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Back to Main Table of Contents


General 3
Input File Descriptions 4
Output File Descriptions 5
Outline of Program Options/Special Features 5
Program Limitations 7
Name, Date, etc. 7
Ship Information 7
Units and Precision 8
Revise LBP 8
Data Definitions and Usage 9
Step-By-Step (Options and Features) 12
Data Definitions and Selection 13
Step-By-Step 13
Data Definitions and Selection 15
Step-By-Step (Options and Features) 16
Data Definitions and Selection 18
Step-By-Step (Options and Features) 19
Data Definitions and Selection 21
Step-By-Step (Options and Features) 21
Data Definitions and Selection 23
Step-By-Step (Options and Features) 24
6.9 CARGO 27
Data Definitions and Selection 28
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Step-By-Step (Options and Features) 30

Data Definitions and Selection 31
Step-By-Step (Options and Features) 32
Developing a Lightship Weight Distribution 35
Data Definitions and Selection 37
Step-By-Step (Options and Features) 39
Overview 39
Step-By-Step (Options and Features) 40

page 6-2
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

The Ship Data Entry Program is used for preparing data required to run the Intact Loading and
Salvage Response Programs. It creates a data file which describes the ship's hydrostatic and
longitudinal strength characteristics, and the cargo and tankage arrangements. This data is
utilized to configure the loading options and perform the stability and strength calculations.

The Ship Data Entry Program can also be used as a general utility to develop weight curves, adjust
GZ curves for different pole heights, or simply perform unit conversions.

The following sections outline the types of information required and describe specific ranges
and/or limits of acceptable values. All this data can be entered from the keyboard. In certain
cases, information such as hydrostatics, Bonjean areas, cross curve data, and tables of variable
VCG and free surface can also be read directly from files created by other Error! Reference source
not found. programs.

Extensive data checking and manipulation capabilities are included to decrease the amount of data
preparation required and to ensure error free information. For instance, the lightship weight curve
can be entered in either one of three different forms: weight ordinates, weight blocks, or moments.
Then blocks of weight can be added to the curve and the final curve can be adjusted to match the
actual lightship weight and LCG.

There are nine main categories of data:

1) General Data and Lightship

Weight and Centers (Required)
2) Hydrostatic Tables (Required)
3) Cross Curves (GZ) (Optional)
4) Bonjean Tables (Optional)
5) Required GM (Optional)
6) Tankages (Required- if applicable)
7) Cargo Spaces (Required- if applicable)
8) Lightship Distribution (Optional)
9) Hull Girder Strength Data (Optional)

Running the Intact Loading Program in its minimum configuration requires only items 1) and 2).
Additional data will enable options in the program such as longitudinal strength calculations, GZ
curve evaluation, tankage or cargo entry, etc.

Tankage and Cargo data entry enable the user to run the Intact Loading Program for any number
of loading conditions without re-entering the bounds and centers of each tank or cargo space.

page 6-3
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Entering required GMt data provides the user with an instant comparison of intact loading GMts
with user-entered curves in the Intact Loading Program.

Entering cross curve data provides the user with an assessment of available righting energy
compared with a number of widely used criteria in the Intact Loading Program.

Bonjean data, lightship weight distribution, and hull girder strength locations are necessary for
hull girder strength analysis (shear forces and bending moments at each location). If section
modulus data is available at each location, stresses are also displayed at each location.

It is recommended that you work through the data input in the order of the categories listed above.
However, you can stop data entry at any time, store the file, and leave the program. To resume,
just run the program and retrieve the data file from the disk.

Input File Descriptions

The following files may be read into the Ship Data Entry Program.



!"   #  ! 


$% $& ! 


'(   )   )    

'* +
   '*  ) +
   '*  )    

 * ,-          

. . / . ' 0    


1+' !  1 2  ) 3!  +  #/4 

5 '! 1 2  ) 3'! +  #/4 

#2 #%1  1 2  ) 3#%1  +  #/4 

The .SDA file is accessed under the  option on the main menu bar. The .SDA file is the
primary ship data file and contains all the information entered in this program. The other files are
created by other programs and may be read in as a convenience to reduce the need to manually key
in the data. Options for reading these files are located in the appropriate data entry sub-menus.

page 6-4
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Output File Descriptions


 1    "
/)      "

Outline of Program Options/Special Features

Figure 6-1

The main horizontal menu bar for the Ship Data Entry Program is shown above. Each menu item
is listed on the next page along with the entries in the associated pop-down window menu. All the
data entry options unique to the Ship Data Entry Program are described completely in the
following sections. For information on the  and   sub-menu options, refer to
Chapter 2, "General Program Operation"

page 6-5
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input


Enter Hydrostatic Tables
File Load Ship Data File (.SDA) Enter Trims for KMt Data
Save Ship Data File (.SDA) Enter KM at Trimmed Waterlines
Load Hydrostatic Data File (.HYD)
Plot Curves of Form
Print Hydrostatic Data

Gen.Info Name, Date, etc. Input Displacements and Angles

Ship Information Input Righting Arms
Units and Precision Correct GZ Data to Pole Height
Revise LBP Load GZ Data File (.GZ)
Plot GZ Data
Print GZ Data
Main Ship Characteristics
Load Line Data Enter Bonjean Drafts
Lightship Weight & Centers Enter Bonjean Stations
Draft Mark Locations Enter Bonjean Areas
Double all Bonjean Areas
Print Main Ship Data Halve all Bonjean Areas
Integrate Bonjean Data
Load Bonjean Data File (.BON)
Plot Bonjean Data
Hull Hydrostatic Tables Print Bonjean Data
Cross Curves of Stability
Bonjean Tables Enter Curve Descriptions
Required GM Curves Enter Required GM Data
Load Required GMt Data File (RGM)
Print Required GMt Data
Tankages Tank Group Names and Densities
Liquified Gas
Tankage Data by Group Cargo Oil
Print Tankage Data Fuel Oil
Variable VCG/Free Surface Data Diesel Oil
Load All Tankage Data Lube Oil
Fresh Water
Cargo SW Ballast
Container Cargo Misc.
Bulk Cargo Constant
Miscellaneous Weights
Ro-Ro Cargo Enter VCG/Free Surface Data
Miscellaneous Items Load VCG/Free Surface Data File (.VAR)
Print VCG/Free Surface Data
Compare Maximum Volume/VCG Data
Strength Lightship Weight Distribution
Long'l Strength Enter Length and Location
Enter In Hold
Enter On Deck
Print Container Data

ErrorChk Display Avail Load Options Enter Description

Display Entered Data Enter In Hold
Check Entered Data Enter On Deck
Print Bulk Data

Enter Ordinates for Weight Dist. Curve

Enter Blocks of Weight
Print All Data Merge Blocks into Weight Dist. Curve
Develop Lightship Weight Distribution
Find Lightship Weight Distribution from Moments
Adjust to Actual Lightship Weight
Convert Lightship Wt File to HECSALV Format
Plot Lightship Data
Print Lightship Data
Long'l Strength Locations
Strength Allowables
Section Modulus Data
Material Properties
Print Strength Data

page 6-6
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Each main menu item has associated with it various additional menu options and data entry
screens. Included among the sub-options for is an option to print the data entered. Where
appropriate, plot options are also offered to help debug the data through visual presentation.


 option performs checking on all entered data. It reviews the information for
reasonableness and consistency. For example, it verifies that Bonjean areas are constantly
increasing, station locations are in proper order, etc. This checking is in addition to that which is
done at the time of data entry on each data entry screen.

