Soulmates in The Bible
Soulmates in The Bible
Soulmates in The Bible
in the Bible
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The concept of soulmate is in most of the writings and philosophies of
the world. In Christian theology, some believe in it but others do not.
There is also very little Christian study done on this subject while such
materials are plentiful in the non-Christian world. The understanding
that marriage is only applicable to life on the physical earth from the
interpretation of Scriptures on the resurrection prevails in Christianity.
This book relooks at all relevant Scriptures in order to establish as to
whether there is such a concept as soulmate in the Bible, and if there is,
what is the guidance on such matters.
Besides the lack of teaching on this subject, three major factors led to
the writing of this book. The first is in counselling hundreds of
marriages, there is a great prevalence of disparity in the areas of spirit,
soul or body. The worst case scenarios have conflicts in all three areas in
their relationship. Others have no conflict in spiritual areas but are
constantly fighting with each other due to soul differences which in turn
affect their physical relationship. Some have no conflict in either spirit or
soul areas and outwardly seem to be happy but they no longer share a
physical relationship. Others have ceased communicating at the spirit
and soul level but yet managed to have regular physical relationship.
Rarely do we find couples who have harmony of spirit, soul and body.
The second factor that led to the writing of this book is in the extra-
biblical revelation and visions received. The visions of the creation of
Adam and the creation of Eve stirred a confirmation of some of the
things that I had also seen in the Spiritual World revelations. I saw
spirits who had progressed in God and retained their masculine and
feminine forms in some sort of eternal harmony; where they have the
abilities to fuse together to function as one being. Not all spirits have
such harmonious counterparts and demonstrate such abilities. This extra
biblical revelation will be described more in this book but suffice to
know that it does not contradict with Scriptures. Extra biblical revelation
that conflicts with the Bible is definitely not acceptable but where it fills
in the blanks of Scriptural revelation, it is acceptable but doctrine must
not be built around it. Doctrine must only be built upon the Word of
God and this will be done in this book.
The third factor that led to the writing of this book is a question that
was asked of me by a bright young second generation person. The
question was whether one would ruin one’s potential eternity with
God’s appointed soulmate if one ends up marrying someone other than
one’s predestined soulmate. It stirred the realization that there is not
much Christian teaching and guidance provided in this area. As we
have about fifty more years to go before the Rapture, and the church will
grow to 10,000 churches of millions of young people around the world,
guidance is necessary for the millions who will be looking for soulmates
to become their life partners in marriage. This book aims to biblically
answer the questions that all the second and third generation have in
these areas.
Chapter One
Defining a Soulmate
What or who is a soulmate? Secular writings define a soulmate in
various ways. Wikipedia has the following interesting extracts on Plato
and Jewish beliefs in soulmates:
Plato’s mythology
In his dialogue The Symposium, Plato has Aristophanes present a story about
soul mates. Aristophanes states that humans originally had four arms, four legs,
and a single head made of two faces. He continues that there were three genders:
man, woman and the "Androgynous". Each with two sets of genitalia; with the
Androgynous having both male and female genitalia. The men were children of
the sun, the women were children of the earth and the Androgynous were
children of the moon, which was born of the sun and earth. It is said that
humans had great strength at the time and threatened to conquer the gods. The
gods were then faced with the prospect of destroying the humans with lightning
as they had done with the Titans but then they would lose the tributes given to
the gods by humans. Zeus developed a creative solution by splitting humans in
half as punishment for humanity's pride and doubling the number of humans
who would give tribute to the gods. These split humans were in utter misery to
the point where they would not eat and would perish so Apollo had sewn them
up and reconstituted their bodies with the navel being the only remnant
harkening back to their original form. Each human would then only have one set
of genitalia and would forever long for his/her other half; the other half of his/her
soul. It is said that when the two find each other, there is an unspoken
understanding of one another, that they feel unified and would lay with each
other in unity and would know no greater joy than that.
Bashert: Jewish view of soulmates
Bashert, (Yiddish: )טרע שַאב, is a Yiddish word that means "destiny". It is often
used in the context of one's divinely foreordained spouse or soulmate, who is
called "basherte" (female) or "basherter" (male). It can also be used to express
the seeming fate or destiny of an auspicious or important event, friendship, or
A Roman matron, on being told by Rabbi Jose ben Halafta that God arranges all
marriages, said that this was an easy matter, and boasted that she could do as
much herself. Thereupon she assembled her male and female slaves and paired
them off in couples; but on the morrow they all went to her with complaints.
Then she admitted that divine intervention is necessary to suitable marriages.
(Genesis Rabba lxviii. 3-4).
Even God Himself finds it as difficult an undertaking as the dividing of the Red
Sea. Forty days before a child is born its mate is determined upon (Genesis
Rabba lxviii. 3-4; also Babylonian Talmud, tractates Soṭah 2a; Sanhedrin 22a;
comp. M. Ḳ. 18b; "Sefer Hasidim," § 1128).
In modern usage, Jewish singles will say that they are looking for their bashert,
meaning they are looking for that person who will complement them perfectly,
and whom they will complement perfectly. Since it's considered to have been
foreordained by God whom one will marry, one's spouse is considered to be
one's bashert by definition, independent of whether the couple's marital life
works out well or not.
The following dictionaries define soulmate in various ways:
Though most of the above definitions of soulmate give some level of
understanding which is helpful, there are also other areas besides the
intellect and emotional areas of the soul. In defining and understanding
what soulmate is, consideration must also be given to aspects of the
spiritual and the physical dimension of the relationship; which is taken
for granted to work out if the soul affinity is found. Before we go
further, we need to also examine current research in psychology on
people who believe in soulmates versus those who don’t.
Knee, C. R. (1998). Implicit theories of relationships: Assessment and prediction of romantic relationship
initiation, coping, and longevity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 360–370.
match. As a result, their relationships tend to be intense but short, often
with a higher number of quick romances and one-night stands.
Knee, C. R., Patrick, H., Vietor, N. A., & Neighbors, C. (2004). Implicit theories of relationships: Moderators of
the link between conflict and commitment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 617-628.
Finkel, E. J., Burnette, J. L., & Scissors, L. E. (2007). Vengefully ever after: Destiny beliefs, state attachment
anxiety, and forgiveness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92, 871–886.
The pros and cons of believing in romantic destiny (
Published on July 9, 2012 by Jeremy Nicholson, M.S.W., Ph.D. in The Attraction Doctor
Given the research, if an individual wants intensely-passionate, short-term
flings, then belief in soulmates will serve them well. In all relationships,
however, disagreement, conflict, and incompatibility will arise. Ultimately, no
one is perfect - or a perfect fit for a partner. It takes work, growth, and change to
keep a relationship going and satisfying over time. When that happens,
soulmate believers often become upset, disillusioned, and uncommitted.
Therefore, if an individual finds they are repeatedly falling in love with the
"perfect" partner, only to be disappointed and dumping them soon after, their
belief in soulmates may be to blame. It may cause them to give up when things
are not perfect (but may be still good or great). It may motivate them to not
compromise, work, or change, when others don't love them completely for being
exactly as they are. A belief in soulmates may prevent individuals from finding
the very relationships they think they are destined to have.
believing in soul mates (as opposed to 69% of those over 45).5 Clearly,
the majority of people believe in a soulmate.
3. Finding one’s soulmate does not mean that there is no more room
for growth or cultivation of the relationship. The secular belief of a
soulmate, as per psychology research data above, is superficial and
built upon laziness in learning to work on a relationship. People
think that when they find their soulmate that there is no more
room for improvement or cultivation and growth in each person’s
character. The Bible speaks of the ability of love glorying in
Marist Poll. (2011).Retrieved from
tribulation producing perseverance, character, hope and then more
love again (Romans 5:2-5). It is the dynamics of the soulmates
being together that strengthens them to love each other through
storms, tests and trials. Finding one’s soulmate does not make life
or things easier, rather it strengthens their resolve to be with one
another, and to stay together, despite all odds and to choose to
love one another above all else.
spirit with the Lord (1 Corinthians 6:17). This oneness of two
spirits can only be experienced when both the spirits of the
soulmates are joined with Lord as one spirit, and through the
Lord are joined with each other’s spirits.
and Jacob, but there was no attraction in the spiritual dimension
(Genesis 34:3, 8). Neither was God first place in his life, for
Shechem broke the commandments of God in violating Dinah.
