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AE4-1135 R18 Cooling Requirements For Copelametic and Copeland Discus Compressors AE4-1135 R19 August 2012

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AE4-1135 R18

AE4-1135 R19 August 2012

Cooling Requirements for Copelametic™

and Copeland Discus™ Compressors

In response to customer inquires, both domestic and
international, Emerson Climate Technologies has
reviewed our application requirements for oil coolers and POE must be handled carefully and the proper
head fans applied on Copeland Discus™ compressors protective equipment (gloves, eye protection, etc.)
in the R-404A/R-507 low temperature applications. must be used when handling POE lubricant. POE
Product engineering has done extensive testing of must not come into contact with any surface or
various parameters, including unloading as well as fully material that might be harmed by POE, including
loaded. The results were the basis for the application without limitation, certain polymers (e.g. PVC/
envelope shown in Figure 1. CPVC and polycarbonate).

The latest testing has shown that as long as the Water-Cooled Compressors
suction return gas is maintained below 65°F, Discus™ Some smaller Copelametic compressors are wrapped
compressors can be operated down to -25°F evaporating with water coils for application on water-cooled
on R-404A/R-507 without the requirement of a head fan condensing units. If water is circulated through the coil
or oil coolers. Additionally, head fans can be eliminated wrapped around the compressor, adequate cooling will
at even lower evaporating temperatures if return gas be provided.
temperatures can be maintained at the lower values.
Emerson Climate Technologies application engineering Refrigerant-Cooled Compressors (Non Discus)
will approve these applications upon receipt of acceptable Refrigerant suction cooled compressors are adequately
test data. cooled by the refrigerant at evaporating temperatures
above 0°F. If operated at evaporating temperatures
NOTE: If you remove the oil cooler, you must install the below 0°F, auxiliary cooling is required.
by-pass loop to maintain proper oil flow.
At evaporating temperatures below 0°F, the compressor
The cooling requirements for all other Copelametic can be cooled adequately by the condenser
motor-compressors and refrigerants are clearly defined fan discharge. Fan cycling for head pressure control is
below. Any deviation from these recommendations can not acceptable unless auxiliary cooling is provided. Fan
result in failure of the compressor. cycling for head pressure control for medium and high
temperature applications is acceptable.
Air-Cooled Compressors
As the name implies, air-cooled compressors Vertical cooling fans are recommended for
are totally dependent on heat transfer to the air to compressors 3 H.P. in size and larger when auxiliary
maintain proper temperatures. cooling is required. A standard fan assembly developing
1000 CFM airflow is available, with interchangeable
Air-cooled compressors require constant airflow across brackets to fit different model compressors.
the compressor for proper cooling. Merely drawing
air through a compartment over the compressor is not Compressors designed for an oil cooler, (6RL, 6RT,
adequate - direct impingement on the compressor from 4RL) must be applied with an oil cooler and a vertical
the fan discharge is necessary. cooling fan.

If the compressor is mounted in the fan Two Stage Compressors

discharge stream on a condensing unit, adequate All two stage compressors are provided with an
cooling will be provided. When applied with a interstage expansion valve, and adequate cooling is
remote condenser, an auxiliary fan is required. provided by the refrigerant. No auxiliary fan is required.
If compressor cooling is provided by the condenser fan,
fan cycling for head pressure control is not acceptable
unless auxiliary cooling is provided.

© 2012 Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. 1

Printed in the U.S.A.
AE4-1135 R18
Table 1
Vertical Fan Assemblies
(To be mounted on top of compressor)

