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HRWF February 2010 Redwood Alert

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Serving the Republican Women of Humboldt County


Colleen Hedrick, President · Joy Finley, Newsletter Editor · Terry Roberts, Membership Chair


Welcome to our panel:
Thursday, February 18th, 2010
Elks Lodge, Eureka, CA
“Supporting Campaigns and Running Elections”
Vee Sorenson Dennis Hunter Rose Welsh

Vee Sorenson’s devotion to the Dennis Hunter joined Coast Central Rose Welsh began in 1978 in advertis-
Republican Party and its principles Credit Union in 1995 as VP of ing, illustration and marketing, starting
propelled her into an active Marketing, after owning and running with Daly's Dept. Store, Miraj and
commitment when she joined Eureka his ad agency in N. CA for 22 years. more businesses, primarily in fashion.
Republican Women Federated 40 He was Promotion Director for Owning an ad agency from 1985-
years ago. She began the Republican KCRA-TV, Sacramento, CA and 1991, she added partners Judy Hodg-
of the Year celebration which became KBTV, Denver, CO and news anchor son and Carolyn Fernandez in 1989.
an annual event. She served as for KVIQ-TV in Eureka. Dennis was They bought The North Coast Journal
Chaplain, 2nd VP, 1st VP & President. elected as a Commissioner on the in 1990 and in 1991 split the company,
Membership with Humboldt County Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation & with partners keeping newspaper and
Central Committee began in 1987. She Conversation District in 1989 and re- she moved to MTC Association in
was a delegate to the State California elected to 4 terms, serving as Arcata, retiring in 1994 from ad biz.
Republican Party from 1988-2009. President, V. P. and Sec. of the Board, She has kept a hand in with Humboldt
Vee was Congressional aide during retiring in 2009. He twice chaired the Botanical Gardens Foundation, The
Congressman Frank Riggs’ first term Redwood Region Economic Journal, and volunteering for local
in office and Northern District Development Comm. (RREDC). He political campaigns for Jill Geist
Director in his final two terms. An serves as President of Greater Eureka (Duffy), Worth Dikeman, Johanna
Advertizing Director of numerous Chamber of Commerce, was president Rodoni and others. Currently she vol-
campaigns and a community of both state and local chapters of unteers for the botanical gardens and
supporter, her career before politics Easter Seals of N. CA, earning a 2008 some political campaigns. Local blog-
was as a television graphic artist. As a Outstanding Advocate Award gers know her as Rose. http://
business woman, she created her own Nomination by the National Society, watchpaul.blogspot.com. A talented
successful advertising agency. Vee is a Civil Air Patrol, with American artist with great graphic arts experi-
published author of a children's book, Cancer Society, Humboldt Conv. & ence, she has a strong and highly val-
an accomplished violinist in the Visitors Bureau, and Eureka Rotary. ued reputation in Humboldt County as
Eureka Symphony. A widow, she is He and his wife Karen have 4 children a Republican activist. Rose, a new
the mother of five children and proud and 8 grandchildren. member of HRWF, is married with 4
grandmother of five. children.
Buffet Lunch & Speaker ~ $14.50 ~ Beverage & Speaker ~ $4.00
Please RSVP to Colleen Hedrick at 268-0101
***Early lunch reservations appreciated and to be honored. Cancellation notice is a necessity.

We are a Diamond Awards Club.



The race for the 5th District Supervisor has just heated up with the entrance
of Ryan Sundberg. Joining the fray are Pat Higgins and Patrick Cleary.
Sundberg is my personal pick.
In the race for Sheriff, being vacated by Gary Philp, Mike Downey is
running against Mike Hislop. Downey is the current Under-Sheriff.
T REASURER ’ S Probably the most polarizing race is the 4th District Supervisor’s race. Long,
long time incumbent Bonnie Neely faces a serious challenge after news leaked
R EPORT out that an out of town developer contributed money ($10,000.00) for an alleged
vote supporting a 30-acre Del Mar development overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
BY M ARY J ERLAND Bonnie currently is the Chair of the California Coastal Commission.
Balance 12/31/2009 3,612.26 Meanwhile, the Humboldt County Central Committee has been recently
revived by the elections in New Jersey and, most importantly, Massachusetts.
Income + 1,176.00 The Country has seen revival, sparked by the energy of the Tea Party Patriots.

