An Affix Is A Word Element That Can Be Added As A Prefix, Suffix, and Infix To The Base Word
An Affix Is A Word Element That Can Be Added As A Prefix, Suffix, and Infix To The Base Word
An Affix Is A Word Element That Can Be Added As A Prefix, Suffix, and Infix To The Base Word
An affix is a word element that can be added as a prefix, suffix, and infix to the base word
(base / root) which is used to form a new word.
• Happy → unhappy
• Order → preorder
• Emotion → emotional
Prefix is a word or group of words that are located at the beginning of a word and form a
new word and meaning that is different from the original word.
Some of the prefixes used carry part of the meaning of the new word that is formed.
Prefix is usually used to show the negation or negative form of a word.
Prefix can also be used to express the relationship of time, place, or way.
Suffix is a word or group of words that are located at the end of a word and form a new
word and meaning that is different from the original word.
When a word is given a suffix (suffix), the word will experience a word class change.
Suffixes sometimes change the spelling of a word.
Noun Suffixes
Changes the class of a word from a word to a noun (noun) by adding a suffix (suffix) to the
Adjective Suffixes
Suffix Adjective
-ly daily, monthly, yearly
-ful forgetful, helpful, useful
Changes the class of a word into a verb and adverb by adding a suffix to the word
Infix (insert) is a word or group of words that are located in (middle) a word and form a
new word and emphasize the meaning of the word.
• The Infix is inserted before the syllable that receives the most stress, and cannot be inserted
anywhere else in the word.