Finally, the program keeps track of the data that has been entered and adjusts the availability of
menu options accordingly. For example, if ship dimensions have not been entered, the menu items
for Bonjean station entry will be inaccessible (and shown in red) because the program cannot
convert longitudinal references without the LBP. If inaccessible menu items appear for data you
wish to enter, step up and to the left through the menus to see what data you have left out.

Program Limitations
The amount of data that may be entered is limited by the dimensions of the data storage arrays in
the Ship Data Entry Program. The dimensions of the data storage arrays may be changed by
editing the SIZE.DAT file. Refer to the Appendix D for more information on this topic.


The data discussed below is accessed from the   sub-menu on the main menu bar.

Several items of descriptive information may be entered to identify the ship data file. This
information also appears on the page headings of the printed reports. Control parameters for
units, precision, longitudinal reference may also be entered here. Refer to Chapter 2 for a
discussion of these control parameters.

Name, Date, etc.

These data fields accept any alpha-numeric entry. Entered By, Date, and Revision No. are useful
to help keep track of multiple data files and revisions. Note that the date can be automatically

Ship Information
The LBP is the Length Between Perpendiculars. The BEAM should represent the molded breadth
and is usually taken as the maximum molded breadth at amidships. The DEPTH should also
represent the molded dimension, normally at deck edge amidships.

The LBP, BEAM, and DEPTH are required entries and are used throughout the Ship Data Entry
Program. They must be entered before any other ship data.

page 6-7
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Units and Precision

Refer to Chapter 2 for information on what may be entered on this screen.

Revise LBP
This menu selection allows the user to add or subtract length to a vessel. The change in length
can then be carried over to affect the following items previously defined in the file:

 Length Overall
 Lightship and Fixed Constant (LCG)
 Draft Mark Locations
 Hydrostatic Data (LCB and LCF)
 Bonjean Data (Station Locations)
 Tankage & Cargo Data (LCG, Aft and Fwd Bound)
 Lightship Distribution (Location of Ordinates)
 Lightship Weight Blocks (LCG, Aft and Fwd Bounds)
 Longitudinal Strength Locations

This menu selection is extremely useful to generate .SDA files for sister ships that differ by a few


General ship data includes several program specification options, as well as ship identification and
dimension information. The various entry screens are accessed from the  sub-menu on the
main menu bar. Selecting   
  brings up the "General Ship Data" entry
screen shown in the following figure.

Figure 6-2

page 6-8
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Data Definitions and Usage

The Ship Name and Yard or Hull Number are for descriptive purposes only. The Ship Name is
automatically copied from the similar entry on the Name, Date, Etc. entry screen.

The Propeller Diameter and Shaft Centerline dimensions are required if you desire a display of
propeller immersion in the Trim and Stability Summary of the Intact Loading Program.

Propeller Immersion Formula selection enables you to choose between propeller immersion
measured to the top of the propeller (Figure 6-3) or propeller immersion measured to the
centerline of the propeller shaft (Figure 6-4).

Figure 6-3

page 6-9
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Figure 6-4

The Reference for Drafts is used to identify the datum for the drafts in the hydrostatic table as
either the bottom of the keel or the molded baseline. This is used for reference purposes only.
The Intact Loading Program draft will be determined by the hydrostatic data entered in the Ship
Data Entry Program. If the hydrostatic data has keel drafts then the Intact Load Program
calculated drafts are keel drafts, and similarly, if the hydrostatic data has molded drafts the the
calculated drafts are molded drafts.

If data are entered in the     option, the Intact Loading Program will print
warnings (with the Line Description) when the selected (in the Intact Load Program) Load Line
draft is exceeded. Up to (10) drafts can be entered and they should be measured from the datum
(keel or molded) utilized for the entered hydrostatic tables.

The Lightship Weight and CGs (see Figure 6-5 for the       

option screen) are required input for any type of stability or trim analysis by the Intact Loading or
Salvage Response Program. The Fixed Constant Weights and CGs are optional entries and
should represent those items that do not change at all in any loading configuration. Such items
might include crew and effects, stores, spare parts, or miscellaneous engine room liquids.

page 6-10
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Figure 6-5

Taken together, the Lightship Weight and Fixed Constant Weight are referred to as an Effective
Lightship. Both the lightship weight and the fixed constant must be included in the lightship
weight distribution data entered with this program. Their values cannot be changed in the Intact
Loading Program. If there are items that you wish to include in a "Constant" category but which
may change in various loading conditions, they should be entered under the Constant heading in
the Tankages section.

The Draft Mark Locations (see Figure 6-6 for the 
   option screen)
should be entered if display of drafts at the marks is desired in the Intact Loading and Salvage
Response Programs. (Drafts at the perpendiculars are always calculated.)

Figure 6-6

If the Draft Marks are perpendicular to the baseline, then only one longitudinal location need be
entered for each. However, if the marks are inclined or stepped, then up to four longitudinal
Distance/Height pairs may be used to define the geometry of the draft marks.

page 6-11
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

The Vertical Offset refers to an adjustment required to convert drafts if the drafts at the marks
have a different vertical reference than the hydrostatic tables. This is used to account for the
effects of drag in the hull.

Step-By-Step (Options and Features)

The procedure for entry of this group of data is straightforward. The options in the pop-down sub-
menu each yield a data entry screen. Data may be entered in any order.

The print option produces a single page report summarizing all the entered data.


The items discussed below are accessed from the   
  sub-menu, shown
in Figure 6-7.

Figure 6-7

The hydrostatic data is used to determine intact trim and stability characteristics in the Intact
Loading Program and Salvage Response Program. These values are used in lieu of the hull form
description (offsets) to speed up the calculation of trim and stability when entering/moving
weights. This method is appropriate and accurate for loading conditions when trim is not extreme
and/or corresponds to the trim used to calculate this hydrostatic table. Typically, even-keel
hydrostatic values are entered.

