Franchezka Pegollo BSBM M 3-1 Toshiba Corporation Corporate Information
Franchezka Pegollo BSBM M 3-1 Toshiba Corporation Corporate Information
Franchezka Pegollo BSBM M 3-1 Toshiba Corporation Corporate Information
Toshiba Corporation
Corporate Information
Under its mid term business plan, Toshiba is working for enhanced recognition as a
highly profitable group of companies, active in both high growth and stable growth
In September 2001, Optical Disk Drive shipment has already reached 23 million units,
and the 20th million hard disk drive set was shipped in January, 2002. TIP's success
can be measured by quality as well as quantity. The well-trained employees make
technology transfer easier, as a result, the factory has the capability to produce 20-
gigabyte hard disk. This is the outcome of a management concept of keeping work
procedures simple, promising speed in delivery and maintaining flexibility in unison with
market forces.
Franchezka Pegollo
BSBM M 3-1
BSBM M 3-1
Package offering ranges from simple single IC to multiple die assembly and from
simple components assembly to complex networks multi-component devices. Package
outlines are either customer specific and/or compliant to the JEDEC standard.
BSBM M 3-1
Mailing address:
+6349 5440217 to 19
+632 4254627
+6349 5440216