True predestined soulmates will always have attraction in all
three dimensions, although one or two of these dimensions may
develop first before the other. In the end when the relationship
of two soulmates are in full bloom, all three dimensions are
fully attracted to each other and their spirits, souls and bodies
function as one.
5. Soulmates are essentially spirit beings who have been a part of one
spiritual substance in God but whose two halves when combined
together become one spirit, one soul and one body. Adam existed
as one spirit, soul and body before God took Eve out of him and
Adam found his perfect counterpart and soulmate in Eve (Genesis
2:7-8, 18-24).
The declaration of Adam, upon waking up (after being split into two
beings from one being) and seeing Eve with him, are the words of one
who has found his complementary soulmate who completes his being in
spirit, soul and body when he declared:
We understand this one flesh to also include the spiritual and soul
dimension (Ephesians 5:23-33). This is the Christian understanding of
soulmate – one who is the other complementary completion of one’s
spirit, soul and body.
Chapter 2
Soulmates in the Bible
The Bible has many stories of various relationships some of which
expresses soulmates finding each other, while others show the story of
unsuccessful attempts at finding soulmates. They also express the
difficulties that soulmates experience even after they find each other. At
other times, they show forth varying degrees of soulmate attraction but
it is disqualified as true soulmate relationship because there is none of
the three dimensional relationship we are looking for. We have defined
true soulmates as two halves who find each other and forms a three
dimensional relationship of oneness in spirit, soul and body. We can
learn many principles from the soulmates in the Bible and how they
progress towards perfect oneness.
There is no doubt that Adam and Eve were soulmates. The following is
an extract of an extra-biblical vision of Adam and Eve:
Before sin, there was no time. It looked like about three thousand years (like
three days) and Adam did not bother to go back to the garden where the trees
were especially the tree of knowledge. His main work was naming the animals
that the angels were bringing to him. The moment he say the name, the animals
became male and female in this manner. The angels brought them away and
after some sort of a sleep became male and female. Each of the animals was like a
male feature like Adam before they became male and female. The animals were
very clean, no smell, no dirt. They don’t seem even to need to eat and exist by
the energy of God. Different areas have different types of animals, some taller,
some bigger and huge, etc.
When the angel said to go to another place, Adam would see a vision given by
the angel and be transported there. It was like the angel show him a frame of the
place to go, and when he saw it, he was there.
Adam was about ten feet tall and very lean and perfect. His lips were like
Jesus’ lips (medium thin lips). He was almost pure white, whiter than Noah. He
had long arms. He had the same kind of glory that Jesus had in the highway
vision. It looks like he had no body hair, like very smooth. Melchizedek, the
cherubim who was his guardian angel, was as tall. Melchizedek was something
like that also. They were almost alike. After the naming of the animals, Adam
felt lonely. God appeared like a light to Adam. Whenever God spoke everything
was quiet and respectfully giving honour to God. The atmosphere was also
casual like an everyday thing where God was talking to Adam. Moses saw this
light and when Moses came down from the mount, his body also became a
transparent type of body.
Adam spoke to his guardian angel, the cherubim Melchizedek of his loneliness.
That was the first time that Adam slept when Melchizedek said to rest and
touched Adam. During the sleep, the heart rate slowed down and it was like two
cells dividing (same with the animals). Except that it was the female who came
out from him and was slightly smaller than him (same with the animals). For
Adam, it was like his spirit and soul divided and his body followed. Adam
looked smaller and shorter after this. Adam was about 7 feet and Eve was about
6 ft. The bodies of both of them were bright and hairless. They had sexual organs
then but were still perfect with shining light. Adam and Eve’s hair were like
whitish golden colour. There were no racial features that were distinguishable
before or after the fall.
The tree of knowledge was like a huge bush. The fruit look oblong like a date or
huge grape. It was about 8-10cm long and diameter about 4-5cm. It was
reddish, dark blood red in colour. The serpent was like a scaly humanoid
creature; greenish, brownish in colour and it was actually a creation of Satan
(using DNA from fallen worlds, since Satan fundamentally cannot create). This
creature was always targeting and eyeing Eve. Adam showed Eve all the places
in the garden, and Melchizedek was still their guardian angel. When Eve
discovered about the garden, she started looking at the tree and started making
enquiries of the tree, as to why they can’t eat of the tree (although at that time,
eating was not necessary). In her mind was formed the idea that if she eat, this
was the tree that she would eat. This thought was planted into her by the devil
that by now possessed the humanoid serpent. The jaw of the serpent was pointed
out and the head was flat in the front. Its eyes were slit and sharp; the nose was
like the lizard just two holes, there were no teeth and the tongue was very dark.
It was a creature made by the devil in his own image.
By this time, Melchizedek was alerted and on guard against the enemy. After
Eve, Adam communicated less with Melchizedek. Adam was always with Eve
and when Adam was doing work (naming other animals) Eve was alone
sometimes and she wandered to the garden. The humanoid serpent, which was
always observing her, followed her. Whatever the serpent said to her, she
repeated to Adam when she brought Adam to the tree. She plucked the fruit and
ate first and gave it to Adam who also ate. It was like biting into blood as the
juice was also red colour. Melchizedek was like stunned at the action and he
could not restrain them. The moment they ate, there was an energy that was
taken out and they knew immediately that it was wrong. It was like all the time
perfect and suddenly they could feel their weight. Before that everything was
light and filled with light. Suddenly, their bodies change and they could feel
cold, heat, weight as they became pure physical consciousness. Now power was
taken away and where before Melchizedek could have shown them a frame and
they were transported, now they could not. Melchizedek’s reaction was like
Shammah when David signed the death warrant of Uriah the Hittite. Before the
sin, they could feel that everything was a part of them but now they realized
that they were vulnerable and physically disconnected from all things
surrounding them.
Adam did not finish naming the animals and when the sin occurred, all the
animals that were not named dissipated as the unnamed animals were not
physical yet but a type of spirit form; waiting for Adam to finish naming them.
Adam lost the power to name them. When God stepped in, it was Melchizedek
representing God who put them out of the garden. Melchizedek appeared clothed
in spiritual garments and Adam and Eve were taken out of the garden by
Melchizedek who brandished a flaming sword. After they came out, it was like a
frame was taken so that the garden became inaccessible. Melchizedek was the
one who taught them how to sacrifice. It was a spotted animal that was sacrifice.
Adam and Eve became two halves of each other, and yet each could
independently function without the other. They were like two spirits,
souls and bodies but their union together would recreate the oneness of
spirit, soul and body – the experience of the state of oneness in
substance, shape and form that they both originally came from. They
were the original and most perfect soulmates that God had created for
each other. Many lessons can be learned from the soulmate relationship
that Adam and Eve had:
1. It is God who brought the soulmates together and not so much
their own efforts. Many people try too hard to seek out their
soulmates and waste a lot of time and energy. If they depend on
God and just put God first, and ask God to provide or lead them to
their soulmates, God would be delighted to do so. It was God who
brought Eve to Adam (Genesis 2:22). Note also that before that,
God was the one who brought the animals to Adam to see what he
would call them (Genesis 2:19). God knew that there was none
comparable to him, none could be his soulmate (Genesis 2:20).
Although some people find delight in animals and pets and some
even live their entire adult lives with an animal as their closest
companion, these are imperfect and can never take the place of a
true soulmate.
2. Even though Eve was the perfect soulmate for Adam, they still had
to learn to harmonise with each other. Soulmates have to grow
together in their relationship with the Lord. As soulmates, they
failed in spending appropriate time together to do things together.
Adam did show Eve around the garden but Eve was left to herself
when Adam was continuing the work of naming the animals.
Adam did not involve Eve in his work nor did Eve seek to be a
part of Adam continually. It was their dis-connection that the
serpent took advantage of. Eve was alone and separated from
Adam. Adam, even after being split into half – with his other half
now walking alone by herself – still tried to continue the same
work as if he was the same person before the split.
