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Seafood Inquiry

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MPEDA's Participation in European Seafood
Exposition 2011
T he European Seafood Exposition
(ESE) 2011 organized by
Diversified Business
overwhelming response, MPEDA
had doubled its space for the India
Pavilion in ESE 2011 from 224 sq.m.
For the first time, the Seafood
Exporters Association of India
participated in ESE and had taken a
Communications was held in to 448 sq.m. There was increased bigger space for displaying a complete
Brussels Exhibition Centre, Brussels, participation from the seafood range of products from all the
Belgium from 3rd to 5th May 2011. industry also. India Pavilion was exporters from all the regions of
Going by the number of participants, allotted Hall No.7 and had Poland, India. These products were displayed
visitors and buyers, the ESE is the European Economic Commission in 4 island freezers and 2 revolving
largest seafood show in the world. etc. as neighbours. This year the freezers. It was a distinctive feature
Almost every country exporting fish India Pavilion was designed on the for the India Pavilion that almost
and fishery products participates in lines of Red Fort. Indian Pavilion was ever y kind of fish and fisher y
the ESE. Exhibitors/producers from having stalls decorated walk through products was on the display. These
each countr y/region participate on. On either end of the Pavilion, products were sourced by all the
under their country/region pavilion. Indian National flag was put in a high Regional offices of MPEDA.
The MPEDA had been place. There was a circular display Cooking demonstration was also
participating in ESE since its on top of the India pavilion, which arranged in the MPEDA stall.
inception. MPEDA's participation made locating Indian Pavilion very As part of ESE 2011, MPEDA
in ESE 2010 was widely appreciated easy. There were 19 co-participants hosted ESE-India Event, a luncheon
by all the co-participants, exhibitors, in the India Pavilion along with in Hall No.1 (Ambassador Hall) of
visitors and buyers. Due to the MPEDA. Brussels Exhibition Centre.
Invitations were sent to every major
importer/buyer in European Union
Co-participants in the Indian Pavilion and other major importers in other
countries well in advance. A
1. Naik Seafoods Pvt Ltd, Maharashtra
presentation briefing on different
2. Naik Frozen Foods Pvt Ltd, Maharashtra facets of India i.e. geography, culture,
3. Capithan Exporting Company / Veronica Marine Exports Pvt fishery resources, etc. was made by
Ltd, Kerala Ms. Leena Nair IAS, Chairman,
4. Dish Hospitality Private Ltd, Mumbai - 400 055 MPEDA. Another presentation was
5. West Coast Frozen Foods (P) Ltd, Mumbai - 400 021 also made on MPEDA's role in
6. Sanchita Marine Products Pvt Ltd, Navi Mumbai - 400 705 assuring quality seafood exports from
7. Elque & Co, West Bengal India. Fishery scenario of India,
competent authorities for exports,
8. Naik Ice & Cold Storage, Maharashtra
different products exported from
9. Gadre Marine Export Pvt Ltd, Maharashtra India, world export figures, export
10. Castlerock Fisheries Pvt Ltd, Mumbai - 400 020 figures for EU, different measures put
11. Oceanic Edible International Limited, Chennai - 600 008 in place to ensure quality, role of
12. Seven Seas Seafoods (P) Ltd, Chennai - 600 007 Export Inspection Council, Ministry
13. Forstar Frozen Foods Pvt Ltd, Navi Mumbai - 410 208 of Commerce & Industr y and
14. Shree Datt Aquaculture Farms Pvt. Ltd., Gujarat MPEDA in exports, RGCA and its
15. Abad Fisheries Pvt Ltd, Kochi - 682 002 projects, NETFISH and NaCSA
were presented before the audience.
16. Hindustan Unilever Ltd, Mumbai - 400 099
About 150 major buyers, importers,
17. Geo Seafoods, Cochin - 682 006 diplomats and officials from
18. The Seafood Exporters Association of India, Cochin - 682 003 European Union commission/
19. Mangala Marine Exim India Pvt Ltd., Kochi - 682 005 Belgium Government were present in
the ESE-India Event. After the
MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 1

View of MPEDA pavilion.

View of stalls in MPEDA pavilion.

Chairman, MPEDA holding discussion with a visitor in MPEDA Chairman, MPEDA explains a product to His Excellency Dr. Jaimini
Stall. Bhagwati, Ambassador, Embassy of India, Belgium.

2 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011


Ms. Leena Nair IAS, Chairman, MPEDA

making the presentation during ESE-India

Cooking Demo arrangement in MPEDA Stall.

presentation, a luncheon was offered Every visitor to the India Pavilion

to the audience, which was widely appreciated the design for its
appreciated for its taste, Indianess uniqueness and Indianess. The same
and the arrangements. thought was also expressed by all the
In ESE 2010, M/s. West Cost/ co-participants. In fact, it was
Dish Hospitality won the Seafood unanimously decided to retain the
PRIX d' ELITE award for the best similar structure/design for the next
products category. In ESE 2011 also two years, as it reflected Indianess to
the same exporter was in final list for the core. MPEDA's stall was designed
its new product "Prawn Toffee as a facilitation space and also had a
Shri D.S. Dhesi IAS, Joint Secretary,
Melange". cooking demonstration space. Two
MOCI addresses the audience during
ESE-India Event.

Shri N. Ramesh ITS, Director (M), MPEDA

during his address in ESE-India Event.

senior Chefs from the Taj group of

hotels served samples of seafood
dishes made from the Indian
Indian Seafood luncheon during ESE-India Event 2011. On the third and last day of ESE
MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 3

August gathering during ESE-India Event.

2011 His Excellency, Dr. Jaimini

Bhagwati, Ambassador, Embassy of
India, Belgium made a visit to the
India Pavilion. He expressed his
happiness on seeing the India
Pavilion design and the arrangements
made. He appreciated the food
servings being made in the MPEDA
stall. His Excellency visited each and
every co-participants stall and sought
their feed back and requested for
continued effort to gain more market
share in European Union. During
the course of discussion almost every
co-participant of India Pavilion had
been very vocal in admiring the
efforts done by MPEDA to present
India on highest level and the efforts Musical treat during ESE-India Event.
made by Chairman, MPEDA in
making the ESE 2011 a grand and D.S. Dhesi IAS, Joint Secretary, Rajgopal Sharma, Adviser
successful event for Indian seafood MoCI, Shri. N. Ramesh ITS, (Agri&MP), Embassy of India,
industry. Director (M), Shri. J. Ramesh, Belgium and Shri. Parthasarathi,
MPEDA was represented by Ms. Secretary and Shri. P.G. Srinath, Embassy of India were very helpful
Leena Nair IAS, Chairman, Shri. Assistant Director, MPEDA. Shri. in organising the ESE 2011.

P. Mohanasundaram M.F.Sc.
Joins MPEDA as Director
S hri P. Mohanasundaram, a Group A Officer belonging to Tamil Nadu Statae
Fisheries Executive Service, has joined MPEDA as Director.
Prior to joining MPEDA, he had worked in Tamil Nadu Fisheries Department
as Joint Director and also in Tamil Nadu Fisheries Development Corporation as
its General Manager. He has got wide experience in both Inland and Marine
Fisheries sector.
Shri Mohanasundaram is a Post Graduate in M.F.Sc. from Fisheries College
and Research Institute, Tuticorin.

4 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011


11th Annual Seafood Prix D'elite

New Value Added Products Awards
T he Seafood Prix d'Elite new
product competition takes place
alongside the European Seafood
Chi Min City, Vietnam took the top
award for best new retail product
with its entry, Provocake. An
Piranha and is now farmed in Brazil.
The structure of the fish allows for a
rib portion that is similar in shape
Exposition and Seafood Processing innovative and healthy starter or light and presentation to pork ribs.
Europe. The Seafood Prix d'Elite meal, this product features a fish cake Halieutis tops these portions with a
competition was first held in 2001 made of Pangasius, shrimp and tasty barbecue marinade. The judges
and has since grown to become one mushrooms encircled by asparagus noted the unique meaty texture of
of the most important places to and tied with a green onion top. The this species and the innovation in
launch new value added products judges particularly noted the quality presenting a rib portion of fish.
into the seafood industry and gain of the ingredients and the originality In addition to the two grand
world-wide recognition. Over the of the presentation. prizes, the following five special
years the competition has evolved as awards were also announced:
a result of its prestige and place in
the seafood industry.
The Seafood Prix d'Elite
competition recognizes the year's best
products developed for the European
seafood market. Two grand prizes are
awarded for Best New Retail Product
and Best New Foodservice Product.
Special Awards are also given out for
Health and Nutrition, Convenience,
Retail Packaging, Originality, and Provocake Tambaqui Ribs
Best New Product Line.
2. Best New Foodservice Product: 3. Special Award for Convenience:
Seafood Prix d'Elite Finalists In the foodservice category, the Prawn Antipasti from Heiploeg
2011 top prize was given to Halieutis of Group in Oostende, Belgium was
This year, there were 38 finalists Lorient, France for its product, awarded the Seafood Prix d'Elite
representing 14 countries. New Tambaqui Ribs. A new species to the special award for Convenience. This
product "Prawn Toffee Mélange" of European market, Tambaqui is a line of ready-to-eat marinated shrimp
M/s. Dish Hospitality Pvt Ltd, India cousin of the famous Amazonian is packed in a transparent tray in
has also been selected as one of the
Seafood Prix d'Elite Finalists. Last
year they won special award for
convenience for their new product
"Prawn Lollipop".

Seafood Prix d'Elite New

Products Awards Winners -

1. Best New Retail Product:

Vinh Hoan Corporation of Ho Prawn Antipasti

MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 5

modified atmosphere without Young's Seafood Ltd. of Livingston
preservatives. An easy alternative for in the United Kingdom was given the
an appetizer or snack, the product is Seafood Prix d'Elite special award for
available in three f lavors: garlic, Retail Packaging. Its Laspang
apple-curry and tomato-chili. Souchong Tea Smoked Salmon
features Scottish salmon smoked
4. Special Award for Health & over a blend of oak and laspang
Nutrition: souchong tea, which imparts a
The Seafood Prix d'Elite special complex, but delicate, smoky flavor.
prize for Health & Nutrition was The salmon is presented in an elegant
won by Agustson a/s and Marz black pack under the Heston from
Seafood a/s of Vejle, Denmark for its Waitrose line. It features a product
product, Hot Smoked Tilapia. This display window and extensive Hot Smoked Salmon
product is made from deep-skinned, product details on the recipe,
boneless tilapia fillets that are smoked sustainability, health, nutrition and Oak Roasted Flaky Salmon.
over beachwood for a subtle smoky values, and package recycling options. The line is packed in beautiful silver
packs with photographs of the
6. Special Award for Originality: Hebrides, and a QR code which can
Gilco Bvda of Evergem, Belgium be scanned with a smart phone for
was presented with a Seafood Prix additional product information.
d'Elite special award for Originality Compiled by: Shri S. Asok Kumar,
for its product, Fruit and Fish. This Asst. Director, MPEDA.
innovative offering combines herring
with two different fruit marinades - Advertisement Tariff
Hot Smoked Tilapia tropical fruits and apple with MPEDA NEWSLETTER
blueberry. Presented in a colorful
taste. The product is packed in fixed pack with fork included, the product Rate per insertion
weight packages under modified is designed to appeal to young people Back Cover
atmosphere. It can be served cold or (Colour) Rs.7200/- US$ 160
and children and offer a new way to
hot and offers the consumer quality Inside Cover
enjoy herring. (Colour) Rs.6000/- US$ 135
protein while remaining low in
Inside Full Page
calories and fat. (Colour) Rs.4000/- US$ 90

5. Special Award for Retail Ten percent concession for

Packaging: contract advertisement for one
Macrae Edinburgh, Part of year (12 issues) or more. Matter
for advertisement should be
provided by the advertiser in
JPEG or PDF format.
Mechanical Data: Size:
Fruit and Fish 27 x 20 cms.
7. Special Award for Seafood Offset (Multicolour Cover)
Product Line: Print Area:
A new line of smoked salmon Full page : 23 x 17.5 cms
products from Loch Duart of Loch
Carnan, Scotland was presented with For details contact:
a Seafood Prix d'Elite special award Deputy Director (P & MP) &
for Seafood Product Line. This line Editor, MPEDA Newsletter,
features three new smoked salmon MPEDA House, Panampilly
products made with Loch Duart's Avenue, Cochin - 36.
own Scottish salmon. They include Tel: 2311979, 2312812
Telefax: 91-484-2312812
Blend of Oak and Laspang Souchong Tea
Hot Smoked Salmon with Honey
E-mail: asha@mpeda.nic.in
Smoked Salmon and Thyme, Oak Smoked Salmon,

6 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

MPEDA's Participation in Aquarama 2011
A quarama 2011, the 12th international ornamental
fish and accessories exhibition, which is the biggest
in Asia, was held from 26- 29 May 2011 at SUNTEC
city, Singapore. The exhibition stalls were spread over a
total area of 8480 sq.m. with 126 exhibitors from 23
countries. A total of 3765 trade visitors representing 73
countries attended the event. MPEDA participated in
the event by taking a stall of 18 sq.m. and Indian
ornamental fish exporters were offered space to exhibit
their fishes. Each of them were provided with a discussion
table and 3 chairs for business discussions with
prospective buyers. Three Indian exporters participated
jointly with MPEDA, viz., M/s Pescina Indica, Kolkata,
M/s Sreepadma Aquaflora, Kochi and M/s Tropical
Aquarium, Banglore. They displayed the ornamental
Dr.Gibinkumar, Asst.Director, MPEDA, Mr.P. Anilkumar, Technical
Officer, INFOFISH, Sri. Sanojkumar Jha IAS, Dy Secretary, MoCI
and Dr. Anikuttan, Asst.Director, MPEDA, at the MPEDA stall.

Singapore was the guest of honour. OFI awards for

excellence in the field was also distributed during the
opening ceremony. After the opening ceremony, all the
dignitaries visited the stalls. Along with the exhibition,
international fish competitions under different categories
(such as Gold fish, Arowana, Guppy, Discus, new species
in the field etc) were also organized. There were also
competitions under categories such as planted tank,
marine tank, Freshwater nano tank etc. The total number
of participants for the competitions was 340. Trade
seminars and public seminars on various topics related
to the sector were also organized in a separate area in the
same hall of the exhibition. Entry to the exhibition was
Ms Tan Poh Hong, Chief Executive Officer, Agri-Food &
Veterinary Authority of Singapore visiting the MPEDA stall after restricted to only trade visitors on 26th to 28 th (FN)
the opening ceremony. Dr. Gibinkumar, Asst. Director, MPEDA
and Dr. Anikuttan, Asst. Director, MPEDA looks on.

fishes and aquatic plants brought from India in the

MPEDA stall. Besides, many other Indian ornamental
fish exporters as well as entrepreneurs had also come to
attend the fair as trade delegates. MPEDA deputed Dr.
Anikuttan K.K., Assistant Director (OFD) and Dr. Gibin
Kumar T.R., Assistant Director, TPO New Delhi, for
the fair, and from MoCI, Sri. Sanoj Kumar Jha IAS,
Deputy Secretary, MoCI was deputed to attended the
The opening ceremony was held on 26th May 2011 at
meeting rooms 301 & 302, Level 3, SUNTEC Singapore
from 9 AM to 10 AM, which was attended by eminent
personalities from industry, Governments, NGOs etc.
Dr. Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman, Senior Parliamentary The MPEDA stall with Indian Exporters having discussion with
secretary for national development and defence, Govt.of the buyers

MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 7


Farm visit during Aquarama 2011. The packing section at the M/s Tropica Aquarium plants, Denmark, world's leading exporter
farm of Quan Hu Corporation, Singapore. of Aquarium plants, having business discussion with Indian
exporter at MPEDA stall.
May 2011, and from AN of 28th to 29th May 2011, the
exhibition was open to public. Public seminars on with the Indian exporters has helped to popularize the
interesting topics to the general public were also organized potential of Indian ornamental fish industry in the global
on these days. On 29 th May 2011, a farm visit was trade. The exporters informed that, they got enquiries
arranged for the overseas delegates to the leading from new markets such as Russia, New Zealand, Peru,
ornamental fish farms in Singapore. Australia etc, besides umpteen number of new trade
The MPEDA participation in Aquarama 2011 along enquiries from existing markets.

INFOFISH organizes Pacific Tuna Forum 2011

INFOFISH, in collaboration with Globefish-FAO, Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and

Tourism, Republic of Pulau, National Fisheries Agency (FFA), Papua New Guinea, Forum Fisheries
Agency (FFA), Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), Western and Central Pacific Fisheries
Commission (WCPFC), Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) and Pacific Islands Tuna Industry
Association, is organizing Pacific Tuna Forum 2001, 3rd Regional Tuna Industry and Trade Conference
from 6th to 7th Sept. 2011 at Nagarachmayong Cultural Center, Koror, Republic of Palau.

The Registration fee for attending the Forum is US$ 650 for delegates from non-INFOFISH member
countries and US$ 500 for delegates from INFOFISH Member countries.

Trade members interested to participate in the Pacific Tuna Forum 2011 may please get in touch
with -

INFOFISH - Pacific Tuna Forum 2011

PO Box 10988, 50728 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: (603) 20783466/ 20784614/ 207887794, Fax: (603) 20786804
email: info@infofish.org, web: www.infofish.org

For more information on the Republic of Palau,

please visit
www.visit.palau.com and www.palau.travel.

8 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

Shrimp Market - Japan - May 2011
A fter a strong rebound in 2010,
the current year looks likely to
set new trade records, thanks to
imported products. In this case, the
impact on world fish markets would
be significant.
In 2010, the farmed shrimp price
reached its highest level in a decade.
strong demad and rising prices. For the industry, one likely effect Quotations for farmed salmon,
The tragic earthquake and overall is a change in strategy to one tilapia, pangasius, Indian carp and
accompanying tsunami in Japan is of less concentrated supply. other species have also gone up in
affecting world markets for food. Operators will be willing to forego domestic and international markets
Japan is the world's single largest some economies of scale - a trend expected to influence and
importer of fish and fishery products, to ensure a more diversified redirect world fishery trade in the
and in the short term, the damage supply. It can be expected that parts future. In part the high prices of
to infrastructure and the disruption of the processing facilities destroyed farmed species were caused by factors
in transportation and electricity will not be rebuilt as plant owners on the supply side but with the
transmission is negatively impacting expected growth in demand over the
imports, distribution and next decade and with rising prices of
consumption of chilled and frozen a number of input factors, including
products. The earthquake and energy and fishmeal, prices for both
tsunami have also destroyed many wild and farmed species can be
fishing zones and fishing vessels, expected to rise to even higher levels.
thereby reducing Japan's ability to As shown by the FAO Fish Price
catch and produce fish locally. Fish Index, current fish prices are higher
processing plants have been damaged on average than ever before, indeed
as well. higher than the levels reached before
The 2009 combined production the start of the 2008 economic crisis.
of marine capture fisheries and Aquaculture products, in particular,
marine aquaculture of the three most have shown strong increases and at
affected prefectures was 446 000 and choose to re-locate industry present levels are 23% higher than
198 000 tonnes, or 11 and 17% elsewhere. Much of Japan's fish in September 2008. Again, this is
respectively of the total Japanese processing capacity has already been mostly explained by factors on the
production. A reduction of 80% in outsourced to neighboring countries supply side but it is also evident that
production can be expected in those such as China, Viet Nam and the market is willing and able to
affected areas as a result of the Thailand, and this trend will accept these prices.
tsunami. It must be borne in mind continue. Capture prices on the other hand,
that Japan is heavily dependent on after a sharp drop in the aftermath
imports as well for its fish 2010 with strong rebound in of the crisis, have only recently
consumption so the contribution of global fish trade regained pre-crisis price levels.
the affected areas to total supply is International trade in fish and
actually far less. fishery products bounced back in Outlook
The effect on Japanese consumer 2010 to pass the USD 100 billion After a strong 2010, the current
sentiment and consumption mark again. In part, this was thanks year is expected to yield new records
resulting from the nuclear fall-out is to higher average fish prices, which in international fish trade. Volumes
still unknown, although the frequent had declined sharply after the crisis are sustained by firm demand in most
interruption in power supply will struck in late 2008 and continued markets, in particular in developing
continue to limit consumption of through 2009. Consumer demand countries, and prices are rising for
chilled and frozen products. Equally, was particularly strong in developing both capture and farmed species. The
consumer reaction to domestically countries supported by the faster situation in Japan has added some
sourced fisher y products is than expected economic recovery in uncertainty regarding Japanese
uncertain. This factor could these countries. This rising demand consumer behavior, its possible
potentially be much more important was and is still being met through impact on demand for imported fish
than the direct damage caused to higher domestic production and products and the repercussions in
domestic production if consumer imports of tropical aquaculture world markets.
preferences were to move towards products. Source:Globefish.
MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 9
Resource Sustainability through Responsible Fishing
(Deepu A. V., Afsal V. V. and Joice V. Thomas, NETFISH)

