Artificial Neural Networks in Manufacturing Processes: Monitoring and Control
Artificial Neural Networks in Manufacturing Processes: Monitoring and Control
Artificial Neural Networks in Manufacturing Processes: Monitoring and Control
The nature of today's manufacturing processes is changing with greater speed and becomes
tremendously sophisticated than ever due to rapid variations in their environments resulting from
paradigm shift in customer demand and from reduced product life cycle.
This has required a higher level of technology in manufacturing that can adapt to the nature
change. In the recent years, neural networks are becoming a real powerful technology to solve this
and leading manufacturing technology to enter a new era for intelligent manufacturing. This paper
presents the status of the art of neural network applications in a variety of manufacturing
processes. In particular, their applications to process monitoring and control are spotlighted by
discussing the nature of the problems, the justification of network application and their influence
on process performance. Copyright © 1998 IFAC
estimator. The figure illustrates two indirect methods of
The purpose of this paper is to present the applications and monitoring and control of a process. Direct method, that is
perspectives of artificial neural networks in manufacturing the direct measurement and control of product quality is not
process monitoring and control. The natures of the considered here for discussion, since direct in-process
processes considered herein are described in as detail as quality measurement is extremely difficult and in most
possible to give reasons and justifications for applying the processes virtually impossible. Note that in this block
networks. The network implementation procedure is briefly diagram the network is not utilized for control purpose but
dealt with to provide how it can be combined with the only for quality estimation.
process quality variables.
Both methods are similar in principle. The methods shown
2. MONITORING AND CONTROL ISSUES in Fig. 2 utilize the process variables x to assess the product
qualities q of the process and these x are the variables that
Most of manufacturing process have the characteristics of need to be controlled in order to keep the q to desired levels.
uncertain, time-varying, highly nonlinear and complex See the feedback loop for method 1 and the feed forward
system. This may be attributable to the fact that they are loop for method 2. Thus,
exposed to external disturbance and noise and often
subjected to parameter variations. Furthermore, the input q =/ (x) ; q T = [q J' q] .... ,q m I X T = [x J ' X]'··· , X p ] (1)
variables operating the processes are interacted with each
other, and each individual effect on quality can not be
where the / represents the functions that relate the quality
assessed clearly. Due to these characteristics their quality
variables to the process state variables, and the super script
often varies from product to product, impairing its
T denotes the transpose of (.). Indirect monitoring or
uniformity and decreasing the yield of the product. These
measurement, therefore, implies finding the functional fonn
actually bring about degradation of product quality and even
described in Eq.( 1). These functions, however can not be
cause malfunction and failure of machines in the process.
easily formulated or modeled via an analytical means, but
may be found by aid of experimental investigation. This
To avoid any occurrences unfavorable for quality
situation calls for intervention of artificial neural networks
maintenance, monitoring and control functions are essential
to model these relationships via learning based upon a priori
in the process. These functions are in fact playing core roles
knowledge and experience on the process. The role of the
in today's manufacturing and will become a pervasive
networks here is reasoning, learning decision making, based
ingredient together with artificial intelligence in making the
upon perception of data coming out of monitoring sensors.
future processes truly intelligent and autonomous. The
It is noted here that determination of which x among the
reaearch efforts in this direction will be accelerated with
process variables will best represent the quality variables is
greater interest in the future and will lead to the
the prerequisite task to proceed the analysis.
development of truly intelligent manufacturing systems that
are capable of producing products without the supervision
Once the relationship between the process state and quality
or assistance of human operators.
variables is found, the next task is then to control the
process based upon information on the state variables
Fig.l classifies the functionalities needed to imbed
obtained by on-line measurements. The first method
intelligence on manufacturing processes by neural networks
compares the estimated quality variables with those of the
and summarizes the current developments in manufacturing
desired, while the second one utilizes the measurable
application areas. The reasoning, learning, decision maki~g
process variables as the controlled variables. In this control
etc. constitute the core of functionalities needed to bUild
problem, designing a suitable controller exhibits an inherent
human-like intelligence. These functionalities create the
difficulty because most of the processes to be controlled .are
techniques such as mapping, pattern matching, pattern
poorly known or even uncertain. This situation also requ~res
clustering and recognition, self-organizing etc. that are an
the participation of the networks to generate an appropnate
ingradient of making real worlds intelligent. In particular,
signal for control. Several basic concepts of a neural
pattern clustering and matching and mapping are the basic
network controller are illustrated in Fig. 4.
and core capabilities that can be created by neural networks.
