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Iso 3046-1

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INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 3046-1 Reciprocating internal combustion engines — Performance — Part 4: Declarations of power, fuel and lubri oil consumptions, and test methods Additional requirements for engines for general use ters shots cmbutn mri Peomances— ‘Shopinote pour lee moteur ucage pera wsosmera0) 80 3046-1:2002(6) (Sduauraas pat itera cot snd ees! op sant aoe Sec Seetetementiyena ey sates inary oy elSo coe Sct ba oh ‘ite watasen tpn pee ‘gt mm es bu pc pa ol penn yma nay am ayaa en SSN nt he fg fon noob BO mt a Sepia 21 ana 10 304641:2002(6) Contents a 1 Scope — 5 Standard eferonce conan. 2 Adjuuted engi 83 Nomagusted angine (pre 83 Rinna * 8 Moasuement of exhaust oman nnnnnenimnnneonn é 12, atode of clang power adustnent nd eeatusng specie i consumption 183 Spent 4103 Power adjusiment or ambiot eondtions 404 Recaialaton ot us consumption at oto ia sont cndltone fo djs caging 113 Tpgec}egue sepia $2 Designation of power nnn 121 Relation af eos to powat 122 Designation f power by means of inn nn 123. Examples of power designation by tha xe of code, 13, Declaration offs consumption. 11 usteonsumplion cena 132 Caloite value of ice nono 133 Dectrtion of specie tal cumin a 14 Declarations of Wea oi consumption sere nnnn 18 loformation tobe supe 18 Information tobe supped by the engine manure mn Annex A (poate) Examples of aula which maybe filed noon ‘Annex (foie) Tables or dlarinaton of water vapour pressure, ai and tory. ‘Annex (ort), Example of cleulting power austen an recalling pec fo! rau om sina ene cones or sbae renee rane te $80 3046-1:2002(6) ‘Annex (ove) Examples of power ast “onatone and slate BOGAN nn (to: ment 150 2046-4:2002(6) Foreword 150 (he erations Organization fr Standaszaon) i a were federation of tons standards Bae (SO Imender Sis). The wart ot propang itomatonn Standage ls nemay Sac fvgh GO feces {Shnsate. Fach mare bay oased ine sujet or hich atacoeal omentng he Don etblehed Nae ‘to ito be epononted on ta commie. hiomtonal genaatons ovenera snd Nr overt faieon tn 80) sco takepart ne wok 100 calories coony win he haatne! locotecca ‘Commisson 1) on a ates feces tndareaon, ‘wematna Stands are eed in aczorcance wih bere giv i te SOE Deine, Pat “Tn main tsk of tcl cones | prpare blenanal Sansa Ora nematona Sandads adapta by the laches conmateee ara rcted tothe mambee baie fr vag, Pulses ay heron Slandaregnres appror’ by areas 79 fhe member ted oe aot. ‘Aton dawn epost ht sme of th mens of par of SO 3048 ey be he subj of pale "150 shal nt oe hd respons for arin ey ar al such pate eh 10 3046-1 was prepared by Technical Commie ISOITC 70, ral combuston engin, ‘ist of 20 2048 canal wd lan 80 2461 195 10 9462887 04-706, ch nave 150 30 consi of he ewig pars nr te gan! RCH Heme contuston engines — — Pat Gets of gon. tl and ring ot commons on tt mts — Air! = Pan Spas pvening Pant § Torso vations — Par: Overspnea proton ‘Amex Toma a noma pat of ips of SO 2048, mens B, Cand Da foro en 180 3046-20026) Introduction ‘hs pat of 150 3048 alalanes one “Saale” sandal of 150 gine pawer neasuoment standart, he {Syst unen enaias one aun the aravanings Soto the seatance of many smu, but diet SO Sanda rhe detrton nd dotrmnaton of engne power osha "Cov and Stet” approach ‘The Core” sandr, 150 15550, contain he roqemans that ae common Wl engine apptcatens whereas ths pt of 180 S046 conane Ss 9 “Sata” lnc those rumen ht are hacezary 19 tor Power Imensareran an deta loa patel engin appieaton os Jelod mca | Span erent rf pacar org epleation. The “Stale ena err nt ‘Sti ans ne tnd ed ob sys by equate a dona ne The structs of boty, he "Coe ad he “Sallie tana! have bot dad in vary sna way ined to ‘ve advaiag ofthis