Introduction (www.fsi.gov.in). India has an the artisanal sector declined

We may find several definitions Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of considerably. At present, the
for responsible fishing but what it 2.02 million sq. km. The harvestable contribution by the mechanised and
essentially means?. In its greater sense potential of marine fishery resource motorised sectors accounts for 87%
it means fishing with responsibility in the EEZ has been estimated at of the total catch whereas the share
to nature, future generations and about 3.9 million tonnes. An from artisanal sector is only 13%
biota. Responsible fishing and estimation of the depth-wise (www.nio.org). Today's fishing
sustainable fishing are the two sides potential (Table 1) shows that about technology is highly elaborate.
of one coin. In recent years, rapid 58% of the resources are available in Fishing lines can reach as much as
developments in the harvest & post- 0-50 m depth zone , 35% in 50-200 120 km, equipped with thousands
har vest technology with the m depth zone and 7% in depths of hooks. Some trawlers reach 170
introduction of powerful and highly beyond 200m. The marine fishing metres in length and can take on
efficient fish harvesting systems and fleet of India comprises of about 2.26 board the volume equivalent of 12
fish detection methods as well as the lakh traditional crafts (including jumbo jets and drift-nets can exceed
uncontrolled expansion in fleet size about 44,578 motorized traditional 60 km in length. Fishing vessels cover
fuelled by ever increasing market crafts) and 53,684 mechanized boats. large distances at high speed from
demand for fish has resulted in over
fishing, decline of many commercially Potential fisheries resources and level of exploitation in Indian EEZ
important fish resources and Depth range (m) 0-50 m 50-200 m Beyond 200 m Total
degradation of marine ecosystems. (in million
This scenario points to the need of tonnes)
scientific management of the fishery
resources ensuring sustainability of Demersal 1.28 0.625 0.028 1.933
the fish stocks for future generations. Neretic Pelagic 1.00 0.742 - 1.742
Responsible fishing would ensure the
Oceanic Pelagic - - 0.246 0.246
long-term sustainability of the
resources, minimize negative Total (%) 2.28 (58%) 1.367 (35%) 0.274 (7%) 3.921 (100%)
environmental impacts and protect Present level of
biodiversity. The International exploitation 2.08 (91%) 0.820 (60%) 0.020 (7%) 2.920 (75%)
Conference on Responsible Fishing,
held in 1992 at Cancun, Mexico Available for
exploitation 0.20 0.547 0.272 1.001
highlighted the need for an
International Code of Conduct for (Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India)
Responsible Fisheries. Subsequent
efforts in this direction have resulted The pattern of marine fish coastal zone to high seas. They fish
in the adoption of Code of Conduct landings in India during the last fifty at great depth, stay at sea for several
for Responsible Fisheries, by FAO years clearly reveals that the days, while fish are often prepared for
Conference in October, 1995. contribution by the artisanal sector the markets on board. Bottom
In India, fisheries sector to the total production was trawling involves powerful boats
contributes 1.2% of the GDP of the significant up to the sixties. As a dragging heavy metal weighed nets
country. Fisheries Survey of India result of the popularization and across the ocean floor to catch the
has already surveyed the demersal consequent expansion of mechanised maximum possible amount of
resources in all the coastal sectors and fishing during the subsequent bottom-dwelling life. Navigation
found that the stocks are under periods along with motorisation of apparatuses, such as Global
advanced levels of exploitation artisanal craft, the contribution by Positioning System (GPS) and radar
10 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011
fishing'. Fishermen and fisheries
cooperatives should make it a point
to interact closely with R&D
organizations to get the necessary
scientific information on target
species to make the gear optimally
effective. Considering the low
disturbance that gill nets and
trammel nets cause to the bottom
fauna and the ecosystem as a whole,
these gears should be encouraged as
a conservation measure. The use of
gill nets is a practical method for the
development of coastal fisheries as it
is simple, has a relatively small outlay
but with a high performance (Anon
1984). Gill nets utilize only 0.15-0.18
kg of fuel per hour as compared to
trawling, which uses 0.8 kg of fuel
per hour (Gulbrandsen 1986).
Trawl boats in a fishing harbour
Long Lines
allow boats to constantly reconsider selective devices in the net are being Long line gear is highly targeted
the best fishing spot, with very high paid attention by researchers. In past, specific, non-destructive and can be
precision. Fresh fish is a highly selectivity research was almost solely operated with low power engines.
perishable product and its focused on commercial species. Sails can be used for propulsion to
consumption was traditionally Recently however, the release of non- reduce fuel consumption and
limited to coastal areas. With commercial fish species has become environmental pollution. With some
modern transport and food an issue of major concern. modification to their traditional
preservation technologies, one can Size selectivity in gear using fishing, skilled fishers can use this
offer fresh fish during all seasons, netting for retention of catch can be method. It can also be operated in
anywhere in the world. As the achieved by controlling mesh sizes and combination with a gill net, making
demand and price of fish increases mesh shapes (square mesh panels) it more cost effective.
with the advancements in the fishing optimized for the target species or
technologies and the resource is size groups. Attachement of escapement
limited, fishermen turned into many In traps such as pots and creels, devices to nets
unsustainable and unscientific the size and shape of the entrance and Bycatch Reduction Devices
fishing practices to catch more fish. mesh size or bar space, and in long (BRDs) are devices that have been
lines appropriate hook sizes are developed to exclude the non
Responsible Fishing Practices utilized to control size selectivity. targeted species and reduce the non-
Various steps to be taken to Species selectivity in mobile gears targeted species and other unwanted
ensure responsible fishing practices such as trawls can be achieved using catch in shrimp trawling. While the
in our waters following the code of separator panels or rigid grids, by BRD is a broad term used to describe
conduct for responsible fishing making use of behavioral differences to eliminate or reduce the bycatch,
introduced by FAO (1995). Some of in species in the fishing area. the Turtle Excluder Device (TED) is
them are discussed below. a specialized form of BRD designed
Gill nets to exclude specially the sea turtles,
Selective fishing gears The use of gill nets is a ver y which is a protected species. These
For sustainability of resources and selective and low energy fishing devices have been developed taking
to improve selectivity, changes method and the use of this gear into consideration the different
ranging from changes to the mesh should be encouraged. The framing behavioral pattern of shrimp and fish
characteristics in the cod end, to the lines of gill nets should be made of inside the net. While the fish are
insertion of escape zones or other natural fibres, to help/ restrict 'ghost- active and capable of swimming

MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 11

against the water flow inside the net connected by square mesh webbing backward from the cod end. This
and stimulated to escape at anytime and a guiding panel made of small device is also suitable for eliminating
if required facilities are provided, the mesh webbing from the first ring juveniles and young ones and
shrimp is unable to swim against the towards the cod end, inside the retaining big ones.
water flow and are carried away with square mesh webbing. This device is
the flow of the water up to the cod attached between the net and cod
end. These differences of behavior end. During fishing the fish and
form the basic principles in designing shrimps pass through the funnel and
the selective devices so as to allow enter the cod end. While the shrimp
the fish and turtle to escape and to remain in the cod end, the fish swim
maintain the shrimp catch in the cod backward and reach the space
end. Square Mesh Windows can also between the two rings and try to
be attached in trawl nets as a very escape through the mesh opening.
simple way of by-catch reduction Here also by regulating the mesh size
device. It consists of a piece of in the square mesh webbing between Fisheye integrated to trawl net
webbing of appropriate dimension the rings, the juveniles and undersize
made of square mesh. This webbing fish could be eliminated retaining the
Environment-friendly fishing
piece is attached as windows at the bigger fish in the cod end. This device
upper part of the net and cod end. has been successfully used by
Depending on their impact on the
The mesh size of the square mesh is commercial shrimp trawlers in many
environment, some fishing gears or
determined according to the size and countries abroad and found to be
practices are more destructive than
species of fish to be eliminated. The effective in reducing the fin fish by-
the other. Practices of using explosives
principle involved in this device is catch.
and poisoning which are generally
that unlike diamond mesh, lumen of
banned belong to the worst category.
the square mesh remains open during Fish Eye
Passive fishing gears such as gillnets
fishing facilitating the escapement of This is a device facilitating the
and traps though having less impact
fish through the opening. Studies escapement of under sized fish from
on the physical environment have
carried out with square mesh panel the cod end of the trawl nets. It
the potential for causing
window indicates the effectiveness of consists of an oval shaped structure
unaccounted fishing mortality
square mesh in eliminating the by- with approximately 10.0 cm height
through ghost fishing by lost and
catch particularly juveniles and young and 30.0 cm width with supporting
discarded fishing gears. Dragged gears
ones of the fish. frames made of stainless steel rods.
as trawls, particularly when they are
This is attached at the top of the cod
heavily rigged, could cause severe
Radial Escapement Device end so as to provide the escape
damage to benthic fauna and flora,
Radial Escapement Device (RED) opening. This opening facilitates the
which occupy the bottom
consisted of two spherical rings escapement of fish which try to swim
substratum and contribute to the
productivity of the region. Efforts
have been made to lessen the impact
of bottom trawl on the substratum,
where possible by rigging them to
operate a small distance above the sea
bottom as in semi-pelagic trawl.
Lines and large uncovered pound
nets (set nets) are among the fishing
gears which have minimal impact on
the environment.

Energy conservation in
Passive fishing gear and practices
such as gillnets and entangling nets,
lines and traps are less energy
Model of the bycatch reduction device intensive than active dragged fishing

12 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

gears. Among the fishing gears, the area such as restriction and in enhancement of resources in the
trawling utilizes maximum energy in control over the fishing units, area near shore waters, enhancing fishing
terms of energy spent per unit and seasonal closures, gear opportunity, spending less fuel and
quantity of catch and offers greater interventions, protection of nursery search time for production.
scope for energy conser vation grounds and promotion of selective
practices. Purse seining comparatively fishing gear and practices. With Effective implementation of
spends much less energy per unit improvement in the resources, MFRAs
quantity of catch landed, because of energy spent per unit quantity of The Marine Fisheries regulation
the large volumes of catch per catch and time spends on searching Act should be properly enforced to
operation. It may involve such decrease. get the complete benefit of the act.
practices as selection and promotion Protection and development of Awareness campaigns and extension
of low energy fishing techniques nursery grounds by installation of activities should get proper support
where possible; adoption of energy Artificial reefs or Fish Aggregation/ from Government by implementing
conservation practices and devices in agrregating Devices (FADs) and sea necessary laws. A concerted effort from
energy-intensive fishing systems where weed bed development and Government, NGOs, extension agencies,
they are adopted due to exigencies enhancement of primary production local governing bodies and stakeholders
of the local situation; adoption of by installing artificial upwelling flow is required for the sustainable
advanced technologies such as remote generating structures could promote management of fish resources.
sensing, acoustic fish detection, marine fishery resources along the
global positioning systems which will coast. Artificial reefs are under sea Conclusion
bring down search time for fish and structures constructed of materials The rich marine resources are
facilitate accurate location of the such as concrete or in some cases getting depleted on account of
fishing ground; and adoption of steel to function as fish aggregating excessive fishing pressures in many
measures for development and facilities and thus improve fishing parts of the world. Though many
improvement of coastal fishing potential of the area. measures and steps have been taken
grounds, so that fishing can take place Restoration of the coastal fishing /formulated to reduce the fishing
in the near shore waters rather than grounds from the effects of pressues, the proper implementation
distant waters. environmental degradation due to of them has not been achieved so
pollution, eutrophication, red tide, far. A concerted attempt is needed
Enhancement of resources etc. by sludge removal and bottom by all players of the various sectors
Fisher y resources need to be quality improvement by dredging such as fisheries, environment,
conserved and enhanced by adopting and by improving water exchange by Agriculture, etc to achieve the
management regimes appropriate for guide wall construction, could result resource sustainability.

MPEDA Organizes Advanced Training Programme for

Ornamental Fish Sector in Kolkata
M PEDA has organized an advance
training programme on
'Breeding technology and
management of exportable variety of
ornamental fishes' at CIFE, Kolkata
centre during 30-31st May 2011. The
programme was inaugurated by Dr B.
K. Mahapatra , Officer -in - Charge
of CIFE, Kolkatta Center. The
faculty included Dr. P. K. Roy,
Scientist, CIFE, Kolkata, Mr.
Indranil Banerjee, Mr. Indranil
Ghosh, and Mr. R. Chakraborty.
All the trainees attended the Training session in progress

MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 13


A view of the participants

training program were well Presently, majority of the technology of indigenous species and
experienced in the sector and they ornamental fish exported from West they expressed their willingness to be
also shared their experience in Bengal is sourced from wild and the a part of such projects. Currently, the
breeding and marketing of participants expressed that there breeding units produce mainly exotic
exportable variety indigenous should be more emphasis to develop varieties, which are of limited
ornamental fish. breeding and seed production demand in export market.

14 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

Analytical Method, Validation and Quality Assurance in
Testing Labs analytical purpose ref lects the
Abhilash E. C., Junior Technical Officer (QC), MPEDA achievement of analytical results with
an acceptable standard of accuracy.

F ood contaminants are substances

that may be present in certain
food stuffs due to environmental
analytical purpose of the method is
achieved, which is obtaining
analytical results with an acceptable
Therefore the performance of every
lab always based on better methods
and maintenance of quality.
contamination, cultivation practices uncertainty level. In practice, method Before method validation is in
or production process. Pesence of of validation is done by evaluating a progress, the scope of validation must
such contaminants above certain series of method-performance be set, comprising both the
levels, can pose a threat to human characteristics, such as precision, ''analytical system'' and the ''analytical
health. Ensuring food safety is the trueness, selectivity/specificity, requirement''. This frame work will
responsibility of any government. linearity, operating range, recovery, help in each step of validation of an
The International Programme on decision limit (CC?), detection analytical laboratory. An explanation
Chemical Safety (IPCS), established capability (CC?), sensitivity, of the analytical system includes the
in 1980, is a joint venture of the ruggedness/robustness, repeatability purpose and the type of method, the
United Nations Environment and applicability. Calibration and type and the concentration range of
Programme (UNEP), the traceability have been mentioned analyte(s) being measured, the types
International Labor Organization also as performance characteristics of of material or matrices for which the
(ILO) and the World Health a method. The ISO definition of method is applied, and a method
Organization (WHO). Analytical protocol. The basis of a good analysis
laboratories related to food has rests on a clear specification of the
significant role in assessing the risks analytical requirement. The latter
for protecting the consumer health. ref lects the minimum fitness for-
So they have to keep better purpose criteria or the different
performance in testing by increasing/ performance criteria that the method
strengthening the methods and it is must meet in order to solve the
related to validate the current as well particular problem. As a result of
as new methods. The objective of such basic work will assist the analyst
every validation is to demonstrate to avoid any mistakes before commit.
fitness for purpose. This varies of
course in its characteristics for the When a laboratory is to start
diverse uses. However, all approaches using a new method, it is the
have in common the objective of responsibility of the laboratory to
Chemical lab
harmonization of food control by check and verify that it has enough
using effective and reliable methods. validation is 'confirmation by competencies to use the method.
examination and provision of The laboratory has to decide and
It is internationally recognized objective evidence that the particular distinguish the method performance
that validation is compulsory in every requirements of a specified intended parameters that need to be validated.
analytical laboratories. The use of use are fulfilled'. Method validation Competency in this context means
validated methods is important for is needed to 'confirm the fitness for overall competency that covers
an analytical laboratory to show its purpose of a particular analytical instrumentation, intellectual capital,
ability and skill. The terms validation method', i.e. to demonstrate that 'a reagents, the analytical methodology,
and quality assurance are widely used. defined method protocol, applicable calibration standards and certified
Some time it is bit complicated to to a specified type of test material reference materials to run the
understand the exact meaning, either and to a defined concentration rate method. Therefore the validation of
the difference or the relationship of the analyte' - the whole is called a new method or revalidation of old
between the two terms. Validating a the ''analytical system'' - 'is fit for a method has an important role in an
method is investigating whether the particular analytical purpose'. This analytical laborator y. The
MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 15
identification of a need to introduce standardized methods. The use of Manufacturing Process (GMP) and
a new analytical method often validated methods: in-house versus the larger HACCP (Hazard Analysis
requires the laborator y to have inter-laborator y validation, Critical Control Point) quality
enough competencies to develop participation in proficiency testing systems. Function of a lab is always
validate and apply the method. The (PT) schemes, external quality depends its quality as well as the
level of skills required depends on the control checks and accreditation. better customer feed back. There is
analytical method to be developed, Quality assurance of a lab mean for no means if lab is running better but
the level of accuracy and precision all the planned and systematic the customers are not satisfied in
required. activities and measures implemented service. Implementation of better
Quality assurance is the complete within the quality system. A quality methods, quality procedures and
organizational infrastructure that system has a quality plan, which systematic works can only result the
forms the basis for all reliable emphasizes the implementation of better performance of lab.
analytical measurements. The quality Good Laboratory Practice (GLP).
of a lab is verified by the use of GLP is equivalent to the Good abil777@gmail.com

Vaccines In Aquaculture: Do They Work? protection than oral vaccination,

with the oral-vaccinated fish requiring
treatment with antibiotics on more

T he Director of PHARMAQ Asia,

Kjersti Gravningen, discussed the
effectiveness of vaccines in
amount of antibiotics used declined
dramatically, boosting the image of
that industry. In Chile, vaccines were
than one occasion. Weight at the
time of vaccination is also
important. Cod vaccinated weighing
aquaculture at the Novus introduced in 1991-92 and this had 2.2g sur vived better than cod
International Seminar, held during a huge impact, reducing losses greatly vaccinated at a weight of 1.8g, with
the recent biennial VIV ASIA event, and boosting yields. both vaccinated treatments showing
reports Stuart Lumb for There are inactivated, live, far lower mortality than cod in the
TheFishSite.com. recombinant and DNA vaccines. Oral control groups. Other studies
Ideally, vaccines give long term vaccines have a low efficacy and give showed that vaccination protected
protection against important diseases, short-term protection; immersion yellowtail and cobia against
can be simply administered, are safe vaccines give more protection, whilst pasteurellosis, reducing mortality
to use both for the fish and the injectable ones give the best when compared to unvaccinated
administrator and are profitable. protection, and are most cost- controls.
Why are vaccines of interest? Of effective. However, they are Looking to the future, the
course, prevention is better than cure. impractical to use with small fish, challenge in Asia is that there are vast
There is an increasing demand for fish plus vaccination is labour-intensive numbers of species with vast numbers
protein, there is increasing concern and stressful. By 2010, vaccines were of management systems and there is
about the use of antibiotics, being used in more than 25 different a need for regulatory systems to be
increasing awareness about food countries, on more than 16 species established.
safety and finally, vaccines are of fish, effective against more than 18
environmentally friendly. bacteria and more than five viruses. Summary
Historically, vaccination by "Vaccines have to be developed Vaccines do work - they have
immersion was used against vibriosis specifically for individual species and reduced disease and have contributed
and ERM in salmonids in 1976. specific regions," commented to sustainable, profitable growth in
injection started in 1981. In 1998, Gravningen. Also, the efficacy of the salmonids, sea bass and other marine
oral vaccination was introduced in vaccination depends on the immune species. However, vaccines have to be
Japan for tilapia, with DNA vaccines system and size of the fish, the correctly documented and registered.
being used in salmon in Canada in administration method, the Furthermore, vaccines need to be
2005. formulation/composition of the correctly formulated to give the
Salmon production has soared in vaccine and finally the vaccination required level and duration of
the last 37 years in Norway, since the regime. protection.
mid 1970s, as did the use of Various examples were quoted. And finally, vaccines give specific
antibiotics to control disease. In With regard to Atlantic salmon (60g) protection, provided they are
1987, effective vaccines were i.p. injection (oil-based) against A. correctly administered.
introduced and after that date, the salmonicida gave much better Source:The fishsite.

