Hanan - ARM Final Paper
Hanan - ARM Final Paper
Hanan - ARM Final Paper
Following is the model of research in which utilization of ERP is independent variable, Team
cohesiveness, supervision support is moderators, and project success is dependent variable.
Team Cohesiveness
Supervision support
With the help of this model researcher can find out the flaws in the enterprise other than these
Researcher can find out either these moderators are actually the moderator to this problem or
Researcher can find the importance of team cohesiveness importance in the field of telecom
sector and utilization of ERP.
What need enterprise to utilize ERP.
Give direction after the research for upcoming researcher to solve such or kind of related
problem in better way.
It gives enterprise to work efficiently and effectively.
As far as research is concern it does not have any disadvantages until the matter is out dated, or the
sunk cost is too much high.
Project management:
Project Management is very vast field. Research on projects helps a lot in every sector.
There is possibility that people get results and try to modify if according to their field. Sometimes data
helps them, sometimes population, sometimes sample and their technique.
In this we use the Purposive sampling technique, this technique is used when the researcher know their
population very well. In addition, he gets the sample by his judgment.
Many researchers can use this research as a reference to study the team cohesiveness, and apply it on
their project or in organization to use better results.
Like many organization use supervision support by the help of this paper. Before that, they were
unaware of that factor.
The conclusion is that, the research and their implication helps a lot the society to study the problem
and their solution and try to figure out their problems and find the solution for that as well.
Answer 2:
In the field of research, one should know the methods of research and the most important
thing is he /she should know which method belongs to which kind of research. Before starting
any research one should differentiate between quantitative research and qualitative research,
what is applied research and what is basic research, should differentiate between the
approaches of the research either it is deductive or inductive. Researcher should know which
research we are going to start in in the field of project management what are basically the
approaches are used what are basically the methods are used. Deductive approach is
connected to the applied research and the inductive approach is connected with basic
approach. Beside that in methodology we also explain the design of study and we explain the
population the target sector of our study on which target sector we are going to do this
research and in the population then we get sample and we also explain the technique of
sampling there are two basically techniques that is probability and nonprobability sampling and
both types are divided into four other types.
Probability Sampling Methods
1. Convenience sampling
2. Quota sampling
3. Judgment (or Purposive) Sampling
4. Snowball sampling
We use one of the sampling technique to collect data. In methodology, we also explain the measuring
instruments about each variable in which we explain that instruments of that variable and on which
likert scale we are going to analyze it. Also we explain the sample size and give the reference that who
told us that in this population we can get this much sample.
In the field of project management, the method we usually do is applied research method and approach
we usually use is deductive approach the research we are doing is a quantitative research.
Organizational Politics
Temporal Leadership
Organizational performance
Transformational Leadership
There are basically four type of variables one is independent the other is dependent variable and two
other types is moderators and mediators. Each and every model is crafted with the help of these four
kinds of variables. Combinations could be different but these four variables are all there are no other
type of variables through which model can be crafted. Some of the cases there are one Independent
variable, one dependent, one moderator and one mediator. And in some of the cases there are one
independent two dependent and one moderator. Hence the combinations could be different. Usually in
project management the researchers prefer the mediator variable.
Like in the above scenario there are two independent variables one dependent variable and one
moderator. Temporal leadership and transformational leadership are independent variable
organizational politics is moderator and organizational performance is dependent variable.
Answer 3
In the above figure we see that Azhar Jammu Kashmir, Balochistan, gilgit-baltistan, Islamabad, kpk,
Punjab and Sindh. That figures explain that the area or the population is basically not the key factor
which affect and which trigger the coronavirus. The confirmed cases active cases and covers are written
in front of each area basic province. And the graph explains from April 1st 2020 to June 6th 2020.
Numbers are increasing day by day in the beginning the number are increasing slowly but after the May
10 the number are increasing very rapidly.
Data analysis is important for understanding problem If we know that data analysis technique so we can
tell which province is very much affected by coronavirus in the figure told us that Punjab and sindh are
very much affected by this coronavirus, when we see the active cases in Punjab and Sindh Punjab is
more effected from Sindh where is the population are much high in Sindh and when we see the death
rate, the death are also high in Punjab.
