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Classicalromantic Quiz

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CLASSICAL/ROMANTIC MUSIC QUIZ Name _________________________________

1. What are the Dates for the Classical Period of Music?

a. 1450-1600 b. 1750- 1820 c. 1950-2000 d. 1600-1750

2. Circle which period of music came first? Classical or Romantic

3. Circle the three main composers of the Classical Period of music

a Bach b. Handel c. Mozart d. Hayden e. Beethoven f. Lizst

4. What was Opera Buffa?

a. Serious Opera b. Comic Opera c. Russian Opera d. Soap Opera

5. Why was the period of Classical Music so Important to the middle class?

6. Who was the Classical composer who was the first to copyright their music and
make money?

a. Beethoven b. Mozart c. Chzerny d. Lizst

7. What are the dates for Romantic Music?

a. 1200-1650 b. 1650-1700 c. 1820-1900 d. 1950-2000

8. What was the main shift in romantic music? It went from a specific formula of
writing to what?

a. Emotional music b. Turtle music c. Gregorian Chant d. Madrigal

9. Circle the three main composers of the Romantic Period?

a. Williams b. Schubert c. Lizst d.Wagner e. Bach f. Mozart

10. What is the movement, “emancipation of the artist” all about?

11. Describe what impressionism is…

12. Expressionism was a reaction to impressionism…. Expressionism focused on…

a. mood b. emotions c. chanson d. Gregorian Chant

13. What were the three main countries that opera spread to in the romantic period
of music?

a. Italy b. England c. France d. Germany e. Russia f. India

14. What Classical composer wrote his first symphony at the age of 6?

a. Bach b Hayden c. Mozart d. Beethoven

15. In the Romantic Era, the composer’s main goal was…

a. follow a set of rules to write muisc

b. write what they wanted and how they felt
c. work for a family and write what they wanted
d. write motets for the church

Matching Composers

________ Beethoven A. wrote of 400 hours of music

________ Schubert B. Was an independent composer

________ Mozart C. Unfinished Symphony

________ Hayden D. Piano Terminator

________ Wagner E. Died Penniless

________ Lizst F. Invented the Tuba

Matching Styles

_________Opera Seria A. Supported Comic Opera

_________War of the Buffoons B. Music written inspired by culture

_________Opera Buffa C. Supported Serious Opera

_________France D. Emotional Music

_________Italy E. Comic Opera

_________ Nationalism F. Imagery Music

_________ Impressionism G. Opposing Operatic Views

_________ Expressionism H. Serious Opera

I am providing 3 listening examples that are opera, impressionism, and
expressionism. Pretend you are watching a movie and using descriptive language
(adjectives) describe what you would see during the listening selections.




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