16 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

Technology Transfer and Seed Stocking Ceremony of
"Seabass Cage Farming in Open Waters (Experimental
K erala is bestowed with ample
water bodies like back waters,
estuaries, rivers, reservoirs, canals,
creeks etc. both brackish water &
freshwater. However, it is not duly
utilized for development in
Fisheries/Aquaculture sector. As a
step towards diversification, some of
the open water area is utilized in
northern part of Kerala for mussel
culture for the past few years.
MPEDA has been active in bringing
more areas into aquaculture,
especially for brackish water shrimp
farming and fresh water prawn
farming aiming at enhancing the
export production. There are some
areas abandoned/unutilized by
farmers for various reasons like Ms.Leena Nair IAS, Chairman, MPEDA releasing seabass seed in to the cages
disease out break, decline in
production/price, increased in pond has also been demonstrated forward for demonstration of seabass
production costs etc. For utilization recently in Ernakulam District farming in cages in
of maximum area for aquaculture, successfully with a production of Thanneermukkam Kayal , Alappuzha
diversification of aquaculture with 371Kgs from 1 acre area. District, as proposed by a self-help
new species and technology is Considering the ample water group named Nirmala Swashraya
developed and put in place. The bodies available in Kerala State, the Sangham, Thanneermukkam. This
RGCA, a society under MPEDA, has MPEDA and RGCA has come experimental demonstration is
developed technology for hatchery,
seed production and culture of
seabass and crab. RGCA is in the
process of standardization of
technologies for many other
exportable species. MPEDA has
successfully demonstrated culture of
seabass and crab in cages/hapas/
ponds in various maritime states in
the country and our promotional
activities are continued. In Kerala ,
the Regional Centre (Aq.), Kochi has
demonstrated seabass cage farming in
ponds through two demonstrations
in Ernakulam and Kannur Districts
with production of 1709 kgs and 603
kgs respectively. One crab farming A view of the Demonstration Site

MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 17

Biological Trainee has been selected
and put to the site for looking after
the demonstration programme. All
the required cages (Frames & Nets),
floating platform / monitoring shed
etc. have been fabricated /
constructed. Seabass Seed brought
from RGCA-Hatchery, Thoduvai,
Tamil Nadu has been released in to
the cages under the supervision and
guidance of MPEDA & RGCA
officers on 10th May 2011.
On 2nd June 2011, the Technology
Transfer and Seabass Seed Stocking
Ceremony have been organized. The
Chairman, MPEDA inaugurated the
programme by releasing seed into
Ms. Leena Nair IAS, Chairman, MPEDA inaugurating the Technology transfer ceremony the cages in the presence of Director

conducted in open back waters to

prove & show the technical and
financial viability of such a new
venture in open waters. This can pave
way for development & utilization
of the potential water resources for
cage farming of fin fishes like Seabass,
Grouper, Cobia and crustaceans like
As part of the experimental
demonstration programme, six
members from Nirmala Swasraya
Sangham have been sent to
Andaman for hands on training on
seabass farming in open sea,
alongwith two MPEDA officials in
two batches in March 2011. A Ms. Leena Nair IAS, Chairman, MPEDA making presidential address

The Audience

18 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

(M), Joint Director (Aqua.), MPEDA; and the requirement of proper care U.B. Soman, former President of the
Joint Director (Trg.), MPEDA/ for success of the programme. She Panchayath, Shri T.T. Saju, Vice
Project Director, RGCA the also assured support/assistance from President, Smt. Jayamani, Ward
President of the Grama Panchayath, MPEDA and RGCA for the Member of Thanneermukkam Grama
Thanneermukkam and other Officers successful implementation of the Panchayath, Fr. Joshi Kalaparambath,
from MPEDA, RGCA, local experimental demonstration Director & Shri John Scaria,
administration and SHG members & programme, which will in turn Convener of Nirmala Swasraya
families. benefit the local fishermen Sangham spoke on the occasion.
After this, all the officers, guests community and other weaker Shri K.V. Raghu, Deputy Director
and farmers assembled in the FC sections for their livelihood in (Aq.), MPEDA, RC, Kochi welcomed
Convent Hall, Thanneermukkam coming days. the guests and participants.
near the Demonstration site for Shri N. Ramesh ITS, Director Smt. Elsamma Ithack, Assistant
inaugurating the Technology transfer (M), MPEDA, Shri Thampi Sam Raj, Director (Aq.) briefed about project
and seed stocking ceremony. Project Director, RGCA/ Joint details of the Demonstration. Vote
Ms.Leena Nair IAS, in her Director (Trg.), MPEDA, Smt. of thanks was extended by Dr. A.S.
presidential address briefed about the Padmavathi, President, Thanneer- Upadhyaya, Joint Director (Aq.),
objectives and need of such ventures mukkam Grama Panchayath, Shri MPEDA.

Aquaculture Food Safety and Hazard Prevention

Programmes Jointly Organised by MPEDA & USFDA
T he Marine Products Export
Development authority (MPEDA),
Kochi in association with United
represented by five officials namely
Dr. Brett Koonse, Dr. Pak Chin-Chu,
Mr. Stanley Serfling, Mr. Daniel
Geffin and Dr. Nirupa Sen.
The MPEDA officials welcomed
States Food & Drug Administration
(USFDA) has organized 2-day
training/seminar programmes on
Aquaculture Food Safety and Hazard
Prevention at Surat, Chennai,
Vijayawada and Bhubaneswar
between 16th and 29th of April 2011.
The programme was organized at the
locations and periods as indicated in
the table below.
The programmes were attended by
officials from EIA, CAA, College of
State Fisheries Officials, Exporters,
Farmers, Hatchery Operators, Feed
Manufacturers, Farmers' Association
officials and NGOs apart from
officials of MPEDA, NaCSA and Trainers and trainees in the Surat Programme

the gathering in the meeting. The

Sl. No. Place Period No. of participants officials emphasized the need of food
From To safety and hazard prevention in
1. Surat 15/4/2011 16/4/2011 55 aquaculture products which has
2. Chennai 19/4/2011 20/4/2011 55 focused attention of the programme.
3. Vijayawada 25/4/2011 26/4/2011 40 The MPEDA officials appreciated the
4. Bhubaneswar 28/4/2011 29/4/2011 53 USFDA's support and cooperation
for conducting the programmes and
Total 203
acknowledged with thanks the
MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 19
1. The seafood world wide is the
most traded item worth of US$
101.6 billion in 2008, through
800 species including 30 species
of shrimps. The global capture
is in decline, while human
growth expects to cross 9.2
billion by 2050, which requires
more than 110% increase in
food production.
2. The consumption of seafood is
on the increase. The increase in
demand and decrease in
production of seafood will lead
to deficit of 50000 MT in 2020
and the demand could be met
only by aquaculture.
3. The USA imports 14% of
Trainers and Trainees in the Vijayawada Programme seafood but exports 5% only
whereas developing countries
ser vices offered by USFDA on Good Aquaculture Practices. He export 48% but import 18%
HACCP training for food quality briefed that the modern only. This assumes significance
control. Dr. Brett Koonse of USFDA Aquaculture Practices are diverse and of production of seafood from
in his opening remarks specified the complicated which include culture of culture in particular from Asia,
requirements of USFDA and the wide variety of species such as that too mainly crustaceans.
description and scope of the Shrimps, Cat fishes, Basa, Salmon, 4. Even though production is
seminar/workshop. He briefed that Shell fishes, Tilapia, Eel, Grouper, increasing, the relative number
the training presently focus on food Yellowfin Tuna and Shark. The of food borne illnesses linked
safety and hazard prevention in systems operated for Aquaculture are to outbreaks caused by
culture products. race ways, recirculation systems, nets consumption of fish and shell
Later Dr. Brett Koonse presented and pens. The points presented by fish in USA was also increased
the power point presentation on him are on : to 29 numbers in between
1999-2006. This requires
preventive measures through
5. The food safety of aquaculture
products are mainly on
reducing the level antibiotic
residues, heavy metal
contamination, pathogens and
marine toxins. The presence of
Malachite Green,
Chloramphenicol, Nitrofurans,
Oxolinic acid and
Fluroquinones in seafoods
creates Cancer, Aplastic anemia
and increasing antimicrobial
resistance in humans.
6. The presence of chemical
residues in feeds like Melamine
and Leather meals and the
presence of pathogens like
Trainers from USFDA for the Bhubaneswar Programme coliforms, Salmonella,

20 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

Astrovirus, Norwalk like virus properly. Human & animal The hazards due to drug residues
and Hepatitis A virus in seafood contamination by direct entry are to be checked by lot certificate,
causes great concern on its use in to the ponds and improper letter of guarantee, drug residue
by humans. Further raw feed storage are to be avoided. testing, farm testing and verifying
seafood usage increases Record keeping and discharge critical limits with end pre-harvest
Salmonella contamination in water treatment also needed to testing of produce. Following the
ingested seafoods. be looked into through GAqPs lecture classes, a Group Exercise was
7. The presence of nematodes, with necessary verification carried out by the specified teams
cestodes and tremotodes affect through adequate testing and the specifications were discussed
the seafood quality but could protocols. elaborately.
be curtailed by cooking, freezing Following the lecture class of Dr. In the forenoon of second day,
or salting. Brett Koonse the MPEDA/NaCSA Dr. Pak-Sin-Chu of FDA presented
8. The bio toxins like SP are officials presented the GAPs the detection of drug residues in
prevalent in all countries mainly followed in India. In the post lunch aquaculture products such as
in filter feeding molluscs which session Dr. Brett Koonse presented microbial methods, GC & LC s LC
could kill humans due to the details of food safety programme MS & MS methods, qualitative and
imminent toxicity effect. In in Aquaculture on specification of quantitative programmes. He also
tropics and Japan, these toxins the Competent Authority, training emphasized on ELISA methods,
are prevalent in Ciguatera fish the auditors, developing elements of performance criteria, validation and
and Puffer fish. effective auditing, Quality Assurance confirmation methods. In his next
9. The main food safety concerns training programme for Auditors, class, he presented the inter-
can be addressed through cooperation among Government laborator y studies, laborator y
inspection, testing, border officials and stake holders, evaluations, Good Laborator y
checks, detection and compliance reporting, corrective Practices, ISO-17025 requirements,
rejections. The food safety action having best industry relations, difference between Quality Assurance
preventive measures of USFDA having sufficient resources, self and Quality Control, sampling
are implimented through GAPs. assessment of certification methods, testing protocols and
10. The GAPs reduce risks, programmes having proper documentar y record keeping
interventions and liability and laboratory testing and resolution of Laboratory Accreditation protocols
increase general public health. conf licts of interest. He also and on accreditation bodies.
These programmes are described in detail about the Following the presentation, the EIC
conducted in Vietnam, corrective measures on hazards, officials presented the details of
Thailand, Indonesia, checking of farm records, Laborator y accreditation
Bangladesh, Malaysia and now confirmation of farmer guarantees programmes in India while Mr.
in India. and traceability. Stanley Serfling of USFDA, specified
11. The GAPs include farm site Also in his third lecture, Dr. Brett in HACCP regulations, import
selection, sewage and pollution Koonse described the preventive process, detention methods,
control, proper personnel/ food safety controls for aquaculture detention with physical verification
worker safety practices, applying through HACCP on drugs, and challenges, strategies faced by
quality harvest and post harvest chemicals, feeds, feed producers and USFDA for import of seafood safety.
methods, equipment VMPs. He emphasized that 8 drugs In the lecture class on FDA Food
construction and maintenance, only approved in USA for Safety Modernization Act, Mr.Daniel
site and feed controls, drug and aquaculture based on dosages, routes Geffin detailed the proposed Act.
chemical use and record of application, specificity of them for Later the MPEDA officials presented
keeping. each species, and frequency of the details of initiatives taken by
12. Need of toilets outside the application. The approved drugs in Government of India in drug usage.
peripher y of the farms & USA should have limitations, Group Exercises were presented
carrying out disinfection and indications, tolerance level and by the teams and discussed
sanitation campaigns are withdrawal periods.The Malachite elaborately. The programme ended
necessary in farm GAP while Green, Gentian violet, Quinolones up with recommendations specified
quality of ice and its storage is etc. are unapproved for use in by Dr. Brett Koonse of USFDA and
also required to be kept aquaculture in USA. vote of thanks by MPEDA officials.

MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 21

SC/ST Training Programme Conducted at Kudosi
Village, Sakri Taluka, Dhule District (Maharashtra)
practices of scampi & fish adopted
in his reservoir.
During the 5-day training
programme lectures on different
aspects of ecofriendly sustainable
scampi farming - pond preparation
to har vest and post har vest
technology - were explained by
MPEDA officials, officers of KVK
and State Fisheries department.
On 26.01.2011, field visit was
arranged for the trainees to small
farms, village tanks and reservoirs in
Kudosi, Mohgaon & Pipalner
villages, where Pangasius culture,
scampi and carp farming etc. are going
Visit to a farm by the trainees Valedictory function was held on
28.01.2011, in which Mr. Shivraj

T he Sakri Taluka in Dhule District

of Maharashtra is having 55
small village tanks & reservoirs. At
the gathering, MPEDA officials
explained details of prawn farming.
Dr. Bonde, Programme Co-ordinator
Bhoye was Chief Guest. The chief
guest appreciated MPEDA's effort to
conduct such training programmes
present many farmers are engaged in attended the programme & delivered in rural areas for SC/ST trainees. He
carp culture, which are locally sold. lecture on carp culture. Shri. Pathan, also advised the beneficiaries to come
The Krishi Vidhyan Kendra Dhule Assistant Fisheries Development forward to form aqua club/society
under Matama Krishi Vidyapeeth, Officer delivered lecture on poly for promotion of scampi / fish
Rahuri had requested MPEDA, culture in fresh water and role of farming & assured all help from his
Regional Centre (AQ), Panvel to fisheries department in scampi side. He also requested to conduct
conduct SC/ST training programme farming & their schemes. Shri. such programmes for women and
in this Taluka to promote scampi Sanjay Patil who leased out Panzara Bachat Gat (Self Employment
culture and a list of 20 candidates reser voir availing NFDB subsidy Group) for the upliftment of their
belonging to villages Kalamba, explained participants about culture socio economic status.
Mohgoan, Kudosi, Baripada,
Chavdipada and Parsari were handed
over. These villages are located about
7-14 Kms. from each other and have
25 rain fed ponds/tanks having size
1 acre to 10 acres. Kudosi village was
selected to conduct the programme
as this village is centrally located with
the availability of basic facilities.
Inaugural function was held on
24.01.2011. Mr. Gokul R. Gavali,
Sarpanch of Kudosi village was the
chief guest for the inaugural function.
He encouraged the candidates to
utilize this opportunity to acquire
more knowledge in aquaculture/
scampi culture. Earlier, welcoming Participants of the Training Programme

22 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

Awareness campaign against abuse of Antibiotics in
Aquaculture conducted by MPEDA RC(AQ), Thanjavur
M PEDA, RC (Aqua), Thanjavur
has conducted 17 antibiotic
campaigns in different farming
villages and 3 antibiotic campaigns
in shrimp hatcheries during the year
2010-11. During the campaign, the
participants were explained on the
need for producing antibiotic free
shrimp for export. As antibiotics are
banned for use in aquaculture due
to its adverse effects on human
health, farmers were cautioned to
refrain from using antibiotics and
adopt better management practices
through selection of quality and lab-
tested seeds from registered
hatcheries and judicious usage of
probiotics. The farmers were also
motivated to obtain pre harvest test Campaign on abuse of antibiotics in hatchery operation - at M/s. Vaishali Shrimp
certificates from MPEDA's ELISA Hatchery, Perunthuravu
lab at Nagapattinam for farmed
shrimps before export. Kattumavadi, Thondi, Ponneri, M/s.Vaishakhi Biomarine Hatchery
Antibiotic campaigns held at Thanjavur and Velankannai were to educate the hatchery operators
Thillaivilagam, Thambikottai, attended by 490 farmers. Antibiotic and technicians on the importance
Vadakadu, Avarikadu, Karapidagai, campaigns were also conducted at of producing and supplying
Chinnathumbur, Melanagoor, the premises of M/s.Sona Hatchery, antibiotic free shrimp seeds for
Thalainyaru, Maharajapuram, M/s.Vaishali Hatcher y and sustainable aquaculture.

Hatchery operators, technicians & farmers attending a seminar on abuse of antibiotics in aqua culture conducted by MPEDA-UNCTAD

MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 23


Reduction of Customs Duty on the import of

SPL L-vannamei broodstock
The Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) presented a request to Ministry of Commerce
for reduction of Customs Duty for the import of SPF L-vannamei broodstock. Based on the discussion had
with DGFT, the Customs Authorities considered the request and in the Finance Bill 2011 and as per customs
Notification No.21/2011-Customs dated 1-3-2011, import of SPF L-vannamei broodstock attracts only 10%
duty instead of existing duty of 35%. The relevant portion of the Notification is given below:
No. 21/2001-Customs New Delhi, the 1st March, 2011
G.S.R. (E).- In exercise of the power conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962
(52 of 1962), the Central Government, on being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do,
hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of the Government of India in the
Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No.21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002, published
in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary vide number G.S.R. 118(E), dated the 1st March, 2002, namely:-
In the said notification.-
(x) after S.No. 2 and the entries relating thereto, the following S.No. and entries shall be inserted, namely:-
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
“2A 0306 13 Live SPF L-vannamei broodstock 10% - -

(Sanjeev Kumar Singh)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Note: The principal notification No.21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002 was published in the
Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide number G.S.R. 118(E), dated the 1st March, 2002 and was last amended
vide notification No.4/2011-Customs, dated the 27th January, 2011, published vide number G.S.R. 52(E),
dated the 27th January, 2011.
These orders facilitate the import of quality SPF L-vannamei broodstock at a competitive price by breeders. It
is expected that this would boost the production of quality L-vannamei through aquaculture for export.

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24 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

Aqua 2012 : Global Aquaculture - FDA Updates
Securing our future Guidance for
Seafood Safety
T he boards of directors of the
European Aquaculture Society
programme include environment,
biodiversity and climate change;
(EAS) and the World Aquaculture
Society (WAS) have the pleasure to
announce that the AQUA 2012
aquaculture certification;
aquaculture and human health;
production systems; feedstuffs, feeds
T he U.S. Food and Drug
Administration has released
updated guidelines to help the
event will take place in the Czech and feed additives; molluscs and seafood industry reduce or eliminate
Republic capital, Prague, from other Invertebrates; marine shrimp; food safety hazards.
September 1-5, 2012. general finfish culture; freshwater fish This is the fourth edition of the
The AQUA events are co- culture; marine fish culture; "Fish and Fishery Products Hazards
organised by EAS and WAS every six seaweeds; ornamentals; aquaculture and Controls Guidance." Revising
years, and AQUA 2012 succeeds the economics; animal welfare, health the guidelines fulfills a mandate of
2006 event in Florence, Italy and the and diseases; breeding and genetics the FDA Food Safety Modernization
2000 event held in Nice, France. The and other specialised topics.
Act, which became law in January.
event comprises an international The programme therefore covers
In a news release FDA said key
scientific conference, an international many aspects of the global
trade exhibition, workshops for aquaculture value chain for changes in the new edition include:
aquaculture producers, forums contribution by authors from all over o Updated post-harvest treatment
organised by students and by the the world. for pathogenic bacteria in shellfish
European Commission Directorate Following the approval of the -- including Vibrio vulnificus and
General for research and many other location by EAS and WAS Boards, Vibrio parahaemolyticus;
satellite workshops and meetings. Michael New OBE, chairman of the o Revised time and temperature
The previous AQUA events each AQUA 2012 steering committee, recommendations to better
attracted more than 2,000 said: "After somewhat delicate control for scombrotoxin
participants from over 50 countries, discussions over the past two years (histamine) formation and
showing the global importance of with our partners and authorities in pathogenic bacteria;
aquaculture and specifically this St. Petersburg, Russia and o Information on regulations and
event. subsequently in Sharm El Sheikh, tolerance levels that have changed
The theme "Securing our Future" Egypt, the approved location in since the previous edition was
has several aspects. It has obvious Prague is for me definitely not a 'third published;
implication in global and regional choice' location. o Hazard information on species of
food security and aquaculture trade, "We just hadn't considered it in seafood new to the U.S. market;
placing aquaculture products in the our earliest discussions. After visiting o More detailed descriptions of the
global fisheries market. It also refers Prague for the first time early this potential illnesses and injuries
to economic and environmental year, I was taken in by its beauty and related to seafood.
sustainability and the image of fascinated by the centuries-old The document is intended to
aquaculture activities. A tradition of aquaculture, pond and help seafood processors create and
spokesperson for AQUA 2012 said: water management in the Czech carry out their Hazard Analysis and
"Our future is what we make of it Republic. Prague is at the centre of Critical Control Point (HACCP)
now - how we alleviate poverty; how Europe. It is an easy location to fly plans. While it does not specifically
we manage our future resource needs or drive to and the congress centre is describe safe handling practices for
and especially how we educate, train close to the centre, with excellent consumers, grocer y stores or
and manage knowledge for the next metro links stopping in front of the restaurants, many of the concepts
generation of aquaculture researchers, building and with an extremely wide
would be useful.
producers and other stakeholders." choice of luxury and budget hotels
A bound copy of the guidance can
AQUA 2012 Programme co- within easy reach."
chairs Marco Saroglia, José Polanco Further information on AQUA be ordered online at
and Zdenek Adamek have put 2012 will be published on the web www.ifasbooks.com or by calling the
together a vast programme of more sites of EAS and WAS, with abstract Florida Sea Grant, IFAS-Extension
than 50 technical sessions that will submission and registration available bookstore at the University of
be open for abstract submission. online within the coming weeks. Florida at 1-800-226-1764.
Major pillars of the technical - fishupdate - Maryrothschild, FDA

MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 25

Indian seafood exports soars
B russels: Indian seafood exports
reached $2.7 billion in 2010-
2011 compared to $2.1 billion in the
May 3 and 5.
Sixteen Indian companies
participated. "They did a very good
is our biggest market."
The fair brought together seafood
buyers and sellers from across the
previous fiscal year, officials said. business, almost everybody. Business world with over 1,600 companies
Europe is the leading market for opportunities have been wonderful. from 80 different countries
Indian seafood products followed by We have increased our business," exhibiting. According to the 2010
US, China and Japan. said Nair. She added that shrimp is a State of World Fisheries and
"The seafood industry of India is high value item for exports, which Aquaculture report, the estimated
growing and will grow by leaps and included about six percent of Minami total world fishery production in
bounds, recession or no recession," (a type of curr y powder), a new 2008 amounted to 142 million
Leena Nair, Chairperson of the product from India. "The world tonnes, which places it at a new all-
Marine Products Export seems to be liking the Indian time high.
Development Authority of India, Minami. It has been ver y well In addition, global consumption
told EuAsiaNews in Brussels where received," she said. of fish and seafood has doubled since
she attended the European Seafood Anwar Hashim, president of the 1973 and is expected to increase by
fair. Seafood Exporters Association of 25 percent by 2015. The fisheries
The 19th Annual European India, said: "We had higher exports industry is a critical source of income
Seafood Exposition (ESE) and 13th and hopefully we can continue the and employment for hundreds of
Annual Seafood Processing Europe trend. This year we have grown by millions of people around the world.
(SPE) were held in Brussels between about 15 percent in volume. Europe - Mangalorean.com/IANS

26 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

Shrimp exports rising thanks to EU plans to pay
global shortage fishermen for
collecting plastic
A global shrimp shortage and
outbreaks of disease in farms are
pushing India's exports of the
during the last financial year.
But processing facilities of India's
main product, black tiger shrimp, are
from the sea
product back up. Prices for shrimp
jumped by 10-20 per cent last year
worldwide also in part due to
running at only 30 per cent capacity.
Meanwhile, Vietnam, Bangladesh
and Indonesia, among other chief
L ondon: The European Union
(EU) plans to pay the continent's
fishing fleets for collecting plastic as
increasing demand from the US, shrimp farmers, saw their output part of an initiative that will help
China and other importers. drop and the winter delayed China's reduce pollution in sea.
In the 2010-11 financial year, farming season in 2010. Indonesia's As per under consideration
shrimp exports climbed by 13 per vannamei farms have not yet proposals from EU commissioner for
cent in volume, 35 per cent in rupee recovered from disease outbreaks in fisheries Maria Damanaki, fishermen
value and 41 per cent in dollar value. 2009, and extremely hot weather will be paid to land plastic to provide
Frozen shrimp accounted for 46 afflicted vannamei farms in central them with income and reduce
pressure on dwindling fish stocks, the
per cent of the total Vietnam and black tiger farms
Sunday Express reported.
dollar revenue. in the south, leading Vessels that clear up plastic will
to hindered growth initially be subsidised by the EU. The
rates and disease. hope is that the practice will become
Regardless, across self-sustaining as the value of recycled
the globe, shrimp plastics increases. Damanaki will
unveil a trial project in the
Mediterranean this month, which
will see fishermen equipped with nets
to collect plastic debris.
The plan, as well as an attempt to
handle seaborne waste, is also aimed
at pacifying Europe's fishing industry
over a potential prohibition on the
wasteful practice of dumping low-
value fish at sea. Fleets fear of losing
farming has soared in the last 20 money by not being able to throw
away lower-value catch for which
Seafood export earnings for years.
they say there is little demand. A
March 2010-April 2011 reached a China has risen as a new shrimp million tonnes are thrown back each
record of USD 2.67 billion -- up producer with vannamei in the year in the North Sea alone.
10.96 per cent in quantity, 20.42 per forefront, accounting for more than Commissioner Damanaki said:
cent in rupee value and 25.55 per 70 per cent of the country's total "Ending this practice of throwing
cent in USD terms year-on-year -- farmed shrimp output. away edible fish is in the interest of
mostly due to a 104 per cent-growth In mid-March, the US fishermen and consumers. It has to
in exports to the US, said the Marine International Trade Commission happen, we cannot have consumers
Products Export Development (USITC) informed that it would afraid to eat fish because they hate
Authority (MPEDA). keep its anti-dumping duty order on this problem of discards.
Aquaculture production in most imported Indian shrimp for another The industry will contribute to
of India's southern states grew by five years, which for shrimp exporters the pilot but it is not known how
more than 30 per cent during 2009- means administrative reviews and much each fisherman will get.
10 thanks to greater productivity, cash bonds to trade with US. Indian Payments will depend on tonnage and
MPEDA said, with total production shrimp exporters are now slowly the recycling market.
reaching 106,000 tonnes, reports earning enough to make up for the Plastics 2020 Challenge, an
industry campaign that supports
Financial Express. losses suffered from antidumping
recycling and preventing litter, is
Vannamei farming also got a duties.
backing the move.
boost, with exports at 10,000 tonnes Source:www.fis.com - IANS/thaindian.com

MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 27

New Director General For NACA
57-day deep-
sea fishing T he Indian Government hosted
the 22nd Network of
● Many members are placing
increasing emphasis on freshwater
ban from Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific
(NACA) Governing Council Meeting
aquaculture production,
particularly with regards to
June 15 along in Kochi, Kerala, from 9-11 May. culture-based fisheries and
The council meeting covered the improved utilisation of dams and
Karnataka election of the new Director General reservoirs. NACA's food safety and
coast of the NACA , reviewed the quality programme, currently
organisation's activities and set focusing on on-farm issues will be
priorities for the year ahead. expanded to include the
F ishing in the deep sea will
be banned along the
Karnataka coast from June 15
Delegates from NACA member
governments, regional lead centres
processing sector, which form a
large component of exports.
to August 10. and international partner Organic aquaculture will also be
A press release by the organisations were welcomed by Dr included in the work programme.
Deputy Director, Fisheries B. Meenakumari, Deputy Director ● NACA will facilitate group-based
Department, Mangalore, Mr General (Fisheries) of the Indian approaches to certification of
Suresh Kumar Ullal, said here Council of Agricultural Research. aquaculture products to enable
the Karnataka Government, in Opening remarks were delivered by small scale farmers to access such
accordance with the Karnataka Dr Nantiya Unprasert, Deputy schemes.
Marine Fishing (Regulation) Director General of the Thai
Act 1986, has imposed a 57- Department of Fisheries and by the The meeting also saw the election
day fishing ban along coastal Director General of NACA, Prof. of Dr Ambekar E. Eknath as the new
Karnataka keeping in mind the Sena De Silva. Director General of NACA. He will
welfare of fishermen and The Secretariat and the Regional serve a five year term commencing on
fisheries business in the State. Lead Centres for China, India, 1 September 2011.
Fishing, either using Thailand and the Philippines gave Dr Eknath is well known
mechanised boats or country progress reports on their activities throughout NACA after previous
boats with inbound or over the past year leading into a positions as the Director of the
outbound engines of 10 horse discussion and proposals for the year Central Institute for Freshwater
power or more, has been ahead. While many issues were raised Aquaculture, the NACA regional
banned during June 15-August at the meeting, key points included lead centre for India and as a
10. the following: researcher for fish breeding at
Asking fishermen to BioSoft/GenoMar at the University
comply with the ban, the ● The need to improving the of Oslo Research Park. His most
release said strict action would sustainability and productivity of famous work however is his
be taken against violators, and aquaculture through promotion pioneering work in development of
they will not be entitled for of group-based implementation the genetically improved farmed
compensation in case of of science-based better tilapia (GIFT) strain with the World
accidents. Mechanised boats management practices by small Fish Center (formerly ICLARM),
violating the ban will not get scale farmers will continue to be where he worked for ten years.
subsidised diesel provided a key focus of the work The Governing Council also
from the Karnataka programme, expanding into new expressed their appreciation to the
Government, the release said. commodities. outgoing Director General, Professor
The Karnataka Budget for ● The impacts of climate change are Sena De Silva for his substantial
2011-12 had enhanced the a universal and increasing concern contribution to regional aquaculture
quantity of subsidised diesel to member governments, not development and for the personal
for mechanised fishing boats in only in terms of environmental commitment he has displayed to
Karnataka from 85,000 damage but also on the aquaculture development in the
kilolitres to 1 lakh kilolitres. livelihoods of rural communities region.
- The Business Line and potentially severe The FishSite News Desk
implications for food security.

28 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

FAO receives award from AFS Trawling ban in
State from June
T he FAO Fisheries and
Aquaculture Department has
received the Gold Medal Award from
to flag and discuss important issues
pertaining to sustainable aquatic
resource production and
the Asian Fisheries Society (AFS). management."
This award is given in recognition
of its role in the development of
FAO's important contributions
include the organisation of an FAO T HIRUVANANTHAPURAM:
The 47-day monsoon-time ban
on fishing by mechanised trawlers in
aquaculture and fisheries in the Special Session on Cage Aquaculture
Asian-Pacific region and its active at the AFS Second International the sea off the Kerala coast will come
support to AFS activities. Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in into force on June 14 midnight. The
The president of the AFS Asia in Hangzhou, China, in July ban will be in force within 12 nautical
presented FAO with the medal during 2006; an FAO Special Session on miles (22.22 km) from the shoreline
the Opening Ceremony of the 9th Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food till July 31. A high-level meeting,
Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture and Agriculture and an FAO Special chaired by Chief Minister Oommen
Chandy, here on Monday decided to
enforce the ban.
A. Jayathilak, Secretary to the
Fisheries Department, who attended
the meeting, told The Hindu that
the State government had decided to
alert the Union government to the
entry of foreign trawlers into the sea
off the Kerala coast when the ban was
in force. The Navy and the Coast
Guard would thus intensify their
surveillance and keep these vessels
away. The decision to take up the
issue with the Centre had been made
on the basis of complaints about
attempts by huge trawlers to fish in
the ban area.

The meeting discussed the
problems in rescuing fishermen who
ventured out into the sea during the
Forum of the AFS, which was hosted Workshop on gender in aquaculture monsoon, mainly from Mangalore.
by the Shanghai Ocean University in and fisheries research and Quite often, deploying helicopters of
Shanghai, China in April. development, both at this 9th Asian the Coast Guard and the Navy in
Dr Matthias Halwart, FAO Senior Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum Kochi for the rescue was found time-
Aquaculture Officer, accepted the which had the overall theme "Better consuming. In this context, the
award on behalf of the Department. Science, Better Fish, Better Life". In meeting decided to take steps for
"It is ver y rewarding to see the addition, FAO Fisheries staff stationing helicopters in Mangalore
Fisheries and Aquaculture members often provide their for expediting the rescue operations.
Department's efforts for the Asia- expertise as Organising Committee The annual trawling ban is being
Pacific Region and beyond recognised members or Session Chairs for AFS used as a fisheries management tool,
with this Gold Medal," he said. "The symposia in subject areas like aquatic which several other coastal States
triennial forum especially provides an biodiversity and aquatic genetic have emulated over the years. The first
excellent opportunity to liaise with resources, culture-based fisheries, and trawling ban for 45 days was enforced
leading aquaculture and fisheries aquatic animal health. in 1988. Earlier, a ban was ordered
scientists and key commercial - Source:worldfishing in 1981, but it lasted only three days.
stakeholders from all over the world - The Hindu

MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 29

Fishery potential in Assam yet to be 45 days fishing
tapped ban in Goa from
June 15
G UWAHATI, The Fisheries between the present production and
sector in Assam is showing
gradual improvement in the last few
demand has to be met by importing
fish from other states of the country, F isheries officials said that all major
jetties in the state will be sealed
and marine police will be roped-in
years, but some serious drawbacks which have more intensive fish to ensure that no trawlers violate the
have stymied further growth limiting farming. ban. The ban occurs uniformly in the
the prospects of nearly 2,80,000 fish There, however, are a few success coastal areas of Kerala, Karnataka,
farmers of the State. stories that can be replicated in more Goa, Maharashtra and Gujarat in
Among the major impediments, parts of the state. Among those is order to avoid differences in the ban
is a "shortage of adequate manpower introduction of fresh water prawn period. The ban period has been
uniformly imposed in these regions
in the extension machiner y to farming in Dimoria block of Kamrup from 2007, and is an interim order
disseminate the advanced technology district from last year. The farmers by the Supreme Court.
to the fish farmers, and inadequate of Kolong Kopili, the NGO The ban has been observed in the
in-ser vice training coverage for pioneering the effort, reveal that in territorial waters of Goa from the year
motivating workers at the grassroots, their case NABARD and fisheries 1981.
and a failure in skill and capacity department officials played a critical "The reason for a fishing ban has
upgradation," revealed a senior role in providing support. two main objectives: as it provides
adequate protection to several species
official in the department. of fish and allows them to spawn.
Limited access to quality fish Secondly, the ban prevents fishermen
seed, improved fish feed and other from risking their lives in the rough
aquaculture inputs during monsoon weather," Fisheries
appropriate culture period is another director S Verenkar said. With the
issue that has not been addressed so enforcement of the ban period, more
far. "Poor market infrastructure and than 875 mechanized fishing boats
marketing linkage also act as brakes will be anchored at the jetties in the
for fish farmers who would otherwise Fisheries department has already
have been more motivated to put a ceiling on the registration of
increase their stock," he added. A new trawlers since there is an over
stark reminder of unrealized potential saturation of trawlers. However,
is the absence of any fish processing replacement of old vessels with new
and packaging unit in the state. ones is permitted. According to the
Because of this gap, even the most Ornamental fish could be the next Directorate, only around 25 trawlers
can be replaced annually.
successful of fish farmers have lost out big opportunity to fish farmers and According to Branda Rodrigues,
on any opportunity in achieving exporters from Assam. According to a researcher, mechanized vessels have
value addition on their produce. experts, at present nearly 80 per cent increased from 4 vessels in 1961 to
Fish farmers complain that of the total volume of ornamental 1,138 till date.
securing bank loans is another hurdle fishes exported from India is mainly There are about 1,134
that confronts many fish farmers, sourced from Assam and sent via mechanized boats registered in the
particularly those who have no Kolkata Airport. About 150 species state, 755 country crafts, 1,963 non-
motorized country crafts and 6,463
collateral to provide. In the absence are reported to possess ornamental nets. Goa has five fish landing centres
of bank guarantors it is a nearly value and in case of more than 50 and 14 fish landing ramps. Fisheries
impossible to get loans to invest in species, overseas demand has been data revels that fish catch in 2010
fisheries, and it is only the educated established. calendar year was 54,865 tons as
fish farmers who can even approach Significantly, apart from against 51,231 tons fish catch in
a bank. numerous rivers and streams, Assam 2009. The fishing industry provides
It is for such reasons that the has around 1,196 beels of which 430 employment for about forty
annual fish production in the state are registered covering 60,215 hac thousand people, and is considered
to be the third highest economic
stands at 2.06 lakh Metric Tones area and 766 are unregistered activity in the state followed by
whereas the economic demand is covering an area of 40,600 ha. tourism and mining.
close to 2.5 lakh MT. The gap - The Assam Tribune - India Blooms News Service

30 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

US DOC announces final results of 5th Administrative review
U S DOC announced the final
results of 5th Administrative
Review on Anti-dumping duty for
from India for the period from 1st
February 2009 to 31st January 2010.
Accordingly, the weighted-average
another mandatory respondent, it
is 2.31.
The Review-Specific Average
shrimp exporters to US. The US percentage dumping margins for Rate for all other companies is
Department of Commerce in its M/s. Falcon Marine Exports 1.60. this means that the rates
notice dated 5th July 2011 has Limited, a mandatory respondent, specified in their preliminary
announced the Final results in the for a period February 1, 2009, investigations and published vide
5th Administrative Review of Anti- through January 31, 2010, is 1.36, their notice dated 28th February
Dumping investigation of Shrimps while that for M/s. Apex Exports, 2011 were maintained.

TRADE ENQUIRY (Ornamental Fishes)