For extreme trim conditions, it is possible to supersede the use of this hydrostatic table in the
Salvage Response Program and calculate the characteristics directly from the hull offsets.

If the hydrostatic table has been calculated using the Hydrostatic Program, the table of values can
be read from a file (.HYD extension) and need not be entered by hand. A plot of the curves of
form can be displayed or printed as well as the tabular information.

page 6-12
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Data Definitions and Selection

All of the data listed in the "Hydrostatic Data Entry" screen (See Figure 6-8) is required, except
for the TCB. Normally, this data represents an even keel condition. The Draft is either a molded
or keel value and should correspond to the datum specified for the Reference for Drafts on the
General Ship Data entry screen (See Section 8.3). In General, the minimum draft should be less
than the lightship draft and the maximum draft should exceed the load line or maximum design

The Displacement should correspond to the external hull volume. Appendages, thrusters and
shell platings, etc. should be included. The LCB (Longitudinal Center of Buoyancy),
KMt(Transverse Metacentric Height), LCF (Longitudinal Center of Flotation), and MT1
(Moment to Trim) are entered for each draft. Note that the MT1 is a moment calculated for a trim
of 1 inch or 1 centimeter. In addition, the TCB (Transverse Center of Buoyancy) can be entered
by pressing the [F4] key option.

For stability sensitive vessels and/or vessels with large changes in KM t with trim, it is possible to
enter a table of KMt at trimmed waterlines. This is used to interpolate the actual KM t at the
calculated trim in the hydrostatic and stability calculation in the Intact Loading Program.

All of the primary hydrostatic data is entered on the tabular screen shown in Figure 6-8. This
screen is accessed by selecting 

  from the Hydrostatic Tables sub-
menu. Data entered must begin at the minimum draft and proceed to the maximum draft.
Although the drafts must be in ascending order, the increment between drafts may vary.

Figure 6-8

Individual values in the hydrostatic table may be entered by moving the cursor to the appropriate
position in the table and entering the value. The order of data entry is not important, but leaving
the entry screen is not permitted if a line of data has been skipped. Use the [F6] key to delete
any such blank lines.
page 6-13
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

If the hull offsets have been entered using the Hull Offset Entry Program, the Hydrostatics
Program may be run at the correct drafts and trim to create a short form hydrostatics file (.HYD
extension). This file can be retrieved by the Ship Data Entry Program to avoid manual entry of
data. To do this, use the   

Reading a .HYD data file will overwrite any existing hydrostatic data.

Entering a table of trimmed KM t values is a three step process.

1) Enter the even keel hydrostatics.

2) Enter up to four trim values to define the limits of the KM t table (select 


3) Enter the trimmed KMt values on a tabular entry screen defined by the even keel drafts and
trims entered in steps 1) and 2), using the 
Steps 1) and 2) must be performed before step 3) is available.

Once the hydrostatic table has been entered, you can select   
 to display a
plot of even-keel data in the traditional curves of form format. This plot is very useful for
identifying erroneous data values. A hardcopy plot can also be produced by using the [F8] key.

Finally, a printed copy of the tabular hydrostatics and trimmed KMt values may be produced by


The items discussed below are accessed from the  
   sub-menu on
the main menu bar.

The Intact Loading Program uses cross curve data (including downflooding angles) to generate a
righting arm curve for each load case. The curve is then integrated to determine the magnitude of
various stability indicators such as those specified by IMO, or USCG, etc. This calculation is
optional and will be skipped if no cross curve data is entered.

page 6-14
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Figure 6-9

If the cross curves have been calculated using the Cross Curve Program, the table of values can be
retrieved from a file (.GZ extension) and need not be entered by hand. A plot of the cross curves
can be displayed and printed as well as the tabular information.

Data Definitions and Selection

The cross curve data consists of a table of righting arm values (GZ) at various angles of heel and
displacements. The GZ values input may be referenced to any pole height. However, the Intact
Loading Program assumes a pole height of 0.0 (the baseline); therefore, the GZ values might have
to be adjusted. This adjustment can be performed by this program.

The Intact Loading Program also assumes a symmetric hull form and the righting arm values can
be entered for heel in one direction only. Recommended Heel Angles include:

0 ,5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 75 (degrees)

Up to fifteen angles may be entered. In all cases, the first angle must be zero degrees..

Heel angles should not exceed 89 degrees.

The Displacements should cover the range from lightship to full load.

Note: When integrating areas under the GZ curve, the Intact Loading Program passes a cubic
spline through the available data at a given displacement. Therefore, enough heel angles should
be entered here to define a reliable curve when using a cubic spline.

Also included under Cross Curve data entry (under 

 are the downflooding
angles (DFLD) in degrees. The downflooding angle refers to the angle between the draft on
centerline at a given displacement and the first point of downflooding (see Figure 6-10). For
example, the point of downflooding may be an accommodation access or a tank vent.

page 6-15
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Figure 6-10

The downflooding angle is an optional entry. If entered, it is graphically displayed on the righting
arm plot in the Intact Loading Program and used for evaluation of stability criteria.

Step-By-Step (Options and Features)

The cross curve data is entered in two steps. First, the heel angles and displacements are
specified. These angles and displacements are automatically arranged to form a tabular entry

Figure 6-11

page 6-16
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Second, the righting arm and downflooding values are entered on the newly defined tabular entry

The heel angle and displacement entry are combined in a single entry display accessed with the
     menu option. Displacements can be entered individually, or

by specifying a range using [F8]. The values need not be evenly spaced, but they should be in an
ascending order. A heel angle of 0.0 degrees must be included and no data lines may be skipped
(use the [F6] key to delete blank lines).

On the GZ entry screen shown in Figure 6-11 values can be entered in any order. Note that the 0.0
degree heel angle value is automatically entered. If more than six displacements are used, the GZ
entry screen will scroll left and right to accommodate all the displacements. The cursor also
moves freely through the downflooding angle fields. These values may be entered at any time.

If the hull offsets have been entered using the Hull Offset Entry Program, the Cross Curve
Program may be run at the correct displacements and heel angles to create a GZ file (.GZ
extension). This file can be retrieved by the Ship Data Entry Program so that the values do not
have to be manually keyed. To do this, use the       option.

Reading a .GZ data file will overwrite any existing cross curve data.

