The Duty Also Applies To Situations Both Before and After School Where A Teacher Can Be Deemed To Have Assumed' The Teacher Pupil Relationship
The Duty Also Applies To Situations Both Before and After School Where A Teacher Can Be Deemed To Have Assumed' The Teacher Pupil Relationship
The Duty Also Applies To Situations Both Before and After School Where A Teacher Can Be Deemed To Have Assumed' The Teacher Pupil Relationship
Safety and Health Policies (student)
The child protection policy describes the approach the school takes when it come
s to development of a healthy organization in which both children and young people feel
safe and secure. A school for children is not just a venue for formal education. Most
importantly, this is an institution which recognizes and respects children's rights and not
just their right to education. These rights also include their right to be protected, to be
able to play and play, to be protecting themselves from harm and violence and to freely
express their opinions and to be active in decision-making in accordance with their
changing capacities. A child-safety school also instills the obligations that go with its
rights in children while maintaining children's rights. They include respect for others'
rights, respect for diversity, fair practice and addressing disagreements without
violence. Equally critical is the development of a child-friendly school that encourages
children to learn as much as their academic capacities can take. It is a kind of
environment which allows you to grow healthy, provide you with knowledge and