Perhaps the first thing that Adam and Eve should have done is not
just to tour the garden, they should have joined with each other in
spirit, soul and body and cultivate the sense of that bond of
oneness experience in three dimensions for an extended time.
Their first work as soulmates is to learn to cultivate oneness in
three dimensions and not just return to work as per normal.
Soulmates may be created in God but it takes time, communion
and bonding to forge a union of spirits, souls and body. Perfect
bonding and perfect love takes time and both must take time to
love and to bond.
3. Although God is the one who provides the perfect soulmate, there
is an inherent ability within each soulmate to recognize each other.
Adam immediately recognized Eve as his other complementary
counterpart when God brought her to him (Genesis 2:23). Because
soulmates are the exact twin, replica and complementary part of
the other in spirit, soul and body, there is a spark that initiates
when the two parts come together. This spark of recognition can at
first be just in one dimension but as the soulmates grow, it takes
place in all three dimensions of spirit, soul and body. In the
present imperfect world, this spark of recognition might take time
to be kindled and only when the two soulmates relate together and
After his first child, Enoch spent most of his time with God and he
would have spent occasional time with his wife for the Bible records that
he had sons and daughters (Genesis 5:22). In his various extra-biblical
appearances to Elijah in Bible times, and to those of us who have met
him, Enoch is spiritually alone and his only spiritual soulmate and his
companion seem to be Elijah. Enoch and Elijah will serve again together
in the Tribulation (Revelation 11:3-12). Enoch had a good wife who was
a good earthly companion and they brought up a strong and good
family in the Lord but we cannot tell if she was Enoch’s eternal
soulmate. Elijah was Enoch’s spirit and soul complementary. Enoch
never found a counterpart complementary female spirit, soul and body,
perhaps because his calling and assignments were different.
Noah had a good wife who played a fantastic role during the building
of the ark, according to extra-biblical revelation. She was the one who
rebuked the children when they were young and when they were not
following in the ways of the Lord and Noah. She was an essential part of
his earthly life of about nine hundred years (Genesis 9:28, 29). They had
each other for three hundred and fifty years after the flood. One would
have thought that their relationship would be tremendously close after
hundreds of years but apparently although she was a good wife and
companion, Noah and his wife were not fully united as soulmates. If
they had united properly as soulmates, Noah would have found comfort
in her arms and embrace and seek union with her spirit, soul and body
when he needed comfort rather than turn to drinking and wine (Genesis
9:20, 21). She would have been the wine that he drink each time he
needed comfort, enjoyment and pleasure (Song 1:2).
True soulmates enjoy the love they have for each other more than wine
(Song 1:2). They would have been intoxicated with the kisses and love of
their beloved soulmate and carried away into a heavenly place of
perfumes and spices each time they make love (Song 4:10). Instead of
looking for the pleasures of this life and all that it offers, soulmates
would find the greatest and deepest pleasures of this life, and of the life
to come, in union with each other’s spirit, soul and body. They would
explore each other as a garden that never ends, tasting and drinking of
each other’s love as honeycomb with honey, be drunk with love for one
another as with wine and milk, and drink deeply of the pleasure of
spirit, soul and body they are enabled to give each other (Song 5:1; 7:9;
8:2). Soulmates recharge and rejuvenate through bonding their spirits,
souls and bodies together when they need energizing. They do not turn
to other things or people when they need to be comforted and
encouraged; from now to eternity, besides God, they would turn only to
each other.
We conclude that Enoch and Noah had good wives and companions
while on earth but somehow the example of perfect union of soulmates
was not present. Perhaps they could be but if so, there was no equal
spiritual and soul progression as soulmates would have; unless, possibly
and mysteriously, the progression is upon the completion of all the work
of Christ and in the new heaven and new earth. In extra-biblical
revelation, Shem and his wife, Giddel, were like twin spirits. Even in
modern appearances in our endtime dispensation, they appear
constantly together. Not much is recorded in the Bible but they would
have been an ideal example of soulmates who met on earth and continue
their eternal progress in God together.
such deception shows forth her love and affection for Abraham and she
endangered her own life to save his life.
Though they love each other so much that they were willing to die for
one another, there was also sometimes disagreements that they needed
to iron out. Sarah had the same love for God that Abraham had but
when she saw that time had passed after the promise of God for a child,
she was willing to sacrifice her marriage rights and allow Abraham to
have physical relationship with her maid in order to have a child
(Genesis 16:1-6). In the Bible, it looks like it was her suggestion that
Abraham heeded to but in extra-biblical revelation, it was more out of
her love and affection for Abraham that she did it. She cared for him and
saw how despondent he was at times as they had been childless right up
to their seventies and eighties. It looked naturally right (which was the
custom of those days) but it was not God’s perfect will.
Though they were soulmates, they had issues with Hagar and Ishmael,
until both of these were put out of the house (Genesis 21:9-14). In the
end, their issues were dealt with through obedience to God’s voice and
God’s word. Abraham felt grieved because of his love for his son,
Ishmael, but he was willing to obey God’s word above all else (Genesis
21:11-12). It was obedience to God’s Word that brought peace to these
two soulmates who love each other and live together until Sarah died at
the age of 127 (Genesis 23:1). Sometime after Sarah’s death, Abraham,
who was about 137 to 140 years old, married Keturah and he lived on
until he died at the age of 175 years (Genesis 25:1-7). This meant that he
had Keturah as wife for at least about 35 years, which is a lifetime for
many modern families. There is not much record of Keturah or of her
spiritual or soul qualities. We can safely assume that in Abraham’s
second marriage to Keturah, she was a good wife and companion with
whom he produced many other sons and daughters but she was not his
soulmate like Sarah was.
Isaac and Rebekah
Isaac was the only child of Abraham and Sarah. He was a product of
God’s covenant promise and well-loved by his father and mother, who
were 100 years old and ninety years old respectively. He was the centre
of his whole household, the object of love and affection. He had so much
love that he did not feel the need of human companionship or a
soulmate until his mother died (Genesis 24:67). Abraham must have
seen the pining of his soul for comfort and instructed his top servant to
seek out a wife for his son (Genesis 24:1-9). By that time, Isaac had also
passed the test of first love to God, being willing to be sacrificed in
obedience to God’s test of love for Abraham (Genesis 22). He was
approximately about 40 years old when he felt the need of a soulmate
after his mother’s death. As with Adam, when Isaac put God first in his
life, God was the one who provided him with a soulmate through
Abraham, his servant and the angels working on their behalf.
On Rebekah’s side, she must have already been prepared by God and
she went to the well at the exact right time, and had a serving heart
(Genesis 24:15-22). Her heart and love for people was so kind and pure
that she herself initiated the offer to draw water for the camels. When
she followed Abraham’s servant to a faraway land that she has never
been before, her faith and trust in God was tested. Isaac immediately
was comforted when they met and the Bible declares that he loved her
(Genesis 24:67). They were soulmates in spirit, soul and body. Isaac was
about 40 years old when he married Rebekah and Rebekah according to
Jewish traditions would be about twenty years old. 6 Their age
The Rabbis agree that Rebekah died at the age of 133 years (Sifre, Deut. 357; Midr. Tadshe, in Epstein. "Mi-
Ḳadmoniyyot ha-Yehudim," p. xxii.; "Sefer ha-Yashar," section "Wayishlaḥ," p. 56b). Her death occurred while
Jacob was on his way back to his parents' home; and it was coincident with that of Deborah (comp. Gen. 35:8).
Her decease is not mentioned because Jacob, not having yet arrived, Esau was the only son present to attend
to her burial. Moreover, the ceremony was performed at night out of shame that her coffin should be followed
by a son like Esau (Pesiḳ. l.c.; Midr. Agadah on Gen. l.c.). According to the Book of Jubilees (31:8-11, 48), Jacob,
when he arrived home, found his mother alive; and she afterward accompanied him to Beth-el to accomplish
his vow (comp. Gen. 28:19-20). She died at the age of 155, five years before Isaac's death (Jubilees 35:1, 41),
this determining that her age when she married was twenty years.
differences did not affect the two soulmates’ love for each other. Isaac
would be around 75 to 80 years old when he went down to Philistine
during the famine after Abraham died (Genesis 25:7-10; 26:1-6).
