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Cement Mill Certificate

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Cement Mill Test Report

Month of Issue: Dec-20

Plant: Sugar Creek Plant
Product: Portland Cement Type III
Shipped: Nov-20
Manufactured: Oct-20

The current version of ASTM C 150 and AASHTO M 85 Standard Requirements


Item Spec limit Test Result Item Spec limit Test Result
Rapid Method, X-Ray (C 114) Air content of mortar (%) (C 185) 12 max 8
SiO2 (%) --- 20.5
Al2O3 (%) --- 4.8 Blaine Fineness (m2/kg) (C 204) --- 606
Fe2O3 (%) --- 3.1
CaO (%) --- 63.2 -325 (%) (C 430) --- 98.6
MgO (%) 6.0 max 1.2
SO3 (%) * 3.5 max 4.3 Autoclave expansion (%) (C 151) 0.80 max -0.04
Loss on ignition (%) 3.0 max 1.4
Insoluble residue (%) 1.5 max 0.51 Compressive strength (PSI) (C 109)
1 day 1740 min 3840
3 days 3480 min 4970
28 days --- 7480

Adjusted Potential Phase Composition (C 150) Time of setting (minutes)

C3S (%) --- 53 Vicat Initial (C 191) 45 - 375 59
C2S (%) --- 18
C3A (%) 15 max 7 False Set (%) (C 451) 50 min 68
C4AF (%) --- 9
Mortar Bar Expansion (%) (C 1038) * 0.020 max 0.007

Specific Gravity (C188) --- 3.15

ASTM C 150-09 and AASHTO M 85-09 Optional Chemical Requirements:

NaEq (%) 0.60 max 0.55
* May exceed 3.5% SO3 maximum based on our C 1038 results of <0.020% expansion at 14 days.

We certify that the above described cement meets the chemical and physical requirements of Type III
for the current version of ASTM C 150 & AASHTO M 85 STANDARD.

Certified By:

Sugar Creek Plant

2200 N Courtney Rd. _____________________________________
Sugar Creek, MO 64050 Paul Engel - Quality Coordinator

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