Part For Compressor

Number Model
998-0550-00 All Fan assembly including 230-1-60/50 motor, fan blade, guard.
998-0550-01 All Fan assembly including 440/380-1-60/50 motor, fan blade, guard.
998-0550-02 All Fan assembly including 115-1-60/50 motor, fan blade, guard.
998-0574-00 L Mounting kit including bracket, studs, spacers, connectors, conduit.
998-0574-01 M Mounting kit including bracket, studs, spacers, connectors, conduit.
998-0574-02 N Mounting kit including bracket, studs, spacers, connectors, conduit.
998-0574-03 4D-4R Mounting kit including bracket, studs, spacers, connectors, conduit.
998-0574-16 4D*X, 4D*N 1
Mounting kit including bracket, studs, spacers, connectors, conduit.
998-0574-04 6D-6R Mounting kit including bracket, studs, spacers, connectors, conduit.
998-0574-18 6D*X, 6D*N 1
Mounting kit including bracket, studs, spacers, connectors, conduit.
998-0574-05 6DL/T-6RL/T Mounting kit including bracket, studs, spacers, connectors, conduit.
998-0574-06 9R Old Style Head Mounting kit including bracket, studs, spacers, connectors, conduit.
9D-9R New Style
998-0574-08 Mounting kit including bracket, studs, spacers, connectors, conduit.
Head* 3D
998-0574-11 2D Mounting kit including bracket, studs, spacers, connectors, conduit.
*3D Moduload/
998-0574-10 Mounting kit including bracket, studs, spacers, connectors, conduit.
Discus Digital
998-0574-07 6DL/T-6RL/T Mounting Kit and oil cooler assembly.
998-1123-00 6DL/T-6RL/T Oil cooling assembly, including oil cooler, studs, spacers, and fittings.
998-1124-00 4DL/T-4RL/T Oil cooling assembly, including oil cooler, studs, spacers, and fittings.
Indicates 4D/6D Discus III models

Table 2
Vertical Cooling Fan Space Requirement
Compressor Add to Compressor
Model Height, Inches
L 8
N 8
M 8.5
9 8.5
4 9.5
4D*X,4D*N 2
6 10.25
6D*X,6D*N2 9.5
Overall Height is measured from the
mounting point to the top of the Fan Guard

© 2012 Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. 2

Printed in the U.S.A.
AE4-1135 R18

Table 3
Horizontal Fan Assemblies
(To blow on compressor side)

Minimum Fan and Motor Assembly Fan Space Requirement

Air Flow Additional Height to Additional Width to
HP Part Number Electrical
(cfm) Compressor (in.) Compressor (in.)
1 650 998-0050-00 230V-1Ø-60/50 Hz 1.25 5.50
1 1/2 650 998-0050-00 230V-1Ø-60/50 Hz 1.25 5.50
998-0050-02 230V-1Ø-60/50 Hz None 5.50
2 650
998-0050-03 460V-1Ø-60/50 Hz None 5.50

Evaporating Temperature ( °C)

-45.5 -42.8 -40.0 -37.3 -34.5 -31.8 -29.0 -26.3 -23.5 -20.8 -18.0 -15.3 -12.5
140 59.4

130 53.9

120 48.4

110 42.9

Condensing Temperature ( °C)

Condensing Temperature ( °F)

100 37.4
Head Fan No Head Fan
90 Required Except & No Oil 31.9
by A.E. Cooler Required
80 Approval (°65F Max R.G.) 26.4

70 20.9

60 15.4

50 9.9

40 4.4

30 -1.1

20 -6.6
-50 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10

Evaporating Temperature ( °F)

Figure 1
Discus™ Head Fan Requirements
R-404A, R-507

© 2012 Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. 3

Printed in the U.S.A.
AE4-1135 R18
Discus™ Head Fan and Oil Cooler Requirements the compressor is equipped with Copeland™ Demand
With Low Temperature R-407A and R-407C Cooling™, a Copeland Discus compressor using R-407A
Copeland Discus™ compressors are also approved or R-407C in low temperature applications does not
for use with R-407A and R-407C in low temperature require a head fan or an oil cooler. Table 4 lists the
applications. Latest testing by Emerson Climate low temperature compressor model numbers which
Technologies engineering has shown that as long as Emerson has released without the oil cooler attached.

Table 4
Nomenclature Scheme to Identify Copeland Discus™
Compressor Models without Oil Coolers

New Model New Model

Existing Model New Model (Standard)
1-Bank Unloader 2-Bank Unloader
w/Oil Cooler without Oil Cooler
without Oil Cooler without Oil Cooler













Note: Discus III models are not offered with oil coolers.

The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only and are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied,
regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. and/or its affiliates (collectively "Emerson"),
as applicable, reserve the right to modify the design or specifications of such products at any time without notice. Emerson does not assume responsibility for the
selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use and maintenance of any Emerson product remains solely with the purchaser
or end user.

© 2012 Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc. 4

Printed in the U.S.A.

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