Column names" this will help you in
creating Objects.
Click Ok.
Start building your reports.......

82. What is the difference between slice and dice & drill through
Slice and dice allows us to show and hide the objects Where as drill allows us to drill the data
like drill up, drill down, drill through depending upon the user requirements.

83. What is the difference between slice and dice and cross tab report?
Slice and Dice: Arrangement of Data
Crosstab report is for Comparison.

84. What is the difference between tabular report& cross tab report?
Answer: - Tabular reports are a 2D format and Cross tab reports is a 3D format. Most of the
operational/formatted reports will be created in tabular form and most of the analytical reports
are created in the cross tab report form (Product VS Year VS Sales amount)
85. How to schedule the report in B.O?

We can schedule the reports through broadcast agent.

86. What is the use of BCA?

BCA is used to refresh and schedule and export and save as.html, .rtf, .xls, .PDF.
We should use Detect Aliases and Detect Contexts to formally identify and resolve loops. I.e.
if a loop contains only one lookup table then the loop can be resolved by detecting the alias.
If a loop is having 2 or more fact tables (multiple fact tables) then the loop can be resolved by
detecting context.


87. How to schedule the report in B.O?

We can schedule the reports through broadcast agent.

88. What is the use of BO SDK? –

Bo SDK main use is to suppress “no data to fetch” using Macros
BO SDK is a software development kit.

89. What is BO Main Key?

Bo Main Key file contains the information about the repository site i.e. it contains the address
of the repository security domain.

90. What are the general issues in migration process?

Alignment, performance.

91. What is REPORT BURSTING and how to do it in BCA as I have to split the report and
send diff reports to diff people
If some part of the data in your report is sensitive, you can't risk sending the whole report to
everybody, even to those who need to see the least sensitive part of report!
Solution is Report Bursting. You can send reports to BCA for scheduled processing &
distribution to users based on THEIR profiles (profile = user rights) & not based on your
profile! BO 5 & WebI 2.5 procedure to do this:
Open the document; click "Send to Broadcast Agent" on Doc Exchange toolbar.
In Actions tab select "Refresh with the Profile of Each Recipient"
In the Distributions tab select "Distribute via the Business Objects Repository. (Only option to enable you
for Report Bursting)
Click To, select recipients,
Schedule it & OK.
In WebI 2.5...........
In Refresh options Select Scheduled Refresh & click send
On Scheduling Options, Set "Refresh According to the profile of each recipient" to Yes & OK.

92. Can someone please let me know the things we can do in WEBi and cannot do it in FULL
CLIENT and vice versa for BO6.5

We can create\edit Universe in the full client but not in WebI

2) WebI has comparatively less functions to use than in Full client

3) In Full Client we can write macros\addins but I am not sure whether we can do the same in WebI or not.

Please revert back if these are wrong

93. What we can do in WebI and cannot do it in FULL CLIENT and vice versa for BO6.5
We can create\edit Universe in the full client but not in WebI
2) WebI has comparatively less functions to use than in Full client
3) In Full Client we can write macros\ad dins but I am not sure whether we can do the same
in WebI or not.

94. Difference between ZABO and Webi

ZABO is zero administrator businessobjects , which will be installed on your local m/c when
any full client report in opened/edited from infoview . For this you don’t require any BO
mainkey , key will be installed from BO server.Webi is also called as thin client , where -in
you are create BO reports on web browser . Reports are only based on Universe .
Both are user in 3-trier architecture.

ZABO-Zero Administration BusinessObject means we don’t need to install BO to view the

reports. while we open the reports through infoview the server installs the required
components to your local machine. We don’t need any bomain key etc.

WebI is a web based application in BO. We will create web based reports in WebI(it’s a
java based application). We can publish reports to personal & corporate by WebI and can
save as pdf file.

95. How many ways we test the universe & Report?

By doing integrity check we can test universe & By coping report query and run in
backend(oracle,sql server...) we can test the data by comparing both.

96. How do we test the reports in the business objects...

In the central management consol one can test the report.
97. How do we test the reports in the business objects? How to create the tabs in the
In the central management consol one can test the report. Just go to the link
http://ipadress:port no/businessobjects/enterprise11/admin/en/admin.cwr .every thing can
check from the Bo.

98. How can we do load testing for WebI Reports? (Example if I have to test one WebI report
for Concurrent users refreshing report at one time

You can do Load testing for WebI Reports using Load runner tool.
1) Install load runner in your system. (To use load runner you need admin rights).
2) Generate load runner scripts.
3) Use controller (which is present in load runner) to get the results.
Using load runner tool you will get these results:
a) Maximum Running Users: 50 (Given by the testing person, you can increase virtual users
if you want)
b) Hits per second.
c) Average response time for every transaction like login, click on the particular link, logout
d) Errors per second.

e) Connections per second

99. How to break a Date field into Year, month, week, and day?(For example: I have a field
INVOICE_DATE. Now I want to break it as Year, month..... I.e. in time dimension.) DO I need
to have some changes in Universe?
Create objects in your universe with date functions.

Let's say your DB is Oracle. In your "Select" statement of new object called year, try

to_char(INVOICE_DATE, 'YYYY') similarly for month create object called month & repeat process, simply
replace'YYYY' with 'MM' of 'MMM' in the select statement. & so on.

100. Can someone please give some information on REPORT BURSTING and how to do it in
BCA as I have to split the report and send diff reports to diff people

If some part of the data in your report is sensitive, you can't risk sending the whole report to everybody, even
to those who need to see the least sensitive part of report !

