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Systemverilog Procedural Statements: New Operators

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SystemVerilog Procedural Statements

• New Operators

Increment and decrement operator (Similar to C)

Post-increment/decrement and pre-increment/decrement
j=i++ j is assigned value of i and then i is incremented by 1
j=++i i is incremented by 1 and thenj is assigned value of i
j=i--; j is assigned value of i and then i is decremented by 1
j=--i; i is decremented by 1 and then j is assigned value of i

May cause a race condition since ++ and -- operators behave as
blocking assignments
Example while (i++ < MAX) begin
. . .
Last value of i inside the loop will be MAX

while (++j < MAX) begin

. . .
Last value of j inside the loop will be MAX-1

SystemVerilog Procedural Statements

• Assignment Operators
 Equality operators

Case equality operator === , !== (looks for an exact match of x
or z values)

Logical equality operator ==, != (returns 1’bx if x or z in either

SystemVerilog introduces two new operators known as
wildcard equality operators ( ==? and !=? )

Performs a bitwise operation and treat X and Z values in a
given bit position of their right operand as a wildcard.

X and Z values in the left operand are not treated as wildcards.

a=4’b11x0; a=4’b1001;
b=4’b1100; b=4’b1x01;
a==?b a==?b

unknown Result ?

SystemVerilog Procedural Statements

• Set Membership Operator - inside

 inside operator is a comma-separated list of expressions or ranges
 inside is used to check if a given value lies within a range
logic [3:0] a;
if ((a==4’b0001)||(a==4’b0010)||(a==4’b0100 || (a==4’b1000)))

Equivalent to
logic [3:0] a;
if (a inside {4’b0001, 4’b0010, 4’b0100, 4’b1000})

integer a;
a inside { [16:23], [32:47] };

SystemVerilog Procedural Statements

• Type Casting casting_type’(expression)

Verilog automatically converts values of one type to another type
using assignment statement

SystemVerilog adds a typecast operator

Type casting is used to specify that a conversion should occur at
any point during the evaluation of an expression,rather than just
part of an assignment

SystemVerilog Procedural Statements

• Size Casting casting_size’(expression)

SystemVerilog allows widths of the vector to be cast to a different

If an expression is cast to a smaller vector size then the left-most
bits of the expression are truncated

If an expression is cast to a larger vector size, then the expression
is left extended
parameter P = 16;
integer x;
logic [15:0]y;
y=(P+1)'(x – 2)

Sign Casting sign’(expression) unsign’(expression)

 SystemVerilog allows casting the signedness of a
 Signedness of an operand can be cast
 Signedness of an operation result can be cast
product= signed’(x) * signed’(y); if(unsigned’(a-b)<=8)
Cast operand Cast intermediate result

SystemVerilog Procedural Statements

• Enhanced for loops

In verilog, variable used to control a for loop must be declared
prior to the loop ( Concurrent loops may interfere with each other )

SystemVerilog allows the variables of for loop to be declared
inside the loop

A variable declared as part of a for loop is local to the loop and do
not exist outside the loops

Each variable is unique to the loop, so it prevents interference

Local loop variables are automatic variables.
always @(negedge clk) begin
for (int j=0; j<= 255; j++)


SystemVerilog Procedural Statements

• do…while loop

A while loop in Verilog might not execute at all
If the expression is not true at the beginning of the execution of
the while-loop, the statement shall not be executed at all.

do..while loop in System Verilog is similar to C

A do while loop executes atleast once

tests its control expression at the end of the loop

All logic for setting the outputs of the loop can be placed inside
the loop

Makes code more compact and intuitive

do <statement or statement block>

while (<condition>);

Verilog Tasks and Functions Overview
• Functions

A function shall not contain any time-controlled statements such
as #100, @(posedge clock) or wait(ready)
function [range]

A function cannot call a task function_name;

The purpose of function is to return a value parameters

Functions evaluate and execute in “0” time input declarations

A function shall contain at least one input reg declarations
… text body …
argument and no output or inout argument. endfunction

