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Novabiochem: Fmoc Resin Cleavage Protocols

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Fmoc resin cleavage protocols

EMD Millipore is a division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt

Fmoc resin cleavage and deprotection Method 1: Preparing peptide resin for cleavage
1. Place the peptide resin in a sintered glass funnel and apply some suction.
Having successfully synthesized a protected peptide, one is confronted
2. Wash with DMF, acetic acid, then with DCM several times. Wash further with MeOH
with a difficult task of having to simultaneously detach the peptide from (polystyrene) or ether (polyacrylamide) to shrink the resin.
the resin support and remove all the side-chain protecting groups of the 3. Remove the peptide resin and dry under high vacuum for 4 h, or preferably o/n, over KOH.
amino acid residues to yield the desired peptide. In Fmoc SPPS, this step
is normally carried out by treating the peptidyl resin with TFA. During this
process, highly reactive cationic species are generated from the 3 TFA cleavage and deprotection
protecting groups [1] and the handles on the resin [2], and these can, Optimum cleavage conditions are very much dependent on the individual
unless trapped, react with, and hence modify, those residues which amino acid residues present, their number and sequence, the side-chain
contain nucleophilic functional groups: Trp, Met, Tyr and Cys. To prevent protecting groups, and the type of linker attached to the resin.
this, various nucleophilic reagents (known as scavengers) are added to
the TFA to quench these ions. Due to the variability in the behaviour of different peptidyl resins, it is
recommended that a preliminary small scale cleavage of peptide resin
A number of universal cleavage mixtures have been advocated, the most using 20-50 mg sample is carried out to determine the optimum cleavage
popular of which is Reagent K (TFA/water/phenol/thioanisole/ conditions, such as the choice of scavenger(s) and length of reaction.
EDT [82.5:5:5:5:2.5]). However, with recent advances in protecting group
and linker technology, particularly the introduction of Fmoc-Trp(Boc) and Table 1: Recommended protecting group and resin strategy.
Fmoc-Arg(Pmc/Pbf) derivatives, such complex mixtures containing toxic
and malodorous reagents are no longer necessary, except in exceptional
Fmoc amino acid derivatives
circumstances. Arg(Pmc)/Arg(Pbf) Asp(OtBu)/(OMpe) Asn(Trt) Cys(Acm) Cys(Mmt)
Cys(tBu) Cys(Trt) Glu(OtBu) Gln(Trt) His(Clt)
His(Trt) Lys(Boc) Lys(ivDde) Lys(Mmt) Ser(tBu)
Most problems can be ameliorated by the appropriate choice of protected
Ser(Trt) Thr(tBu) Thr(Trt) Tyr(tBu) Tyr(2-
amino acid derivative and resin (Table 1). If these recommendations are ClTrt) Trp(Boc)
followed, the use of TFA/TIS/water (95:2.5:2.5) will suffice for most
sequences. There are, of course, sequences, especially those which
contain cysteine and numerous t-butyl protected residues, for which this 2-Chlorotrityl chloride resin for C-terminal Cys, Met, Trp, Tyr
mixture does not give satisfactory results; in these cases, the addition of
EDT to the mixture or the use of reagent K is recommended. This will enable the extent of cleavage (e.g. by quantitative analysis of the
Nevertheless, as a general, non-malodorous cleavage cocktail, this reference amino acid attached to the linker, where appropriate) and the
mixture has proved remarkably effective. quality of the crude cleaved peptide (by HPLC and amino acid analysis) to
be determined. For the majority of peptides, provided the
For those who do not wish to use the recommendations given in Table 1, recommendations given in Table 1 are followed, cleavage can be effected
the flow-chart shown in Figure 1 will aid in the selection of the most with TFA/TIS/water (95:2.5:2.5). In cases where problems do occur, the
appropriate mixture. use of Reagent K, or the addition of EDT to the above mixture, will
generally provide a satisfactory solution.

