Mini Soul Scope-29530
Mini Soul Scope-29530
Mini Soul Scope-29530
Produced by
Joanna Cheung
Born Friday 22 March 1996 Time Not Known Local 12:00 Noon Chart
Melbourne, Australia Long:144E58 Lat:37S49
= -
K 0
1 d
n g l h
/ j 9
f 7
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5 6
Joanna Cheung
Born Friday 22 March 1996 Time Not Known Local 12:00 Noon Chart -1-
Mini Soul Scope for Joanna Cheung
Planetary Positions
1 2 26°18' 7 8 26°18'
2 3 26°58' 8 9 26°58'
3 5 02°08' 9 - 02°08'
4 6 08°07' 10 = 08°07'
5 7 09°34' 11 1 09°34'
6 8 05°04' 12 2 05°04'
1 4 3 3 5 2 4
Sun and Moon 4 points each Uranus, Neptune & Pluto 1 point each
Mercury, Venus & Mars 3 points each Ascendant (Rising Sign) 4 points -2-
Mini Soul Scope for Joanna Cheung
Planetary Aspects
s y s
d q r d
f i r q f
g q r q w g
3°43' 2°24'
h y r q e e h
j q r q w q y j
3°42' 2°25' 0°01'
K y r q w e y r K
1°58' 0°45'
l y r y w y y y q l
7°04' 1°46' 0°38' 0°39' 6°18'
; e u e w e y e y w ;
1°21' 1°22' 7°28' 5°04' 5°02' 0°37'
c y r q w e r r q w e c
. y r q u e r r q w i q .
0°10' 2°19' 0°54' 5°12'
_ y r q w e y r q w e y r _*
+ y r q w e y r q w e y r +
* *
Opposition w 180° -3-
Mini Soul Scope for Joanna Cheung
Mapping out your future potential; it is now up to you what you make of this potential. You
should always rely upon your own judgement and make choices for yourself based your own free
will and natural tendencies - which are what your Soul Scope helps make you aware of.
Please bear in mind that your mini Soul Scope is as accurate and informative, but we do not
guarantee that every word will apply at this moment in time, or in the past or future.
This mini-version contains extracts taken from the twelve chapters of the full length report:
a in 1
Sun in Aries
Your essential purpose in life is simply to do something that makes you feel an independent and
effective individual. You could be doing this in some form of leadership or selling, or by forcing
others to look at themselves in a new way. You could accomplish this either consciously, by
carrying out a deliberate act in the name of some cause, or unconsciously, by making it hard for
others to relate to you as you are.
You should be consciously aware of your pioneering streak, for in this way not only do you enjoy
life more, but you avoid feeling pushed around by others - and with you it's more or less a case
of push or be pushed.
This can be objectionable at times - and indeed your childlike impetuosity can repel others' co-
operation - but you must have the freedom to act. Don't just think about it and get pent-up in
the process. At all costs you need to avoid negative emotions like resentment, regret or self-pity,
for they would deny you what is essential to your Arian nature - straightforwardness in
responding to a challenge with action.
You should not be afraid to be forceful in this. If you are afraid, then look for negative examples
of force in your personal history, what initially compromised your right to assert yourself. This
right is like the outpouring of life itself and nothing should be allowed to get in the way of its
innocence and freshness for this is what enables your Sign, like no other, to set the ball rolling. -4-
Mini Soul Scope for Joanna Cheung
d in =
Mercury in Pisces
Yours is a sensitive mind that absorbs information rather than consciously learning it. Ideas and
solutions seem to 'surface' rather than actually being worked out and this process of 'mental
osmosis' sometimes causes you to be unsure about whether it's your own mind that's doing the
thinking. If you're happy to let your mind be a kind of nozzle, which directs the stream of pictures
and words that issues from your fertile imagination, then you'll be happy with what you do and
say. If, however, you have the notion that you must be in logical control of your thought
processes, you become adept at poking at the blind-spots and irrational ideas of others - because
they seem to threaten your own concept of mental order. But, sooner or later, your imagination
will demand its due; that you express your dreams and confront your own doubts in a creative or
honest way - otherwise you'll be driven even further, possibly to suppressing them unhealthily
with drugs or alcohol, or with an even fiercer rationality.
f in 2
Venus in Taurus
Yours is an earthy sense of love and harmony. You have a strong feel for - or actually embody -
what is physically attractive. Such awareness of what satisfies the physical senses can make you
successful in a number of areas: art - especially singing, or at least you have a pleasant-sounding
speaking voice; cooking and other means of providing comfort and enjoyment; consumerism -
you may have a good market sense; healing - for your sense of touch can be highly evolved.
Not surprisingly, you need shows of physical affection as evidence of your worth and desirability.