Expenses - 1,184.36
Balance 1/31/2010 = 3,603.90 H UMBOLDT B AY M UNICIPAL W ATER
We are currently facing the loss of pulp mills, 50-year old infrastructure, chal-
lenges to water rights, operating cost increases and customer rate increases.
In order to address these issues, we developed our “Water Resource Plan-
ning,” an innovative process in which an Advisory Committee was formed,
individuals were selected from various segments of the community to learn
about the issues, help educate the public, develop options and make recom-
mendations to the HBMWD Board.
The District is looking for input to help answer how our community wants us
to protect and use our water resource while addressing the issues of our water
rights and water rates.
We have held several public workshops and there will be more in the coming
months. The district’s Web page covers these workshops and goes into detail
W AYS & M EANS about the issues. If you would like more information, go to www.hbmwd.com
and click on the blue Water Resource Planning box at the bottom of the page
BY J OY F INLEY and go with the FLOW.
This month we have our Barbara Hecathorn
opportunity drawing for a round
of golf at Beau Pre, a gift
certificate for Moon’s Play and C AN Y OU H ELP ?
Learn, and a shawl from
Coldwater Creek. Thanks to all Do you have an hour or an afternoon??? New and seasoned members have so
of you who continue to donate to much talent and imagination and are invited to help with a variety of great pro-
our club. If you want to jects, large and small. When we offer time, we get to help with the goals of
showcase your talents, donate supporting our values and principles, plus we have fun. The “Diamond Award”
and we’ll give you some air time. is the result of many members participating. We are starting a list of people to
Last month, Bella Baskets call when things come along and we would love to hear the types of things you
donated two “Humbolicious” may choose to help with. May we include you????
baskets won by Walter and Helen
Sweet. A Starbucks Gift bag was Some ideas: Greeting guests at meetings and events, rides for members, put-
ting on parties or organizing them, finding fun locations for events, baking,
won by Shirley Butler. Also, decorations, posters, registering voters, hostess ideas, helping with fair booths,
Margaret Stafford donated a the Spring Tea, or on various committees, writing, reading, calls to members,
birdhouse that was won by Gene extra help at our tables such as membership, cookbooks, selling tickets, “Ways
Schnell. Linda Disiere won the and Means” prize donations or ticket sale (this is our monthly fundraiser),
manicure donated by LC Nails. helping with a “big ticket” event, newsletter mailings (once a month for about
2 hours), or your ideas for the club—let us know! Get excited and take part!
Remember, When Women Fun is contagious! Please call or email questions and information.
Work, We win!!! Debbie Walker – 441-1126 – walktalk@suddenlink.net or
Chris Wennerholm - 725-2020 – chrissie.wen@gmail.com
for serving
Our first effort at a buffet lunch as a
fundraiser worked well, thanks to
President Colleen Hedrick 268-0101 colleen1516@sbcglobal.net outstanding support in the donation
1st Vice Debbie Walker 441-1126 walktalk@suddenlink.net and helping hands departments.
HRWF members’ efforts netted
2nd Vice Joy Finley 845-2575 joyfinley@suddenlink.net between $800 - $900 before all minor
bills are accounted for in the expense
Secretary Gina Comer 443-4429 gina.comer@gmail.com column. It would appear that the
Treasurer Mary Jerland 442-1187 liberty741776@sbcglobal.net event would be well worth
considering as worth a repeat at some
Parliamentarian Barbara Hecathorn 442-7124 hecathorn@aol.com future time. The event was also