The real world applications here in manufacturing include
the modeling, minotoring and control, identification, 3. ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS
planning and scheduling associated with the processes.
There have come out a flurry of research works in the
The foregoing discussions reveal that a clear nee~ e~ists for
monitoring and control issues. In monitoring of the
tools to assist in monitoring and control. In monltonng, the
processes, feature-based monitoring is the most frequently
process states are sampled every fixed time interval and
used method, since it utilizes suitable signitures of the
these captured data are utilized for certain goals of analyses.
sensor signals that can characterize and identify the pro~ess
These goals may be at supervision, pattern recognition ~d
states. These features are time, frequency and/or topological
fault diagnosis which are vital to the manufactunng
domain of the sensor or processed signal. Fig.2 shows a
procedure of evaluating product quality index or process
states from measurement of process state variables and/or
Solving this problem with traditional approaches requires
machine condition variables. In this procedure the role of
construction of a data base which is tremendously large and
ANN is to learn clustering and pattern recognition in
time consuming to develop, otherwise they often fail to
unsupervised or supervised manner using the extracted
provide the fine resolution required for accurate solut~ons.
features defined in a feature space. In some cases, the works
Similarly, in control, the traditional approach to effectively
of pattern classification and recognition are not necessary,
and accurately control the processes breaks down when the
since the neural network can be utilized to relate the features
dynamic characteristics of the processes to be controlled are
to the associated quality directly. Fig.3 shows a direct link
unknown, uncertain or ill-defined. In this case, knowledge
of the process variables with quality though the quality
of the process dynamics should be provided before
controller design action is initiated. Artificial neural and, similarly
networks(ANN) are an apparently efficient approach to
solve these important problems and require no conventional f) ~(t+l)=f) ~(t)+~f) ~(t)
programming to use.[I-6] The ANN learns the correlation (6)
between input prototypes and the desired outcome in case of ~f)
k OE
the supervised learning, for example. After training the ) OB ~
networks are capable of generating appropriate outputs in
response to new inputs, which is the generalization ability. With the learning algorithm specified in this manner, the
This is the property that most applications enjoy in ANN can be trained and tested using data obtained from
monitoring and control areas. experiments.
Depending upon the types of the problem, a variety of The adaptive resonant (ART) network developed by
network architectures has been used as depicted in Table Capenter and Grossberg [4,5] has been widely used in
2.[7-68] The table shows only a limited number of ANN pattern recognition and serves the purpose of cluster
applications due to space limitation. It can be seen that the discovery. This network learns clusters in an unsupervised
most frequently used ANN architecture is the multilayer mode. As shown in Fig.2(b), the network consists of two
perceptron. The use of the Kohonen, ART(I) and (2), layers. The top most layer computes the matching score
Hopfield network is also becoming popular, since these NN reflecting the degree of similarity of the present input to the
structures provide very effective capabilities of self previously encoded clusters, which is the bottom-to-top
organization and optimization of manufacturing problems. processing.
The multilayer perceptron [2,3] illustrated in Fig.3(a) This part is functionally identical to Hamming net and
consists of an input layer, a hidden layer and an output layer. Maxnet [3,6]. In the figure e denotes the lateral interaction
This network finds the functional relationship f in Eq.(l) coefficient while ~ indicates the unit delay. The top-down
between the input x and the output q. In this, along with part of the networks checks the similarity of the winning
learning algorithm the architecture affects the performance neuron j with the stored cluster reference data and performs
of the neural network. That is to say, the number of hidden the vigilance test on
layers and that of nodes(processing units) in each layer are
the important factors which has to be carefully determined. (7)
This is because these factors directly influence the modeling
accuracy and convergence of the learning. Referring to the
figure, the net input to node j in layer k is given by
where p is the vigilance parameter and the norm I~II
(2) denotes
where wIt), is the connection strength, i.e. the weight IIxll= tlx,l'
between the rh
node in the (k-l)th layer and Joth node in the
kth layer. The output of node j is represented by a sigmoid If an input pattern is clustered with cluster j, the network
function weights are updated by
(3) v (t)x
o" =f ( net le) = - - - - -1- - - - - Wlj(t+l) = I)n 1
) ) 1 + exp [- (net; + 0; )/ 00 ]
0.5 + L vij (t)x;
The minimization can be carried out by a steepest descent q = NN(x);qT = [q"q], .. ·,q",lx T = [x"x], ... ,x p ] (9)
algorithm and leads to the following adaptation rules for
w;, and 0; when NN represents the functions mapped by a network.
