INFO SHEET 2.1-4 Environment and Market
INFO SHEET 2.1-4 Environment and Market
INFO SHEET 2.1-4 Environment and Market
Business ideas may also be generated by examining what goods II. Objective/s
and services are sold outside by the community. Very often, these a. Screen your business ideas based on the
products are sold in a form that can still be enhanced or improved. given factors
2. Examine the present and future needs. Look at and listen to
Once you have embarked on identifying the business
what the customers, institution, and communities are missing in
terms of goods and services. Sometimes, these needs are already opportunities, you will eventually see that there are many
obvious and felt at the moment. Other needs are not that obvious possibilities that are available for you. It is very unlikely
because they can only be felt in the future, in the event of certain that you will have enough resources to pursue all of them
developments in the community. For example, a town will have its at once. Which one will you choose?
You have to select the most promising one from among a example, in the past, people in the community used
hundred and one ideas. It will be good to do this in stages. personal computers but the transmission of development
In the first stage, you screen your ideas to narrow them in terms of technology was interrupted because people
down to about five choices. In the next stage, trim down were not satisfied with what they had. They still look for
the five choices to two options. In the final stage, choose the changes in their life and corresponding changes in
between the two and decide which business idea worth their environment.
In screening your ideas, examine each one in terms of the As a future entrepreneur, you must be well-versed in this
following factors: kind of advancement and progression of your
environment, particularly in technology, so as to secure
1. How much capital is needed to put up the business? the success of your future business. Always think of
something new, something novel, authentic; reinvent the
2. How big is the demand for the product? Do many existing ones; and create your new version of
people need this product and will continue to need it for a goods/products, and services. For instance, your own hair
long time? straightening is herbal, while in the other salons it is made
of synthetic chemicals.
3. How is the demand met? Who are processing the
products to meet the need (competition or demand)? How This kind of changes being made will affect the existing
much of the need is now being met (supply)? principles in business and industries that can be easily
adapted to the changes in producing the products/services
4. Do you have the background and experience needed to to meet the needs and wants of people in the community.
run this particular business?
Environmental Scanning
I. Objective/s
a. Define environmental Scanning