apponch is tthe ute of sland fr the sme or sar engi wd in dire “picatans santa ade amansaton of slandote fine pars feson er dovlopmect witb foci, recommended tat te. sionl romans of inp sagstzaton socky be observed. HE "econmiendos athe elevation soi ned by be some no play te rer For nonclassed engines, any atonal reqaromens oe sujet lo aglamert belveen tbe menuacier ond ' raqsamsnts fom he regustons of any ober aunory (8g. nspctng andor nine ort have to bo tno isrocommented ta the lan aut ba lated yt cunomer bot pacing Be oa 4 (21202 -an ip ed INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Reciprocating internal combustion engines — Performance — Part 1: Declarations of power, fuel and lubricating oil consumptions, and test methods — Additional requirements for engines for general use 4 Scope “This pt of 150 304 spose requromens othe dacxaon of power, fel conumpton, tbeatng ot Semon a i at maton aaiion oe be eqiremente ded nC: smart Tet rar hare meaner, a septs sopsnan of ta same Fower 2 faite commantsten. it Sos, 29 trons of power ues an egie doses : \ aplie a Rprocatiog natal Combuston (IC) engines oranda and mare use ‘arta 150 3046 may 9 apie ta ongnos usod Ye prope foad eensutn and carh mowing maces, Indica ke, andor oer apenas whoa na stb eratonal laa forthe anges West ite o-Saltt”sandact ans iandi tobe app cannon wih “Cx sandars 60 15550 ony, mer {eSomaltt spac to fequrment or to parte enpne opteaon, ore, neem ne ream eee nee eee me Te Sar yeaa tot hema Ga oa oe 2 Normative references ‘Te fotouing pamatve docu conta provsens which, troup sforanc ns txt consti provisions of ‘he par of 80 368 For data retroncessonequent amendments revlon sy of ese poten ‘Snot spay wave, gate to sgfeamoris baud on par of 190 3080 are encouraged fo vestigate the fessbity of sonyng’ a mos rant whore of the narmatwe documents neste tow. For undolad fearon, he test eon a ha nomabvedocumedt fred fo spas, Members oF SO and IEC maetain ‘Sas of cureny aud remtona Sansa 150 12043060, Reerocating ntoma conbuston engines — Desinaio of te deci of rotation and of Flin and ves meyer hod and deni igthond an t-hand i-ne ergs and eeaons 2 at 10 3046-41997, Recbrocatng ta combustor engines — Pesoemance — Par Speed governing 180 3046 6:1990, Recprocating tama conbusten engines — Peformance ~ Pac 8 Ovrepecd protection 180 15680 2002, itera! eamtuston engines — Ostamaton and metiod forthe measurement of enpme power" avert oquromants s0°3046.1:2002(6) 3 Terms and definitions Fer tna pups of spt of SO 045 teams and deine ven in ISO 19550, etd Table 1, 99 esaitiaeay | sa Sa sara og sos g sama au Sa ae ccna a aa a eer Hor 4 Symbols Far tho symbols usd nts pat of 50 SO 6 Tala 2 of 150 5880-2002 forthe meanagt of steals eae 5 Standard reference conditions ‘Te reqroment 10155602002 clause 6 370 6 Test method 64 General Test maha 1 in aconance with 6.2 6f180 15550,2002 apps. ‘The mance sal pe wc a fling procedures i appeatie aha engine er tisest mao 2) power ade 2) powaecarectin etapa ans 180 3046-4:200216) 62 Adjusted engines: 424 tae power tne, tn acess sg emits 11 (8103) Mone ome 2) susing te 150 power th standard lence cones het bien: conden ©) by ausing he ce ec omer sabres he owns niet ©} tymaking We tet powar gua the dace sence power and asin unr contlons ace ae a 4) by tesig under conditions siatng cone ofthe ste amb consitons in aortanes wih 625 and ‘ujsing We declared orcs powa To alom fore ema aires NOTE Powe tnt yay sions (16) ay porate me bac sadpment or ig he ‘Note et hanged roe rs sont, 122 whan adung the power, the engine manure sal tts wich of he frmiarfeones gen a tari ose foul reorence for ower aducment shown i Tate 2, o matt of ismantshal bo youn wig byt menace and canoer " 825 auutechage engi a he dale paste and ude he standard efbrnca condone atin nthe Iho