Solution is Report Bursting.

You can send reports to BCA for scheduled processing & distribution to users based on THEIR profiles
(profile = user rights) & not based on your profile !

BO 5 & WebI 2.5 procedure to do this :

1. Open the document, click "Send to BroadCast Agent" on Doc Exchange toolbar.
2. In Actions tab select "Refresh with the Profile of Each Recipient"
3. In the Distributions tab select "Distribute via the Business Objects Repository. (only option to enable
you for Report Bursting)
4. click To, select recipients,
5. Schedule it & OK.

In WebI 2.5...........

In Refresh options Select Scheduled Refresh & click send

On Scheduling Options, Set "Refresh According to the profile of each recipient" to Yes & OK.

101. How Do U Create Report in BO, if given fixed length file ( Notepad) as source?

To create a report using notepad (.txt files) :

1.Open BusinessObjects --> new report

2. Select data provider as others instead of universe,

• from "Others" drop down list, select "Personal Data Files",

• File selection box appears, specify the location of your text file,
• if you have separated data by tabs in text file select "Tabulation" if by comma then "Comma
Separated" (I don’t remember the exact caption for this option) & if space separated then select
"Characters"(I don’t remember the exact caption for this option)
• if you have specified column names in your text file, check the box "First Row contains Column

Run the report.

102. How to execute the plsql procedure from the report by clicking with mouse

We can select either tables or procedures or views as our data to generate our reports. In the designer in
bo's we can select tab "insert" n select the particular data source for generating the report through mouse

103. What is a derived table in data warehousing

Derived tables are not real tables at the Database level , but are the selection of few columns in the Table
with some aggregations, specific to the report.

This feature is available in BO 6.5 and later versions.

Sel a1,a2,a3,max(a4)
From a ,

(Sel b1, b2, max(b3) as B3, Min(B4) as B4 from B group by b1,b2) as BX

where BX.B1= a.a1

group by a1,a2,a3
order by a1,a2,a3

The (Sel b1, b2, max(b3) as B3, Min(B4) as B4 from B group by b1,b2)Â in the above query is a derived

The same definition has to be added in the Universe - by going into Insert >> Derived Tables.

Type the Query - parse it and the new table inserted can be used to any type of join / Contexts etc in the

104. What is report template in B.O?

Report Template is a specimen for your future reports.

You create a report from scratch, say make it Master-Detail Report with charts, put your company logo, add
some default colors(something like same colors your company uses for its documents, WebPages etc.) &
then save it as BO Report Template file.

Next time when you are creating new reports, & select use Templates option, your report saved as template
will be listed in the box. If you select it, your new report will automatically use all color formats, & table-chart
structures, logo....whatever you used in your template report file.

Advantage : 1 time development of display & structure format, for multiple reports use. I.e. Time Saving. No
need of formatting for all standard reports

Definition of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is the industry term used to describe a broad set of activities supported
by multi-module application software that helps a manufacturer or other business manage the important parts
of its business. These parts can include product planning, parts purchasing, maintaining inventories,
interacting with suppliers, providing customer service, and tracking orders. ERP can also include application
modules for the finance and human resources aspects of a business.
Definition of Etl (extract, transform, load)

Short for extract, transform, load, three database functions that are combined into one tool to pull data out of
one database and place it into another database.

Extract -- the process of reading data from a database.

Transform -- the process of converting the extracted data from its previous form into the form it needs to be in
so that it can be placed into another database. Transformation occurs by using rules or lookup tables or by
combining the data with other data.

Load -- the process of writing the data into the target database.

What is OLAP?

Short for Online Analytical Processing, a category of software tools that provides analysis of data stored in a
database. OLAP tools enable users to analyze different dimensions of multidimensional data. For example, it
provides time series and trend analysis views. OLAP often is used in data mining.


Before we speak about OLAP tool selection criterion, we must first distinguish between the two types of OLAP
tools, MOLAP (Multidimensional OLAP) and ROLAP (Relational OLAP).

1. MOLAP: In this type of OLAP, a cube is aggregated from the relational data source (data warehouse).
When user generates a report request, the MOLAP tool can generate the create quickly because all data is
already pre-aggregated within the cube.

2. ROLAP: In this type of OLAP, instead of pre-aggregating everything into a cube, the ROLAP engine
essentially acts as a smart SQL generator. The ROLAP tool typically comes with a 'Designer' piece, where
the data warehouse administrator can specify the relationship between

The relational tables, as well as how dimensions, attributes, and hierarchies map to the underlying database

Right now, there is a convergence between the traditional ROLAP and MOLAP vendors. ROLAP vendor
recognize that users want their reports fast, so they are implementing MOLAP functionalities in their tools;
MOLAP vendors recognize that many times it is necessary to drill down to the most detail level information,
levels where the traditional cubes do not get to for performance and size reasons.