certainly a success in the culinary
Advertising/Editor Joy Finley 845-2575 joyfinley@suddenlink.net selections with at least a half dozen
Americanism Chris Wennerholm 725-2020 chrissie.wen@gmail.com choices for filling soup bowls, many
salads and side dishes, and desserts
Auditor JoAnn Stanhope 822-4776 jstanhope@suddenlink.net aplenty. Kay Backer was an
Business Co-Chair Liana Simpson 445-9641 liana317@hotmail.com outstanding speaker on our swampy
county planning department.
Business Co-Chair Bernice Huston 822-0997 bhuston21@att.net
Humboldt County citizens are
Care Home Chiar Sue Finch 725-5896 sfinch@bigplanet.com encouraged to complete the form
Chaplain Vee Sorenson 822-2359 veesign@aol.com provided on the back cover of this
newsletter and send it to Kay Backer,
Cookbook Co-Chair Lynda Pozel 443-1283 lynda@hopkinsportraits.com 2524 San Marin Lane, Sacramento
Cookbook Co-Chair Kathy Rodriquez 839-8105 kswenrod1@yahoo.com 95835, go online at kbiusa@aol. com,
or turn the form in to Colleen
Corr. Secretary Donna Bellairs 442-6648 debellairs@yahoo.com Hedrick.
County Politics Joy Finley 845-2575 joyfinley@suddenlink.net This month’s general meeting will
Education Sheryl Fearrien 725-6200 schoolmarm50@sbcglobal.net offer a repeat of last year’s drive for
the Eureka Food Bank. Winter
Hospitality Haline Sundet 442-2623 sun17@suddenlink.net months are particularly difficult for
Host Jim Pell 496-7415 seamus@jamespell.com many Humboldt families and the
Food Bank needs help in keeping a
Hostess Margaret Stafford 822-3255 Tom-marg@suddenlink.net stock of groceries to meet their needs.
The food service will bring containers
Membership Terry Roberts 599-3255 terry@terryroberts.net to the lobby at the Elks Club and pick
Membership Kathy Rodriquez 839-8105 kswenrod1@yahoo.com up the containers after our meeting.
This project was a huge success last
Publicity Colleen Hedrick 268-0101 colleen1516@sbcglobal.net year. Let’s put it over the top again.
State Legislation Vee Sorensen 822-2359 veesign@aol.com Bring metal and plastic containers,
please. Protein food choices are
Ways & Means Joy Finley 845-2575 joyfinley@suddenlink.net particularly needed. If you get to the
meeting and realize you forgot the
Name Tags Delores Theuerkauf 822-5090 erniet@suddenlink.net food you intended to bring, please
Program Debbie Walker 441-1126 walktalk@suddenlink.net consider writing a check payable to
Food for People, Inc.
Telephone Kathy Rodriquez 839-8105 kswenrod1@yahoo.com
Voter Registration Sue Finch 725-5896 sfinch@bigplanet.com Continuing efforts on cookbook sales
have resulted in the placement of the
Voter Registration Sonja Hauxwell 668-5260 books at the Eureka Chamber, the
OTHER CONTACTS: Morris Graves Art Gallery, and Bella
Baskets in Eureka. The Fortuna
Bulletin Design Scrapper’s Edge 445-9686 scrappersedge@sbcglobal.net Chamber and Green’s Pharmacy in
Fortuna are selling copies. The books
Website Master Bill Odonnell 442-4117 ERWF@odonnell.ws are available in Ferndale at the Like
Nobody Else Day Spa, Lentz
WEBSITES: Department Store, and G.B. Farm
Humboldt Republican Women Federated www.eurekarepublicanwomen.com Girl. CC Market in Rio Dell is a
National Federation of Republican Women www.nfrw.org distributor and the Rio Dell Library
California Federation of Republican Women www.cfrw.org has posted a flyer about our book.
CFRW- Northern Division www.cfrw.org/divisions/northern.php Carolyn Eisner is checking for
placement in Trinidad stores. Call
The Redwood Alert is designed by Sondra Kirtley of Scrapper’s Edge. Kathy Rodriguez at 839-8105 for
To assist Sondra, please submit newsletter contributions as Word copies.
documents, typed with Times Roman 10-point font and single-spaced.


