Eng - Teste 2020-2021
Eng - Teste 2020-2021
Eng - Teste 2020-2021
11. CM. Which of the following are at high risk of cord prolapse?
a. a patient with breech presentation
b. a patient with cephalic presentation
c. a patient with a post term pregnancy
d. a patient who ruptures her membranes when the fetal head is still palpable 4/5 of the pelvic
e. a patient with severe polyhidramnios
Correct answer: a, d, e
12. CM. Management of patient with premature prelabor rupture of membranes include:
a. bimanual exploration of the cervix
b. prophylactic administration of antibiotics
c. administration of corticosteroids
d. transfer to a maternity with neonatological intensive care unit
e. estimation of gestational age as accurate as possible
Correct answer: b, c, d, e
13. CM. Normal maternal adjustments in pregnancy include:
a. rise in cardiac output
b. hemodilution
c. decrease of diastolic pressure
d. increase in plasma volume
e. decrease in red blood cell mass
Correct answer: a, b, c, d
14. CM. The causes of oligohydramnios are:
a. fetal growth retardation
b. renal agenesis
c. preeclampsia
d. neural tube defects
e. prelabor rupture of membranes
Correct answer: a, b, c, e
15. CM. The causes of polyhydramnios are:
a. maternal diabetes
b. absence of esophagus
c. neural tube defects
d. preeclampsia
e. renal agenesis
Correct answer: a, b, c
16. CM. The fetus with postmaturity syndrome has the following:
a. loss of subcutaneous fat
b. short fingernails
c. dry, peeling skin
d. long fingernails
e. abundant vernix caseosa
Correct answer: a, c, d
17. CM. Indications for a cesarean section include:
a. previous cesarean section
b. placenta previa
c. fetal distress
d. cervical cerclage
e. cord prolapse
Correct answer: a, b, c, e
18. CM. What is indicated for prevention of respiratory distress syndrome in premature
a. heparin
b. oxitocin
c. dexamethasone
d. magnesium sulphate
e. betamethasone
Correct answer: c, e
19. CM. Prerequisites for a forceps delivery include:
a. a completely dilated cervix
b. an empty bladder
c. the vertex in the occiput anterior position
d. ruptured membranes
e. the known position of the vertex
Correct answer: a, b, d, e
20. CM. Which of the circumstances increases the risk of a multiple pregnancy:
a. family history of multiple pregnancy
b. primiparity
c. induction of ovulation with clomiphen citrate
d. maternal age more than 30 years
e. in vitro fertilization
Correct answer: a, c, e
21. CM. Progesterone in pregnancy is produced in:
a. posterior hypophysis
b. corpus luteum
c. adrenal gland
d. placenta
e. adenohypophysis
Correct answer: b, d
22. CM. Endometrium has the following layers:
a. functional
b. basal
c. intermediate
d. parabasal
e. suprabasal
Correct answer: a, b
23. CM. Name the anatomical parts of the fallopian tube:
a. interstitial
b. middle part
c. isthmic
d. ampullary
e. fimbrial
Correct answer: a, c, d, e
24. CM. The vascularization of the ovary is done through:
a. ovarian artery
b. uterine artery
c. a. iliaca communis
d. a. femoralis
e. a. pudenda
Correct answer: a, b
25. CM. Select correct statements regarding premature delivery:
a. pregnancy term 22-37 weeks
b. weight of the newborn 500 - 2500 g
c. pregnancy term 28-37 weeks
d. length of the newborn 25 - 45 cm
e. length of the newborn 25 - 49 cm
Correct answer: a, b, d
26. CM. In which situations labor induction is contraindicated:
a. previous cesarean section
b. transversal lay
c. preeclampsia
d. estimated fetal weight more than 4500 gr
e. postdate pregnancy
Correct answer: a, b, d
27. CM. Risk of what complications is increased in multiple pregnancy:
a. polyhydramnios
b. fetal growth restriction
c. macrosomia
d. postpartum hemorrhages
e. prematurity
Correct answer: a, b, d, e
28. CM. Ultrasound criteria of the oligoamnios are:
a. determination of an maximum vertical sac less than 2 cm
b. determination of an vertical sac less than 5 cm
c. amniotic liquid index less than 5 cm
d. amniotic liquid index less than 7 cm
e. amniotic liquid index less than 10 cm
Correct answer: a, c
29. CM. What 2 hormones are characteristic only to pregnancy:
a. chorionic gonadotropin
b. testosterone
c. prolactin
d. estrogens
e. human chorionic somatomammotropin
Correct answer: a, e
30. CM. What are the components of Apgar score
a. frequency of respiration
b. fetal heart rate
c. fetal weight
d. muscular tonus
e. skin color
Correct answer: a, b, d, e
31. CM. Which dimensions of the pelvis can be appreciated through external pelviometry :
a. bispinarum distance
b. diagonal conjugate
c. bitrochanteric distance
d. bicristarum distance
e. external conjugate
Correct answer: a, c, d, e
32. CM. The newborn status is determined by:
a. Apgar score
b. Vitlingher scale
c. Silverman score
d. Glasgow scale
e. Boshop score
Correct answer: a, c
33. CM. Which of the following are risk factors for uterus rupture?
a. threatened preterm labor
b. transversal situs of the fetus
c. previous cesarean section
d. hydramnios
e. contracted pelvis
Correct answer: b, c, e
34. CM. What complications are caused by infections during pregnancy:
a. postpartum hemorrhages
b. fetal malformations
c. preterm deliveries
d. early neonatal sepsis
e. placenta previa
Correct answer: b, c, d
35. CM. What statements are correct regarding management of prelabor preterm rupture of
a. Corticosteroids are contraindicated because of increased risk of infection
b. prophylactic antibiotic of choice is Eritromicine
c. broad spectrum antibiotics are the best option
d. immediate induction of labor improve perinatal outcomes
e. expectant management decrease perinatal mortality and morbidity
Correct answer: b, e
36. CM. The aim of routine USG exam at 18-20 weeks of gestation is to determine:
a. gestational age of pregnancy
b. fetal lay and presentation
c. localization of placenta
d. biophysical profile
e. congenital anomalies of the fetus
Correct answer: a, c, e
37. CM. Indications for selective ultrasound exam after 21 weeks of gestation are:
a. diabetes
b. placenta previa
c. suspected fetal growth restriction
d. vaginal hemorrhage
e. maternal age >30 years
Correct answer: a, b, c, d
38. CM. Pelvic inlet is limited by:
a. the middle of foramen obturatoria
b. superior margin of the pubic symphysis
c. promontorium
d. anonymous line (arched)
