Petronas Technical Standards: Specification For Pipeline Valves (Amendments / Supplements To API 6D & API 6DSS)
Petronas Technical Standards: Specification For Pipeline Valves (Amendments / Supplements To API 6D & API 6DSS)
Petronas Technical Standards: Specification For Pipeline Valves (Amendments / Supplements To API 6D & API 6DSS)
PTS 11.31.01
December 2016
PETRONAS Technical Standards (PTS) has been developed based on the accumulated knowledge,
experience and best practices of the PETRONAS group supplementing National and International
standards where appropriate. The key objective of PTS is to ensure standard technical practice across
the PETRONAS group.
Compliance to PTS is compulsory for PETRONAS-operated facilities and Joint Ventures (JVs) where
PETRONAS has more than fifty percent (50%) shareholding and/or operational control, and includes
all phases of work activities.
Contractors/manufacturers/suppliers who use PTS are solely responsible in ensuring the quality of
work, goods and services meet the required design and engineering standards. In the case where
specific requirements are not covered in the PTS, it is the responsibility of the
Contractors/manufacturers/suppliers to propose other proven or internationally established
standards or practices of the same level of quality and integrity as reflected in the PTS.
In issuing and making the PTS available, PETRONAS is not making any warranty on the accuracy or
completeness of the information contained in PTS. The Contractors/manufacturers/suppliers shall
ensure accuracy and completeness of the PTS used for the intended design and engineering
requirement and shall inform the Owner for any conflicting requirement with other international
codes and technical standards before start of any work.
PETRONAS is the sole copyright holder of PTS. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, recording or
otherwise) or be disclosed by users to any company or person whomsoever, without the prior written
consent of PETRONAS.
The PTS shall be used exclusively for the authorised purpose. The users shall arrange for PTS to be
kept in safe custody and shall ensure its secrecy is maintained and provide satisfactory information to
PETRONAS that this requirement is met.
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Please be informed that the entire PTS inventory is currently undergoing transformation exercise from
2013 - 2015 which includes revision to numbering system, format and content. As part of this change,
the PTS numbering system has been revised to 6-digit numbers and drawings, forms and requisition
to 7-digit numbers. All newly revised PTS will adopt this new numbering system, and where required
make reference to other PTS in its revised numbering to ensure consistency. Users are requested to
refer to PTS 00.01.01 (Index to PTS) for mapping between old and revised PTS numbers for clarity. For
further inquiries, contact PTS administrator at
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Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 5
1.1 SCOPE .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 GLOSSARY OF TERM ........................................................................................................ 5
1.3 SUMMARY OF CHANGES ................................................................................................. 6
2.0 AMENDMENTS / SUPPLEMENTS TO API 6D ............................................................ 7
3.0 AMENDMENTS / SUPPLEMENTS TO API 6DSS ....................................................... 27
4.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................... 28
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This PETRONAS Technical Standards (PTS) provides the minimum technical requirements for
design, manufacturing, assembly, testing and documentation of ball, gate, check and plug
This PTS adopts API 6D and API 6DSS with additional requirements as amendment and
supplement based on PETRONAS’ lessons learnt and best practices.
1.1.1 This PTS applies to offshore and onshore pipelines designed to PTS 11.30.07, ASME B31.4,
ASME B31.8 and DNV OS F101 codes.
1.1.2 The PTS shall be read in conjunction with API 6D (non-subsea application) or API 6DSS (subsea
1.1.3 This PTS is applicable for valves with materials of carbon steel, stainless steel and duplex only.
1.1.4 This PTS is not applicable to valves with pressure rating exceeding Class 2500.
Refer to PTS 00.01.03 for PTS Requirements, General Definition Of Terms, Abbreviations &
Reading Guide.
No Abbreviation Description
2 CS Carbon Steel
4 DN Nominal Diameter
7 ID Internal Diameter
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No Abbreviation Description
9 LC Lock Close
10 LO Lock Open
17 SS Stainless Steel
In this section, the reference clauses of API 6D are amended or supplemented, existing clause
is deleted or new sections are added as mentioned. Clauses of API 6D that are not mentioned
in this PTS shall apply and remain valid.