So what are the criteria for evaluating OLAP vendors? Here they are:
 Ability to leverage parallelism supplied by RDBMS and hardware: This would greatly increase the
tool's performance, and help loading the data into the cubes as quickly as possible.
 Performance: In addition to leveraging parallelism, the tool itself should be quick both in terms of loading
the data into the cube and reading the data from the cube.
 Customization efforts: More and more, OLAP tools are used as an advanced reporting tool. This is
because in many cases, especially for ROLAP implementations, OLAP tools often can be used as a reporting
tool. In such cases, the ease of front-end customization becomes an important factor in the tool selection
 Security Features: Because OLAP tools are geared towards a number of users, making sure people see
only what they are supposed to see is important. By and large, all established OLAP tools have a security
layer that can interact with the common corporate login protocols. There are, however, cases where large
corporations have developed their own user authentication mechanism and have a "single sign-on" policy. For
these cases, having a seamless integration between the tool and the in-house authentication can require
some work. I would recommend that you have the tool vendor team come in and make sure that the two are
 Metadata support: Because OLAP tools aggregates the data into the cube and sometimes serves as the
front-end tool, it is essential that it works with the metadata strategy/tool you have selected.

Popular Tools

• Business Objects
• Cognos
• Hyperion
• Microsoft Analysis Services
• MicroStrategy

105. Objects infer SQL structures displayed in a schema

The objects that Business Objects and Web Intelligence users see in a universe
Infer SQL structures that you have inserted into a database schema. You, as the
Universe designer, create this schema based on the tables and joins that are
Required to return the data, needed by users for their analysis and report creation.
Object type Description

106. What is BO Main Key?

Bo Main Key file contains the information about the repository site i.e. it contains the address
of the repository security domain.

107. What is metrics? –

Metrics are a system of parameters or ways of quantitative and periodic assessment of a

process that is to be measured; these are used to track trends, productivity.

108. Why do we need metrics and sets?

- Metrics are used for analysis and Sets are used for grouping.

109. What is a Set?

Its nothing but grouping of users.

110. What is the use of AFD? Where it can be stored?

Used to create dashboards. It can be stored in repository, corporate or personal.
111. What is the source for metrics?
Measure objects.

112. Is there any bug in 6.x?

In earlier version of 6.0 they had, but 6.5 is the best version with out any bugs.

113. Analysis in BO?

Slice-Dice and Drill analysis.

114. Are Data mart and DWH normalized or demoralized ? Do both of them exist in

The same tier ?

Yes both can exist on the same tier because Datamart is a subset of data warehouse and it
supports a particular region, business unit or business function.
The data in the Datamart and DWH is Denormalized and optimized for OLAP systems.

115. What is a Data Cube ? What is its use ?

Data cube will present in BO tool.
Data cube is used for storing the data values which we are using in the documents.
We can clear the data cube by using purge command.
Data provider is used to retrived the datas from data cube to documents.
Data cube is the representation of data along every possible dimension included in the
Data cubes are processing units composed of fact and dimensions.

116. Are Data mart and DWH normalized or demoralized ?...

Yes both can exist on the same tier because Datamart is a subset of data warehouse and it
supports a particular region, business unit or business function.
The data in the Data mart and DWH is Demoralized and optimized for OLAP systems

117. Can we apply Rank and Sort at a time on a single report?

No we can’t apply rank and sort at a time on one object in one single report. If we try to
apply, BO asks if you want to over write the previous condition.


118. What is Thumbnail?

Business Objects Enterprise lets you preview a report using thumbnails. You can request
the server to take a snapshot of the first page of the report and return it to the browser as an
image file. This image can then be displayed as part of the Report Details page.
To retrieve a thumbnail, a separate page needs to be created because the code that writes
an image to the screen erases any text that may have previously been there.

119. What is the dense rank?

The DENSE_RANK function computes the rank of a row in an ordered group of rows. The
ranks are consecutive integers beginning with 1. The largest rank value is the number of
unique values returned by the query. Rank values are not skipped in the event of ties. Rows
with equal values for the ranking criteria receive the same rank.
The DENSE_RANK function does not skip numbers and will assign the same number to
those rows with the same value. Hence, after the result set is built in the inline view, we can
simply select all of the rows with a dense rank of three or less, this gives us everyone who
makes the top three salaries by department number.


Give me the set of sales people who make the top 3 salaries - that is, find the set of
distinct salary amounts, sort them, take the largest three, and give me everyone who
makes one of those values.


SELECT deptno, ename, sal,



PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY sal desc

) TopN FROM emp

WHERE TopN <= 3

ORDER BY deptno, sal DESC


---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

10 KING 5000 1

CLARK 2450 2

MILLER 1300 3

20 SCOTT 3000 1 <--- ! (in case of rank JONES will have 3 and
dense rank will have 2)

FORD 3000 1 <--- !

JONES 2975 2

ADAMS 1100 3

30 BLAKE 2850 1

ALLEN 1600 2

30 TURNER 1500 3

120. How Do U Create Report in BO, if given fixed length file (Notepad) as source?
1. Open Business Objects --> new report
select data provider as Others instead of universe, from "Others" drop down list, select
"Personal Data Files", File selection box appears, specify the location of your text file,
if you have separated data by tabs in text file select "Tabulation" if by comma then "Comma
Separated" (I don’t remember the exact caption for this option) & if space separated then
select "Characters"(I don’t remember the exact caption for this option)
if you have specified column names in your text file, check the box "First Row contains
Column names" Run the report

121. How to select different data providers in business objects?

Once you have your report generated, right click in the left window (your variables) click on
"New Data Provider" follow the wizard. & you are done. If trying to use diff. data provider for
different reports, after creating 1 report, right click on the Report1 tab located at the bottom,
click insert new then the procedure is same to add data provider.

122. How to execute the plsql procedure from the report by clicking with mouse
We can select either tables or procedures or views as our data to generate our reports. In
the designer in Bo we can select tab "insert" n select the particular data source for generating
the report through mouse click.

