Seafood Inquiry
Seafood Inquiry
Seafood Inquiry
MPEDA's Participation in European Seafood
Exposition 2011
T he European Seafood Exposition
(ESE) 2011 organized by
Diversified Business
overwhelming response, MPEDA
had doubled its space for the India
Pavilion in ESE 2011 from 224 sq.m.
For the first time, the Seafood
Exporters Association of India
participated in ESE and had taken a
Communications was held in to 448 sq.m. There was increased bigger space for displaying a complete
Brussels Exhibition Centre, Brussels, participation from the seafood range of products from all the
Belgium from 3rd to 5th May 2011. industry also. India Pavilion was exporters from all the regions of
Going by the number of participants, allotted Hall No.7 and had Poland, India. These products were displayed
visitors and buyers, the ESE is the European Economic Commission in 4 island freezers and 2 revolving
largest seafood show in the world. etc. as neighbours. This year the freezers. It was a distinctive feature
Almost every country exporting fish India Pavilion was designed on the for the India Pavilion that almost
and fishery products participates in lines of Red Fort. Indian Pavilion was ever y kind of fish and fisher y
the ESE. Exhibitors/producers from having stalls decorated walk through products was on the display. These
each countr y/region participate on. On either end of the Pavilion, products were sourced by all the
under their country/region pavilion. Indian National flag was put in a high Regional offices of MPEDA.
The MPEDA had been place. There was a circular display Cooking demonstration was also
participating in ESE since its on top of the India pavilion, which arranged in the MPEDA stall.
inception. MPEDA's participation made locating Indian Pavilion very As part of ESE 2011, MPEDA
in ESE 2010 was widely appreciated easy. There were 19 co-participants hosted ESE-India Event, a luncheon
by all the co-participants, exhibitors, in the India Pavilion along with in Hall No.1 (Ambassador Hall) of
visitors and buyers. Due to the MPEDA. Brussels Exhibition Centre.
Invitations were sent to every major
importer/buyer in European Union
Co-participants in the Indian Pavilion and other major importers in other
countries well in advance. A
1. Naik Seafoods Pvt Ltd, Maharashtra
presentation briefing on different
2. Naik Frozen Foods Pvt Ltd, Maharashtra facets of India i.e. geography, culture,
3. Capithan Exporting Company / Veronica Marine Exports Pvt fishery resources, etc. was made by
Ltd, Kerala Ms. Leena Nair IAS, Chairman,
4. Dish Hospitality Private Ltd, Mumbai - 400 055 MPEDA. Another presentation was
5. West Coast Frozen Foods (P) Ltd, Mumbai - 400 021 also made on MPEDA's role in
6. Sanchita Marine Products Pvt Ltd, Navi Mumbai - 400 705 assuring quality seafood exports from
7. Elque & Co, West Bengal India. Fishery scenario of India,
competent authorities for exports,
8. Naik Ice & Cold Storage, Maharashtra
different products exported from
9. Gadre Marine Export Pvt Ltd, Maharashtra India, world export figures, export
10. Castlerock Fisheries Pvt Ltd, Mumbai - 400 020 figures for EU, different measures put
11. Oceanic Edible International Limited, Chennai - 600 008 in place to ensure quality, role of
12. Seven Seas Seafoods (P) Ltd, Chennai - 600 007 Export Inspection Council, Ministry
13. Forstar Frozen Foods Pvt Ltd, Navi Mumbai - 410 208 of Commerce & Industr y and
14. Shree Datt Aquaculture Farms Pvt. Ltd., Gujarat MPEDA in exports, RGCA and its
15. Abad Fisheries Pvt Ltd, Kochi - 682 002 projects, NETFISH and NaCSA
were presented before the audience.
16. Hindustan Unilever Ltd, Mumbai - 400 099
About 150 major buyers, importers,
17. Geo Seafoods, Cochin - 682 006 diplomats and officials from
18. The Seafood Exporters Association of India, Cochin - 682 003 European Union commission/
19. Mangala Marine Exim India Pvt Ltd., Kochi - 682 005 Belgium Government were present in
the ESE-India Event. After the
MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 1
Chairman, MPEDA holding discussion with a visitor in MPEDA Chairman, MPEDA explains a product to His Excellency Dr. Jaimini
Stall. Bhagwati, Ambassador, Embassy of India, Belgium.