Abraham would have been around 140 years old when Isaac got
married and Abraham lived to be 175 years old. So about thirty-five to
forty years after their marriage and after Abraham’s death, Isaac and
Rebekah were seen by King Abimelech to be fondling, affectionate and
endearing to one another (Genesis 26:8). As soulmates, they continue to
derive the greatest pleasure from each other spirit, soul and body when
they were young; and when they were old, about eighty years old and
sixty years old respectively, age did not diminish their love and unison
It was when they had fraternal twins and their unequal love for
opposite twins causes some friction between Isaac and Rebekah (Genesis
25:28). There was no visible or outward conflict between Isaac and
Rebekah but it was in full display in their children. Since the conflict
between Jacob and Esau was from the womb, it could be that it was the
children that brought their conflict to their parents. It is always a test for
all soulmates to relate to others within their circle of love, especially
when such relationships seek to tear them apart. Free choice is still there
and for Isaac and Rebekah, they allowed the strife of their children to
create strife between themselves.
Esau married two unbelieving wives and they were a constant grief to
Isaac and Rebekah (Genesis 26:34-35). Rebekah seems to be the more
spiritually sensitive while Isaac favoured Esau primarily because of
natural food (Genesis 25:28). It was Rebekah who voiced out her grief
about Esau’s ungodly wives when she requested sending Jacob away
from home to protect him from Esau (Genesis 27:46). Isaac should have
allowed the spiritual sensitivity of Rebekah to become a part of his life
and he would have avoided a lot of grieve in his old age. It was when
his love was drawn away by the comfort foods of Esau that grief began.
He should have always obtained all his comfort from Rebekah and not
from his children. All children are a great joy of love to both parents but
soulmates must remember that children are not a replacement for the
precious relationship that they have had even before children comes into
the picture.
Jacob was a lonely soul when he left home and headed for his uncle,
Laban’s place. He must have been well-loved and one who obtained
much affection and comfort from his mother, Rebekah, who loved him
dearly. By the time he had travelled many days and reached his uncle’s
city, his soul was well-drawn out and he was pining for a soulmate.
Upon seeing Rachel, everything in him sparked up and he immediately
kissed her, lifted up his voice and wept (Genesis 29:9-13). He had found
his soulmate. He was prepared to work seven years without salary just
for her (Genesis 29:18). And seven years seemed like just days for him
for he had a deep and great affectionate love and affinity for Rachel
(Genesis 29:20). She was his love, his life, his energy and his inspiration
day and night; and they probably spent whatever free time they had
Jacob died when he was 147 years old.
He had lived in Egypt 17 years (Genesis 47:28).
Thus, Jacob was 130 when he went to Egypt to be with Joseph.
His arrival was the second year of the famine (Genesis 45:6).
Joseph was then 39 years old (compare Genesis 41:46 and add the 7
years of plenty and the 2 years of famine).
This means that Jacob was 91 when Rachel gave birth to Joseph.
But Leah already had six children before Joseph was born (Genesis
30:20-24). Reuben (Leah’s firstborn by Jacob) was conceived at least 7
years before the birth of Joseph.
This means that Jacob was about 84 years old when he first married
Leah and Rachel.
According to the Jewish traditions, including the book of Jasher, Leah
and Rachel were twins and they married Jacob around the age of
twenty-two.7 Their physical age difference of sixty-two years did not
prevent Jacob and Rachel from enjoying the relationship of soulmates.
Although Rachel was Jacob’s soulmate, Leah was now also his wife
and it was his responsibility to treat her with love, honour and respect.
Leah was not in a good position as in accordance to the customs of those
days, women do not have much say about themselves or their lives, and
she ended up being in a marriage that she did not ask for. When God
saw that she was being neglected and unloved, and the full rights of a
wife not given to her, God bless her with many children (Genesis 29:31-
35). She desired to be loved and hoped that through more children her
now legal husband, who did not want her in the first place, would love
her more (Genesis 29:32). She suffered emotionally and through three
births yearned to be loved, just like any person would yearn to find a
soulmate who loved them and cherished them. With the firstborn, she
said, “Now my husband will love me” (Genesis 29:32). With the second,
she realized that the Lord saw that she was unloved, and the Lord
Seder Olam Rabbah 2
blessed her with a child (Genesis 29:33). With the third son, she was still
yearning that her husband would be attached to her, having given him
three sons (Genesis 29:34).
Poor Leah, she had physical relationship with her husband but there
was no union of her soul with her husband for her husband’s soul was
united to her sister Rachel. Like everyone without a soulmate, there is a
yearning for a soul fusion with one’s predestined soulmate which
physical relationships alone could not give. Finally, she learn to give
praise to God for all her afflictions and sufferings and her imperfect
situation in life, which she can’t escape from nor can she do anything
about, when she gave birth to her fourth son. She learned that first love
to God is still the most important and finally dedicates her life to the
praise of God (Genesis 29:35).
The rivalry between the twin sisters Leah and Rachel continue as they
vie for the love of Jacob. In those days, a woman who gave birth to lots
of children was greatly valued and praise and both of them kept
contending with one another for love via having children, through their
own bodies and through their maidservants (Genesis 30:1-24). The
tension between the soulmates Jacob and Rachel reached a high when
she told Jacob that she would rather die than live if she does not have
children (Genesis 30:1-2). Out of love for her, Jacob was persuaded by
her to have children for her via her maid, which Leah quickly follow suit
and did the same. In the end, as Rachel learned to put God first and
prayed to God, her womb was opened she gave Jacob, who was by then
aged 91, her first born son.
to be part of this rivalry family and should have been loved equally.
And the lot of the two maidservants who culturally were more like
slaves and had to do their master’s or mistress’s bidding was not a
happy path either. Nevertheless, it is required of all, no matter how
imperfect a situation, to first find happiness with God by loving God
first, and then letting God provide and bless us with happiness in
whatever manner of relationships that already exists legally. Both Leah,
and the two maidservants, together with Rachel, the one who is greatly
loved by Jacob, all became the female patriarchs of the famous twelve
tribes of Israel. In the end, the destiny of God was fulfilled.
There was probably no natural way that Rachel alone could have
provided Jacob with twelve tribes. God used all imperfect situations to
create perfect destinies. All things do and will work out for good to
those who love God (Romans 8:28). The main purpose for this life is first
to accomplish God’s perfect Will on earth and that His kingdom will be
established on earth. If while fulfilling God’s Will, one manages to find
one’s soulmate, blessed is that person; but if fulfilling God’s perfect Will
does not lead to or result in the finding of one’s soulmate, one should
still be able to find happiness and joy in the Lord Jesus Christ; and with
whoever one is having a relationship with as perfect love gives one the
ability to love everyone equally with the love of God.
Jacob did not succeed in bringing his soulmate Rachel into spiritual
harmony with him in the worship of Yahweh God. Perhaps this is
because his own relationship with God was not deep enough for when
he first met God at Bethel, all he was interested in was food, clothing
and shelter (Genesis 28:22). Soulmates cannot grow spiritually deeper
than the highest level of whichever one of them is at. The higher can
always help the lower but in Jacob’s case, his whole life had revolved
around food, clothing and shelter. Rachel had a background of idol
worship and although she had belief in Yahweh God, she still stole the
idols of Laban when they left to go to Canaan (Genesis 31:34). Not
knowing that his soulmate Rachel had stolen the idols, Jacob declared
death upon whoever stole the idols (Genesis 31:32). As they were
soulmates and inter-twined and connected together, his pronouncement
of death resulted in the death of Rachel in child labour (Genesis 35:16-
20). It must have been the saddest day of his life when his soulmate
died. Though his family continued, Jacob held fast to his love for Rachel
by outpouring that love towards Joseph, who became a representation of
the living memories of Rachel, his true love.