123. How to generate the report from excel sheet?

Start BO,
Select "Others" on Data Providers wizard page,
From drop down menu, select "Personal data files",
Specify file location & check the box "First Row contains Column names" this will help you in
creating Objects.
Click Ok.
Start building your reports.......

124. What is report template in B.O?

Report Template is a specimen for your future reports. You create a report from scratch, say
make it Master-Detail Report with charts, put your company logo, add some default
colors(something like same colors your company uses for its documents, WebPages etc.) &
then save it as BO Report Template file. Next time when you are creating new reports, &
select use Templates option, your report saved as template will be listed in the box. If you
select it, your new report will automatically use all color formats, & table-chart structures,
logo....whatever you used in your template report file. Advantage : 1 time development of
display & structure format, for multiple reports use. i.e. Time Saving. No need of formatting
for all standard reports

125. what is the difference between slice and dice & drill through
Slice and dice allows us to show and hide the objects Where as drill allows us to drill the data
like drill up, drill down, drill through depending upon the user requirements.

126. What is the difference between slice and dice and cross tab report?
Slice and Dice: Arrangement of Data Crosstab report is for Comparison.

127. Can you add the Cascading prompts in Business Objects?

If you select one prompt value based on that prompt value gives other lov (that lov value
is have relate that 1st prompt value) you can select one or more from that value.
South (region) > TN, AP, kr, kl (state)
North (region) > nd, jk, hr, up (state)
If I select region south I can see only south region state. (This is cascading prompt)
It should create universe level.
Double click state object >
Edit properties > properties > edit
You can see the query pan, there pull down that region object and use that prompt conditions
and save that
Now you click display button you can see how that prompts are working.

128. What is a derived table in data warehousing

Derived tables are not real tables at the Database level, but are the selection of few columns
in the Table with some aggregations, specific to the report.
This feature is available in BO 6.5 and later versions.
Sel a1, a2, a3, max (a4)
From a ,
(Sel b1, b2, max (b3) as B3, Min (B4) as B4 from B group by b1, b2) as BX
where BX.B1= a.a1
group by a1,a2,a3
order by a1,a2,a3

The (Sel b1, b2, max(b3) as B3, Min(B4) as B4 from B group by b1,b2)Â in the above query
is a derived table.

The same definition has to be added in the Universe - by going into Insert >> Derived Tables.

Type the Query - parse it and the new table inserted can be used to any type of join /
Contexts etc in the Universe.

129. What is the difference between tabular report& cross tab report ?
Tabular reports are a 2D format and Cross tab reports is a 3D format. Most of the
operational/formatted reports will be created in tabular form and most of the analytical reports
are created in the cross tab report form (Product VS Year VS Sales amount)

130. Can we apply Rank and Sort at a time on a single report

No we can’t apply rank and sort at a time on one object in one single report. If we try to apply
, BO asks if you want to over write the previous condition.

131. Which versions are used in the BO dashboard work?

Latest version
132. I have some queries that I have one project in bussiness objects, like computer
peripheral(nrps) for sales, in that I have face question like what is the main objectives of ur
Answer Your objectives for this project will be your Report Requirements. whatever the
requirements are baselined, you will develop the universes & create simple, complex reports.
Requirements can be : Standard sales reports -- Location wise, product line /category wise
etc.<br><br>Complex Reports -- some reports using multi-data providers, report level
variables & using report enhancements with the help of SDKs(.NET /JAVA)<br><br>Ad-Hoc
Reports -- Misc. reports which end users can create using your universes & are not the part
of your Standard Reports.<br><br>& Overall Objective will be
-----------------<br><br>Empowering the Key Decision Makers with historical Information in
accurate, consistant,analytical format of flexible Reports (reports that can be sliced & diced
as per requirements) for accurate & predictive Strategic Decision making.<br><br>

133. How to select different data providers in business objects?

Answer Once you have your report generated, right click in the left window (your variables)
click on "New Data Provider" follow the wizard. & you are done.<br><br>If trying to use diff.
data provider for different reports, after creating 1 report, right click on the Report1 tab
located at the bottom, click insert new then the procedure is same to add data

134. What is a derived table in data warehousing?

Answer <br><br> it is similar to views, it is mainly used to restrict the datas <br> <br> <br>

135. What is Business objects Repository? –

it is nothing but metadata.

136. What is domain? How many are there in a basic setup? What are they?

Domain is nothing but logical grouping of system tables, There are three domains
usually in a basic setup, and They are Secure, Universe, and Document. Business
objects are sometimes called domain objects (where the word domain means the
business), and a domain model represents the set of domain objects and the
relationships between them.

137. Can we have multiple domains?

- Yes. (Security domain can not be multiple).

138. How do you restrict access to rows of a database?

- In XI version it can be done by using row-level security in designer module whereas in

5i/6i it is done by supervisor.

139. What is a category?

It is nothing but grouping of certain entities.

140. How can we improve performance?

By making use of Aggregate tables.

Analysis in BO? –

Slice-Dice and Drill analysis.

141. clearly explain the difference between union and group

The difference between union and group is as follows:

take two tables t1 and t2.in t1 we have columns like a,b,c,d. and t2 has a,d,e,f.so union
means t1 union t2 i.e. getting result from both tables i.e. a,b,c,d,e.,f
where as group performs on a individual column in a particular table.