I was impressed with an article from Bill Leonard’s weekly newsletter that discussed the Global Warming
issue. He states:

(It is really a faith-based issue. One side places their faith in the principle that man has caused a terrible
problem that the planet is unable to accommodate and that man can fix it. The other side places their faith
in a planet that has absorbed planet-wide catastrophes in the past and will continue to do so in the
future. Science is being used by both sides to justify conclusions, but in reality, legislators’ positions are
more of an indication on where they place their faith than any number of data sets by climatologists.)

I always remember the words of Rush Limbaugh in regards to the claim of Global Warming. He said,
“Who is puny man to think he can control nature?”

I feel safer placing my trust in the Creator and not the creation.

Commentary by Colleen Hedrick

Playing Spin the Bottle With Obama
No wonder the State of the Union is fragmented, uncertain, and generally sliding downhill sideways.
Obama displayed all those symptoms and promises of another over the top spending spree this past week.
As a footnote, we can be assured of increasing taxes since the Bush Tax Cuts will be allowed to expire at
the same time we are hearing about restoring tennis courts, eight-billion for a 90-mile rail system in
Florida, and that government employees get to pay back less on their student loans than those who have
jobs in the private sector (that is if they are able to find a job in the private sector.)
The President further contributed to the nervous disorders of we, the common ordinary, garden variety
conservatives and independents , by mood swings throughout his more than hour long State of the Union
ongoing romance with the teleprompter. Hints at seeking something approaching middle ground were
quickly followed by bowing (he’s great on bowing--sometimes for only God knows what reason) to his
hard left base. By seeking to be all things to the divisions of the electorate, he further contributes to the
country’s over the top confusion as to just how far down the road he wants to take us on what amounts to
going to hell in a ratty hand basket.
Spending and more spending is foisted on the citizenry daily. Obama threw out some hush puppies the
administration apparently hoped would appease those concerned with the deluge of bucks down the drain
by advocating for a “spending freeze for 2011.” How about a spending freeze “now” that takes us back
before the crazy-with-power high rollers put our great grandchildren in debt beyond belief. Despite the
Democrats’ defeats in New Jersey, Virginia, and Massachusetts and plenty of shaky ground in several other
states, Obama still proclaims that Obamacare must pass. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has backed up
this rhetoric with promises of pole vaulting or parachuting in to pass the health care bill that is guaranteed
to make us sick. In view of the spending spree by sixty or so house members, their families, friends, and
staff members for the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, there’s room for plenty of doubt as to
Pelosi having a clue as to where the country really is economically. Word is the delegates who had
absolutely no reason to go there spent $2200 per night for their two-night vacation on our dime. Food and
drink were also charged to us and so many limousines were needed that many had to be brought from
Germany. We have yet to be able to get any information on the senators who also used military flights to
Copenhagen. That meeting was held on the heels of the exposure of lies and more lies related to climate
change. The administration obviously had its contingent to this do- nothing conference. Pelosi is also
drawing plenty of attention for the huge bills for the meals and liquor ordered for the military planes that
take her from Washington D.C. to California and from California back to the House of Representatives for
what is typically a three-day work week. Pricey labels on a long, long list lend considerable value to the
thought that she should be responsible for her own booze therapy and for those she chooses to accompany
her. It does make one wonder however if that has anything with thoughts of pole vaulting and parachuting
into Obamacare?

Persons interested in serving on the Humboldt County Republican Central Committee should register at
the Elections Office at 3033 H Street, Eureka after March 16, 2010

California Legislation by Vee Sorenson

Unbelievable? I guess not. We must face the fact that anything can come out of Sacramento. The latest
reported recently in the LA Times is another way Democrats plan to squeeze money out of the middle
class. How? By eliminating free parking.
The idea is backed by their liberal buddies in the Sierra Club. The increase in revenue is actually a
punishment for not using public transport enough. If the Dems and Sierra Club have their way, there will
be mandatory charges for parking at malls, shopping centers, local stores’ private parking spaces and any
other business they can include.
I call this highway robbery. The Dems have become practiced at doing this to Californians.
Another stab at increasing revenue was raised by looking into re-assessing property every time a golf
club turns over more than 50% of its membership. Thank goodness this was settled law that neither golf
course properties nor anyone else’s property shall be reassessed unless the property is sold.
For those who think this is just about the country club set, just remember, golf clubs are simply
California Corporations. If this bizarre idea would ever become law, then any and every corporation in
the state could be reassessed without a sale. Anyone with a 6th grade education has to know this would
result in higher prices for customers.
It is clear voters are outraged both with the federal government and state governments. The public
understands the source of our prosperity comes from the free enterprise system and individual freedom,
not the government and the politicians who arrogantly spend and waste hard-earned tax dollars.
This is an opportune time for Republicans to come forward and offer a change. A change for the better,
not the change promised in the last national election that is seeing our liberties boldly stolen.