As mentioned earlier, the nature of most manufacturing etching time and offer a tool for the real-time diagnosis. The
processes is very complex, uncertain, and time-varying, multilayer perceptron is the most popular for this process.
because they are subject to operation parameter variation
and external disturbances. Furthennore, the quality variables Arc weldin2 processes [47-56]
associated with the products of the processes do not
sometimes exhibit a clear relationship with their operating Arc welding processes, as in other manufacturing processes,
inputs as well as state variables. suffer from the complexity of the relationship between the
process variable and the weld quality. This encouraged the
This has been the main sources of extreme difficulty in use of ANNs for quality monitoring and control of the
analysis, modeling and control. Due to this reason process. Here, the networks try to estimate the weld
manufacturers have needed to rely on somewhat an geometry such as bead width, head height, penetration and
intelligent method which can exhibit the capabilities of to predict the weld defects. As input variables to the
infonnation storing, learning, reasoning and decision network, surface temperature, welding voltage and current
making. This necessity has led the manufacturing and torch speed are in popular use. Here, again, the majority
technology to get into a new paradigm. It has been of the network is the multilayer perceptron.
understood that the next phase manufacturing will be that of
intelligent manufacturing that can adapt to changes in its Injection moldin2 processes [39-45]
environment and can truly realize unmanned operations of
processes. Injection molding processes have a very complicated
dynamic characteristics in that the process input variables
Fig.S illustrates two typical block diagrams of the neural such as melting temperature, ram velocity and holding
network-based control system. Fig.5 (a) adopts two pressure produces the polymer flow into the model cavity in
networks, one for process identification and the other for a complex manner. The resulting flow displaces air through
process control. The feedforward network which is an the vents and forms cavity pressure. And the flow-pressure
emulator is to identify the process model. The output of this relation together with cooling velocity are very complex,
model is compared to the measured value of the actual time-varying, nonlinear and uncertain. This complexity
process output y ( k ). The resulting signal is then back makes it difficult to relate the input operating variables to
propagated to tune the NN controller with the desired the product quality such as part geometrical accuracy and
reference input Y d (k) and the one step delayed signals of surface smoothness. In most of the studies of these
processes the multilayer perceptron is found to be the most
u(k -1) and y(k -1). The NN controller is essentially an popular network and tries to model the process dynamics
inverse dynamic model that can generate an appropriate and based on this to predict the part quality. In the
control input u(k) to the actuator for the Yd (k). followings, we will treat two application problems in real-
time monitoring conducted in Laboratory for Control
Fig.5 (b) represents the feedback error learning method and Systems and Automation in KAIST.
the model consists of an inverse network model - a
feed forward controller and a conventional controller in the In GMA welding processes [48,50], the electric arc is
feedforward block. The network model utilizes the control generated by the flow of an electric current and maintained
signal u of the forward loop, since this signal tends to between the consumable wire electrode and the weldment,
as shown in Fig.6. The consumable electrode is
zero as learning proceeds. automatically fed by a wire feeding device and provides
additional filler metal. To prohibit oxidation of the weld
Machinin2 processes [7-32] metal resulted from its exposure the atmosphere at high
temperatures, shielding gases are provided. The geometry of
The major concerns of machining systems are (I) the resulting weld bead can be represented by the top bead
supervision of cutting tool state (2) quality control of width, the depth of penetration and the back bead. Because a
machined workpieces. In supervising the cutting tool status good quality weld is characterized by the relatively high
the ANNs utilize the cutting data such as force, vibration depth to width ratio of the weld bead, the integrity of the
and temperature obtained during real time machining weld quality can be assessed by monitoring the penetration
operation, and classify the status of tool wear, predict tool depth or the back bead width. To monitor and control weld
life and detect tool failure in an on-line manner. Examples geometry, the surface temperatures that are strongly related
of typical sensors are tool dynamometer, acoustic emission with the formation of the weld pool are utilized.
sensor accelerometer, and thermocouple. In this processes Temperatures of three locations near the torch on the top
the networks in frequent use are the multilayer perceptron surface of the weldment are measured by noncontact
and Kohonen. infrared temperature sensing system.