twooctagar spd Infor ie east gas tmportte wnt atthe tring Ws ar the mam omlnston peste, the manacier my dosarenaatase franc conan a pecan 10.3.2 or poor sustmon cane 62:4 whan asus the deca power bn intent codons vss may be atin woe, 1, the maxim combuston pesmi Me enghe cinder sxceda he permed value. in hs cane te ‘ein St Sr oa a oma coal ety fe meebo wh pre vase a ‘ie vain fe engin parseeterscesponcing 1 equitad powar ny be enaplaed re mead ‘alu by asnabo agra upon bata he maniac od ome. 825 Engine tots may bo care out under ambient condone cea aly 1 simulate ambient naions yan fe ong 5) aig ee empresa he eins it by aici hain 1) staring ne contr temperate ate at he charge areal ©) ar ppropata metods consid al byte manufac ‘Table 2— Numeral vats for power salustment ona fwcowtare’ | © | @frfefeo jones sa fesse fectanas [ort [ie | fo fafm[m eectpanyony [Et te ‘te pearson oats 7 |) thermometers Con 63 Nonadjusted engines (pr 5 engines) Where the test contiions diter fom the anda tterence conden, the method gen in cause 7 of 'S0 Teo ne, ay be wad for power caectan of Me measure pone fo anders wlrence cosas (comes ay excl. ‘The test maybe cara out i ai-conatoned et ome une th spheric condone enrol i er {etna the earecton facto tae founty 1) ou pose ‘nee an ntecing parameters contotea by an astm deve, pone carton ft at parame shit ‘be Sop, ronda ta te paranetar ane eel sang la Jov Tis spp nee te onoeratre contol where he davies opertng at 28K (25°C), 4 eto sae rent Caen 1) automate best cons independent of smoot presi whan te amospheris Wassu 6 such that he <1 ptanae cane wee pvr atl vay crs owe ty cangeastg Howovsr. in he caso ofa), he atomats a enpertue devi uly dosed at fl bd a 258K (25°) (m0 ead edna ih et sol i ara aut ih he dove fly cose ane rma crerson fais pp. nto cso ofc fal conauoton fr compsesson-gaton (eas) enphes shal bo corected bythe reaped othe power corer ett 64 Aven 'n odor stow cleatly a condos undor wich Me power aut ie determina, necessary to dagen those autos wc ates the fal ast pdf te ang and ao Tos which re pacssary er Me onensous or epsted ue, For exampies Fee anna A. hams of qupment ited oe engine anc thou uhh he engine cold net opea a scl power nd Sty ctounstace te condor tbe engiaconpancals on ae Nol Hecfore cataoa ns moxie NOTE thm sut oe nein gry oat rected pe cert tse. 7 Method of power correction 1 ‘The roquromans gon in dais 180 155502002 apy 8 Measurement of exhaust emission rung Fr the massuromant of he goteous and particule exhaust emissions ally he measurement of engine power ab Been comple the asatremon mhads shown 150 8178 Spay 9 Test report “Te ea cepatin crane wa 1 13018880 2002s, 10 Methods of calculating power adjustment and recalculating specife fuel consumption 1031 Genorat ‘Tha engine mnnéactrr sal int the amount by whch he es Ste ambit condone may from tha Slandardelvene condons thot having ade power and rau he sect ueleonaunp 1022 Application “The process an in that of $0086 shal pid octet 2} expected power ana spc el consul for ste ambient condone from vue known fr andar ‘Glreneconiuana (en 1b: 9n4 10 b) wheter tho vatos of power ana ol cnsumglon ane untar engine teat abt condos coreapand UBine decreas face 03a 10) 80 3046-1:2002(6) 10.3 Power adjustment fr ambiont conditions 192.4 whan te roared tat he engine be operat under conden diterent tom the sandal vtrence ‘eto enn claae 9 of 180 PSS 002 on is eqarad at ha poe" pute ats 9 ome SiStia efron condone, te folowing squstons shal be Weed star male ae led by te ‘nanuactrer (eo nota? 103'2and co 103. Powe ” NOTE Ineo (1). te mana scach sn ato egutne(1) an2) fSO ESO ae 7 ‘ana the pomesadustment ter, en by 7 @ car ey 7 Fer examples, e001 ant sex. 102.2 Into cas of tubochrbed anges hae the inte of tubochatger spout ttichaer Lube Hie larva asin conbaatonPecsre