Any time after GZ data has been entered, the values can be adjusted for a reference pole height
equal to 0.0 by entering the pole height for which the GZ data was entered in the 


The GZ values are adjusted by the following formula:

GZ0 ft = GZ - pole height * sin(heel angle)

If the option was erroneously applied, it is possible to undo the adjustment by entering the pole
height adjustment again with a reversed sign (+/-).

Once the GZ table has been entered, you can display a plot of this data by selecting   
. This plot is very useful for identifying erroneous data values. A hardcopy plot can also be
produced by using the [F8] key from this screen.

Finally, a printed copy of the tabular GZ values and downflooding angles may be produced using


Bonjean data entry is accessed through the     sub-menu shown in Figure 6-

The Bonjean areas (section areas, even keel) are used to calculate the buoyant forces and buoyant
moments in the Intact Loading Program. This data is used in the longitudinal strength

page 6-17
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

This input is optional and need only be entered if longitudinal strength calculations in the Intact
Loading Program are desired. The Bonjean areas are used in lieu of the actual hull form
definition (offsets) to speed up the calculation procedure in the Intact Loading Program.

Figure 6-12

Once the Bonjeans have been entered, a plot of this data may be displayed on the screen. This
plot is very useful for identifying erroneous data values. A hardcopy plot can also be produced by
using the [F8] key from the graphics display screen.

Finally, a printed copy of the Bonjean values may be requested.

Data Definitions and Selection

The Draft used for Bonjean entry can be either a keel or molded value. Because the actual
trimmed waterline is passed through the Bonjeans to determine the areas at each section, the draft
range should begin at the lightship draft minus 1/2 the maximum expected trim. Likewise, the
draft range should include a value equivalent to the maximum permissible draft plus 1/2 the
maximum expected trim.

The Bonjean Stations consist of a set of longitudinal locations at which the Bonjean areas have
been calculated. They usually correspond to the locations of hull offset stations. Since a
parabolic integration is used to develop the buoyant volumes, station selection should follow the
same rules and guidelines that govern station selection for offset entry. Refer to Chapter 4, "Hull
Offset Entry" for a discussion of these rules and guidelines.

The Bonjean Areas used with this program are the full section areas. Half areas may be entered
and then doubled using a program option provided.

page 6-18
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Step-By-Step (Options and Features)

When entering the Bonjean data manually, it must be entered in the following order: 1) Drafts, 2)
Stations, and then 3) Areas. As with the cross curves the first two entries (drafts and stations)
define the matrix of areas that will be entered.

Draft entry must begin at the minimum draft and proceed to the maximum draft. The increment
between drafts may vary, but they should completely cover the range discussed above. For quick
entry, the [F8] key option may be used to automatically generate a range of evenly spaced drafts.
The insert/delete options can then be used to add any oddly spaced drafts.

Bonjean stations can be defined either by station number or longitudinal dimension. When using
station numbers, note that station 10 is always at amidships. For longitudinal data entry aft to
forward, station 0 is the AP. For station entry forward to aft, station 0 is the FP.

When inserting drafts and/or stations, 0.0 areas are inserted accordingly.

Figure 6-13

Once drafts and stations have been defined, the areas can be entered. Areas for each station are
entered on a separate tabular entry display. The current station number and location are indicated
at the top of the display. Use the [Tab] and [Shift]+[Tab] keys to move between stations.
The [F9] key jumps to the last Bonjean station. (Drafts cannot be inserted/deleted on these

For quick entry of duplicate stations, the [F8] key option is provided. Once duplicated, the new
station can be independently edited.

At any time, a plot of the single Bonjean station represented by the current screen values may be
plotted by pressing the [F7] key. This is a useful means for checking the entered areas.

If the hull offsets have been entered using the Hull Offset Entry Program, the Hydrostatics
Program may be run at the correct drafts to create a file of Bonjeans (.BON extension). This file

page 6-19
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

can be retrieved by the Ship Data Entry Program so that the values do not have to be manually
keyed. To do this, use the         option.

Reading a .BON data file will overwrite any existing Bonjean data.

The utility functions for doubling/halving the areas are available by choosing   
 from the Bonjean Tables sub-menu. Use these as

required to develop full section areas.

    option will integrate the areas at the drafts specified and calculate
the displacement and LCB. It will then display a comparison table between the Hydrostatics input
and the Bonjean’s integrated values. This table is a useful means for checking the entered data
versus the hydrostatics and can be printed using the [F8] key option.

Once the Bonjeans have been entered, you can review this data by selecting     .
This plot is very useful for identifying erroneous data values. A hardcopy plot can also be
produced by using the [F8] key from this screen.

Finally, a printed copy of the Bonjean table may be requested.


Required GM data entry is accessed through the  

 sub-menu on the
main menu bar, shown in Figure 6-14. This option is enabled only after hydrostatic values have
been entered.

If the required GM values are entered here, the Intact Loading Program will compare them to the
available GM for a given load case and display a warning if the required GM is greater than the
available GM. If no required values are entered here, the Intact Loading Program provides no
comparison or warning.

Figure 6-14

page 6-20
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Data Definitions and Selection

The Drafts that are used for required GM entry can correspond with those entered for the
hydrostatics or can be entered separately.

Up to 6 Curves of Required GM data may be entered and each curve may be applicable for a
different type of loading or draft range. The applicable curve is selected while running the Intact
Loading Program. The curves are defined by a required GM value at each draft.

If the available required GM data does not cover the entire range of drafts, the Intact Loading
Program will not extrapolate the input data to cover these ranges.

If Required GM Curves have been calculated using the Intact Required GM Program, the data can
be read from a file (.RGM extension) and need not be entered by hand.

Step-By-Step (Options and Features)

Before you can enter GM values you must first identify and enter curve descriptions for the
number of required GM curves you wish to use. Additional curves (up to six total) can be entered
any time after the first curve’s description has been entered. The tabular required GM entry
screen will then include columns for curves up to and including the last non-blank curve
description. Using this information, the program develops a tabular entry screen like that shown
in Figure 6-15.

Figure 6-15

On this screen, enter a range of drafts. The drafts entered for the Hydrostatic Table can be
imported using the [F4] key option. The entry of hydrostatic drafts is discussed in a previous
section.. The screen values will scroll up and down to accommodate all the drafts.

Each curve you wish to define must have a GM assigned to each draft. If you do not enter a value
at each draft, the program can assign values automatically based on a linear interpolation between
adjacent values. Use the [F3] key to initiate this interpolation. Note that if the available

page 6-21
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

required GM data does not cover the entire range of drafts, the program will not extrapolate the
input data to cover these ranges. You must provide required GM data at the maximum and
minimum drafts for each curve to ensure that a required GM will be available at each draft.

A printed copy of the required GM values may be requested at any time.