If not specifically mentioned, all approval, consent and agreement stipulated in this
document shall be by Owner’s Technical Authority.
“The obturator shall be solid one-piece casting or a forging and shall be trunnion mounted.
The ball port shall be cylindrical.
Ball valves shall not be used for throttling nor be left in fractionally open position. All operation
is from full open to full close and vice versa.”
“All piggable pipeline valves shall be full-bore with bore ID matching the respective pipeline
5 Design
Add Sentence:
“The body to bonnet bolt sizing shall be in accordance with ASME VIII or ASME B16.34.
The overall valve design and material selection shall be based on the highest pressure /
temperature rating of the appropriate class.
Bonnet / cover flange bolting shall be of the stud or stud bolt type. Not less than four bolts
shall be used in any flange and no bolting shall be less than 3/8 in (10mm) in diameter.”
Add Sentence:
“The valve body shall be designed with sufficient rigidity to withstand a compressive axial
thrust exerted by the mating pipe, equal to the shell test pressure multiplied by the cross-
sectional area of the mating pipe, without permanent distortion of internals affecting the free
movement and sealing of the obturator and the seats.
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The soft seated ball valves are suitable for design temperature up to 150degC. In cases where
these ball valves are used for design temperature > 150degC to < 200degC, the seating
materials shall be selected suitably and shall be validated by Product Acceptance Testing (PAT)
witnessed by Owner and Third Party Agency.
The valve shall withstand for vacuum drying at pressure of 0.07psi (500Pa).”
“Face-to-face and end-to-end dimensions not shown in Table C.1 to Table C.5 or in ASME
B16.10 shall be subjected to approval/agreement by Owner’s Technical Authority.”
Add Sentence:
Add Sentence:
“The design of quarter turn valve operating mechanism (manual, gearbox or actuator), stem
head and stem extension (if installed) shall ensure the possibility of visual verification of the
closure member travel position.
Valves and it operating mechanism (manual, gearbox or actuator) shall be capable of opening
and closing against maximum pressure differential that can occur across valves.”
“ - the required number of handwheel turns to operate the valve from fully closed to fully
open (for gear operated valves);
5.6 Pigging
“Full bore ball valve shall be capable of being pigged, sphered and scraped regularly without
damage to the valve seat. The bore of the valve in the open position shall present as smooth
profile as possible to allow passing of all type of launched pigs or scraper.
Full bore valves for pigging shall be designed such that the bore ID shall match with the
respective pipeline ID. The full length bore ID of the valve shall be verified during FAT through
“drift tool test”.”
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Page 9 of 29 General
“Standard end flanges shall be furnished with a raised or ring joint faces (raised face or full
face) as specified by the Owner.”
Add paragraphs:
The surface plane of the nut bearing area at the backside of flanged valves shall be parallel to
the machined flange face within 1o.”
Rephrase to read:
“For valves up to and including DN 50 (NPS 2), the maximum lateral misalignment is 1.5mm
(0.06 in).
For valves larger than DN 50 (NPS 2), the maximum lateral misalignment is 2mm (0.08 in).”
Add Sentence:
“For valves larger than DN 600 (NPS 24), the maximum parallelism misalignment is 1.75 mm/m
(0.02 in/ft.).”
Add Sentence:
“Butt weld end soft seat ball valves shall be provided with extension pup pieces which shall
be considered as an integral part of the valve. The pup piece shall be either one piece with the
body or welded to the valve before the valve internals are installed, and the lengths shall be
as follows:
Outside diameter, wall thickness, material grade and composition of the pup pieces shall be
as specified by the Owner. The heat and heat-treatment batch number shall be clearly marked
on the pup piece.
If a pup piece is to be attached to a soft-seated valve by a party other than the manufacturer,
the manufacturer shall provide the qualified welding procedure.
Transition tapers where required shall comply with ASME B31.3, figure 328.4.3. (ASME B31.8,
Figure I-5, ISO 13847 Clause 7.7).”