neve et boon fesse tho deco pow er sah Ietaronoe conatons, tne manufac may seeare sate Ylronce Sanna 1 eran wich Powe? ‘sistent sat bea (ra ent, se C2). : Posh o austere) shal tan be usd insta equation 3) Replacing nosy reer rao n agian (3) ye a bromatie pacer ral, thera of te neta powers gan by aye) 7 ‘whats fares al barat rau omens) ° tno Pe ee fn cece een eeerciomncmmeatad ‘ited pean be sana door conus onions ender Yen oe "ite 2 ror ateertma teen Oe fo usbantanprdant mum 0) 6 1802002 Agee SEE EE EE ST 150 2046-4:2002(6) 1033 Tho ae of no mechanical ficiency chal be lated byte angie menue Inthe shetnee of any ‘ich statomont to value of n= OB shal be Sued 1034 when decir he 150 atnsard power, te engine manufacturer shall tat which ofthe fomua 10.4 Recaleulation of fuel consumption a testo site amblont coneltionsforadjusted engines ‘isan raged tte angie operated unde ato te arbi onions fire rm the standard {alureace canstona gran in emma So 50 158802002 the pact fel Eonsepon wl ia et sk ‘Scteed fre stra rehano cone and att be rcculed fm h srdrrens Thelotwing eno sabe wad ater aod rt Scr bye mance bab, o reo 11. Ganeral ‘Statomen’s power ae raqaed fr wo mala purposes: — the declan a evalua fhe power tte verfcaon by measur that henge dolvte Me power Wel nas een dred In a). under te vast cauhaance att pope lowanes as bean mado any drench efconstanone, a xe pty tat fetes ir ch he ced vue fom en be ated, he 4) the typo aan of power ad, cass, the ambient an operating cons eee 11.4 1) th typeof oer appstian (6011.3 ©) the ype par a08 11.2: 4) to detared engine spe 6c Tai). {eaten of expen ange poner in cance whe 2) and 3} a Fu Fr he NOTE The toms wat n)9 3)may be combs og, no bake tp sre poe) ‘Where appropiate oe engin appéaton and ne method of manatee, he power achieved maybe subject 0 sTSne Gn the decre powar Te enue ot sch 9 rc ont a sal tty be 2 202-p nad 7 | (ecemerssa] | | ier {| seme || | | tome Lh Frame one TTS { \ vores Jaina i een ge / — Diagram showing the mathedotogy tobe usa In power statomonts v1 11.12 Power and torque J ex engines dlring poe hough a staf hats, any power accordance with he egaremeat fi pat {1 1S0 6 proportna ithe mao true, sks er measured, and a mean nana speed fhe ‘Saft orate nemting tor aC aga deena pow Ge an Oy shat hs, fan tal te mb he sppropina 41.4.3 aging wth intra gain ne sting te power of an nin Sa than gr (tin ssadnerensng o-ring dove, the Speed hein sha entrant also be gun ae dosared engine peed 112 Typos of power 112: inated poner and trae power ae ype per 11.22 escape ne cases of 80 standard pom an sori Sadar power, ay stenant of bake powar lle sported by ha olowing ta of snares arcordance wih ate 6 se anne 9) santa dependent ansionas a dsnadtn 150 188602002211 and 31.3%; 1) essa nependentsunaon a dfn 10 1$550 2002 (12a 31.9) 1) sonessontn dependent autres a dined ISO 195502002 (31.1 and. a etsozr Ati raned 180 20464:200216) ‘he power absoned by te ausiaes Hsled ia) and c) may be sipiicant. Ia sun cae reguremert shal be dae nat power Far guidance purposes, examples ol ical autos a seta ane A, 11.3 Types of power application Cortina pot vero pow nd fl skp power ae types of power appt Th duaten and aquency of uso of he permed ove poner wl depend on he sevice spoon, bit ‘aqui alouance shale ma ft sating te eng sap Yo parm fhe oxen powe Be doiered ‘Ssetactry Tho ovriod powa sal bo expressed asa prcntog oh canunaous pao, oper wa he ‘lraton and Hagucney pata athe apres engin spond LUnes arenes stated an overload por of 110% of he continous sower ata speed coespandg to he ‘gine acatn Is parma fr a pred 1h, who wihaut rapa, wah 12h of Speratan Thess toda seo apy a any ove power pa 1% of combs power, NOTE he pour at mame pops res emt oh it pw a ond poe Saba grasa: ears panna pn ges ay Sony naa fe NOTE? Forangner ureteral