1 Removal of N-terminal Fmoc group In the case of the Rink Amide resin, the phenyl benzyl ether bond, which
Before acid cleavage of the peptidyl resin can be performed, the links the handle to the resin, is acid sensitive and can be broken,
N-terminal Fmoc group must be removed using piperidine. Check with especially when product release is sluggish during the cleavage reaction,
the instruction manual of your synthesizer; many synthesizers will resulting in colored by-products which are not easily removed from the
automatically program the removal of the N-terminal Fmoc-group as a product by simple washes. This can be avoided using the 2-step
last step in the synthesis. procedure outlined in Method 3, or better by using silane scavengers.
These steps are not necessary with resins incorporating the more stable
modified Rink linker, such as the Rink Amide AM, Rink Amide MBHA
2 Preparing peptide resin for cleavage resin, and NovaSyn® TGR resins.
The peptide resin should be thoroughly washed, especially when DMF is
used during synthesis as it is nonvolatile and residual basic DMF can have Methionine, cysteine and tryptophan are extremely susceptible to
a marked inhibitory effect on TFA-acidolysis. For PEG and polyacrylamide- alkylation by cations produced during the cleavage process. Reaction of
based supports, washing with a mildly acidic reagent, such as acetic acid tryptophan, methionine or cysteine with t-butyl cations results in
which does not cause release of the peptide, is desirable since these types modification of the product peptide; reaction with the linker cation gives
of resin have a tendency to hold onto DMF [3]. Thorough washing and irreversible reattachment of the peptide to the resin [3]. With methionine,
drying must be effected before cleavage (Method 1). further reaction can occur giving rise to homoserine and fragmentation
of the peptide chain. By adding scavengers to the cleavage mixture, these
Note: Acetic acid should not be used for washing of extremely acid-labile side reactions can be largely suppressed. One exception is sulfonation of
Rink acid, TGT or 2-chlorotrityl resins. tryptophan by the products formed on cleavage of Mtr, Pmc and Pbf
protected arginine residues [4]. Fortunately, this side reaction can be
eliminated by using Fmoc-Trp(Boc) [5-8]. This derivative also suppresses
reattachment of C-terminal Trp residues to the cation generated at the
resin linker. Sulfonyl-based protecting groups have also been shown to
be associated with the formation of N-sulfonated Arg [9] and
O-sulfonated Ser and Thr [10].

The most commonly used scavenger is EDT. Not only is it an extremely removal of this protecting group by HPLC. A compromise needs to be
good scavenger for t-butyl cations, but it assists in the removal of the made between partially tryptophan-modified peptide and incomplete
trityl protecting group from cysteine and is particularly effective in deprotection of Arg(Mtr). Therefore, with peptides containing Trp, the use
preventing acid catalyzed oxidation of tryptophan residues. of Trp(Boc)-derivatives is strongly recommended to avoid modification of
the tryptophan side chain.
Suppression of acid-catalyzed Met oxidation can be effected by including
ethylmethyl sulfide (EMS), EDT or thioanisole into the scavenger mixture; With long peptides, it can be necessary to use an extended cleavage time
although methionine sulfoxide formation can be minimized by carrying to completely remove all side-chain protection. If complete deportection
out the cleavage reaction under nitrogen, ensuring only peroxide-free is not achieved in 6 hours, the peptide should be precipitated with ether,
ether is used for product precipitation, and that all solvents are and the cleavage repeated with fresh reagents. Test cleavages should be
thoroughly degassed before use. Thioanisole is also known to accelerate performed to find the optimum cleavage regime. Incomplete side-chain
Arg(Mtr/Pmc/Pbf) removal in TFA; however, it is advisable to exercise care deprotection is often overlooked as the cause for failure in the synthesis
when using this reagent as there is evidence to suggest that it can cause of long peptides.
partial removal of Acm, tButhio or tBu protecting groups from Cys
residues [11]. Problems have been observed with sluggish deprotection of N-terminal
Asn(Trt) residues. These can easily be overcome by extending the cleavage
time to 4 hours or using Asn(Dmcp) in place of Asn(Trt)..
Do es the peptide conta in R e mo ve
a N -ter min al F m oc grou p? the N -termin a l F m oc group
Method 2: General TFA cleavage
CAUTION: TFA is an extremely corrosive liquid; great care must be taken when using this reagent.
NO Proper eye protection, lab coat, and gloves are mandatory. Follow local, state/provincial and
federal safety regulations. Use in an efficient fume hood.
NO YES 1. Place dry resin in a flask and add TFA solution containing appropriate scavengers (10-25 ml/g
Do es the peptide conta in
Ar g( Mtr) or an unpr otec ted
Do es the peptide conta in
C y s (T r t) or Me t?
resin, Figure 3-33). NOTE: a calculation should be made to ensure sufficient scavenger is
Tr p ?
present for the quality of peptide and protecting groups present. Stopper the flask and leave
to stand at rt with occasional swirling. Reaction time depends upon the sequence (see
“Monitoring the cleavage reaction”, below).
2. Remove the resin by filtration under reduced pressure. Wash the resin twice with TFA.
NO C l eav e wi th: Combine filtrates, and add (drop-wise) an 8-10 fold volume of cold ether. Sometimes it is
Do es the peptide conta in
> 2 Ar g( Mtr) re s idu es ?
1] 95% T FA : 2.5% wa ter:
2.5% T I S
necessary to evaporate most of the TFA to achieve a good precipitation of the crude peptide.
Method 2 The ether can be cooled with ice to further assist precipitation.
3. Isolate the peptide as described in Method 13.