Americanism Report by Chris Wennerholm

COUPON PROJECT: One way we have been supporting our troops is by sending coupons to our military families overseas.
As they live just above the poverty level, and these coupons are redeemable in every PX around the world, they help a lot and
are greatly appreciated. In December, on behalf of our Repub-lican Women, $6,000-worth of coupons were mailed to our US
Air Force Base in Okinawa, Japan. Please continue to clip manufacturer’s coupons (not store coupons) for groceries and
household items and bring them to our meetings. Thank you so much.
FLY THE FLAG: This month, please remember to fly the flag on Feb. 12 and 22, the birthdays of Presidents Lincoln and
Washington, respectively.
The President says it’s much better, but Maxine says,
‘The economy is so bad…
… I got a ‘pre-declined’ credit card in the mail!
… if the bank returns your check stamped “Insufficient Funds,” you call and ask if they meant you or them.
… I ordered a hamburger at McDonald’s and the kid behind the counter asked, “Can you afford fries with that?”
… Motel 6 won’t leave the light on anymore.
… the Mafia is laying off judges.
… a truckload of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico!
… Dick Cheney took his stockbroker hunting.
… parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned their children’s names!
… McDonald’s is selling the ‘Quarter-Ouncer’!
… Hot Wheels and Matchbox stock are trading higher than Chrysler and GM.
… CEO’s are now playing miniature golf!
… Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen!
...Congress says they’re looking deeper into the Bernie Madoff scandal. Well, ain’t that just great! The guy who made $50
Billion disappear is being investigated by the people who made $1.5 TRILLION disappear!’


February 14 Remember a cookbook for your Valentine
February 18 General Meeting at Elks Lodge (445 Herrick Ave.)
Panel: Vee Sorenson, Mike Harvey, Dennis Hunter
Topic: Supporting Campaigns & Running Elections
March 18 General Meeting at Elks Lodge (445 Herrick Ave.)
Dr. William Wagoner, How Islam Plans To Change The World.
April 20-21 Advocacy Days in Sacramento
Sept 20 - Oct 2 NFRW Biennial Convention, Kansas City, Missouri

Zane Staff Sent Photo With Message, “We Love Our Atlases.”

Zane staff members (l-r) Ron Quaccia and Janet Lopes (Social Studies teachers), Kathleen Moore
(Librarian), and Linda Bird (Social Studies teacher) expressed elation over the atlases given by Hum-
boldt Republican Women Federated (HRWF.) In addition, HRWF delivered a five-part DVD collec-
tion titled How the West Was Won. This contribution to Zane’s eighth graders completed the club’s
planned schools’ enrichment program which also included books for a fifth grade class at Alice Birney
Elementary and books for four school libraries. The club projects raising funds for similar projects for
2010 because of the loss of school funding and the need for books.


Letter to the Editor:

On behalf of the Zane Middle School Social Studies Department I would like to thank the
Humboldt Republican Women's Organization for their generous donation to our library. The
addition of resources such as videos and atlases helps enrich our curriculums and provide
variety for our students. We appreciate your interest and support for our students here at

Linda Bird, 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher,

Zane Middle School, Eureka

Jack R. MacDonald

Bernice Huston, artist/weaver

P.O. Box 785
Blue Lake, CA 95525

Studio: 29 Glendale Road

Joy Finley
Loan Officer
Funding 906 West Avenue
We Make It Happen
Eureka, CA 95503
in Burre Center (Myrtle & West)

707.269-4327 phone
707.269.4306 fax
707.845.2575 cell
Broker DRE License #01194832 Assoc Brocker License #00622612

THE REDWOOD ALERT 2008 Advertising Rates

Please contact: Joy Finley at 845-2575 or
Space is currently available for advertising joyfinley@suddenlink.net
Business Card $10 per issue
Quarter Page $20 per issue Prepayment is required.
Full Page $75 per issue Ad Copy Due Date: Last Thursday of each month
The Redwood Alert PRESORTED
Humboldt Republican Women, Federated STANDARD
c/o Terry Roberts U.S. POSTAGE
4425 Chaffin Road PAID
McKinleyville, CA 95519 EUREKA, CA
Return Service Requested PERMIT NO. 60


February is our food drive for the Eureka Food Bank’s Food for People. Please
bring your donated items to our general meeting Thursday, February 18 There
will be a space in the Elks Lodge lobby to leave your donation.
Winter months are particularly difficult times for many local families and
helping hands can be a blessing. Cans and plastic containers are requested and
protein items are especially needed. If you forget your food donation the Food
Bank said that even small checks are most welcome. Checks may be turned in
at the podium. Thank you for your help.

Request for a Planning Advisory Committee

I am a citizen of Humboldt County. I insist the County Implement County policies 1500-1550 and appoint
a Planning Advisory a Planning Committee to draft the General Plan Update, including the Housing
Element revision. This would be in keeping with the State Government Code 65583 ( c) (7) “ The local
government shall make diligent effort to achieve public participation of all economic segments of the
community in the development of the housing element….

___________________________________________________Name ______________________Date

Note> County residents are encouraged to send this message to Kay Backer at kbiusa@aol.com or clip and turn in at HRWF
general meeting.

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