ower goeraon ha potas gn 13.3150 OS-053 11.4 Types of power statements ye oexabis sarc power, th floning eons shat be tae i eesoun: 5) The smosphese ambit conden, ony nominal ambient condtons ried by the Iapacng andr "Spite stone andor dneaseabon see, a spans by hw customer ere Gace 1), NOTE 9. te falouing mpi antietenans ayo maga ena alany IC ngs ‘red ts wat anata fGen Stain fa) eae! ona h = asamp 1=8K4, = eat iy 00% — sea ccc wate np eae cli 1°05 32°C) 2) Tee namal ty of te engine ©) Toe expcad ners belwoen manenanc pris. 4) Tre nae and encunt ot superison epied 1}_Any infomation relevanto fe operaton of te engna core (660 clauses 15 and 1). 80 3046+:2002(6) 412 Designation of power 424 Relation of codes to power ‘Asa rec of he eauraments gn n 1.1." state of power by mans of odes soon wd hie (i 8 nes tr am ae iver gs a rity 8 ‘The eeu fh ar king up the cing shown aprmaicay in Figure 2 natn, he eter © may be otowed by an nation of he nario percentage value ty whieh a consaus oor may bo skcocd foo Tabla 3. No.3) Where the continous power cane exetted By ha tana Enaunfa 0b amare eatonerapacaa bythe te fae abe Wo.) 122 Designation of power by means of codes ‘engine poner satoment by uso of codes compris he owing: 8) tates nscatadin Fou 2 ©) ta numer vs wn to unt of decled engine epee. : $0001 = 428i! merle wi ano “dsred engine spend ‘rae power ‘The poner avalos ake ower wing "ye sso pene cles The pomar a cononus power “he powers an 150 power ‘Ts statement dos not defn habe te engine ower may be exceed. However, fe ongine power can ba ‘Steeda the cabo ofthe numa prcatage vais habe gen fo’ examge as 3 0 21cm Aten 180 3046-:20026) =] praca] T | | Co == \ | Fl) ess 1 + [aerze | = es spe Wy ce ' tl ied \ ener i ‘Figure 2— Diagram showing the sequence of ater tobe use 218022 -anie ened " EEE SS aS 10 2046-4:2002(6) 1233 Examples of power designation by the use of codes Talo 3 conan exam f codes use commen power desiations “Toble 3 — Example of cdes used for common power designations Qlneeee een = |e Blockiete 1S Standard Loxiurg ie * Vi sarc eroaie 80 pour! i pase dor ssi — P See as vrai | fz getinettamgpeacaaa So lp Resmetemerereeay ate eescteratoome " {croucravenaas odtpyacoauen - 7” wey] sar ju Somcemnpue tae } Soe BE | om eee teaser ne 7 |p Sear aye era se = a2 | ww aeg ny aces uh at a tc ss Susate Settee re "SO ovateadrke por ah aud tai a sl li be cde CR 2 (20 apinened a 180 3046-:200246) 13 Declaration of fuel consumption 18.1 Fuel consumption The quant of uid used beeen mass ung) rin energy ‘Tne qui of gasoous feed shal be exe energy ait Lot oars specie y te mauler, a decare spect ft canserton sal be conde to be He 150 spoon conumpti, 182 Catone value of tats 1321 Lule ngines ‘here date ye offs i pei. any daar spc fe consumption of Il engine shen in ‘mass us shale elle ia alone elas ae of 12700 paced, te decid spot uel consumplon sa eine be expresso in Were any cr pe of i fo cansugtan mesa uns and th Sesccated we coe aes oe ogy anus or ot he specie ‘Ay doce specie vl conuntion of 936 eign shal beled lle ow clit vai of hos 192 Declaration of specfié fuel consumption’ : ‘The specif consti nang sabe decared at 3) 180 santa poner ©) Gea by special areaman ay er decre powa anda specie enciesoeds serve in ne tas tori ted, a ger consumption of + 54% i parm fr the spect fu consumption dctared t 14 Declarations of lubricating oll consumption ‘4.1 The value ofthe rican o consump sued for sudan sal be erased in tes Khor ‘a engine parting aur ate dared power on ohne sat 142 The hxicatng ot consumption sara saad psa fring sat ba dete 143. ‘he of scared durng an engine al range shit notte ncued the Mbxeaing ol consumption 5030 -aa 8 180 2046-1:2002(6) 16 Information to be supplied by the customer ‘he customar sat su ne flowing iran 3) te appteaton andthe ponerraqutea