The Bible does not give the age of Asenath but several legends and
myths have grown around her. In one Jewish legend, it speaks about
how when she was eighteen, she rejected all suitors including Pharaoh’s
son and in the end was convicted by Joseph to give up idols and married
him (by then probably around 20 years old). In another Jewish legend,
she was supposedly a daughter of the rape of Shechem upon Dinah and
was sent away to Egypt, and ended being adopted by Potipherah. All
these legends try to point to the fact that she was a wonderful soulmate
and wife to Joseph and the mother of two of the Jewish tribes, Manasseh
and Ephraim. Joseph must have taken great comfort in her
companionship for he named his sons, Manasseh (causing to forget) and
Ephraim (double fruitfulness). He declared that God had help him
forget all his toil and his father’s house and that God has caused him to
be fruitful in the land of his affliction (Genesis 41:51-52). Although
neither of them had much decision choice in their lives, both were
planned by God to be soulmates that fulfilled their destinies.
Moses was adopted into Egyptian royalty and grew up with much
provision and training. At the age of forty, after killing the Egyptian,
Moses fled to Midian and there he met Zipporah and married her
(Exodus 2:12-21). They had two sons and the first was Gershom
(refugee), for Moses declared that he had refuge in a foreign land
(Exodus 2:22). They were soulmates well suited to one another and their
recorded quarrel was over Jewish circumcision of which Zipporah
disagreed to but reluctantly performed when Moses almost lost his life
for disobeying the Jewish covenant of circumcision given to Abraham
(Genesis 17:9-14; Exodus 4:24-26). Apparently, Zipporah returned to her
father and was later brought back to Moses when Moses came back into
the land of Midian after the Exodus exploits in Egypt (Exodus 18:1-2).
Later against the murmuring of Moses’s sister and brother against
Zipporah (they called her an Ethiopian because of her dark skin), God
stepped in and protected Moses and Zipporah (Numbers 12:1-16).
Their story tells us that soulmates need to grow in faith together, even
though they might be well suited for each other. It also shows forth that
soulmates do have to negotiate through quarrels and disagreements. It is
not all a bed of roses without thorns. It must have been difficult for
Zipporah to accept the Jewish laws and customs but she crossed the
cultural barriers to be part of the Jewish people. The Bible did not give
Zipporah’s age when she got married but following the customs of the
times, she would most likely be in her twenties.
Upon arrival in Israel, Ruth faithfully took care of the daily needs and
sustenance of Naomi and herself through the corn, barley and wheat
harvest (Ruth 2:2, 23). Ruth had completely no thoughts of looking for a
soulmate but it was Naomi who decided to look after her interest and
needs (Ruth 3:1). She taught Ruth how to offer herself for marriage to
Boaz (Ruth 3:2-4). Ruth obediently followed Naomi’s suggestions and
Boaz was caught by shock and surprise when he found her at his feet at
midnight (Ruth 3:5-8).
Although Boaz had been her benefactor and protector during her time
in his field, there was no emotional relationship between them. It was
purely following the Jewish custom of providing an heir for Elimelech’s
family line. Another family relative was closer to Elimelech’s family and
had first right to marry Ruth and produce children (Ruth 3:13). If they
had some level of love for one another, they were willing to withhold
taking it further into marriage because by right, another person had first
rights to marry Ruth. This is their level of love for God, performance of
His righteousness first above all else, even self-desires. When God plans
for two soulmates to be together, it will always take place no matter
what the barriers or circumstances may be. Both just have to wait upon
God and allow God to move in His ways.
Boaz was the kinsman of Elemech and the son of Salmon and Rahab
(Ruth 2:1; 4:21; Matthew 1:5) and much older than Naomi. Salmon,
Boaz’s father was born during the 40 year wilderness period of Moses,
and was one of the two spies that went to Jericho and was protected by
Rahab (Joshua 2:1-6). Salmon must have fell in love with Rahab and later
married her. This place the story of Ruth occurring early in the time of
judges most likely during the Moabite oppression of eighteen years
(Judges 3:14). Boaz would be older than Elimelech, and if we take
Mahlon’s age into account plus the ten years of sojourn in Moab, Boaz
could be in his seventies when he married Ruth. The Bible does not say
how old Ruth and Boaz were, but implies that Boaz is somewhat older
than Ruth. However, according to Jewish tradition Boaz was then eighty
years of age, and Ruth forty.
Boaz and Ruth were perfect soulmates for each other. Their story is a
testimony of how God was in perfect control of all circumstances
beyond their control, in bringing two perfect soulmates together. For
them, God did work out all things for good to those who love Him
(Romans 8:28). They were both godly, did not seek their own needs or
desires, and totally consecrated to God. They allowed God to control
circumstances; even to the last righteous act with the closer relative that
could have nullified any potential relationship they could have had. It is
truly God who brings soulmates together and not their own efforts.
The New Testament does not have many stories as the story of Jesus
dominates and surpasses all others but we do have the story of one
couple who is prominent in the book of Acts. They are first mentioned
when the apostle Paul went to Corinth (Acts 18:2). The special and
unique thing about them was that they were always mentioned as a
couple and never individually throughout the six times that their names
occurred in the New Testament (Acts 18:2-3; 18, 26; Romans 16:3-4; 1
Corinthians 16:19; 2 Timothy 4:19). They were dealers in tents and
tentmakers as was the apostle Paul (Acts 18:3). When the Roman
emperor Claudius issued an edict expelling all Jews from Rome, Aquila
and Priscilla moved to Corinth.
Of the six times that their names were mentioned, Priscilla’s name was
mentioned first three times (Acts 18:18; Romans 16:3-4; 2 Timothy 4:19).
To be constantly mentioned as a couple and to have her name
sometimes mentioned first is very unusual in the male dominated
society of Bible times. It implies that she is a prominent member of the
pair and an important contributor to the relationship. Priscilla had
strong Jewish heritage and was a Christian convert in Rome; her name is
a Roman diminutive of Prisca. She was an equal partner in their
relationship, in the ministry and also in their business.
Aquila was originally from Pontus and also a Jewish convert (Acts
18:2). He was possibly an early convert to Christianity by some of the
Jews from Pontus who were present during the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit (Acts 2:9). He immigrated to Rome and it was there that he met
Priscilla and married her. They both lived in Rome for about nine years
and became prominent members of the church in Rome before their
departure to Corinth where they met the apostle Paul. Their chronology
is presented below:8
From the above chronology, we can see that Aquila and Priscilla gave
their lives wholeheartedly to the Lord. Wherever they migrated to, the
church was the centre of their lives and even met in their home. They
both gave their lives as martyrs for the Lord Jesus for the day 8th July is
set apart to them in Roman Catholic martyrology. They were two
soulmates who had met in this lifetime and served together in ministry
and in business. Their whole lives revolved around the ministry and in
fulfilling the work and will of God on earth. The apostle Paul was their
Ramstad, M. International Journal of Frontier Missions, 19 (1) Spring 2002, pp. 28-31
co-worker, fellow missionary, friend and teacher to them. In life and in
death, they were together, twin spirits and souls who have found each
other in this life.
In this chapter we learn that not all Bible characters found their
soulmates in marriage in this life. And those who do still have a lot of
growth and development in their relationship. Yet it is required of all
who enter into a marriage relationship, whether it is with their
soulmates or not, that they remain faithful to their marriage and they
can still live a happy and fruitful life. The Bible stories show that it is
possible to have a good marriage without meeting one’s soulmate. It
also shows that many soulmates cross boundaries of culture, time, age,
social status, and many varied difficulties before they find each other.
It should be apparent to all who follow the above Bible stories that the
fulfilment of God’s Will on earth and the establishment of His kingdom
on earth take first priority above finding one’s soulmate on earth.
Moreover in an imperfect fallen world environment, many people are
struggling with basic problems of food, clothing and shelter. Thankfully,
in our modern world, slavery has been abolished but in many parts of
the world, not every human being is in a situation where they have free
choice. Illegal slavery still occurs and many people find themselves
without the freedom of spirit, soul and body to exercise free choice in all
three dimensions. Thus the first task of God and His angels is to free this
whole world from evil and imperfection. This would cost the lives of
many martyrs and demand the sacrifice of time, talents and all who are
willing to pay the price that others may be free.
For this reason, people like Paul and the 144,000 sacrificed their basic
rights to have a complementary soulmate in this life in order that others
may benefit from their sacrifices. To those of us who benefit from the
sacrifices of such, and are given the opportunity, privilege and honour
of fulfilling the fullness of the existence of the human race’s creation of
male and female genders we must live out our lives on earth and in
eternity grateful that we are the rewards and the accomplishment of
these people. It blesses them to see that their sacrifices for the human
race have brought the fullest and highest expression and existence of the
human race as before the fall and entering into a new dimension in
Christ into the new heaven and new earth.