Add Sentence:
“Valves with hub/clamp end connectors shall be supplied with companion hub/ clamp & seal
rings. Hub/clamp design calculations and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) reports shall be
submitted for Owner’s review and be part of final document submission. Hydrotest
requirement for valves with hub/clamp end connection shall include the supply of companion
hub along with a spare seal ring.
Similar is applicable for cases where Owner specifies use of Compact Flange as end
“Pressure relief shall be by means of self-relieving seat rings or pressure relief valve connected
to the cavity. The presence of such a connection shall be agreed with the Owner. A pressure-
equalising hole in the obturator is not an acceptable means of pressure relief.”
“All ball valves shall be provided with self-relieving seat rings assemblies. The self-relieving
seat rings shall relieve at a body cavity differential pressure not exceeding 33% of the valve
rating pressure.”
“Valves having single-piston effect seating shall internally relieve the excessive cavity pressure
to the downstream side of the valve.
Valves having double-piston effect seating are not self-relieving and require an external cavity
relief valve.
Valves having both a single and a double piston effect seating in the same valve, shall internally
relieve the excessive cavity pressure via the single-piston effect seat.
The maintenance manual shall explain how the body cavity relief operates and shall show how
the closure member must be assembled.
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Body cavity relief testing shall be performed during Factory Acceptance (FAT) of the valve.”
5.9 Drains
“Unless specified otherwise, the drain and vent connections for all ball valves in pressure
classes ≤ ASME Class 900 and ≤DN 150 (≤NPS 6) full bore/ DN 200 (NPS 8) reduced bore shall
be as follows;
‐ Connections shall be drilled and threaded. Threaded connections shall have a parallel
profile in accordance with ISO 228-1 and fitted with a parallel threaded plug;
‐ The plug material shall be the same chemical composition of the body or trim;
‐ The plug shall have a primary seal inboard of the thread, in order to protect the thread
against crevice corrosion. The seal material shall be the same as that specified for the
static primary seal;
‐ The connection between plug and body shall provide a fire safe secondary seal outboard
of the thread, in order to protect the thread against atmospheric corrosion. In case a
separate seal ring is used the seal material shall be grade 316 Stainless Steel. The location
of the ring shall not interfere with the area dedicated for (on-site) seal welding;
‐ The plug shall have an external shoulder suitably profiled to accept seal weld. The size of
the shoulder shall allow a seal weld 1/3 times the nominal size of the plug, not less than
3mm (0.12 in.), but in no case exceed 13mm (0.5 in.);
‐ The plug shall be securely locked to prevent loosening b a grade 316 Stainless Steel locking
ring secured to the body. The locking ring shall be designed so that it can be removed
without loosening the plug in order to facilitate seal welding after site testing (if required).
Unless specified otherwise, the drain and vent connections for ball valves in pressure classes
> ASME Class 900 and all valves > DN 150 (>NPS 6) full bore/ DN 200 (NPS 8) reduced bore,
shall be as follows;
‐ The drain and vent connections shall be either a fully welded flanged or a pad type flanged
connections, fitted with a blind flange.
‐ If a pad type flanges connection is applied, it may be integrally machined with the valve
body. The bolting, gasket and flange rating shall be the same as for the valve.
Drain and vent size and location to be specified in the drawings for Approval/agreement by
Owner’s Technical Authority.”
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“Injection Points for sealant, lubrication, or flushing shall be provided for seats where the
valve size is 6-inch (150mm) or greater, and for stem of all sizes. The number of injection
points at suitable orientations shall be decided based on valve size and rating and subject to
Approval/agreement by Owner’s Technical Authority.”
“All the sealant injection connections shall be provided with built-in check valve fitted inside
the valve body, and shall be removable for any future replacement. The sealant / grease
injection line shall be terminated with an injection / grease fitting and a leak prevention metal
cap. The check valve, the sealant / grease fitting, and the metal cap shall be designed & rated
for the injection pump pressure as minimum. They shall be from reputed manufacturer and
shall be certified. The drawing details and their make shall be also included inside the valve
general arrangement drawings for Approval/agreement by Owner’s Technical Authority. The
injection procedure complete with the technical details of lubricant / cleaner / sealant,
injection pump rating etc., shall also be submitted for Approval/agreement by Owner’s
Technical Authority.