This can go to extremes in the form of passionate possessiveness - but indulging in some
sensuous or artistic pursuit that is more under your personal control could assuage this. Rather
than overdoing it with the creature comforts you could simply commune with Nature, which will
give you a feeling of satisfaction.
g in =
Mars in Pisces
You assert yourself and get what you want by subtle or indirect means. This can be likened to the
angler who baits and casts his line and then sits in wait, accepting what life's current will bring.
Strong emotional undercurrents are influencing your actions though, so you need to be honest
and perfectly clear about what your desires actually are if you wish to avoid resentments, regrets
and awkward situations building up as a result of missing your target through being too
The reason behind all this is that you're very sensitive to being spurned - especially sexually.
Bearing in mind that your 'desire nature' is like a subtle emanation that others sort of
hypnotically respond to, would keep you in touch with the fact that you'll get equally subtle
responses back from them. You get under people's skin, rather than bluntly proposition them.
You like to kind of dance, rather than wrestle, with your opposite number. -5-
Mini Soul Scope for Joanna Cheung
h in 0
Jupiter in Capricorn
Your faith in life is built upon some sort of tradition. This could be a certain type of education, a
religious, communal or professional tradition, material wealth, or something quite unusual but
long-standing all the same. But this background, as much as it provides the backbone of society,
is something that can keep you chained to its limitations as well as reassured by its traditions.
As much as your traditional set of beliefs and values can serve you well in the day-to-day sense,
when change (even in the form of opportunity) comes your way, what normally holds you in good
stead holds you back. So, if you find yourself stumped for knowing what course to take, then
take a leap into the unknown - backed by your common sense and a belief in Nature's Laws. You
will then find that your faith in life is not only restored but also regenerated.
j in =
Saturn in Pisces
You are learning to cultivate an inner seriousness and a deep understanding of life and others.
You could be described as an 'ancient soul' with the woes and wisdom that go with it. You have
suffered at the hands of others and so are sympathetic to suffering. You emanate a gentle and
somewhat solemn light that guides and comforts in a very subtle way.
However, you're also having to learn to draw the line in your forbearance of others' failings - a
practice that can become a mask to conceal your own. This is owing to a complexity of your
character that has something to do with a need to dissolve inhibitions mixed up with a somewhat
indiscriminate limiting of your own potentials. Inevitably this drives you to embark on a plumbing
of your own depths and you owe it to yourself to find the quiet and solitude in which to
accomplish this.
K in -
Uranus in Aquarius
You belong to a generation (born between 1912 and 1920, or during the late 1990's to the first
years of the twenty-first century) whose intention was, or is, to reform and shed light upon the
human condition. This means that the very essence of human nature is what concerns you deep
down. Negatively or unconsciously, this could just amount to feeling odd and a bit of a misfit.
Positively though, you are aware of the importance of individuality, brother/sisterhood and the
essential freedom and inventiveness of the human being.
l in 0
Neptune in Capricorn
You belong to the Neptunian generation born between 1984 and 1998. You therefore came into
being during a time when humanity officially began to understand how subtle but very powerful
forces affected our Earthly environment - and how we could all be doomed if we did not begin to
pull together as a species. This time sees the beginning of world government and the ascertaining
of what spirituality and sensitivity mean in the most practical sense. -6-
Mini Soul Scope for Joanna Cheung
; in 9
Pluto in Sagittarius
You are a member of the Plutonian generation (1995 - 2008) that sees a coming together of the
essence of all valid world religions and the demise of the more spurious ones. This marks the
birth of a world religion that transforms our attitude to life through a combination of science and
Be self-aware, in command, and make the most of your potential with this easy to read
interpretation of your Birth Chart. Your main qualities are clearly defined and analysed. You will
be able to see how the various parts of your psyche - the good, the difficult and the uncertain -
influence and relate to one another to create the unique human being that is you.
A full length Soul Scope contains twelve chapters about you and your life:
Unique Five Star Rating assss, highlights the most relevant and valuable features in your
Soul Scope. Check out the sample report at to see what you will
receive when you order your own Soul Scope. Approximately 25 pages. -7-
Mini Soul Scope for Joanna Cheung
An Astrology report for your future will not only assist you when making
plans - so you can be prepared for any opportunities that come your way,
but also help you decide the best time to implement them.
Find out now how a Forecast can help you cope with life-changing periods
or events such as a change of relationship, job, home or location.
The answer is simple, astrology reports entertain and involve 'you' but
mostly they make you; think about yourself, the people with whom you
interact, as well as your potential, basic needs, desires or urges which we
all possess, and especially - take time to enlighten your mind!
Your full potential Personalit Profile - What comes naturally Young Life
Understand and appreciate why you are together and see what the
relationship will be like for you both in the future. Or, you can use a
number of different relationship reports to compare potential partners
when you want to know how you will get on with them and which one you
are likely to be happiest with.
How sexy are you? Intimate Lover - Falling in love? Lovers Guide -8-
Mini Soul Scope for Joanna Cheung -9-