Response and manage certain projects at country, province and city level
The responses on the project at country-level province level and city level should be different.
Thise projects which are running in gilgit-baltistan should be running by following all the recipes
in those projects which are running in the very much affected area of Sindh and Punjab should
be stopped because the figure told us figure and graph both told us Punjab and sindh are at
critical point where is the gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu Kashmir are kind of safe end.
Answer 4
APA style:
1. Title page
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Method
5. Results
6. Discussion
7. References
8. Appendices.
APA style makes papers easier to read and understand. When anything is cited it explains and
gives direction from where that material is extracted. APA style can also help the author better
organize their research and help the reader easily find information that is important for
evaluating that research.
And that instruction helps reader to understand the finding, results, acceptance or rejection of
hypothesis and analysis which are done.
The worth is explained in this line that without APA formatting no publisher accept the paper to
publish it.
questioners are filled correctly while sixty questioners are not in received. Out of those forty
were male which contain the 80% of whole and ten were female which contain the 20% of the
Through five different age limits the data has been collected. Out of 50 there are 10 people are
fall in 18-22 age limit which contain 20% of all, 35 falls in 23-27 which contain 70% of all, 5
15 people lies which contain 30% of all, in master’s category 20 people lies which contain 40%
experience 45 people lies which contain 90% of all, in 6-10 years of experience 2 people lies
which contain 4% of all, in 11 and above years of experience 3 people lies which contain 6% of
Name of Institute
out of 50, which contain the 58%, 13 employees are from BIMS out of 50, which contain the
26% and 8 employees are from Meethi Zindagi out of 50, which contain the 16% out of 100%.
Marital status
In this study the frequency of married persons are 10 out of 50 which imply the 20% of whole
and unmarried persons are 40 out of 50 which imply the 80% of whole data.
Control Variables
A controlled variable is one which the researcher holds constant during an experiment. It is also
known as a constant variable or simply as a "control." The control variable is not part of an
Reliability of variables
The minimum valid value of cronbach’s is 0.7. It explains the reliability of any variable. In the
results, if the reliability value is more than 0.7 then that explains that, the items of one variable
had enough relation between each other. If the value lies under 0.7 that explain that, items of one
items of variables don’t have good enough relation among them. Where as the TPL and OPF
Correlation Analysis
The above correlation’s table explains the association among variables. And there range of
correlation is between –1 to +1. The more results is near to +1 the more positively relation
variables have among them, the more value close to -1 which means that variables have negative
1 2 3 4
1. TFL 1
2. TPL .575** 1
3. OPF .585** .680** 1
4. OPL .549** .550** .588** 1
The Correlation Analysis discloses the direction of relationship (either positive or
negative) among variables. In this study, correlation analysis shows that all variables are
correlated, mostly positive correlated as prescribed in the hypothesis. It depicts that TFL, TPL,
Regression analysis
A technique used for determining a statistical relationship between two or more variables where
a change in a dependent variable is associated with, and depends on a change in one or more
independent variables.
Regression analysis was used to identify the variation between dependent and independent
variables. This variable defines the changes with variation in any of the dependent variables,
while others remain the same. It also helped to understand the nature of relationships among the
variables either they are positive, inverse or mediate in nature (Sekaran, 2000). The Regression
Analysis shows the predictive capacity of IVs & moderator towards DV, which leads to
percentage change (almost 50%), R2 = actual percentage change (less than R2)
β R2 R2
Step 1
Control Variables .087
Step 2
TRL .251ns
TPL .564*
OPL .334ns .566 .479
Step 3
OPL * TRL .16
OPL * TPL .132** .068 .498
The Beta value is .251 that means if one unit change in transformational leadership will affect
0.251 unit change in organizational performance.
The Beta value is .564 that means if one unit change in temporal leadership will affect 0.564
unit change in organizational performance.
The Beta value is .334 that means if one unit change in organizational politics will affect 0.334
unit change in organizational performance.