P. Mohanasundaram M.F.Sc.
Joins MPEDA as Director
S hri P. Mohanasundaram, a Group A Officer belonging to Tamil Nadu Statae
Fisheries Executive Service, has joined MPEDA as Director.
Prior to joining MPEDA, he had worked in Tamil Nadu Fisheries Department
as Joint Director and also in Tamil Nadu Fisheries Development Corporation as
its General Manager. He has got wide experience in both Inland and Marine
Fisheries sector.
Shri Mohanasundaram is a Post Graduate in M.F.Sc. from Fisheries College
and Research Institute, Tuticorin.
Farm visit during Aquarama 2011. The packing section at the M/s Tropica Aquarium plants, Denmark, world's leading exporter
farm of Quan Hu Corporation, Singapore. of Aquarium plants, having business discussion with Indian
exporter at MPEDA stall.
May 2011, and from AN of 28th to 29th May 2011, the
exhibition was open to public. Public seminars on with the Indian exporters has helped to popularize the
interesting topics to the general public were also organized potential of Indian ornamental fish industry in the global
on these days. On 29 th May 2011, a farm visit was trade. The exporters informed that, they got enquiries
arranged for the overseas delegates to the leading from new markets such as Russia, New Zealand, Peru,
ornamental fish farms in Singapore. Australia etc, besides umpteen number of new trade
The MPEDA participation in Aquarama 2011 along enquiries from existing markets.
The Registration fee for attending the Forum is US$ 650 for delegates from non-INFOFISH member
countries and US$ 500 for delegates from INFOFISH Member countries.
Trade members interested to participate in the Pacific Tuna Forum 2011 may please get in touch
with -
Energy conservation in
Passive fishing gear and practices
such as gillnets and entangling nets,
lines and traps are less energy
Model of the bycatch reduction device intensive than active dragged fishing
training program were well Presently, majority of the technology of indigenous species and
experienced in the sector and they ornamental fish exported from West they expressed their willingness to be
also shared their experience in Bengal is sourced from wild and the a part of such projects. Currently, the
breeding and marketing of participants expressed that there breeding units produce mainly exotic
exportable variety indigenous should be more emphasis to develop varieties, which are of limited
ornamental fish. breeding and seed production demand in export market.
The Audience
Hatchery operators, technicians & farmers attending a seminar on abuse of antibiotics in aqua culture conducted by MPEDA-UNCTAD
(Sanjeev Kumar Singh)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Note: The principal notification No.21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002 was published in the
Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide number G.S.R. 118(E), dated the 1st March, 2002 and was last amended
vide notification No.4/2011-Customs, dated the 27th January, 2011, published vide number G.S.R. 52(E),
dated the 27th January, 2011.
These orders facilitate the import of quality SPF L-vannamei broodstock at a competitive price by breeders. It
is expected that this would boost the production of quality L-vannamei through aquaculture for export.
The meeting discussed the
problems in rescuing fishermen who
ventured out into the sea during the
Forum of the AFS, which was hosted Workshop on gender in aquaculture monsoon, mainly from Mangalore.
by the Shanghai Ocean University in and fisheries research and Quite often, deploying helicopters of
Shanghai, China in April. development, both at this 9th Asian the Coast Guard and the Navy in
Dr Matthias Halwart, FAO Senior Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum Kochi for the rescue was found time-
Aquaculture Officer, accepted the which had the overall theme "Better consuming. In this context, the
award on behalf of the Department. Science, Better Fish, Better Life". In meeting decided to take steps for
"It is ver y rewarding to see the addition, FAO Fisheries staff stationing helicopters in Mangalore
Fisheries and Aquaculture members often provide their for expediting the rescue operations.