The tankage options discussed below are accessed through the   sub-menu on the main
menu bar.

Figure 6-16

All of the parameters defining a ship's tanks are entered in this section. These descriptions are
subsequently used in the Intact Loading Program to identify weight or volume entries of liquids.
Tanks can be categorized under any one of nine groups. These groups are handled separately in
the Intact Loading Program with appropriate sub-totals, etc. The following group names are
offered as defaults. The actual group name may be edited and a default group density entered.

Gas tanks 1) Liquified Gas

Oil tanks 2) Cargo Oil

3) Fuel Oil
4) Diesel Oil
5) Lube Oil

Non-Oil tanks 6) Fresh Water

7) Salt Water Ballast
8) Misc. Tanks
9) Constant

The "Constant" group should be used for both tanks and other items normally considered
constants. These items would include crew and effects, stores, and spare parts. Naturally, the dry

page 6-22
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

items would contain no free surface entry. The dry items’ density is normally set to 1.000 and the
weight is entered.

The standard set of tank data includes single (or fixed) values for center of gravity and free
surface. It is also possible to enter tables of variable vertical, longitudinal, and transverse centers
of gravity (VCG, LCG, and TCG, respectively) and free surface if you wish the Intact Loading
Program to calculate the VCG, LCG, TCG, and free surface based on the actual fluid volume.

Data Definitions and Selection

Tank Group Names are defaulted to the terms shown in the section above. While these can be
edited, it is recommended that they not be modified significantly. The Intact Loading Program
assumes that the first group is gas tanks and that the next four groups are oil tanks. Certain
calculations, entry screens, and print-outs are different for gas/oil tanks from those for water oe
miscellaneous tanks. Some of these differences are discussed below.

Figure 6-17

Densities may be entered for each group on the Tank Name Entry screen; however, the program
offers default values. These group densities are applied to each tank within the group. Changes
for individual tanks can be made on the Tankage Data entry screen or in the Intact Loading
Program. These values also affect the weight/volume conversion on the entry screen shown in
Figure 6-17.

The Tank Name can be any 12 character alpha-numeric string. In most cases, it is not necessary
to include the liquid type in the name if it is consistent with the group specification. The <Abbrv.
Tank Name> is used for HEC-CARGOMAX data development and is not necessary in Error!
Reference source not found.. The Tank Name should be identical with the name in the
compartment file model of the tank.

The Weight/Volume values should correspond to 100% of the tank's capacity at the given density.
If a weight is entered, the volume is automatically calculated, and vice versa. If the tank group

page 6-23
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

density is changed, the volume for each tank in that group remains the same and the weight is

The Allocated Weight is used to specify a liquid weight that is automatically entered into the tank
when the Intact Loading Program is run. In effect, it is a default tank weight which can be
changed when running the Intact Loading Program. Naturally, the allocated weight must be less
than or equal to the weight capacity specified.

The center of gravity is assumed to be constant and usually located at the geometric center of
each tank. The vertical center of gravity (VCG) is always taken above the baseline. The
longitudinal center of gravity (LCG) is entered about the longitudinal reference that is specified
under  . Either a plus (+) or minus (-) sign placed before the number, or the letters [A]
or [F] placed after the number are acceptable for indicating direction. For the transverse center
of gravity (TCG) the sign convention is + to starboard and - to port. Here, the letters [S] or
[P] are acceptable for indicating direction.

The free surface for each tank can be specified in two ways. The first value in the tank entry
screen represents a Slack Free Surface value. If this is the only value entered, then the Intact
Loading Program applies this value for all tank loadings less than 100%. At 100% of capacity the
free surface is taken as zero.

The 98% Free Surface value is used most often for oil tanks and is usually based on a calculation
at 98% capacity and 5 degrees of heel. It is used in conjunction with the slack value. If the tank
is less than 98% full the slack free surface is applied. When the tank is greater than 98% full the
98% free surface is applied. Naturally, an empty tank has a zero free surface. For small tanks
such as potable water tanks, it is sometimes useful to designate a 98% free surface to account for
some changes in tank volume.

The tank boundaries are used by the strength portion of the Intact Loading Program to correctly
apply shear and moment values (the tank weights are taken as trapezoidal blocks between these
bounds with the correct LCG). The Aft and Forward Boundaries should reflect the extreme
reaches of the tank. The distance is measured from the longitudinal reference specified earlier.
Again, a plus (+) or minus (-) sign, as well as the letters [A] or [F] may be used to indicate

Variable Center of Gravity and Free Surface values, when entered, are applied in the Intact
Loading Program in place of any fixed values entered on the tank data entry screen, except above
98% full. Complete data for any given tank would include VCG, LCG, TCG and free surface
values at a full range of tank volumes. The increment of tank volumes need not be constant, but it
should be close enough to reflect any steps or jumps in the data. Note also that the VCG
corresponding to zero volume should not be 0.0, but should instead equal the height of the bottom
of the tank.

Step-By-Step (Options and Features)

As a first step when entering tank data, you should review the     

 entry screen. Using the default groups as far as possible, make notes about which tanks

should be included in each group. Not all tanks in a group need to have the same density; the

page 6-24
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

tanks should be categorized by type and function rather than density. If changes in default group
name or density need to be made, they can be made at this time.

When all tanks have been assigned to a particular group, proceed to the    entry.
Data for each group is entered separately; select the appropriate group, and a screen similar to that
shown in Figure 6-17 is displayed. Remember, dry weights can actually be entered in the
Constant group. For these items enter only the name, weight, center of gravity, and fwd/aft
bounds (ensure that the density is 1.000).

Tank data can be entered in any order. Note that the weight/volume and free surface
inertia/moment are related by the density. Changing weight will automatically change the volume,
and vice versa. Likewise, changing free surface inertia (m4) will change the moment (m-MTons),
and vice versa. If the density is changed, the volume and inertia will remain constant and the
weight and free surface moment will change.

For port/starboard tanks that have identical characteristics, the [F4] key can be used to speed up
data entry. Pressing [F4] will duplicate the tank immediately to the left of the highlighted
marker and change the sign of the TCG. Only the tank name needs to be modified by hand. If the
name of the tank to be reflected ends in "P" or "S", the new tank name is identical to the previous
name and the "P" will change to "S" and vice-versa.

Moving the highlighted marker to the right will scroll the display to additional entry columns.
The [Home], [End], [Page Up] and [Page Down] keys can be used to quickly move
between tanks. Once the basic tank data has been entered, a printed copy can be output for review
and checking. This report summarizes the tank tables by group.