e. the most prominent point on the pubic symphysis
Correct answer: c, d, e
39. CM. Pelvic outlet is limited by:
a. inferior margin of the symphysis pubis
b. ischiatic spines
c. ischiatic protuberance
d. coccyx apex
e. sacral-coccyx articulation
Correct answer: a, c, d
40. CS The pH of vagina in adults is:
a. 3,5-4,5
b. 4,5-5,5
c. 5,5-6,5
d. 6,5-7,5
e. >7,5
Correct answer: b
e. Candida
Correct answer: b
42. CS The main source of physiological secretions found in the vagina is:
a. Bartholin`s glands
b. Gartner`s duct
c. Vaginal epithelium
d. Cervix
e. Uterus
Correct answer: d
53. CS. According to WHO, anemia in pregnancy is diagnosed, when hemoglobin is less than:
a. 10.0gm%
b. 11.0gm%
c. 12.0gm%
d. 9.0gm%
e. 8.0 gm%
Correct answer: b
54. CS. Which of the following is most sensitive for the detection of iron in pregnancy:
a. serum iron
b. serum ferritin
c. serum transferrin
d. serum iron bending capacity
e. iron excretion rate
Correct answer: b
55. CS. In pregnancy, which type of anemia is less common ?
a. vitamin B12 anemia
b. folic acid anemia
c. iron + folic acid anemia
d. iron deficiency anemia
e. hemolytic anemia
Correct answer: a
57. CS. Total amount of iron needed by the fetus during entire pregnancy is:
a. 500mg
b. 1000mg
c. 800mg
d. 300mg
e. 100mg
Correct answer: d
58. CM. The following statements are related to the therapy of iron deficiency anemia during
a. oral iron can be given only if anemia is detected before 20 weeks of pregnancy
b. parenteral iron therapy markedly increases the reticulocytic count within 7-14 days
c. parenteral therapy is best choice during 30-36 weeks
d. blood transfusion may be useful in severe anemia beyond 36 weeks
e. it is not necessary any treatment
Correct answer: b, c, d, e
59. CM. Which methods are used for contraception in sickle cell anemia:
a. oral pills
b. iud
c. progestin only pills or implant
d. condoms
e. vaginal diaphagrama
Correct answer: d, e.
61. CS. A primigravida at 37 week of gestation admitted to labour room with central placenta
previa with heavy bleeding per vaginum. The fetal heart rate was normal at the next time of
examination. The best management option for her is:
a. expectant management
b. cesarean section
c. induction and vaginal delivery
d. induction and forceps delivery
e. blood transfusion
Correct answer: b.
62. CM. In which situations expectant management of placenta previa before 34 weeks of
pregnancy is contraindicated?
a. evidence of fetal distress
b. fetal malformations
c. mother in a hemodynamically stable condition
d. women in labour
e. dead baby
Correct answer: a, b, d, e.
63. CM. In placenta previa expectant management is not done in case of:
a. active labour
b. anencephaly
c. dead baby
d. severe placenta previa
e. premature fetus
Correct answer: a, b, c, d
65. CS. All the following are indications for termination of pregnancy in antepartum
hemorrhage EXCEPT :
a. > 37 weeks
b. dic syndrom
c. transverse lie
d. continuous bleeding
e. fetal distress
Correct answer: c
66. CM. Savita is a 32 weeks pregnant woman diagnosed with severe antepartum hemorrhage.
Vitals are unstable with BP 80/60. Which of the following are next steps in management?
a. careful observation
b. blood transfusion
c. medical induction of labour
d. immediate cesarean section
e. expectant management
Correct answer: b, d
67. CS. A 32 weeks pregnant woman presents with mild uterine contractions and on
examination her vitals are stable and placenta previa is present. Best management is:
a. bed rest + dexamethasone
b. bed rest + nifedipine and dexamethasone
c. bed rest + sedation
d. immediate cesarean section
e. careful observation
Correct answer: b
68. CS. A hypertensive pregnant woman at 34 weeks comes with history of abdominal pain,
vaginal bleeding and loss of fetal movements. On examination the uterus is hard (increased
tonus). Fetal heart sounds are absent. The most likely diagnosis is:
a. placenta previa
b. hydramnios
c. premature labour
d. abruptio placenta
e. active labour
Correct answer: d
71. CS. An elderly multiparous woman was admitted with strong labour pains. The patient
suddenly goes in shock with cyanosis, respiratory disturbances and pulmonary edema. The
most likely clinical diagnosis is:
a. rupture of uterus
b. congestive heart failure
c. amniotic fluid embolism
d. concealed hemorrhage after trauma
e. stroke
Correct answer: c
a. 3 month
b. 4 month
c. 5 month
d. 6 month
e. 8 month
Correct answer: a
75. CM. Oxygenated blood from the placenta reaches the fetal heart in utero via:
a. umbilical arteries
b. umbilical vein
c. ductus venosus
d. ductus arteriosus
e. vena cava inferior
Correct answer: b, c, e
78. CS. In a cervix low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) in Bethesda system
a. CIN I
d. squamous metaplasia
e. carcinoma in situ (CIS)
Correct answer: a
d. cervical dysplasia
e. condyloma acuminate
Correct answer: c
82. CS. Young lady comes with mild erosion of cervix and pap smear shows dysplasia. Next
step of management is:
a. antibiotics
b. colposcopy
c. cryosurgery
d. cone biopsy
e. laser vaporisation
Correct answer: b
83. CS. Treatment of choice of stage III CIN in 40-year-old female is:
a. hysterectomy
b. laser coagulation
c. cryocoagulation
d. cone excision
e. repeat pap smear after 6 months
Correct answer: a
86. CM. Risk factor for cervical cancer are:
a. HPV
b. smoking
c. late menarche
d. nulliparity
e. early start of sexual life
Correct answer: a, b, e
87. CM. Which of the following are not risk factors for cervical cancer?
a. low parity
b. multiple sexual partner
c. early start of sex (<16 years)
d. smoking
e. first sexual intercourse after 18 years
Correct answer: a, e
89. CS. Carcinoma cervix extends to lateral pelvic wall. The stage would be:
a. stage I
b. stage II A
c. stage II B
d. stage III
e. stage IV
Correct answer: d
90. CM. What are the features of stage Ib2 cervical cancer?
a. microinvasive carcinoma with stromal invasion <3mm
b. microinvasive carcinoma with stromal invasion < 5mm
c. microinvasive carcinoma with stromal invasion > 5mm
d. size of lesion < 4cm
e. size of lesion > 4cm
Correct answer: c, e
91. CM. Which of the following statements about squamous cell carcinoma of cervix are
a. common at squamo-columnar junction
b. CT scan is mandatory for staging
c. post coital bleeding is a common symptom
d. HPV 16 and 18 are associated with high risk of carcinogenesis
e. MRI is mandatory for staging
Correct answer: b, e
93. CS. A 55-years-old lady presenting to out patient department with post-coital bleeding for
3 months has a 1 x 1cm nodule on the anterior lip of cervix. The most appropriate
investigation to be done subsequently is:
a. pap smear
b. punch biopsy
c. endocervical curettage
d. colposcopy
e. cone biopsy
Correct answer: b
97. CS. A lady undergoes radical hysterectomy for stage Ib cervical cancer. It was found that
cancer extends to lower part of the body of the uterus and upper part of cervix. Next step of
management will be:
a. chemotherapy
b. radiotherapy
c. chemoradiation
d. follow up
e. hormonal therapy
Correct answer: d
101. CS. A 55 year-old woman was found to have Ca cervix, FIGO stage 3, locally advanced.
What would be the management?
a. surgery plus chemotherapy
b. radiotherapy plus chemotherapy
c. chemotherapy
d. radiotherapy plus HPV vaccine
e. surgery plus hormonal replacement therapy
Correct answer: b
102. CM Karyotyping of fetus can be done through all of the following invasive methods:
a. amniocentesis
b. cordocentesis
c. chorionic villous sampling
d. fetal skin biopsy
e. amnioscopy
Correct answer: a, b, c
103. CM Prenatal diagnosis at 16 weeks of pregnancy can be performed using all of the
a. amniotic fluid
b. maternal blood
c. chorionic villi
d. fetal blood
e. fetal skin biopsy
Correct answer: a, b, c
104. CS In which of the following conditions would maternal serum alpha- fetoprotein values
be the highest:
a. Down’s syndrome
b. omphalocele
c. gastroschisis
d. spina bifida occulta
e. twins
Correct answer: c
108. CS Amniotic fluid contains acetyl cholinesterase enzyme. What is the diagnose?
a. open spina bifida
b. gastroschisis
c. omphalocele
d. osteogenesis imperfect
e. down’s syndrome
Correct answer: a
109. CS Which of the following tests on maternal serum is most useful in distinguishing open
neural tube defects and ventral wall defects in a fetus?
