Education and Protection For Refugee Children (EPRC) Project
Education and Protection For Refugee Children (EPRC) Project
Education and Protection For Refugee Children (EPRC) Project
Major Challenges:
a) NGOs have little control over community and also on the program activities like recruitment, curriculum;
b) Teacher and student attendance rate is significantly low. In addition, they loss 20-30 munites in fmorning as
they have to attend in madrasha;
c) Scarcity of quality teacher;
d) Less emphasize on teacher development.
Future Direction:
i) Continue advocacy to allow EPRC students to appear in Primary Education
Completion Examination (PECE)
ii) Possible extension for Grade-IX and Grade-X,
iii) Advocacy with UNHCR and government to get a healthy physical setting for Crèche and PG Centre;
iv) Increase quality of Basic Education through increase the attendance and effective class room delivery.