Variable VCG, LCG, TCG and free surface values can be entered only after the tanks are defined
as described above. Choosing 
   from the   sub-menu
reveals another sub-menu. To enter data, first choose the 
A list of all available tanks is displayed. Tanks with variable VCG or free surface data are
displayed in bold or colored text. Move the highlighted marker to the tank of interest and press
the [Enter] key. The tabular entry display shown in Figure 6-18 is then displayed.

page 6-25
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Figure 6-18

The volume, centers and free surface data columns are active for entry. The numbers displayed
after pressing [F9] are, for each line, the difference between the value on the associated line and
the line immediately preceding it. This is provided as a quick way to check the data for errors and

The data must be entered in order of increasing volumes.

Replication of variable VCG and free surface tables is possible using the [F8] key. This option
does not actually duplicate the data, but rather indicates that a single set of data should be used for
more than one tank. Thereafter, modifications to one tank will automatically modify the other
tanks which share the same data. A note is displayed on the VCG/free surface entry screen to
remind you if the current table is shared with any other tank.

 option on the 
menu allows you to read data which was generated by the Compartment Entry Program. The final
option from the 
   menu allows you compare the data
entered/imported for the variable centers/free surface to that entered under the    

. You can then adjust the variable data to match the entered tankage data or clear sets (i.e.,

LCG or TCG) of variable data.

We recommend that you take the time during tankage entry (and all other data entry) to
periodically store the file you are creating. You can then return to the same entry point and
continue inputting tanks.

Variable centers and free surface data can be printed for individual tanks or all tanks at once.

The       menu option allows the user to import any tankage information
from the Compartment Entry Program. This is useful to establish tankage data which is not
available in a Trim & Stability Book, such as transverse centers or fore and aft bounds.

page 6-26
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

The cargo options discussed below are accessed through the  
  sub-menu on the main menu
bar, shown in to Figure 6-19.

This section is used to enter descriptions of dry cargo spaces which you wish to utilize in the
Intact Loading Program. Container, bulk, Ro-Ro, and miscellaneous cargo categories are

Figure 6-19

Within each category are groups of items that are defined and used much like tank groups. In the
Intact Loading Program, data is entered and displayed by group, with appropriate sub-totals for
weight and center of gravity. For instance, under the Container category, the separate weight
items such as rows, tiers or holds might be grouped under headings "On Deck" and "Under
Deck". Similar "On Deck" and "Under Deck" groups are also appropriate for Bulk Cargo items.
The Ro-Ro Cargo categories might include either deck area locations or hold numbers. For the
Miscellaneous Items category, you can define up to 10 different group headings and enter weight
items for each.

Once the groups are defined, you must specify the standard weight items that will be part of each
group. For instance, in the Intact Loading Program, you may wish to enter container or Ro-Ro
weights by row. To do this you must define each row's name, center of gravity and fwd/aft bounds
under the appropriate group in the Ship Data Entry Program. If these items are not defined
(weight, centers, boundaries, etc.) then you will be unable to access these categories in either the
Intact Load or Salvage Response Programs.

page 6-27
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

     / '   / 2 +
,-   %/  6 
 7 2 
/ 2 $// #  - ,-
 $// ,-
-   6
+ !/   6
$/-   % 
- !/  6
!/  9#
+ !/ !/  6
!/  9#

Figure 6-20

Any combination of cargo types (container, bulk, Ro-Ro, or miscellaneous) may be specified for a
given vessel.

Data Definitions and Selection

Two groups are available for container items. The Container Location defines the name of these
groups. The default values are "Containers In Hold" and "Containers On Deck". These names can
be changed but the default values are recommended.

Two groups are also available for bulk cargo. The Bulk Cargo Description defines the names of
these two groups. The default values are "Bulk Cargo In Hold" and "Bulk Cargo On Deck".

For each group of containers, you can specify the Container Lengths for up to three types of
boxes that may be carried. For instance, the ship may carry 20's, 40's and 45's.

When entering weights in the Intact Loading Program, you can keep track of the number of boxes
of each type and even enter/calculate the average weight per box. The Ship Data Input Program
also allows you to define the Slot Capacity of each weight item based on these container lengths.
This information is used by the Intact Loading Program to check the number of containers entered
versus the maximum allowable containers of each type.

page 6-28
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Figure 6-21

The Item Name or Desc. is used to describe each individual weight item in each cargo group. For
containers, the Desc. may refer to rows, tiers, stacks or holds, etc. (refer to Figure 6-21).
Typically, rows or holds of containers or Ro-Ros are easiest to work with at this level of analysis.
For bulk cargo, you might use holds or hatch numbers for the Item Name (Hold No. 1, Hatch NO.
2F, ...). For Misc. Items, the item name could refer to deck areas, bin numbers, storage rooms,
pens, etc.

The center of gravity and boundaries are entered as described for tankages. However, the center
of gravity for containers (and bulk cargo) are only used as defaults for the Intact Loading
Program. That is, they are the initial values used for the loading analysis. It is possible to change
the center of gravity for each cargo group as you do the cargo loading. The boundaries for
strength calculations are fixed for the container and bulk cargoes. The boundaries for both Ro-Ro
and miscellaneous cargoes can be updated in the Intact Loading Program.

The weight of each item should correspond to 100% of the capacity of that space or area. A
weight entry in the Intact Loading Program is not allowed to exceed this capacity. For the Ro-Ro
items, a deck area of the cargo area is defined. The area is required, but is only used to calculate
the longitudinal strength calculations in the Intact Loading Program.

A density may be entered for each bulk cargo item. This density and the weight capacity are used
by the Intact Loading Program to define a volumetric capacity for each bulk cargo space. A
default value of 1 MT/m3 (35.8814 ft3/LT) is provided. In the Intact Loading Program, the
density can be changed if necessary.

The Allocated weight is used to specify a weight that is automatically entered into the tank or
compartment when the Intact Loading Program is run. In effect, it is a default weight which can
be changed when running the Intact Loading Program. Naturally, the allocated weight must be
less than or equal to the weight capacity specified.

The Number of Misc. Weights is used to specify how many lines of generic data entry you would
like to have in the Intact Loading Program. A number specified here simply creates a single
weight entry screen (shown below) in the Intact Loading Program where item name, center of
page 6-29
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

gravity and bounds may be specified as well as weight. It is a free form weight screen without any
predefined groups or items. The default number of weights is 10, but up to 100 may be specified.

Figure 6-22

Step-By-Step (Options and Features)

The first step when entering container or bulk is to enter/review the group names under each
category. The first option on each category's sub-menu is used for group name entry. For
container cargo, this would be the 
     option, for example.

For container cargo, this first option is also used to specify the three container lengths that are
used to define the slot capacity. The default values are 20', 40', and 45'.