142. Are Data mart and DWH normalized or demoralized ? Do both of them exist in the same
tier ?
Yes both can exist on the same tier because Datamart is a subset of data warehouse and it
supports a particular region, business unit or business function.
The data in the Datamart and DWH is Denormalized and optimized for OLAP systems.
143. What is a Data Cube ? What is its use ?
Data cube will present in BO tool.

Data cube is used for storing the data values which we are using in the documents. We can
clear the data cube by using purge command. Data provider is used to retrived the datas
from data cube to documents.

144. Can we apply Rank and Sort at a time on a single report

No we can’t apply rank and sort at a time on one object in one single report. If we try to apply
, BO asks if you want to over write the previous condition.


145. What is difference between custom hierarchy and report based hierarchy?
By default one class having one hierarchy i.e. called report hierarchy. Custom hierarchy we
can create in designer according our req.


146. How to break a Date field into Year, month, week, and day?

(For example: I have a field INVOICE_DATE. Now I want to break it as Year, month..... I.e.
in time dimension.) DO I need to have some changes in Universe?

Create objects in your universe with date functions.

Let's say your DB is Oracle. In your "Select" statement of new object called year, try

to_char(INVOICE_DATE, 'YYYY') similarly for month create object called month & repeat
process, simply replace'YYYY' with 'MM' of 'MMM' in the select statement. & so on.

26List of charts and graphs we can generate in Business Objects, with some supporting
document (any supporting link or PDF file as it is to be sent to client)?

147. What is domain? How many are there in a basic setup? What are they?
Domain is nothing but logical grouping of system tables, there are three domains usually in
a basic setup, and they are Secure, Universe, and Document. Business objects are
sometimes called domain objects (where the word domain means the business), and a
domain model represents the set of domain objects and the relationships between them.

148. When is the Repository created?

In 5i/6i versions after installing the software, whereas in Xi version a repository is created
at the time of installation.

149. Can we have multiple domains?

Yes. (Security domain can not be multiple).

150. How do you restrict access to rows of a database?

In XI version it can be done by using row-level security in designer module whereas in 5i/6i
it is done by supervisor.

151. What is difference between custom hierarchy and report based hierarchy?
By default one class having one hierarchy i.e. called report hierarchy. Custom hierarchy we
can create in designer according our req.

152. Can we apply Rank and Sort at a time on a single report?

No we can’t apply rank and sort at a time on one object in one single report. If we try to
apply, BO asks if you want to over write the previous condition.

153. What is meant by Object Stores?

Answer Object store is nothing but the container of object which is created after rpt file run
154. What we can do in WebI and cannot do it in FULL CLIENT and vice versa for BO6.5
We can create\edit Universe in the full client but not in WebI
2) WebI has comparatively less functions to use than in Full client
3) In Full Client we can write macros\ad dins but I am not sure whether we can do the same
in WebI or not.

155. Can a universe be connected to different databases...

A)NO a universe can not take the data from more that one database ,if ever we want data
from another database we have to create another universe or use different data provider
while report creation
B)yes, a universe can be connected to different database. However to do so, we have to
link two universes which are on different database.
however if we consider, unlink universe(or only one universe), then it is not possible to
have a universe that is connected to different database as in a universe we have only one
connection at a time.
C)NO. A universe cannot connect to more than one database at the same time. But in
Report we can use multiple data providers which internally two different universe and 2
different database.
D)Yes, You can do using multiple data providers

156. How Do U Create Report in BO, if given fixed length file (Notepad) as source?
1. Open Business Objects --> new report
select data provider as Others instead of universe, from "Others" drop down list, select
"Personal Data Files", File selection box appears, specify the location of your text file,
if you have separated data by tabs in text file select "Tabulation" if by comma then "Comma
Separated" (I don’t remember the exact caption for this option) & if space separated then
select "Characters"(I don’t remember the exact caption for this option)
if you have specified column names in your text file, check the box "First Row contains
Column names" Run the report

157. How to select different data providers in business objects?

Once you have your report generated, right click in the left window (your variables) click on
"New Data Provider" follow the wizard. & you are done. If trying to use diff. data provider for
different reports, after creating 1 report, right click on the Report1 tab located at the bottom,
click insert new then the procedure is same to add data provider.

158. How to execute the plsql procedure from the report by clicking with mouse
We can select either tables or procedures or views as our data to generate our reports. In
the designer in Bo we can select tab "insert" n select the particular data source for
generating the report through mouse click.
159. How to generate the report from excel sheet?
Start BO,
Select "Others" on Data Providers wizard page,
From drop down menu, select "Personal data files",
Specify file location & check the box "First Row contains Column names" this will help you
in creating Objects.
Click Ok.
Start building your reports.......

160. what is the difference between slice and dice & drill through
Slice and dice allows us to show and hide the objects Where as drill allows us to drill the
data like drill up, drill down, drill through depending upon the user requirements.

161. what is a derived table in data warehousing

Derived tables are not real tables at the Database level, but are the selection of few
columns in the Table with some aggregations, specific to the report.
This feature is available in BO 6.5 and later versions.
Sel a1, a2, a3, max (a4)
From a ,
(Sel b1, b2, max (b3) as B3, Min (B4) as B4 from B group by b1, b2) as BX
where BX.B1= a.a1
group by a1,a2,a3
order by a1,a2,a3

The (Sel b1, b2, max(b3) as B3, Min(B4) as B4 from B group by b1,b2)Â in the above
query is a derived table.