a. carcinoembryogenic antigen
b. sphingomyelin
c. alpha-fetoprotein
d. pseudocholinesterase
e. beta-hcg
Correct answer: d
111. CS Chorionic villous sampling done before 10 weeks may result in:
a. fetal loss
b. feto-maternal hemorrhage
c. oromandibular and limb defects
d. sufficient material not obtained
e. neural tube defect
Correct answer: c
116. CS What is the earliest gestational age when detection of fetal heart activity can be
achieved be USG:
a. 6.0-6.5 weeks
b. 6.5-7 weeks
c. 7.1-7.5 weeks
d. 8 weeks
e. 9 weeks
Correct answer: a
126. CS. A young woman with 6 weeks amenorrhoea presents with signs of acute abdomen.
Pregnancy test is positive, but USG shows empty uterus. Most likely diagnosis is:
a. ovarian cyst
b. ectopic pregnancy
c. complete abortion
d. septic abortion
e. pelvic abscess
Correct answer: b
127. CS. A woman presents with amenorrhoea of months duration; lower abdominal pain,
facial pallor, fainting and shock. Most likely diagnosis is:
a. ruptured ovarian cyst
b. ruptured ectopic pregnancy
c. threatened abortion
d. septic abortion
e. pelvic abscess
Correct answer: b
128. CS. Young lady presents with acute abdominal pain and history of 1½ months
amenorrhoea and positive pregnancy test. On USG examination there is collection of fluid in
the punch of Douglas and no gestational sac in uterus. Diagnosis is:
a. ectopic pregnancy
b. ruptured persisted follicle
c. threatened abortion
d. twisted ovarian cyst
e. pelvic abscess
Correct answer: a
133. CM. In which part of fallopian tube ectopic pregnancy will have longest survival:
a. isthmus
b. ampulla
c. cornua
d. interstitium
e. fimbria
Correct answer: d
137. CS. Most valuable diagnostic test in case of suspected ectopic pregnancy:
a. serial βHCG levels
b. transvaginal USG
c. progesterone measurement
d. culdocentesis
e. AFP measurement
Correct answer: b
140. CM. In which of the following conditions, the medical treatment of Ectopic pregnancy is
a. sac size is 3 cm
b. blood in pelvis is 70 ml
c. presence of fetal heart activity
d. previous ectopic pregnancy
e. hCG >1500mIU/ml
Correct answer: c, e
141. CS. A hemodynamically stable nulliparous patient with ectopic pregnancy has adnexal
mass 2.5x3cms and a Beta HCG titer of 1500 miu/ml. What modality of treatment is suitable
for her:
a. conservative management
b. medical management
c. laparoscopic surgery
d. laparotomy
e. repeat HCG after 48 hrs
Correct answer: b
142. CS. A female has a history of 6 weeks amenorrhea, USG shows empty sac, serum βhCG
6500IU/L. What would be next management:
a. medical management
b. repeat HCG after 48 hrs
c. repeat HCG after 1 week
d. surgical management
e. conservative management
Correct answer: a
143. CS. A 20year-old woman has been brought to casualty with severe abdominal pain, BP
70/40 mm Hg, pulse rate 120/min and a positive urine pregnancy test. She should be managed
a. immediate laparotomy
b. laparoscopy
c. culdocentesis
d. resuscitation and Medical management
e. conservative management
Correct answer: a
144. CS. Which of the following methods of treatment is not done in ectopic pregnancy:
a. salpingectomy
b. salpingo-oophorectomy
c. salpingostomy
d. resection of involved segment
e. salpingotomy
Correct answer: b
147. CS. A 22 old, sexually active female presents with 8 weeks amenorrhea and severe pain
in left lower abdomen. On USG, there was a thick endometrium with a mass in lateral adnexa.
The most probable diagnosis is:
a. ectopic pregnancy
b. torsion of dermoid cyst
c. tubo-ovarian mass
d. hydrosalpinx
e. ruptured ovarian cyst
Correct answer: a
149. CS. What is the treatment of choice of un-ruptured tubal pregnancy with serum b-HCG
titer of 2000 IU/ml:
a. single dose of methotrexate
b. variable doses of methotrexate
c. expectant management
d. laparoscopic salpingostomy
e. laparotomy
Correct answer: a
151.CS A 35-year-old woman presents with infertility and palpable pelvic mass. Her CA-125
level is 90 mIU/ml . Diagnosis is:
a. ovarian ca
b. endometrioma
c. tuberculosis
d. borderline ovarian tumor
e. ectopic pregnancy
Correct answer: b
158. CS A 20-year-old woman gives a history of sharp pain in the lower abdomen for 2-3
days every month approximately 2 weeks before the menses. The most probable etiology for
her pain is:
a. endometriosis
b. dysmenorrhea
c. pelvic tuberculosis
d. mittelschmerz
e. PID
Correct answear: d
160.CS Which of the following is NOT recommended for management of cyclic mastalgia is:
a. evening primrose oil
b. danazol
c. tamoxifen
d. estrogen
e. oxytocine
Correct answear: d
169. CS Which of the following methods for assessment of female infertility can best predict
timing of ovulation:
a. BBT
a. Fern Test
b. spin barkeit phenomenon
c. LH
d. vaginal secretion
Correct answer: d
172.CM The following are advantages of vaginal hysterectomy over abdominal hysterectomy:
a. better tolerated by elderly and obese patients
a. lower risk of post operative thrombo embolism
b. other visceral structures can be easily visualized
c. corrects prolapse of other organs
d. lower risk of p/o infections
Correct answer: a, b, d
179. CM What are the curative indications for performing the endometrial curettage:
a. to stop uterine haemorrhages
b. to destroy intrauterine synaechiae
c. to remove the gestational sac and its fragments
d. to remove intrauterine devices
e. to diagnose tuberculous endometritis
Correct answer: a, b, c, d
180.CM What complications could possibly arise when performing the endometrial curettage:
A. uterine perforation
B. secondary amenorrhea
C. pseudo-ducts formation
D. uterine prolapse
E. dyspareunia
Correct answer: a, b, c
183. CM The following pathological conditions can be diagnosed with the use of
a. endometrial polyp
b. ectopic pregnancy
c. submucosal uterine myoma
d. endometrial hyperplasia
e. intramural myoma
Correct answer: a, c, d
188.CS Imaging investigation method most frequently used in obstetrics and gynaecology is:
a. hysterosalpingography
b. radiopelvigraphy with double contrast
c. echography
d. X-ray examination
e. CT
Correct answer: c
189.CM What should be avoided for the purpose of conducting a cytological examination:
a. sexual intercourses 24-48 h prior to the examination
b. intravaginal treatment
c. menstruation period
d. manual examination prior to the procedure
e. specula examination
Correct answer: a, b, c, d
190.CM What are the indications for the fractional dilation and curettage:
a. endometrial or cervical canal cancer suspicion
b. cervical canal polyp
c. menopausal haemorrhages
d. pregnancy suspicion
e. adenomyosis
Correct answer: a, b, c
194.CM. True statements about symmetrical IUGR with respect to asymmetrical IUGR:
a. worse prognosis
b. neurological defects
c. head larger than abdomen
d. less common
e. total number of cells is normal
Correct answer: a, d.