Following the group name entry option on each category's sub-menu are data entry options for
each specified group. For containers and bulk cargo, there will always be two such options. (e.g.


The weight data entry screens for each category are like that shown in Figure 6-22. Data can be
entered in any order by moving the highlighted marker. The screen scrolls down with movement
of the highlighted marker.

Once the cargo weight data has been entered, a printed copy can be produced by choosing the

 option on each category's sub-menu.


The selections discussed below are accessed through the 

  sub-menu shown in Figure Figure 6-23.

page 6-30
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Figure 6-23

The Lightship Weight Distribution is used when computing hull girder shear forces and bending
moments. This section not only allows for the entry of this distribution, but it has the capability
of creating and modifying one.

To simplify the calculations required in the Intact Loading Program, the weight and moment
values of the lightship weight distribution are calculated at the sections requiring strength output.
This calculation is done automatically once the lightship distribution has been defined.

Additional options are available to automatically adjust the lightship distribution to match a target
value and read data from an SHCP lightship weight file (.LIG), a GHS lightship weight file
(.RUN) or an SFOLDS weight file (.SFW). For further information on importing other file
formats, refer to Appendix E.

Data Definitions and Selection

The lightship distribution may be entered in term of ordinates at a series of longitudinal
locations. The ordinates represent the weight per unit length (MTons/m, or LTons/ft) of the
lightship at that location.

page 6-31
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Figure 6-24

The computed lightship displacement is determined by adding up the area under the specified
lightship distribution and adding any blocks of weight. The computed LCG is simply the
longitudinal center of the area under the lightship distribution plus the contribution of any weight

The target displacement and LCG correspond to the Lightship and Fixed Constant weight and
LCG entered under      ! 
. This constant and lightship weight taken
together are often referred to as the effective lightship.

For blocks of weight the weight, LCG, forward and aft bound define a trapezoidal weight

For the Shear Forces and Bending Moments used in       

 " the location and magnitude of the values are entered and then, by pressing [F3], are

converted into blocks of weight.

For weight block entry, the LCG must fall within the middle one-third segment of the distance
between the forward/aft bounds.

Step-By-Step (Options and Features)

The first step is governed by what method you wish to use to define the lightship distribution.
You have five options:
1) Enter weight ordinates
2) Enter blocks of weight
3) Enter shear forces and moments
4) Read an SHCP, GHS or SFOLDS file
5) Develop a lightship weight estimate

page 6-32
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

These options are all accessible by selecting 

  from the
main menu. Method 5), developing a lightship weight estimate, involves different screens and is
discussed in detail in the following section.

Enter Weight Ordinates

To enter weight ordinates, choose the 

 menu option.
This will bring up the screen in Figure 6-24. Note that at least two locations must be entered. The
first and last locations should represent the extreme ends of the vessel.

Adjusting the Lightship Weight Distribution

The          option is available to adjust the current weight curve to
match the Effective Lightship weight and LCG values entered earlier. (Note: the Effective
Lightship includes the fixed constant.) It does this by adding a trapezoidal block of weight to the
entire curve. This block has the weight (which may be negative) and center necessary to make the
correct adjustment to the curve. Figure 6-25 shows the display that makes this adjustment.

The block of weight that is added to the current weight curve to adjust the effective weight is
saved and can be reviewed in the block entry display described below.

Figure 6-25

Note also that the weights displayed in Figure 6-25 are rounded off to the current display
precision. If the program warns you that the weights do not match even though they appear
identical on the screen it could be because they differ by less than the precision. Using the adjust
feature will eliminate any difference. The adjust feature requires the weight difference to be large
enough to move the LCG as required. If the difference is too small, add or remove a block of
weight distributed over the length of the ship to provide a larger weight difference prior to using
this feature.

page 6-33
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Enter Blocks of Weight

The second way to create a weight curve or modify an existing one is by adding blocks of weight.
These blocks must have a weight, LCG, and forward and aft bounds. They can be entered in the

     display shown in Figure 6-26. Up to 99 blocks of weight can be input

at one time.

The program will accept these blocks and compute the corresponding weight ordinates.

Figure 6-26

The calculation of lightship weight and LCG will include these blocks; but they will remain as
separate units in the program's memory unless you specifically choose to merge the blocks into the
weight curve definition using the 

The reason for maintaining the blocks as separate units is that at certain times you may wish to
have a base weight curve and work with various additional weight blocks. If, however, you do not
foresee a need to work with different weight blocks, or you are creating a weight curve and have
more than 99 blocks to combine, you will want to "merge" the blocks into the curve. This
converts the weight block information into ordinates on the curve and clears the weight block
display. You can now add more weight blocks. You may also enter more than 99 weight blocks
without merging by increasing the dimensions of the data storage array for weight blocks. The
array may be changed by editing the SIZE.DAT file; refer to the Appendix D for more information
on this topic.

Enter Shear Forces and Moments

The third way to develop a lightship weight distribution is by integrating the shear forces and
bending moments from a lightship distribution (often included in a T&S Booklet). The
longitudinal location, shear forces and bending moments are entered in the      

   and then converted to blocks of weight by using the [F3] key.

Note that the trapezoidal block used to automatically adjust the weight curve is placed at the end
of the weight block list. As a general rule, you should not merge this weight block into the

page 6-34
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

lightship weight curve. By not merging this block, it can be easily be deleted at a later date if the
lightship weight distribution changes and must be modified within the program.

Read an SHCP, GHS, or SFOLDS File

If SHCP, GHS or SFOLDS formatted files of the lightship weight distribution exist they can be
read directly. Please refer to Appendix E for details of the read capabilities.

Once you are satisfied with the weight curve and the weight and LCG match the actual lightship
values, you can produce a printed copy of the curve by selecting       and
pressing [F8]. A print-out of the lightship distribution data is obtained by selecting the 


Developing a Lightship Weight Distribution

The user may also choose to develop a lightship weight distribution based on parametric ship
design rules and a general arrangement of the ship by selecting the     

  option. This option may be exercised if

no better lightship data is available.

Once this option is exercised, all existing lightship distribution data is wiped out.

The program uses the lightship weight entered in the -     ! 
as a target weight. Figure 6-27 shows the parameters used in developing the distribution. These
parameters may be changed by the user as needed.

Figure 6-27

The [F4] key enables the user to modify the standard concentrated weights as generated by the
program (see Figure 6-28). After any field has been modified, [F10] will restore the number to
its default value and [F3] will display the weight summary.

page 6-35
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

The estimated weight of major structures and equipment is calculated and subtracted from the
base lightship weight to determine hull weight. The hull weight is distributed over the vessel's
length, with the shape of the longitudinal distribution determined by the specified hull form factor.