Each person must live to fullness the perfect call and destiny of our
Lord Jesus Christ. The performance of the perfect Will of God on earth is
and will always remain priority number one. While performing the
perfect Will of God on earth, through prayers and through faith, those
who believe in God our Father answering prayers, God will surely
provide for each person the perfect soulmate. For this was His perfect
plan for Adam and Eve and it is for this plan that Jesus paid the price of
atonement for. Rejoice greatly in the abundance of God’s grace in Christ
Jesus to restore mankind to its original plan and to reveal a greater
destiny for the human race. The human race was split into two genders
to enjoy co-creation with God through the attributes being male and
female. Not all is revealed yet of the glory of being male and female,
which will be revealed in the glory which is to come.
Chapter 3
The Dynamics of Soulmates
There are dynamics of soul attachments in the Bible that show that
some soul attachments can be wrong while others are beneficial. It is
obvious that there has to be some measure of soul bonding and
attachment whenever people become close or seek to be working in
harmony and fellowship. We are tripartite creatures with spirits, souls
and bodies (1 Thessalonians 5:23). When any two or three people work
together or fellowship or bond together, there will be intellectual,
emotional or volition bonding that flows along with spiritual bonding to
do the Will of God on earth. Any dimension of intellectual, emotional or
free will bonding together constitutes a measure of soul bonding that is
necessarily for the carrying out of God’s Will.
The early church was so united together that the Bible said that the
church had become one heart and one soul (Acts 4:32). The apostle Paul
advocates that the church should strive together with one soul
(Philippians 1:27 word mind translated from Greek psuche which means
soul). He further exhorts that the church continue in the comfort of love,
the fellowship of the Spirit, in affections and mercies, to be like minded,
having the same love with one accord with one mind (Philippians 2:1-2).
Every time affections and mind is mentioned it involves the dynamics of
the soul. There is obviously a positive dynamic of soul bonding that is
biblical and powerful. The one accord and one soul church brought forth
the full resurrection power of the Lord into manifestation and the
church reached its greatest demonstration of the grace of God upon
them (Acts 4:32-33). Where any two individuals agree as touching
anything on earth, it is so powerful that whatever they ask is done for
them by the heavenly Father (Matthew 18:19). No two individuals can
bond together in agreement (Greek symphoneo literally meaning in
symphony) without the union of soul and spirit. The promise of the
manifested presence of Christ in the midst of two or three who gathered
in His name is in the context of oneness of soul and spirit (Matthew
Just as there are union of souls that are positive, there can be
attachments of souls that are negative. In one interesting visions, one
married middle aged person was seen with a string attached, and the
string went all the way back to the person’s past. It represents a soul
attachment to the person’s past that was still influencing the person.
Isaac’s soul was tied to Esau because of the natural foods which Esau
brought to him (Genesis 25:28; 27:4). Shechem the Canaanite’s soul
cleaved to Dinah after he raped her (Genesis 34:1-3). After losing his
soulmate, Rachel, and losing Joseph, Jacob’s soul was deeply attached
and bound to the soul of Benjamin (Genesis 44:30 the word life comes
from nephesh meaning soul). The brothers of Joseph were afraid that
losing Benjamin would mean the end of Jacob’s will and desire to live
since his soul was bound to Benjamin’s soul.
brother (Proverbs 18:24). The word stick comes from the Hebrew word
dabeq which means to adhere, cleave, or be joined together. The
friendship of Jonathan and David was further strengthened by spiritual
ties and covenants which they made with each other and they continue
to declare their love for one another through difficult and testing times
(1 Samuel 18:3; 20:17).
The reason why some people believe wrongly that Jesus did not die on
the cross but ended up marrying Mary Magdalene was due to
Apocrypha accounts that seem to show the closeness that Jesus had with
her.9 In looking through the exact same accounts, all I find are just a
close friendship and fellowship that Jesus had with Mary Magdalene
without having any sexual connotations. With Jesus, there are neither
male nor female for all are equal in His sight (Galatians 3:28). After Jesus
ascended, the disciples continue to have a close friendship and working
relationship with Mary, the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene and many
other women (Acts 1:14).
In the Gospel of Mary, the apostles acknowledged the close relationship of Jesus and Mary. In the Gospel of
Philip, it acknowledges that Jesus loved Mary Magdalene as much as the disciples, was His companion
(koinonos) and had kissed her often. Modern scholars who allude to a sexual relationship that Jesus had with
Mary Magdalene forget that koinonos is the standard word for Christian fellowship and has been also used of
James, John and Peter in their fishing partnership (Luke 5:10). It was also a custom of early Christians to share
a holy kiss (Romans 16:16; 1 Corinthians 16:20; 2 Corinthians 13:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:26; 1 Peter 5:14).
After the brook of Cherith dried up, Elijah was told by God to stay
with a single woman, a widow who had a son, for the rest of the three
years and three months that the land of Israel was without rain (1 Kings
17: 7-16; 18:1; James 5:17). A friendship and good relationship would
have developed through the years without having any physical
relationship between Elijah, the widow and her son.
If Ruth had not proposed to Boaz to marry her, Boaz would have
remained her protector and friend without crossing the line of a physical
relationship. For even when Ruth was alone with him and lying at his
feet, he did not become intimate with her nor had physical relationship
with her (Ruth 3:7-15). Ruth had actually offered herself physically to
him and he had eaten and had drunk and was merry (Ruth 3:7). When
he discovered her at his feet at midnight, and after conversing with her,
he asked her to lie down until morning (Ruth 3:8, 13-14). They continue
to lie in bed from midnight to morning, physically close together, with
her at his feet under the same blanket but he did not have physical
relationship with her.
With Jesus as our example and all the various accounts above, it is
definitely possible for different genders to have good lasting spiritual
and soul friendships without it crossing the line into a physical
relationship. Obviously, this must be so, otherwise the apostle Paul’s
exhortation that the church be one heart, one affection, one mind and
one soul cannot be carried out for the church would invariably consists
of people of both genders.
Timing and Readiness for Soulmates
The human race came about through the splitting of the original entity
of Adam who was once a single entity of spirit, soul and body into the
two halves of male and female genders. This inherent differentiation has
caused the eternal desire and pining for one’s complementary
Human history and bible history are filled with love stories of various
levels: of lovers, of parents and children, of brethren, and of friends.
Sometimes, the relationships lasted a lifetime and beyond and at other
times they lasted only until they reached barriers which both sides could
not overcome but they all express the same goal and motivation – the
desire for love, friendships and soulmate built into our DNA.
David moved in his calling and anointing very early in his life,
probably a teenager as he was only about thirty years old when he was
anointed king over Judah (2 Samuel 5:4, 5). As a teenager, he had the
opportunity to slay Goliath and officially entered into the army of Israel,
though he was still too small size to fit into the armour of Saul (1 Samuel
17:38, 39; 18:13, 14).
1. Michal – she fell in love with David when she saw him and
protected him from her jealous father, even helping David to
escape (1 Samuel 18:20; 19:11-17). The bible does not give their
ages but a good estimate would be that David would be around
twenty-seven years old and Michal, around twenty when they got
2. Abigail – before she married David, she was married to Nabal, and
she helped counsel David not to blot his record by slaying people
wrongly because of her husband’s foolishness (1 Samuel 25:18-42).
David would be about twenty nine years old (around 1005 BC).
Abigail’s age is not given in the Bible but if we assume that she
was in an arranged marriage with Nabal, it would mean that she
might have wedded in her late teens, plus the number of years she
was with him before he died, would bring her into her twenties
since the length of the marriage might have been short, given that
no children were recorded.
1020 BC: David defeats Goliath probably at 15-17 years of age (1 Sam. 17)
1020 BC: Jonathan, who is much older than David, becomes one in spirit with him (1 Sam. 18:1).
1015 BC: Because of his reputation he was appointed armour-bearer to Saul (1 Sam. 16:21) …ctd..
1010 BC: Saul banishes David from his court, yet he makes him commander of a thousand (1 Sam.
18:13). Maybe he hopes David will die in battle. David is perhaps 25 years old.