202. CS. A pregnant lady with persistent late, variable decelerations with cervical dilatation of
6 cm shifted to operational theatre for surgery. Which of the following is not done in
a. supine position
b. O2 inhalation
c. I.V. fluids
d. subcutaneous terbutaline
e. oxytocin stopped
Correct answer: a
205. CS. All are the risk factors associated with macrosomia, EXCEPT:
a. maternal obesity
b. prolonged pregnancy
c. previous large infant
d. short stature
e. diabetes
Correct answer: d
219. CM. All of the following are used for induction of labour:
a. PG F2 α tablet
b. PG E1 tablet
c. PG E2 gel
d. misoprostol
e. mifepristone
Correct answer: b, c , d, e
222. CM. Which of the following methods for induction of labour should not be used in
patient with previous lower segment caesarean section:
a. prostaglandin gel
b. prostaglandin tablet
c. stripping of the membrane
d. oxytocin
e. misoprostol
Correct answer: a, b, e
225. CS. A female at 37 weeks of gestation has mild labour pains for 10 hours and cervix is
persistently 1 cm dilated but not effaced. What will be the next appropriate management?
a. sedation and wait
b. augmentation with oxytocin
c. cesarean section
d. amniotomy
e. augmentation with prostaglandins
Correct answer: a
227. CM. Which is not included in Active management of III stage of labour?
a. uterotonic within 1 minute of delivery
b. immediate clamping, cutting and ligation of cord
c. gentle massage of the uterus
d. controlled cord traction
e. spasmolytic within 1 minute of delivery
Correct answer: b, e
228. CS. During active labour average cervical dilation per hour in primipara is :
a. 1.2 cms
b. 1.5 cms
c. 1.7 cms
d. 2 cms
e. 0,5 cms
Correct answer: a
231.CS. During the active phase of labour, the minimum effective dilation of the cervix in
primigravida should be at the rate of :
a. 0.5 cm/hour
b. 1 cm/hour
c. 1.5 cm/hour
d. 2 cm/hour
e. 2,5 cm/hour
Correct answer: a
232. CM. Factors which help in descent of the presenting part during labour are:
a. uterine contraction and retraction
b. straightening of the fetal axis
c. bearing down efforts
d. resistance from the pelvic floor
e. uterine atonia
Correct answer: a, b, c
233. CM. True statement concerning active phase of labour:
a. starts when the cervix is 3-5 cms dilated
b. cervix dilates at the rate of 0.35-0,4 cms/hour
c. epidural analgesia slows the progress
d. oxytocin should not be used
e. fetal malposition slows the active phase of labor
Correct answer: a, d
235. CS. What is the name given to the first oblique line on the partogram?
a. the action line
b. the alert line
c. the normal cervical dilation line
d. the danger line
e. the average line
Correct answer: b
236.CS. What is the name given to the second oblique line on the partogram?
a. the action line
b. the alert line
c. the normal cervical dilation line
d. the danger line
e. the transition line
Correct answer: a
237. CS. How often should the fetal heart rate be monitored during the first stage of labor in
low risk pregnancies?
a. every 3 hours during the latent phase
b. every 2 hours in the latent phase
c. hourly in the active phase
d. every 30 minutes in the active phase
e. every 15 minutes in the active phase
Correct answer: d
240. CS. What is the correct management when the liquor is meconium stained?
a. monitor the fetal heart rate carefully
b. deliver the fetus immediately by cesarean section
c. give the patient an oxitocin infusion to shorten the labor
d. give tocolitics
e. administer antibiotics
Correct answer: a
243. CS. When does a patient have adequate and effective uterine contractions?
a. if she has 2 or more contractions every 10 minutes with each contraction lasting 30
seconds or longer
b. if she has 3 or more contractions every 10 minutes with each contraction lasting 60
seconds or longer
c. if she progresses normally during labor
d. if she has pain with every contraction
e. if the uterus is relaxed between each contraction
Correct answer: c
244. CS. Cephalo-pelvic disproportion due to a small pelvic inlet should be diagnosed when:
a. there is no further dilatation of the cervix
b. there is 3/5 or more of the fetal head palpable above the pelvic brim and 2+ or more
moulding is present
c. there is 2/5 or less of the fetal head palpable above the pelvic brim and 1+ moulding is
d. the measurement of pelvic inlet are assessed as small during a pelvic examination
e. one hour passed after full dilatation
Correct answer: b
245. CS. When does the second stage of labor begin and end?
a. from the time the patient has an urge to bear down until the infant is completely delivered
b. from the time the cervix is fully dilated until the infant is completely delivered
c. from the beginning of the active phase until the cervix is fully dilated
d. from the beginning of the active phase until the infant is completely delivered.
e. from the time the cervix is fully dilated until delivery of the fetus and placenta
Correct answer: b
247. CS. The active phase of the first stage of labor is:
a. the period of time the cervix takes to dilate from 3 cm to full dilatation
b. the period of time from the onset of labor to full cervical dilatation
c. the period of time from the onset of labor to 3 cm cervical dilatation
d. the period of time during which the cervix becomes effaced
e. the period of time during which the cervix becomes ripen
Correct answer: a
251.CM. Best diagnostic tests for cholestasis of pregnancy is to determine the level of:
a. serum bilirubin
b. bile acid
c. serum alkaline phosphatase
d. serum transaminase
e. urine acetone
Correct answer: b, d
257. CS. Highest transmission of hepatitis B from mother to fetus occurs if the mother is
infected during:
a. 1 trimester
b. 2nd trimester
c. 3rd trimester
d. at the time of implantation
e. during delivery
Correct answer: e
258. CS. A pregnant woman is HbsAg positive and anti Hbe Ag positive. Risk of
transmission of Hepatitis B in child is:
a. 20%
b. 50%
c. 0
d. 90%
e. 70%
Correct answer: a
259. CS. A pregnant woman is diagnosed to be HBs Ag positive. Which of the following is
the best way to prevent infection to the child?
a. hepatitis vaccine to the child
b. full course of hepatitis B vaccine and immunoglobulin to the child
c. hepatitis B immunoglobulin to the mother
d. hepatitis B immunization to mother
e. breastfeeding is contraindicated
Correct answer: b
260. CM. Which of the following statements concerning viral hepatitis in pregnancy are true?
a. hepatitis B core antigen status is the most sensitive indicator of positive vertical
transmission of the disease
b. hepatitis B is the most common form of hepatitis after blood transfusion
c. the proper treatment of infants born to infected mothers includes the administration of
hepatitis B immunoglobulin as well as vaccine
d. patients who develop chronic active hepatitis are an increased risk of fetal malformations
e. hepatitis B is not a contraindication for breastfeeding
Correct answer: c, e
261. CM. What are recommendations for pregnancy termination in case of Hyperemesis
a. increased acetone in urine
b. decreased renal output
c. vomiting is more than 3 months
d. gradually increasing oliguria and proteinuria
e. neurological complications
Correct answer: b, d, e
262. CS. A 26-year-old woman in the 1st trimester of pregnancy has been admitted with
retching and repeated vomiting with large hematemesis. Her pulse rate is 126/minute and
systolic blood pressure is 80 mm Hg. The most likely diagnosis is:
a. mallory-weiss syndrome
b. bleeding from esophageal varices
c. peptic ulcer
d. hiatus hernia
e. appendicitis
Correct answer: a
263. CM. In a female with appendicitis in pregnancy treatment of choice is:
a. surgery at earliest
b. abortion with appendectomy
c. surgery after delivery
d. before 20 weeks is recommended laparoscopy
e. after 20 weeks is recommended laparotomy (incision should be made at Mc Burnay Point)
Correct answer: a, d, e.