C l eav e wi th:
Method 3: Two-stage procedure for detachment/deprotection of
1] 1M T MS B r/thio a nis ole
in T F A with m -cres o l/E D T Rink amide resin
Method 5
1. Slurry the resin in 10% TFA in DCM and pour into a glass funnel with a fine sinter.
2. Allow the solvent to percolate slowly through the resin bed. Wash the resin with 5% TFA,
allowing it to pass through the resin bed slowly. The detachment is an acid-catalyzed
Clea ve with: equilibrium, so it is important to continually remove the detached peptide by using this flow
C l eav e wi th:
1] 81. 5% T F A: 5% thioanis ole: method. Carrying out the reaction in a flask will not achieve complete detachment. Yields
1] 94. 0% TF A: 2.5% wa ter:
5% ph enol: 5% water:
2. 5% E DT: 1% T IS
2.5 % E D T: 1% TI S can be improved by the addition of 1-5% TIS to the cleavage mixture.
Method 2
Method 2
3. Remove the excess TFA/DCM under reduced pressure and complete the deprotection with
95% TFA plus scavengers, according to the amino acid composition (see Figure 13.
Fig. 1: Flow-chart for selecting cleavage cocktail for Fmoc SPPS.

Phenol is thought to offer some protection to Tyr and Trp residues [1]. Monitoring the cleavage reaction
Trialkylsilanes, such as TIS and TES, have been shown to be effective, non- The presence of Mtr protected arginine in a peptide necessitates
odorous substitutes for EDT [12], particularly for peptides containing protracted reaction times varying from 3 to 6 hours depending upon the
Arg(Pmc) and Trp(Boc) [5, 8]. These reagents are also very efficient at choice of scavengers used (Figure 3-33). Multiple arginine residues can
quenching highly stabilized cations liberated on cleavage of Trt [12], require an extension of reaction times up to 24 hours. In such cases it is
Tmob [13] and the Rink Amide linker, and therefore their use is strongly extremely useful to be able to optimize the cleavage conditions by
recommended when these moieties are present. monitoring removal of this protecting group by HPLC.

When several of the less acid-labile protecting groups are present in a

peptide or the peptide is long and therefore contains numerous 4 General protocols involving strong acids
protecting groups, cleavage time usually needs to be extended As an alternative to TFA, for rapid deprotection of less acid-labile side-
significantly. The Mtr group is less acid-labile than Pmc or Pbf groups, chain protecting groups such as Arg(Mtr/Pmc/Pbf), Asn(Mbh) and
and its complete removal can take as long as 24 hours. In such cases Gln(Mbh), stronger acids can be used with appropriate scavengers with
where Trp is present with several Mtr protecting groups, it is extremely no report of side reactions.
useful to be able to optimize the cleavage conditions by monitoring