rom te eopine anes das De execs Hequancy and Satin leer power and creeping eg phd Peery a8 a ©) sto condition 1) sa toma phat an lowest readings subi #0 pes ds 2) he aage of any aan min ad msmin anton a tempera on te dt ho 3) orighestcnd owas ambien! a anpartices a te srund the ena, 4) te elt a hamiy (or arnt, he wor vapor possi o he wel and ty bu emperaie) ‘inematenom ambi trperae he 5) the msemum and minim tompaatres oe cong wate av 1) he spactaton en owe ete vata he ul aia ©) whether the engin lo comply wth he egavemants of any dagen Sac o wi yah pein "characters ofthe een dependent amie supped by the cstomar | 8) any ane lfomaten appropiate oe pric engine appt. 416 tnformation to be supplied by the engine manufacturer ‘Tha engne manutocuer sal suey e lowing iermaten: 2) a declared ate power and were appropiate ress: 1) to careponsing eng spas NOT, fc iene ea spe, care ace post aga cna Pe ‘pet sacl gonerged aga ea mate pase eg ui adh opal gn Fi 9. For ‘epson osu yn he asurrshoas ey he utes amen aces wae ©) te aocton resto e680 1200) 1) te umoer ana arangemantot ends (582150 1204: © yon om eam Wo go OSG, PNY ANA, MINA eRe 1) tor tow equa forthe operation of he agin fr 1) combustion and scavenging, 2) caolag and vino “ ‘oso. -aapee mamma DA SE TT T—ee—v—XK—Xs—X ——_—_O $80 3046-1:2002(6) 4) the wing of any sting spperats suppad at atonal apparatus equa 1) the ype and grado of iain ol recommended: 1) the yp of aoveming, with speed tcp agua (see ISO 2046-4 and 160 SDH). Fr variable speae Rie he wong ag sped range td he ow ia nga speeding sped necessary the ies ‘hone speod ange sal be naetod |) hematid of ooing and he eapacty otha cing sytem wih he aa. cokng tl etn, 1) hetero adscharge aug canbe ited (ora cold engines ey 1) aseneaule fe reconmanded mairtnance and overhaul prods 1m) specication ad ome aa vats fh a resernend 9) engine fa sip temperate andlor veo 2) rasinnenpariesebacepossre i th exhaust system and meso pomislearinet depression, 9) harass ofthe aca nepondent auslies spl bythe manuacire 4) ay oecormaton appropriate the patel engi apizatn, : ‘Soe purton ge ‘Share srana petaton ge pc opens ‘Sowa dae Figura 3— Example ofa powerlspeed dlagram et 202A man 6 80 3046-1:2002(6) Annex A a (normative) Examples of auxiliaries which may be fitted ia [AA List F — Essential dependent 8) eng iven cating ol peau pune: 1) enghedtiten bicaing of serenge pump or sump enges: 2) angie driven engine-colng wale pun 9) engine ven ra wate pun 2) engin deen adr sot fn 1) engine deve engine cong fan os cone angnes engine sven gaseous il compass 1) nang sven te eea pun, 1) engi even fue presnue pu or commen alr sene-ryecton aso 1) engine ivan scavenge. blow andlor hae omer, 1) gio aan panera, compost oral amp when spying powerto ons nat 1) engine van eyinder arco pan 1m) se ceaneror ar stance (nomal or spa 1) exnautstonca (normal or spa, A2 List G — Essential independent auxilarios 2) sepsaaly ven treating presse pins 2) cepraay nen uaaeaung ol scavenge pnp fr ry sump engines 2) apart deen engine ealng water pump: 4) sepa deve om water par: 2) separately dove aditr cong fan 1) separa avon eine coating an oa cote engines 0) soparatey ven gatos fe compres 1h) sopaatey avn toed pn 16 somata 180 3046-1:2002(6), 1) soparaaly ivan ft rassure pump fr common ao evoinocton stam: |) spate ariven scavenger Hower ster chapea ower 1) ssparaty even erantease exter an 5) seperatay avon ohindorubreaing pam: tn) goveing cnt ysl ung power fom an eae sous A List H—Non-essential dependent auxiliaries 2) enone staring ai compress 1) engine ive generat, sr amrester er nyetaue amp when siping power ons ot shown nt ©) engine riven ge pap 1) ego pu: ©) engineven venation fan, engin ven ue wane pam 9) engine gat east bearing. toon en 7 EE ———————— _ _ _ _ _—_—e 180 3046-:2002(6) Annex B (informative) ‘Tables for determination of water vapour pressure, ratios and factors 1.1 Determination of water vapour pressure ‘Tha wot’ vapout possi (fy Py) YAMS are En In Table 6.1, 8 Klepasas, for Afrnt vase of oF ‘amparture ndoreee Gos late Muay sb 4 — Water vapour pressure values 7 Wier apou pear hula © sae 8% ro [os [as [ar [oe | 05 | 04 | 03 [ase [929 oz [ame [ae [ oa | ave [ass [oa oa [om | one [ose ost [oat [055 ze [one | ano | are [ose = [ast [eae [ore as | one | 036 | 027 of sa [ae fos a2 | aso | 04s | ae tar [ae 0, oar | one | oss | ont tr [tar [2s uo [ose | o7e | 00s [oar | ast 8 oom ‘eole BA (cntives) $80 3046-1:200216) 7 Wao apr pears cna < ss ay 1% so | oo | os | or | os | os [os [oa [oz [om [ror [v0 | 125 | ar [om Lert [one [ose fv Fan [ase | aaa [ae [09s | oe | nr | ose a] 20s [vas [ae | van | 4a8 | sor | oar | ont | oar zo [250] 207 | aoe [er [ae | vie | 092 | one | on zt 24s | aa [aan [ort | var | va2 [090 | ors oan war [2a fam | om | som | sae | oa | 00s nas 2] 200 | aus | aa6 | 206 | 170 | var | 190 | ons ase 25_| asa | 2a | aon | 20 | var | vse | 4a | one | me [ar [ase [i | ame Pane [ats [ ae | sar | 100 [ore zara | ae | aa5') apr faze [ var [ovae[aiei[ oe [ar [aa [am] sm [om | 2m | 10 [ue Lame Sse | are [aan [arr fae 22 [ nae [ae Se zo | 210 [140 so [ra [608 [ase | ae [ane] 208 [aa [a8 2 [ae [rae [ome | or [aoe 0 | aar [ras sono [ear [77 [or [are | aaa | sas | 20m | 10 wero [one [an [203 [aoe | 507 | 40s | 20% | 2a a _[onss [oss [ase [ras | ooo | ssa | aan | aa [a we [iiss [roae | oso | 02s [ roe | sar | aan | ane | 2a 0 Sa EE 180 2046: 20026) 1.2 Determination of dry air pressure ratio Te dy pres (ectete] used in equaton 2 gen a Tale 82 forte wai fo of ert ees K€ an 6 ee Te 3) andr rr wat el oma pet, ed weer spore ry ew sop pectin aa ons pris ‘sun hams oTane 8 Table 82 — Ory ae pressure rato values ‘eo [nna [te [on [a7 [os [oss oa z| — ss [oas [aan or [ose [ass |e oa {son sa? [oar [ane fas [ose [aus [oar a wei — [ons [one] oat [aoe |oanom tae saa [oom [aan [oar ons [oat we ‘aor | esa [aan [ors [oat [aes [oe [oat are [art [ors fore [are [a7 aon | ns Jans [ons [oar [oat [ono Tore ore [ars ors ora [are [art] soon [res [ono [are [ore [azr [oe [ore azz [as [ov [oes [oan [ar za | 8 fore [arr are [areas [oe ro [eno [oes [usr [ane [ans ean | var fare [ara [ore [wri fo [osm ee [ons [os [ons [oz [ot sao | ria [ora [arr] aro fae [ose [our ase [ons [oe [ost [oun [a Sain [eat [oee [eee [oer | oso [aos [ome [ass [oso ose [oar [ae [oss Suro [wa [o|ome [ost [aso [ors [ome ase [as [oss [ose [ost [oso oo [wis [ome [et [oun [os [ase [oar ass [ons |on2 [oat [aso [oan aro [eat — [one [ozs [oan [oer [oss [oss ase [ost [os [oan [oan [ar a00 [saa [os [ase [oar [ose [ass [ose ast | [ous [oa [oat [ass Taio | 655 — [oar nae [nas [ass [oss [ose [asi [oso [oa [aas [oar [eae [ows [aoe “amo | sss Joss [oar [nas | [ost oan [vo [oma [oar [uae [eas [a [oa [oat Fons sur [oat [uss ]ase [ost ass Jone [aaa] oar [ome [ons [ous [ows [oua [aan 2» e102 neaata mes 180 3046-4:2002(6) 8.3 Determination ofthe ratio of indicated power, Eaquation (9) 05) ean Be won CP Ray? (my a o fe nti “The value oF can betaine om Tata 82 and cer vate of & can be ae. Te vs of a btn Hom Tate ‘ ble 3 thon ges value of 2 fo how aos a haown ars yao is tan obey apg tpsinee apooplte lung ot * i otc022-atigeeant Fa 10 204644:2002(6) “TobteB:3— Vaos of for dotarmination ofthe rato af inated power [oa 0793 | eH ore 20 [a8 oa a7 [aoe oy 000 | 4.8 10 2046-4:2002(6) {8.4 Determination of the fuel consumption recalculation factor, “Table 6.4 gs values of he al consumption ecnoson factor, ee equation fr known aes of the ‘i oeeatog power and mechanical ecaney Ny ‘Tho vais o can oe equations (3) a (5 be daarinad er 3. ‘he vata of sted by he menutacte ‘Table B — Fut consumption recalculation fet, values