264. CS. Which of the following is normally present in urine of a pregnant woman in 3rd
a. glucose
b. fructose
c. galactose
d. lactose
e. maltose
Correct answer: a
265. CS. All of the following conditions are risk factors for urinary tract infections in
pregnancy EXCEPT:
a. diabetes
b. hypertension
c. sickle cell anemia
d. vesico-ureteral reflux
e. calculi
Correct answer: b
266. CM. Following antibiotics are safe to treat UTI in the 3-rd trimester of pregnancy:
a. erythromycin
b. ampicillin
c. co-trimoxazole
d. ciprofloxacin
e. cephalosporin
Correct answer: b, e
268. CS. With regards to acute pyelonephritis in pregnancy all of the following are true,
a. pregnancy decrease the risk
b. most common isolate is e. coli
c. higher incidence in the second half of pregnancy
d. responds to amino glycosides
e. more common in primigravida and young females
Correct answer: a
269. CS. A lady with 10-12 weeks of pregnancy develops acute retention of urine. The likely
cause is:
a. retroverted uterus
b. urinary tract infection
c. prolapse uterus
d. fibroid
e. cystitis
Correct answer: a
270. CS. A 25-year-old primigravida at 20 weeks of pregnancy has the first episode of an
asymptomatic bacteriuria. The risk of having pyelonephritis is:
a. no risk with first episode
b. less than 5%
c. 15%
d. 25%
e. more than 50%
Correct answer: d
271. CS. Antibiotic of choice for urinary tract infection (UTI) during pregnancy in the third
trimester is:
a. cephalosporins
b. quinolones
c. Co-trimoxazole
d. tetracyclines
e. penicillins
Correct answer: a
272. CM. Which statements are correct regarding asymptomatic bacteriuria during pregnancy:
a. bacterial count is over 10^5/ml
b. overall incidence is 5-10%
c. it should be treated with appropriate antimicrobial agent
d. risk of progression to pyelonephritis, if left untreated is rare
e. bacterial count is over 10^3/ml
Correct answer: a, b, c
273. CS. The best marker for neural tube defect is:
a. acetylglucosonidase
b. acetylcholinesterase
c. alpha-fetoprotein
d. chorionic gonadotrophin
e. lactatdehidrogenase.
Correct answer: b
274. CS. Which one of the following biochemical parameters is the most sensitive to detect
open spina bifida :
a. maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein
b. amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein
c. amniotic fluid acetylcholinesterase
d. amniotic fluid glucohexaminase
e. amniotic fluid chorionic gonadotrophin
Correct answer: c
277. CS. Preconceptional intake of which of the following results in decreased incidence of
neural tube defect:
a. vitamin A
b. folic acid
c. vitamin E
d. vitamin C
e. vitamin B1
Correct answer: b
Correct answer: a
282.CM. Correct statements about establishing the chorionicity in twin pregnancy is:
a. same sex rule out dichorionicity
b. twin peak sign in dichorionicity
c. thick membrane is present in mono-chorionic twins
d. best detected after 16 weeks
e. best detected before 16 weeks
Correct answer: b, e
291. CS A pregnant woman with fibroid uterus develops acute pain in abdomen with low-
grade fever and mild leukocytosis at 28 weeks. The most likely diagnosis is:
a. preterm labor
b. torsion of fibroid
c. red degeneration of fibroid
d. infection in fibroid
e. hyaline degeneration
Correct answer: c
292. CM. True statements about red degeneration of myoma uteri are:
a. it occurs commonly during pregnancy
b. immediate surgical intervention is needed
c. caused by interference with blood supply
d. treated with analgesics
e. calcification is a frequent feature
Correct answer: a, c, d
299. CM Preferred management options in a 26-year-old woman with 7x8cm size fibroid are:
a. follow-up
b. OCP
c. myomectomy
d. hysterectomy
e. danazol
Correct answer: a, c
304. CS. What is the earliest most common presenting feature of anterior cervical fibroid:
a. urinary frequency
b. bleeding
c. acute abdomen
d. constipation
e. menstrual disorder
Correct answer: a
305. CM. The indications for myomectomy in the case of uterine fibroids are:
a. associated infertility
b. recurrent pregnancy loss
c. heavy menstrual bleeding
d. red degeneration
e. constipation
Correct answer: a, b, c
307. CS.The complication associated with internal podalic version for transverse lie is:
a. uterine rupture
b. uterine atony
c. cervical laceration
d. vaginal laceration
e. rupture of membranes
Correct answer: a
311. CM. True statements about vacuum extraction of the fetus are:
a. can be used in non dilated cervix
b. can not be used in incompletely dilated cervix
c. used in face presentation
d. applied 3 cm posterior to anterior fontanel
e. applied 3 cm anterior to posterior fontanel
Correct answer: b,e
314. CM. Which criteria for outlet forceps application are false :
a. fetus should be in vertex presentation
b. sagital suture should be less than 15 degrees from anterio posterior diameter
c. there should be no caput succedaneum
d. head should be at zero station
e. can not be used when fetal head is not fully rotated
Correct answer: b, c, d, e
316. CS. In heart disease prophylactic forceps is applied at the head station of:
a. -1
b. +1
c. 0
d. +2
e. – 2
Correct answer: d
320. CM. Which of the following statements are true for episiotomy?
a. should be performed routinely in primipara
b. can be either mild-line or mediolateral
c. involvement of anal sphincter is classified 3rd-4th degree perineal tear
d. mid-line episiotomies bleed less and are easier to repair
e. mid-line episiotomy heals more quickly
Correct answer: b, c, d, e
321. CS. All of the following statements are true for episiotomy, EXCEPT:
a. should be performed routinely in primipara
b. can be either mild-line or mediolateral
c. involvement of anal sphincter is more frequent with mid line
d. mid-line episiotomies bleed less and are easier to repair
e. mid-line episiotomy heals more quickly
Correct answer: a
323. CM. Which of the following are always indications of cesarean section?
a. placenta abruption
b. untreated stage of i ca cervix
c. active primary genital herpes
d. central placenta previa
e. cehhalopelvic disproportion
Correct answer: b, c, d, e
324. CS. An absolute indication for LSCS in case of heart disease is:
a. coarctation of aorta
b. eisenmenger syndrome
c. Ebsteins anomaly
d. pulmonary stenosis
e. aortal stenosis
Correct answer: a
325. CS. Which of the following is not a contraindication of vaginal delivery after previous
a. previous classical C/S
b. 2 previous C/S
c. breech presentation in previous pregnancy
d. puerperial infection in previous pregnancy
e. previous history of uterine rupture
Correct answer: c
326. CM. Which of the following are contraindications of vaginal delivery after previous
a. previous classical C/S
b. no history of vaginal delivery in the past
c. breech presentation in previous pregnancy
d. > 2 previous C/S
e. previous history of uterine rupture
Correct answer: a, d, e
329. CS. All the following statements are true regarding forceps and vacuum delivery,
a. vacuum requires more clinical skills than forceps
b. vacuum is preferred more in HIV patients than forceps
c. forceps is more associated with fetal facial injury
d. vacuum has more chance of formation of cephalo-hematoma
e. forceps requires more clinical skills than vacuum
Correct answer: a
330. CM. Which statements are true regarding forceps and vacuum delivery:
a. vacuum requires more clinical skills than forceps
b. vacuum produce more perineal lacerations
c. forceps is more associated with fetal facial injury
d. vacuum has more chance of formation of cephalo-hematoma
e. forceps requires more clinical skills than vacuum
Correct answer: c, d, e
331. CM. Induction of labor by amniotomy can lead to the following complications:
a. cord prolapse
b. abruptio placenta
c. rupture of uterus
d. infection
e. fetal distress
Correct answer: a, d
333. CS. In menstrual cycle increased level of LH (the LH surge) are due to:
a. increased progesterone
b. increased estrogen
c. increased FSH
d. increased androgens
e. decreased progesterone
Correct answer: b
334. CS. The menstrual cycle is initiated by:
a. FSH
b. estrogen
c. LH
d. Progesterone
Correct answer: a
336. CS. Corpus luteum functions maximally without an implantation for………. days:
a. 9
b. 12
c. 6
d. 15
e. 14
Correct answer: a
350. CM. Which of the following statements are true about mifepristone:
a. also called RU-486
b. used for termination of pregnancy
c. acts on androgen receptors
d. given only intravenously
e. used for myoma uteri
Correct answer: a, b, e
353. CM. Which of the following statements are NOT true for inhibin:
a. it is a non-steroidal water soluble protein
b. secreted by Graffian follicle
c. stimulates FSH secretion
d. increased secretion of inhibin occurs in polycystic ovarian disease
e. Inhibin A begins to rise in late luteal phase
Correct answer: c, e
356.CS. Best parameter for estimation of fetal age by ultrasound in the 3rd trimester is:
a. femur length
b. BPD
c. abdominal circumference
d. intraocular distance
e. nasal bone
Correct answer: a
357.CS. Transvaginal USG can detect fetal cardiac activity as early as:
a. 6 weeks
b. 7 weeks
c. 8 weeks
d. 10 weeks
e. 11 weeks
Correct answer: a
361. CS. Use of folic acid to prevent congenital malformation should be best initiated:
a. during 1st trimester of pregnancy
b. during 2nd trimester of pregnancy
c. during 3rd trimester of pregnancy
d. before conception
e. all pregnancy
Correct answer: d
365.CM. Term delivery implies that the gestational age of the fetus calculated from the time
of onset of menstrual period is:
a. 40 weeks
b. 42 weeks
c. 280 days
d. 260 days
e. 296 days
Correct answer: a, c
366. CS. Use of one of the following vaccination is absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy:
a. hepatitis B
b. cholera
c. rabies
d. yellow fever
e. Flu
Correct answer: d
367. CM. Is true about lochia:
a. vaginal discharge for the first fortnight during puerperium
b. its reaction is alkaline tending to become acid towards the end
c. it is caused by dysfunctional uterine bleeding
d. it must be treated
e. the average amount of discharge for the first 5-6 days is estimated to be 250 ml
Correct answer: a, b, e
377. CS. Maria, a 30 year old woman develop a deep vein thrombosis in her left calf on
fourth post operative day following cesarean section done for fetal distress. The patient is
started on heparin and is scheduled to begin a 6 weeks course of warfarin therapy.
The patient is a devoted mother who wants to breast feed her baby. What is the advice which
is given to the patient:
a. patient may continue breast feeding at her own risk
b. patient should breast feed her baby if her INR is at <2.5
c. patient can breast feed her baby after 6 weeks course of warfarin is over
d. warfarin is not a contraindication during lactation
e. warfarin is absolutely contraindicated during lactation
Correct answer: d
378. CS. The uterus becomes pelvic organ after delivery in:
a. 2 days
b. 7 days
c. 14 days
d. 21 days
e. 30 days
Correct answer: c
379. CS. Without breast feeding the first menstrual flow usually begins – weeks after
a. 2-4 weeks
b. 4-6 weeks
c. 6-8 weeks
d. 8-10 weeks
e. More than 10 weeks
Correct answer: c
380. CS. Most common immunoglubulin secreted by mother in milk and colostrum is:
a. IgA
b. IgG
c. IgE
d. IgD
e. IgM
Correct answer: a
382. CS. Recurrent abortion in the first trimester is most often due to:
a. chromosomal abnormalities
b. uterine anomaly
c. hormonal disturbance
d. infection
e. Rh incompatibility
Correct answer: a
383.CM. What drugs are used for first trimester medical abortion
a. mifepristone
b. atosiban
c. methotrexate
d. misoprostol
e. ethacridine lactate
Correct answer: a, c, d
393.CS. What is the drug most commonly used in prevention of postpartum hemorrhage:
a. oxitocin
b. syntometrine
c. misoprostol
d. ergometrin
e. tranexamic acid
Correct answer: a
400.CS. What is the probable diagnosis in a patient that suddenly becomes shocked without
any signs of vaginal bleeding during the third stage of labor and on abdominal examination
the uterus cannot be palpated?
a. an atonic uterus
b. a ruptured uterus
c. an inverted uterus
d. a cervical tear
e. placenta acretta
Correct answer: c
401.CS. What is the first step in the management of a postpartum hemorrhage when the
placenta has already been delivered?
a. the uterus must be immediately rubbed up
b. a rapid intravenous infusion of 40 units of oxytocin should be started
c. the patient’s bladder must be emptied
d. the cause of bleeding must be looked for
e. the hematocrit, hemoglobin and blood group should be determined
Correct answer: a
405.CS. All of the following drugs are used for prevention and treatment of postpartum
hemorrhages, EXCEPT:
a. misoprostol
b. oxytocin
c. mifepristone
d. ergometrine
e. carboprost
Correct answer: c
410.CM. The prophylaxis of bleeding during third stage of labor consists of:
a. oxytocin administration
b. controlled cord traction
c. the examination of placenta and membranes
d. ice pack over the uterus
e. routine bladder catheterization
Correct answer: a, b, c.
412.CM. Which drugs are used for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage
a. oxytocin
b. ergometrine
c. calcium gluconate
d. ritodrin
e. syntometrine
Correct answer: a, b, e
413.CM. Which oxytocic drugs may be given if there is a contraindication to the use of
a. ergometrine
b. a combination of oxytocin and ergometrine
c. oxytocin
d. prostaglandin E2
e. misoprostol
Correct answer: c, d, e
415.CM. The treatment of a patient with a secondary postpartum hemorrhage will include:
a. ampicillin and metronidasole
b. oxytocin
c. red blood cells transfusion in severe anemia
d. removal of retained products of conception under general anesthesia
e. tocolisis
Correct answer: a, b, c, d
416.CM. Which of the following are risk factors for uterus rupture?