1008 BC: His success as a warrior has made Saul offer him the hand of his daughter Michal “as a snare”
(1 Sam. 18:21). Michal marries him, and she loves him (1 Sam. 18:27-28).
30, and Solomon, who was conceived the next year after marriage
to Bathsheba, was considered as quite young when he inherited
the throne (1 Kings 3:7; 1 Chronicles 22:5; 29:1).
Michal was a potential soulmate as she was David’s first love and first
wife but Saul had given her to another husband after David fled from
him (1 Samuel 25:44). David still had love for her and valued her above a
kingdom for when he was offered the ten tribes by Abner, his condition
was that he must have his first love and wife back (2 Samuel 3:12-14).
Sadly, Michal could not get pass all the hurts and abandonment that she
must have felt, including her estrangement from her recent husband,
Paltiel. Her soul, once united and in love with David, was now filled
with anger and spite and she could not spiritually unite with David in
celebration of the Lord’s ark coming into Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6:20-23).
In vision the Lord showed that one of the evil spirits, a lying spirit,
was formerly with her father, Saul, and was whispering things into her
ears, and she believed them. She might have been pretty and lovely
physically, but her soul and spirit were now corrupted with
unforgiveness and anger. She could not be one with David in the soul
and in the spirit, so she disqualified herself from being David’s
soulmate. If all things had gone well and Saul had not turned evil, she
and David could have lived happily ever after; for after Saul dies and
Jonathan receives the throne, he would then give it to David and by
automatic succession, David fulfilled God’s prophecy to be a king
without all the drama created by Saul’s rebellion.
Unfortunately for her, David’s soul was divided several ways and was
never wholly given to one person. David still had affinity for Michal
from the fact that she was first on his mind when offered the northern
kingdom, and in the fact that David considered the love and
companionship of Jonathan better than marriage to women (2 Samuel
1:26 – Your love to me was wonderful, surpassing the love of women). With
such divided attention for his soul, it is doubtful whether David could
be satisfied with the love of his soulmate if he had found her in his
recorded in Proverbs 31, which credits King Lemuel’s11 mother for the
wise instructions (Proverbs 31:1).
The story of Solomon is similar in some ways but different from David.
He was young and around twenty when he ascended to the throne.
Seven hundred wives, princesses and three hundred concubines could
not all satisfy him (1 Kings 11:3). Many of his marriages had a political
element involved and although his heart clung in love to many foreign
women, none could be his soulmate (1 Kings 11:1-2).
Only one woman could satisfy Solomon, it was the Shulamite woman
in the Song of Solomon (Song 1:1; 6:13). Only one woman truly loved
him (Song 8:4-7). The sadness in Solomon’s life is that he should have
waited for the one true love and not spread his soul among the multiple
wives and concubines. By the time he met her he has 60 wives and 80
concubines (Song 6:8). This also gives us the timing of the writing of the
Song of Solomon, it would have to be when he was still a young adult
and in the early stages of his reign since he accumulated 1000 wives and
concubines during his reign of forty years. The problem here is that
Lemuel is a biblical king and derived from the word ‘Lael’ which means ‘man consecrated to God’. This
reference applies to King Solomon and might be a name of endearment given to him by his mother Bathsheba.
Solomon was not looking for one soulmate, his first initial marriages to
various foreign wives show us that his view of marriage is not
partnership in spirit, soul and body but it includes political and carnal
things of this life.
Although he had the Old Testament to read, it did not strike him that
God only made one Adam for one Eve. His story reminds us that God
did not make more than one soulmate to be the exact and perfect
complementary. We can have many spiritual and Christian brothers and
sisters with whom we can share oneness in heart, mind and soul in
biblical fellowship and ministry as advocated in the Bible in the book of
Acts and the epistles (Acts 4:32; Philippians 1:27; 2:1-2; Matthew 18:19,
20). But there can be only one soulmate for each opposite gender who
complements the other in all three dimensions of spirit, soul and body.
This frees a person from looking and seeking for one but it leaves
unanswered questions as to why in the history of mankind, stories
of love abound, and why there is a universal desire to have a
complementary opposite gender as a companion. This belief is
shattered if one believes in the story of God’s creation of Adam
and Eve in the Bible; that there is only one complementary person
for each person. Without a belief system, it leaves open other belief
systems that justify polygamy, polyandry, homosexual and lesbian
2. Belief that there is only one perfect soulmate for each person in
this life.
time with. This is possible if the earth is a perfect world without
sin and if the task of seeking for a soulmate is the most important
work on planet earth. Unfortunately, in a world that is dying in sin
and death, there are many other urgent tasks more important than
spending the rest of our lives looking for a soulmate. The Bible
stories show that it is possible to meet one’s soulmate in this life
but many of the Bible people have made sacrifices, some to vows
of celibacy, to surrender their personal longings and desires to
Christ and trust that God will take care of their needs including
their need of a soulmate.
3. Belief that there is only one perfect soulmate that God has
provided for us when He created us and we have both this life and
an eternity to eventually meet them.
This seems to be the best position to take and it is based on the fact
that we should let God be the one who bring our soulmate to us in
this life, if that is His perfect plan for us now. It acknowledges that
none of us in our own strength, with our own abilities, even if we
have 120 years of life, would be able to find our own soulmate. It
was God who created and brought Eve to Adam; and it will still be
God who had created our soulmates and will bring our soulmates
to us. Dependence on God is the key here. In a sense, Adam and
Eve did not have a choice; there was only one perfect person for
each of them and that was each other. As mankind multiplied, and
the earth is filled with billions of them now, plus counting those
who have lived throughout history, and adding those that will
continue to be born in the next fifty years, how do we meander
through and interview every single person now, in the past and in
the future to discover the exact person who will be the
complementary soulmate? It is a task too great for us in such a
short life.
The guidance then is to be led by the Holy Spirit and God’s Word,
and make good friends of both genders with whom we have a
kinship of spirit and soul. Kinship of spirit and soul must always
come first before the physical attraction dynamics. Then amongst
our friends with whom we have a kinship of spirit and soul, if
there is a leading to bring the relationship further amongst those of
the opposite gender into the physical dimension, under the
guidance of the Holy Spirit and with God’s confirmation and
permission, the relationship is taken into holy matrimony with the
view that it will enhance the performance of God’s Will in each life
while on earth and together as a couple.
perfect eternal plan for us, we will in the end have completeness of
complementary in our spirits, souls and bodies.
Based on the story of Adam and Eve, there can be only one perfect
spirit-soul mate for each human being. We can have many friends in this
life and in the next life but only one true soulmate that can complement
us in three dimensions of spirit, soul and body. From the creation of
Adam and Eve through Noah and the continued propagation of human
kind, if all the humans from all of time and geography were gathered in
one place, it is possible that God could link all those who are one
hundred per cent complementary in spirit, soul and body together as
soulmates like Adam and Eve was. Only He would have the perfect
knowledge of all persons created and know each person’s special
characteristics in their spirits, souls and glorified bodies for He is the
Creator and Father of us all. The question is whether such relationships
continue to exist after earthly life.
The Bible seems to perpetuate that marriages only last until death
(Romans 7:3; 1 Corinthians 7:39). There are complications if marriages
last into eternity as expressed in the Sadducees’ question to Jesus about
the man who married seven times (Mark 12:18-25). Jesus said that once
they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage
but are like the angels in heaven (Mark 12:25). This can be taken to imply
that the resurrected body is sexless, with neither male nor female
characteristics (Galatians 3:28) or that the male and female genders are
present but there is no more necessity for such unions in heaven. Upon
death and resurrection, the glorified body will no longer have some of
the organs like the physical organs like stomachs, etc. (1 Corinthians
6:13). It implies that sexual organs, too, will be done away. This raises
several questions, if restoration is to the Garden of Eden and Adam’s
state before the fall, shouldn’t there be an element of sexual
characteristics as present with Adam and Eve before the fall? Secondly,
does this apply only to those who died and are resurrected but does not
apply to those who do not experience death like those in the Rapture?