Any connection that could result in crevice corrosion are not permitted.
To prevent loosening, threaded connections shall be secured by one of the following methods:
locking ring, retaining strip or locking pin.
For buried valve, the threaded joints and union coupling for sealant and grease injection line
shall be eliminated. Welded and single pipe length.
For Category M fluid service sealant and lubricant injection connections shall not be provided.
The valve design and selection of materials should negate the need for such connections.”
“Extension lines shall be one piece piping or shall be fully butt-welded with no flanged
disconnection point at the body cover flange level. This is applicable to vent/ drain and all
sealant injection lines. No union joint shall be allowed.
Double valve (DBB) are required in vent/ drain as well as for all injection/ extension piping
with both valve shall located at the top end of the extension line. The second valve shall be
fitted with blind flange. No drain/ vent valve shall be located in buried portion.
All the technical details and drawings for Drain, Vent and Sealant Lines where provided, shall
be subjected to Approval/agreement by Owner’s Technical Authority.”
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“All the technical details, drawings, make, testing and certification requirements for Drain,
Vent and Sealant Valves where provided, shall be subject to Approval/agreement by Owner’s
Technical Authority.”
“For seating and unseating the valve, a maximum momentary force Fs is allowed as per EN
12570, Clause 5.1.”
“The operating means shall be free from burrs and sharp edges. In case the force and
dimensional limitations are exceeded, the valve shall be provided with a gearbox or as
indicated in Clause 5.18.
Handwheel dimensions and number of rotations to close / open the valve shall be specified in
the drawings for Approval/agreement by Owner’s Technical Authority.”
“Valves with requirement of locking devices i.e. Lock Close (LC)/ Lock Open (LO), the technical
details and scope extents shall be submitted for Approval/agreement by Owner’s Technical
Authority. The details of such shall be included in the valve general arrangement drawings for
approval. The interface scope and details shall be agreed with the Owner.”
“Travel stops and position indicators shall be provided for each valve.
CLOSE indicator at the hand wheel shall meet the close tight position.”
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5.18.1 General
“Actuated and gear operated valve shall be fitted with a mounting flange in accordance with
ISO 5211. The lock nuts and studs for the bracket shall be positively secured against loosening.
Gear operated and actuated valves shall be designed to prevent damage to the drive train of
the valve.
The valve stem design shall takes into account a safety factor based on the maximum output
torque or force of the actuator. This safety factor shall be at least 1.5 (unless specified
otherwise). The stem shall be oversized to accommodate the safety factor of the actuator.
Safety factors of stem design and actuator are cumulative.
Actuated Valve:
Actuators shall be fitted as an integral part of the valve and shall be supplied by the valve
manufacturer. The valve manufacturer shall be responsible for the performance of the valve
and the actuator assembly, and shall provide data to the actuator manufacturer to sufficiently
size the actuator.
Actuators may be powered by electric, hydraulic or pneumatic systems. The actuator design
torque shall follow PTS 14.10.01.
All valves shall be designed and supplied with suitable material specification of dowel pins/
any fitting bolt/ fitting keys for proper alignment of stem extension with operator.
Gearbox output torque rating shall be at least 1.5 times the maximum required operating
torque of the valve. The gear box shall be provided with a position indicator. The gear box
and handwheel / valve handle shall be surface prepared and painted in Black colour according
to PTS 15.20.03. The dimensions of gearbox shall not exceed the limitations specified for hand
wheels. The gear box shall be supplied from reputed manufacturer, and their design /
drawings shall be approved by Owner.