The same definition has to be added in the Universe - by going into Insert >> Derived

Type the Query - parse it and the new table inserted can be used to any type of join /
Contexts etc in the Universe.

162. What is the difference between master-detail and Breaks?

In break common fields are deleted (here in this case the table format is not changed)
whereas in master-detail , we declare certain entity as a master to get the detailed
information or report in this case the table format is changed.

163. What is the difference between break and section I...

The major difference between these 2 are
It breaks up the data in a table or crosstab by grouping the data according to a selected
value and it allows you to display all the data for each value of a dimension variable
together mainly it displays SUBTOTALS. COLUMN BREAK's are used to avoid the
repetitive value occurrences
Section is obtained in the Master/detail reports which enable you to split large blocks of
data into sections. This type of presentation allows you to minimize repeating values and to
display subtotals.

164. What is the difference between break and section I...

Here is the difference
Ex: Creating a Break and a Section
When you create a break on Year, the data remains as one block. The year values are
repeated for each corresponding value of State and Sales Revenue.
When you create a section on Year, the data is no longer contained in one block, but
divided into sections. One section for each value of Year. Each section is a separate block

165. What are the requirements for cube creation in bus...

You should have a "Universe" with proper star or snowflake schema(Dimension and
Fact) .Call this Universe in the "infoview" to create a web intelligent analysis(OLAP) report.

166. Business objects is which type of the OLAP Tool?

BO is ROLAP Tool
The functionality and feature sets are significantly different and so are the costs. Generally
speaking, BI tools are categorized by a) their architecture (i.e., ROLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP,
DOLAP, etc.) and b) their cost (i.e., high end or low end) which is usually related to the size
of their feature set. For example, DOLAP solutions would include Cognos and Crystal,
MOLAP solutions would include Essbase, SAS and Oracle Express, ROLAP solutions
would include Business Objects, Informatica and Microstrategy and so on. Similarly,
Cognos, Brio, Crystal and Microsoft OLAP are considered low-end solutions, while
Business Objects, Microstrategy, Essbase and Informatica are considered high- end

167. How does the hierarchy and scope of analysis help...

Hierarchy is about the levelsorder of the objects in the classes. E.g. Time hierarchy in a
time class will be Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minute, Second
By defining a scope of analysis during drilling you are specifying up to what level in the
hierarchy you want to drill. if you set scope of analysis as 2, the data will be drilled to Year,
quarter. 3 will include month as well as so on.

168. How do you Find the average of an object with out using the Average Function and by
using only sum,average,max,min?
Use Sum() and Count() function like Sum() / Count() you will get your average value.
169. What is difference between datamart and datawarehou...
Data marts, simply defined, are smaller data warehouses that can function independently
or can be interconnected to form a global integrated data warehouse

170. How many tabs can be added in a report i.e. how ma...
It depends on the hierarchy of the class.. but still w can define in slice and dice panel.. that
is up to 2 times or 3 times... like that

171. What is the maximum limit of the data providers in...

There does not seem to be any limit however the documents say that you can have
maximum of 15, but I have seen close to 50 dataproviders in a report.

172. How do you check whether the data in the rep...

We can copy the SQL Generated in the Query panel and run that SQL in the Database.

173. Clearly explain the difference between union and group

A)The difference between union and group is as follows:
take two tables t1 and t2.
in t1 we have columns like a,b,c,d. and t2 has a,d,e,f.
so union means t1 union t2 i.e. getting result from both tables i.e. a,b,c,d,e.,f
where as group performs on a individual column in a particular table.
August 12, 2006 08:16:20 #2
Venkatachalam Member Since: Visitor Total Comments: N/A

Clearly explain the group with one example

B)If a table has 2 columns Gender and Name

Gender Name
Male Tom
Male James
Male Harry
Female Jenny
Female Fern

Tom, James and Harry belong to Group Male.

C)union operation can be performed on basic cubes, remote cubes, ods objects, master
data objects,infosets. i.e. u can form union operation simultaneously on cubes, ods, master
data objects, infosets. Multi provider does union operation.union operation can be
performed on multi dimensional objects.
But join operation is performed only on master data objects and Ods objects
which are 2 dimensional. Infosets perform join operation.

174. State the difference between WebI and Infoview

A)In infoview you can create a WebI documents i.e. wid documents, you can open,
schedule, save it as an excel or pdf or business objects document(.rep).
WebI is a part of Infoview
B)Infoview is the portal to the BO's business intelligence solution and infoview also allows
the third party documents and It contains document lists that give an instant overview of all
the documents generated from corporate data storage and made availabe to users
C)Web Intelligence is a leading web-based query,analysis and reporting tool and this
provides a thin-client interface for powerful adhoc queries and simple analysis. It allows
users to access, analyze and share corporate data over intranet, extranets for both
RDBMS dbs and OLAP servers
D)WebIntelligence is the 'thin-client' (or server version) of Business Objects Reporter. It is
used to create report documents. It does not reside on the users computer, but on a server.
InfoView is what the user logs into, sees, and uses in their Internet Browser that allows the
user to access and create Business Objects reports via the web without having to install the
'Full (or 'Thick') client Business Objects Reporter on their computer.
The user can only get to WebI through InfoView. It does not reside on the users computer,
but on a server.

