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Boiler & Pressure Vessel Design Program - BPVM version 1639.07.74.

Date - 23 Nov 2019
Job description - Boiler study
Customer - Chapleau Cogeneration Limited
Client - New
Calculation ID - 00001 - BPVM - 25/2019
Job number - 36247

Files used
Boiler file - WT 30TPH-25bar.bd10
Customer file - Design boiler
Fuel file - natural gas.bd10
Site file - NewTown Country.bs10

Registration status - Legal copy.

This program run 0/1
This calculation 2


Grit collector data - XW

Grit collector model = Vendor

Gas handling option = None
Gas handling final = None
Fly ash is reinjected into the furnace = False
Fly ash is screened - overs returned = False
Fly ash returned = 0 [%]
Internal diameter of chimney = 1600 [mm]
Internal diameter at top of chimney = 830 [mm]
Height above ground of the chimney = 30000 [mm]
Ducting length = 20000 [mm]
Induced draught fan efficiency = 75 [%]
ID air infiltration = 0 [%]
Forced draught fan efficiency = 65 [%]
Grit collector mass = 5000 [kg]
Collector efficiency = 90 [%]
Grit Limit = 250 [mg/Nm³]
Pressure loss of vendors multicyclone collect = 1100 [Pa]

Pressure drop results

Boiler pressure loss details(77.9% thermal efficiency)...

Boiler Operating Load 30000 kg/hour
Excess air 15.0 %

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Ancilliary equipment...
Chimney friction loss 8.787 Pa
Chimney entrance loss 40.399 Pa
Chimney cone exit loss 55.727 Pa

Totals with 15 % excess air...

Boiler draught loss 179.959 Pa 0.7 in W.G.
Duct losses (ASHRAE L= 20.0m) 3.363 Pa 0.0 in W.G.
Evaporator 1- Loss 650.199 Pa 2.6 in W.G.
Open damper (SMACNA Table A-15F) 35.620 Pa 0.1 in W.G.
Chimney 104.913 Pa 0.4 in WG
____________ __________________
Total draught loss 974.054 Pa 3.9 in W.G.
The pressure drop above does not include the following:
Combustion air fan silencer loss
Combustion air fan damper
Combustion air fan ducting
Burner windbox losses

Specify (ABB, MCR + 30%) 1266.3 Pa 5.1 in W.G

Specify (Basu, MCR + 20%) 1168.9 Pa 4.7 in W.G.
Specify (Babcock min, MCR + 20%) 1168.9 Pa 4.7 in W.G.
Specify (Babcock max, MCR + 30%) 1266.3 Pa 5.1 in W.G.
Specify (Combustion Eng, MCR + 30%) 1266.3 Pa 5.1 in W.G.
Specify (EPI minimum, MCR + 15%) 1120.2 Pa 4.5 in W.G.

Gas properties (SASOL natural gas - 15.0% excess air)...

Mass flow 32887.691 kg/hour
Mass flow 9.135 kg/s
Gas constant- wet 298.971 J/kg K
Gas molecular weight- wet 27.810
Atmospheric pressure 83.030 kPa
Gas temperature 270.3 °C
Boiler exit
Flow from rear smoke box duct 17.877 m³/s
Gas temperature 270.315 °C
Gas specific volume 2.056 m³/kg
Gas density 0.486 kg/m³
Gas specific heat capacity 1.158 kJ/kg K
Boiler exit (chimney inlet)
Flow into the chimney (T = 270.3 °C) 17.877 m³/s
Gas temperature 270.315 °C
Gas specific volume 2.056 m³/kg
Gas density 0.486 kg/m³
Gas specific heat capacity 1.158 kJ/kg K

Flow into the chimney (@ T and P) 17.877 m³/s
Chimney normal flow 7.363 Nm³/s
Maximum chimney diameter 1646 mm
Suggested chimney top exit diamter 823 mm
Min. chimney exit velocity (BS clean air act) 8.4 m/s

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Chimney velocity(Stack ID= 1600 mm) 8.9 m/s
Chimney exit velocity(Cone ID= 830 mm) 33.0 m/s

Duct velocity limit (32888 kg/h) 0.0 m/s

Forced draught fan...

FD fan volume 9.119 m³/s
FD fan pressure drop 249.000 Pa
Absorbed power of FD fan impellor 3493.3 W
FD air temperature 27.0 °C
Gas constant for moist air 288.5 J/kg K
Air molecular weight 29.0
Specific volume 1.0511 m³/kg
Specific heat capacity 1.021 kJ/kg K
Density 0.951 kg/m³
Mass flow 8.676 kg/s
FD purge time (Satronic 3 air changes) 0 seconds
FD purge time (Honeywell 4 air changes at 50%) 0 seconds
No secondary air requirement.

UFGS- Test block (design point)

ID/FD Fan - flow margin 10.0 % over
ID/FD Fan - static pressure margin 20.0 % over
FD Fan - temperature margin 25.0 °F over
L10 Bearing life 100000 hours

Ducting design pressure...

Operating positive pressure (FD on, ID off) 249.0 Pa
Operating negative pressure (FD off, ID on) 974.1 Pa

NFPA 85 Sect', positive 8700.0 Pa 35.0 in W.G.

Or the test block capability of the FD fan.

NFPA 85 Section, negati 8700.0 Pa 35.0 in W.G.

Or the test block capability of the ID fan.

Normal Pressure 101.325 kPa 14.695 psi
Normal Temperature 0 °C 32 °F
Normal Temperature 273.15 K 491.67 R
AMCA (fans) standard for air...
Pressure 101.325 kPa 14.695 psi
Pressure 759.968 mm Hg 29.920 in Hg
Density 1.201 kg/m³ 0.075 lb/ft³
Temperature 21.111 °F 70.000 °C

AMCA Publication 201-02 (R2011) - Fans and Systems
AMCA Publication 303-79 (R2012) - Application of Sound Power Level Ratings for Fans
AMCA Publication 850-02 (R2011) - Heavy Duty Dampers for Isolation and Control
ANSI/AMCA Standard 204-05 (R2012) - Balance Quality and Vibration Levels for Fans
ANSI/AMCA Standard 320-08 (R2013) - Laboratory Method of Sound Testing of Fans Using Sound Intensity

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ANSI/AMCA Standard 500-L-12 - Laboratory Methods of Testing Louvers for Rating
ANSI/AMCA Standard 803-02 (R2008) - Industrial Process/Power Generation Fans: Site Performance Test Standard
ISO 1940 - Mechanical vibration — Balance quality requirements for rotors in a constant (rigid) state —
Part 1: Specification and verification of balance tolerances
ISO 14694 (2003) - Industrial fans — Specifications for balance quality and vibration levels


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