Department's efforts for the Asia- expertise as Organising Committee The annual trawling ban is being
Pacific Region and beyond recognised members or Session Chairs for AFS used as a fisheries management tool,
with this Gold Medal," he said. "The symposia in subject areas like aquatic which several other coastal States
triennial forum especially provides an biodiversity and aquatic genetic have emulated over the years. The first
excellent opportunity to liaise with resources, culture-based fisheries, and trawling ban for 45 days was enforced
leading aquaculture and fisheries aquatic animal health. in 1988. Earlier, a ban was ordered
scientists and key commercial - Source:worldfishing in 1981, but it lasted only three days.
stakeholders from all over the world - The Hindu
TRADE ENQUIRY (Ornamental Fishes)
39. Mr.Woo Hyun Park 44. Mr.Rafael Camacho Alvarez 48. Mr.Steve Hong
Buyer/Manager, President, Koryeo Int'l Corp.,
E-Land Retail Ltd. Baja Bay Seafood, 200 Stewart Avenue,
6F, 19-8 Ching jeon-dong, 437 "J" Street, Brooklyn, NY 11237,
Mapo-gu, Suite # 209, San Diego, Cell: 646-825-0580
Seoul, C A 92101. Ph: 718-366-3880
Korea, Zip: 121-751 Cell: (619) 252-7177 Fax: 718-386-5483
Mob: 82-10-9029-1670 Tel: (619) 238-1853 E-mail:
Tel: 82-2-2012-5753 Fax: (619) 238-1854 Frozen PD shrimp/Salad shrimp 100/200,
Fax: 82-2-2012-9067 E-mail: 200/300
E-mail: IQF cooked peeled shrimp all grades 10% glaze.
Frozen shrimp Block frozen PD cooked 51/60 to 100-200 49.Mr.Mario M.Montes
K&M Seafood Products,
40. Mr.Wally Santos 45. Mr.Bui Vinh Hoang Chuong 333 H Street Chula Vista,
Principal, Vice Sales Manager CA 91911.
Jaime's Restaurant, Seaprimexco Vietnam, Tel: (619) 565.2730
25 High Street, 08 Cao Thang St., Fax: (619) 565.2731
North Andover, Camau City, Cell: (619) 554.7773
MA 01845, Vietnam. E-mail:
Tel: 978-665-4735 Tel: +84.780 3831 230 All seafood
E-mail: Fax: +84.780 3831 861
Frozen squid tube E-mail: 50. Mr.Joseph Recine
Frozen HL BY 16/20, Frozen HL vannamei Montreal Fish,
41. Mr.Jovitrade 41/50. 3518 De Vendôme Avenue,
Importação e Exportação Montreal,
Alameda Grajau, 46. Mr.Pedro H.Gutierrez Rojas Quebec,
129 Sala 1206, Food Engineer, Canada H4A 3 M7
Alphaville - Barueri / SP, Sociedad Distribuidora De Productos Tel: +1.514.486.9537
06454-050 Del Mar Limitada Fax: +1.514.486.8482
Tel: 55 11 4302-4590 Calle Nueva Cinco # 1250 E-mail:
E-mail: Barrio Industrial, IQF PD cooked shrimp, 100/200 to 300/
Frozen squid rings, Frozen squid tubes Coquimbo - Chile 500, Frozen HL BT 5 lbs pack
Fax: (56-51) 245730 Frozen whole cleaned squid, Baby Octopus,
42. Mr.Manuel Perez Morales Tel: (56-51) 246196 Whole cleaned cuttle fish small size.
Distmar, Oficina, Cell: 98791985
Camino Viejo A San Jose #6909, E-mail: 51. Mr.Steven Luo
CP 32528, CD.Juarez Chihuahua, Frozen HO vannamei, IQF HL vannamei all Director/National
Mexico. grades, IQD PD (Vannamei) 10 kg pack, IQF Marketing Dept
Tel: +52.656 6 188 284 PD cooked shrimp (wild) 100/200 & 200/ Hong Chang Corp.
E-mail: 300 10155 Painter Ave,
Frozen HL vannamei, Frozen shrimp PD 41- Santa Fe Springs,
50 to 100/200 47. Mr.José Luis Aroche M CA 90670.
Administrador Tel: (562) 309-0068
43. Ms.Natalia Patow Commercial Menita, Fax: (562) 309-0065
Natco Worldwide Representatives, Volcan Paricutin No.4881, Cell: (626) 226-9679
23004 Frisca Dr., El Colli Ejidal., E-mail:
Valencia, CA 91354. Zapopan, Jalisco, Sea Shells (especially large ones)
Ph: (661) 296-5999 C.P.45070.