This assures that the sum of all the individual weights in the weight distribution curve will equal
the lightship weight. The lightship LCG is developed based on the assumed specified locations of
the concentrated weights and the assumed hull weight distribution.

The allocated lightship weight is the total weight of the newly developed distribution; the
specified lightship weight is that entered in the -

If the lightship LCG is known, it should be compared with the computed value, and the
longitudinal location of the weights should be adjusted until these LCG values are in reasonable

Figure 6-28

Once the user exits the        

  option, the names of the
standard concentrated weights (i.e., "Forecastle") are no longer available. All generated weights
are saved as generic weight blocks accessible in the 

page 6-36
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input


The items discussed below are accessed through the 
shown in Figure 6-29.

Figure 6-29

Strength data input consists of five items:

1) Frame locations for the calculation of shear force and bending moments in the Intact
Loading Program.
2) Effective lightship weight force and weight moments (including fixed constant) at
these locations.
3) Allowable shear forces and bending moments at these locations (optional)
4) Section Modulus Data (optional)
5) Material Properties (optional)

This information is used in the Intact Loading and Salvage Response Programs to calculate the
shear and bending moment at specified locations. Items 1) and 2) are required for this calculation.

Allowables are not required. If they are not entered, the Intact Loading and Salvage Response
Programs display the actual weight and buoyant forces and moments as well as the shear and
bending moment at each location. If allowables are entered at one or more locations, display of
shear and bending moments as a percentage of the allowables is available.

If Section Modulus Data is entered, the display of stresses in the Intact Loading and Salvage
Response Programs becomes an available option. A minimum of four locations must have section
modulus data before plots of stresses are available.

Data Definitions and Selection

Items 1) and 2) listed above are entered in a display like the one shown in Figure 6-30. The frame
locations should be chosen to correspond with points expected to experience high stresses such as

page 6-37
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

main bulkheads and mid-hold areas. The frame label is simply an identifier for displays and
printouts; it can be any four letter or number designation.

The lightship weight and weight moment represent the lightship weight aft of the specified
location and the moment of that weight about the location. These are automatically computed if
the lightship weight distribution was entered. They are required for strength calculations.

Figure 6-30

The allowable shear forces and bending moments are entered at the same locations specified
above. These values are usually determined by a classification society and are based on the hull
scantlings. The user has the ability to enter allowables at three separate drafts.

Both AT SEA and IN HARBOR conditions can be specified. The In Harbor allowables are
substantially higher than the At Sea values because of the still water considerations. Sag
moments are automatically set equivalent to the Hog moments but they can be entered separately
if desired.

Within the Intact Loading and Salvage Response Programs, the user can select which allowables
condition is appropriate. The specified set is then used to calculate actual shear and bending
moment percentages.

The Section modulus data can be entered about both a horizontal neutral axis (normal vertical hull
bending) and a vertical neutral axis (for horizontal bending). The section inertia, section
modulus to extreme fibers, location of neutral axis relative to the extreme fibers, and shear area
can be entered.

page 6-38
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

Step-By-Step (Options and Features)

You should start by specifying the longitudinal locations under  # 
The selected stations should be within the fore and aft range of the existing Bonjean stations.

If the lightship weight distribution has been entered, the weight and moment at each location will
be calculated by the program. Use the [F3] key to initiate this calculation. The values are also
calculated automatically every time the lightship weight distribution entry or strength data entry is
terminated. This insures that the correct values are used for the strength calculation.

If a lightship weight distribution was not entered, the weight and weight moment values can be
entered directly.

Once the locations have been specified, the strength allowables and section modulus data can be
entered using the 
   and       options. It is best to
provide information for each location defined for strength output if you provide it for any of the

Upon selecting 

  , if allowables data is available at different drafts,
pressing the [F8] key enables you to specify the strength drafts. You can then copy the values
from the previous draft and alter the data as necessary.

Finally, choose the 

  option to print all the strength data for checking.


The Ship Data Entry Program is basically a utility that enables the user to enter and consolidate a
great deal of ship data in one file. The program was written with the idea that data entry should
be efficient and error-free. The data entry screens are meant to enhance efficiency and also
minimize errors in data input.

The program attempts to alert the user to errors as they are input, and in several levels after the
data input has been completed. There are always ways around safeguards, however, and the user
should double-check each block of data after it has been entered. The error checking utilities
discussed below are merely meant to assist the user in finding any errors in the data. The
following paragraphs discuss each level of error checking briefly.

The first level is the input screen. Each data entry screen scans the input data as it is entered for
proper order and reasonableness. For instance, the user must input drafts in increasing order in
the hydrostatics entry screen. If drafts are entered out of order, a warning message will appear.

The second level occurs when exiting an input screen. The user may skip lines while entering
data in a particular screen, but when an exit is attempted, the program takes certain steps to
eliminate the error. An error message may appear, or the program may correct the error. For
instance, if the user enters three tanks with a blank column of data between tanks 2 and 3, the
blank column is automatically deleted upon exiting.

page 6-39
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input

The third level is the 

 option. This option checks the groups of data listed below for
any inconsistencies.

The fourth level is encountered when attempting to save an .SDA file. The program once
again checks for any inconsistencies in data that may cause the program to run incorrectly. If, for
instance, the LCG for a particular tank is not within the tank bounds, an error message appears
warning the user that strength data will not be available because of this inconsistency.

Step-By-Step (Options and Features)

The error check menu provides the user with the option to display the available load options,
display which pieces of data are present in the file, and check the data entered.

      checks to see if the following features are
 Trim and Stability
 Tank/Cargo Weight Entry
 Shear Force & Bending Moment Calculations
 Statical Stability Summary (Righting Arms)
 Drafts at Draft Marks
 Load Line Check
 Required GM Margin
 Allowable Strength (In Harbor/ At Sea)
 Hull Girder Stresses/Deflections

The screen (see Figure 6-31) displays the data entry that is required to run all the features. This
provides the user with the ability to determine the data required to run certain features of the
Intact Load and Salvage Response Programs.

Figure 6-31

page 6-40
Chapter 6 Ship Data Input


  option checks for the following data and lists how many
items of the various types found:

 Cross curves
 Bonjean data
 Trimmed KMt
 Required GMt curves
 Tankage data by group
 Variable VCG/FS data by tank
 Lightship data
 Strength data
 Section modulus data

The following figure shows a typical listing.

Figure 6-32


  menu option checks the above groups of data for
reasonableness and displays any errors.

The data entered or errors present may be printed out while in the proper screen by pressing the [F8]

page 6-41

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