HBF4 in TFA HMPB resins & Sieber amide resins
Several papers [14, 15, 16] have described the use of HBF4 (1 M) in TFA as Fully protected peptide acids can be generated from the HMPB linker [21]
an alternative to TFA cleavage and deprotection. This reagent completely and protected amides from the Sieber amide resin [23]. However, careful
removes the tBu protecting-group from Ser, Thr, Tyr, Asp and Glu experimentation is essential if premature loss of side-chain protecting
residues, Boc from Lysine, and the Mbh from Gln and Asn. groups is to be avoided. Repetitive treatment of peptidyl resin with a
solution of 1% solution of TFA in dichloromethane in tandem with
Both Cys(pMeOBzl) and Cys(tBu) residues are deprotected by this minimum reaction times will give the best results.
procedure. However, Cys(pMeBzl) deprotection is incomplete and
Cys(Acm) remains intact even after the addition of thioanisole. Ideally, the cleavage should be carried out in a sealable sintered glass
funnel to prevent evaporation of the highly volatile DCM, and the
The cleavage of Wang and Rink Amide resins is complete within 30-60 filtration should be carried out by applying nitrogen pressure rather than
minutes at 4°C, while MBHA resin requires more than 90 minutes of by the use of a vacuum.
cleavage at 25°C.
If the peptide contains Met or Trp, 1% EDT should be added to the
The main advantage of this method over TFA alone is that cleavage with cleavage mixture to prevent reattachment of the peptide. If the peptide
HBF4 in TFA cleaves the Mtr group of arginine in under an hour, thus contains a C-terminal Trp residue, the use of Trp(Boc) is strongly
greatly reducing the risk of Trp alkylation. EDT should be used as a second recommended [24].
scavenger when Trp residues are present.
In this batch-wise procedure, the acid strength increases step-wise, as
Method 4: Cleavage and deprotection of peptide resins using HBF4 determined by the amount of TFA-buffering groups present. The maximal
concentration of peptide may be contained in the first or in one of the
in TFA
later washes, depending on the buffering capacity of the amide bonds
CAUTION: HBF4 is an extremely strong acid; proper eye protection, face shield, rubber apron and and other functional groups present. The side-chain protecting groups of
rubber gloves are mandatory. Follow local, state/provincial and federal safety and environmental
the t-butyl type as well as Trt (on Asn and Gln) remain completely intact
codes and regulations. Always use in an efficient fume hood. Vapor is harmful if inhaled.
1. Add 10 mmole of HBF4-diethylether complex to 10 mmole thioanisole dissolved in TFA and
during this process [21].
adjust the total volume to 10 ml.
2. Treat the peptide resin (10–25 ml/g) using the above reagent in the presence of m-cresol and Method 6: Cleavage with dilute TFA
EDT at 0°C for 60 min. For MBHA resins cleave for 90 min at 25°C. 1. Pre-swell the dry resin (1 g) with DCM in a sealable sintered glass funnel and remove excess DCM.
3. Remove the resin by filtration under reduced pressure. Wash the resin twice with clean TFA. 2. Add 1% TFA in dry DCM (10 ml), seal funnel and shake for 2 min. Filter solution by
Combine filtrates, and add (drop-wise) an 8-10 fold volume of cold ether. applying nitrogen pressure into a flask containing 10% pyridine in methanol (2
4. Isolate the peptide as described in Method 13. ml).
3. Repeat step 2 up to 10 times, wash the residual protected peptide from the resin with 3 x 30
ml DCM, 3 x 30 ml MeOH, 2 x 30 ml DCM, 3 x 30 ml MeOH, and check filtrates by TLC or
Resin cleavage using trimethylsilyl bromide [17] HPLC.
The long cleavage times often found necessary for the complete 4. Combine filtrates which contain product and evaporate under reduced pressure to 5% of the
deprotection of peptide containing multiple Arg(Mtr) residues can lead to volume. Add water (40 ml) to the residue and cool mixture with ice to aid precipitation of the
serious degradation in product quality. In particular, prolonged exposure product.
of tryptophan-containing peptides to EDT in TFA can lead to modification 5. Isolate product by filtration through a sintered glass funnel. Wash product three times with
of tryptophan residues due to dithioketal formation. Cleavage with fresh water. Dry sample in a desiccator under vacuum over KOH, and later over P2O5.
trimethylsilyl bromide (TMSBr) eliminates these problems since this
reagent has been shown to cleanly deprotect up to 4 Arg(Mtr) residues in
15 minutes. Furthermore, this method has been found to completely 2-Chlorotrityl, NovaSyn® TGT and NovaPEG Trt resins
suppress formation of sulfonation by-products, even when unprotected 2-Chlorotrityl [20], NovaSyn® TGT [22], and NovaPEG Trt resins can be
tryptophan is used [18]. cleaved with 1% TFA, as described above, or under milder conditions with
AcOH or TFE [25] to produce protected peptides. When preparing
Method 5: Cleavage with TMSBr protected peptides, the use of Fmoc-His(Clt)-OH is particularly
recommended for introduction of histidine. This helps avoids partial side-
1. Add TMSBr (1.32 ml) to a solution of EDT (0.50 ml), m-cresol (0.1 ml) and thioanisole (1.17 ml)
chain deprotection of histidine which can occur when His(Trt) is used.
in TFA (7.5 ml) cooled to 0°C. Add the peptide resin (200 mg) and allow the mixture to stand
for 15 min under a blanket of N2 at 0°C.
2. Remove the resin by filtration under reduced pressure. Wash the resin twice with clean TFA. Method 7: Cleavage with TFE/DCM
Combine filtrates, and add (drop-wise) an 8-10 fold volume of cold ether. Sometimes it is 1. Treat the peptidyl resin at rt with TFE/DCM (2:8) for 3 x1 h.
necessary to evaporate most of the TFA to achieve a good precipitation of the crude peptide. 2. After the appropriate time, remove resin by filtration, wash 3 times with cleavage mixture.
The ether can be cooled with ice to further assist precipitation. 3. Evaporate solution to dryness and precipitate protected peptide with ether.
3. Isolate the peptide as described in Method 13 The detached, fully protected peptide will be very hydrophobic and may require to be extracted
NOTE: Occasionally an additional treatment of the peptide with ammonium fluoride is required to further from the resin with DMF, DMSO. The completeness of the cleavage can be checked by TLC
reverse any silylation which may have occurred. of the filtrates. Purify by low pressure chromatography on silica gel, HPLC on phenyl silica or by