175. What is the difference between detect alias and de...

we should use Detect Aliases and Detect Contexts to formally identify and resolve loops.
i.e. if a loop contains only one lookup table then the loop can be resolved by detecting the
if a loop is having 2 or more fact tables(multiple fact tables) then the loop can be resolved
by detecting context

176. What is all difference between business objects 6...

I have found some differences b/w BO and XI and only the last is specific to XIR2
Difference between BO and XI
BO uses classic BO Architecture and XI uses crystal classic Architecture
BO uses 57 tables for BO repo and 8 tables for auditor where as XI uses 8 tables for CMS
and 6 tables for auditor
BO has different security domains where as XI doesn’t has no different security domains
BO, all objects are stored in repository where as in XI Objects are physically stored in
Input FRS and instances in output FRS
In BO after installing we have configure, create BO mainkey where as in XI it is install and
start working
In BO classic key is an xml file and it has to be placed in relevant location where as in XI a
key code is there
In BO if you want to save a report to repository you have to publish that report where as in
XI if you click save as and select Enterprise
IN BO, BCA and supervision are entirely separate but in XI there are merged into CMC
IN XI there is no separate auditor is there but there is an auditor database where we can
create tables based on that
BO has its own reporting tools where as XI uses crystal reports as its reporting tool
BO is user centric – means rights are assigned to user where as XI is object centric –
means rights are assigned on objects level not user level
BO – all reports are stored in categories, in XI infoview there is folder and categories but all
main storage is in folders
In XI R1 there was no concept of full client but that concept is introduced in XI R2

177. Kindly number what are the steps to be taken to schedule the report?
You can schedule any report using Business Objects (reporter) .1) Open report in BO2)
Select option “File->Send to- BCA"3) Select the BCA name to which report has to be
scheduled4) Set other options for report scheduling like time, any macro, user etc.

178. What is aggregate awareness and how can we use it?

Aggregate awareness function is used to aggregate the values present in the classes in
descending order.
For instance we have year, quarter, month, week tables
Then we sum the year, sum (quarter), sum (month), sum (week) in descending order
We also select the compatible as well as incompatible objects through aggregate
navigation so that it improves the performance of the system in generating the report.

179. RE: What is aggregate awareness and how can we use it?
You can use features in Designer to allow you to define the Select statement for an object
to run a query against aggregate tables in the database instead of the base tables. You can
set conditions so that a query will be run against aggregate tables when it optimizes the
query, and if not, then the query will be run against the base tables. This ability of an object
to use aggregate tables to optimize a query is called aggregate awareness.

180. What if a Cartesian product pop up block appears w...?

Cartesian product is getting incorrect results.
for instance if we have a chasm trap or a fan trap n we don’t solve them after checking the
integrity also we get duplicate results of the same record i.e. nothing but Cartesian product.
Ex:-we have customer, orders, and loans classes
orders for one product if the product_price is 150$ it will appear twice in the report due to
traps becoz of the Cartesian product that’s why to solve the chasm trap we create context
and in order to solve fan trap we create alias table.

181. What is report template in B.O?

Report Template is a specimen for your future reports.
You create a report from scratch, say make it Master-Detail Report with charts, put your
company logo, add some default colors(something like same colors your company uses for
its documents, WebPages etc.) & then save it as BO Report Template file.
Next time when you are creating new reports, & select use Templates option, your report
saved as template will be listed in the box. If you select it, your new report will automatically
use all color formats, & table-chart structures, logo....whatever you used in your template
report file.
Advantage: 1 time development of display & structure format, for multiple reports use. I.e.
Time Saving. No need of formatting for all standard reports.

182. How to generate the report from excel sheet?

Start BO,
Select "Others" on Data Providers wizard page,
From drop down menu, select "personal data files",
Specify file location & check the box "First Row contains Column names" this will help you
in creating Objects.
Click Ok.
Start building your reports.......

183. What is a derived table in data warehousing?

It is similar to views; it is mainly used to restrict the data

184. How to execute the plsql procedure from the report...

We can select either tables or procedures or views as our data to generate our reports. In
the designer in bo's we can select tab "insert" n select the particular data source for
generating the report through mouse click.

185. How Do U Create Report in BO, if given fixed length...

To create a report using notepad (.txt files):
1. Open BusinessObjects --> new report
2. Select data provider as others instead of universe,
From "Others" drop down list, select "Personal Data Files",
File selection box appears; specify the location of your text file,
if you have separated data by tabs in text file select "Tabulation" if by comma then "Comma
Separated" (I don’t remember the exact caption for this option) & if space separated then
select "Characters"(I don’t remember the exact caption for this option)
If you have specified column names in your text file, check the box "First Row contains
Column names"
Run the report.

186. Can someone please give some information on REPORT...?

If some part of the data in your report is sensitive, you can't risk sending the whole report to
everybody, even to those who need to see the least sensitive part of report!
Solution is Report Bursting.
You can send reports to BCA for scheduled processing & distribution to users based on
THEIR profiles (profile = user rights) & not based on your profile!
BO 5 & WebI 2.5 procedure to do this:
Open the document; click "Send to BroadCast Agent" on Doc Exchange toolbar.
In Actions tab select "Refresh with the Profile of Each Recipient"
In the Distributions tab select "Distribute via the Business Objects Repository. (Only option
to enable you for Report Bursting)
Click To, select recipients,
Schedule it & OK.
In WebI 2.5...........
In Refresh options Select Scheduled Refresh & click send
On Scheduling Options, Set "Refresh According to the profile of each recipient" to Yes &

187. Can someone please let me know the things we can d...
1) We can create\edit Universe in the full client but not in WebI
2) WebI has comparatively less functions to use than in Full client
3) In Full Client we can write macros\addins but I am not sure whether we can do the same
in WebI or not.
-In addition to those in my previous mail,
1) We can edit SQL in Full client but not in WebI
2) We can apply Rank in Full client but not in WebI
3) Better formatting facilities in Full client wrt WebI

-Difference between Thin and Fat installations

Data Access Via,

Stored Procedures, Free hand SQL, Personal Data files (.txt, .xls, .wk, .prn, .asc)

Ability to access multiple sources in a single report


Can access other OLAP server (Microsoft OLAP, DB2 OLAP and Oracle Express)

Ability to use report templates


Ability to create more than one report in a single Business Objects document

Multiple views of the same data in a single report (pie chart, tabular, cross tab, etc)

Ability to analyze Business Objects report data with Data mining product “Business

Ability to create “Variables” in document level.