The mounting flange for a manual gear operator should be suitable for future mounting of an
5.19 Lifting
“Valves, with or without operator, with a weight of 250kg or more shall be provided with lifting
lugs/ eyes. Lifting lugs shall be cast or forged into the body or attached with full penetration
welds through an approved WPS/ PQR and through the reviewed design calculations. The
lifting lugs shall not be bolted to any flanges body (including the end flanges). Suitable and
acceptable NDT shall be performed prior to hydrostatic test. Strength efficiency factor of 0.75
shall be used for these welds.”
“The manufacturer shall provide operating thrust and torque (and the applied safety factors)
at the maximum differential pressure for Approval/agreement by Owner’s Technical
“Torque testing in accordance with Annex H.6 is mandatory for all valves and shall be
‐ Stem shall be a one-piece wrought material (this includes bar). Welded fabrication is not
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‐ Stem sealing area shall have a maximum roughness (Ra) of 0.8 µm to ANSI B 46.1 and shall
be free from any defects.
‐ Stem diameters shall be true cylindrical, within a tolerance of 0.05mm. The stem shall be
straight within a tolerance of 1 mm per 1000mm length.
‐ The stem shall be suitably supported and have clearances designed, such that with all
anticipated side loads it does not make rubbing contact with the adjacent static metallic
components (bonnet, gland ring, etc.), which may lead to galling.
‐ Rising stem shall be fully enclosed by a dust proof stem protector or yoke tube. The
enclosure shall be water proof.
‐ If the stem protector obscures the position of the stem, it shall be provided with a position
‐ The stem projection outside the yoke sleeve, measured from the top of the stem when
the valve is in closed position, shall be between 2 mm (0.08 in.) and 10 mm (0.40 in.). The
yoke sleeve and/ or bush shall be positively secured against loosening.”
“The stem or shaft retainer ring or collar shall be integral with the stem. Stem or shaft
retention by means of body/ stem threads are not allowed. Stem shall be 90 degree to the
ball in all cases.”
“Fire type-testing certification of the design shall be provided for valves containing polymeric
seat, seal or bearing materials, except for valves installed underground.”
“All valves shall be fire-tested design in accordance to ISO 10497/ API 607 and API 6FA.
Graphoil® or equivalent secondary seals shall be provided to protect the valve against leakage
in the event of fire. Design and construction of ordered valve shall be as per fire-tested valve.
All Valve operating mechanisms shall be of a fire-safe design.
1. A fire-tested valve: Valve that successfully passed prototype fire testing.
2. A fire-safe design valve: Valve with design which has features / properties that is capable of passing a fire test.”
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“All anti-static device details shall be included in the drawings for Approval/agreement by
Owner’s Technical Authority. The FAT shall include the anti-static testing for random selection
(max 10% of total purchased valves).”
“Support ribs or legs shall be either cast with the body as one piece or welded construction to
the body. Bolting connections to any of the pressure parts or using of any pressure bolting of
the body for this purpose are not permitted. Details on welding including WPS/ PQR are
subject to Approval/agreement by Owner’s Technical Authority.
Temporary supports / mounting stands for transportation purpose are allowed to be bolted
on end flanges with consideration that the 3-piece valve body is rigid and the anticipated
deflection due to transportation is within the acceptable tolerance limits. The mounting stand
shall be removed after installation.”
“Separate removable valve parts shall be positively secured against loosening. Spring tension
pins are prohibited for locking of internal valve components.”
“Seat rings shall be renewable and shall be one of the following types, unless otherwise agreed
with Owner.
‐ Composite assembly with soft insert confined between separate rings which are positively
locked together;
‐ Double-seat ring with a soft insert positively locked in position with a metal-to-metal seal;
‐ Soft ring.
The seat rings shall be line-pressure energized due to the pressure load differential between
the seat ting outside diameter and the soft seal inside diameter.
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The seat ring and valve body shall be designed such that entrapment of any solids present in
the fluid shall not obstruct the free movement of the seat rings and shall not reduce spring
Full bore valves shall able to be pigged without having debris being pushed between the valve
seats and the ball or into the seat ring assembly. The seat ring design shall ensure that the
valve’s bore in the open position will provide a smooth profile to a passing pig.