5 Cleavage from very acid-sensitive resins

The Rink Acid resin [19], 2-chlorotrityl [20], HMPB [21], NovaSyn TGT [22] 6 Peptides attached by the HMBA and oxime linker
and Sieber resins [23] contain highly acid-sensitive linkers and are For the synthesis of peptide carboxamides, the HMBA linker has been
suitable for the synthesis of protected peptides. largely superseded by those of the Rink Amide type. Nevertheless, this

3 3
linker is still one of the most flexible of the peptide-resin linkers. Peptides Method 11: Cleavage with methanol/DIPEA to give the methyl
can be released from linker with a number of different nucleophiles to ester [27]
yield peptides with a variety of functional groups at the C-terminus [3,
The side-chain protecting groups should be first removed using Method 8, steps 1 & 2.
27-30] (Table 2). These protocols are also compatible with the oxime
1. Place the resin in a clean flask and add sufficient DMF to swell the resin. Cleave o/n with
linker used in Boc SPPS.
DIPEA/MeOH/DMF (1:5:5, 50 ml/g).
Table 2: Products from cleavage of HMBA linker. 2. Wash the resin first with MeOH/DMF and then with TFA into a separate flask to remove any
methanol insoluble peptide.
Reagent Product 3. Evaporate the filtrates separately to dryness on a rotary evaporator. Precipitate peptide with
ether and isolate by filtration.
NH3/MeOH Peptide carboxamide; Method 3-32
If the yields are low, repeat the reaction with fresh reagents at 50°C.
NH2NH2 Peptide hydrazide; Method 3-33
aq.NaOH Peptide acid; Method 3-34 Method 12: Cleavage with borohydride to give the peptide alcohol
MeOH/DIPEA Peptide methyl ester; Method 3-35 [28]
NaBH4/EtOH Peptide alcohol; Method 3-36 This method is only applicable to TG and PEGA-type resins.
The side-chain protecting groups should be first removed using Method 8, steps 1 & 2.
1. Treat the peptidyl resin (1.0 g) with 50% aq. EtOH, and allow to drain. Add NaBH4 (126 mg) in
Before cleaving the peptide from HMBA derivatized resins, it is important
3 ml 50% aq. EtOH and gently agitate for 4 h.
that the side-chain protecting groups are removed, especially if the
2. Remove the resin by filtration and wash with 50% aq. EtOH (40 ml) to give a solution of
peptide contains Asp or Glu. This is achieved by treating the peptidyl peptide at pH~9.
resin with 95% aq. TFA. If the peptide contains Arg(Mtr), the Arg residue
is best deprotected after cleavage of the peptide from the resin in an
additional step by treatment with reagent K. References
1. D.S. King, et al. (1990) Int. J. Peptide Protein Res., 36, 255.
2. F. Albericio, et al. (1990) J. Org. Chem., 55, 3730.
Method 8: Methanolic ammonia cleavage to give peptide amides 3. E. Atherton & R.C. Sheppard, “Solid phase peptide synthesis: a practical approach”, 1989, IRL Press,
[3, 26] Oxford.
1. Place dry resin in a flask and add 95% aqueous TFA (20 ml/g). Stopper the flask and leave to 4. a) P. Sieber (1987) Tetrahedron Lett., 28, 1637; b) B. Riniker & A. Hartmann in “Peptides, Chemistry,
Structure & Biology, Proc. 11th American Peptide Symposium”, J.E. Rivier & G.R. Marshall (Eds.),
stand at rt for 1 h with occasional swirling. ESCOM, Leiden, pp. 950.
2. Isolate the resin by filtration under reduced pressure and wash with TFA. Discard the filtrate. 5. a) P. White in “Peptides, Chemistry, Structure & Biology, Proc. 12th American Peptide Symposium”,
Wash the resin with DCM, 10% DIPEA in DCM, DCM. Dry the resin under vacuum over P2O5 J.A. Smith & J.E. Rivier (Eds.), ESCOM, Leiden, 1992, pp. 537;b) P. White, Novabiochem Satellite
o/n. Meeting, Solid Phase Synthesis, 2nd International Meeting, Canterbury, 1991.
3. Place the dried resin in a clean, dry pressure vessel and sufficient DMF to swell the resin, 6. H. Choi & J.V. Aldrich (1993) Int. J. Peptide Protein Res., 42, 58.
followed by a solution of dry methanol saturated with ammonia at 0°C (20 ml/g). 7. C.G. Fields & G.B. Fields in “Innovations & Perspectives in Solid Phase Synthesis, 3rd International