And who continues to propagate the glorified human race during the
There is also the unknown reality of what it would be like if Adam and
Eve had not fallen. When their two halves become one in spirit, soul and
body in its glorified state, what manner of experience and what manner
of supernatural power would be released? It definitely would not be like
the fallen physical dimension which was under a curse from the fall of
mankind (Genesis 3:7-21). Under blessedness and glory, the union of
two such spirits, souls and bodies might be a powerful demonstration of
the union of the Godhead that has never been witnessed before by the
Universe (Ephesians 5:30-32). There is the possibility that God has
reserved the last of the human race present up to Jesus Second Coming,
who do not see death, to enter into this unique calling that was
incomplete in Adam and Eve but now completed and re-launched in
Christ Jesus the last Adam and the second man (1 Corinthians 15:45-48).
The eternal journey of the human race is but in its infancy. We do not
see all nor understand all while in this earthly life. There exist many
other mysteries of the Universe around us and of the mysteries within
us to be explored for all eternity. Perhaps this is the greatest journey in
eternity for which all who are in Christ have an eternity for. The journey
to discover a union of existence which would reflect the union of the
Godhead: of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The ultimate
knowledge of the Universe is to know God in all His fullness. And this
knowledge is found in Christ who came in human likeness and called us
to a mysterious union with Him which is based on the union of the male
and female species of our race (Ephesians 5:32). We are to be one with
God and one with Christ, He in us and we in Him in perfect love and
union (John 17:22-24). This union is expressed in human relationships of
male and female, and would be eternally expressed through the oneness
of humans in eternity who are one perfectly with one another (Song 2:16;
6:3; Ephesians 5:31-32; John 17:23).
Chapter 4
Soulmate Harmony
From our understanding of the previous chapter, as there is only one
Adam and only on Eve, implying that there can only be one full and true
soulmate for each person, there is a need to understand that it takes
more than just finding a soulmate that makes a soulmate a true
soulmate. What is the phenomena then of five or so people being
potential soulmates, and only one becomes one’s true soulmate? Let us
examine some bible characters.
Abraham and Sarah are soulmates but along their journey of life,
Abraham had encounters with three different women: Sarah, Hagar and
Keturah. Abraham began his married life with just Sarah but their
childless situation resulted in Sarah introducing her handmaid, Hagar,
into Abraham’s life (Genesis 16:1-4). When Ishmael was born, Sarah
became despised and Abraham became emotionally attached to Hagar
and his son Ishmael such that when God spoke to him of having his own
son, he thought at first that it was Ishmael (Genesis 17:18). He was also
reluctant to let Hagar go even when there was strife in his family and it
was God who had to persuade him to do so (Genesis 21:11-12). Later on
after Sarah’s death, Abraham remarried Keturah and produced five sons
(Genesis 25:1-2). Which of the three women were Abraham’s soulmate?
Obviously, the answer is Sarah for she continued to be used in New
Testament stories in a positive light.
Sarah was viewed as the prophetic symbol of the New Covenant of
grace whilst Hagar represented the law (Galatians 4:21-3). And Sarah
was viewed as having been together with Abraham in receiving the
blessings of the covenant of God in having been strengthened in God to
conceive (Romans 4:19-22). By faith Sarah received strength to conceive
seed (Hebrews 11:11). She was also the example of the ideal wife (1 Peter
3:6). In the story of Abraham and Sarah, we see how soulmates were not
just physical and soul and spirit compatibilities with each other, they
also become the manifestation of the attributes that God want to
manifest through the story of their lives. Thus in every soulmate story,
there will be a perfect compatibility but there will also be the story of
which and what attributes of God that they both manifest through their
lives on earth.
The reason she was his soulmate was because their relationship extends
beyond this physical world of marriage but it extends into the
manifestation of their relationship as the relationship of Christ and the
church. The prophetic and spiritual significance of their relationship was
what made them the perfect soulmate through which God could bring
forth the revelation of His attributes, particularly of Christ and His
Growing in Harmonization
In order for this to take place, out of many potential and compatible
soulmates, there must be a certain percentage of sealing of true soulmate
via the process of marriage and union of spirit, soul and body. For
example, there may be five potential soulmates, where some may be 50%
compatible and some 50-90 percent. I saw in the spirit that unless one is
at least 50% or more compatible, one does not become a potential
soulmate. Some however, have a higher percentage by virtue of spiritual
and natural DNA and of experience in life and in God. However, no
matter how high the compatibility, it takes only an actual marriage and
union for true soulmates to become 100% compatible and then they
begin to walk together as true soulmates. Sometimes, people have
married others who were only 50% compatible and have some problems
in becoming one as true soulmate. Others marry at 70% or 90% and have
less harmonization to go through after marriage. That is why, even if a
person is a potential soulmate, one still needs to access the percentage of
compatibility in spirit, soul and body plus there is a need of a time
period of courtship to allow the percentage to grow higher before taking
the step of marriage. At the same time, it is an encouragement to many
people to know that whatever their choice of potential soulmates, there
is room to grow and become 100% compatible and harmonized with
each other.
In the story of Abraham and Sarah, we saw that they did not always
get it right and it took time for them to harmonize with each other
through several potential tragedies: the tragedy of telling half truths
about their relationship, the tragedy of Ishmael-Hagar versus Isaac-
Sarah, etc. Another question is if Sarah was truly Abraham’s soulmate,
wouldn’t it be quite normal for them to depart this earth roughly close
in time together, so that Abraham did not have to marry Keturah? The
answer is that even when one finds one’s true potential soulmate and
marries them, like Solomon and the Shulamite, one must learn the
lessons of harmonization in order to become 100% compatible and
satisfied with each other such that they do not need any other male-
female relationship with any other. The failure of the Solomon-
Shulamite relationship is because of the lack of following the written
Word by Solomon.
He disobeyed the written word that says a king must not have too
many wives and must not be too rich (Deuteronomy 17:17). He should
have become fully satisfied with the Shulamite and ceased all his
philandering. His disobedience to God’s written word and
commandments caused the beauty of a true soulmate relationship which
he could have had permanently for the rest of his life, to be only a
temporary thing. Such that when he was old, he cried that all is vanity
and life is vanity (Ecclesiastes 1:1-2). Solomon could have lived an
abundant satisfying spiritual and natural life with the Shulamite and
died a blessed and happy person. But he only had a taste of the most
beautiful life he could have lived, which inspired the words of the Song
of Songs. The lesson to all soulmates is that even when you meet your
soulmate, there is a lot of harmonization to go through to become 100
percent merged and in union with one another.
It should be obvious to all soulmates that unless both are yielded to the
Lordship of Christ, obey the written and the spoken word, and truly
love one another with Christ’s unconditional love, a true soulmate
relationship might not eventuate even when one marries one’s soulmate.
Rachel was Jacob’s first love and true soulmate but she died early
because of her stealing her father’s idols and Jacob’s curse of death upon
whomever it was found on (Genesis 31:32-34; 35:2, 19).
The second major principle is that even when one has met and married
one’s soulmate, it is Jesus who must be in the centre of the relationship
to bring about the complete merging and harmonizing of two soulmates
to become one spirit, one soul and one flesh. Without Jesus, without
obedience to the word, without unconditional love, the prophetic
significance and the personification of attributes of God through the
relationship cannot manifest and come through.
2:9). There is an aspect of the width, length, depth and height of the love
of Christ which can only be revealed and received through soulmate
union, for all soulmate union will have an aspect of the revealing of the
great mystery of Christ (Ephesians 3:18-19; 5:31-32).
This implies that each soulmate relationship is unique and special and
so no two soulmate couple can be compared with the other. Just like the
relationship of Adam and Eve is unique, that of Abraham and Sarah,
Solomon and the Shulamite, Aquila and Priscilla and many others are all
different and special to each couple. Each will reveal aspects of God that
the other relationships do not.
The finale and end of this great mystery of Christ is found in New
Jerusalem and in the powers of the age to come. So let each unique
soulmate relationship centre on Christ and grow into the fullness of
God’s indwelling in their loves to reveal the special and unique qualities
that God has reserved since the beginning of time for the greatest
completion of all time in the glory of the Lamb of God and His Bride,
New Jerusalem.