Seat material shall be able to withstand lower side design temperature and upper side design
‐ High temperature application (150oC to 200oC): the selected seat materials shall be
suitable and able to withstand lower and upper side of the design temperature.
‐ Normal application (< 150oC): the soft materials shall be able to withstand both lower side
and upper side of design temperature.”
“For seals executed with toroidal sealing rings (“O”- rings) the groove dimensions and surface
finish shall be in accordance with BS 4518.
Seal rings shall be fully contained to minimize extrusion. All static joints shall make metal-to-
metal contact.
Lip seal housings for piston seats shall incorporate sufficient axial clearance, in line with the
manufacturer’s recommendation, to accommodate axial movement and distortion of the
obturator under the maximum differential pressure.
All valves either for high temperature application (150oC to 200oC) or normal temperature
application (< 150oC) shall utilises seal material that able to withstand both lower side and
upper side of the respective application design temperature.
All valves shall be provided with (Static Primary + Static Secondary) & (Dynamic Primary +
Dynamic Secondary) Seals.
All valves shall be supplied with 100% lip seal arrangement and the lip seal’s supplier shall be
subject to Approval/agreement by Owner’s Technical Authority.”
“Valve for “very toxic (Category-M)” fluids application shall perform the tightest fugitive
emission class rating A (HS) test.
Valves for hydrocarbon service are required to perform the fugitive emission class B test.
6 Materials
“The base material requirement for body, cover, trim and other parts shall be detailed in valve
data sheet for Approval/agreement by Owner’s Technical Authority. The manufacturer shall
list the material designation of all valve parts, part description & number of parts installed
along with their details in the valve general arrangement drawing(s).
Forging material shall be used for body and ball for the followings valves:
‐ Body and ball for all other sizes / ratings can be either forged or cast.”
“Toroidal sealing rings (“O”-rings) shall be validated in accordance with Norsok Standard M-
710. Graphitic material used for stem packing, gaskets and seals shall be in accordance with
ASTM F 2168. Carbon/ graphite yarn used for valve stem packing shall be in accordance with
ASTM F 2191.
The test reports shall clearly state the following, and the test reports shall be certified by a
reputed third party agency:
The corrosion resistance of the bearing material shall at least be equal to the stem/ trim
material. If retaining tabs are applied for securing of valve parts, it shall be compatible with
the body material.”
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“Each forging shall be hot worked and heat treated to produce uniform grain size and
mechanical properties in the finished product.”
“Forged bodies and body connectors shall be forged close to final shape. Valves with sizes <
DN 100 (<NPS 4) may be manufactured from forged bar/ billet material, within the limits
specified in ASTM A 961. The extent of NDE for these valves shall be the same as that for
forged valves.”
“Unless specified otherwise, the chemical composition of carbon steel welding ends shall
meet the PTS 15.10.07 and PTS 15.12.07 requirements.”
“All pressure-containing parts in valves shall meet the toughness test requirements contained
in PTS 15.10.07.”
6.7 Bolting
Coating system for all the removable carbon steel / low alloy steel bolting and nuts shall be
“Electro deposited Zinc / Nickel with fluropolymer coating”.
All bolting of valve body shall be tightened with a pre-determined torque value. The drawings
to include the pre-determined/ design torque requirements for the bolting of body flanges
and the bore ID dimension.”
“Materials for pressure-containing and pressure-controlling parts and bolting for sour service
shall meet the requirements of PTS 12.30.02 Appendix 17.”
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7 Welding
“As a minimum, impact testing shall be carried out for the qualification of procedures for
welding on valves with a design temperature below -29oC (-20oF) and for welding on valves of
duplex stainless steel or martensitic stainless steel material.
Impact test results for full size specimens shall meet the requirements of the specified
material specification or PTS 15.10.07 and PTS 15.12.07, the higher values shall apply.”
