Design and Simulation of E-Shape Microstrip Patch Antenna For Wideband Applications
Design and Simulation of E-Shape Microstrip Patch Antenna For Wideband Applications
Design and Simulation of E-Shape Microstrip Patch Antenna For Wideband Applications
Microstrip patch antenna is a key building in wireless
communication and Global Positioning system since it was
first demonstrate in 1886 by Heinrich Hertz and its practical
application by GuglielmoMarconi in 1901. Future trend in
communication design is towards compact devices. Figure 1: Design of E+U shaped patch antenna
Microstrip patch antenna have been well known for its
advantages such as light weight, low fabrication cost, II. DESIGN METHODOLOGY OF RADIATING
mechanically robust when mounted on rigid surfaces and ELEMENT
capability of dual and triple frequency operations all these Recently there have been numerous methods of enhancing
features, attract many researchers to investigate the the bandwidth of an antenna for example modifying the
performance of parch antenna in various ways. However, probe feed, using multiple resonances, using folded patch
narrow bandwidth came as the major disadvantage for this feed, or using the slotted radiating element.
type of antenna. The U shape slot in the radiating element tends to have
Several techniques have been applied to overcome this wideband characteristics. It also suggests that a U shape slot
problem such as increasing the substrate thickness, introduces the capacitive component in the input impedance
introducing parasitic elements i.e. co-planar or stack to counteract the inductive component of the probe. Also to
configuration, or modifying the patch’s shape itself. compensate the increasing inductive effect due to the slots,
Modifying patch’s shape includes designing an E-shaped thickness of the substrate is increased.
patch antennas or a U-slot patch antenna. As we know that as thickness increases the bandwidth
increases accordingly. The input impedance of about 42% is
achieved. The slots making it to look alike inverted E shape;
Manuscript received on July. 2012 it demonstrated a bandwidth enhancement by 30 %.In this
Indu Bala Pauria, Electronics and Communication Department, Suresh
Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, India, design an air-filled or foam has been essential to realize
Sachin Kumar, Electronics and Communication Department, Suresh broadband characteristics. This design uses substrate
Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, India, material with relative permittivity (ε) of 1.0006 i.e. Air and
Sandhya Sharma, Electronics and Communication Department, Suresh
Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, India. the patch shape is the combination of inverted E and inverted
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Retrieval Number: C0811062312/2012©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
275 & Sciences Publication
Design and Simulation of E-Shape Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wideband Applications
A. Simulation Setup
The antenna’s resonant properties were predicted and
optimized using High Structure simulation software Ansoft
version 11. The design procedure begins with determining
the length, width and the type of dielectric substance for the
given operating frequency as shown in flow diagram Fig.2.
Then using the measurements obtained above simulation has
been setup for the basic rectangular microstrip antenna and
the parameters are optimized for the best impedance
matching. Furthermore two parallel slots are incorporated
and optimized such that it closely resembles E shape; this
increases the gain of the antenna. After that two more Fig.3 Design geometry of E shaped patch antenna
parallel slots and one perpendicular slots are incorporated The main E shaped patch has Wa x La dimension while the
and optimized such that it closely resembles U shape.Then outer patch has Wb x Lb dimension. The antenna is fed by a
dielectric substrate od dielectric constant of 1.0006 SMA connector positioned at the center arm. The center of
introduces to decrease the size of the antenna and to further probe is positioned at (Wc/2,Lf). The width and length of the
enhance the bandwidth. At last the probe feeding is microstrip antenna are determine as follows
introduced for attaining a required bandwidth, resonating
frequency and gain value. The proposed design methodology
of the antenna is given in Fig.(2).
Where the dimensions of the patch along its length have been
extended on each end by a distance ΔL, which is a function of
the effective dielectric constant εreff and the widthto- height
ratio (W/h), and the normalized extension of the length, is
Published By:
Retrieval Number: C0811062312/2012©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
276 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)
ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-2, Issue-3, July 2012
Feed point Length Lf 1.8 Fig.5 S11 for air and foam substrate
B. Changes in substrate size
Thickness h 3.2 Figure 6 shows the S11 parameter when dimension of
Substrate substrate is changing where Wsub = Lsub = Wg = Lg. These
Air Dielectric 1.0006 parameters are decreased by 10 mm for each run, starting
constant from 60 mm to 30 mm. The result doesn’t show much
difference in terms of bandwidth but slightly affect the
Substrate Width and 60 magnitude of S11. The magnitude decreased when
and Ground Length dimension decreased from 40 mm to 30 mm only at 1st and
Core Diameter Dc 1.275 2nd resonant frequency. but when increased from 40 mm to
50 mm, only magnitude at 2nd and 3rd resonant frequency
increased. The magnitude at 60 mm is almost same when at
Teflon Diameter Dt 4.17 40 mm.
Teflon 2.08
Published By:
Retrieval Number: C0811062312/2012©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
277 & Sciences Publication
Design and Simulation of E-Shape Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wideband Applications
Published By:
Retrieval Number: C0811062312/2012©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
278 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)
ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-2, Issue-3, July 2012
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION measure of how well matched an antenna is to the cable
impedance. A perfectly matched antenna would have a
Antenna is optimized based on the results obtained in section
VSWR of 1:1. This ratio indicates how much power is
III. The aim of optimization is to obtain better gain and
reflected back or transferred into a cable. VSWR is closely
bandwidth than in Figure 5. The varied parameters
related to S11 The line impedance set in this paper is 50 Ω.
specification after optimization is shown in Table 2.
For default specification, the lowest VSWR value is 1.67 for
Table 2: Optimized parameters
11.24GHz while for optimized antenna which uses Air
Parameter Label Dimension
substrate substrate acquires the lowest VSWR of 0.217 at the
optimum frequency (8.73 GHz) and 1.61 at the optimum
Main slot WsB 15.7 frequency of 11.45GHz.
Slot Slot A Width Sa 2
Length Lg 60
A. Improvement in Bandwidth, Gain,S11 and VSWR Fig. 13 VSWR of optimized wideband antenna
Figure 12 shows S11 parameter for the original air gap B. Radiation Pattern of Optimized Antenna
substrate, the original foam substrate, and the optimized Figure 14(a) and (b) show the radiation pattern for the
wideband antenna. The frequency band for the optimized antenna at 8.73 GHz. HPBW is the angular separation which
wideband antenna range from 8.59 GHz up to 13.99 GHz. the magnitude of the radiation pattern from the peak of the
Compared to original default bandwidth (using Air), the main beam decreases by 50% or -3 dB. HPBW (angle) is 70˚
bandwidth is expanded from 4.68 GHz to 5.4 GHz which is a for Optimum Frequency of 8.73 GHz.
15.38% bandwidth improvement. The obvious improvement
is the position of low cut-off frequency. The antenna operates
optimally at 1st resonant frequency which is 8.73 GHz,
followed by 2nd resonant at 11.45 GHz and finally 3rd
resonant at 13.15 GHz.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: C0811062312/2012©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
279 & Sciences Publication
Design and Simulation of E-Shape Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wideband Applications
In this paper, an E-shaped wideband microstrip patch
antenna using Air substrate has been designed, simulated,
optimized and analyzed using HFSS (High Frequency
Structure Simulator) software version 11. A parametric study
is presented with the results showing that the antenna can be
operated at 8.80 GHz up to 13.49 GHz frequency band. This
result is an improvement when compared to the original
specification which saw the bandwidth is expanded from
4.68 GHz to 5.4 GHz. Other parameters such as S11 and
VSWR also have been improved.
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Published By:
Retrieval Number: C0811062312/2012©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
280 & Sciences Publication