1. threatened preterm labor
2. transversal situs of the fetus
3. previous cesarean section
4. hydramnios
5. contracted pelvis
Correct answer: b, c, e
417.CM. Surgical methods used for treatment of massive postpartum hemorrhages include:
a. uterine and ovarian arteries ligation
b. McDonald suture
c. B-Lynch suture
d. hysterectomy
e. internal iliac artery ligation
Correct answer: a, c, d, e
d. represent the leading cause of maternal mortality in developing countries
e. uterine inversion is a rare cause
Correct answer: a
a. increased level of creatinine
b. elevated liver enzymes
c. decreased hematocrit
d. thrombocytopenia
e. hyperproteinemia
Correct answer: a, b, d
426.CM. What complications of pregnancy are characteristic to preeclampsia:
a. fetal growth restriction
b. preterm delivery
c. antepartum fetal death
d. embriopathies
e. polihydramnios
Correct answer: a, b, c
427.CM. What are two main causes of death in women with preeclampsia / eclampsia:
a. renal necrosis
b. liver insufficiency
c. intra-cerebral hemorrhages
d. pulmonary edema
e. liver rupture
Correct answer: c, d
428.CM. Risk of which complications is increased by preeclampsia:
a. abruptio placenta
b. fetal macrosomia
c. DIC syndrome
d. postpartum thromboembolism
e. fetal growth restriction
Correct answer: a, c, d, e
429.CM. What are the possible consequences of preeclampsia/eclampsia
a. antenatal death of the fetus
b. coagulopathic hemorrhage
c. prematurity
d. retinal detachment
e. placenta previa
Correct answer: a, b, c, d
430.CM. Which are the indications for pregnancy termination in case of severe preeclampsia:
a. persistent oliguria
b. thrombocytopenia
c. pulmonary edema
d. hydramnios
e. severe fetal growth restriction
Correct answer: a, b, c, e
432.CM. Following drugs are used to treat pregnancy associated hypertension:
a. labetalol
b. captopril
c. methyldopa
d. nifedipine
e. hydralazine
Correct answer: a, c, d, e
437.CS. All of the following can be administered in acute hypertension during labor,
a. labetalol
b. hydralasine
c. nitropruside
d. nifedipine
e. diazoxide
Correct answer: e
439.CS. Which is the drug of choice for severe hypertension caused by preeclampsia:
a. labetalol
b. metoprolol
c. methyldopa
d. nifedipine
e. hydralazine
Correct answer: a
441.CS. A 28 year old woman with preeclampsia develop convulsions. The first measure to
be done after convulsions:
a. give MgSO4
b. sedation
c. immnediate delivery
d. care of airway
e. give Nifedipine
Correct answer: d
442.CM. Which of the following are contraindications to giving syntometrine during the third
stage of labor?
a. an atonic uterus
b. hypotension after delivery
c. gestational hypertension
d. preeclampsia
e. fetal macrosomia
Correct answer: c, d
449. CS. A previously normotensive women, at 32 weeks of pregnancy, has a blood pressure
150/100 mm Hg, proteinuria 0,03 gr/24 hours, edema of legs. What is the diagnosis?
a. chronic hypertension
b. gestational hypetension.
c. mild preeclampsia.
d. severe preeclampsia.
e. transient hypertension .
Correct answer: b
451.CS. A patient with preexisting hypertension who develops a diastolic blood pressure of
105 mm Hg and 2+proteinuria (1 gr/day) at 36 weeks of pregnancy should be graded as
a. pre-eclampsia
b. severe pre-eclampsia
c. imminent eclampsia
d. eclampsia
e. superimposed preeclampsia
Correct answer: e
452. CM. What is the management of a patient with pre-eclampsia at 36 weeks gestation?
a. oral antihypertensive drugs
b. diuretics
c. hospitalization
d. a loading dose of magnesium sulfate
e. delivery
Correct answer: a, c, e
457.CM. Complications of preeclampsia are the following:
a. retinal detachment
b. intracranial hemorrhage
c. fetal growth restriction
d. hydramnion
e. renal insufficiency
Correct answer: a, b, c, e
463.CS. Which of the following perinatal infections has the highest risk of fetal infection in
the first trimester:
a. hepatitis B
b. syphilis
c. toxoplasmosis
d. rubella
e. varicella
Correct answer: d
464.CS. A lady G2 P1 with 10 weeks pregnancy has one child with ocular toxoplasmosis. The
risk of present child to be infected is:
a. 25%
b. 50%
c. 75%
d. 100%
e. Nil
Correct answer: e
466.CS. Choose the most appropriate treatment for Herpes simplex virus infection:
a. penicillin
b. metronidasole
c. doxyciciline
d. ceftriaxone
e. aciclovir
Correct answer: e
483.CS. Transmission of toxoplasmosis is maximum in:
a. Ist trimester
b. IInd trimester
c. IIIrd trimester
d. during parturition
e. postpartum
Correct answer: c
488.CS. Dysmenorrhea would be most likely to occur in which of the following women:
a. a young teenager
b. a woman on birth control pills
c. a 48-year-old woman with irregular cycles
d. a marathon runner with one menstruation per year
e. a 35-year-old women with regular cycles
Correct answer: a
489. CS. All of the following statements about the two-cell hypothesis of estrogen
production are true EXCEPT:
a. theca cells produce androstendione
b. luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates theca cells
c. aromatization of androgens takes place in the granulosa cells
d. FSH activates the enzyme aromatase
e. Estradiol is transported to the theca cells
Correct answer: e
490. CM. All of the following characterize the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle:
a. variable length
b. growth and development of the ovarian follicles
c. basal body temperature over 37 0C
d. vascular growth of the endomentrium
e. secretion of the estrogen from the ovary
Correct answer: a, b, d, e
491. CS. Which of the following conditions is considered a relative emergency in a teenager
with amenorrhea:
a. uterine agenesis
b. turner’s syndrome
c. imporforate hymen
d. androgen infectivity syndrome
e. Klinefelters syndrome
Correct answer: c
492.CS. Elevated gonadotropin levels are expected with which of the following conditions
associated with amenorrhea:
a. Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome
b. Kallman’s syndrome
c. gonadal dysgenesis
d. anorexia nervosa
e. pituitary adenoma
Correct answer: c
493.CS. Hypothalamic amenorrhea is seen in:
a. Asherman syndrome
b. Stein-Leventhal syndrome
c. Kallman Syndrome
d. Sheehan’s syndrome
e. Turner syndrome
Correct answer: c
494.CS. A 19 yesr old patient complains of primary amenorrhea. She had well developed
breasts and pubic hear, but on exam there was absence of uterus and vagina. Likely diagnosis
a. XXY
b. XO
c. Mullerian agenesis
d. Gohadal dysgenesis
e. Klinefelter syundrom
Correct answer: c
497. CS. A woman has 2 kids. She presents with galactorrhea and amenorrhea for 1 year.
The most probable diagnosis is:
a. pregnancy
b. pituitary tumor
c. Sheehan’s syndrome
d. Metastasis to pituitary from other carcinoma
e. Kallmann’s syndrome
Correct answer: b
498.CM. In a woman presenting with amenorrhea, headache, blurred vision and galactorrhea
appropriate investigations include:
a. FSH
b. LH
c. X-ray or MRI
d. prolactin level
e. HCG
Correct answer: c, d
499.CM. Most appropriate treatment options for a 42 years old woman with dysfunctional
uterine bleeding are
a. progesterone
b. prostaglandins
c. hysterectomy
d. danazol
e. endometrial ablation
Correct answer: a, e
500.CS. Primary amenorrhea with absent uterus, normal breasts and scanty pubic hear is seen
a. Mayer-Rokitansky-Koster-Hauser Syndrome
b. Turner syndrome
c. Noonan Syndrome
d. Testicular feminizing syndrome
e. Kallmann’s syndrome
Correct answer: d
503.CM. Which of the following are not indicated in heavy menstrual bleeding:
b. progestins
c. clomiphene
d. misoprostol
e. tranexamic acid
Correct answer: c, d
509.CS. In case of secondary amenorrhea who fails to get withdrawal bleeding after taking
estrogen and progesterone, the fault lies at the level of:
a. pituitary
b. hypothalamus
c. ovary
d. endometrium
e. adrenal gland
Correct answer: d
510.CM. 16 years old with primary amenorrhea with negative progesterone challenge test, but
positive combined progesterone and estrogen test. Diagnosis may be:
a. mullerian agenesis
c. Asherman syndrome
d. prolactinoma
e. ovarian digenesis
Correct answer: d, e
511.CS. Positive progesterone challenge test in a patient of secondary amenorrhea, seen in:
a. Asherman syndrome
b. endometrial TB
c. hypopituitarism
d. premature ovarian failure
Correct answer: e
512.CM. A patient with amenorrhea had bleeding after giving a trial of progesterone. This
a. sufficient estrogen
b. sufficient progesterone
c. normal ovarian function
d. intact endometrium
e. intact pituitary axis
Correct answer: a, d, e
514.CS. In a 45 years old lady with heavy menstrual bleeding for 6 months duration and
normal endometrium on biopsy, best line of management is:
a. progesterone for 6 months
b. oral combined contraceptive pills for 6 months
c. D&C
e. hysterectomy
Correct answer: c
515.CS. A 45 years old woman present with a history of heavy menstrual bleeding for last six
months. The first line of management is:
a. hysterectomy
b. progesterone for 3 cycles
d. D&C
e. oral contraceptives for 3 months
Correct answer: d
516.CS. A 30 years old woman para 2, with hypertension have heavy menstrual bleeding.