7.5 Repair
“Austenitic stainless steel, duplex or nickel alloy valves may be repaired by welding, in which
case a further solution heat treatment shall be performed after the repair in accordance with
ASTM A 743. Repair welding of duplex and super duplex stainless steel valves are only allowed
if specifically approved by the Owner. For valves with corrosion resistant alloy (CRA) weld
overlay / cladding, the welding and any repair of defects shall be subjected to
Approval/agreement by Owner’s Technical Authority.”
“The requirements for weld repair, any additional welding and hard facing requirements shall
be subjected to Approval/agreement by Owner’s Technical Authority.”
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8 Quality Control
“NDE and testing shall meet the requirements of Clauses 7.1 “inspection Scope” and 7.2
“Execution” of PMRC MAR VA/122.”
Delete the entire sub clause and replace with the following:
“NDE personnel shall be qualified and certified in accordance with the requirements specified
in ISO 9712 level 2 as a minimum. Qualification and certification shall be undertaken by an
independent qualifying body and certifying body.”
Modify to read:
“Weld ends shall be subjected to volumetric or surface NDE. The examination and acceptance
criteria shall be in accordance with Clause G27.”
“Visual examination shall be conducted on the entire visible. Internal and external surface
area of the valve components.
The acceptance criteria for visual examination of forgings shall be in accordance with the
applicable ASTM standard, while the acceptance criteria for visual examination of castings
shall be in accordance with standard MSS SP 55.”
“The requirements for corrosion testing contained in clause 2.4 “Corrosion Testing” of PMRC
MAR VA/122 shall be met.
The corrosion testing is applicable for stainless steel and duplex stainless steel type of valve.”
9 Pressure Testing
9.1 General
“Valves with a gear operator or actuator shall be seat tested after assembly of the operating
All valves shall conform to Type Acceptance Test (TAT) for confirming the seat sealing, fugitive
emission and torque capability of a valve under pressure, during and after mechanical and
thermal cycling.”
“Minimum test duration for valve size ≥ 500DN (≥ 20” NPS) shall be 10 minutes.”
“The valve shall be isolated from the pressure source during testing.”
“Valves with a gear operator or actuator shall be seat tested after assembly of the operating
9.4.1 Preparation
“If a seat sealant system is provided, it shall not be used during the test.”
“Drain, vents and sealant points, which may have been included for testing, shall be blanked
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10 Coating/Painting
“All non-corrosion resistant valves shall be coated / painted externally in accordance with PTS
15.20.03. Valve colour scheme is also included in Table I.3 of PTS 15.20.03.”
“Valve and its components shall be preserved per PTS 15.20.16. Valve preservation shall be
guaranteed by the manufacturer for outdoor storage for at least one year.”
“CRA valves shall be painted / coated as per PTS 15.20.03, except that all austenitic stainless
steel valves shall be painted irrespective of operating temperature for Offshore and Coastal
area applications.”
11 Marking
“Body marking shall either be integral or be made by stamping with a low-stress die stamp on
a flange rim (for flanged valves) or on the valve body (for butt-weld valves).”
“Protective covers shall be made of plastic [at least 3 mm (1/8 in.) thick] or metal with a
wooden backing. Covers made from wood, or any other porous material shall not be in direct
contact with flange faces. Covers shall be attached with at least 4 bolts of appropriate
diameter. Covers shall be designed to prevent ingress of water and dirt into the valve during
outdoor storage for at least one year.
External female thread in valve bodies shall be protected with steel plugs or shrink steel plugs.
Application of non-metal plugs (plastic made, for example) shall not be permitted.”
“Prior to packaging and shipment, valve internals shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried and
the surfaces shall be free from test fluids, cleaning agents, loose particles and organic
substances. All valves shall be stored in their own vapour barriers envelope, inside the original
boxes or containers.
Valves equipped with single-acting spring-return actuator shall be shipped in the fail-safe
Shut-off valves as part of the actuator assembly (valves isolating oil filters, manometers, or
pressure transmitters) shall be shipped and kept in the “open” position. Hydraulic lines shall
be depressed.
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When valves are shipped in the closed position, a warning sticker shall be visible on the valve
packing box/ crate or container.
A metal tag shall be permanently attached to each valve, which clearly identifies job number,
purchase order line number, serial number and valve tag number.”