Trade Enquiry received during Aquarama 2011, Singapore

Dreamz Aquarium Tel: +63-927-799-8367 Fax: (65) 6760 9611
Shop No. L-15, Savera Complex Fax: +63-45-888-3027 E-mail: dragonwana@gmail.com
Opp. Rokadiya Hanuman Temple Homepage: www.ht-natural.com
Udhna Naher, Surat - 395 002 Jong - Suk, LEE, CEO Kin Star Aqua World Sdn. Bhd.
Gujarat, India No.38, Jalan Emas 2, Taman Kerjasama
Rivas leaf golden Bukit Beruang, 75450 Melaka, Malaysia
Helpdesk No. +91-261-2636777 Iran - Esfahan - Najafabad
E-mail: dreamzaquarium1@gmail.com Tel: 606-2316139
Tel: 0331-2743753 Fax: 606-2316137, 2313452
Vicky Vakharia - + 91 98987 45777 Mob: (+98)0913 131 5324
Ajay Vakharia - + 91 99747 05237 E-mail: kinstsar_2004@yahoo.com
E-mail: companyrivas@yahoo.com Tan Heng Wah
Coburg Aquarium Best Aquarium H/P: 6012-638 6139, 6016-665 6139
232-236 Bell St., Coburg 3058 Blk 631 Bedok Reservoir Road 6012-606 1398
Ph: 9354 5843 Fax: 9354 0297 # 01-958 Singapore - 470631
www.coburgaquarium.com.au Wayne Discus Centre
Lau Foo Wah 3/F, 184 Tung Choi Street,
Byron Hicks, Store Manager HP: 9697 8522 Mongkok Hong Kong
Samho Co., Ltd. Creative Way Global Co., Ltd. Tel: (852) 2898 8806
562-1, Song Neung - 2Ri Gingun - eup, No.30-2F, Aly. 25, Ln. 140, Mobile: (852) 9018 8162 /
Nam Yang Joo - City, Korea - 472 831 Jianguo Ist Rd, Lingya Dist., (86) 135 4342 8383 (China)
Tel:- +82 -31 - 527-3800~6 Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan (R.O.C.) E-mail: info@waynediscus.com /
Fax: +82-31-527-3807 Tel: 886-7-7173437 waynediscus@yahoo.com
Mobile: +82-10-9040-3660 Fax: 886-7-7242868 Web: http://www.waynediscus.com
E-mail: amazonpet@126.com Mobile: 886-921-681909 Wayne.S.S. Ng
http://www.amazonpet.net James Lin
Brian, Lee, Assistant Manager Pang Long Pte Ltd
Manager & Taiwan Ornamental Lim Chu Kang 191, MK 12
Wazeers Aquariums Fish Association Executive Secretary 103 Neo Tiew Road, Singapore 719024
East Rand Traders Square Arowana Web: www.panglongarowanas.com
Boksburg Gauteng South Africa Fanatics Club (Singapore) Koji, Marketing executive
Ph: 011826 5887, 0834496099 www.arofanclub.org Mob: +65 97450159
E-mail: jeewaamohammed@gmail.com Chris Kim, Committee Member Email: sales@panglong.com.sg
HP: 9852 7600
HT Natural. Co. E-mail: chriskim@arofanclub.org Allfish (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Korea Office, 601, Dea Woo Plaza, 416/11-12 Sukumvit 55 Sukumvit Rd.
775-4, Gojan- dong, Dawon - gu, Aqua Life Wattana Bangkok Thailand
Ansan-si, Korea Tel: (852) 2380 6608 Tel: +66 (0)8-9981-9981
Tel: +82-31-486-8355 Fax: (852) 2789 1240 E-mail: allfishthailand@hotmail.com
Fax: +82-31-486-9906 Mobile: 9076 6108 Web: www.allfishthailand.com
Cel: +82-10-3885-8355 E-mail: aqualife2011@gmail.com Wuttidej Yuenyong, Managing Director
e-mail: htmarin@hotmail.com Dan Wong
Philippine Office East Ocean Aquatic Trading Centre
Dragonwana Aquarium Trading Blk 22 Havelock Road, # 01-699
Rod9 Barangay Cuayan 63 Sungei Tengah Singapore - 699011
Angeles City, Philippines 2009 Singapore - 160022
Tel: (65) 6760 8757 Tel: (65) 62759220 Fax: (65) 62759221
MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 31
E-mail: sales@eastoceansg.com Coral Farm Aquaristic Pte Ltd Ray Tan Chee Beng, General Manager
Skype: eastoceansg, www.eastoceansg.com 60 Lim Chu Kang Lane 6F Mob: (65) 9694 2527
Ryan Soh, Business Development Singapore - 718843
Mob: (65) 96419129 Tel: +65 6332 2928, Fax: +65 6339 2928 Fish Korea
E-mail: jon@coralfarm.com.sg 363-3, No On Sa Dong, Kwang Myung
Busan Aquarium www.coralfarm.com.sg Shi, Seoul-Korea (zip code-423-080)
#1411-4, Jung1 - dong, Haeundae -gu Jon Lim, Operations Manager Tel: (0) 82-2-2613-4731
Busan (612 846) Mob: +65 9692 2846 F : 82-2-2618-4731 Fax : 82-2-2686-4730
Tel: +82 51 740 1700, +82 51 740 1761 E-mail : fishcorea@korea.com
Mob: 010 8277 3290 Fax: +82 51 740 1760 Hollywood Fish Farm Website: www.fishcorea.com
E-mail: dw.kim@busanaquarium.com Albany- Tawa Drive Trade Centre, Hee Beom, Choi, President
www.busanaquarium.com Cnr Tawa Drive & Rosedale Road Mobile: 82-11-6700-6410
Reo Kim, Assistant Curator Ph/Fax: 415 4157
Mt Roskill - 36 Frost Road Tropica Aquarium Plants A/s
Living Waters (Tropical) Ltd. Ph/Fax 620 5249 Mejibyvej 200, DK-8250 Ega, Denmark
28 Beddington Lane, Croydon E-mail: hollywoodalbany@xtra.co.nz Tel: +45 86 22 05 66, Fax: +45 86 22 84 66
Surrey, Cro 4TB, United Kingdom hollywoodmtroskill@gmail.com E-mail: tropica@tropica.dk
0044 02086803533 www.hollywoodfishfarm.co.nz Website: www.tropica.com
WWW.LIVINGWATERSONLINE.CO.UK Super Pet Shanghai Pudong Ornamental Fish Center
Darren Slater, Director Tel:+27 (0)72 236 9043 Shanghai Pudong Land-based Fish
E-mail:Tom@animal-kingdom.co.za Farming Co. Ltd.
Marks Aquarium Candice@animal-kingdom.co.za No.18 South Huazhou Road, Pudong
43, Avenue Zinnias Morcellement swan Tel: +27 (0)83 677 7886 New District, Shanghai Zip:201202
Baie Du Tombeau - Ile Maurice www.animal-kingdom.co.za Tel: 021 33935712, Fax: 021 33935474
Tel: 247 2453 247 1311 E-mail: luji@trade.sh.cn;
Fax: (230) 247 2456 Shanghai Wanjin Ornamental Fish Farm Lawrence_a4@hotmail.com
E-mail: markaquariumltd@gmail.com 227#3800 lane Dushi Road, Minhang Wang wei, Trading Manager
Mark Yeung, Director General District, Shanghai 201108, China Mob: 13052028505
Tel: +8621 54491098
Waterbats.com (s) Pte Ltd Fax: + 8621 54492800 System & Control Engineering Co.
63 Hillview Ave, # 10-21 E-mail: qianliang@fancy-goldfish.com 01-23, Blk-22, Boon Keng Road,
Singapore 669569 Qian Liang, General Manager Singapore 1233.
Tel: 65 6877 9030, Fax: 65 6891 2500 MP: +86 13817316888 Tel: 2964916, 2964919
Mob: 65 9765 1659 K.T. Tan, Technical Manager
E-mail: waterbats@waterbats.com Mainland Tropical Fish Farm
Stanley Tan No.1, Pasir Ris Farmway 1, Singapore Matali
Business Development Manager 519352. Jln.Simpang Borobudur no.8-65142
Tel: (65) 62873883, 65843643, Malang, East Java-Indonesia
Pet Lovers 65812550, Fax: (65) 62884200 Fax: +62 341 495 108
39-32700 South Fraser Way E-mail: enquiries@mainlandfishfarm.com HP: +62 813 338 686 54
Abbotsford, B C V2T 4M5 Website: www.mainlandfishfarm.com E-mail: matali_yap@yahoo.com
Tel: 859 9819, Fax: 859 4832 Yeo Siew Song, Partner
E-mail: Rvdsluis35@hotmail.com Samho Co. Ltd.
H/P:96289288 562-1, Song Neung-2Ri Gingun-eup,
Empress Aquarium Sunny Aquarium Company Nam Yang Joo-City, Korea 472 831
Empress Dept. Enterprises 14, Lim Chu Kang Lane 9A Tel: +82 31 527 3800 6
Otto Aquarium Products Singapore 718879 Fax: +82 31 527 3807
Litramin Fish Food Products & Co. Tel: (65) 6793 7628 (5 lines) E-mail: amazonpet@126.com
Showroom Fax: (65) 6793 7170 / 6793 7860 Website: www.amazonpet.net
2 Jurong East St 21 # 05-04A E-mail: sunnyaqm@signet.com.sg Sam, Kim, Assistant Manager
IMM Building (Car Park Entrance) Website: www.sunnyaqm.com
Singapore 609601. Tel: 567 1770 Qian Hu Corporation Limited
Jonathan Low, Export Execuitive No.71 Jalan Lekar, Singapore 698950
E-mail: empress@pacific.net.sg H/P: (65) 8383 6676
Office Tel: (65) 6766 7087
Blk 8 Empress Road Jy Lin Trading Co. Ltd Fax: (65) 6766 3995
#01-11, Singapore 260 008 Tel: 886 8 7703757, Fax: 886 8 7703377 E-mail: qhfft@signet.com.sg
Tel: 473-3631, 475-7287, Fax: 472-7614 E-mail: jylin@tropicalfish.tw Website: www.qianhu.com
Tan Tuck Hua, PBM, Sole Proprietor Website: www.ornamentalfish.com.tw Teo Boon Hock, General Manager
Angela Chen Coral Reef Aquarium Manufacturer
Manor Aquatics Centre
653-657 Romford Road Tropical Art Pte Ltd Pte Ltd
Manor Park, London, E 12 5AD 38 Lim Chu Kang Lane 5 Showroom & Factory
Tel: 020 8478 4478, Fax: 020 8514 1400 Singapore 718856 Block 1009 Eunos Ave 6 #01-02
E-mail: shop@manoraquatics.co.uk Tel: (65) 6861 3833, Fax: (65) 6861 1170 Singapore 409621
www.manoraquatics.co.uk e-mail: info@tropicalart.com.sg Tel: (65) 68417357 Fax: (65) 68426861
Nilesh Chavda E-mail: danlee@craquarium.com.sg

32 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

List of Trade Enquiries received during
International Boston Seafood Show 2011
1. Mr.Peter Wu Fax: 323.319.1556 8. Mr.Sebastian Cherniavsky
Hangzhou Meihong Trading Co., Ltd, E-mail: nayu@pafco.net Global Products,
1407 Unit 2, Building 2, Web: www.pafco.net Rosa O'Higgins #40 Las,
Doxin dadao, Easy Sky Plaza, Frozen pomfret - Silver, Chinese or black Condes-Santiago-Chile.
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. Frozen ribbon fish Ph: +56 2 2462465
Tel: 0086-571-88254103 Frozen Indian mackerel Mob: +56 9 78799570
Fax: 0086-571-88254256 Frozen Parrot fish E-mail: sebastian@globalproducts.cl
Mob: 13175008808 Frozen Goat fish IQF HL Vannamei 31-35 & 36-40 in 1.8 kg
E-mail: wxxmh@163.com Frozen threadfin bream pack (deglazed weight)
Frozen Ribbon Fish, Frozen Eel, Frozen Croaker IQF PD 71-90 in 1.8 kg pack de-glazed weight
5. Mr.Shondell Bovell Cooked PUD IQF 100-200 in 1.8 kg with
2. Mr.Diana Wu Purchasing Manager, 10% glaze pack
Purchasing Manager Ocean Fisheries Ltd,
Seafood Expert West Inc., 31 Warrens Industrial Park, 9. Mr.Sandy Lin
4564 160 Street, Warrens, St.Michael, Song Ching Fishery Co., Ltd,
Flushing, NY 11358 USA, Barbados,West Indies. 1F.,No.10, Yingcheng 2nd St.,
Tel: 718-359-3873 Tel: (246) 425-4133 Xitun Dist.,
Fax: 718-961-6196 Cell: (246) 233-2205 Taichung City 407, Taiwan(R.O.C)
E-mail: dwny2011@gmail.com Fax: (246) 425-2235 Tel: +886-4-23173046
Boston Booth #: 1123 E-mail: sbovell@ocean-fisheries.com Fax: +886-4-23173048
Web: www.seafoodepxertinc.com All frozen fishery products Mob: +886-921-367466
SKYPE ID: dianawuny E-mail: so.he@msa.hinet.net
Frozen squid, Frozen cuttlefish 6. Mr.Kun-Yung Liu Web: www.song-ching.com.tw
Frozen baby octopus, Frozen ribbon fish Great Hung Enterprise Co., Ltd., Frozen Chinese pomfret
Frozen seafood mix IQF Nan-Tzu Office: Frozen whole cuttlefish
No.41, Yueh-Yang St, Nan-Tzu Dist, Frozen cuttlefish de-skinned
3. Mr.Andrew Kaye Kaohsiung, 811, Taiwan.
Managing Director Tel: 886-7-3528805 10. Mr.Peter Blackston
Kaytrad Commodities Mob: 886-955-579910 KH International Trade,
11th Floor, Wale Street Chambers, Fax: 886-7-3524564 P.O.Box 15119, Atlanta,
Wale Street, Cape Town, E-mail: topjia@great-garden.com.tw Georgia U.S.A - 30333.
P.O.Box 15121, Vlaeberg, Skype No: topjiab Tel: 404-371-9797
8018, Republic of South Africa. Web: www.great-garden.com.tw Telefax: 404-378-5331
Tel: (+27+21) 422-3322 Frozen cuttlefish, Frozen octopus E-mail: peter@khinternational.com
Fax: (+27+21) 422-3323 Canned sardine in tomato sauce (round or long
E-mail: andrew@kaytrad.co.za 7. Mr.Mark Nickerson flat cans)
IQF PD Blanched 100-200 & Vice President
200-300 in 240 gm or 300 gm Merex, 11. Mr.Takaya Ide
pack with 10 to 20% glaze 6436 Quinpool Rd., President
Canned sardine in Tomato Sauce Halifax.Noca Scotia, Carifood Inc.
Canada B3L 1A8. Corport Bldg., 3F 1-4-1,
4. Ms.Nancy Yu Tel: 902 425 2100 Minami-Senzoku, Ota-Ku,Tokyo, Japan
Buyer Fax: 902 423 0002 Tel: +81-3-3748-6611
Pacific American Fish Company, Inc., Cell: 902 476 3339 Fax: +81-3-3748-5252
5525 South Santa Fe Avenue, E-mail: mnickerson@saltfish.com Mob: +81-90-9342-1040
Vernon, California 90058. Web: www.saltfish.com E-mail: takide@carifood.jp
Main: 323.319.1515 Frozen seer fish steaks Web: www.carifood.jp
Direct: 323.319.1542 (Scientific name of the species to be indicated Interested to supply Salmon to Indian processors
Cell: 213.494.0606 while quoting/offering.) for export production.
MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 33
12. Mr.Alvercinio Vieira Tel: +7 812 363 21 22 21. Mr.Didier Boon
Sirius Brazil Fax: +7 812 363 21 22 Managing Director,
Rua Joao Azevedo, 162, Mob: +7 911 974 60 01 East China Seas Holdings Corp.Ltd
Itajai-SC-Brazil E-mail: rudenko@fishtrade.net Nan Xin Cang Business Tower, B620,
Tel: 55 47 3045 2715 Web: www.newalaska.ru Dongsishitiao, No.22,
Fax: 55 47 3249 1618 HL BT, HO BT, PD BT, PD tail on BT (all Dongcheng District,
Cel: 55 47 8836 3798 block & IQF) 100007, Beijing, China.
E-mail: sirius@siriusbrazil.com Tel: +86 10 6409 6818
Web: www.siriusbrazil.com 17. Mr.Dave Bielski Fax: +86 10 6409 6950/6891
Frozen squid, frozen octopus Vice President, Mob: +86 1391 042 0825
Frozen mackerel, Frozen shark Seafood Sales & Service, E-mail: didier@eastchinaseas.com
6708 La Loma Drive, Web: www.eastchinaseas.com
13. Mr.Weeranut Luesukprasert(Nunu) Jacksonville, Florida 32217 Frozen Tilapia - Whole round GG
Marketing Executive Tel: 904.739.1894
Thai Union Frozen Products PCL., Fax: 904.731.4531 22. Mr.Takeshi Yaguchi
72/1 Moo7, Sethakit 1 Road, Cell: 904.343.6444 Food Department,
Tambon Tarsrai, E-mail: dave@seafoodsalesjax.com ITOCHU International Inc.,
Amphoe Mueang Samutsakhon 74000, Web: seafoodsalesjax.com 725 S.Figueroa Street, Suite 3050,
Thailand Cooked PD IQF in plain pouch with rider. Los Angeles,
Tel: 66(0) 34 816 500 Ext.2549 Net weight 1 pound, 10% glaze CA 90017-5430.
Fax: 66(0) 34 816 897 Tel: (213) 488-8395
Mob: 66(0) 8 5487 0595 18. Mr.John DeLuca Cell: (310) 722-5904
E-mail: weeranut_lu@thaiunion.co.th President, Fax: (213) 624-8446
Web: www.thaiuniongroup.com Mr C Y Rathbun E-mail: tyaguchi@icrestjcp.com
Frozen whole squid JDeLuca Fish Company Inc. Frozen squid, whole cleaned Frozen squid tube
(Loligo species) Size 10-20 to 40-60 2204 Signal Place,
San Pedro, CA 90731 USA 23. Mr.Ing.Jose Carlos Arzamendi
14. Mr.Fernando Vallejo Tel: (310) 684-5180 Martinez,
Director Fax: (310) 833-5285 Director
Marfoods, Av.el polo 706 of B 301, E-mail: jdeluca@jdelucafishco.com Interpez Sushi Palmas, S.a.de C.V.
Lima 33 Peru, IQF HL BT , HOBT, IQF seafood mix, 1era Cerrada de Minas No.45
Tel: (511) 437 2764 Frozen Sword fish GG (Also interested in Col.Nicanor Ar vide Deleg. Alvaro
Fax: (511) 437 2165 supplying frozen whole squid to Indian Obregon, C.P.01280 Mexico, D.F.,
Cell: (511) 99970 0411 exporters) Tel: 5482-9940 Ext.2022
E-mail: marfood@terra.com.pe Fax: 5616-4649
Frozen whole squid round large size 19. Mr.Tom Ferraro E-mail: jarzamendi@alimentaria.com.mx
The Henry Gonsalves Company, Canned sardine in brine, Canned tuna in brine
15. Mr.Juan R.Aguilar 35 Thurber Boulevard,
Blue Marlin Wholesale Seafood, Smithfield, RI 02917 24. Mr.Mathew M. Marion
1037-39 N.Pulaski Rd, Tel: 401-231-6700 Sea Born Products, Inc.,
Chicago IL.60651 Fax: 401-231-6707 13 Centre Street,
Ph: 773.489.7581 E-mail: tom@gonsalvesco.com New Bedford, MA
Cell: 773.968.0259 IQF PD cooked/Blanched 10% glaze, IQF Tel: 508.994.8600
Fax: 773.489.7807 Squid ring 10% glaze Cell: 401.316.6292
E-mail: sales@bluemarlinwholesale.com E-mail: matt@seabornproducts.com
E-mail: www.bluemarlinwholesale.com 20. Mr.Tom Quinn Frozen squid tube (Loligo)
Frozen head on scampi count 4/6 Hooligans Food & Drink Frozen squid tentacles (Loligo)
21 Kearsarge Street,
16. Mr.Rudenko Dmitry North Conway, NH 03860. 25. Mr.Kristine Beran
Commercial Director, Tel: (603) 356-6110 Glenpointe Centre East
New Alaska Fish and Seafood Supplies, Cell: (603) 986-8264 300 Frank W.Burr Blvd.
12/1 A Mebelnaya Str., E-mail: www.hooligansnc.com Suite 30, Teaneck, NJ 07666,
197374 St.Petersburg, Russia. IQF squid rings 10/20% glaze Tel: 800-526-9066 201-801-0800

34 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

Cell: 201-919-0978 30. Mr.Paul Jeon Bucaramanga, Santander.
Fax: 201-801-0802 Chief Merchandiser, Tel: (7) 6351757
E-mail: kberan@easternfish.com Fisheries Dept Fax: (7) 6451970
Web: www.easternfish.com Pack de-glazed weight, E-mail: ventas@pesqueradelmar.com
Retort pouch pack of Octopus in Soyabean oil Seoultrading IQF & Block frozen HL vannamei U 15, 16-
360 South Van Brunt St., 20 & 21-25, Block frozen, PD shrimp small
26. Mr.Sachin Mody Englewood, size, Block frozen PD cooked shrimp 41/50 to
Bombay Kitchen, NJ 07631. 100/200, IQF squid tube bigger size, 10%
60 Amity Street, Tel: 201 567 7780 glaze, Squid tentacle block frozen & IQF
Jersey City, NJ 07304, Fax: 201 567 7781 seafood mix.
Tel: 201.395.9400 Cell: 908 887 1749
Fax: 201.395.9409 E-mail: pjeon@seoultradingusa.com 35. Mr.Sverre Soraa
Mob: 917.686.8424 IQF seafood mix in 1 lb or 2 lb President & CEO,
E-mail: suzymody@bombaykitchen.com Block frozen baby octopus Coast Seafood AS,
Web: www.bombaykitchen.com P.O.Box 130, NO-6701 Maloy
IQF PD 51/60 to 91/110 LCL 31. Mr.Jeffrey Su Tel: +47 57 85 37 00
Director of Operations, Mob: +47 911 63 700
27. Ms.Susana Belli J&J Seafood Corp. Fax: +47 57 85 37 35
Commercial Manager 1200 Industrial Rd.#10, E-mail: sverre@coast.no
Cardomar Peru, San Carlos, CA 94070, Interested in supplying Frozen Salmon to Indian
MZA B Lote 03 Zona Industrial II. Tel: 650.595.4877 exporters
EL Tablazo, Paita, Fax: 650.595.6752
Piura-Peru E-mail: Jeffrey@JJseafoodCorp.com 36. Mr.Jorge F.Rivero
Tel: (51-73)212089 IQF seafood mix, Frozen Squid President,
Cell: (51-1) 998146079 El Club Mexicano,
Fax: (51-73) 511825 32. Ms.Jasmine Ni 420 Waketa Drive,
E-mail: cardomarperu@cardomarperu.com Great Wall Seafood LA Corp., Asheboro, NC 27203.
Web: www.cardomar.com 11020 Weaver Ave. Tel: (336) 495-5000
Frozen block squid whole round 10 kg pack S.El Monte.CA 91733 Fax: (336) 495-5001
Tel: (626) 452-0908 Cell: (336) 215-1829
28. Mr.Ruben Himi Fax: (626) 452-0923 E-mail: jrivero@elclubmexicano.com
Meat Buyer Cell: (626) 991-8033 Dried shrimps
Frontier Foods & Cold Storage Inc., E-mail: Jasmine-Ni@hotmail.com
2904 Alameda Ave., Frozen PD 31/40 to 61/70 37. Mr.Anwart Adolfo Rios Arizaga
El Paso, Tx.79905, Frozen Octopus Av.del Pial No.8 Mercado del Mar
Ph: (915) 577-0779 Zapopan, Jal.C.P.45140.
Fax: (915) 577-0860 33. Mr.Freddy Knold Cell: 33 1343 4148
E-mail: rhimi@hotmail.com Manager Operations I.D: 52*55695*11
IQF PD blanched Engelsviken Canning AS, Tel: (33) 3633 4336
60/82 to 100/200 - 15% glaze Mariusbakken I, Tel/Fax: 3656 8931
Analogue, Crabstick 1628 Engelsviken, Norway. E-mail: anwart1982@hotmail.com
Tel: +47 69 36 35 03 manuel_Im@hotmail.com
29. Mr.Max Moghaddam Mob: +47 46 81 81 62 IQF HL BT cooked
President Fax: +47 69 36 35 10 IQF HL Vannamei all size
Bemka Corporation, E-mail: freddy.knold@engelsviken.no IQF cooked peeled shrimp 10% glaze
2801 SW 3rd Avenue, Suite F11a, IQF Cooked, peeled shrimp
Fort Lauderdale, 200/300 & 300/500 38. Ms.Gayathri Rao
FL 33315. De-glazed weight (Karikkadi & Poovalan) Chief Operating Officer,
Tel: (954) 462-0533 Falah Enterprises,
Fax: (954) 462-2488 34.Mr.Claudia Milena Sandoval P., C-2, Alsa Towers, No.186 & 187,
Cell: (954) 536-4868 Subgerente, Poonamalle High Rd.,
E-mail: maxm@bemka.com Pesqueradelmar, Kilpauk, Chennai - 600 010.
Pasteurized canned crab meat Planta y Oficinas Cl.36# 23-62, Tel: 91 44 264 24521

MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 35

Fax: 91 44 26480958 Fax: (661) 296-8778 Tel/Fax: (33) 1404 7774
E-mail: maltaf@vsnl.net Cell: (661) 510-9599 Cell: 33 3359 2537
Canned Sardines in tomato sauce or vegetable E-mail: natcoworldwide@aol.com E-mail: administrador@menita.com.mx
oil (Oval cans) Canned sardines in tomato sauze Frozen tuna, Dried shrimp

39. Mr.Woo Hyun Park 44. Mr.Rafael Camacho Alvarez 48. Mr.Steve Hong
Buyer/Manager, President, Koryeo Int'l Corp.,
E-Land Retail Ltd. Baja Bay Seafood, 200 Stewart Avenue,
6F, 19-8 Ching jeon-dong, 437 "J" Street, Brooklyn, NY 11237,
Mapo-gu, Suite # 209, San Diego, Cell: 646-825-0580
Seoul, C A 92101. Ph: 718-366-3880
Korea, Zip: 121-751 Cell: (619) 252-7177 Fax: 718-386-5483
Mob: 82-10-9029-1670 Tel: (619) 238-1853 E-mail: koric777@hotmail.com
Tel: 82-2-2012-5753 Fax: (619) 238-1854 Frozen PD shrimp/Salad shrimp 100/200,
Fax: 82-2-2012-9067 E-mail: bajabay1@hotmail.com 200/300
E-mail: WHP@eland.co.kr IQF cooked peeled shrimp all grades 10% glaze.
Frozen shrimp Block frozen PD cooked 51/60 to 100-200 49.Mr.Mario M.Montes
K&M Seafood Products,
40. Mr.Wally Santos 45. Mr.Bui Vinh Hoang Chuong 333 H Street Chula Vista,
Principal, Vice Sales Manager CA 91911.
Jaime's Restaurant, Seaprimexco Vietnam, Tel: (619) 565.2730
25 High Street, 08 Cao Thang St., Fax: (619) 565.2731
North Andover, Camau City, Cell: (619) 554.7773
MA 01845, Vietnam. E-mail: mariom@kmsfd.com
Tel: 978-665-4735 Tel: +84.780 3831 230 All seafood
E-mail: wally@jaimesna.com Fax: +84.780 3831 861
Frozen squid tube E-mail: sales@seaprimexco.com 50. Mr.Joseph Recine
Frozen HL BY 16/20, Frozen HL vannamei Montreal Fish,
41. Mr.Jovitrade 41/50. 3518 De Vendôme Avenue,
Importação e Exportação Montreal,
Alameda Grajau, 46. Mr.Pedro H.Gutierrez Rojas Quebec,
129 Sala 1206, Food Engineer, Canada H4A 3 M7
Alphaville - Barueri / SP, Sociedad Distribuidora De Productos Tel: +1.514.486.9537
06454-050 Del Mar Limitada Fax: +1.514.486.8482
Tel: 55 11 4302-4590 Calle Nueva Cinco # 1250 E-mail: joseph@mtlfish.ca
E-mail: Rafael@jovitrade.com.br Barrio Industrial, IQF PD cooked shrimp, 100/200 to 300/
Frozen squid rings, Frozen squid tubes Coquimbo - Chile 500, Frozen HL BT 5 lbs pack
Fax: (56-51) 245730 Frozen whole cleaned squid, Baby Octopus,
42. Mr.Manuel Perez Morales Tel: (56-51) 246196 Whole cleaned cuttle fish small size.
Distmar, Oficina, Cell: 98791985
Camino Viejo A San Jose #6909, E-mail: info@distrimar.cl 51. Mr.Steven Luo
CP 32528, CD.Juarez Chihuahua, Frozen HO vannamei, IQF HL vannamei all Director/National
Mexico. grades, IQD PD (Vannamei) 10 kg pack, IQF Marketing Dept
Tel: +52.656 6 188 284 PD cooked shrimp (wild) 100/200 & 200/ Hong Chang Corp.
E-mail: mpm@distmar.com.mx 300 10155 Painter Ave,
Frozen HL vannamei, Frozen shrimp PD 41- Santa Fe Springs,
50 to 100/200 47. Mr.José Luis Aroche M CA 90670.
Administrador Tel: (562) 309-0068
43. Ms.Natalia Patow Commercial Menita, Fax: (562) 309-0065
Natco Worldwide Representatives, Volcan Paricutin No.4881, Cell: (626) 226-9679
23004 Frisca Dr., El Colli Ejidal., E-mail: hongchangcorp@gmail.com
Valencia, CA 91354. Zapopan, Jalisco, Sea Shells (especially large ones)
Ph: (661) 296-5999 C.P.45070.

36 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

52. Mr.Wien Van De Groep 57. Mr. Bonnie Mob: +45 51 55 69 48
MD, Purchase, E-mail: sb@cimbric.com
Seven Seas International BV, Baja Bay (China) IQF cooked, peeled mainly small size (300/
P.O.Box - 105603 # 72167, Rm 507, Asia Steel Tower, 500) with no treatment and 10% glaze for
Atlanta, GA 30348-5603 No.3405, Huanypu East Rd., export to EU
USA. Guangzhou, China 510735
Mob: +1.828.216.5980(US) Tel: 86136 6238 6248 62. Mr. Manuel Rodriguez Rodriguez
Mob: +31.612.543477(NL) Fax: 8620 8202 1991 President,
Tel: +1.828.398.0229 E-mail: bajabaychina@aol.com Retzy, Av. Duarte No.505,
E-mail: wvdg@7-seasinternational.eu IQF cooked, peeled shrimp 36/40 to 100/ D.N. Republica Dominicana,
IQF PUD shrimp 41/50 with 10% glaze, 200, Frozen squid, Frozen cuttlefish Tel: +809 536 1515
IQF squid rings, IQF seafood mix Fax: +809 536 5550
58. Mr. Victor Kwok Mob: +809 224 3015
53. Mr.Igor Boiko General Manager, E-mail: manuelrod46@yahoo.es
General Director, Cheung Kong Holding Inc., Frozen whole cleaned cuttlefish 20/40 & 40/
Abel Trading House, 1121 Oakleigh Dr., East Point, 60 Frozen HL BT
Centrosoyuznly lane 21A, GA 30344.
Moscow, 105082. Tel: 404 362-9393 63. Mr. Leydy Lopez
Tel: +7 499 267-5266 Fax: 404 362-9660 President,
Mob: +7 903 724-0752 Mob: 404 403-6060 Vaitaire Enterprises,
E-mail: boiko_i@abeltrading.ru E-mail: xin9228@yahoo.com 12548 sw 144 Terrace,
Frozen Headless shrimps of various species PD shrimp IQF 41/50 to 71/90 with 10% Miami, FL 33186
glaze, Frozen squid tube U-5 to U-10, Block Tel: +305 228 0410
54. Mr. Diana Wu frozen octopus, Block frozen swimming crab Fax: +786 398 4650
Purchasing Manager, Mob: +310 770 3017
4564 160 Street, 59. Mr. Sundance Yoakum E-mail: leydylopez@vaitaireafood.com
Flushing, NY 11358 USA Crystal Sea, IQF headless shrimp
Tel: (718) 359-3873 Sundance Foods S.A. DE C.V.
Fax: (718) 961-6196 Fish & Seafood, 64. Mr. Andrik Hixson
E-mail: downy2011@gmail.com Paseo Loma Larga 4348, Supply Chain Manager,
Frozen ribbon fish, Frozen cuttlefish, Frozen Zapopan, Jal, Santa Barbara Bay
octopus, Frozen silver pomfret Mexico, C.P. 45110 P.O. Box 1944
Mob: 04433 31560599 65 Los Padres Way,
55. Mr. Fernando Fernandez E-mail: sundanceyoakum@gmail.com Buellton, CA 93427.
HitFer Trading, L.L.C IQF Vannamei cooked PD 51/60 to 100/ Tel: +805 688 5248
157-07 26th Avenue, 200 - 1 kg x 10 pack 10% glaze Fax: +805 688 3688
Whitestone, NY 11354 E-mail: andrik.hixson@futurefoodbrands.com
Tel: (718)357-1724 60. Mr. Chris Conte Analogues/Imitation products
Mob: (917) 407-9170 Great Eastern Seafood,
E-mail: hilfertradingllc@yahoo.com 14 Foodmart Road, 65. Mr. Tan Hua
Frozen HL BT, Canned sardine in tomato Boston, MA 02118. President,
sauce, Canned sardine in oil, Canned tuna in Tel: (617) 428-9400 T&N Trading Inc.,
oil Fax: (617) 428-4532 9611 E.Garvey Ave., #213,
Mob: (617) 980-5736 S. EI Monte, CA 91733,
56. Mr. Thorbjorn Toppe E-mail: cconte@greateasternsfd.com Tel: +626 443 9909
Sales & Product Manager, Smoked fish Fax: +626 443 0168
Seagardan AS, Postboks 194, Mob: +626 380 6824
4299 Avaldsnes, Noway 61. Mr. Sighvatur Bjarnason E-mail: tntrading1010@hotmail.com
Tel: +47 52859480 Managing Director, HL shrimp all species
Fax: +47 52859490 Cimbric, Jerupvej 726,
Mob: +47 91615528 Vgon, DK-9870 Sindal. 66. Mr. Fumitoshi Murakami
E-mail: thorbjorn.toppe@seagarden.no Tel: +45 96 78 32 07 Group Leader,
Freeze dried shrimps Fax: +45 98 93 04 66 Nishmoto Trading Col,. Ltd.,

MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 37

Corporate Headquarters, E-mail: info@3fish.ca 75. Mr. Dawody Mohmed El Dawody
13409 Orden Drive, IQF cuttlefish whole cleaned large size, IQF Chairman,
Santa Fe Springs, whole cleaned squid, IQF PD all grades, Block ANDLOSSIA,
CA 90670-6336 frozen HL BT, Frozen pomfret Egypt, Cairo,
Tel: +562 229 3850 Nasr City-El Horyia St.
Fax: +562 229 1802 71. Mr. Carlos A. Casali Block 16-Piece No.5-9th Region.
Mob: +562 234 5208 President Tel: +0244770381
E-mail: fumitoshi.murakami@ntcltdusa.com Vicenza Inc., Jupiter, Florida, USA Mob: +0101486342
IQF seafood mix, IQF squid rings, IQF squid Mob: +772 215 3180 E-mail: dawoody@andlossiagroup.com
tentacles E-mail: cal@vicenzausa.com IQF/shatter pack, HO white, HO vannamei
Block frozen squid tube/rings Net weight (de-glazed) 1 or 2 kg.
67. Mr. Joaquin Gil del Rea
Frangaly, S.A. 72. Mr. Djen Liang Kurniady 76. Mr. Fernando Barandica Ortiz
Calle 71, #56, Ruby Pacific LLC, Pescados BARANDICA, S.A.,
San Francisco, 39 Elycroft Parkway Rutherford, Barrio San Martin, 214,
Panama, Rep. de Panama. NJ 07070. 39011 Penacastillo,
Tel: +507 226 5416 Tel: +1 201 319 0016 Santander (Cantabria), Espana.
Fax: +507 226 6291 Fax: +1 201 319 8966 Tel: +34 942 336 088
E-mail: jg@frangaly.com Mob: +1 201 790 6609 Fax: +34 942 336 236
IQF PD shrimp, IQF frozen PUD shrimp, IQF E-mail: dlk@rubypacific.com Mob: +34 696 449 922
Squid tubes, IQF Squid rings, IQF clam meat Frozen HL Vannamei 16/20 to E-mail: fbo@barandica.es
Cuttlefish whole IQF 31/35 4 lbs x 6 pack, PD tail on vannamei IQF sand lobster whole
21/25 to 41/50.
68. Mr. Steven L.Richter 77. Mr. Joelle Lamarche
President, 73. Mr. Livia Wang Merchandise Manager,
200 Golden Oak Ct., Import Dept. Manager, Giant Tiger Stores Limited
Suite 205, Dalian Shanhai Seafood Co. Ltd., 2480 Walkley Road,
Virginia Beach, VA 23454 No.11 Bilang Garden Zhongshan Dist Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 6A9.
Tel: +757 366 0222 ext.201 116015 Dalian China. Tel: +613 521 8222 ext. 2211
Fax: +757 366 0082 Tel: +86 411 82894444 Fax: +613 521 4474
Mob: +757 304 2062 Fax: +86 411 82875000 E-mail: jlamarch@gianttiger.com
E-mail: stever@seatoseallc.com Mob: +86 13942883125 All types of shrimps
IQF HL scampi, IQF HL vannamei (A major E-mail: fish@shanhai.com.cn
supplier to retail chains & restaurants) IQF HL BT blanched 16/20 78. Mr. Carlos Soto Fernandez-Tapias
IQF cooked PD shrimp in trays, PD tail on in Director Comercial,
69. Mr. George Kannikal trays, IQF PD & PD tail on in printed pouches. Carlos Soto, S.A.U.
President, Frozen baby squid, baby octopus, (IQF products c/. Doctor Cadaval, 2-5ºC - 36202
Kannikal International Trading Inc., with de-glazed weight 500 gm and 15% glaze) VIGO (ESPANA)
304 NW 69th AVE # 255 Tel: +34 986 447 415
Plantation, FL 33317, USA 74. Mr. Andy Kim Fax: +34 986 434 315
Tel: +954 618 9550 President/CEO, E-mail: csoto@carlos-soto.com
E-mail: geogy@kannikal.com Poseidon Seafoods, IQF squid rings
IQF cooked PD without chemicals, IQF Rm 32 3F Busan International
cooked PUD without chemicals. IQF squid Fish Market, 79. Mr. Luisa B.Vallejo
tubes & tentacles (For Mexico) #761, Amnam-dong, Vice President,
Seo-gu, Busan, Korea. Keystone Seafoods, LLC
70. Mr. Peter Fu Tel: +82 51 231 8586 2977 W.Broward Blvd.,
Managing Director, Fax: +82 51 231 8583 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312.
Frobisher International Enterprise Ltd., Mob: +82 10 4635 3020 Tel: +954 587 0177
600 - 787 Cliveden Place, Delta B.C E-mail: tosungho@yahoo.co.kr Fax: +954 587 0877
Canada V3M 6C7. All kinds of frozen fishery products including Mob: +786 202 0831
Tel: +604 523-8108 IQF HOBT, 2 kg pack, IQF PD/PUD large E-mail: luisa@keystoneseafoods.com
Fax: +604 523-8109 & small size. 2 kg Pack. HL BT shrimps

38 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

907 Dasma Corporate Center, Fax: +714 844 4833
80. Mr. Michael Tlusty 321 Dasmarinas St., FHoang@Calovix.com
Director of Research, Binondo, Metro Manila, Philippines. 10% glaze, IQF PD Vannamei 31/40 to 91/
New England Aquarium, Tel: +63 917 8386 900 110
Central Wharf, E-mail: Edwin@ensaia.net IQF Cooked PD 100/200 5 LBS pack
Boston Massachusetts IQF Squid rings 1 Kg Pack, IQF Squid tube
02110-3399 USA (Both with 10% glaze), Minced fish meat with 89. Mr. Lic. Paulo Cesar Rivera Garcia
Tel: +617 973 6715 sugar and sorbitol, block, frozen or IQF PUD Director General,
Fax: +617 723 6207 small size Rica MAR,
E-mail: mtlusty@neaq.org Mercado La Nueva Viga,
Ornamental fishes 85. Mr. Williams Mauad M. Prolongacion Eje 6 Sur No.560
Director, Bodega A-47, Col. Aculco,
81. Mr. Nikolay Osokin RYMAR Seafood 09000 lztapalapa,
President, Geronimo Mendez 1851, Mexico, D.F.
Best Seafood INC, Galpon 37 Barrio Industrial, Tel: +1 55 5600 0967
13520 100th Ave, Coquimbo, Chile Fax: +1 55 5600 1648
NE #90, PMB 200 Cel: +56-99 226 6278 E-mail: paulor@ricamar.com.mx
Kirkland, Fax: +56-51 232 788 IQF cooked PD 100/200 5 LBS pack 10%
WA 98034-5210 USA. E-mail: wmauad@rymar.cl glaze, IQF PD Vannamei, 31/40 to 91/110
Tel: +509 352 1248 Frozen Tilapia, Frozen Pangasius
Fax: +206 409-9345 90. Mr. Maggie Zhao
E-mail: nikky7@earthlink.net 86. Mr. Won Sang Suh Sales Manager,
IQF HL vannamei General Manager, Dalian Donglin Seafoods Co. Ltd.,
Squid cleaned & tray pack (Looking for small PACIFIC GIANT, 23-H/1, International Finance Tower,
scale supplier) 4625 District Blvd., No.15 Renmin Road Zhongshan Dist.,
Vernon, CA 90058. Dalian,
82. Mr. Miguel de Moya Cuesta Tel: +323 587 5000 China 116001.
President, Fax: +323 587 5050 Tel: +86 411 8250 7169
MOPAX, Autopista Duarte Km. Mob: +213 200 2769 Fax: +86 411 8250 7469
14 ½, Proximo a la Entrada de Pantoja E-mail: suh@pacificgiant.com E-mail: dl-import1@donglinseafoods.cn
Santo Domingo, R.D. IQF HO BT, IQF HL BT 16/20 to 26/30, IQF/block frozen HO tiger 8/10, IQF PD
Tel: +809 564 2777 IQF PD grade 21/25 to 36/40 31/40, frozen whole spiny lobster, frozen silver
Fax: +809 564 3310 pomfret, frozen croacker, frozen whole squid
E-mail: mmoya@mopaximport.com 87. Mr. Jin Wei
Block frozen HL BT 16/20 to 26/30 - 4 lbs x Chairman, 91. Mr. Judy Chen
4 packs Yantai Kingst Power Industrial Co. Ltd., Vice President,
Room 2003, Block HL W 4 lbs x 6, Frozen squid
83. Mr. Dhammika Ganhewa Triumphal City, LinMax Trading & Investment,
CEO, 53 Nanshan Road, Tel: +650 722 0070
Sasathi USA Inc., Yantai China. Fax: +650 372 9422
Frozen sear fish H&G Tel: +86 535 6236369 E-mail: linmaxmax@gmail.com
14 Encina, Irvine, Fax: +86 535 6861570 IQF/Block frozen PD shrimp, IQF squid tube,
CA 92620 Mob: +86 13905355829 Squid rings
Tel: +714 508 6402 E-mail: kingstpower@yahoo.com.cn
Fax: +714 665 1312 IQF or block frozen HLBT 26/30 92. Mr. Sam Ubachukwu
Mob: +949 400 9214 Frozen Silver Pomfret, Red Bream Managing Director,
E-mail: ganhewa3@aol.com Megachem Nigeria Ltd.,
Block frozen HL white, PD small shrimp, 88. Mr. Frank H.Hoang 120 Norman Williams Street,
Frozen Trevally C.E.O., South-West Ikoyi Lagos Nigeria.
Calovix Corporation, Tel: +1 7934289
84. Mr. Edwin G.Chiong 5059 E. Crescent Dr., Mob: +8033129619
Managing Director, Anaheim, CA 92807 E-mail: mails@megachemgrop.com
Philippines Enasia Import Export Corp Tel: +714 685 8589 Freeze dried shrimps, Frozen squid tube

MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 39

93. Mr. Apryl Wythe 97. Mr. Mark P. Muntz. Mob: +45 4060 3211
Assistant Sales Manager, President, E-mail: mm@sirena.dk
Daiei Trading-Chicago-Co., INC., Global Sourcemarketing, INC., IQF HO vannamei, IQF HL Vannamei, IQF
360 Randy Road, P.O. Box 130, PD vannamei (all with 10% glaze)
Carol Stream, Palmetto, Georgia,
IL 60188 USA - 30268 102. Mr. Wan Xian Bin
Tel: +630 752 0089 Tel: +770 463 9922 Chairman Assistant
Fax: +630 752 0135 Fax: +770 692 1380 Dalian Kaiyang Seafood Co. Ltd.,
Mob: +630 965 1226 E-mail: mmuntz@msn.com No.627, North Street,
E-mail: awythe@daiei-chicago.com HL BT tray pack, Report pouch product, Dalianwan Ganjinzi district, Dalian.
HLBT tray packed, Breaded crab Canned fishery product Tel: +86 411 8760 3333
Analogue (Lobster meat) Fax: +86 411 8760 0537
98. Mr. Alain Prudent Mob: +86 13 8426 21815
94. Mr. Jay Yen Prudentimport, E-mail: wanxiabin@kaiyangseafood.com
CEO Rue Pictet-de-Block 8 Head on shrimps, Headless Tail on shrimps
Bodo Food Service Co. Ltd., 1205 Geneva, Switzerland.
14F. No.67, Sec.1, Tel: +41 22 328 07 10 103. Mr. Svetlana Petrova
Jhongshan Rd., Mob: +41 76 349 03 90 Purchasing Manager,
Singhuang Dist., E-mail: alain@prudent.ch Nord West Fish Co., Ltd.,
New Taipei City 242, Frozen HL vannamei, HL BT, cooked shrimp 26, Dalnevostochnyj str.,
Taiwan (R.O.C) PD, PUD St. Petersburg, Russia 193168.
Tel: +886 2 8521 1230 Tel: +7 812 702 80 98
Fax: +886 2 8521 1282 99. Mr. Young J. Shin Fax: +7 812 587 44 81
Mob: +886 928 808 970 CEO, Mob: +7 981 791 81 49
E-mail: jcy@mail.yens.com.tw KHEE Trading, Inc., E-mail: svetla0077@mail.ru
Frozen squid (whole cleaned) 2833 Leonis Blvd., HO BT IQF, HL BT IQF, PD BT IQF,
Frozen shrimp PD Suite 310, Vemon, Cooked HL BT
CA 90058.
95. Mr. Jason Wang Tel: +323 583 8114 104. Mr. Branden Wang
Import Manager, Fax: +323 583 8118 Vice General Manager,
Quingdao Jiyuan Aquatic (Group) Co. Mob: +213 792 9066 JIA CHANG Aquatic Products Co. Ltd.,
Ltd., E-mail: kheetrading@att.net Doumei, Gangwei Town,
Jinling Industrial Park jihongtan Frozen squid tubes (Needle squid) Longhai, Zhangzhou City,
Chengyang, Fujian Province 363105,
Qingdao, 100. Mr. George Cheung China.
Postcode : 266111 President, Tel: +86 596 6896 970
Tel: +86 532 8790 9903 Atlantic Seafood Intl Group, INC, Fax: +86 596 6896 970
Fax: +86 532 8790 9919 8533 Terminal Road, Mob: +86 139 6010 7992
Mob: +13806 446 039 Unit C&D, Lorton, VA 22079 E-mail: wangbin@lhjcsc.com.cn
E-mail: wangwenkun0228@163.com Tel: +703 339 4550 Frozen Squid whole cleaned
Frozen shrimps PD, Frozen ribbon fish Fax: +703 339 4555
Mob: +703 963 4818 105. Mr. Atsushi Ejiri
96. Mr. Konstantin Morsin IQF whole cleaned Squid, Group Leader,
Chief of Procurement Dept., IQF Squid rings, Block frozen HL white Nishimoto Trading Co., Ltd.,
INTERRYBFLOT, 21/25 & 26/30 4 lbs x 6 13409 Orden Drive,
Canned tuna Santa Fe springs,
44 ch.8, Palladina Str., 101. Mr. Mikael Moller Sorensen CA 90670-6336
Kiev, Executive Sales Director, Tel: +562 229 3851
Ukraine. Sirena a/A Fax: +562 229 1802
Tel: +380 44 391 51 50 Egebækvej 98 Mob: +562 234 5028
Mob: +380 50 469 52 02 2850 Nærum, Copenhagen, E-mail: atsushi.ejiri@ntcltdusa.com
E-mail: morsin@more.com.ua Denmark. Frozen Nobashi BT tray pack 16/20 & 21/
Frozen squid, Frozen Shrimp, Canned sardine Tel: +45 4546 0554 25, Frozen Nobashi Vannamei

40 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

106. Mr. Choo Hean 110. Mr. Robin Chetram NJ 08844
General Manager, Buyer, Tel: +908 837 9287
Zhajniang Regal Integrated Marine Foodnation, Fax: +908 837 9284
Resources Co. Ltd., 47-05 Metropolitan Avenue, Mob: +908 305 8231
2, Zhenhua Road, Ridgewood, N.Y. 11385. E-mail: renvarp@yahoo.com
Chikan Zhanjiang, Tel: +718 628 2420 All frozen seafoods
Guangdong Fax: +718 628 2401
China. E-mail: robin@westernbeef.com 115. Mr. Mark Nickerson
Tel: +86 759 3164916 Frozen PD shrimp, IQF cooked PD shrimp, Vice President,
Fax: +86 759 3164908 Frozen Squid rings MEREX, 6436 Quinpool Rd.,
HP: +86 13828286373 Halifax, Nove Scotia,
E-mail: choohean@zhanjiangregal.com 111. Mr. Jorge Cacho Canada B3L 1AB.
Block frozen HL Vannamei 2 Kg, Block frozen Santa Sophia Seafood. Inc, Tel: +902 425 2100
HO BT 2 kg. 6201 Progressive Dr Suite 100 Fax: +902 423 0002
San Diego CA 92154 Mob: +902 476 3339
107. Mr. Freddy Knold Tel: +619 671 7045 E-mail: mnickerson@saltfish.com
Manager (Operations) Mob: +619 610 8607 Frozen shrimp PD, skewered, IQF squid
Engelsviken Canning AS E-mail: jcacho@santa-sophia.com tentacles, pasteurised canned crab, IQF PD
Mariusbakken 1, Frozen head on BT, Frozen HL BT 16/20, Shrimps 100/200
1628 Engelsviken, Norway. 21/25
Tel: +47 69 36 35 03 116. Mr. Iyadh Benfadhl
Fax: +47 69 36 35 10 112. Mr. Aracelli Pajares Wong Ocean Linksys Inc,
Mob: +47 46 81 81 62 Commercial Manager, 86 & 88 Fenmar Drive,
E-mail: freddy.knold@engelsviken.no Perú Ex-products, North York,
Surimi Analogue, Cut crab CII, Bartolome de las casas ON M9L 1M5
450 Dpto 303 Urb, Tel: +416 749 6668
108. Mr. Jackie Lu Sta Patricia, Fax: +416 749 6665
International Trading Dept. Manager, Lima 12, Perú E-mail: ibenfadhi@gmail.com
Beijing TL Aquatic Commercial & Tel: +511 6578017 IQF frozen PD shrimp 200/300, 300/500
Trading Co. Ltd., Mob: +511 981117172
Room 1104, Unit2, E-mail: aracellipw@gmail.com 117. Mr. Obi Aguh
Building 2, Frozen whole cleaned squid Loligo Tradecore Ltd.,
Wanrunfengjing, 6A Chief Augustine
Fengtai District, 113. Mr. Jerry Ha Anozie St Lekki,
Beijing, China. Manager Phase One., UK.
Tel: +86 10 6333 9916 LOTTE International Co. Ltd., Tel: +0704 1165 176
Fax: +86 10 6333 6653 Auroraworld Building E-mail: elliotsmith04@yahoo.co.uk
Mob: +13911 604175 997-2 Daechi-Dong, Canned sardines in tomato sauce, Canned
E-mail: jackielu731230@gmail.com Kangnam-Gu, tuna different types
Block frozen HL BT & Block frozen PUD Seoul,
135-280 Korea 118. Mr. Anthony Ikechukkwu Nneji
109. Mr. Vivian J. Ramberg Tel: +82 2 3479 9624 Managing Director,
Vice President, Fax: +82 2 565 0832 Nejico Holdings Ltd.,
Ramfield & Co. Inc, Mob: +82 10 6816 3353 Nejico Plaza,
27 Hedden Place, E-mail: jerry_seafood@lotte.net Trade Fair Complex,
New Providence, IQF HLBT, IQF HL, Vannamei, IQF Lagos-Badagry Express way,
NJ 07974 Vannamei, PD tail, IQF Vannamei PD G P O Box 6686
Tel: +1 800 224 3063 Marina-Lagos.
Fax: +1 908 665 0164 114. Mr. Renjen Pulimootil Tel: +2348033065041
Mob: +1 908 665 1284 Business Manager, E-mail: mailnejico@yahoo.com
E-mail: vramberg@aol.com Blue Sea Co INC, Canned tuna in oil or in brine, canned sardine
Canned sardines in tomato sauce 121 Stryker Lane in oil, brine or tomato sauce
Unit 10, Hillsborough,

MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 41

119. Mr. Kedwadee Sombultawee 121. Mr. Rodrigo Corrales Martin Mob: +972 488 8338
Asia Purchaser, General Manager, E-mail: larry@pacificplus.net
ADRIMEX Capico Distribution, jackie@pacificplus.net
44860 Saint-Aignan De Grand Lieu Prol. Eje 6 Sur No.l560, Bodega D-52, Col. IQF BT PD tail on 21/25, 26/30, IQF PD
France. Aculco 31/40 to 91/110
Tel: +66 89 9222939 C.P. 09419 Mexico, D.F.
Fax: +33 2 40 13 2007 Tel: +5640 7565 124. World wide Seafood Inc
E-mail: kedwadee_50@hotmail.com E-mail: capico1@prodigy.net.mx VLady OLevsky
IQF PD Vannamei 31/40, 91/110, de-glazed IQF seafood mix, IQF squid rings (310) 612-8080
net weight with 8% glaze Ledda9499@yahoo.com
122. Mr. Tom Dehn IQF HL BT, IQF PD BT 1 kg x 10 pack
120. Mr. Mokhbat Seafood Buyer,
Director General, Plymouth Poultry, 4500, 7th Avenue.S. 125. Mr. Kiet Trang
EURL Cachir le Bon Gout P.O. Box 80923, Seattle, WA 98108. "Trang INC, Trade Inc, Los Angeles CA
Zone Industrielle draa-Essmar Tel: +206 676 6322 Fax: +206 622 2625 dtrang6395@aoi.com
Medea, Algerie, Mob: +206 595 4825 IQF head on BT, IQF HL BT, IQF PD BT
Boite Postale Nº 121 E-mail: tdehn@plymouthpoultry.com IQF whole cleaned squid, Frozen Mackerel
Tel: +213 25 61 0917 IQF HO BT, IQF, Squid rings, IQF Squid
Mob: +213 661 6262 91 tube, IQF squid tentacles & bits mix 126. Mr Joseph Marcosh
E-mail: mokhbat_bongout@yahoo.fr Mexico
IQF shrimp PUD (preferably pink) 123. Mr. Anderson Ma jmarcosh@gmail.com
20/40 to 80/120, IQF squid tentacles, IQF 13241 Valley Branch Ln # 200 IQF cooked HL vannamei , IQF cooked
squid rings Farmers Branch, TX 75234 PD vannamei

List of Trade Enquiries received during

ESE 2011
1. Prince Royal Y.T. 3. Costas Sophoclides 5. Randy Eronimous
AISSI TIOBALAGBA Managing Director Vice President Marketing
Directreur Commercial CheeseLine Ltd Trident Seafoods Corporation
Alliance Nouvelle srl, 7 Ymvriy Str, Industrial Areas of Latsia, 5303, Shilshole Ave NW,
54, Cours Tolstoi, P.O.Box.17017, 2260 Nicosia, Cyprus Seattle,
69100 Villeurbanne, France (EU) Tel: (+357) 22 57 3535 Washington 98107 -4000
Tel:'+33 (0) 4 27 44 70 10 Fax: (+357) 22 87 88 13 Tel: (206) 783-3818
Mobile : +33 (0)6 50 32 88 21 Mobile (+357) 99 65 80 00 Fax (206) 782-7195,
Fax: +33 (0) 4 72 65 91 95 Email: cheeseln@spidernet.com.cy Direct (206) 297-5827
Email: prince-royal@live.fr Squid/Octopus Mobile:(206) 510-1604
Cuttlefish,Squid & Shrimp Email:reronimous@tridentseafoods.com
4. Gejo Veenman Cuttlefish & Squid
2. Claire Wu Trade Manager
Purchasing Vice Manager AMS Creatig Synergy, 6. M. Gurunathan
King Star Seafood Co., Ltd, 20F8, No.109, WTC Schiphol Airport D-5, Schiphol Diamond Food Sales Ltd Block- B,
Sec.1, Zhongshan Road, Boulevard 245, 1118, Unit-C, Woodside End,
Xinzhuang District, BH Schiphol Airport, Alperton, Wembley,
New Taipei City 242, Taiwan The Netherlands HAO IUR
Tel: 886-2-8522-7999 Tel: 31 (0) 20 406 70 68 Tel: 44-7961 460 619
Fax:886-2-8522-7333 Mobile: 31 (0) 6 13 822 072 Fax:44-2087 821 427
Email:kss.tw@msa.hinet.net Fax: 31(0) 20 406 70 58 Email: sales@diamond-foods.com
Shrimp Canned Tuna Cuttlefish,Squid & Shrimp

42 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

7. Marek Abramczyk 13. Damir Stedul 18. Moulai Slimane
V-ce Prezes Hapy Day Gouraya Golfe
ABRAMCZYK Sp. 85-778 Bydgoszcz, Hapy Day, Ivanji Grad, Ivanji Grad 1/a, Conserverie de poissons,
Ul.Witebska 63, NIP: 554 024 09 05 6223 KOMEN Oued Ghir, W.Behaua, Algeria
Tel: 0 52 329 00 79 Tel: 386 (0) 5 76 60 270 Tel: 213 34 23 95 51 Fax:213 34 23 91 45
Email: lmarek@abramczyk.com.pl Fax: 386 (0) 5 76 60 271 Mob: 213 661 35 09 67
Various Seafood Email:hapyday@siol.net Email:gourayathon@gmail.com
Whole Squid Tuna for Canning
8. Breizhime
BP 40513, 35005 Rennes Cedex, France 14. Argenis Contreras 19. Alberto Fontanet Jr.
Tel: 33(0)2 99 67 70 80 President Congefish Import, S.A.
Fax: 33 (0)2 99 67 70 81 Bonamar Miami, 10305, Longitudinal 6, Edf.Frimercat of. 37,
Email:breizhimex@breizhimex.com NW 41 Street, 08040 - Mercabarna, Barcelona
Mackerel, Cuttle Fish, Calamari, Shrimp BT Suite 212, Doral,FL 33178 Tel: 34 93 262 71 02
Tel: 305-718-9850 Mob:34 667 624 372
9. Rozmari G.Klaric Fax: 305-718--9420 Fax: 34 93 262 71 03
NOWACO A/S, Email: acb@bonamarcorp.com Email:albert.fontanet@congefish.com
Lesnovska 29, 1000 Skopje, Macedinia Crab Cuttlefish,Squid & Shrimp
Tel: (45) 8853 9172
Fax: (389) 2 3122 216 15. Eric FINTON JAMES 20. Urszula Poliwka
Email: rkg@nowaco.com NEL TRADERS ZAE Les Champs Import Export Specialist
Tuna & Shrimp Guillame, 14, Rue Robert Esnauit, Abramczyk 85-778,
Pelterie, 95240, Bydgoszcz, Poland, ul.Witebska 63.
10. Pradeep Seth Cormeilles Ern Parisis Tel/Fax:052 343 33 17
Seafood Factory France Tel:052 344 56 77 Fax: 052 344 00 11
5-Marsh Lane, Stanmore, Tel: +33(0)1 34 50 70 84 Email:u.abramczyk@abramczyk.com.pl
Middlessex HA7 4TF Fax: +33 (0)1 34 5075 20 Ready to eat
Tel: (44) 020 8902 3400 Email: exeter4@hotmail.com
Mobile: (44)07785 223 780 Crab 21. Yasir Fiaz
Fax: (44) 020 8954 0540 Managing Director
All Seafood 16. David Vergel MFS Seafoods Limited
President & CEO Unit 39, Walsali Enterprise Park,
11. Fredrik Tegner La Coruna.Inc, Regal Drive, Walsali,
Owner P.O.Box No.50202, WSz 9 HQ, U.K.
Miramar Trading AB Toa Baja, PR 00950 Tel: (44)01922 722 300
Norra Hamngatan 6, Tel: 787-779-2023, 2024, 2025 Fax:(44)01922 651 190
SE - 411 14 Goteborg, SWEDEN Fax : 787-779-2-27 Email:sales@mfs-seafoods.co.uk
Tel: 46 31 24 34 44 Mobile: 787-688-2848 Fresh Water Fish
Mobile: 46 70 799 53 35 Email: vergel@lacirybaubc.com
Fax: 46 31 24 34 70 Cuttlefish,Squid & Shrimp 22. Don Kwak
Cuttlefish & Squid President
17. Ayhan SIMSEK Blue Seafoods
12. Atef Amin I.Ali Chairman of the Board Room 602,
General Manager KEBAN ALABALIK.INC Busan International Fish Market Building,
Atlas Company, P.O.Box No.5932, Keban Alabalik Tesuskeru KEBAN 761, Amnam-Dong., Seo-Ku,
Heliopolis West, Cairo, Egypt ELAZIG/TURKEY Busan Ciity, Korea
Tel: 0020122126648 Tel: 90 424 571 23 23 Tel: 82 10 9091 7009
Fax:00202-22705699 Fax: 90 424 571 32 70 Fax:82 51 256 7006
Email: atef-ali@hotmail.com Email: ayhan@kebanalabalik.com.tr Email: blueseafood@korea.com
Shrimp, Calamari & Tilapia All Seafood

MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 43

23. Servaas Desmedt Fax:(905)794-7596 Fax:4031 40 56 109
Sales Manager Email:abirami20!@hotmail.com Mobile:40 744 343 870,
Vandermaesen Fresh Seafood Email:cristian.darmanescu@alfredo.ro
Industriezone Lummen-Zolder, Shrimp Cooked/Raw
Westiaan 313, B-3550, Heusden-Zolder 28. Huang Rong Rong
Tel: 32 (0)13 53 05 53 WF-Interfoods Handels GesmbH 33. AMJED Pervez
Fax:32(0)13 53 05 60 OrtsstraBe 34, Seafresh Wholesale Distributors
Email:servaas@vandermaesen.be A-2331 Vosendorf Mount Street,
Seafood Fillet Tel: 0043-1 69 86 477 Off Bowling Back Lane, Bradford, BD4
Fax:0043-1 69 86 470 8TA, U.K.
24. Pervez D.Poonijaji Mobile:0043-676 93 85 Tel: 0044 (0)1274 72 44 44
Managed Procurement Solutions Ltd Email:huang@wf-interfoods.com Fax:0044 (0)1274 72 22 39
Queens House, 200 Lower High Street, Shrimp,Cuttlefish Mobile: 0044 (0) 7812 21 25 10
Watford, Hertfordshire, WD17 2EH, Email:mail@seafresh.biz
UNITED KINGDOM 29.Kristel Tammleht BT, HLS Crab
Tel:+44(0)1923 901 120 Assistant Subland Peterburi lee 2F,
Fax:+44 (0)1923 229 504 Tallin 11 45 34. Gerard den Heijer
Mobile:+44 (0)778 539 5401 Tel: 6030 709 Mg.Director
Email:pervez@mpsfoods.com Fax:6030 702 W.G.den Heijer & Zn
All Seafood Email:kristel@subland.ee Vissershavenweg 50, 2583 DK
Russina Exporter looking for seafood business Schevebingen, Holland
25. Margaret Leung with India Tel: 070 354 75 00
Fresh Food Category Buyer Fax: 070 351 27 30
The Dairy Farm Company Ltd. 30. Mauro Guernieri Email:highseas@wgdenheijer.nl
9 Chun Kwong Street, M.D. Shrimp
Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate, Cooperativa Ilaliana Catering
N.T.Hong Kong Via Raffello Sanzio, 20, 35. Virginija Kundrotiene
Tel: 852 2995 1333, 852 2995 1344 1-20090 Segrate - Ml Sales Manager
Fax:852 2299 4344 Tel: 39 02 26920130 NORVELTIA
Email:maleung@dairy-farm.com.hk Fax:39 02 26920248 Lietuvos ir Norvegijos,
Cuttlefish,Squid & Fish Mobile:39-340 0887760 UAB "NORVELTIA", 60192 Gabsiai,
Email:mguernieri@coopitcatering.com Raseiniu r., Lietuva/Lithuania
26. Diana Squid, Shrimp, Calamari & Octopus Tel. +370 650 77589
Head of Seafood Purchase Fax: +370 428 51004
Limonadova BA, BLD, 1, 31. Archilles Shen Email: virginija@norvelita.it
2nd Magistralnaya Street, QC Manager web: www.norvelita.it
Moscow, 123290, Russia Gold Star Fishery Zhoushan Co.Ltd. Cooked/Raw Shrimp
Tel: 7(495)589-14-86 add.207 Zhoushan Shenjiamen Halobios Industry
Fax:7(495)589-14-87 Area 36. Joseph Abraham
Mob: 7 (916)680 21 52 Tel: 0580 3695270 Managing Director
Email:Dlimonadova@rfm.ru Fax:0580 3695721 Mulackal Handel Ges. mbH
Shrimp,Cuttlefish & BT Email:top1980@126.com Taborstrasse-95, Ladestrasse-3,
Silver Promfet, Cuttlefish Magazine-1, 1200 Wien, Austria
27. Raguram A Handy: ++43 1 33 43 508
Director R.S.K.Trading Co. 32. Cristian DARMANESCU Tel: ++43 1 33 43 508
18, Gould Court, Mg. Partner Fax: ++43 1 33 44 056
Brampton, Alfredo Foods Email: info@mulackal.com
Ontario, CANADA, L6P 1G9 1.A, Incinta Complex Fortuna, mulackal@yahoo.com
Tel: (905) 794-9068 Sector 4, Bucuresti, Romania Web: www.mulackal.com
Mobile:(416)992-7801 Tel: 4031 40 56 105 All Seafood

44 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

37. V Maggi 41. Baris Soref 46. Roukoz EL HAJJ
Maggi Foods Ltd SMN Gida Dis Tic. Ltd. Sti. General Manager Roukoz El Hajj s.a.l
A1 Aladdin Business Centre, Kocatepe, Mega Center A Blok, Bsalim- Metn, Lebanon
Greenford, Middlesex, No.1111, Bayramoasa-ISTANBUL P.O Box : 60-343
UB6 8UH. irtbt Tel: 0212 437 26 40 - 41 Tel: +961 4 710095/6
Mobile: 07886 110 513 irtbt Fax: 0212 437 31 26 Fax: +961 4 710097
Tel: 0208 813 4029 Cep Tel: 0532 264 57 64 Mobile: +961 3 210363
Fax: 0203 067 1063 Email: smngida@gmail.com Email: info@bigchefgroup.com;
Email: maggi@maggifoods.com Octopus/Shrimp rockest@inco.com.lb
Web: www.maggifoods.com Skype: roukoz_el_hajj
Frozen Seafood 42. Tawfek Afana All Seafood
General Manager
38. Gary Lin AFANA Sons Co. L.T.D 47. N.V.SUGATHAN
Hai Lin Frozen Foods Co., Ltd Rafah-Mashroa Amer 10560 OLOKUN PISCES LIMITED
No.2 Yugang M, Mobile: 00970599300629 Plot C, Oba Ganiyu Odesanya Way, Otto,
1st Rd. Kaoshiung Taiwan R.O.C, Tel: 0097082154411 Ebute- Metta, Lagos
Taiwan Fax: 0097082154888 P.O. Box 1125
Mobile: 886-932548502 Email: afanasonsco@hotmail.com Tel: 01-7730233, 7612676
China Mobile: 86-135027108042 Cutllefish & Shrimp Mobile: 08033031412
Tel: 886-7-8227387 Fax: +(234) (1) 5802876
Fax: 886-7-8227372 43. Dov Lev-Ary Email: sugathan@banarly.com
Email: mai:gray.lin@hailin.tw VP Business Development Shrimp
BT/ Vannamei, Cuttlefish SUB Flex Ltd, ISRAEL
Mobile: +972 50 937 0010 48. Dr.Ferdysac Marquez
39. Orchid Kuo Tel: +972 4 627 2474 Fax: +972 627 3636 Vice President Ejecutivo
Blue Max Seafoods Co. Ltd. Email: dov@subflex.org PLAZA LOIZA CORPORATION
No.153 Qinghai Rd., Web: www.subflex.org Calle Loiza # 2253, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Gushan Dist., All Seafood 00913, P.O. Box12096
Kaohsiung 804, Tel: (787) 726-8150
Taiwan 44. Metin Hakan Kushan Fax: (787) 268-4868
Mobile: +886 927 595 378 Import- Export Manager Email: fmarquez@plazaloiza.net
Tel: 886-7-5223099 EGEMEN BALIKCILIK All Seafood
Fax: 886-7-5223029 Charloisse Hoofd 55A 3087 CA
Email: green.mark@seed.net.tw Rotterdam-Netherlands 49. Ajit Sawhney
adm1@greenmark.com.tw Tel: 0031 102 83 98 15 President & CEO
Web: www.greenmark.com.tw Fax: 0031 102 83 98 16 Safco International Gen. Trdg Co. L.L.C
All Seafood Mobile: 0031 641 29 07 31 P.O. Box: 112690,
Email: egemen@egemenbalikcilik.cm.tr Dubai Investment Park,
40. Giovanni Giancola Squid Dubai -U.A.E
Administratore Delegato Tel: +971 (0) 4 870 2000
Mare Pronto S.p.A 45. Lionel PAYET Dir: +971 (0) 4 870 2004/5
00155 ROM-Via Del Maggiolino, Purchase Manager Fax (Main) : +971(0) 4 884 9013
61, 86039, ARMEMENT DES MASCAREIGNES Mobile: +971 (50) 646 6247
Termoli (CB)- C.da rivolta del Re S.A. B.P. 99-2, Rue de Djibouti 97823 Le Email: ajit@sawhneyfoods.ae
Tel: +39 0875 72 90 1 Port Cedex, All Shrimp & Squid
Fax: +39 0875 75 22 08 REUNION ISLAND (Indian Ocean)
Mobile: +39 335 82 78 996 Tel: +(262) 2.62 42.00.73 50. Francesco Albertini
Email: giovanni.giancola@marepronto.it Fax: +(262) 2.62 42.07.52 MEGA Alimentare srl
Web: www.marepronto.it Email: armas.distri@armas.fr Via Anastasia 11, 274, 00165 Roma
Squid Fish, Squid & Cuttlefish Tel: +39 06 39 80 11 ra.

MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 45

Fax: +39 06 39 388 229 Rm. 8-9, 17/f, Email: mchetrit@adrimex.fr
Mobile: +39 346 884 12 95 Hang Bong Coml, Web: www.adrimex.fr
Email: falbertini@megalimentare.it Centre, 28 Shanghai Sr., Vannamei IQF
All Seafood Yaumatei, Kln
Tel: (852) 2810 7780 60. Abbas Kakshidi
51. Lincon Rosan Dubiela Fax: (852) 2868 0213 Marketing Manager
SIRIUS Rua Joao Azevedo, Mobile: 9387 1323 Kakshidi Food Import Aps Flaesketorvet
162, Itajai-SC- Brazil Email: sharvest@hkstar.com 52, 1711 Copenhagen V, Denmark
Tel: 55 47 33453429 Frozen Seafood Tel: +45 33 31 04 01
Fax: 55 47 33453429 Fax: +45 33 31 04 02
Cel: 55 47 96058584 56. Daniel Bateau Mobile: +45 50 34 35 36
Email: sirius@siriusbrazil.com RIVIERA SURGELES Email: kfi@kfimport.com
Web: www.siriusbrazil.com MIN DE NICE ST AUGUSTIN Web: www.kfimport.com
Frozen Shrimp & Octopus 06296 NICE, FRANCE BT
Tel: 04 97 25 84 84
52. Alvercinio Vieira Fax: 04 93 71 98 13 61. Pramote Pruang -aksorn
SIRIUS Av. Coronel Marcos Konder, Mobile: 06 80 46 54 81 Managing Director
n1313 sala 910-Itajai-SC-Brazil Email: dbateau.rivierasurgeles@orange.fr Food Project (SIAM) Co. Ltd
Tel: +55 47 3045 2715 Any Shrimp 2210/39-40 Narathiwad-Ratchanakharin
Fax: +55 47 3249 1618 Rd, Chongnonsee,
Cel: +55 47 8836 3798 57. Yana ZHELEVA Yannawa, Bankok 10120,
Email: sirius@siriusbrazil.com Export Manager Thailand
Web: www.siriusbrazil.com Diavena 23A Tel: (662) 678-2525, (662) 285-4655 # 333
Frozen Shrimp Industrial Str., Fax: (662) 678-1881
9700 Shumen, Mobile: (668) 1621-6227
53. Rajiv Banerjee Bulgaria Email: purchase@foodproject.co.th
General Manager KASS (AALBORG) Tel/Fax: +359 54 86 11 62 Web: www.foodproject.com
Vesterbro 15, 1MF, 9000, Mobile: +359 898 45 90 08 Seafood Importer
Aalbirg, Denmark Email: diavena@diavena.com;
Mobile: 0045-52408499 yzheleva@diavena.com 62. Jerry Low
Email: rbanerjee2003@gmail.com Web: www.divena.com Proprietor
Skype: rajivbanerjee Tuna & Mackerel Golden Horse Ltd, No.1-7 Gorton
All Seafood Road, Beswick,
58. Nikolay ZHELEZCHEV Manchester, M11 2DZ,
54. Michel N. Jabra Supply Manager ENGLAND
General Manager Diavena 23A Industrial Str., Tel: 0161-220 8882
Societe Jabra Adonis 63rd Street, 9700 Shumen, Bulgaria Fax: 0161-220 8856
Aouk Lebanon Tel/Fax: +359 54 86 11 62 Mobile: 07785-718816
Tel: 00 961 9 22 33 59, Mobile: +359 54 86 11 62 Shrimp
00 961 9 22 13 49 Email: diavena@diavena.com;
Fax: 00 961 9 22 43 48 nzhelezhev@diavena.com 63. Holger Kampa
Mobile: +961 3 301 611 Web: www.divena.com Sales Manager
Email: michelijabra@societejabra.com Tuna & Mackerel (Production of Canned Fish) Andreas Simonsen GmbH Stapelholmer
Web: www.societejabra.com Weg 15a, 24963 Tarp/Germany
Cuttlefish & Shrimp 59. Chetrit Mayer Varela Tel: +49 4638 89510
Director Sourcing Fax: +49 4638 8471
55. Chuck Cheng Adrimex Rue Saint-Exupery, 44860 Saint- Mobile: +49 151 25990707
Managing Director Aignan De Grand Lieu- France Email: holger@simonsengmbh.de
SEA HARVEST (HONG KONG) Tel: +33(0) 2 40 13 20 05 Web: www.simonsengmbh.de
COMPANY LIMITED Fax: +33 (0)2 40 13 20 07 Shrimp

46 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

64. Gilbert BONNEFOY 69. Tarek M. Badar Corporate Headquaters,
Directeur des Achats Chairman 13409 Orden Drive,
DATMER FRANCE SAS 5 Rue de la AL-MAGD Export & Import Co. Santa Fe Springs,
Rochelle, Maree 10232, 38 Taawiniat Somouha, 4th Flat, CA 90670-6336
94539 RUNGIS Cedex Alexandria, Egypt Tel: (562) 802-1900, (562) 229-3850
Tel: 01 46 86 40 42 Tel: (00203) 4250047- 4251108 Fax: (562) 229-1802
Fax: 01 46 87 85 90 Fax: 03 4251108 Mobile: (562) 234-5208
Email: gilbert.bonnefoy@royaumedesmers.com Mobile: 012 2163184 Email:fumitoshi.murakami@ntcltdusa.com
Scampi Email:almagd@almagdco.net Web: www.nishimototrading.com
Shrimp & Mackerel Seafood Mix
65. Dean Goveas
TAMARIND FOODS 70. Betzy RAMIREZ ORTIZ 74. Octavian Sabau
Brixtonlaan, 2C, MardeAltura Fish Importer- Fish Producer
1930 Zaventem, Belgium Avda. Jose Ortega y Gasset, SABIKO
Tel: +32 (0) 2 731 69 77 n 553, parcela S (Mercamalaga) Specialitati Marine
Fax: +32 (0) 2 731 69 78 29196-MALAGA Remetea Mare CF 2179,
Mobile:+32 (0) 475 69 43 43 Tel: 34 952 17 92 16 Timis, Romania
Email: mail@tamarindfoods.be Fax: 34 952 17 92 72 Tel: 0040 356 173387
Web: www.tamarindfoods.be Email:import@mardealtura.com Fax: 0040 256 230056
Frozen Crab Meat Web: www.mardealtura.com Mobile: 0040 744 640989
Cephalapods, Shrimp Email:octaviansabau@sabiko.ro
66. Amaury LE BRETON Web: www.sabiko.ro
AcheteurBonduelle 71. Lois TOURRES BT
67, route de Concarneau- President-Director General
29140 Rosporden-France ESCAL 6, rue de la Minoterie F 67017, 75. Aurelian Theodor MOCANU
Tel: +33 (0)2 98 98 52 00 Strasbourg Director General
Fax: +33 (0)2 98 98 53 01 Tel: 33 (0) 388 60 05 56 ROMPESCARIA INTERNATIONAL
Email:alebreton@bonduelle.com Fax: 33 (0) 388 60 78 50 Member C.E.A-C.N.I.P.M.R Sos. Bucuresti
Surimi Email:lois.tourres@escal.fr nr.14, cod 077055,
Web: www.escal.fr Ciorogarala, ILFOV, Romania
67. Marie Christine All Seafood Tel: 021-352 92 13; 021-352 92 16
Seafood Marketing Consultant Fax: 021-352 92 20 : 031-815 52 44
MONFORT 72. MAURIZIO PICCHI Mobile: 0740 209 188
7, rue de la Fidelite, FIORITAL Email:dmocanu@rompescaria.ro
F-75010, Paris Sede legale, amministrativa e stabilimento Web: www.rompescaria.ro
Tel: +33 (0)1 4249 1158 in Localita Marittima, BT
Email:marie.monfort@marketing-seafood.com Fabbricato n 114-30135,
Web: www.marketing-seafood.com VENEZIA-C.F./P IVA IT-00834250276 76. Lim Yee
Shrimp Tel: +39 041.2409294 r.a Deputy General Manager
Fax: +39 041.2409287 ECS FOODS Jiangkou,
68. Alberto Marchesan Mobile: +39 340.6682519 Fenghua, Ningbo
Responsabile Commerciale Email:maurizio.picchi@fiorital.com Zhejiang Province,
EUROITTICA Amar s.r.l S.S.Romea, Web: www.fiorital.com 315504 P.R.China
36/I-30015, Chioggia (VE) Tel: +86 574 8856 2000
Tel: 041.5543616/17 73. Fumitoshi Murakami Fax: +86 574 8856 5000
Fax: 041.5543618 Group Leader, Mobile: +86 13958258762
Mobile: 335.5901972 Global Product Development Division Email:ylim@ecsfoods.com
Email:info@euroittica.com Fisheries Product Group 1 Web: www.ecsfoods.com
Cuttlefish Whole NISHIMOTO TRADING Co. Ltd., Cuttlefish, Shrimp, Squid & Ribbon Fish

MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011 47

77. Soun Vilasack Bounmy 81. Minmukhametov Denis (Raw and blanched), block and IQF, 20%
Foreign Department Brand Manager & Project Manager glaze, all grades, half Kg and 1 Kg pack.
GRUPO UNION MARTIN Agama Istra Vannamei-HO-20/30, 30/40, semi IQF, 1
C/Juan Dominguez Perez, 48 Village Leshkovo,210, kg pack; Seafood Mix-0.5 Kg pack
El Sebadal 35008, Pavlo-Slobodsky S O
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Istrinsky District, Moscow Region, 85. Edgar Cardozo C
Spain Russia, 143581 President
Tel: +34 928 47 42 47 ext 3 Tel: 7(495) 580-7080 EXT 1208 Cendismar
Fax: +34 928 47 52 43 Fax: 7(495)580-9640 Calle 69 No 20-49
Email:sonu@unionmartin.com Mob: 7(910)446-74-54 Bogota D C - Colombia
Web: www.unionmartin.com E-mail: minmuhametov_dv@agama.info PBX: 571-312 66 65
Various Seafood Web: www.agama.info Fax: 571 - 212 39 12
Squid rings (blanched) and tentacles (raw) Email: cendismar@gmail.com
78. Mehmet Lengerli 10 kg bulk, 10% glaze IQF PD P. stylifera (raw and cooked) - 41/50,
Gusto Gida Pazarlama San ve Tic. A S 51/60, 71/90, 91/110.
Oz Ankara Sitesi 2. 82. Rouzbeh Tashakkori IQF Squid Tentacles & seafood mix
Blok No: 74 Macunkoy Yenimahalle/ Manager
Ankara RDP GmbH 86. Iustin Mason - Kullin
Tel : +90 312 387 2090 Mobile: +49(176)60981629 National Buyer
Fax : +90 312 387 0092 Email: rouzbeh@rdp-co.de Cape Town Fish Market
Gsm : +90 532 393 8818 Web: www.rdp-co.de Unit 2 , The Edward
E-mail : info@gustogida.com.tr P. semisulcatus (HL) 30/40 113 Blaauwberg Road
PUD (IQF), 40/60 & 60/80 (net wt.- net count) Table view 7441 , Capetown
PO box 11250
79. Brian Cullinane 83. Maksym UZIENKO Bloubergrant 7443
Purchasing Director Purchasing Manager Head office Tel: +27(0)21 556 7070
Pan Euro Foods, Unit 12, Flotokeanprodukt Ltd Head Office Fax: +27(0)21 557 0472
Blanchardstown Corporate Park Bolshaya Dmitrovka str Fax To Email 086 691 8599
Blanchardstown, 10/2 Building1, 107031, Cell: +27(0)82 941 5318
Dublin 15, Moscow, Russia. Email: justin@ctfm.co.za
Ireland Tel: +7(495)788-59-36, Web: www.ctfm.com
Mb : +39 328 0552618 +7(495)692-52-90 (ext 131) Squid Tubes-10-15 cm length, IQF/Block, 10
Fx : +39 0733 4430880 Mob: +7(903)201-86-95 kg bulk packs, 10% glaze.
Em : brian@paneurofoods.ie e-mail: uzienko.m@gmail.com semi IQF HO Black Tiger shrimp - 16/20,
Wb : www.paneurofoods.ie Web: www.mtf.ru; www.rk-roskon.ru 31/40
HO, HL (Raw,IQF)-All grades in 1 kg retail skype: muz1303 IQF HL Black Tiger shrimp - all grades, 10 kg
packs HO cooked Black Tiger shrimp bulk
40/60, 60/80
80. A Yari 87. Mustaq Mohamad
Import Manager, 84. Hani Badr EL Din Managing Director
Shilat Khalij Fars Novin Chairman Badr ELDin M&M Sea Food Ltd
Tele: +98 21 882 496 62 10,Osman Towers Unit R, Vulcan Business Centre
Fax: +98 21 882 496 61 Corniche EL Maadi - Cairo, Vulcan Road,Leicester
Cell: +98 912 247 79 59 EGYPT LE5 3EB
www.shilatkhalij.com Tel: (+202) 2525 7796-2525 7605 T: 0116 319 0121
E-mail: ali@shilatkhalij.com Fax: (+202) 2527 1441 M: 0777 588 1932
E-mail: shilatekhalij@yahoo.com Mob: (+2) 0101686470 Email: mustaq@mandm-seafood.com
TT croaker-500 Up, 700 Up E-mail: hani@badreldine.com Shrimp biriyani and other ready to cook/eat
Frozen Pomfret Black tiger- PUD products

48 MPEDA Newsletter ● May - June 2011

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