Income Taxation Quick Notes
Income Taxation Quick Notes
Income Taxation Quick Notes
The site of the source of payments is the Philippines. 6. Substantial alteration test – There is no
The flow of wealth proceeded from, and occurred taxable income until there is a separation from
within, Philippine territory, enjoying the protection capital of something of exchangeable value,
accorded by the Philippine government. In thereby supplying the realization or
consideration of such protection, the flow of wealth transmutation which would result in the receipt
should share the burden of supporting the government. of income.
2. Realization Test Under the realization 7. Control test Power to dispose; Assignment of
principle, revenue is generally recognized when income doctrine
both of the following conditions are met: (1) the
earning process is complete or virtually
complete; and, (2) an exchange has taken place.
This principle requires that revenue must be
earned before it is recorded.