Which is best treatment for her?
a. combined pills
b. oral progesterone
c. Mirena
d. hysterectomy
e. endometrial ablation
Correct answer: c
517.CM. A 35 years old lady is not having her menses for last 6 months. She has high serum
FSH and LH and low estradiol. The likely causes are:
a. panhypopituitarism
c. exogenous estrogen administration
d. premature menopause
e. resistant ovarian syndrome
Correct answer: d, e
518.CS. In which of the following cases is it necessary to remove the gonads at the time the
diagnosis is made:
a. androgen insensivity syndrome (46,XY)
b. Turner’s syndrome (45,X0)
c. Pure gonadal dysgenesis (46,XY)
d. Kallman’s syndrome (46,XX)
e. None of the above
Correct answer: c
519.CM. The following are characteristic for androgen insensitivity syndrome (testicular
a. normal breast development
b. absence of pubic hear
c. amenorrhea
d. presents of uterus and tubes
e. male gonads
Correct answer: a, b, c, e
521.CS. Karyotype XY, normal breast development, absence of pubic hear, amenorrhea, male
gonads, vaginal pouch. Diagnosis?
a. Kallman’s syndrome
b. Morris’s syndrome
c. Klinefelter’s syndrome
d. Turner’s syndrome
e. Cushing’s syndrome
Correct answer:
525.CS. Select the most appropriate therapy for congenital adrenal hyperplasia
a. estrogens and progestins
b. hydrocortisone
c. progestins
d. prostaglandin inhibitors
e. gonadotropin analogs
Correct answer: b
530. CS. Which of the following pathologies are caused by enzyme deficiency (52-ά-
a. Turner syndroms
b. testicular feminisation syndrome
c. uterus didelfus
d. Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrom
e. Klinefelter syndrome
Correct answer: b
531. CM. Which of the following pathologies are caused by chromosomial abnormalities?
a. Turner syndrome
b. testicular feminization syndrome
c. uterus didelfus
d. Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome
e. Klinefelter syndrome
Correct answer: a, e
532. CS. The most important indication for surgical repair of a bicornuate uterus is:
a. infertility
b. dysmenorrhoea
c. menorrhagia
d. habitual abortion
e. dysuria
Correct answer: d
541.CS. Which of the following pubertal events in girls is not estrogen dependent:
a. menstruation
b. vaginal cornification
c. height spurt
d. hair growth
e. production of cervical mucus
Correct answer: d
542.CS. A 9 year old girl presents with menarche. History reveals thelarche at the age of 7
and adrenarche at the age of 8 years. The most common cause of this condition in girls is:
a. idiopathic
b. gonadal tumor
c. Mc Cure Albright syndrome
d. hipothyroidism
Correct answer: a
545. CS. Most common cause of ambigious genitalia in a female child is:
a. placenta steroid sulfatase deficiency
b. fetal aromatase deficiency
c. wnt4 mutation
d. congenital adrenal hyperplasia
e. androgen producing tumor
Correct answer: d
551.CS. A girl presents with primary amenorrhea, shot stature, widely spaced nipple.
Karyotype of the girl would be:
a. 45XO
b. 46XXY
c. 46XY
d. 46XX
e. 46XYY
Correct answer: a
552.CS. 17-year-old girl with amenorrhea, absent breasts, hypoplastic uterus. Most likely
condition is:
a. Turner’s syndrome
b. Sheehan Syndrome
c. Androgen intensitivity syndrome
d. Klinefelter’s syndrome
e. Mullerian agenesis
Correct answer: a
553.CS. 15-year-old female presents with primary amenorrhea. Her breasts are Tanner 4 but
she has no axillary or pubic hair. The most likely diagnosis is:
a. Turner’s syndrome
b. Mullerian agenesis
c. Testicular feminization syndrome
d. Premature ovarian failure
e. Ovarian disgenesis
Correct answer: c
554.CM. Which of the following statement are true regarding androgen insensitivity
a. absent vagina
b. Karyotype is XX
c. Karyotype is XY
d. public hair is normally present
e. breast is development is normal
Correct answer: a, c, e
555.CS. A girl presents with: primary amenorrhea, grade V thelarche, grade II pubarche, no
axillary hair, likely diagnosis is:
a. testicular feminization syndrome
b. Mullerian agenesis
c. Turners syndrome
d. gonadal dysgenesis
e. Marfan syndrom
Correct answer: a
560. CS. A girl has primary amenorrhea with normal ovaries, absent internal genitalia, but
normal external genitalia. Most probable diagnosis:
a. Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome
b. Turner’s syndrome
c. Noonan’s syndrome
d. Androgen insensitivity syndrome
e. Kallman syndrome
Correct answer: a
561.CS. A 19-year-old patient came with primary amenorrhea. She had well developed
breasts and pubic hair. However there was absence of vagina and uterus. Likely diagnosis is:
a. Turners syndrome
b. Mullerian agenesis
c. Kinefelter’s syndrome-XXY
d. Gonadal agenesis
e. Moris syndrome
Correct answer: b
583.CS. Which is the drug of choice for severe hypertension caused by preeclampsia:
a. labetalol
b. metoprolol
c. methyldopa
d. nifedipine
e. hydralazine
Correct answer: a
586.CM. Which of the following are contraindications to giving syntometrine during the third
stage of labor:
a. an atonic uterus
b. hypotension after delivery
c. gestational hypertension
d. preeclampsia
e. fetal macrosomia
Correct answer: c, d
e. liver rupture
Correct answer: a
595.CS. A patient with preexisting hypertension who develops a diastolic blood pressure of
105 mm Hg and 2+proteinuria (1 gr/day) at 36 weeks of pregnancy should be graded as
a. pre-eclampsia
b. severe pre-eclampsia
c. imminent eclampsia
d. eclampsia
e. superimposed preeclampsia
Correct answer: e
596.CM. What is the management of a patient with pre-eclampsia at 36 weeks gestation?
a. oral antihypertensive drugs
b. diuretics
c. hospitalization
d. a loading dose of magnesium sulfate
e. delivery
Correct answer: a, c, e
597.CS. How common is preeclampsia?
a. most pregnant women develop preeclampsia
b. about 25% of all women develop preeclampsia
c. about 15% of all women develop preeclampsia
d. about 3-5% of all women develop preeclampsia
e. very rare
Correct answer: d
598.CS. A previously normotensive woman, at 32 weeks of pregnancy, has a blood pressure
170/110 mm Hg, proteinuria 5,0 gr/24 hours, severe headache, nausea and vomiting. What is
the diagnosis?
a. chronic hypertension
b. gestational hypetension
c. mild preeclampsia
d. severe preeclampsia
e. transient hypertension
Correct answer: d