4. Seal the flask and let it warm to rt. Leave to stand for 18 h and then cool the flask to 0°C Symposium”, R. Epton (Ed.), Mayflower Worldwide Ltd., Birmingham, 1994, pp. 251.
again. Carefully open the cooled vessel and filter the resin through a sintered glass funnel. 8. C.G.Fields & G.B.Fields (1993) Tetrahedron. Lett., 34, 6661.
5. Wash the resin first with methanol, and then with TFA into a separate flask to remove any 9. A.G. Beck-Sickinger, et al. (1991) Int. J. Peptide Protein Res., 38, 25.
methanol insoluble peptide. 10. E. Jaeger, et al. (1993) Biological Chemistry Hoppe Seyler, 374, 349.
6. Evaporate the filtrates separately to dryness on a rotary evaporator. Precipitate peptide with 11. E. Atherton, et al. (1985) J. Chem., Perkin Trans I, 2065.
ether and isolate by filtration. 12. D.A. Pearson, et al. (1989) Tetrahedron Lett., 30, 2739.
NOTE: If the peptide resin is not thoroughly dried prior to this cleavage procedure, peptide acid 13. N.A. Solé & G. Barany (1992) J. Org. Chem., 57, 5399.
may be obtained as a by-product. 14. Y. Kiso, et al. (1989) Chem. Pharm. Bull., 37, 3432.
15. K. Akaji, et al. (1990) J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 288.
16. M. Yoshida, et al. (1990) Chem. Pharm. Bull., 38, 1551.
Method 9: Cleavage with hydrazine to give the C-terminal 17. S. Guo, et al. (1988) Chem. Pharm. Bull., 36, 4989; H. Yajima, et al. (1988) Tetrahedron
hydrazide [27] Lett., 44, 805.
18. A. Penrose & P. White, Poster 487 presented at the 19th Meeting of the Federation of European
If required, the side-chain protecting groups should be first removed following Method 8, steps 1 Biochemical Societies, Rome, 1989.
& 2. 19. a) H. Rink (1987) Tetrahedron Lett. 28, 3787;b) H. Rink & B. Ernst in “Peptides 1990, Proc. 21st
1. Suspend the peptide resin in DMF and add a solution of 5% hydrazine hydrate in DMF (20 European Peptide Symposium”, E. Giralt & D. Andreu (Eds.), ESCOM, Leiden, 1991, pp. 419.
ml/g). Leave to stand for 1 h at rt. 20. a) K.Barlos, et al. (1989) Tetrahedron Lett., 30, 3943; b) K.Barlos, et al. (1989) Tetrahedron Lett., 30,
2. Filter the resin through a sintered glass funnel and wash the resin first with DMF, and then 3947; K.Barlos, et al. (1991) Int. J. Peptide Protein Res., 37, 513.
with TFA into a separate flask to remove any DMF insoluble peptide. 21. A. Flörsheimer & B. Riniker in “Peptides 1990, Proc. 21st European Peptide Symposium”, E. Girald & D.
3. Evaporate the filtrates separately to dryness on a rotary evaporator. Precipitate peptide with Andreu (Eds.), ESCOM, Leiden, 1991, pp. 131.
ether and isolate by filtration. 22. E.Bayer, et al. in “Peptides, Chemistry, Structure & Biology, Proc. 13th American Peptide Symposium:,
R.S. Hodges & J.A. Smith (Eds.), ESCOM, Leiden, 1994, pp. 157.
23. P. Sieber (1987) Tetrahedron Lett., 28, 2107.
Method 10: Cleavage with alkali to give the free acid [3] 24. B. Kamber & B. Riniker in “Peptides, Chemistry & Biology, Proc. 12th American Peptide Symposium”,
The side-chain protecting groups should be first removed using Method 8, steps 1 & 2. J.A. Smith & J.E. Rivier (Eds.), ESCOM, Leiden, 1992, pp. 525.
1. Pre-swell the resin in dioxane. 25. K. Barlos & D. Gatos in “Fmoc solid phase peptide synthesis: a practical approach”, W. C. Chan & P. D.
2. Cool 0.1 M NaOH/ dioxane (1:3, 20 ml/g) to 0°C in an ice/water bath. Add the peptide resin and White (Eds.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000, pp. 218.
leave to stand for 15 min at rt. 26. J. M. Stewart & J. D. Young in “Solid phase peptide synthesis, 2nd edition”, Pierce Chemical Company,
2. Filter the resin using a glass sintered funnel into a flask containing 0.1 M HCl (5 ml/g). This Rockford, pp. 91.
flask should be cooled in an ice bath to prevent warming as the base solution is neutralized. 27. S. Mellor, et al. in “Fmoc solid phase peptide synthesis: a practical approach”, Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 2000, pp. 147-148.
3. Wash the resin with water and adjust the pH of the filtrate to 7.0. Lyophilize the filtrate and
28. M.Munns & P.White, unpublished results.
remove the sodium chloride by gel-filtration.