“At site storage areas, valve shall be maintained inside of their packing cases as long as
possible. When crates are to be opened, sealant fittings, body vent fittings, valve stem and
gearbox shall be inspected immediately to verify no damage has occurred during shipment.
Valves shall be lifted by means of external slings at the positions as indicated by manufacturer.
When handling valves, extreme care shall be taken, that sealant fittings, body vent fittings,
valve stem and or gearbox are not bent, pinched or otherwise damaged. Valve lifting sketched
and handling instructions shall be included inside valve crates in order to ease lifting
operations. When a valve is removed from its crate or box, it shall not be placed directly on
the ground.”
13 Documentation
l) Purchase order and identification of valves by serial number or the manufacturer’s code;
m) Material test reports and inspection certificates, traceable by heat number to the foundry
or mill;
NDE reports, including sketches as necessary, showing the locations of examination traceable
by heat or serial number. The retention period for NDE reports shall be 5 years. The retention
period for radiographs shall be at least 12 months.
“If specified by the Owner, the manufacturer shall provide documentation prior to shipment.
Computerized data or photocopies of originals, which are verified and signed by the QA/QC
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‐ All pressure containing parts (body, bonnet or cover), closure member, stem and bellows
(if applicable) shall have an inspection certificate in accordance with ISO 10474 Type 3.1B
or EN 10204 Type 3.1. For high H2S / Category-M fluid services the certification shall be
per EN 10204 Type 3.2.
‐ All non-metallic materials shall have a certificate of compliance in accordance with ISO
10474, Type 2.1 or EN 10204, Type 2.1.
‐ All testing and examinations shall have a certificate of compliance in accordance with ISO
10474, Type 3.1B or EN 10204, Type 3.1.
‐ The finished valve shall have a certificate of compliance in accordance with ISO 10474
Type 3.1B or EN 10204 Type 3.1. For high H2S / Category-M fluid services the certification
shall be per EN 10204 Type 3.2.”
“The ITP shall be submitted for Approval/agreement by Owner’s Technical Authority prior to
any procurement / manufacturing and the Owner shall specify to what extent, he or his
designated representative will witness the manufacturer’s inspections and tests and/or will
perform a document review before shipment.”
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Unless otherwise stated in the Owner’s requisition/ data sheet the specific requirements as
covered in the API 6DSS for the Subsea Pipeline Valve shall be considered as approved
specification for use without any amendment.
All approval, consent and agreement stipulated in this document shall be by Owner’s
Technical Authority.
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Specification for Pipeline and Piping Valves, 24th Edition, August 2014 API 6D
Specification for Subsea Pipeline Valves, 2nd Edition, December API 6DSS
Specification for Fire Test for Soft-Seated Quarter Turn Valves API 607
Specification for Fire Test for Valves API 6FA
ASME’s Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) - Nondestructive ASME V
ASME’s Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) - Rules for Construction ASME VIII
of Pressure Vessels
Specification for Face to Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Valves ASME B16.10
Specification for Valves - Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End ASME B16.34
Process Piping ASME B31.3
Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems, 2014 ASME B31.8
Standard Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium- ASTM A743
Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for General Application
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Standard Specification for Common Requirements for Steel Flanges, ASTM A961
Forged Fittings, Valves, and Parts for Piping Applications
Standard Specification for Packing Material, Graphitic, Corrugated ASTM F2168
Ribbon or Textured Tape, and Die-Formed Ring
Standard Specification for Packing Material, Graphitic or Carbon Braided ASTM F2191
Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not made on the threads — ISO 228-1
Part 1: Dimensions, tolerances and designation
Industrial valves - Part-turn actuator attachment ISO 5211
Non-destructive testing -- Qualification and certification of NDT ISO 9712
Steel and steel products — Inspection documents ISO 10474
Testing of valves - Fire type-testing requirements ISO 10497
Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Pipeline transportation systems - ISO 13847
- Welding of pipelines
Qualification of non-metallic sealing materials and manufactures Norsok Standard