ays | os | oss | os | aa ‘ab [68 soa 1s [et ss [ae os [ase — ‘abt a9 0335 ‘assr [om sar osse_[oser oar oat [oss are sos oat ead 2 180 3046-:200216) Tete OS gs vais of he power adie! fc, [686 uation (2 5 Determination of the power adjustment factor, « Ilan poner and macnanca ancy fy “vue of [aquntons 1) nd an bo “Te af i to byt manutacice (8a 1033) Table ws. sae tom 83, Power adustment actor sr [sass ae eer oo issn [aaa yee [or [730 is Lovee [st aa for known als f the rato ols asters 180 3046-4:200216) Annex G (informative) Example of calculating power adjustment and recalculating specific fuel consumption from standard reference conditions or substitute reference conditions to site ambient conditions C.4 Example 1 ‘A tonsuoccraged compression gnton (esa) gia wih ts powor rod by inefient exces a has 2 {80 sandal power of300 10 ih mechan fone oF 86% and an 80 spec uel concumgton of zoghwn iat he exacted sani eanaaa power and specie uel consumplon at Ste wih @ fa barometric rosso 0187 tho nompee °an ava rty BD SP From Table 2, forma rotons Ages = 1, 2 ‘Standard reference contions ‘te smblant conditions rem 730K 08 From at =46 Cand y,208, 10m 82 atp,= BFHPa and fp. =7.71 KPa by ltpolaton: 298 «ga ond n= 078, by nepleton (gf-0 From fomia (9.4 = 0.801 «9952 0.763. From 84, oth = 0763 sd ny =, by ntarpotton f= 1040, From 85, ak =0.768 and 085, by terolton = 0739.6 eos anes 2s 180 3046-:200216) ‘so comuous brake power = 500-0759 6= 2668 KN ‘sto spect uel consumption = 220% 1040 2288 9k A 62 Example 2 ‘A urtochrge ae chage ace meu spd oustoke compression gotten (ese sins ha a dated Powor of 000 KW at sandr Ylrnce condtana, wha machancal oan oF 90% and m post pesare ‘ato? The mandachrer dearer ta he nt mpertre a boca epeed tae nl ben each ‘aa tr rn ions bd Qe 4 sade veneers of 98 and ana at pe le me an a 4050. ih ana mp of 33K aa cha a From abl 2, fama rafrecaD is ppcable wih 4=0, = 0.7021 2and 1. From austin (6) at, = 10D4P 27 * 2a gg ® 298: 1020) saan From 82,3 4000 m at, ,= 615 «Pa a= tA Pa ed yy #090, 4.8.78 Jn. 313 goo 7a Fa. 24 g964 ae 30 Fram equation: Serer (0.7267 0708 (0.900)12 0.93 40790-0969. 0961 = 0741 From 85, ok =0,740 and qq 080, a= 0,720 Se power 0,720. 100 « 720 Wat 2.98 oe pressieai 180 3046-1:2002(6) a $80 2046+:2002(6) Annex D (informative) Examples of power adjustment from site ambient conditions to test ambient conditions and simulation of site ambient conditions for adjusted engines, A four aousttacharoad congressional engine WN cig a cooing WH develop G40 KW brake ‘hat roe power would be deeoped at ae ambient condone? ‘Standard reference conditions ‘Ste amblent endtons 230K 72400K The ecianaelcieny a esta stand ference canons ae 8%, ‘Aust ne intial egine power requ tte se abit cancion lo he standad stone condone, ane ten aust me rests silane ote mol ans, Theat oD m ong the example ist tomb una the rk per dul sunt standard reference {ager wats nd ams node athe power ate eas (1) 2) and (i 103. Redfin the Emme uate 0 te Bake power under ste ‘let Sonos canbe gated eee eine wah power Unger ste ambit canons to the bake power under standard rforonce ‘ewegenea sao 1) a 303 ped and adapted a ons The omar eautinent factor «fr adsing brake power fom ste anblen conten fo santo erence seaneafes) [i ower reo 4 nde fr brake power acuta rom ste ambit consol tana retrene condone Shen erie re, wan sre enponent for in ele 2. foul reference seeOhiastais=10 ™ ©8020 nd 180 3046-4:200246) (BY GY) ee a -0ees-o7-0aan(ats 1} ams (47 203164078) "Thar th take power unto santa retro canton 2501 aw “This he power ouput under saad refornce consis, "he et sep ast bake power or taeda etrnce conto ffs able conto, The eto fr sjusng tetra powar fom standard elerenca coon tot anti condone wean) Ny -(8)" (G5) (s)"

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