Post-cleavage work-up
DO NOT DISCARD resin support or ether until peptide analysis is
complete. Both can be stored under nitrogen or argon
at 4°C to prevent oxidation.

7 Ether precipitation
Most cleavage protocols involve precipitation of the crude cleaved
peptide using cold ethyl ether. The following are general procedures for
post cleavage work-up.

Method 13: Post-cleavage work-up

Peptide isolation and work-up can be achieved by ether precipitation (1) or centrifugation (2). For
water soluble peptides, the method in steps 3-6 can be used.
1. Precipitation: Filter the precipitated peptide through hardened filter paper in a Hirsch funnel
under a light vacuum. Wash the precipitate further with cold ether, dissolve the peptide in a
suitable aqueous buffer and lyophilize.
2. Centrifugation: Add a small volume of t-butyl methyl ether to the residue and triturate
thoroughly until a free suspension is obtained. Transfer the suspension to a clean centrifuge
tube, seal and centrifuge. It is essential that a spark-free centrifuge is used for this process.
Carefully decant the ether from the tube. Repeat the ether wash as necessary. Dissolve the
residual solid in a suitable aqueous buffer and lyophilize.
3. Water-soluble peptides: After precipitation, add water to the residue and transfer mixture to
a separating funnel. A little AcOH may be necessary to aid dissolution.
4. Shake the stoppered funnel well. Release the stopper and allow the two layers to separate by
standing. Isolate the lower (aqueous) layer.
5. Add more water to the funnel and repeat step 4 three times. Remove the upper (ethereal) layer
and store in a clean flask. Return the combined aqueous extracts to the separating funnel.
6. Add a small amount of fresh diethyl ether and repeat step 4 two or three times, each time
removing the ethereal layer and returning the aqueous layer to the separating funnel. Collect
the aqueous layer in a clean flask and lyophilize.

In the methods described above, the yield of peptide can often be

increased if the TFA is first removed using a rotary evaporator (equipped
with a CO2/acetone cold finger, oil pump and acid trap) prior to the ether
precipitation step. In most cases, after adding the ether, the peptide will
adhere to the sides of the reaction flask, enabling the scavengers to be
quickly and easily removed by repeated ether washing. Note: cleavage
mixtures containing TFMSA and HBF4 should not be evaporated to

Since peptides prepared using the low-high HF cleavage method may

contain water soluble sulfonium derivatives, it is advisable to remove
these immediately prior to lyophilization as, under neutral or slightly
basic conditions, they may cause alkylation of methionine and cysteine

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