Semiconductor manufacturin2 processes [33-38] These surface temperature informations such as T\, T\- T2
and T1-T3 and the corresponding weld pool size indicators.
The complexity of plasma etching processes in integrated such as the top bead width and the penetration plus half
circuits fabrication promoted the use of ANNs for back width are taken as the input and output parameters of
monitoring and control. This offers advantages in both the neural network estimator, respectively. The ANN
accuracy and robustness which could not have been employed here was the multilayer perceptron and Eq.s (2)
achieved by a traditional open loop control. In these through (6) were used to train the network. In the beginning
processes the networks utilizes in situ measurement of RF of the training, the estimated weld pool sizes may be largely
power, gas flow rate, dc bias voltage and trottle positioning different fonn the experimental ones, because construction
which are found to be key parameters affecting process of the appropriate neural network estimator is not completed.
dynamics. By use of these data the networks predict the To reduce these differences the set of the network
quality-related variables such as etching thickness and parameters are corrected according to the error back
propagation algorithm. The weld pool sizes are recalculated these was justified. Types of sensor signals, network
based upon the recorrected network parameters and structures and output variables were reviewed for
compared again with the experimental ones. This iterative application domains covering a variety of processes.
training is performed for the entire training data set until the
estimation errors fall within the tolerant values. The results Based upon this review work, some major conclusive
show that the estimation errors are within 5% for the top remarks on current shortcomings can be made in the
bead width, while 10% for the penetration depth plus half following.
back width.
1. In modeling the processes, the networks are utilized
In printed circuit board assembly [63,64], quality inspection like a transfer function which just maps the input data
is one of the most important process, because quality control into the output variables. The fitfall of this is that this
is crucial to ensure functional reliability in the end product. method is just a black box approach, since the
Quality inspection includes detection and classification of networks do not know what are going on with regard
defects including no solder, insufficient of excess solder, to physical phenomenon of the processes.
power welding of component leads or solder pad. 2. In pattern recognition and clustering, there still
remains a limitation to use the networks. Their
Fig.7 shows the experimental test stand for inspection PCB performance here somewhat depends upon statistical
solder joints. This system consists of solid state CCD color properties of sampled data. Accuracy clustering data
camera, illumination sources, a color image digitizer and located at the proximity of border lines of each group
IBM PC with a display monitor. The illumination sources still needs to be improved, since most of
are composed of three circular neon lamps mounted manufacturing processes require nearly 100% of
coaxially; high angle green light is positioned at the top, correct judgement.
middle angle blue light is positioned next to the green, and 3. In process control, the networks take roles in
low angle red light is placed above the PCB. The lighting identification and/or generation of control signal based
arrangement enables us to correlate the solder joint profile upon sensors informations. As in other problems, here,
and color planes. Depending upon the profile of the joint the robustness and accuracy are the key issues to
fillet, different color planes are obtained according to the promote their implementation in real processes.
incident angles of the color rays as can be seen from the
figure. In this study LVQl and LVQ2 are used for pattern There are several other shortcomings not listed here, but all
classifier. These classifiers directly use the raw solder joints of these may be gradually solved when the networks are
images shown in Fig.S in order to classify the shape of equipped with such functionalities as to accommodate the
solder joints. manufacturing-specific physical natures by enhancing the
structure, learning algorithm and convergency properties of
Inputs to the neurons consisting of the output layer of the the currently used networks. To approach and solve this,
classifier are determined by the input vector composed of understanding the characteristics of the manufacturing
the raw image data and the synaptic weights which processes first and then designing of appropriate networks
correspond to the prototype vectors. The outputs of the may be a desirable procedure, but not vice-versa, which is
neural network are expressed by the correlation of the input currently being adopted for solution
vector and the prototype vectors. The output of each neuron
is positive-feedbacked to itself and negative-feedbacked to
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Table 2 Types of sensor signals and neural networks
in manufacturing applications
Manufaduring Feature
Process Extraction
(optimization )
(sef-organiZing) (pattern recognition)
(object recogn'ion)~~
(signal proceSSing)
Fig. 2 Feature-based monitoring and control with
artificial neural networks
deS~.~ ~. !
estiRWted qually