Ability to send Business Objects report via Microsoft mail

Ability to compare an object with

Another object, Sub Query, Calculation

In condition (“Where” Clause)


Ability to display only the top and bottom values by a another variable
Yes (By Ranking)

Ability to build two or more queries in the Query Panel and to combine these queries by
using an operator (UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS)

Ability to use BusinessObjects own build-in functions in report.


188. How to break a Date field into Year, month, week, date
Create objects in your universe with date functions.
Let's say your DB is Oracle. In your "Select" statement of new object called year, try
to_char(INVOICE_DATE, 'YYYY') similarly for month create object called month & repeat
process, simply replace'YYYY' with 'MM' of 'MMM' in the select statement. & so on.

189. What is the difference between slice and dice and cross tab report?
Slice and Dice: Arrangement of Data Crosstab report is for Comparison.

190. What is the difference between slice and dice and...

Cross tab report is like at the intersection of 2 dimensions measure is displayed. Like if we
have two dimensions year and product and a measure revenu, revenue is displayed at the
intersection of year and product.

A standard report can be sliced and diced but not the crosstabed one
Slice and dice is you are going to analyze the data in different angle, but drill through is like
using a single value you are going to grain the data.

Slice and dice means change the position of the data like move the data from rows to
Drill mode means allow u to analyze the data in different angles and different levels of
In drill mode different types of analysis's are there like drill up, drill down, drill across, drill
Drill through means option to select any step or level directly from the current level...
These are the main difference between slice and dice and drill through

191. My query takes 30 min to refresh ...there is any p...

- make sure to have the right context
- apply right indexes on the tables

192. What is the difference between tabular report& crosstab...?

Tabular reports are a 2D format and Cross tab reports is a 3D format. Most of the
operational/formatted reports will be created in tabular form and most of the analytical
reports are created in the cross tab report form (Product VS Year VS Sales amount)

193. What is the multi value error? Is there any...

Yes, #MULTIVALUE error is there in BO. It’s common when u r trying to use multi valued
multiple objects in section.

Go through error documentation for further details...

What is the multi value error? Is there any...
You will get the Multi Value Error when you are trying to retrieve multiple values into the
Ex: When u r tying to Insert cell into report and trying to assign a column to it which will
have multiple values in it. (In A single cell you can’t show multiple values)

194. What is difference between custom hierarchy and re...?

By default one class having one hierarchy i.e. called report hierarchy. Custom hierarchy we
can create in designer according our req.

195. I have three predefined prompts. In a report it will come randomly. How they will come
in a specified format?
The Prompts will appear in the alphabetical order.
To make them appear in the order of our requirement, need to prefix a numerical with the

196. Give the notes and functionalities of cascading pr...

Cascading prompts: cascading prompts means one prompt depends on another prompt... if
suppose u wants select one district.its depends on state. then it depends on country...so
one prompt depends on another. Its work as first come the prompt of district when ever we
going select value. Automatically coming the state prompt. Then country prompt. When
ever we select the country it goes to state then district...

@script: its belongs to vba application

197. Give the notes and functionalities of cascading pr...


@Prompt ('message', ['type'], [lov], [MONO|MULTI], [FREE|CONSTRAINED])


Message is the text of a message within single quotes.

Type can be one of the following: 'A' for alphanumeric, 'N' for number, or 'D' for date.

Lov can be either a list of values enclosed in brackets (each value must be within single
quotes and separated by commas) or the name of a class and object separated by a
backslash and within single quotes.

MONO means that the prompt accepts only one value. MULTI means that the prompt
can accept several values.

FREE refers to free input as opposed to CONSTRAINED, which means that the end
user must choose a value suggested by the prompt.

Is used to create an interactive object. In the Query Panel, this type of object causes a
message to appear. This message prompts the end user to enter a specific value.

Note: The last four arguments are optional; however, if you omit an argument you must
still enter the commas as separators.

In Where Clause:
City. city IN @Prompt ('Choose City', 'A', {'Chicago', 'Boston', 'New York'}, MULTI, FREE)
In the Query Panel, the object prompts the end user to choose a city.

198. What is the concept of Micro Cube in Business Objects and explain business reason
for the usage.
Micro -cube is a local structure in Bo that stores the result of your query A before
generating report
199. What is the concept of micro cube in business objects and explain business reason for
the usage.
Micro -cube is a local structure in Bo that stores the result of your query a before
generating report

We should use Detect Aliases and Detect Contexts to formally identify and resolve loops.
I.e. if a loop contains only one lookup table then the loop can be resolved by detecting the
If a loop is having 2 or more fact tables (multiple fact tables) then the loop can be resolved
by detecting context

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