Su Mardi No 2020
Su Mardi No 2020
Su Mardi No 2020
Stent Edge Dissection Caused by Hinge Motion in Tortuous Vessels
Takatoyo Kiko,1 Yoshifumi Kashima,1 Daitarou Kanno,1
Tomohiko Watanabe,1 Yutaka Tadano,1 Takuro Sugie,1 Ken Kobayashi,1
Tsutomu Fujita1
Sapporo CardioVascular Clinic, Japan
Patient initials or identifier number. M.O.
Relevant clinical history and physical exam. A 67-year-old female with
hypertension and diabetes was admitted to our hospital to be evalu-
ated for chest discomfort on effort. She hadn’t received any cathe-
terization yet. On her physical examination, blood pressure was 140/
70 mmHg and heart rate was 70 bpm.
Relevant test results prior to catheterization. There were no specific
findings on electrocardiography and echocardiography.
Relevant catheterization findings. Coronary angiography revealed focal
75% stenosis at the proximal right coronary artery (RCA) in tortuous
vessels. There was no significant stenosis in left anterior descending
artery and left circumflex artery.
Procedural step. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) was per-
formed from right radial artery. The proximal RCA lesion was dilated
with a 3.015 mm balloon (HiryuPlus, TERUMO) and treated with a
3.018 mm biolimus-eluting stent (NOBORI, TERUMO). Intravascular
ultrasound (IVUS) didn’t show any dissection and intramural hema-
toma. The final angiography was acceptable. In a general ward after
the PCI thirty minutes later, she suddenly got chest pain and nausea
with ST segment elevation in leads II, III and aVF. Emergent coronary
angiography revealed an occlusion of the proximal RCA in the stent.
PCI was performed from femoral artery with a 7 Fr Judkins right
guiding catheter (Launchar, Medtronic) and a guide wire (Sionblue,
ASAHI Intecc). IVUS showed the stent edge dissection and intramural
hematoma expanded to the far distal RCA. The true lumen was com-
pressed by the enlarged, tense, false lumen. We put 2.538 mm and
3.028 mm everolimus-eluting stents (XienceAlpine, Abott) after
making the re-entry point by a 3.010 mm cutting balloon (Flextome,
BostonScientific). Then, RCA flow got TIMI3 and her symptoms were
getting better. The final angiography was acceptable. She was dis-
charged after 2 days with no elevation of cardiac enzyme.
Case Summary. This case represents the possibility that hinge motion
could make coronary artery dissection at the edge of stent. We found the
dissection thirty minutes later despite IVUS couldn’t show any injury in the
first PCI. It may be a risk factor to place stent edge in tortuous vessels with
hinge motion. Additionally, a biolimus-eluting stent (NOBORI, TERUMO)
has thicker strut (125 mm) than other second-generation drug-eluting
stents, which may be also the risk of the phenomenon.
A Complex Calcified Lesion: A Lesson Learnt Twice!
Aaron Wong1
National Heart Centre Singapore, Singapore
Patient initials or identifier number. DDC
Relevant clinical history and physical exam. 83 year-old man with car-
diovascular risk factors of DM, HTN and HLP. He had past history IHD
with previous PCI done in 2000. He presented 3 years ago with recent
onset of chest tightness on exertion and coronary angiography
showed triple vessel disease. LAD and RCA were both stented with
DES. LCX was calcified and diffusely disease and was left for medical
treatment. 8 months later he presented with exertional angina and he
was admitted for coronary angiography.