Tasks shall contain input, multiple outputs or inout arguments

Tasks consume time so it can contain Delay, Timing and
task task_name;
input declarations
output declarations
inout declarations
reg declarations
… text body …

SystemVerilog Tasks and Functions
• Tasks and Functions
 Begin and end statements are optional in systemverilog functions
and tasks.
 Functions can have output and inout as formal arguments
 Void functions do not return a value
• Return Statement

SystemVerilog adds a return statement

If a return statement is executed that value is returned else the last
value assigned to the function name is the return value

A return statement can be used to exit a task or a function before
reaching its end

The return statement shall override any value assigned to the function
function [15:0] myfunc1 (input [7:0] x,y);
myfunc1 = x * y – 1;

function [15:0] myfunc2 (input [7:0] x,y); Return has priority

myfunc2 = x * y – 1;
over returning on
return 45;
endfunction name of function

SystemVerilog Tasks and Functions

• Void functions
 Void functions do not have a return value
 Output and inout formal arguments allow a void function to
propagate changes to the scope
 Void functions can be called as statements like tasks, but have

the syntax and semantic restrictions of functions.

function void print_sum (int a[]);

int sum = 0;
for (int i=0; i<a.size; i++) begin
sum += a[i]; end
$display("The sum of the arrays is ", sum);

SystemVerilog Tasks and Functions
• Passing task/function arguments by name

SystemVerilog allows arguments to tasks and functions to be
bound by name of formal arguments

It reduces error

Named argument values can be passed in any order

Syntax for named argument passing is same as Verilog’s syntax
for named port connections

function int multiply (input int

multiplicand, multiplier);
return multiplicand*multiplier;

always @(posedge clock)


always @(posedge clock)


SystemVerilog Tasks and Functions
• Default formal argument direction and type

Systemverilog allows to specify a default type & value for each
formal argument

When a task or function is called, arguments with defaults can be
omitted from the call

If a value is not passed the default values are used

task read(int j = 0, int k, int data = 1 );


read ( ,5); //is equivalent to read(0,5,1)

read (2,5); //is equivalent to read(2,5,1)
read (1,5,2); //is equivalent to read(1,5,2)
read ( ,5, ); //is equivalent to read(0,5,1)
read ( ); // error: k has no default value
read (1, ,7); // error: k has no default value

SystemVerilog Tasks and Functions

• Passing argument values by reference instead of copy

Values are passed by copy to tasks and functions (pass by value)

SystemVerilog has explicit pass by reference task/function

ref keyword is used (instead of input, output or inout)

tasks and functions should be automatic to have ref arguments

function automatic int crc( ref byte packet [1000:1] );

for( int j= 1; j <= 1000; j++ ) begin
crc ^= packet[j];

// function call
byte packet1[1000:1];
int k = crc( packet1 ); // pass by value or by reference: call is the same

SystemVerilog Tasks and Functions
• Passing argument values by reference instead of copy

Pass by reference can be read-only by the use of const keyword

Const qualifier can be used together with ref to indicate that the
argument is a read-only variable.

Protect arguments from being modified by task/function

Task ref arguments are sensitive to change

Ref arguments can read current values

Ref arguments can propagate changes immediately
Read only

task automatic show ( const ref byte data [] );

for ( int j = 0; j < data.size ; j++ )
$display( data[j] ); // data can be read but not written

SystemVerilog Tasks and Functions
• Argument Passing
 Type is sticky, following arguments default to that type
 input - copy value in at beginning - default
 output - copy value out at end
 inout - copy in at beginning and out at end
 ref - pass by reference (effects seen right away)
► Saves time and memory for passing arrays to tasks & functions
 Modifier: const - argument cannot be modified

Default dir is input, x, y: input logic

default type is logic q, q: output bit [7:0]

task final(x,
final(x, y,
y, output
output bit
bit [7:0]
[7:0] p,
p, q);


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